SUMMER INTERN WRAP-UP As GreenStone’s summer interns pack their bags and head back to their college campuses for the fall semester, they can all say they took crucial skills with them from their summer here. This group of 26 interns were challenged and rewarded with projects that brought them a professional working environment, time management skills, and problem-solving skills to be able to take on real-world tasks. Since the interns began their internships in May or earlier, they spent time both utilizing a “work-from-home” atmosphere, as well as being in the office. Enabling them to experience both remote and in-person work was crucial to learn a professional environment in multiple ways, while also getting the tools to advance their careers. Intern positions varied, as they all worked on different projects ranging from analyzing financial statements and credit narratives, to learning how to appraise items on a farm, to recruiting GreenStone’s new hires, and so much more. As the interns complete work important to the success of the company, they were able to present to executives and coworkers what they accomplished over the summer virtually. The interns really dove into their role at GreenStone and
utilized this opportunity to explain what they learned along the way. “Internship presentations are a great way for interns to show the work we have put in while at GreenStone. It was a daunting experience at first knowing we would be presenting in front of [so many staff], but I think that made the experience even better”, states Alexis Rosa, the learning and development intern. “It took all of us out of our comfort zones and gave us real life experience with presenting in a work environment. I look forward to those experiences that pull me out of my comfort zone because GreenStone has taught me those moments are the ones you learn from most.” To allow the interns to network and get to know one another, GreenStone hosted intern events both in-person and remotely throughout the summer. Interns participated in trivia events and joined lunch and learn events on various topics. They also visited a dairy farm and creamery to learn more about how GreenStone employees interact with customers - while enjoying a day together learning about dairy industry and eating ice cream! “The intern events this summer helped me better understand how various employees within GreenStone work together to
serve our customers,” says Camryn Lewis, GreenStone’s event and outreach intern. “GreenStone employees go above and beyond to serve our customers and put them first! Because I work in the marketing department, it is crucial for me to understand how GreenStone employees interact with customers.” While the 2021 summer internship program has come to a close, they left having helped GreenStone move in the right direction, while also bringing a new and fresh perspective to every department. “My GreenStone experience has helped me develop communication skills in the professional workplace, and how to interact in a manner that reflects the culture of the company and my personal values,” says Eric. “This experience will help me succeed in my future endeavors by knowing how to communicate and behave in a professional setting.” Congratulations to the summer 2021 class of interns and best of luck on your future endeavors. GreenStone is now recruiting for 2022 summer internship opportunities. If you or someone you know may be interested in a collaborative, yet challenging experience, visit ■ Partners — Fall 2021