Food&wine enogastronomia

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Y L A T I N M ADE I Vivi le Marche con noi


Il piacere di scoprire un territorio, la sua storia e la sua cultura passa anche attraverso la storia della sua gastronomia e la degustazione di prodotti tipici marchigiani. Scoprite i tesori artistici e gastronomici delle Marche con i nostri tour da mezza giornata o da una giornata intera in cui piacevoli visite e degustazioni in azienda si sposano con la scoperta dei borghi più belli delle Marche.


Volete davvero divertirvi vivendo un’esperienza autentica di cucina italiana? Imparerete a preparare un vero pasto secondo la tradizione marchigiana guidati da uno chef esperto che saprà anche raccontarvi la storia dietro ad ogni piatto, oppure imparate le basi e i segreti della cucina italiana dall’esperienza di una “vera mamma italiana”! Tutti i nostri corsi disponibili sia in lingua inglese che francese.


Le Marche contano ben 6 tipi di vitigni autoctoni riconosciuti, tra cui il famoso Verdicchio e diverse zone di produzione che si estendono per tutta la regione dalla collina fino al mare. Vi offriremo un corso di degustazione di vini marchigiani accompagnati dai migliori prodotti del territorio, per viaggiare con il gusto attraverso la regione e le più belle e rinomate enoteche delle Marche.


Non c’è modo migliore per gli amanti dell’enogastronomia di apprezzare il meglio che le Marche hanno da offrire, se non partecipando ad attività che solitamente sono precluse ai turisti. Ad esempio la caccia al tartufo in autunno con un esperto tartufaio ed i suoi cani sulle basse montagne marchigiane, oppure assistere alla raccolta delle olive e alla vera spremitura in frantoio del famoso Olio Extravergine di Oliva o al centenario rito della vendemmia. Queste esperienze sono soggette a stagionalità, per cui non sono disponibili tutto l’anno Tutte le esperienze ed itinerari sono personalizzabili su richiesta e possono essere strutturati in mezza giornata o in una giornata intera. Gli spostamenti di tutte le esperienze possono avvenire sia con mezzi propri, con pullman oppure noleggiando auto d’epoca.

Itinerari enogastronomico - culturali

ASSAPORANDO il ROSSO CONERO tra vigneti e cantine (1 parte)
 Week alla scoperta del famosissimo vino della zona del Monte Conero. Grazie alla vicinanza del mare si è creato un meraviglioso ambiente per la coltivazione delle uve rosse: un microclima continuamente ravvivato dalle brezze marine e un terreno calcareo, povero ma di grande struttura, permettono al vitigno Montepulciano di esprimere nel Rosso Cónero una tipicità impossibile altrove. Lungo la strada del Rosso Cònero,tra ginestre, corbezzoli e ligustri, si potranno scoprire le vigne che, ora silenziosamente aggrappate a impervi costoni, ora voluttuosamente adagiate su morbide colline, fanno di ogni Rosso Cónero un “cru” meritevole di essere conosciuto e assaggiato nelle splendide cantine che ne punteggiano il territorio.

Visite e Degustazioni Le degustazioni avranno inizio con il vincitore di numerosi premi in una piccola cantina dove la simpatia dei proprietari ci accoglierà. OFFAGNA, uno dei borghi medioevali più belli d’Italia e bandiera arancione, ci attende in tutta la sua atmosfera quasi fiabesca, di un’altra epoca.
 Visiteremo una villa fortificata costruita nel 1668 con la funzione di residenza estiva per i nobili che l’abitarono, con l'intento anche di raccogliervi tutte le attività agricole che verranno mostrate: la cantina per la pigiatura e la vinificazione e i sotterranei per la conservazione dei vini da invecchiamento, il granaio, il frantoio, la falegnameria e l'attrezzeria. Un po' di relax sarà goduto nel meraviglioso parco che la circonda ammirando le straordinarie uve Montepulciano in purezza, ottenute da un vigneto di 15 ettari di circa 15 anni di età, per un amabile Rosso Conero!

