GreenwichVisitor FREE
for residents & VISITORS since 2010
greenwich, Blackheath, eltham, charlton,Woolwich, LEE GREEN.
NOVEMBER 2016 No73
Help us shape future of our historic treasure
October 29 to November
20 2016
t Programme
Greenwich Visitor Pull-Ou
JIM LAD: youngster gets pirate face paint
CROWDED hOUSE: Shoppers enjoy choir music
Discover more on a walking tour See Page 11
IN TUNE: Eltham Arts kicks Winter Festival 2016 Place off in Passey Pictures: RObERT PIWkO PhOTOgRAPhy hOOk OR CROOk?: Police check villain Pan from hulviz’s Peter
n of Second celebratio
creative talent
The party’s started!
Gaynor Wingham. “We’ve Trail in shop organiser Bob Hope Theatre, an Artcelebration of have been bowled over at the enthusiwindows, food events, a of Opera with asm shown already.” 20 Diwali and even a night The fun goes on until November at Key. West End performer ElizabethPiwko – when there is a Festival Finale event in entries And photographer Robert the White Hart Inn, featuring opening the of pictures Festival Song Chalwho took our around the food-themed Awards will – has his own great photos a day of mulenge. The Eltham Arts contributions The Festival began with in Eltham day High Street. for special – but some also be made sic and fun in Passey Place CHARLES. Eltham Many events are free arts in Eltham. Come along! town centre, writes REEVAof Hulviz’s must be booked – and there’s some- to the can read more about the FestiYou Crowds met young stars thing for all ages and interests.– organ- val’s events in this special Greenwich has Peter Pan and Last year’s Winter Festival the pull-out programme, which group Eltham Arts Visitor Over 150 events showcasing an event map and full listings. held in venues ised by community Arts’ websuccess. And the signs creative spirit are being For updates visit Eltham Eltham Palace – was a huge ranging from historical pubs, parks, already are that this will be another tri- site and follow and the Tudor Barn to even private umph. “The vision of Festival organis- us on Twitter and Facebook using the the comchurches, libraries...and #ElthamWinFest2016. ers Eltham Arts was to bring hashtag says arts,” through the homes. at The munity together There are plays and musicals
FesELTHAM’S second Winter bringing a tival is in full swing – music, art, wonderful mix of live to auditheatre, crafts and talks ences right across SE9.
public CROC STAR: Performers and
Thursday nights are
Jazz Nights! See Page 10
greenwich park:
play your part! WE love Greenwich Park...and we know you do too. Now is your chance to help play your part in its past, present and future. The Greenwich Visitor has teamed up with The Royals Parks agency for Greenwich Park Revealed – a campaign for a multi-million pound Lottery grant for the historic green space. We want to know your ideas and thoughts on how the 590-year-old
Park can tell residents and visitors the story of its fabulous past. How it can improve their experience now. And how they can help prepare it for future challenges. A public meeting takes place this month to hear ideas. In this edition we explain how you can help, and Park Manager Graham Dear tells why the project is so crucial. Past, Present, Future – Pages 4&5
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GreenwichVisitor THE
November 2016 Page 2
T’S that time of year when we gather conkers in Greenwich Park, soak them in vinegar, bake them, inject them with cement and challenge the kids...don’t we? But scientists warn that they could disappear within 15 years because of a perfect storm of pests and disease sweeping our nation’s horse chestnuts. Sadly, Greenwich Park manager Graham Dear confirms it. “Yes, Horse Chestnut trees may well go the same way as the Elm,” he says.”The disease is bacterial canker which is killing the trees and for which there is no cure.” Greenwich Park is famous for its avenue of Sweet Chestnuts, so the threat could not be plainer. All the
NELSON’S COLUMN The Greenwich Visitor’s admirable social diary, brought to you by the spirit of Horatio Nelson
more reason to help shape the future of Greenwich Park. See Pages 4&5 and come along to the meeting on November 22. It’s OUR Park. Make the most of it! re you a pal of old soldier Robert Allen? Or are you Robert? Steve Long – an old friend from his army days – is
trying to get in touch. “I’ve been trying to find him for many, many years now,” Steve tells us. “I think he’s in Greenwich but may be ex-directory, so I can’t find a phone number. We were in Cameroon from 1960 to 1961. Here’s hoping.” Email Matt@ if you have any clues.
he Great Foot Tunnel cycling debate goes on… reader Bastiaan Swarthoogt, of Maze Hill, responds to our recent stories: “Cycling in the tunnel should be a matter of common sense. When it is busy one needs to dismount; when it is quiet
then cycle. It can be as simple as that. We are all grown ups.” Ralph Hardwick disagrees: “The tunnels are FOOT Tunnels so there is no excuse to cycle in them. Increase the fine – and pay “On The Spot” or forfeit the bike. Today I saw six Town Wardens at the Cutty Sark – why are they not enforcing the bylaw?” Tell us what you think… s it just us, or do Greenwich side streets and back roads seem full of litter nowadays? his month marks our sixth birthday. In days when journalism is needed more than ever while under threat like never before it’s a privilege to be here. People tell us we’re needed and enjoyed. But it’s a two-way street. If you have a business or event, advertise with us! We reach more people right here than any other publication, too. Here’s hoping for Many Happy Returns!
This is the place where groups and people tell us what they do, why, and how you can help. This month:
here’s what YOU ask US Mycenae Soup
Last time I came it was just Greenwich. Why is it alerts and a new interactive movement management Royal now? We have 1,000 years of Royal links – system is being trialled. Will the new system work? Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were born here and We’ll have to wait and see. Tell us your thoughts too christened at St Alfege Church. Their palace – email Placentia was here. In fact Queen Elizabeth Is anyone using the cable car yet? played under the oak that bears her Cheek! The Emirates Air Line isn’t name in Greenwich Park, one of much use for getting about (the London’s eight Royal Parks. Queen itor is h ic w respected has n e re Elizabeth granted us Royal Status reported that it has zero in February 2012 to mark those commuters) and often shuts in links. high winds – but is a futuristic I read that Greenwich is a World attraction we love. Heritage Site? Yes, it won World We’re visiting. What should we Heritage Site status in the 90s and do today? You’ve picked up a in one of only 29 in the UK. It Greenwich Visitor – good start. means our treasures are so good, Next visit the Tourist Information they’re protected by the United Centre. It’s award-winning staff has Nations. just relocated from Pepys House into the Greenwich Market is famous isn’t it? Yes, Discover Greenwich centre next door at the it’s one of the oldest in London – There’s been a market here since the 1300s – and in April, the Duke Old Royal Naval College. Get advice, buy tickets for of York officially unveiled a major renovation. A new boats, tube, DLR, rail, buses and coaches, book tours, smaller Pavilion Market caters for street food fans buy tickets for London attractions. while the main one concentrates on arts, crafts, Are museums free? Yes – except the Fan Museum, designer-makers and collectibles. which has no public funding but is a world-leading Is the Foot Tunnel working yet? There was a rather collection of fans. And the Wernher Collection of art badly handled £11.5m refurb in 2012, but problems at Ranger’s House, run by English Heritage. There persist in the 114-year-old tunnel...including relations are some paid for shows at the National Maritime betweenpedestrians and cyclists. A friends group Museum. You’ll need to pay to stand on the Meridian Fogwoft has pushed the Council for improvements. Line inside the Royal Observatory too. And it’s 20p Lifts are said to be working better and online lift to use the loos in Greenwich Park!
WHO’D have thought Soup could change the world?
In 2010 a new fundraising idea was launched in Detroit – the U.S. city famous for making cars but now facing hard times. A small group of people shared dinner, listened to pitches by not-for-profit projects and gave the proceeds of the night’s takings to the one that impressed them the most. Since then the idea has spread across the world...we’re about to hold our second at Mycenae House in Westcombe Park. At Mycenae Soup, on Friday November 18, 120 diners will be fed and watered by our generous catering companies Masons, The Catering PA and other restaurants from the area. Six small, local not-for-profit community p r o j e c t s – Kairos Rehabilitation, The Her Centre, Functional Fitness MOT, Greenwich Mencap, Mums Aid and Return to Word Greenwich – will pitch to the diners, who then get to vote. The winner is awarded all of the donations raised. Last year’s sold-out event raised £1079 for the Mental Health Activity Trust shop in Blackheath Standard which provides employment opportunities for people with mental health issues. Other initiatives that night have gone on to make a national impact, including Miss Libby Rose’s Pink Bus Project. It was spotted by shopping chain Hobby Craft and now helps children across the country learn sewing and communication skills. Come and join us. Tickets are still available in person from Mycenae House, Mycenae Road, Blackheath, or at www. It’s going to be another great night.
WANT TO ADVERTISE? HAVE A STORY? Call Matt on 07802 743324 Matt@TheGreenwich
Mark Johnson-Brown Mycenae House
bookINg Now FoR
live stand-up XMAS
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GreenwichVisitor THE
November 2016 Page 3
VILLAIN: Anthony Spargo
Panto fiend’s reboonited! HE’S back...and this year Greenwich Panto dame Andrew Pollard has an old foe who’ll raise the roof with boos! Andrew – here for the 11th year – writes and directs Peter Pan: A New Adventure (Nov 18-Jan 8). And gloriously villainous Anthony Spargo – a dastardly Sherrif of Nottingham in Robin Hood and cruel Count Fracula in Red Riding Hood – plays the evil Captain Hook. “We’re so excited to see Anthony back with us,”says Greenwich Theatre Director James Haddrell. ”He’s the perfect villain.” Greenwich Theatre’s Panto is famed for the quality of Pollard’s original pantos. Info www.greenwich
Towering, shimmering, glittering, fascinating.. But what on earth IS it? IS it a startling piece of modern art? A towering new apartment block? Some sort of modern folly? No, the huge structure shimmering in the sunlight above the Greenwich Peninsula is...a chimney. But a chimney with a difference. It’s called The Optic Cloak. And it was designed by artist Conrad Shawcross to disguise a low carbon heating plant that will create energy for the area for the next decades. Made of brushed aluminium, perforated so the light shines through and glints off its surfaces, the structure encases a 50m flue. But it is just 3m wide, giving it a sleek outline. Wherever you stand, its angled surfaces give a different, shifting pattern. And because it is made from mesh with thousands of holes the building will resist the strongest gales. “I don’t really see this as an artwork,” Shawcross says. “It is a cladding system for an industrial object. But the idea was
HIGH ART: Conrad Shawcross
to make the surface very beguiling. To make it disappear.” The £87million “eco-friendly” power plant by Pinnacle Power is at the heart of developer Knight Dragon’s £8.4billion regeneration project on the Peninsula. It is transforming 200 acres of former industrial land into 15,000 riverside homes with restaurants, a media village and hotel. Info:
Book date for Amnesty sale
Thu 24 & fri 25 nov 19.30h
botis seva woman of sun
IT’S back...just in time for Christmas. Amnesty International‘s “legendary” Book Sale is on Saturday November 19 (10-4) at Church of the Ascension, Dartmouth Row, SE10 8BF. Organiser Simon Ware promises a huge number of “high-quality books at low prices” and adds: “All books will be half their marked price for the whole day.” The annual sale has raised £300,000 over the last 40 years. Info: www.amnestybg.
“It was like nothing I’ve ever seen in a dance theatre. No wonder it got a thunderous standing ovation.” The Greenwich Visitor on Botis Seva
Expect the unexpected at this world premiere of Woman of Sun, a new work by Botis Seva.
YOU’LL LOVE GILBERT & SULLIVAN ENJOY Gilbert & Sullivan’s Greatest Hits this month here…then face a Trial By Jury. Community opera group The Centenary Company presents Gilbert & Sullivan Tie The Knot – 13 operettas on the themes of love and matrimony – followed by a full performance of
the duo’s hilarious courtroom divorce satire. The shows – directed by Jerry Pinel with Elinor Corp as Music Director – are at St Alfege Church, Greenwich on November 25 (8pm) and 26 (3.30pm and 8pm). Tickets: 020 8294 2939.
