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BNI Referricane$
The NI Referricane weekly meeting on July was a bustling event filled with e citement and recognition. The members gathered at the Jehovah utheran Church to acknowledge Dr. Craig Henry for being the top in close of business. Additionally, JD Cobb won the most referrals, Dakota D llaFera had the most on s, and eth Clark secured the most C U s. The members were thrilled to see their peers succeed, and the positive energy in the room was palpable. The meeting started with each member introducing themselves and their business with a 4 -second elevator pitch. This allowed members to learn more about each other and the different industries represented in the group. onjia rown then gave a -minute presentation that provided valuable insights about ilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, ilson, Spain Parsons, P.A. The presentation was informative and engaging, and the members eagerly anticipated giving referrals.
At the end of the meeting, the members shared success stories and re uested specific referrals or introductions. This segment allowed members to highlight their recent accomplishments and re uest support from their peers. The meeting concluded on a positive note, with members feeling energi ed and motivated to continue collaborating and referring business to one another.
One of the key principles of NI is the ivers ain philosophy. This means that by giving referrals and helping others succeed, members will ultimately receive referrals and support in return. NI encourages its members to actively seek opportunities to refer business to fellow members, building trust and fostering a strong sense of community. NI Referricanes meet every Thursday at 4 at the Jehovah utheran Church located at N th Ave Pensacola. ou can check out the chapter online at a. t e t e e a e