tra vigneti e cantine (II parte)
 Proseguiamo per una casa vinicola dalla storia centenaria e può essere annoverata fra le più antiche in Italia (fine del 1800). Da allora questa azienda si è sempre distinta evolvendo la tecnica enologica, ma sempre nel rispetto dei sistemi tradizionali della produzione del vino. Il palato sarà ancora deliziato nell’azienda vinicola che comprende una superficie totale di 200 ettari con caratteristiche

uniche, nel rispetto e nella valorizzazione del territorio e dei vitigni autoctoni di Marche e Abruzzo. Non manca la ricerca su alcuni tra i più rappresentativi vitigni i n t e r n a z i o n a l i c o m e C h a r d o n n a y , Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon e Merlot, per la creazione di vini innovativi da mettere a confronto con le più eccellenti produzioni mondiali. PORTONOVO ci attende in tutto il suo splendore, per goderci gli unici panorami costieri e per la visita tre cantine produttrici non solo di vino ma anche prodotti della gastronomia locale, dove potremmo godere dei prati e degustare i prodotti tipici locali di un laboratorio alimentare, come olio, cereali, legumi, biscotti pane e confetture, possibili anche da acquistare. Ammireremo circa 80 ettari ed il vigneto che si sviluppa dalla spiaggia di MEZZAVALLE sino a sotto IL POGGIO. L'ubicazione dei vigneti, sia per la vicinanza al mare, che per l'altitudine, è peculiare per il prodotto Rosso Conero Infatti questa combinazione, unita alla elevatissima presenza del calcare attivo presente nei terreni, si produce un vino ricco di mineralità e complessità.

tra vigneti e cantine (III parte) Ci godremo l’affascinante BAIA DI PORTONOVO ammirando i gioielli d’arte presenti:
 la Torre di Guardia, la chiesetta romanica di Santa Maria ed il F o r t i n o Napoleonico. Ci recheremo nel cuore del Parco naturale del Cónero e dell'area di produzione del rosso a denominazione d'origine. MONTEACUTO, dove il vitigno Montepulciano, diviene un rosso Conero tipico che si esprime ai livelli più alti. L’ accurata selezione delle uve in vigna oltre l’ammodernamento della bottaia in legno, sono gli ingredienti attraverso i quali il "Rosso Conero" ed il "dorico" che ne è una selezione, sono riusciti ad affermarsi,

ottenendo anche prestigiosi riconoscimenti. Da qua potremmo ammirare un tramonto spettacolare che ci farà chiudere meravigliosamente bene la giornata. Il pernottamento è previsto in una delle strutture ricettive convenzionate della Riviera del Conero:
 A l b e r g h i , B & B , a g r i t u r i s m o, strutture idonee per ogni esigenza. Durante la mattina successiva scopriremo i sentieri del Monte Conero, tra panorami e leggende . 
 Nel pomeriggio visita facoltativa di C A M E R A N O SOTTERRANEA o GITA VIA MARE della RIVIERA DEL CONERO. Tempo a disposizione per attività balneari, relax e shopping.

Tour giornalieri guidati e accompagnati da sommelier

CUPRAMONTANA e LE SUE CANTINE TOUR GIORNALIERO CON SOMMELIER: Gita giornaliera tra le colline famose per il Verdicchio, uno dei più importanti vini bianchi italiani. L’esperienza inizia una delle più note aziende per la produzione dello spumante e delle sue cantine sotterranee, in cui le bottiglie dormono per almeno 24 mesi. Interessante la dimostrazione della sboccatura manuale. A breve distanza, una piacevole passeggiata nel bosco, ci condurrà all’eremo dei Frati Bianchi, immerso in un magnifico parco. Non si tratta di uno dei tanti eremi italiani, ma di un piccolo scrigno nascosto, incastonato nella natura, un’antica costruzione mozzafiato che sembra uscire dalla montagna e creare un’atmosfera da fiaba. Prevista la visita della cantina “Frati Bianchi” famosa per il Verdicchio. Pranzo in una tipica trattoria della campagna marchigiana con menù di prodotti tradizionali e tempo libero a Cupramontana, un borgo situato sulla sommità della Vallesina, per una bella e suggestiva passeggiata sulle tracce di Luigi Bartolini, nato in questo paese, grande incisore del ‘900 ed autore del romanzo da cui venne tratto il film di Vittorio de Sica “ladri di biciclette”. Si prosegue con uno straordinario tour tra le botti di una delle migliori cantine locali, dove il produttore mostrerà le varie fasi della produzione, narrando la storia del Verdicchio. Al termine una degustazione guidata di tutti i prodotti dell’azienda.
 Prima di rientrare una sosta in un oleificio della zona, consentirà una visita dell’azienda con un’ulteriore prelibata degustazione.