Laban TheaTre Creekside, se8 3dZ £16 (£12) 020 8463 0100
TriniTy Laban ConservaToire of MusiC & danCe
HER-O: Dame Andrew
GreenwichVisitor November 2016 Page 4 THE
Miles Hedley’s pick of this month’s best events. Our unique 3-month listings begin on Page 18
BELARUS FREE THEATRE They may be banned in their own country but the BFT is always welcome here thanks to raw, uncompromising and furious works such as their brilliant new production Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion, a harrowing look at schizophrenia which is being staged at the Albany. Unmissable. Nov 1-12
SEDUCTION & CELEBRITY Emma Hamilton sparked outrage by abandoning her husband to live in unwedded bliss with national hero Lord Nelson. This National Maritime Museum exhibition looks at her through the letters she wrote and the artists she inspired as she went from rags to riches - and back to rags. From Nov 3
THE SEAGULL Chekhov’s morality tale features lovetriangles, artistic frustration, existential angst, bourgeois navel-gazing, a mother from hell, an unbearably smug lover, a suicidal son and, despite the tragedy that ultimately engulfs them, a shedload of wit. Catch it at the London Theatre in New Cross. Nov 8-13
EARLY MUSIC FESTIVAL Always one of the highlights of the cultural calendar, the Royal Greenwich International Early Music Festival - to give it its proper name - this year sets up home in Blackheath Halls and surrounding churches for three days of motets, madrigals, citterns, gitterns - and much, much more. Nov 10-12
QUANG KIEN VAN Greenwich Dance presents Lunar Shadows, the latest work by this acclaimed choreographer at the Borough Hall. It draws on ideas explored in earlier pieces Patient 319 and Lunar Orbits to create a psychological thriller that ranges freely between the cosmic and the mundane. Nov 11
HENRY FYNN Here’s a perfect example of why Greenwich is so amazing - the world premiere of a composition by rising star Richard Prince is being staged at a free lunchtime recital in the Old Royal Naval College chapel and will be performed by percussionist Henry, a masters student at Trinity Laban. Nov 18
Tell its past. Improve G
reenwich Park is one of London’s great Royal Parks. We all know it. It’s a fact. I’ve been privileged to be the Park Manager here for seven years (Yes, that long!) and I’d like to think that during that time we have made some lasting improvements to the Park for our visitors: Refurbishing the playground; landscaping St. Mary’s Lodge Cafe; opening the Orchard Walled Garden; resurfacing the roads and the tennis courts. f course, I can’t take credit for this myself. There is a small army of dedicated staff required to run it – from the gardeners, office, building maintenance, and cafe staff, toilet attendants and tennis coach etc. We are all proud to be part of this great place. But we are never complacent. e know there are always things we could do to improve the Park and often these ideas have originated from visitors themselves. A good example here is calls for a mobility scheme. Our steep hills give us the spectacular views but they are also a barrier for visitors with mobility problems who find it hard to get from the bottom of the park up to the Royal Observatory. We’d like to run a free mobility project for them. And we’d like to finish the refurbishment of the playground and repair the leaking boating lake. nother area that needs attention is interpretation. Greenwich Park is the most historic of all the Royal Parks, but how many visitors go away knowing that there was a Roman Temple here for 400 years? Or that the second largest Anglo-Saxon cemetery in the country is on Crooms Hill? There’s a great story to be told here. But there’s a cost to all these. of course.
ParkLife By Greenwich Park manager
Graham Dear
hat’s why The Royal Parks wants to team up with you to make an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund to deliver some of these projects. The HLF runs a grant scheme in partnership with Big Lottery called Parks for People. It’s all about improving parks for visitors and getting people involved, so it’s right up our street. Grants are up to £5million which could make a real difference. The project is called Greenwich Park Revealed because that’s what we want to do – reveal the Park’s past, improve its present condition and conserve it for the future. t won’t be easy–there’s a lot of competition. The Royal Parks does have a track record here though, with successful bids at Bushy Park, Richmond Park and now Brompton Cemetery. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help. Over the coming months there will be a programme of open meetings to start the conversation. If you want to go on our mailing list for regular updates please email: greenwichparkrevealed@ reenwich Park is a wonderful place... but between us perhaps we can make it even better.
PETER PAN The Made In Greenwich gallery hosts the launch of Cinnamon Press’s latest book, a collection of poetry by Jan Fortune who was inspired by fellow poet Patricia Debney, artist Peter Schmidt and music legend Brian Eno to ask: How is that love can survive even the most horrific events? Nov 24
TURN/RETURN The Made In Greenwich gallery hosts the launch of Cinnamon Press’s latest book, a collection of poetry by Jan Fortune, inspired by fellow poet Patricia Debney, artist Peter Schmidt and music legend Brian Eno to ask: How is that love can survive even the most horrific events? Nov 24
BOTIS SEVA A fabulous month for dance fans continues at Laban theatre with Seva’s new work Woman Of Sun, jointly commissioned by Trinity Laban and Greenwich Dance, which draws on elements of hiphop and martial arts to create something truly momentous and truly of the moment. Nov 24, 25
GILBERT AND SULLIVAN The Victorian operetta giants are the Marmite of the music world but if you love them you’ll love the Centenary Company’s Tie The Knot concerts at St Alfege, which include comic songs about romance and rejection from all 13 G&S shows plus Trial By Jury performed in full. Nov 25, 26
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GreenwichVisitor THE
November 2016 Page 5
its present. Shape its future. greenwich park needs you to help win a crucial lottery funding bid
GREENWICH Park is the jewel in our Royal crown – a historic green space that is the epic backdrop to our historic buildings and the place we go for space, time and thought.
West Greenwich Library, Greenwich High Road, SE10 8NN
Ny HE W sda Tue 7pm Nov 22
Follow @theroyalparks and @GreenwichVisitr and look for hashtags #GreenwichParkRevealed #GreenwichPark
Once Henry VIII’s hunting ground it has a 590-year history of enjoyment for people here in Greenwich and Blackheath. It is the home of treasures from a Roman villa to the Meridian Line... from the Royal Observatory to General Wolfe’s statue and a stunning London vista. Queen Elizabeth played under an oak tree in The Park, and some of the Sweet Chestnuts you can see today were planted by Charles II 400 years ago. And now you have the chance to celebrate its past, improve its present and shape its future by joining Greenwich Park Reavealed – a bid to win up to £5million Heritage Lottery and Big Lottery Funding. The project has three strands: PAST: Better view ing points , uncovering historical features and adding more educational experiences. PRESENT: Improving existing
buildings and protecting natural features like flowerbeds and trees. FUTURE: Making it more sustainable by using borehole water and planting disease-resistant trees while making it easier for people – including those with disabilities – to discover and use Greenwich Park. And they want YOU – residents and visitors – to help. The Royal Parks agency is a holding a public meeting at West Greenwich Library, in Greenwich High Road on Tuesday November 22 (7-9pm) to to ask for ideas and suggestions. You can also share your views at an online suggestion box at The Royal Parks – which runs all eight Royal Parks in London – insists: “Plans are at an early stage and we want the public to tell us what they want.” Greenwich Park Manager Graham Dear – who writes a regular column in The Greenwich Visitor – says: “While millions of visitors who come each year have a fantastic time, we recognise their experience could be even better. “Our priority is to ensure Greenwich
continues to be the local community park for residents and families, but we also want tourists to go away with a wonderful experience so we are top of their ‘Tell your friends’ list. “There’s so much more Greenwich Park has to offer and this is now our opportunity to open those doors, uncover what’s great about this place and ensure we make Greenwich a Park for the future.” Toni Assirati, Royal Parks Head of Education and Community Engagement, said: “We have lots of ideas about how we could spend Lottery funding to improve the Park and experience for visitors, but we want to hear from the public about what they like and dislike and what issues are important to them.” Tell us what you love about Greenwich Park and what you would improve. Send us your photos of a perfect day in Greenwich Park. Are you an artist? We’d love to see your work. Do you have special memories of the Park? Email Matt@ or tell us your views on Twitter @ GreenwichVisitr
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GreenwichVisitor November 2016 Page 6 THE
£8m Painted overhaul is under way
A MAJOR £8million restoration has begun of the Painted Hall and Undercroft at Greenwich’s historic Old Royal Naval College.
A local café HERE’SThe GV in a far-flung place with more than a hint of home. “My son Stephen and I discovered the Cutty Sark bar/restaurant in Costa Teguise, Lanzarote, during a family holiday,” says Susan Kinsella. “We thought it might make your SEND US readers smile.” We YOUR PICTURE think so too! Send us your picture of OF A PERFECT DAY the GV abroad! Send us a photo. Email:
Over the nest two years, conservators will bring new life to 3,400 square metres of painted surfaces of Sir Christopher Wren’s famous 1694 riverside buildings. Next spring, visitors can see progress on the ceiling of the Painted Hall – James Thornhill’s masterpiece created between 1708 and 1727 – when an observation deck is built beneath the vast lower hall ceiling. A new visitor route is being set up and “sophisticated environmental controls” installed so “no further intervention will be necessary for at least another 100 years.” The vaulted King William Undercroft beneath the Painted Hall will become a new visitor facility, with reception, café, retail area and interpretation gallery. Modern partitions will be WORK: ORNC removed returning the space to “something close to its original form.” Conservation Director William Palin says: “The Painted Hall is one of Britain’s greatest architectural and artistic treasures, but it is too little known. This will raise it to the national and international prominence it deserves.” The £8m project will be the largest ever conservation of the Painted Hall. Work began on September 26 and is due for completion in early 2019. But the ORNC – free to enter and open daily from 10am-5pm – needs another £2m to enable it to reach its £8m target. You can even sponsor a Square Foot of the project. Info:
gifted artist WE asked for your paintings of Greenwich…and here’s one we love. Peter Mitchell’s acrylic of a Thames Barge sailing past the Ahoy Centre. “It's just a hobby but one I'm trying to give a bit more time to,” says Peter. “I'm actually a hospital SEND US optometrist and a YOUR PAINTING professional Santa C l a u s . ” H e ’ s OF A PERFECT DAY definitely gifted! Send us a photo. Email:
GreenwichVisitor THE
Christmas Fair No4 in village THE popular Blackheath Christmas Fair returns for the fourth time this month. Fifty-two handpicked artisans, designers and foodmakers will be selling gifts from clothing to jewellery and ceramics to leather goods and artisan food and drink. There’s also Christmas bunting, cards and lights. There are free kids activities too. Last year 3,000 people visited The fair – organised by The Friends of Age Exchange – is at Blackheath Halls on Sunday November 20 (10.30-4.45). Entry is £2 (Friends and U16s are free). Info:
Advertisers appear on THE FAN our giant MUSEUM Supermap
miles hedley REVIEWS: the queen’s house The Queen’s House has graced the heart of historic Greenwich for exactly 400 years – but it’s been centuries since it looked as magnificent as it does today after its year-long refurbishment.
Its unrivalled Palladian exterior by Inigo Jones has been given a dazzling makeover. But it’s even better inside. Tu r n e r P r i z e - w i n n i n g a r t i s t Richard Wright has created a truly wonderful ceiling and frieze in the Great Hall, his gold-leaf patterns shimmering in the ever-changing light like exotic birds and flowers. And curator Christine Riding and her staff deserve undying plaudits for a brilliant rehang of the house’s art collection which shows off the pieces thematically and chronologically – and gives a contemporary relevance to what once felt backward-looking and a bit confused. The easy-to-follow new layout allows you to marvel at the newlyacquired Armada portrait of Elizabeth I, stand in awe in front of portraits by Kneller, Reynolds, Lely and – my favourite – Hogarth, delight in the landscapes by Canaletto and Turner, revel in the sweeping allegories of Gentileschi and Rubens, or even stare in disbelief at the pomposity of Gascar’s portrayal of the Duke of York as a god festooned in pink satin. Then only a room or two away you can enjoy the marvellous collection of 20th century works, none finer than LS Lowry’s 1959 View Of Deptford Power Station From Greenwich and Alan Wallis’s St Ives Harbour. And it’s not just the art and walls that have been brought back to life – the original smalt blue of the ironwork on the Tulip staircase and the Great Hall’s balustrade has also been lovingly restored. Such attention to detail perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the revamp. And there’s no doubt that the Queen’s House, Queen’s House, Romney Rd SE10 9NF one of the most important and beautiful buildings in Britain, deserves every last drop of it. A stunning achievement. Open daily: 10am MILES HEDLEY to 5pm. Free
a masterpiece of restoration
07802 743324
Panto Horse Race returns THE unique Panto Horse Race is back next month. In its seventh year, the race has a United Neightions theme with sponsored horses in the colours of different countries. Horses race from pub to pub in Greenwich town centre to raise money for this year ’s charity, The Sick Children’s Trust. Organiser Mark Biddiss says there is pre and post-race entertainment from Glenn Tillbrook, the NHS Choir and internet sensation The Singing Dentist as well as a Panto horse dance off. The event is on Sunday December 11. Enter at www.
November 2016 Page 7
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GreenwichVisitor November 2016 Page 6 THE
ELTHAM October 29 to November 20 2016
Greenwich Visitor Pull-Out Programme
JIM LAD: Youngster gets pirate face paint
Discover more on a walking tour See Page 11
CROWDED HOUSE: Shoppers enjoy choir music
IN TUNE: Eltham Arts Winter Festival 2016 kicks off in Passey Place with singer Santino Fabbicatore
HOOK OR CROOK?: Police check out villain from Hulviz’s Peter Pan
Pictures: Robert Piwko Photography
Second celebration of creative talent
The party’s started! ELTHAM’S second Winter Festival is in full swing – bringing a wonderful mix of live music, art, theatre, crafts and talks to audiences right across SE9.
