➡O pposite Page: Ryan and Annie made the transition from a homesite loan to a construction loan while working with Brian Young from GreenStone’s Monroe branch.
In Monroe, Ryan and his business partner now own a credit card processing company called Grand Mill Merchant Processing.
➡A bove: The Hausers designed their house to fit their tastes, including a wine room, a private nook, a playroom, and custom design touches.
They’re also working on a garden room and changing the girls’ bedrooms as they get older.
“I’ve worked in the financial world, and this was a natural fit,” Ryan said. “In my experience working at other banks, I think it’s extremely unique that GreenStone is willing to work with us in this way. Letting me be the general contractor on my own build, start financing in the middle of the build – it’s unconventional in the industry. With all the rules and
restrictions, it’s nice to have someone allow you to do your own thing.” With the tight margins on house flipping, the Hausers are not planning on buying another home soon. “As the market changes, we’ll reevaluate. Right now we’re just enjoying our own house,” he said. ■
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Frequently Asked Questions about Buying a Country Home
Barn homes, also known as barndominiums and barndos, are rapidly gaining in popularity for building and financing across the country.
GreenStone’s country living loan officers have extensive experience in financing country homes and rural properties, and have shared a list of their most frequently asked questions.
Make the Plate Pledge, Impact the Future of Agriculture. Join the Michigan FFA Foundation’s challenge to switch your licenses plate to benefit the future of agriculture!
Partners — Summer 2021