 di Morro D’Alba TOUR GIORNALIERO CON SOMMELIER: Una gita di mezza giornata tra le colline dell’entroterra senigalliese alla scoperta del vitigno autoctono “Lacrima” che cresce solo ed unicamente in questo fazzoletto di terra marchigiana.
 Si dice che il nome "Lacrima" derivi dal fatto che alcuni acini, quando raggiungono la piena maturazione, si rompono e, di conseguenza, “lacrimano”. Il piccolo Borgo fortificato di Morro D‘Alba merita una visita. Interessante la cinta muraria con un camminamento interamente coperto, unico nel suo genere e chiamato “La Scarpa ”. Possibilità di prolungare la serata a Senigallia, per vivere questa ridente località turistica.

OCCASIONI SPECIALI: FESTA DEL LACRIMA E DEL TARTUFO Morro d’Alba Attraversando la strada tra i vigneti e si proseguirà con la visita di alcune cantine, per degustare ottimi prodotti e scoprire i segreti del buon vino tradizionale. Al termine della strada della “Lacrima”, avvicinandoci alla località balneare Senigallia, è prevista una sosta presso in una cantina produttrice anche di ottimo verdicchio, dove, al tramonto potremo degustare prodotti eno-gastronomici, grazie ad un delizioso abbinamento di affettati, formaggi e prodotti tipici marchigiani. NOTTE DEGLI SPREVENGOLI - OSTRA
 Questo borgo rivive l’antica credenza popolare degli Sprevengoli... Una festa dall’atmosfera magica, più di 10 “Cantine/Osterie” sono allestite a tema dove, per tre giorni, è possibile degustare i migliori piatti tipici accompagnati dai pregevoli vini marchigiani. Lungo i vicoli e nelle piazze animazioni, musica, magie, artisti di strada, performances, mistero, teatro...

LE STRADE DEL VERDICCHIO TOUR GIORNALIERO CON ACCOMPAGNATORE E SOMMELIER: L’itinerario inizia da Jesi dove si apprezzerà il centro storico con una breve camminata.
 Curiosa e interessante la visita del Palazzo Pianetti e del museo internazionale dell’etichetta, che documenta la lunga ed importante tradizione tipografica della città, la quale ha visto per prima la nascita, nelle Marche, di una t i p o g r a fi a e, contestualmente, la stampa di una delle prime edizioni della Divina Commedia, nel 1472, ad opera del tipografo Federico de’Conti. D o p o i l p r a n z o p re s s o u n ristorante tipico a Staffolo, una sosta consentirà di ammirare un fantastico panorama. Si prosegue per centro d’eccellenza del vino verdicchio dei castelli di Jesi: Cupramontana, con degustazione presso una delle case vinicole più importanti delle Marche.
 Rientrando verso Jesi, sosta presso una tenuta per un'ulteriore degustazione di un famoso vino bianco marchigiano. PROGRAMMA MINIMO 10 PERSONE

 - Visite guidate
 - Pranzo in un ristorante tipico 
 - 2 degustazioni
 - Ingressi al Museo dell’etichetta
 - Ingresso alla Pinacoteca civica
 - Ingresso al Museo della stampa

I TESORI DELLA TERRA: OLIO E VINO TOUR GIORNALIERO CON ACCOMPAGNATORE E SOMMELIER: L’itinerario inizia da Monte San Vito, piccolo e grazioso paese nel cuore della provincia di Ancona famoso per l’olio biologico che aiuta a prevenire l’ostoporosi. Visita guidata all’antico museo Frantoio, che risale al XVII secolo ed è corredato dalle apparecchiature originali. La visita continua al piccolo teatro ristrutturato e di seguito, verso San Marcello alla volta di un’importante azienda Agricola per vedere e capire come nasce la qualità dell’olio.