The Festival began with a day of music and fun in Passey Place in Eltham town centre, writes REEVA CHARLES. Crowds were entertained by young stars of Hulviz’s Peter Pan among a host of performers. Over 150 events showcasing the creative spirit are being held in venues ranging from historical Eltham Palace and the Tudor Barn to pubs, parks, churches, libraries and private homes. CROC STAR: Performer meets public There are plays and musicals at The
Bob Hope Theatre, an Art Trail in shop windows, food events, a celebration of Diwali and a night of Opera with West End performer Elizabeth Key. And photographer Robert Piwko, who took our pictures of the opening day, has his own great photos around Eltham High Street. Many events are free – but some must be booked – and there’s something for all ages and interests. Last year’s Winter Festival – organised by community group Eltham Arts – was a huge success. And the signs already are that this will be another triumph. “The vision of Festival organisers Eltham Arts was to bring the community together through the arts,” says
organiser Gaynor Wingham. “We’ve have been bowled over at the enthusiasm shown already.” The fun goes on until November 20 when there is a Festival Finale event at the White Hart Inn, featuring entries in the food-themed Festival Song Challenge. The Eltham Arts Awards will also be made for special contributions to the arts in Eltham. Come along! You can read more about the Festival’s events in this special Greenwich Visitor pull-out programme, which has an event map and full listings. For updates visit Eltham Arts’ website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #ElthamWinFest2016.
Thursday nights are
Jazz nights See Page 10
ELTHAM ARTS October 31 to November 22 2015
ELTHAM ARTS October 31 to November 22 2015
November 2016 Page 10
SHARE WATERCOLOUR MOMENT AT the start of the 20th Century Eltham was home to a number of talented artists who captured the character of the old village Eltham before it transformed into a London suburb. On Saturday November 19 some of those beautiful watercolours – now in the Greenwich Heritage Centre collection – are on show at a free drop-in event at Eltham Library from 11am and 3pm. You can meet the curator and indulge your artistic side with activities for adults and children alike.
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Classes for all: Ballroom, Salsa, Rock ’n’ Roll, Zumba, Ballet, Tap & Street 1st Floor, 370 Footscray Road, New Eltham, SE9 2AA
Call Now 020 8294 1576
An Evening of Love and Betrayal Well known opera arias, trios and quartets performed by Elizabeth Key (right), Michael Robinson, Katy Batho, Andrew Macnair, John Bernays.
Eltham Park Baptist Church, Glenure Road Park Baptist Church, Glenure Road, Eltham SaturdayEltham November 12th 2016, 7.30pm SE9 1JE. Tickets £12 or £15 on the door. Email or book on
In aid of Eltham Arts
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12. 7.30PM Katy Batho ~ soprano Elizabeth Key ~ mezzo soprano Andrew Macnair ~ tenor John Bernays ~ bartione Michael Robinson ~ piano
TIME TO GET ART & ABOUT ART abounds in Eltham where we have great and unique gallery space that will host Winter Festival events. SE9 Container Gallery (below) is made from former sea containers. From November 5 artist Andy Jackson presents InsrtSHUTTER – urban art inspired by items including shops’ roller shutters. The Gerald Moore Gallery at Eltham College. And gives a talk about Abstract Art on November 12. There are Open Houses feature artist and ceramicist Sylvia Stevens in Glenhouse Road and glass artist Jean Bright in Heatherbank. Try painting and art too, with events for all ages. And look out for art and photography in shop windows and cafés around Eltham High Street which are part of the unique Art Trail. You can’t miss us!
DISCOVER HISTORIC SECRETS DID you know bird droppings built historic Avery Hill Mansion House? A fascinating Mansion House Tours – led by Dr Will Robley of the University of Greenwich – on November 19 also takes in the current The Mansion and the Colonel exhibition. Our 101-year-old Progress Estate (below), built for Royal Arsenal workers, is another architectural gem incorporating “arts and craft” ideals. Architectural historian Sir Nikolaus Pevsner called it “a tour de force of picturesque design.” Learn more on a Heritage Walk on November 13.
Dedicated to INSPIRATION: Kids from Hulviz rehearse for Peter Pan. Shirley (seated in main pic) was a devoted supporter
Food and FOOD is creative too! And to celebrate our diverse and wonderful community there are Festival foodie events from around the world. All About Taste – the independent coffee shop with lovely cakes and coffee in the daytime – has a Taste of Europe evening on November 4, with European Platters, writes REEVA CHARLES. And you can bring your own wine! The Nepalese community holds Taste of Nepal at Age UK Bromley & Greenwich on November 3, with a Chutney Challenge. Diwali falls in our Festival and so there’s a Taste of India event on November 5. There is Ready Steady Cook
GEM: The Long Pond
event on November 3. Some restaurants have special Festival Menus. And Kevin Godby – our wonderful local forager – follows his Gardening Talk on November 15 with A Walk for All Seasons f r o m E l t h a m Station to Eltham Park South on November 16, identifying edible plants. The Long Pond micropub is partnering with the event a second time with a special Beer
The White Hart Pub Carvery & Steakhouse AvAilAble for your funCTionS AnD PArTieS
2 eltham High Street Se9 1DA
0208 859 1562
reach customers advertise in next month’s greenwich visitor eltham arts winter festival coverage and reach here in eltham real readers right here. call chris bloy on 077719 05045 OR email CHRIS@TheGreenwichVisitor.coM
October 31 to November 22 2015
October 31 to November 22 2015
November 2016 Page 11
o a mum who gave us so much Talks to get perfect wife book
Festival. It has a Traditional Pub Singalong around a piano on November 1 with local pairing Pytchwood. And on November 15 it celebrates Songs of the Shows with Dangerous Dan Jenkins. Thursday nights are jazz nights – Eltham Jazz Club at Eltham Warren Golf Club. On November 3 star vocalist Tina May and sax and flute player Jimmy Hastings play with the local Hugh Ockenden Trio. On November 17 Alan Barnes
– award-winning Saxophonist and Organ Pops recital is at Holy clarinettist – joins them. Entry is Trinity Church on November 5 £10 (£5 for Golf Club Members) (7.30), including works by J S There is a free Evening of Easy Bach, and Louis Vierne. Tickets are J a z z f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f £8 on the door or call the Parish Greenwich Small Swing Band on office on 020 8859 6274. November 10 at the Avery Hill There’s live Music at the Arcade Campus. If you love folk in Eltham High Street on music you’ll love November 19. Hear a Rock FolkMob. The group Choir concert at the Bob has Festival nights Hope Theatre on Festival on November 2, 9 HOW well do you know Eltham? Finale Day – November a n d 1 6 . F i r s t Royal Eltham WI is organising a quiz 20 (£10) . guests are Hunter Singer/songwriters around Eltham town centre during Muskett on the Festival. Pick up the question have a culinary theme November 2 with form in libraries and other this year and their work locations and get walking. Have will be a highlight of the the usual Open a go! You may win Mic slots. FolkMob Festival Finale at the White a prize. is at Blackheath Hart that night, when music, Rugby Club in Kidbrook drink and food comes together. Lane. Info: www.folkmob See you there! Love classical? An Info
MUSICAL theatre company Hulviz had a sell-out Festival shows last year…and they have special reason to aim for a repeat performance this time round. The group’s Treasurer Shirley Smith (inset below) died in September after a six-year fight with breast cancer. She was part of the company since 1989 and on the committee since 2004. Daughter Claire Smith said: “She was one of life's genuinely kind and caring people who put everyone else before herself. “She was always on hand at rehearsals to make tea and lend an ear to anyone who had any problems or needed a chat. “Shirley worked tirelessly behind the scenes, doing everything from buying raffle prizes and rehearsal chocolates to sewing costumes and and worrying about ticket sales! “Goodness knows how much money she donated but she did it all for the love of a group she held so dear. “Hulviz has always promoted family and Shirley loved all the children that came through the group. “She would encourage and support them and took much pleasure from seeing them succeed and followed their lives as they matured into wonderful adults too. “Our most fitting tribute to her will be performances of Peter Pan to make her proud this November.” Hulviz – whose history goes back to 1929 – stages J.M. Barries’s classic at the Bob Hope Theatre on November 17, 18 and 19. Tickets www.bobhope 020 8850 3702 or Hulviz 0208 858 9803.
you talking BESTSELLER: Wendy Moore
THERE are lots of Festival talks aimed at helping you learn more about life and the amazing place where we live. Bestselling Eltham writer Wendy Moore discusses her new book How to Create a Perfect Wife on November 16 at Eltham Library. It’s a true story focusing on 16th Century education and the role of women. Wendy’s previous book Wedlock – which told how Georgian Britain’s worst husband met his match – was a huge success. Historical novelist Anne O’Brien speaks about her latest novel Queen’s Choice – set partly in Eltham Palace in the 15th Century – on November 8 at Eltham Library. A Festival first is a talk by Eltham resident Elizabeth Key on her Life and Work as an Opera Singer on November 3. The Eltham Society hosts a talk on Shadow of the Zeppelin by author and resident Bernard Ashley at Christ Church Hall on the same day followed by Art in the Life of Eltham Palace on November 14 at St Mary’s Centre. Walk, talk and learn more about the places in Eltham that inspired Railway Children author Edith Nesbitt on November 6 with Greenwich Get Walking. Learn about Palaces of South London at New Eltham Library on November 10 and Winter Gardening at Age UK in Sherard Road on November 15. See full listings on P15
ELDORADO’S EALING CLASSIC THE Bob Hope Theatre has had builders in… but nothing has stopped rehearsals for black comedy The Ladykillers by Eldorado Musical Productions. It’s adapted by Father Ted creator Graham Linehan from the classic Ealing comedy film. See it at The Bob Hope Theatre from November 2 to 5 (7.45pm).
GreenwichVisitor November 2016 Page 12 THE
Swing Bridge UP THE CREEK
Vintage Market
Trinity Laban
New Haddo Community Centre
Creekside Discovery Centre ARCHERY FIT
Advertisers not on map
GreenwichVisitor November 2016 Page 13 THE
Greenwich Centre
ELTHAM ARTS October 31 to November 22 2015
November 2016 Page 14
October 31 to November 22 2015
Use our map to find Eltham Winter Arts Festival events near you. Exact venue addresses and Art Trail points are listed, right.
Severndroog Castle
Jean Bright Open Studio
Please check the website and Twitter @ElthamArts for updates to events during the Festival. Advertise your event in November – email or call 07802 743324
St Luke’s Church Progress Hall
Club@ Well Hall Tudor Barn
Eltham Park Methodist Church Pottery On The Parade
Capital Art Gallery The Long Pond
Well Hall Pleasaunce
Sylvia Stevens Open Studio
Eltham Station Approach
Eltham Park Baptist Church
Age UK Bromley & Greenwich Eltham Police Station
Harris Greenwich Academy
Bob Hope Theatre Eltham Palace
Eltham Centre Library
Eltham C of E School
St John’s Church The White Hart
Eltham Park South Cafe
Eltham United GPO Reformed Church Passey Place
Shoe Care
Halifax PLC
Biscotti’s Cafe
Eltham Warren Golf Club Beyond The Fringe
Demelza Shop
Avery Hill Mansion House
Davis Framers SE9 Container Gallery
Where eltham’s art is! The Tarn
Gerald Moore Gallery
Eltham Arts Winter Festival venues Age UK Bromley & Greenwich 2-6 Sherard Rd SE9 5EX Avery Hill Mansion House Avery Hill Park, Bexley Rd, SE9 2PQ Beyond the Fringe 205 Eltham High St, Eltham SE9 1TS Biscotti’s 5 Pound Place, SE9 5DN Bob Hope Theatre Wythfield Road SE9 5GT CANE and New Eltham Library New Eltham SE9 3QT Capital Art Gallery, 13 Well Hall Parade, SE9 6SP Club@Well Hall Kidbrooke Lane, SE9 6TE Davis Framers 9 The Arcade, SE9 1BE Eltham Centre Library 2 Archery Rd, SE9 1HA Eltham C of E School Roper St, SE9 1TR Eltham Palace Court Yard, SE9 5QE Eltham Park Baptist Church Glenure Road SE9 1JE Eltham Park Methodist Church Westmount Road SE9 1XX Eltham Park South Cafe Glenesk Road SE9 1AG Eltham Police Station 20 Well Hall Road SE9 6SF
CANE & New Eltham Library
Eltham Station Approach Path Glenlea Road SE9 6SL Eltham Warren Golf Club Bexley Road, SE9 2PE Gerald Moore Gallery Mottingham Ln, Mottingham SE9 4RW Halifax 165-169 Eltham High Street, SE9 1TT Jean Bright Open Studio 4 Heatherbank, SE9 1NN Passey Place Eltham High Street, SE9 5DQ Pottery on the Parade 92-96 Westmount Road SE9 1UT Progress Hall Admiral Seymour Road, SE9 1SL SE9 Container Gallery St Thomas More RC School, SE9 2SU Severndroog Castle Castle Wood, Shooters Hill, SE18 3RT Shoe Care 196 Eltham High St, SE9 1BJ St John’s Church Eltham High Street SE9 1DH St Luke’s Church Westmount Road SE9 1XQ Sylvia Stevens Open Studio 52 Glenhouse Road SE9 1JQ The Eltham GPO, 4 Passey Place, SE9 5DQ The Long Pond, Westmount Road SE9 1UT. The Tarn, Court Road SE9 5AQ
The White Hart, 2 Eltham High Street SE9 1DA United Reformed Church 1 Court Rd SE9 5AD Well Hall Pleasaunce and Tudor Barn Well Hall Road, SE9 6SZ
Art Trail Venues
Biscotti’s 5 Pound Place SE9 5DN. Beyond the Fringe 205 Eltham High St SE9 1TS. CANE and New Eltham Library New Eltham SE9 3QT. Capital Art Gallery 13 Well Hall Parade SE9 6SP. Davis Framers 9 The Arcade SE9 1BE. Eltham Centre Library 2 Archery Rd SE9 1HA. Eltham Palace Court Yard SE9 5QE. Gerald Moore Gallery Mottingham Lane, Mottingham SE9 4RW. Halifax Plc 165-169 Eltham High Street SE9 1TT. SE9 Container Gallery St Thomas More R C School, SE9 2SU. Shoe Care 196 Eltham High St Eltham SE9 1BJ. Sylvia Stevens Open Studio 52 Glenhouse Rd SE9 1JQ. Tudor Barn Well Hall Road SE9 6SZ. The White Hart 2 Eltham High St SE9 1DA. Jean Bright Open Studio 4 Heatherbank SE9 1NN. Pottery on the Parade 92-96 Westmount Rd SE9 1UT.
