Year 7 Art Arcimboldo

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SGBIS Art, Design & Technology Investigation, Extension & Challenge Unit Year 7 Art:


SGBIS Year 7 Art: Arcimboldo – Portraits Description of the project: This is a 3D portraiture project in which you will begin by carefully investigating and observing the shapes, patterns, lines and forms of natural objects including plants, skulls and flowers. You will then go on to develop creative and imaginative outcomes in media including clay, plaster, collage, sculpture and animation influenced by the work of artist Arcimboldo.

Products/outcomes Over the entire term you will produce a range of exciting, creative and experimental work in your sketchbooks and also on a larger scale. The main outcomes (finished things) will include: Large observational drawings in oil pastel, pencil and paint. Detailed, carefully presented research pages explaining the life and work of relevant artists, particularly including Arcimboldo and Phillip Haas Working with clay and plaster to create 3D relief portraits based on imaginative developments of your observational work combined with your investigation of artists. Work in other media including soap carving, collage, ink, and print. All students will have the opportunity to explore any combination of these media and techniques through optional extension and challenge work, including during Art Clubs.

Investigation & Preparation You will explore the ideas, approaches, techniques of a range of artists. However, the main focus will be on understanding, comparing and contrasting the work of Arcimboldo and Phillip Haas so that you can borrow elements from their work to extend your own artistic vocabulary. You will use observation, both from photographs and directly from life to investigate forms and images that you will then use in your own work You will explore some new artistic media this term such as plaster and clay. You will also research the history and techniques as well as exploring how other artists have used these techniques at different times and in diverse cultures. Use the links at the end of this unit as a launch pad for your own research.

Investigation extension oportunity Produce an extended research scrap book/journal over several sketchbook pages, that contains phrases, poetry, photographs, sketches, paintings, found items, song lyrics, etc.

SGBIS Year 7 Art: Arcimboldo – Portraits Giuseppe Arcimboldo 1527-1593 | Italian Mannerist painter

These thumbnails link to larger images as well as further information on Arcimboldo

Philip Haas American artist and filmmaker

b.1954 These thumbnails link to larger images as well as further information on Haas

SGBIS Year 7 Art: Arcimboldo – Portraits

Techniques, Skills & Knowledge Using drawing as an observational and thinking/problem solving tool: Different types of drawing help you to think and work creatively – this can include imaginative and experimental drawing as well as precise work recording what is in front of you Absorbing different ideas and influences and creating something new: Translating ideas from one artist and or/culture to another. The final outcomes are to be an original work rather than a copy of existing artefacts or artworks. Borrowing is good – extend your artistic vocabulary! Using pattern and line in 2 and 3 dimensions: Developing and using surface textures and patterns based upon observation, experimentation and imagination. Working in advanced techniques and media: You will need to follow instructions carefully in order to safely and effectively use new techniques within this project. Creativity often needs a great deal of concentration and discipline. Creative Critical Collaboration: Sharing ideas, comments and helpful suggestions with your peers. This means that your own work and that of others can achieve the best possible result.

Extension and challenge opportunities: Option 1: Zac Freeman takes everyday objects (such as buttons, remote controls, film canisters, circuits, gears and telephone parts) and puts them together.

Create your own version using objects that are personal to you. This can be done using collage, 3D or drawn.

SGBIS Year 7 Art: Arcimboldo – Portraits Investigation: Relevant References and Resources (click on links to follow): Sites, pages and videos about other inspirational illustrators, artists and ideas that will help you to develop your own work or investigation for this project (click thumbnails)

Other useful Art links (click on them): Artcyclopedia

Art Glossary (meanings of Art related words)

Artworks linked by themes Artists’ Sketchbooks

Museums & Galleries

Explore Museums


Art from diverse times and cultures

MACRO Artist Quotes

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