Piccola degustazione per assaporare e gustare i p r e z i o s i e x t r av e r g i n i “monocultivar”. Pranzo presso un ristorante tipico gestito da vari produttori locali. Nel pomeriggio trasferimento a Morro d’Alba per conoscere e degustare il famoso Lacrima, vino rosso autoctono. Degustazione presso una delle aziende vitivinicole che lo hanno reso famoso in tutto il mondo. PROGRAMMA MINIMO 10 PERSONE Con servizi inclusi: - Visite guidate - 1 Pranzo - 2 degustazioni - 2 Ingressi: museo e teatro


The pleasure of discovering a territory, its history and culture also passes through the history of its gastronomy and the tasting of typical products of the Marche region. Discover the culinary treasures of the Marche with our tours from half a day to a full day in which pleasant visits and tastings in renowned factories are combined with the discovery of the most beautiful villages of the Marche.


Do you want to really enjoy living an authentic experience of Italian cuisine? You will learn how to prepare a proper traditional meal of Marche led by an experienced chef who will also tell you the story behind each dish, or you can learn the basics and the secrets of Italian cuisine from the experience of a “real mom”! All of our courses are available in English and French..


Le Marche are 6 types of grape varieties recognized, including the famous Verdicchio and different production areas that extend throughout the region from the hillside to the sea. We will offer you a traditional wine tasting course accompanied by the best local products, to travel with taste through the region and the most beautiful and famous wineries.


there is no better way for food and wine lovers to enjoy the best that the brands have to offer, if not participating in activities that are usually closed to visitors. For example the truffle hunt in the autumn with a truffle expert and his dogs on the low mountains of the Marche, or the olive harvest and the true squeezing of extra virgin Olive Oil or the famous Crusher centenary rite of harvest. These experiences are subject to seasonality, so not available all year long.

All experiences and itineraries can be customized on request and can be structured on half day or a full day.
 The transfers of each experiences can occur either by car, bus or renting cars.

Food & Wine cultural tours in the Marche

TASTING the ROSSO CONERO Between vineyards and wineries (1st part) Week end to discover the famous wine of the area of Monte Conero. The proximity to the sea has created a wonderful environment for the cultivation of red grapes: a microclimate, continually revived by sea breezes and a calcareous soil, poor but well structured, is able to give to Red Conero Montepulciano a typical flavour,inesixted elsewhere. Along the street from the Red C o n e r o, a m o n g b r o o m s , strawberry trees and privet, you can discover the vineyards which now are silently clinging to rough ridges, or lustily laid on rolling hills. This position make the Red Conero a "cru" worthy of being known and tasted in the beautiful wineries that characterize the territory. TOURS AND TASTINGS The tastings will start with the winner of numerous awards in a little cantina where the owners will greet us. OFFAGNA, one of the most beautiful medieval villages of Italy and "orange flag", awaits us in all its almost fairytale atmosphere, of another time. We'll visit a fortified mansion that was built in 1668 like summer residence for nobles, to also control all agricultural activities that we will see. the winery for crushing and fermentation, caves for storing wine, granary, mill, woodworking room and its tools. Some relaxation will be enjoyed in the beautiful park surrounding it admiring the stunning and pure Montepulciano grapes, obtained from a vineyard of 15 hectares of about 15 years of age. These are a future, amiable Rosso Conero!