ELTHAM ARTS October 31 to November 22 2015
November 2016 Page 15
Eltham Arts Winter Festival What’s On October 31 to November 22 2015
Tuesday 1 November
CRAFT U5s Messy Morning FREE. New Eltham Library & Coldharbour Library. 10-11 CRAFT Knit & Natter Make items to decorate a Festival Tree. Eltham Centre Library. 020 8921 3452 FREE. 2-4 games Board Games Festival New Eltham library FREE. 2-4 Art Tea and Piccies CANE (Community Assoc of New Eltham). FREE. 020 8850 7122 10.30-1 ART Portraits by Eltham Church of England Primary School pupils. FREE. 4-5.30 MUSIC Pytchwood Long Pond. Real ale. CAMRA award micropub. 020 8331 6767 FREE. 7.30
Wednesday 2 November
CRAFT Decorate a Festival Tree. Craft for kids aged 5 to 11. Eltham Centre Library 020 8921 3452 FREE. 3.45-4.45 MUSIC FolkMob Club at Well Hall. Bar, parking, disabled access. FREE. 8.30-11. THEATRE The Ladykillers by Eldorado, Bob Hope Theatre. Tickets www.bobhopetheatre. 7.45 Festival Quiz and Carvery for Eltham Arts. White Hart, Eltham High Street. Please support us! Booking essential £10 (inc carvery meal). 020 8850 9685 or at pub. Carvery from 6.30; Quiz 8.30
Thursday 3 November
Eldorado. Bob Hope Theatre. Tickets www.bobhopetheatre. 7.45 LIVE MUSIC GPO 020 8850 9685 FREE 8 FOOD Taste of Europe It’s All About Taste Coffee Shop. Bring your own wine or beer! Booking essential 0208 294 2141. 7-11
Saturday 5 November
Walking Tour St Luke’s Church FREE. Paid refreshments. Tours at 10.30 & 1 Meccano SHOW St Luke’s Church. FREE. 10 & 2 ART Datum and Insrts by Andy Jackson. SE9 Container Gallery FREE. 11-3 ART Won’t You Please by Rosemary Cronin Gerald Moore Gallery www.geraldmooregallery. org FREE. 12-4 CRAFT for Children all ages. Coldharbour Library. 020 8857 7346 FREE. 11- 12 FOOD Taste of India Celebrate Diwali at CANE. pragkmr@gmail. com 1.30-4.30. THEATRE The Ladykillers by Eldorado. Bob Hope Theatre. Tickets www.bobhopetheatre. 7.45 MUSIC Classical Music Organ Recital Holy Trinity Church. J S Bach, Herbert Howells and Louis VierneI. £8 on the door or email 020 8859 6274. 7.30 LIVE MUSIC GPO 8
Sunday 6 November
FOOD Ready Steady Cook by at Good Food in Greenwich Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, Sherard Road. FREE. 10-11 Food & culture Taste of Nepal at Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, Sherard Road. Including Nepal Chutney Challenge. FREE. 11-2 ART Tea & Piccies. CANE (Community Association of New Eltham). FREE. Inf: 020 8850 7122 10.30-1 CRAFT Adult Colouring Group Eltham Centre Library. 020 8921 3452 FREE. 10-11 CRAFT Knit & Natter Make a Festival Tree. New Eltham Library 020 8850 2322 FREE. 2-4 TALK My Life and Work as an Opera Singer by Eltham resident and singer Elizabeth Key. Eltham Centre Library. Info: 020 8921 3452 FREE. 3-4 Comedy & Curry White Hart. Book 020 8850 9685 or at pub. Curry 6.30; Comedy from 8. Theatre The Ladykillers by Eldorado Bob Hope Theatre. Tickets www.bobhopetheatre. 7.45 Talk Shadow of the Zeppelin by Bernard Ashley Eltham Society at Christ Church Hall. £2 non members. uk. 8 JAZZ Festival Jazz Nights Specials at Eltham Warren Golf Club. Hugh Ockenden Trio plus vocalist Tina May and sax Jimmy Hastings. £10 (Golf members £5) 07752 393228, 8-10.30
HERITAGE WALK Margaret Taylor. Eltham Society. Meet lychgate at St John’s Church, Eltham High St 11.20. FREE OPEN DAY Eltham Palace. Art deco & medieval palace 10-4. Tickets half price for Greenwich residents. www.english-heritage. Art & Craft Exhibition Tudor Barn. Hotchpotch 3. baileyhogg123@ FREE. 10-6 Literary Walk Greenwich Get Walking in steps of Railway Children author E Nesbit who lived at Well Hall Pleasaunce for 23 years. Meet Pleasaunce Park gate opposite Co-op. Walk and read extracts. 07972 668657. FREE 2-3.30 Music & Open Mic GPO 020 8850 9685. FREE. 8
Craft Messy Morning for u5s + carers New Eltham Library 020 8850 2322 FREE MUSIC Rhyme Time U5s with a play & stay at Coldharbour Library. 020 8857 7346 FREE. 10.30-11.30 Theatre The Ladykillers by
Tuesday 8 November
Friday 4 November
Sun 6 November
Art & Craft Fair Severn-droog Castle. 10.30-4.30
Monday 7 November
CrafT Messy Time Children U5 & carers. Eltham Centre Library. 020 8921 3452 FREE. 10-11. Knit & Natter FREE. 2.15-3.15. Crafty Kids (4+) 020 8857 7346 FREE. 4.15-5.15 TALK Royal Trains by Graham Payne CANE (Community Association of New Eltham). 020 8850 7122 £2.50. 2-3.30 Music Baby Rhyme Time New Eltham Library. FREE. 2.30-3 Craft Christmas Present Wrapping Workshop Pottery on the Parade. £20. 7-9. Tea and Piccies CANE (Community Assoc of New Eltham). FREE. 020 8850 7122 10.30-1 CrafT Messy Time Children U5 & carers. New Eltham library. 020
Friends of the Tarn
Christmas Singalong Mince pies, th fruit punch, children’s activites. Bring your family along!
30 October 2016 FREE EVENT
and make a Sunday Come 4 December 1-30pm-3.30pm
The Tarn, Court Road, Mottingham, SE9 5AQ
Festival Forage Collage 1.30pm – 3pm
8921 3452 FREE. 10-11. CRAFT Messy morning for u5s & carers. New Eltham Library & Coldharbour Library. FREE. 10-11 games Board Games Festival New Eltham library FREE. 2-4 Author Talk Historical novelist Anne O’Brien on latest novel Queens Choice – set partly in Eltham Palace. Eltham Library. FREE. 7
Weds 9 November
CRAFT for Kids age 5 to 11. Eltham Centre Library. FREE 3.45-4.45 FILM Multi-Cultural Toys Dr Mary Clare, University of Greenwich on research about children and toys in 21st Century. Avery Hill Mansion House Room 140. FREE. 1-3 MUSIC Festival FolkMob. Join in or listen. Bar, parking, disabled access. Club at Well Hall. 8.30-11.
Thursday 10 November
Art Tea and Piccies CANE (Community Assoc of New Eltham). FREE. 020 8850 7122 10.30-1 MUSIC Baby Rhyme Time New Eltham library FREE. 10.30-11 Craft Adult Colouring group Eltham Centre Library FREE. 10-11 CRAFT Knit & Natter New Eltham Library FREE. 2-4 ART Datum and Insrts by Andy Jackson. SE9 Container Gallery FREE. 5-8 Talk Palaces of South London by Bruce Jerram at CANE, New Eltham Library. £2.50. 7-8 ART Together & Apart by Amanda Streeter and Peter Richards Private View of new exhibition. Gerald Moore Gallery. Info: www. FREE All work for sale. 4-8 ART Secret Postcard Sale for Gerald Moore Gallery outreach programme. Info: 4-8 MUSIC Evening of Easy Jazz Small Swing Band Band led by Fred Parrett. Avery Hill Mansion House Common room. FREE. 8-9.30
Friday 11 November
Craft Messy Morning U5s and carers New Eltham Library FREE. 10.30-11.30 Music Rhyme Time U5s with a
play and stay Coldharbour Library. 020 8857 7346 FREE. 10.30-11.30 LIVE MUSIC GPO FREE. 8 CRAFT Contemporary Christmas Wreath Making Workshop. Pottery on the Parade, Westmount Road. £25. Info www. 7-9
Saturday 12 November
CRAFT Festive Family event by Artiday, Eltham Palace Visitors Centre £3. 10.30-12 ART Datum and Insrts by Andy Jackson. SE9 Container Gallery FREE 11-3. In Conversation with Danny Rolph Talk about the exhibition and abstract art in general FREE. 2-3. www.se9con ART Won’t You Please by Rosemary Cronin Gerald Moore Gallery www.geraldmooregallery. org FREE. 12-4 Open Studio Sylvia Stevens Ceramics & Artwork. 52 Glenhouse Rd SE9 1JQ. FREE 12-5 CRAFT Create an Eltham Wall Hanging throughout the Festival. Theme: What You Love About Eltham. All ages. . Eltham Library 11-12 FREE CRAFT Children of all ages at Coldharbour Library. FREE. 11-12 Opera An Evening of Love and Betrayal Covent Garden Voices charity concert for Eltham Arts. Eltham Park Baptist Church. £15 (£12 adv). 7.30 Live music GPO FREE. 8
Sunday 13 November
Remembrance Parade Eltham High St to St John’s Church. 11 OPEN DAY Eltham Palace. Art deco & medieval palace 10-4. Tickets half price for Greenwich residents. Open Studio Sylvia Stevens Ceramics & Artwork. 52 Glenhouse Rd SE9 1JQ. FREE 12-5 Heritage Walk Progress Estate Meet 2.30 Progress Hall, Admiral Seymour Road, Eltham SE9 1SL FREE (max 20 so book!) 07599 610262 LIVE MUSIC GPO. FREE. 8
Monday 14 November
CrafT Messy Time Children U5 & carers. Eltham Centre Library. 020 8921 3452 FREE. 10-11. Knit & Natter FREE. 2.15-3.15. Crafty Kids
(4+) 020 8857 7346 FREE. 4.15-5.15 Music Baby Rhyme Time New Eltham library. FREE. 2.30-3 CRAFT Knit & Natter group makeS decorations for Coldharbour Library Xmas tree FREE. 2.15-3.15 CRAFT Crafty Kids (4+) make decorations for Coldharbour Xmas tree. FREE. 4.15-5.15 TALK Art in the Life of Eltham Palace Historian David Sleep. Eltham Society. St Mary’s Centre.£2 incl. refreshments. Tickets 020 8850 2922. 7.30 MUSIC Special Eltham Arts Folk & Blues Night in the Bob Hope Theatre bar hosted by The Grizzly Mutts country/rock duo & guests Good Hearts. Bar. £2 entry plus voluntary donation for Eltham Arts. 7.30
Tuesday 15 November
Tea and Piccies CANE (Community Assoc of New Eltham). FREE. 020 8850 7122 10.30-1 Talk & demo Winter Garden-ing by Kevin Godby of Good Food in Greenwich. Age UK Sherard Road. FREE. 10.30-12.30 CRAFT Messy morning U5s + carers New Eltham Library & Coldharbour Library FREE. 10-11 games Board Games Festival New Eltham library FREE. 2-4 MUSIC Traditional Pub Singalong. Songs of the shows with Dangerous Dan Jenkins at vintage piano. The Long Pond. FREE. 7.30
Weds 16 November
Foraging A Walk for all Seasons with Kevin Godby. Identify trees and plants. Meet Eltham Station approach 11am. Walk to Eltham Park South Cafe. FREE CRAFT Kids age 5 to 11. Eltham Centre Library. FREE. 3.55-4.45 MUSIC Festival FolkMob. Join in or listen. Bar, parking, disabled access. Club at Well Hall. 8.30-11. QUIZ & CARVERY for Diabetes UK. White Hart (£10). Tickets 020 8850 9685 or at the pub. 6.30 meal; 8.30 quiz. TALK Author Wendy Moore on her latest book How To Create A Perfect Wife. Eltham Library. FREE. 7
Thursday 17 November
MUSIC Baby Rhyme Time New Eltham library FREE. 10.30-11 Art Tea and Piccies CANE (Community Assoc of New Eltham). FREE. 020 8850 7122 10.30-1 Craft Adult Colouring group Eltham Centre Library FREE. 10-11 CRAFT Knit & Natter New Eltham Library FREE. 2-4 CHRISTMAS Eltham Lights Up Street performers, live music, festive shopping, lantern procession and a Christmas light switch on. elthamlightsup. FREE. 4-7 THEATRE Peter Pan Bob Hope Theatre. Fun for all the family by Hulviz. Tickets or the White Hart. 7.30 MUSIC Festival Jazz Night Eltham Warren Golf Club with Hugh Ockendon Trio plus Alan Barnes (Sax & clarinet) £10 (Golf members £5) 8-10.30 SING Eltham Choral Society Open rehearsal for festive concert.
