Partners Fall 21

Page 29

PAC Progress:

LEGISLATIVE OUTREACH: Strong relationship foundations continue to be built to support rural communities and agriculture.

Heads up that the 2022 MI GreenStone PAC and WI Farm Credit PAC drives will be taking place January 1-31, 2022. Watch out for the voluntary pledge and contribution card in late December. Remember, PACs allow us to publically demonstrate support for elected officials that support our rural communities, agriculture, and Farm Credit. We hope you will participate to continue these important messages.

All throughout the year, action has been taken through the Farm Credit Political Action Committees (PACs) to disburse funds, build relationships, and provide education. This has allowed your GreenStone team, board of directors, and fellow members to be involved in dialogue with legislative leaders that are interested in and eager to support the agriculture industry. Those discussions center around providing education on the structure and value of GreenStone and the Farm Credit System, and providing insight into rural communities and agriculture. In Michigan, over 20 meetings have occurred with Senators and Representatives. Michigan legislators have expressed deep appreciation for the relationships built to provide trusted resources in the constantly evolving political landscape, and for the financial support provided through the MI GreenStone PAC. In addition, the Michigan House of Representatives Financial Services Committee invited and heard from GreenStone’s leadership, Dave Armstrong, CEO, and Paul Anderson, Chief Credit Officer. The testimony focused on GreenStone’s involvement in the Payroll Protection Program, and time was also spent explaining GreenStone’s structure, and products and services. It was followed by great questions and offered further opportunities to share the importance of agriculture and rural communities to the State. In Wisconsin, there was a unqiue opportunity to participate in three events that gave the three Wisconsin Farm Credit associations interactions with over 20 elected officials. While the conversations where introductory in nature, it was evident there is special interest in agriculture and rural communities. These foundational discussions will continue to be built upon to intersect different interests and grow the advocates for Wisconsin agriculture and rural communities. Federally, over 20 meetings have taken place with U.S. Senators and Representatives on a variety of topics. There have been conversations about the Payroll Protection Program, sustainability, carbon markets, labor, supply chain and even the start of the 2023 Farm Bill. In addition, a special Farm Credit marketplace reception is taking place in Washington, D.C. in early November where Michigan dried cherries and Wisconsin cheese curds will be featured. It will be a great opportunity to share special products from our territory that not everyone has had the pleasure of tasting, and more importantly to use those products as a representative to showcase thecontributions to our economy while demostrating buisness and environmental sustainability.

Pac Updates:

As stewards of the Farm Credit System and partners in the agriculture industry, the highest significance is placed on communicating the importance of Michigan and Wisconsin agriculture to our communities, country, and world. This is not possible without your support and we thank you for it. Strong relationships continue to be built to ensure support for rural communities and agriculture for years to come. ■

Michigan: 21 meetings for $12,850 Wisconsin: 3 meetings for $8,750

Partners — Fall 2021


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Articles inside

Tax Calendar

page 45

Tech Tip – Securing Your Home Network.

pages 46-48

Crop Insurance News

page 42

Guest Column

page 37

I was recently encouraged by a motivational speaker to give ourselves the grace to experiment. Meaning, embrace the perspective of it being ok to try something that may or may not bring the desired result – you won’t know, you won’t grow, you won’t make an impact, if you don’t try. At first I thought, YES, we should feel empowered to try and fail, learn and adjust, and try again. But as I started brainstorming which experiment I wanted to test first, it hit me…isn’t that actually what we do every day? Running a business, raising a family, building a house, managing a team… it doesn’t really matter where you’re focused, you always need to be thinking about something new, trying a new approach – problem solving. In fact, on page 5 our young farmers (Kristi and Nate Shopbell) certainly didn’t predict and plan perfectly every step of the way. They experimented to find the desired grape mixture for their favorite wine, the best way to overcome recent COVID roadblocks, and exactly how to be prepared for what Mother Nature throws at the vineyard. And young Sadie on page 29 didn’t have complete success the first time with her garden and vegetable stand on her family’s, the Mostroms, new home and recreational property. When it comes to experiments, farming definitely comes to mind. Growing fruit, like all crops, is a never-ending experiment of plants and nutrients and insurance protection, which Railside Orchard and the Roth family can relate to, as shared on

pages 38-41

Budgeting for Your Needs and Wants.

page 36

Commodity Cuisine Easy Apple Cinnamon Rolls

page 35

Country Living Blog Brief

page 33

PAC Progress

pages 29-32

Legislative Matters

page 28

Director's Perspective

page 27

Intern Wrap-up

page 21

Behind the Scenes

page 22

The Benefits of Leasing

page 26

Pause for Applause

page 20

CEO Comments

pages 4-8

Candid Comments

page 19

Guest Column

pages 16-17

Member News

page 18

MAEAP Reverification

page 15

YBSF Resources

pages 10-11

Agriculture Blog Brief

page 9

Market Outlook

pages 12-14
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