Between vineyards and wineries (2nd part) We continue the visit to a historical winery that can be one of the oldest in Italy (late 1800 sec.). Since then, this company has always stood for the evolution of winemaking technique, but always respecting the traditional methods of wine making. The palate will still be delighted in the winery encompassing a total area of 200 hectares with unique characteristics, with respect for and appreciation of the land and vines of Marche and Abruzzo. This winery is is dedicated to research on some of the most representative international varieties like Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, to create innovative wines to c o m p a r e w i t h t h e fi n e s t productions worldwide. PORTONOVO is waiting for us in all its splendor, to enjoy the unique coastal scenery and to v i s i t t h re e w i n e r i e s producing not only wine but also products of the local gastronomy. We'll enjoy the lawns and taste local products of a food laboratory, such as oil, grains, legumes, bread and jam biscuits, that it's possibible to buy. We'll admire about 80 hectares and the vineyard that develops from the beach up to "Mezzavalle" under "il Poggioâ€?. The location of the vineyards, both for its proximity to the sea, which for the altitude, determines the peculiarity of this wine Rosso Conero. This combination, coupled with the high presence of the active ingredient present in the limestone soils, produces a rich minerality and complexity of wine.

Between vineyards and wineries (3th part) We will enjoy the f a s c i n a t i n g PORTONOVO BAY admiring the jewels of art present: the Watch Tower, the Romanesque church of Santa Maria and the Napoleonic Fort. We will go in the heart of the Conero Natural Park, the area of production of the red designation of origin: MONTEACUTO, where the vine variety Montepulciano becomes a red typical Conero which is expressed at the highest levels.

The meticulous selection of grapes in the vineyard and the modernization of the cellar in wood, are the ingredients through which the "Rosso Conero" and the "Doric" have managed to establish itself, also obtaining prestigious awards. From here we can admire a spectacular sunset to end your day wonderfully. It spends the night in one of some hotels in the Conero Riviera: Hotels, B&B, agriturist and structures suitable for every need. During the next morning we'll discover the paths of Mount Conero, between landscapes and legends. In the afternoon optional visit: C A M E R A N O (underground town) or BAY EXCURSION of CONERO RIVIERA. Free time for beach activities, relaxation and shopping.

Full day tour with guide and sommelier:

CUPRAMONTANA AND ITS WINERIES DAILY TOUR WITH SOMMELIER: Daily trip between the hills famous for “Verdicchio”, one of the most important Italian white wines. The experience begins within one of the most known companies for the sparkling wine production and its underground cellars, where the bottles are sleeping long time, at least 24 months. Interesting demonstration of the manual disgorging. Not far from here, a pleasant walk in the woods will lead us to the hermitage of the White Friars, immersed in a magnificent park. This is not one of the many Italian monasteries, but a very hidden treasure, nestled in the nature; an ancient stunning building inside of the mountain that create a fairy tale atmosphere. We'll visit the wine cellar "White Friars" famous for the "Verdicchio wine”. Lunch in a typical restaurant of Marche countryside with traditional products menu. Leisure in Cupramontana, a village situated on top of "Vallesina", for a beautiful and suggestive walk on the traces of Luigi Bartolini, born in this country, engraver of the '900 and author of the novel from which it was adapted into a film by Vittorio de Sica's "Bicycle Thieves”. We continue with an extraordinary tour of the barrels of one of the best local wineries, where the manufacturer will show the various steps of production, telling the story of Verdicchio. At the end a guided tasting of all the company's products will be offer. Before returning, a stop in an oil mill in the area, will allow a visit of the agricultural company with an other delicious tasting.

ON THE ROAD OF LACRIMA - Morro d’Alba DAILY TOUR WITH SOMMELIER: A half-day trip in the hinterland of Senigallia to the discovery of the indigenous variety "Lacrima" that grows esclusively in this piece of Marches land. It is said that the name "Tear" comes from the fact that when some grapes reach full maturation, break and then they cry. The small fortified village of Morro D'Alba worths a visit. Its walls with a walkway entirely covered are unique of their kind and they're called "The Shoe".

Possibility to extend the evening in Senigallia, to experience this charming tourist resort.