Eltham Park Method-ist Church FREE 7.30-9.30
Friday 18 November
Craft Messy Morning U5s and carers New Eltham Library FREE. 10.30-11.30 Music Rhyme Time U5s with a play and stay Coldharbour Library. 020 8857 7346 FREE. 10.30-11.30 THEATRE Peter Pan by Hulviz at Bob Hope Theatre. 7.30 CONCERT Greenwich Youth Band soloists. Eltham Park Methodist Church, West-mount Road, SE9 1XX £8 (£6 con) 7.30 LIVE MUSIC GPO FREE. 8
Saturday 19 November
THE Arcade Festival Eltham High St, SE9 1BE will have live music and Xmas decorations. ART Datum and Insrts by Andy Jackson. SE9 Container Gallery FREE 11-3. ART Won’t You Please by Rosemary Cronin Gerald Moore Gallery www.geraldmooregallery. org FREE. 12-4 CRAFT For Children All ages Coldharbour Library. FREE. 11-12 Open Studio Sylvia Stevens Ceramics & Artwork. 52 Glenhouse Rd SE9 1JQ. FREE 12-5 Tour & Exhibition Avery Hill Mansion House. Tour by Dr Will Robley, University of Greenwich. The Mansion and the Colonel – 125 Years at the Mansion, The North Family Home (1891-1896). Timeline of Avery Hill College (1906-2016). Meet Mansion House door 2. FREE. Exhibition of Avery Hill College Plays open during tour. FREE ART Eltham 100 Years Ago. Greenwich Heritage Centre’s watercolour curator and expert Jonathan Partington shows 20 wonderful and rarely exhibited paintings by our early 20th Century Eltham Artists. Eltham Library. FREE. 11-3 ART Family activity organised by Greenwich Heritage Centre related to the exhibition of the Eltham Artists at Eltham library. FREE. 11-3 THEATRE Peter Pan by Hulviz at Bob Hope Theatre. Tickets www. or White Hart. 2.30; 7.30 LIVE MUSIC GPO FREE. 8
Sunday 20 November
OPEN DAY Eltham Palace. Art deco & medieval palace 10-4. Tickets half price for Greenwich residents. Open Studio Sylvia Stevens Ceramics & Artwork. 52 Glenhouse Rd SE9 1JQ. FREE 12-5 MUSIC Rock Choir Concert for Bob Hope Theatre Building Project. Tickets £10 box office 020 8850 3702. 2.30 DANCE Tea Dance Martin Piper. Eltham Park Baptist Church £5. 3-5 Music & Open Mic. GPO. Anyone can play! Inf: 020 8850 9685. FREE. 8 Festival Finale Join us at The White Hart with singer/songwriters from our Festival Song Challenge + Eltham Arts Awards ceremony. 7.30 Events may be subject to change. Please check our website or on Twitter @ElthamArts
The Club at Well Hall, Kidbrooke Lane, Eltham SE9 6TE. Every Wednesday 8.30pm – 11pm. All sessions £1 inc free raffle ticket. Open mic session first Wednesday of the month. Singaround session other Wednesdays. Theme nights held on some Singaround sessions. All welcome – come along and perform or just listen. Visit our website to find out more:
GreenwichVisitor November 2016 Page 16 THE
Book your Christmas party Bookings now being taken for our private function room, please contact us to book your tables & events: 15% off on food for Greenwich Card holders Mon-Thu 12:00 – 17:00 Tel: 020 8269 0982 155 Trafalgar Road, Greenwich, London SE10 9TX
GreenwichVisitor November 2016 Page 17 THE
we test old and new curry TAKEAWAYS KASTURI: Refined flavours
DID you celebrate the 19th National Curry Week last month? There are way too many daft diary dates nowadays for my liking – do we really need much encouragement when it comes to Indian food?
I’ve found an Indian feast that really delivers
the comfort of my own home. Yes, it’s a tough life. But who to call? A classic? Or a new kids on the block? I know...both! Monday: Le Popadom in Greenwich High Road. I’ve heard good things. Strangely I couldn’t find a phone number, so I used Just Eat. The courier arrived right on time but never removed his or her helmet. Impersonal service, you might say. The food was reasonably priced. The Tandoori Mixed Grill (£8.60) was slightly bland, the Lamb Madras (£4.75) was a better option, though the chilli-pepper was masking
edited by
solange berchEmin Solange Berchemin, writer and blogger, is from Lyon, French capital of food, and has lived in London since 1993. Send food news to pebblesoup@gmail. com. Read her blog at
come dine with
Britain’s love affair with curry is around a century old and there are an estimated 10,000 curry houses across the country. But, of course, you don’t just go out for a curry. It’s the classic delivery food. Truth is the Indian restaurant business is facing difficulties. Standards seem to be slipping. There is, apparently, a shortage of chefs. And, frankly, you can make a great curry at home with excellent ingredients more widely available than ever.. But we’re lucky to have many good restaurants here, so we ought to use them. In fact you may recall we ran the Greenwich Curry Club Awards. Always near the top were places like Taste of Raj in Blackheath and Gurkha’s Inn on Colomb Street and The Coriander in Westcombe Park. Relative newcomers such as Mountain View, in Trafalgar Road and it’s near neighbour Pathiri are among restaurants being recommended. In fact, a restaurant in south east London has just been named Asian Restaurant of t h e Ye a r. . . but I’m not quite close enough for the Barbur, in Brockley, to deliver. So I decided to try a couple in
the rest of the flavours. A Peshawari Naan (£2.15) wasn’t very subtle and there were two free popadoms. Verdict: Nothing very wrong. But nothing that stood out despite strong online recommendations. Tuesday: Kasturi, in Charlton village, has moved here from the City of London where it won awards and was ranked in the UK’s Top 30 of the British Curry Awards. It specialises in Pakthoon cuisine which originates from the North West Frontier. I called and discussed their relatively small menu over the phone. My order was delivered on time 30 minutes later by a man with a face. The Lamb Madras (£6.95) was full of refined flavours. Dal-Dera Ismail Khan (£3.95) – black dal and herbs, cooked on a charcoal fire and a new dish to me which is always exciting – and an excellent Chicken Tikka Masala (£7.95) which no-one not bought up around an Indian kitchen could replicate. Verdict: The best Indian take away I’ve ever had. No kidding.
F you had the pleasure of devouring a melted cheese toastie at OnBlackheath from the Cheese Truck you’ll be delighted to know that owner Matthew Carver is opening a cheese bar at Arch 12 of Deptford Market Yard at the end of this month. I’ll have mine with Deptford Death Sauce, please! alking of cheese, I’ve had more feedback from very happy clients of All in A Pickle deli in Westmount Road, Eltham. Send me YOUR recommendations and ideas... reenwich Market’s Macmillan Coffee Morning cake winner took her inspiration from her favourite childhood book. Jewellery designer Abby Hering – who runs Beadoir – made a Greenwichthemed sponge clock from a recipe in her old Ladybird cook book her mum gave her when she was four years old! With melted chocolate numbers, whipped cream, cocoa ad lemon filling, clementine and white chocolate button edging it’s no wonder it impressed judges including top baker Paul Rhodes. he Vanbrugh Tavern in Greenwich has Yoga classes on Saturday morning. Yes, Yoga! Proceeds go to charities in Syria. ore bizarre food diary dates: It’s National Peanut Fudge Day on November 20. Make of that what you will.
festive lunches Join us for this seasonal menu served under a wonderful canopy of Christmas decorations in our Meridian Restaurant Served 5th-24th December 2 Course £19.50 / 3 Course £25.00
Live Dinner Events Enjoy a 3 Course Festive Dinner with great artists. Free bottle of ‘Les Boules’ wine between four £45
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An evening of authentic Motown, featuring Ian Ritchie on sax’, including hits made famous by Diana Ross and The Supremes, Mary Wells, Martha Reeves, Gladys Knight to name a few!
Montpelier Row, Blackheath SE3 0RW Tel: 020 8318 4321 Email:
November 2016 Page 18
miles hedley REVIEWS
Wayne’s world beaters
Zebeda Dadu, left, and Milly Namukasa as two of the wives of the same man in African Women, an uncompromising and important play – co-written by Namukasa and Essence Kasozi – about the virtual slavery at the heart of many polygamous marriages in certain tribal cultures. The drama, directed by Louisa Le Marchand at Greenwich Theatre, laid out a bleak picture of the pair’s daily life yet optimistically suggested a rosier future for them through empowering solidarity.
IT’S hard to recall a more thrilling hour in an auditorium than the one I spent watching Company Wayne McGregor revive the great choreographer ’s 2008 work Entity at Laban theatre. Nine dancers cast a hypnotic spell as they gave us a masterclass in the sheer beauty of physicality and movement. But as you would expect from McGregor, Entity is so much more than this. Inspired by investigations into artificial intelligence, the work makes extraordinary technical as well as artistic demands of its performers, who must combine the mechanical essence of automata with the sinuous and emotional capabilities of humans. The Laban dancers fulfilled his vision perfectly, a success encapsulated by an amazing sequence in which three dancers seem to become one being while at the same time striving MUHAMMAD ALI AND ME to maintain their THE Albany’s revamped theatre-in-theindividuality. round arena was given the perfect workIn a neat touch, two of out when Mojisola Adebayo staged – and them had links to Trinity starred in – a revival of her brilLaban – Catarina liant play Muhammad Ali And Carvalho has taught Me using a set resembling there and James a boxing ring. Pett was once an A packed house award-winning whooped and hollered as student. Adebayo drew a pitchAnd, of Read Miles Hedley’s perfect parallel between course, the sporting hero’s battle arts blog on McGregor himto overcome prejudice self is professor hedintheclouds. and Parkinson’s disease of choreography and the struggles of a gay at the world-class girl of African-Danish descent conservatoire. in 1970s’ Britain. What a treat that must Using archive footage of Ali’s legendbe for the students. And on ary fights and a storming soundtrack the basis of this show, what featuring iconic black artists such as a treat for those fortunate James Brown, Adebayo’s work exposed enough to see what he the racism, sexism and religious hatred creates.
Ali show is a knockout
of the time – and stressed its continuing relevance today. Adebayo was terrific as both the child and as Ali. She was magnificently supported by Charlie Folorunsho playing multiple roles including a British foster-mum and Ali’s trainer Angelo Dundee and by Jacqui Beckford whose part as a referee (domestic as well as boxing) cleverly doubled up as the performance’s BSL signer. Ali died earlier this year, so this reprise of a play written in 2008 had a special poignancy as a tribute to The Greatest. But when the audience were invited at the end to stand and applaud Ali’s memory, there’s no doubt they were also giving an ovation to Adebayo and her colleagues for a sensational entertainment served up with exactly the right amount of food for thought.
