Partners Summer 21

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Long History of Trust Tax and Accounting Customer Feature

When Jeff Alexander took over his dad’s farm in 1993, his family had already established a relationship with GreenStone as a lender. Along with the financing partnership, he then began working with Tax Accountant Sue Smith in the Adrian branch on tax planning services right away. “Sue was new at GreenStone, and we were new to running the business, and so we learned together. She and her husband were getting started in farming too, and I just thought it was such a good fit, since she knew exactly where we were coming from when it came to showing us different ways to save on taxes,” Alexander said. Jeff and his wife Julie meet with Sue a few times a year to plan their tax strategy. She helps them decide if they should pay for items ahead, or defer a payment, and they go over all their finances before the end of the year. Sue also helped the family transfer their land into PA-116, which preserves the land


Summer 2021 — Partners

for agricultural use while also reducing the amount of property taxes. “Sue helped us navigate through PA-116 and held our hands through the process,” Alexander said. “Sue has been great about showing us what tax benefits we qualify for, and enrolling us in PA-116 helps us save money.” Building a farm

Larry Alexander, Jeff’s dad, farmed in Hanover, Michigan, but he sold it and moved the family to Florida in 1976. After 11 months, Larry and Jeff both missed the farm. So at 15, Jeff moved back to Michigan and began farming anew with his dad on Na-Lar Farms. On the dairy and crop farm, Jeff had his area of focus. “I started taking care of the cows, and I wanted a registered herd in the worst way,” he said.

➡O pposite Page: Jeff Alexander has worked with Tax Accountant Sue Smith throughout his farming career. ➡B elow: Larry Alexander, Jeff’s dad, also uses GreenStone for his financial needs.

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Over the years and generations, Jeff built up the genetics of his herd. He credits Doug Long of Longhaven Farms and Dr. Richard Fish of Countryside Veterinary Service with mentoring him through the process. “I was infatuated with genetics, and above all others, Doug Long let me pick his brain,” he said. “Dr. Fish was also instrumental in helping me, and I probably learned more from him than any man on earth.” Jeff’s farm won the Progressive Breeders’ Registry award over 20 times. This prestigious award is given to herds that are 80% homebred with minimum requirements for milk production. Transition

In 2013, the farm installed robots to milk their cows, which gave Jeff the ability to attend more events with Julie. After some employee changes in 2018, Jeff decided to sell the cows and concentrate on crop farming.

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Articles inside

Tech Tip – Ransomware Affects You Too.

pages 44-45

Tax Calendar

page 43

Sometimes the choice comes out of need, other times from preference. When he took over his family farm, Jeff Alexander chose to partner with GreenStone for his tax planning and financing needs for both reasons. Get his story on As you consider your next “this or that,” I hope we’re able to be a part of the solution that allows you to enjoy the decisions you’re making like so many of our customers have. Happy reading (and hiking) this summer!

page 42

Tick Prevention

pages 40-41

Crop Insurance News

page 38

Guest Column

page 37

Commodity Cuisine French Baguettes

pages 35-36

Benefits of Drinking Milk

page 34

Country Living Blog Brief

page 33

PAC Progress

pages 29-32

Legislative Matters

page 28

Directors' Perspective

pages 26-27

Candid Comments

pages 23-25

Calendar of Events

page 21

Behind the Scenes

page 22

Summer Interns

page 20

GreenStone Scholarships

page 19

Market Outlook

pages 14-15

Guest Column

pages 12-13

Member News

page 16

Pause for Applause

page 17

Agriculture Blog Brief

page 9

Our customer stories start with Karen Helsen who made a choice to manage her 40-acre nursery full time, leaving behind her career at the hospital. Read about all the hats she gladly wears each day on Though my own experience was a decade ago, I remember vividly the many “this or that’s” that came with building our home. Page 29 shares the journey for Ryan Hauser who did it himself.

pages 6-8

YBSF Resources

pages 10-11

CEO Comments

pages 4-5
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