SPECIAL OCCASIONS: PARTY OF “LACRIMA” AND TRUFFLE OF MORRO D’ALBA Crossing the road through the vineyards you will continue with the visit of cellars and you will taste excellent products and discover the secrets of traditional wine. At the end of the road of "Lacrima", you'll get to the seaside Senigallia and you'll have a stop at a winery also produces excellent verdicchio. Here at sunset, we can taste wine and food products, with a delicious combination of meats, cheeses and typical products of the Marche. NIGHT OF “SPREVENGOLI” -OSTRA
 This village relives the ancient popular belief of “Sprevengoli” (pesky spirits). In a party with a magical atmosphere, in more than 10 "cellars/taverns" arranged in theme, for three days, it is possible to taste the best traditional dishes accompanied by fine wines from the marches. Along the alleys and squares of animations, music, magic, street artists, performances, mystery, theatre…

THE STREET OF “VERDICCHIO� FULL DAY TOUR WITH GUIDE AND SOMMELIER: The itinerary starts from Jesi where you'll appreciate the historic centre within walking distance. The visit of the Palazzo P i a n e t t i a n d t h e l a b e l 's international museum is curious and interesting; it documents the ancient and important typographic tradition of the city, which has seen, first in the Marches, the birth of a typography and also printing an early edition of the Divine Comedy, by the typesetter Federico Conti (in 1472). After lunch at a traditional restaurant in Staffolo, a stop will allow you to admire a fantastic panorama. We continue with the visit of the wine center of excellence Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi: Cupramontana. Tasting at one of the most important wineries in the Marche. Returning to Jesi, we stop at an estate for another tasting of a famous Marche white wine. PROGRAM with the following services included (minimum 10 people): - Guided tours - Lunch in traditional restaurant - 2 tastings - Label Museum ticket - Civic Art Gallery ticket - Museum of Printing ticket

THE TREASURES OF THE EARTH: Oil and Wine F U L L DAY TO U R W I T H G U I D E A N D SOMMELIER: The route starts from Monte San Vito, charming little town in the heart of the province of Ancona, famous for its organic oil that helps prevent osteoporosis. Guided tour of the ancient Oil Mill Museum, which dates back to the seventeenth centur y and is equipped with original equipment. The tour continues to the small restored theater and than, towards San Marcello to know a major company Agricola, to see and understand how produces the quality of oil. Small tasting to taste and savor the precious extra virgin "monocultivar". Lunch at a local restaurant run by various local producers. In the afternoon transfer to Morro d'Alba to learn about the famous local red wine, “Lacrima� and taste it. Tasting at one of the wineries that it made it famous around the world. PROGRAM with the following services included (minimum 10 people):


Guided tours 1 Lunch in traditional restaurant 2 tastings Museum and theatre tickets


1) TR ADITIO NA L M AR CH E’S C OOK I NG C L A S S Make like a real traditional Marche’s cook on this 3.5-hour morning/evening cooking class in a professional kitchen in Senigallia. Learn how to create a quintessential Marche’s 4course lunch. Choose between a fish or meat menu, as they are both from Marche’s tradition made of products from our hill and sea. Gain valuable insider tips from an expert local chef, and then enjoy your dishes during a convivial lunch, complete with well-matched Marche’s wine. Receive personalized attention on a small-group class limited from a minimum of 10 people to no more than 16.

H IG H LI G HTS Meet your guide and the rest of your small group at Tiriboco Grandi Cucine in Senigallia. Next, listen avidly as a friendly, expert chef talks you through the 4-course lunch (or dinner) you’re about to cook. Your menu will vary according to the preference of your group and t h e a v a i l a b i l i t y o f s ea s o n a l ingredients, but typically, you can expect to prepare a classic full Marche’s meal based on meat or fish composed by a starter, a first course, main course and a dessert. Put on your supplied apron and set to work following the provided recipes. As you prep, get helpful tips from the chef and gain valuable insights into local culinary traditions and techniques that you can use to impress family and friends back home. With your meal ready savor your finished dishes in the company of your fellow cooks. As you eat, enjoy a glass of wine — your experience includes a complimentary bottle shared between four people. Discuss your efforts with your companions and learn the strengths and weaknesses of your dishes in the eyes of your chef. After your convivial meal, receive your “diploma” to take home with you and then say your goodbyes. Your tour ends when you leave the cooking school.