Want thousands of residents & visitors to know about your event in the local listings guide around? Email details and contact number to:
Tues November 1 MUSIC Andrew Hendrie Trumpet recital Old Royal Naval College chapel 1.05 PLAY Shakespeare Schools Festival Greenwich Theatre MUSIC Bastille O2 JAZZ Beats In The Bar Blackheath Halls 7.30 PLAY Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion Belarus Free Theatre, Albany 7.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 2 FAMILY Toddler Time Cutty Sark 10-11.30 PLAY Shakespeare Schools Festival Greenwich Theatre MUSIC Bastille O2 PLAY Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion Belarus Free Theatre, Albany 7.30 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms MUSICAL The Ladykillers Bob Hope Th 7.45 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 3 KIDS Pirate Hunt Severndroog Castle 12.30 MUSIC Isabel Kent, Abigail Fletcher Oboe/flute recital. St Alfege 1.05 PLAY Shakespeare Schools Festival Greenwich Theatre PLAY Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion Belarus Free Theatre, Albany 7.30 MUSICAL The Ladykillers Bob Hope Th 7.45 MUSIC Icarus Club Pelton Arms JAZZ Frances Wise Oliver’s Friday 4 KIDS Pirate Hunt Severndroog Castle 12.30 MUSIC Madeleine Pickering Violin recital. Charlton House 1 MUSIC Trinity Laban harps ORNC chapel 1.05 PLAY Shakespeare Schools Festival Greenwich Theatre FILM That Hamilton Woman (1941) NMM 6.30 MUSIC Legends Of 80s Disco IndigO2 MUSIC Selena Gomez O2 MUSIC Dale Watson Brooklyn Bowl PLAY Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion Belarus Free Theatre, Albany 7.30 MUSIC Icarus Club Mycenae Ho MUSICAL The Ladykillers Bob Hope Th 7.45 COMEDY Russell Kane Blackheath Halls 8 COMEDY John Robins, Rory O’Hanlon, Raymond & Mr Timkins Up The Creek JAZZ Psyz Maciek Oliver’s Saturday 5 COURSE Celebrity Journalism NMM 10-5 KIDS Ahoy Captain! Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 FAMILY Rangoli Patterns NMM 11.30am, 2 MUSIC Catherine Lee Cello. St Alfege 1.05 TEA DANCE Borough Hall 2 PLAY Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion Belarus Free Theatre, Albany 2.30, 7.30 MUSICAL The Ladykillers Bob Hope Theatre 2.30, 7.45 RUGBY Blackheath v O Albanians Well Hall 3 MUSIC Bring Me The Horizon O2 COMEDY Ninia Benjamin, Damo Clark, Imran Yusuf, Raymond & Mr Timkins Up The Creek
Lubberly day out for families LANDLUBBERS MARITIME FOLK FESTIVAL IF you’re partial to hornpipes, jigs, shanties, ballads and laments – and I am – the day-long Landlubbers’ Maritime Folk Festival staged by the Royal Museums Greenwich was a notto-be-missed treat. The family-friendly daylight events took place around the National Maritime Museum and featured a succession of fine singers and instrumentalists performing tunes with a nautical bent. I was particularly drawn to the seven singers of Shotley Crue (great name) and to the 36 members of the South East London Folk Orchestra, whose set included the theme to TV’s Captain Pugwash and a stonking version of
Woody Guthrie’s Shipping Up To Boston (To Find My Wooden Leg). And for younger visitors there was a marvellous dance-along session with Ceilidh Tree, whose guitar, squeezebox and fiddle version of The Surfaris’ Wipe Out! was nothing less than fabulous. Elsewhere in the museum, rapt children were entertained with stories about sea-monsters and ships’ figureheads, author Rachel Lichtenstein talked about her new Thames-themed book Estuary and there was a workshop on how to make a ship in a bottle. In the evening the action transferred to the Cutty Sark where the Nest
Collective curated a brilliant selection of tunes performed by a brilliant selection of artists. Highlights included Emily Mae Winters’ wonderful The Siren’s Serenade, the City Shanty Band’s uproarious drinking songs and The Norfolk Broads’ version of Nick Cave’s spooky Where The Wild Roses Grow. Lisa Knapp’s rendition of The Norroway Maid was heartbreakingly lovely. But the real star of the show was, as ever, Cutty Sark herself. All the musicians were in awe of the venue and the view from her prow of the illuminated towers of Canary Wharf was to die for.
Lessons in love from all 14 G&S operettas, including a complete performance of
TRIAL B Y JURY Fri 25 Nov, 8pm Sat 26 Nov, 3.30pm & 8pm St Alfege Church, Greenwich Church St, SE10 9BJ Tickets: £12 Box office: 020 8294 2939, (under-16s £8)
GreenwichVisitor THE
November 2016 Page 19
November GREENWICH/BRETAGNE John Bangs’ paintings at Made in Greenwich gallery, Nov 11-20
JAZZ David Angol Oliver’s Sunday 6 FAMILY Low-Tide Walk Creekside Discovery Centre 10.30 FAMILY Craft Fair Severndroog Castle 11 KIDS Ahoy Captain! Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 FAMILY Rangoli Patterns NMM 11.30am, 2 MUSIC Kojo IndigO2 TALENT Something for Sunday Vanbrugh 7 MUSIC St John Passion Blackheath Halls 7.30 Monday 7 MUSIC Cimorelli Brooklyn Bowl PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 8 MUSIC Joe Howson Piano. ORNC chapel 1.05 PLAY Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion Belarus Free Theatre, Albany 7.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter PLAY The Seagull London Th 8 JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 9 FAMILY Toddler Time Cutty Sark 10-11.30am PERFORMANCE Give Me Back My Broken Night Deptford Lounge 6.30, 8.30 PLAY Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion Belarus Free Theatre, Albany 7.30 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms PLAY The Seagull London Th 8 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 10 MUSIC Royal Greenwich International Early Music Festival Blackheath Halls KIDS Pirate Hunt Severndroog Castle 12.30 MUSIC Trinity Laban Percussion St Alfege 1.05 PERFORMANCE Give Me Back My Broken Night Deptford Lounge 6.30, 8.30 READING The Crystal Egg Royal Obs 6.30 MUSIC Wefunk Radio Night Brooklyn Bowl MUSIC Icarus Club Pelton Arms PLAY Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion Belarus Free Theatre, Albany 7.30 PLAY The Seagull London Th 8
JAZZ Beats In The Bar Oliver’s Friday 11 MUSIC Royal Greenwich International Early Music Festival Blackheath Halls ART Greenwich/Bretagne by John Bangs Made in Greenwich, Creek Rd till Nov 20 KIDS Pirate Hunt Severndroog Castle 12.30 MUSIC Royal College of Music recital Charlton House 1 MUSIC Emma Walker, Tetsuya Yasuda Piano recital. Old Royal Naval College chapel 1.05 ASTRONOMY Evening With The Stars Royal Obs from 5.25 PERFORMANCE Give Me Back My Broken Night Deptford Lounge 6.30, 8.30 HISTORY Your Devoted Frank A WWI soldier’s love letters. Charlton House 6.30 MUSIC Mixer Hit Festival IndigO2 MUSIC Acoustic Night GFMA Mycenae House 7 PLAY The Blaze Of Noon Fan Museum 7 MUSIC The Bohemians Brooklyn Bowl PLAY Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion Belarus Free Theatre, Albany 7.30 DANCE Quang Kien Van: Lunar Shadows Borough Hall 7.45 MUSIC Jazz Night Mycenae House 8 PLAY The Seagull London Th 8 COMEDY Kevin McCarthy, Dane Baptiste, The Noise Next Door Up The Creek JAZZ Ofer Landsberg Oliver’s Saturday 12 BOOK SALE Age Exchange, Blackheath 10-4 MUSIC Royal Greenwich International Early Music Festival Blackheath Halls KIDS Owl & The Pussycat Mycenae House 11 KIDS Meet James Robson Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 PLAY Tomorrow I Was Always A Lion Belarus Free Theatre. Albany 2.30, 7.30 ASTRONOMY Evening With The Stars Royal Obs from 5.25 MUSIC Jacob Collier Brooklyn Bowl CONCERT Thomas Tallis Society St Alfege 7.30 OPERA La Bohème Cutty Sark 8
PLAY The Seagull London Th 8 COMEDY Michael Legge, Dane Baptiste, Peter White, The Noise Next Door Up The Creek Sunday 13 TENNIS ATP World Tour Finals O2 FAMILY Light Up Winter Severndroog Castle 10.30 KIDS Meet James Robson Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS Penguin! Elephant! Albany 1, 3 JAZZ Shapeshifter Blackheath Halls 6 PLAY The Seagull London Th 6 MUSIC D’Banj IndigO2 TALENT Something for Sunday Vanbrugh 7 Monday 14 TENNIS ATP World Tour Finals O2 MUSIC An-Ting Chang Piano recital Blackheath Halls 1.10 MUSIC Folk & Blues Bob Hope Theatre 7.30 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 15 TENNIS ATP World Tour Finals O2 MUSIC Svyatoslav Antipov, Kyle Nash Baker Piano recital. ORNC chapel 1.05 MUSIC Turn It Loose! Brooklyn Bowl PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 JAZZ Beats In The Bar Blackheath Halls 7.30 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 16 FAMILY Toddler Time Cutty Sark 10-11.30am TENNIS ATP World Tour Finals O2 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms
Fri 18 November - Sun 8 January BOX OFFICE 020 8858 7755 WWW.GREENWICHTHEATRE.ORG.UK
JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 17 TENNIS ATP World Tour Finals O2 KIDS Pirate Hunt Severndroog Castle 12.30 MUSIC Trinity Laban Saxophone Choir St Alfege 1.05 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th WORKSHOP Seduction And Celebrity NMM 6.30 MUSIC Big Girls Don’t Cry IndigO2 MUSIC From JS Bach To Stevie Wonder Blackheath Halls 7.30 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 MUSICAL Peter Pan Bob Hope Theatre 7.45 MUSIC Icarus Club Pelton Arms JAZZ Beats In The Bar Oliver’s Friday 18 FAMILY Toddler Takeover Cutty Sark 10-2 TENNIS ATP World Tour Finals O2 KIDS Pirate Hunt Severndroog Castle 12.30 MUSIC Hawksmoor Wind Ensemble Charlton House 1 TALK Mike Thomas: Famous People of Woolwich Bakehouse Theatre 1 FAMILY The Nutcracker Mycenae House 1, 3 MUSIC Henry Fynn Percussion. ORNC chapel 1 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2 TALK Lisa Morgan: Christmas Surprise Blackheath Flower Club, Mycenae House 2 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th CHARITY Mycenae Soup Mycenae House 7 DANCE Phoenix Dance Theatre Laban 7 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 MUSIC Jazzsounds GFMA. Charlton House 7.30 TALK Dr Adam Masters Blackheath Scientific Society, Mycenae House 7.45 MUSICAL Peter Pan Bob Hope Theatre 7.45 MUSIC Fisherman’s Friends Cutty Sark 8
COMEDY Lloyd Giffith, Chris Betts, Carl Donnelly Up The Creek JAZZ CDavid Angol Oliver’s Saturday 19 TENNIS ATP World Tour Finals O2 SALE Amnesty International Book Sale Church of the Ascension, Dartmouth Row. 10-4 MUSIC Meet Jock Willis Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 FAMILY The Nutcracker Mycenae House 1, 3 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 MUSICAL Peter Pan Bob Hope Th 2.30, 7.45 FOOTBALL Charlton Athletic v Port Vale. Valley 3 RUGBY Blackheath v Loughboro’ Well Hall 3 KIDS The Selfish Giant Blackheath Halls 3 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 3.30, 6.30, 8.30 FILM Forbidden Planet (1956) Royal Obs 6.30 MUSIC Mayer Hawthorne Brooklyn Bowl DANCE Phoenix Dance Theatre Laban 7 MUSIC Blackheath Goes Gospel Blackheath Halls 7.30 MUSIC Anniversary Concert Cutty Sark 8 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th MUSIC The Wailers IndigO2 MUSIC Fisherman’s Friends Cutty Sark 8 COMEDY Maff Brown, Dana Alexander, Angela Barnes, Carl Donnelly Up The Creek JAZZ Big Bad Wolf Oliver’s Sunday 20 FAMILY Xmas Fair Blackheath Halls 10.30-4.45 TENNIS ATP World Tour Finals O2 KIDS Ahoy Captain! Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS Pirate Hunt Severndroog Castle 12.30 FAMILY The Nutcracker Mycenae House 1, 3 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th MUSIC Shalamar IndigO2 TALENT Something for Sunday Vanbrugh 7
Monday 21 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 MUSIC Jette Parker Young Artists Blackheath Halls 7.30 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 22 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 10 MUSIC Tamesis Trio ORNC chapel 1.05 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th PUBLIC MEETING Greenwich Park Revealed West Greenwich Library 7 JAZZ Beats In The Bar Blackheath Halls 7.30 MUSIC Rod Stewart O2 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter Wednesday 23 FAMILY Toddler Time Cutty Sark 10-11.30 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 10 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th PARADE Xmas Lanterns Greenwich Market 4 PERFORMANCE Team Rowland Brooklyn Bowl MUSIC Instrumental Gala Blackheath Halls 7 MUSIC Elvis In Concert O2 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 24 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 10 KIDS Pirate Hunt Severndroog Castle 12.30 MUSIC Trinity Laban Chamber Choir St Alfege 1
Continued on Page 20
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November 2016 Page 20
