Partners Summer 21

Page 34

BENEFITS OF DRINKING MILK Have you ever thought about what good nutrients are in milk and what good things it does for your body? In our Spring Partners edition, we provided tips for drinking water regularly and how much you should consume in a day. Now, fresh off June which is recognized as dairy month, it’s good to look at milk and the value it can provide. Milk provides several health benefits not only to younger children, but also to adults. Milk can help protect your heart, build strong bones, prevent cancer, minimize depression, encourage weight loss and much more. The Benefits: The number one benefit of drinking milk, which most people already know, is that it builds very strong bones. Milk contains a lot of calcium, which is crucial for building stronger bones and teeth. Calcium is an important nutrient for the growth of all bones and muscles, which is why we encourage young people to drink more milk. Yet to enhance the longevity of strong bones throughout your life, drinking milk is good for the long run. Heart health is very important at any age, and studies show that drinking milk can help improve it. Milk is a great source of potassium, which can decrease blood pressure and reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.


Summer 2021 — Partners

As recent studies have shown that calcium and vitamin D can protect against cancer, it may be even more important for our older population to consume more milk. Vitamin D can possibly play a big role in the decrease of cell growth. This research has been conducted using observational studies, so this can vary from person to person. If your family has a history with cancer, some researchers and doctors recommend you try this! Not only does milk help with physical health benefits, but it has also been proven to help with mental health. Vitamin D levels support the production of serotonin, which can be a driver of sleep, mood swings, and your appetite. Without vitamin D, one’s hormone balance can suffer, which can lead to clinical depression and stress. It is proven that milk can be an energy booster and relieve negative feelings, so drinking milk may be the way to go! Contrary to the misconception that

milk can cause weight gain, studies that have shown that milk is a great way to lose or maintain your weight. The calcium and Vitamin D in milk help to burn calories and boost your metabolism, which promotes weight loss. Milk is also high in protein, which can help reduce hunger and discourage binge eating. On top of these five important attributes to drinking milk, there are plenty of others, such as muscle growth and decrease of heartburn. Taking all these factors into consideration, it may be smart to think about how these positive health benefits can help yourself and those around you. As we continue to work very closely with our dairy farms and show them appreciation, consider consuming more of this healthy beverage! ■ Resources: Milk: Health benefits and nutrition (

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Articles inside

Tech Tip – Ransomware Affects You Too.

pages 44-45

Tax Calendar

page 43

Sometimes the choice comes out of need, other times from preference. When he took over his family farm, Jeff Alexander chose to partner with GreenStone for his tax planning and financing needs for both reasons. Get his story on As you consider your next “this or that,” I hope we’re able to be a part of the solution that allows you to enjoy the decisions you’re making like so many of our customers have. Happy reading (and hiking) this summer!

page 42

Tick Prevention

pages 40-41

Crop Insurance News

page 38

Guest Column

page 37

Commodity Cuisine French Baguettes

pages 35-36

Benefits of Drinking Milk

page 34

Country Living Blog Brief

page 33

PAC Progress

pages 29-32

Legislative Matters

page 28

Directors' Perspective

pages 26-27

Candid Comments

pages 23-25

Calendar of Events

page 21

Behind the Scenes

page 22

Summer Interns

page 20

GreenStone Scholarships

page 19

Market Outlook

pages 14-15

Guest Column

pages 12-13

Member News

page 16

Pause for Applause

page 17

Agriculture Blog Brief

page 9

Our customer stories start with Karen Helsen who made a choice to manage her 40-acre nursery full time, leaving behind her career at the hospital. Read about all the hats she gladly wears each day on Though my own experience was a decade ago, I remember vividly the many “this or that’s” that came with building our home. Page 29 shares the journey for Ryan Hauser who did it himself.

pages 6-8

YBSF Resources

pages 10-11

CEO Comments

pages 4-5
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