P R I C I N G I N F O R M AT I O N : From 75 Euros per person.

Inclusions: Cooking class Expert local chef and translator cooking assistant All ingredients Lunch or Dinner accompanied by 1 bottle of wine for every four people Recipes’ booklet to take home Disposable apron Souvenir diploma

Exclusions: Hotel pickup and drop-off

Additional information: Not recommended for child aged 8 and under. Chaperon (only for lunch/dinner): 40 Euros Child over 8 to 12 years (only for lunch/dinner): 20 Euros

S C H E D U L E D E TA I L S : Departure time: From Monday to Friday morning: 10 - 13.30 am Afternoon option available only Mon, Tue, Wed : 5 - 8.30 pm

Duration: 3.5 hours (approx)

Optional: Reservation in Hotel, Agriturist, B&B in special fare

2 ) HAND MA D E I TA L I A N PASTA C O OK I NG CLA SS Follow ancient Italian traditions and learn the art of pasta making from a real Italian “mamma” on this half day hands-on cooking workshop. After the hard work is done, toast your fellow budding chefs with local wine, while feasting on your pasta creations! Enjoy personal attention from your expert mama chef on this small-group, limited from 10 to 16 people. Small group ensures personal service.

HIGHLIGHTS Master the authentic method of pasta creation under the expert guidance of your “Italian mamma”. You'll work with flour, eggs and other ingredients to create three different styles of pasta and sauces as well as a typical Italian dessert. This easy to follow class is both enjoyable and fun. At the end of the class you're invited to savor the dishes you've prepared as you take your seat at the table for lunch (or dinner under request). Satisfied by your culinary creations, toast your new found friends with Marche’s wine and dig in for an unforgettable feast. Buon appetito!

P R I C I N G I N F O R M AT I O N : 
 From 68 Euros per person

Inclusions: Lunch or Dinner accompanied by 1 bottle of wine for every four people Cooking class Expert local chef and translator cooking assistant All ingredients Recipes’ booklet to take home Disposable apron Souvenir diploma

Exclusions: Hotel pickup and drop-off

Additional information: Not recommended for child aged 8 and under. Chaperon (only for lunch/dinner): 40 Euros Child over 8 to 12 years (only for lunch/dinner): 20 Euros

S C H E D U L E D E TA I L S : 
 Departure time: From Monday to Friday morning: 10 - 13.30 am Afternoon option available under request: 5 - 8.30 pm

Duration: 3.5 hours (approx)

Optional: Reservation in Hotel, Agriturist, B&B in special fare

3) MARCHE COOKING CLASS & WINE TASTING IN A WINE CELLAR Fulfill your love of Italian food and wine in Marche with a traditional half-day cooking class combined with the tour of the renowned Garofoli winery and delicious wine tasting. After scouting out the entire process of wine making, enjoy learning how to prepare a 4-course meal and match each dish with the perfect wine! Numbers are limited from 10 to 18 on this small-group cooking class, ensuring you’ll enjoy personalized attention from your host.

HIGHLIGHTS Meet your host at Garofoli winery and than start with an exclusive visit of what is usually precluded from non professional eyes. You’ll have the chance to know the history of this five generations winemakers’ family, started in the far 19th century with the production and sale of local wines until developing into the nowadays important joint-stock company selling its wines all over the World. After the interesting tour of the barrique room, where you can also see the poupitres used for the “Metodo Classico” sparkling wines and the controlled-temperature areas where the wine is refined in bottles, you’ll start your 2.30-hour cooking experience in the big tasting room. All utensils and equipment are provided for your session and under the careful eye of an expert Italian chef you’ll learn all about the culinary secrets of Marche. For your Italian cooking class you can choose between two options: to have the “Traditional Marche’s cuisine experience” with an expert chef, or the easier to follow, “Italian pasta cooking class“ with a real “expert Italian mamma” to learn the secret of Italian homemade cuisine. Toward the end of your session, sit down with your hosts and group to eat your creations and taste the wines! The dishes are paired with quality Marche’s Garofoli wine – carefully selected by your host to complement and accentuate the flavors of the food. Before leaving, your host will give you a souvenir certificate and a recipe booklet so that you can re-create the food yourself at home to impress friends and family!