Albany, Deptford Lounge: Douglas Way SE8 4AG. 020 8692 4446 Bakehouse Theatre: Age Exchange, Blackheath Village SE3 9LA. 020 8318 9105 Blackheath Conservatoire: 19-21 Lee Rd SE3 9RQ. 020 8852 0234 Blackheath Halls: 23 Lee Road SE3 9RQ. 020 8463 0100. Bob Hope Theatre: Wythfield Rd SE9 5TG. 020 8850 3702. The Centre: New Eltham Methodist Ch, Footscray Rd. Charlton House: Charlton Rd SE7 8RP. 020 8856 3951 Churchill Theatre: High St, Bromley BR1 1HA. 0844 871 7620 Clarendon Hotel: Montpelier Row SE3 0RW. 020 8318 4321. Creekside Discovery Centre: Creekside SE8 0208 692 9922 The Duke: 125 Creek Rd SE8 3BU. 020 8469 8260 The Eltham Centre: 2 Archery Road SE9 1HA. 020 8921 4344 Eltham Palace: Court Yard SE9 5QE. 020 8294 2548. The Forum: Trafalgar Rd SE10 9EQ. 0208 853 5212. Greenwich Communications Centre: 164 Trafalgar Rd SE10 9TZ. 020 8269 2103 Greenwich Dance: Borough Hall SE10 8RE. 020 8293 9741 Greenwich Heritage Centre: Artillery Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich SE18 4DX Greenwich Theatre: Crooms Hill SE10 8ES. 020 8858 7755. Greenwich West Community Centre: 141 Greenwich High Rd SE10 8JA Laban Theatre: Creekside SE8 3DZ. 020 8463 0100 London Th: 443 New Cross Rd SE14 6TA. 020 8694 1888. Made In Greenwich: 324 Creek Rd SE10 9SW Mycenae House: 90 Mycenae Rd SE3 7SE 020 8858 1749 National Maritime Museum: Romney Rd, SE10 9BJ 020 8858 0045 02, Indig02, Building 6, Brooklyn Bowl: 0844 8560202 Old Royal Naval Coll, Discover: SE10 9LW. 020 8269 4799 Oliver’s: 9 Nevada St SE10 9JL. 020 8858 3693 Pelton Arms: 23-5 Pelton Street SE10 9PQ 020 8858 0572. Prince Of Greenwich: 72 Royal Hill SE10 8RT 020 8692 6089 St Alfege: Greenwich Church St. 020 8853 0687. Severndroog Castle: Off Shooters Hill SE18 3RT. The Star And Garter: 60 Old Woolwich Rd SE10 9NY. 020 8305 1144 Steinberg Studio: 137 Vanbrugh Hill SE10 9HP. Tramshed Theatre: 51-53 Woolwich New Rd SE18 6ES. 020 8854 1316 Trinity Laban: King Charles Court SE10 9JF. 020 8463 0100. Up The Creek (UTC): 302 Creek Rd SE10 9SW. 020 8858 4581. Woodlands Farm Trust: 331 Shooters Hill Rd, Welling DA16 3RP 020 8319 8900
MARKETS Greenwich Market: 10-5.30. Sat and Sun: Arts & crafts, food, fresh produce. Tues, Wed: Food, fresh produce, homewares. Thurs: food, antiques & collectables, crafts. Fri: Food, arts & crafts, antiques & collectibles Greenwich Vintage Market: 8am-6pm Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun. Moonlight market 8am-10pm last Friday of the month Clocktower Market: 166 Greenwich High Rd. Sat, Sun 10-4. 50 quirky stalls specialising in vintage, retro and antiques. 07940 914204 Blackheath Farmers’ Market: Blackheath Station, 10-2 every Sun. EXHIBITIONS/CRAFTS/COMMUNITY Royal Obs: Astronomy Photographer Of The Year. Fan Museum: Town & Country: History of Architecture & Fans. Till Dec 31. 12 Crooms Hill. 020 8305 1441 Old Royal Naval College: Blackheath Art Soc exhibition Oct 15-Dec 18. Stephen Lawrence Gallery: 10 Stockwell St SE10 9BD. 0202 8331 8260 Blackheath Halls: Art exhibition: LSAD Adult Learning Nov 1-30 Age Exchange: Carers’ group Mon, knitters Thurs, preschool rhyme-time Fri. Old Bakehouse, Bennett Pk SE3 9LA. Nat Maritime Museum: Emma Hamilton: Seduction And Celebrity. Till Apr 17. Made In Greenwich: John Bangs exhibition Nov 11-20 324 Creek Rd SE10. 020 8293 9823 Blackheath Bowling Club: Practice every Thus 2.30 nr Ranger’s House The Forum: Disabled drop-ins, mums’ groups, kids’ classes, advice. Trafalgar Rd SE10 9EQ. 020 8853 5212 Greenwich Heritage Centre: Artillery Square SE18 4DX. 020 8854 2452 WALKS Greenwich Guided Walks: Local experts. Walks daily at 12.15 and 2.15 from the Greenwich Tourist Information Centre. £8, £7 cons. Greenwich Tour Guides Association 07575772298 Rich Sylvester: Guide, historian, storyteller. 07833 538143. Dotmaker: Alternative guided walks. FAMILY ACTIVITIES National Maritime Museum: Explore Saturdays. Free. Performance and storytelling for over-5s from noon. Discover Sundays. Free. Activities for families from 11.30am. Play Tuesdays. Free. For under-5s from 10.30
TALK Andy McConnell Blackheath Decorative & Fine Arts Society, St Mary’s Church Hall 2.30 WORKSHOP Astrophotography Royal Obs 5.30 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th MUSIC Alter Bridge O2 BOOK LAUNCH Turn/Return Poems by Jan Fortune. Made In Greenwich 6.30 MUSIC Instrumental Gala Blackheath Halls 7 DANCE Botis Seva: Woman Of The Sun Laban 7.30 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 MUSIC Icarus Club Pelton Arms JAZZ Beats In The Bar Oliver’s Friday 25 VOLUNTEER Dig-In Greenwich Park 9.30am STUDY Inigo Jones & The Queen’s House NMM 10-4.30 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital Bakehouse Theatre, noon KIDS Pirate Hunt Severndroog Castle 12.30 OPERA The Medium Charlton House 1 MUSIC Béatrice de Larragoiti, Lars Fischer Song recital. ORNC chapel 1.05 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th MUSIC Emily Gray Mezzo. Blackheath Halls 6 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 7 MUSIC Whitney: Queen Of The Night IndigO2 MUSIC Tribute Wars Brooklyn Bowl MUSIC Rod Stewart O2 DANCE Botis Seva: Woman Of The Sun Laban 7.30 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 OPERETTA Trial By Jury Centenary Company, St Alfege 8. Tickets £12/£8 020 8294 2939 COMEDY Dominic Frisby, Tez Ilyas, Roger Monkhouse Up The Creek JAZZ Nick Anderson Oliver’s Saturday 26 MUSIC Meet Nannie The Witch Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 FAMILY Drop-In Wildlife Cntr, Greenwich Pk 1 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 FOOTBALL Charlton v Sheffield Utd. Valley 3 OPERETTA Trial By Jury St Alfege 3.30, 8. Tickets £12/£8 from 020 8294 2939 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 3.30, 6.30, 8.30 MUSIC The Stylistics IndigO2 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th MUSIC Rod Stewart O2 COMEDY John Newton, Andrew Ryan, Tez Ilyas, Roger Monkhouse Up The Creek JAZZ Wild Card Oliver’s Sunday 27 FAMILY Dragons Severndroog Castle 10.30 MUSIC Clare Hammond Piano recital. Blackheath Halls 11 KIDS Ahoy Captain! Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 TALK Joe Swift Blackheath Halls 3 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 5 PERFORMANCE Lewisham Fringe London Th MUSIC Simply Red O2 TALENT Something for Sunday Vanbrugh 7 Monday 28 MUSIC Turning Of The Year Blackheath Halls 6.30 MUSIC Justin Bieber O2 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 29 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 10, 2 MUSICAL A Christmas Carol Tramshed MUSIC Trinity Laban recital ORNC chapel 1.05 MUSIC Turning Of The Year Blackheath Halls 6.30 MUSIC Justin Bieber O2 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 PLAY Charley’s Aunt London Th 8 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Beats In The Bar Oliver’s Wednesday 30 FAMILY Toddler Time Cutty Sark 10-11.30am PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 10, 2 MUSIC Turning Of The Year Blackheath Halls 6.30 MUSICAL A Christmas Carol Tramshed MUSIC Jess Glynne O2 MUSIC 112 IndigO2 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms PLAY Charley’s Aunt London Th 8 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thurs December 1 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 10, 2 MUSIC Trinity Laban guitars St Alfege 1.05 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 MUSIC Trinity Laban Chamber Choir/Shapeshifter Blackheath Halls 7.30 MUSIC Pete Tong’s Ibiza Classics O2 PLAY Charley’s Aunt London Th 8 MUSIC Icarus Club Pelton Arms JAZZ Beats In The Bar Oliver’s Friday 2 MUSIC Royal College of Music flutes/harps Charlton House 1 MUSIC Trinity Laban Wind Ensemble Old Royal Naval College chapel 1.05
PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 MUSIC Grime II IndigO2 MUSIC ParallaxO9 Blackheath Halls 7.30 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 7.30 PLAY Charley’s Aunt London Th 8 MUSIC Yolanda Eyama Oliver’s Saturday 3 KIDS Santa’s Grotto The Exchange 10-12.30, 1-3.30 KIDS Meet James Robson Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 RUGBY Blackheath v Macclesfield Well Hall 3 KIDS Jack Frost Blackheath Halls 3 PERFORMANCE The Residents Albany 3.30, 6.30, 8.30 FILM The Martian Royal Obs 6.30 MUSIC Christmas C2C Brooklyn Bowl MUSIC The Dualers IndigO2 PLAY Charley’s Aunt London Th 8 MUSIC Yolanda Eyama Oliver’s Sunday 4 FAMILY Xmas Fair Woodlands Farm Trust 11-3 KIDS Meet James Robson Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 1, 5 KIDS Annie Jr Bob Hope Theatre 1, 5 PLAY Charley’s Aunt London Th 5 TALENT Something for Sunday Vanbrugh 7 Monday 5 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Save The Children Xmas Concert Old Royal Naval College chapel 7 MUSIC Red Hot Chilli Peppers O2 MUSIC Rude Health King Charles Court, Old Royal Naval College 7 JAZZ Beats In The Bar Blackheath Halls 7.30 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 6 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Trinity Laban Strings ORNC chapel 1.05 MUSIC Red Hot Chilli Peppers O2 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter MUSIC Cabaret Playroom Albany 7.30 JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 7 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 10, 2 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Trinity Laban Jazz Choir & Ensemble
December HAVE AN ICE DAY Disney On Ice the O2 from Weds December 21
Blackheath Halls 7.30 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 8 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 10, 2 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Trinity Laban Sinfonia Strings St Alfege 1.05 MUSIC Rude Health King Charles Court, Old Royal Naval College 7 MUSIC Biffy Clyro O2 MUSIC Trinity Laban Wind Orchestra Blackheath Halls 7.30 MUSIC Icarus Club Pelton Arms Friday 9 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Antonio Oyarzabal Piano recital. Charlton House 1 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal Observatory from 5.25 MUSIC Frankly Sinatra IndigO2 MUSIC Rude Health King Charles Court ORNC 7 MUSIC Richard Ashcroft O2 Saturday 10 MUSIC Meet Nannie The Witch Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 FAMILY Low-Tide Walk Creekside Centre 1.30 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 KIDS A Christmas Carol Blackheath Halls 3
PERFORMANCE Baba Yaga (in Russian) London Th 2, 6 DANCE Xmas Cabaret Borough Hall 3.30, 7.30 ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal Obs from 5.25 MUSIC Motown Magic IndigO2 MUSIC Madness O2 MUSIC Every Time I Die Brooklyn Bowl DISCO Haven’t Stopped Dancing Yet! Blackheath Halls 7.30 Sunday 11 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 11, 2 MUSIC Meet Nannie The Witch Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 CHARITY London Pantomime Horse Race King William Walk to Royal Hill, from 11. Afterparty at Prince of Greenwich from 2.30 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 1, 5 TALENT Something for Sunday Vanbrugh 7 MUSIC Status Quo O2 MUSIC Glenn Tilbrook Blackheath Halls 8 Monday 12 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Folk & Blues Bob Hope Theatre 7.30 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 13 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7
GreenwichVisitor THE
Monday 19 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Lana Trotovsek, Boris Bizjak, Masumi Yamamoto Violin, flute, harpsichord. Blackheath Halls 1.10 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 7 MUSIC The Game IndigO2 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 20 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter Wednesday 21 TEA DANCE Blackheath Halls 1.30 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 POETRY/MUSIC Solstice Shorts Made In Greenwich 6 FAMILY Disney On Ice: Frozen O2 6.30 Thursday 22 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Meet Nannie The Witch Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Th 2, 7 FAMILY Disney On Ice: Frozen O2 2.30, 6.30 MUSIC Icarus Club Pelton Arms Friday 23 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 FAMILY Disney On Ice: Frozen O2 10.30, 2.30, 6.30 MUSIC Meet Nannie The Witch Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 MUSIC Go West, Nik Kershaw IndigO2 Saturday 24 FAMILY Disney On Ice: Frozen O2 10.30, 2.30 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 11, 1, 3 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 1, 5 Sunday 25 HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Monday 26 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 1, 5 FAMILY Disney On Ice: Frozen O2 2.30, 6.30 Tuesday 27 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 11, 2 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 FAMILY Disney On Ice: Frozen O2 2.30, 6.30 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter
JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 28 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 11, 2 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 FAMILY Disney On Ice: Frozen O2 2.30, 6.30 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 29 FAMILY Disney On Ice: Frozen O2 10.30, 2.30, 6.30 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 11, 2 KIDS Meet James Robson Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 MUSIC Icarus Club Pelton Arms Friday 30 FAMILY Disney On Ice: Frozen O2 10.30, 2.30, 6.30 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 11, 2 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3 KIDS Ahoy Captain! Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 MUSIC Ghana Festival IndigO2 PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Th 7.30 Saturday 31 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 11, 3 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 11, 2 MUSIC Meet Jock Willis Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3 PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Th 2, 5 Sunday January 1 KIDS Meet James Robson Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 Monday 2 KIDS Meet James Robson Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3
Londonʼs most popular Xmas shopping fair is back!
