Partners Fall 2020

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‘TIS THE [DEER] SEASON! By Jimmy Gretzinger, host of Michigan Out-of-Doors TV EVERY YEAR THERE IS A DAY WHERE FALL SHOWS UP. OF COURSE, THERE IS THE ACTUAL FIRST DAY OF FALL, BUT FOR ME – IT HAPPENS ON ITS OWN, AND THIS YEAR IT WAS A FEW WEEKS BEFORE THE OFFICIAL START OF THE SEASON. THERE WAS A COOLNESS TO THE AIR THAT HADN’T BEEN FELT IN A LONG TIME. MOST OF THE LEAVES WERE STILL GREEN AS I LOOKED AROUND, BUT IF I REALLY LOOKED HARD, I COULD SEE A FEW RED ONES TURNING AS WELL. FOR ME AND FOR SO MANY HUNTERS ACROSS THE MIDWEST, THE FALL MEANS – DEER SEASON! The thought of opening day brings back so many memories, and at the same time it holds such anticipation. Opening day of the firearm season is the big one! However, opening day of the archery season holds a very close second. For many families, the early youth season has a similar attraction as well. No matter what season or location you’re hunting in, the anticipation and preparation is part of the fun! Well before fall there are plans being made. Weekends are carved out on the calendar. Bows are out of the case and arrows are sent down range. Backpacks are found and gone through with a fine-tooth comb. The binoculars that you always mean to replace are cleaned off and ready for another season. Scopes on rifles are sighted in. If any venison from last year still exists, it’s time for that final batch of jerky to be made for the trip to deer camp that is right around the corner. Deer season in all its forms has something for everyone. There are the hardcore hunters that have been watching their trail cams all spring and have every buck named. Their hit list is made, and every possible wind direction has a stand that is perfectly thought through. There is also room for the casual deer hunter who, due to age or time restraints, has moved away from more traditional archery gear and chooses a crossbow. This tool has taken many hunters back to the woods in October. There is also the hunter who only goes to deer camp with family and friends, and his or her only goal is to have a good time!

The beauty of the fall, and the beauty of deer season, is that it is here for a short time and we need to enjoy every day we have. 2020 has been a year like no other. This year has taught us many things: Family matters. Friends matter. Life is shorter than we think. Live well. Love more. So, with fall on the horizon and deer seasons getting underway, let’s make sure that this season we make more of an effort to spend time with those we care about. Make sure deer camp happens. “We have only so many sunrises in our life, it would be a shame to waste even one. “ That quote hangs on the wall in the deer camp I grew up in; I love the message and I think about it often. 2020 may have changed a lot of things, but hey, it’s deer season! Get in the woods! Oh, and make sure you wash your hands. Find detailed information about our indoor and outdoor suggestions on the websites serving Pure Michigan and Travel Wisconsin: and ■

Partners — Fall 2020


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