P R I C I N G I N F O R M AT I O N : 
 From 140 Euros per person

Inclusions: Lunch or Dinner accompanied by 1 bottle of wine for every four people Expert local chef and translator cooking assistant Cooking class Expert wine guide - sommelier All necessary equipment Recipe booklet to take home Disposable apron Souvenir certificate

Exclusions: Hotel pickup and drop-off

Additional information: Youth up to 18 must be accompanied by an adult. No children under 12 allowed.

S C H E D U L E D E TA I L S : Periode: All Over the year

Departure time: From Monday to Friday morning: 9.00 am to 13.00 pm Afternoon option from Monday to Friday : 15.00 pm to 19.00

Duration: 4 hours (approx)

Optional: Reservation in Hotel, Agriturist, B&B in special fare

4) ITALIAN BREAD & PIZZA COOKING CLASS AND WINE TASTING Learn how to bake authentic Italian pizza and bread with an expert master baker who will guide and teach you along the way. A full day immersion in the art of white flour inside one of the most renowned flour industry in Marche, Molino Paolo Mariani, in the lovely ancient village of Barbara, surrounded by hills. More than a course, this is a real life experience, you’ll have the opportunity to visit the wheat fields and learn the secrets of a real professional like Giuliano Pediconi. Sample an array of Italian pizzas and bread. Your new cooking skills will be the best souvenir you take home from your trip to Italy. At the end of the day, relax yourself enjoying a beautiful sunset on the hills and tasting good wines in Santa Barbara winery, closed to the mill. Numbers are limited from 10 to 25 people on this small-group tour, ensuring you'll receive personalized attention from your knowledgeable guide.

HIGHLIGHTS Begin your full day Italian cooking class with hot “cornetti” just taken out of the oven and then start creating your own authentic Italian pizza and bread. Italians take their food very seriously, and before you start cooking, you must understand some pizza basics, like learning the best flour to choose for the knead, measure out the yeast and right leavening time, to bake home fragrant bread and tasty pizzas. Today, Italians make variety of pizzas from different regions. While toppings and cheeses may vary from region to region, the culinary rule of using fresh, local ingredients remains the same throughout the country. This cooking class will give you the opportunity to create and bake your own Italian pizza. At the end of the day, you will relax with the visit to another masterpiece of Marche delicatessen, the Santa Barbara wine cellar, for a glass of wine and cheerful talks. As you are guided through the stages of pizza with a professional chef, you’ll learn valuable tips and hints that you can take home for future cooking. Impress your friends after your trip with your newfound Italian cooking skills!

P R I C I N G I N F O R M AT I O N : 

From 150 Euros per person

Inclusions: Lunch accompanied by 1 bottle of wine for every four people Expert local baker and translator cooking assistant Recipes’ booklet to take home Cooking class All ingredients Welcome breakfast Wine tasting Disposable apron

Exclusions: Hotel pickup and drop-off

Additional information: Not recommended for child aged 8 and under Chaperon (only for lunch and wine tasting): 50 Euros Child over 8 to 12 years (only for lunch): 20 Euros

S C H E D U L E D E TA I L S : Departure time: From Monday to Sunday: from 9.00 am to 19.00 pm Available from August 21th to September 12th, 2016

Duration: 10 hours (approx)

Optional: Reservation in Hotel, Agriturist, B&B in special fare


+39 071 2802542

Greenwich Viaggi Turismo


Greenwich Experience

Greenwich Sas Via Tiziano, 24 Ancona - 60125 - Italy

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