November 2016 Page 21
TriniTy Laban ConservaToire of MusiC & danCe
MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 14 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 15 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 MUSIC Bowie Experience IndigO2 MUSIC The 1975 O2 POETRY/MUSIC Chill Pill: The Big One Albany 8 MUSIC Icarus Club Pelton Arms 8 Friday 16 VOLUNTEER Dig-In Greenwich Park 9.30 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 10.30, 1 MUSIC Royal Greenwich Brass Band Charlton House 1 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 MUSIC The Overtones IndigO2 MUSIC Xmas Concert Blackheath Halls 7.30 MUSIC The 1975 O2 SOCIAL Members Evening Blackheath Scientific Society, Mycenae House 7.45 DANCE Silent Disco Cutty Sark 8.30 Saturday 17 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 11, 2, 7 MUSIC Meet Jock Willis Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS Horatia’s Story NMM 12, 1, 3 FAMILY Drop-In Greenwich Pk Wildlife Cntr 1 TEA DANCE Borough Hall 2 FOOTBALL Charlton Ath v P’borough. Valley 3 MUSIC Fatboy Slim O2 MUSIC The Overtones IndigO2 PLAY Muerte Accidental De Un Anerquista (in Spanish) London Th 8 MUSIC Something’s Gonna Happen Albany 9.30 Sunday 18 FAMILY Snowflake Crowns and Pomanders Severndroog Castle 10.30 MUSIC Meet Jock Willis Cutty Sark 11, 12, 1.30, 2.30 KIDS The Snail & The Whale Albany 11, 2 MUSIC John Lenehan Piano. Blackheath Halls 11 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 1, 5 FILM/BALLET The Nutcracker From the Bolshoi. Greenwich Picturehouse 3 MUSIC Red Hot Chilli Peppers O2 TALENT Something for Sunday Vanbrugh 7
fri 2 & saT 3 deC 14.30h & 19.30h
The CloCkmaker’s DaughTer “An engaging, absorbing, fantastical musical” British Theatre ****
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A brand new production of the show that took the musical theatre world by storm when it premiered last year.
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Continued on Page 22
e e s l e h C 6 1 0 2 � � r i a F i i G a a m t s i r Ch Continued on Page 22
Over 85 exhibitors all under one roof.
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A unique destination for a different form of artistic creativity. Inspired by Africa.
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PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Th 2 PLAY The Good Person Of Szechwan London Th 5 FOOTBALL Charlton v Bristol Rovers. Valley 3 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 COMEDY Impractical Jokers O2 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 Monday 16 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 3 Tuesday 17 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s WORKSHOP Buying A Telescope Royal Obs 7 Wednesday 4 TALK Stewart Ash Greenwich Industrial PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 7 History Society. Old Bakehouse 7.30 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms MUSIC English folk Star & Garter JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Wednesday 18 Thursday 5 JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s Thursday 19 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 7 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 Friday 6 Friday 20 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Th 2, 7 PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Th 7.30 ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal TALK Dr Monica Marinescu Blackheath Obs from 5.25 Scientific Society. Mycenae House 7.45 MUSIC Breakwater Brooklyn Bowl Saturday 21 PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Th 7.30 PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Th 2, 5 Saturday 7 FOOTBALL Charlton v Scunthorpe. Valley 3 PANTO Peter Pan Greenwich Theatre 2, 7 RUGBY Blackheath v Hull Ionians Well Hall 3 PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Th 2, 5 MUSIC Avenged Sevenfold O2 Sunday 22 RUGBY Blackheath v Fylde Well PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Hall 3 ADVERTS HERE COST FROM JUST Th 2 ASTRONOMY An Evening With The Stars Royal TALENT Something For Sunday Obs from 5.25 Vanbrugh 7 COMEDY MUSIC Avenged Sevenfold O2 Impractical Jokers Monday 23 O2 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 AND ARE READ EVERY DAY. Sunday 8 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s CALL MATT CLARK ON PANTO Peter Pan Tuesday 24 07802 743324 Greenwich Theatre 1, 5 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk PLAY Macbeth London Th 8 Bob Hope Th 2 JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s Wednesday 25 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 TELEVISION National TV Awards O2 COMEDY Impractical Jokers O2 WOOLLIES Knitting club Pelton Arms Monday 9 PLAY Macbeth London Th 8 MUSIC Folk & Blues Bob Hope Theatre 7.30 Thursday 26 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 Tuesday 10 TALK Mark Hill: Undressing Antiques WORKSHOP Buying A Telescope Royal Obs 7 Blackheath Decorative & Fine Arts Society, MUSIC English folk Star & Garter St Mary’s Church Hall 2.30 PLAY The Good Person Of Szechwan London Th 8 PLAY Macbeth London Th 8 Friday 27 JAZZ Corrie & Co Oliver’s PLAY Macbeth London Th 8 Wednesday 11 PLAY The Good Person Of Szechwan London Th 8 Saturday 28 MUSIC The Felice Brothers Brooklyn Bowl JAZZ Jam session Oliver’s ARROWS Legends Of Darts Masters IndigO2 Thursday 12 MUSIC Drake O2 MUSIC Trinity Laban recital St Alfege 1.05 PLAY Macbeth London Theatre 8 BASKETBALL Global Games O2 Sunday 29 MUSIC Icarus Club Pelton Arms PLAY The Good Person Of Szechwan London Th 8 PLAY Macbeth London Th 5 MUSIC Black Sabbath O2 Friday 13 PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Th 7.30 TALENT Something For Sunday Vanbrugh 7 PLAY The Good Person Of Szechwan London Th 8 Monday 30 MUSIC Drake O2 Saturday 14 PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Th 2, 5 PUB QUIZ Vanbrugh 8.30 FOOTBALL Charlton Athletic v Millwall. Valley 3 JAZZ Ladies Night Oliver’s Tuesday 31 TRIBUTE The Doors Brooklyn Bowl MUSIC Black Sabbath O2 COMEDY Impractical Jokers O2 PLAY The Good Person Of Szechwan London Th 8 PLAY We Raise Our Hands In The Sanctuary Sunday 15 Albany 7.30 PANTO Jack & The Beanstalk Bob Hope Th 2 MUSIC English folk Star & Garter
FAMOUS PEOPLE OF WOOLWICH Speaker: Mike Thomas Woolwich Antiquarian Society Friday 18 November 1 to 3pm Bakehouse Theatre at Age Exchange SE3 9LA Talk followed by tea/coffee & handmade cake
£5 at door—FREE to Friends of Age Exchange
Further details at:
CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR Enjoyable Christmas Shopping and Children's Entertainment
Saturday 26th November 11.00 to 4.00 Invicta School, Invicta Road, SE3 7HE Celebrity opening: Asad Ahmad FREE SHOWS FOR CHILDREN 12.15 & 2.30 Traditional Punch & Judy Show. Craft and Charity Stalls, Roasted Chestnuts, Mulled Wine, Christmas Music, Santa's Grotto, Face Painting
Adults £2, 12-16s £1, under 12s free, Members £1 Proceeds to Mental Health Activity Trust.
PETER KENT He lives on the river and writes about the river. His blog is free for all to see take a dip
Greenwich Dance Your centre for dance in South East London, with classes and events for everyone.
Keep up to date: 020 8293 9741 @GreenwichDance Greenwich Dance is a registered charity no: 1029506. Photo by Alicia Clarke
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GreenwichVisitor THE
November 2016 Page 23
say high to our winner! WE love seeing your pictures after a great day In Greenwich so we were doubly pleased to hear from reader S.D. Purmanan – who won our MBNA Thames Clipper/Emirates AirLine family travel competition in May. And he sent us pictures of his big day “I was so happy to have won,” he Send us a photo. Email: told us. “The hop on, hop off day was
The Pub Quiz Like it? Live it!
Answers : 1 REO Speedwagon. 2 Lolita. 3 Fahrenheit 451. 4 Bakers. 5 David Puttnam. 6 Sir Christopher Wren. 7 Lulu. 8 Stravinsky. 9 Pierce Brosnan. 10 1863. THINK of a team name and test yourelf against our legendary quizmaster Deke. Still not authentic enough? Get off the sofa
HERE’S an address to write home about...Peyton Place. A converted Victorian school building just off Royal Hill, right in the heart of Greenwich town
and catch his leg-end-ary quiz at the Morden Arms in Circus Street, Greenwich, every Weds evening (except the first one each month).
centre. It has two double bedrooms, two reception rooms and, get this, planning permission for a roof terrace. It’s £1.6m. Call JLL on 020 8012 8985.
GreenwichVisitor WANT TO ADVERTISE? OR TELL US YOUR STORY? Call Matt on 07802 743324 Matt@TheGreenwich
IF you’ve read our paper closely this month’s mystery object should be easy to recognise. Email Matt@TheGreenwich with your answer. Last month: The supports for the swing bridge across Deptford Creek.
Q1 Which of the following is a genuine Greenwich fitness business? A Morris Fit. B Croquet Fit. C Archery Fit . D Unicycle Fit. E Skateboard & Inline Skate Fit. F Lawn Bowls Fit. G Mudlark Yourself Fit. H Fromage Fit. Q2 Why did 10,000 people gather at the junction of Vanbrugh Hill, Blackwall Lane, Trafalgar Road and Woolwich Rd on the evening of Wednesday September 29 1937? A A famous strongman attempted to drag a tram from “Woolwich to Trafalgar” - which he didl. B The Blackshirts held a rally addressed by Oswald Mosley C Wallis Simpson was reported to be staying at The Ship and Billet and people wanted to see the woman who might be Queen (The pub was later named The Duchess after the Duchess she became.) D Gracie Fields sang Sally from the balcony outside the newly-opened Granada Cinema – now The Plaza. E A giraffe was put on display to advertise a circus. F The bones of the largest whale caught in The Thames were put on display. H A Boxing ring was put up and a visiting American boxer offered £10 to any man who could knock out him out in three rounds
ANSWERS: Q1. C Archery Fit. Q2 D Gracie Fields sang there.
1 Which pop band named itself after an American firetruck? 2 Which famous novel includes the words “Light of my life, fire of my loins”? 3 What novel by Ray Bradbury was named for the temperature at which book paper catches fire and burns? 4 At what type of shop did the Great Fire Of London start in 1666? 5 Who produced The Killing Fields and Chariots Of Fire? 6 Which architect was responsible for the rebuilding of many of London’s churches following the Great Fire of London? 7 Who sang with Take That on the hit song Relight My Fire? 8 Which musical composer wrote The Firebird, Petruska and The Rite Of Spring? 9 Which actor has appeared in the films Mrs Doubtfire, The Lawnmower Man and Mars Attacks? 10 Did Alanson Crane patent the fire extinguisher in 1863 , 1903 or 1933?
Local knowledge Mystery object
a very good experience. It was the first time I’d been on the Emirates AirLine – it was really beautiful.“ We’re delighted you enjoyed it, S.D. Now send your picture to Matt@TheGreenwichVisitor. com. We hope you’ve enjoyed The Greenwich Visitor. We’re the only newspaper made in Greenwich and we’re read by residents AND visitors every day. Advertise with us! Call 07802 743324.
SOCIAL media expert and Greenwich Visior reader Neil Sharman does a weekly local knwledge quiz for neighbours on WhatsApp. The idea is to find the real answer among some cunning red herrings.
The Blog of Samuel Pepys will be back next month
Neil says: “The Quiz is part of our general neighbourly banter, like requests for people to take parcels or put bins in when on holiday. And I’ll admit it, the GV is the best source of quiz questions I’ve got!”
wichVisitr @Greenou t the o!) (miss
Friendly & family-run. And we never over-inflate our prices! 123a Old Dover Road, Blackheath SE3 8SY Mon – Fri 8am- 6pm. Sat 8am – 4pm 0208 858 4312
residents & Visitors CHOOSE the greenwich visitor every day. to get your business noticed bY them advertise with us from £33 a month. call CHRIS BLOY today on 07771 905045 OR email
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GreenwichVisitor November 2016 Page 24 THE
Festive fun in
Lights On and Lantern Parade
Wednesday 23 November, 4pm – 7pm Join in the local school children’s Lantern Parade into the Market for the big Christmas Lights On and meet Father Christmas.
Visit Father Christmas in his Grotto at 7a Greenwich Market
Greenwich Christmas Market is open 7 days a week from 1 – 24 December
Up to 150 stalls showcasing unique hand crafted and designed gift ideas and stocking-fillers, festive food and drink. Open 10am – 5.30pm and Bank Holidays. Many shops open 7 days a week.
17 & 18 December, 21 – 23 December
His funny elf will treat the children to lots of balloon fun. Christmas gift bag, £4 per gift.
“At any time of the year, Greenwich boasts one of London’s favourite markets.” Time Out
A Royal Navy charity since 1694