Y9 dt soft drinks

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SGBIS Art, Design & Technology Investigation, Extension & Challenge Unit Year 9 Design & Technology:

Design & Promotion of a New Soft Drink

SGBIS Year 9 Design & Technology: Soft Drink Practical outcomes of this project should include:       

An accurately painted nameplate created by observing product branding. The creation of a healthy soft drink of your choice; milk, fruit,energy, flavoured tea, etc. which is then evaluated by the target market. A character profile board reflecting the lifestyle of your chosen market. Research and analysis of existing packaging. A concept presentation of your new drink. This will include sketches, plans and images for lettering, branding, packaging and promotional ideas. This may be done using a variety of media including CAD. 3D modelling of your container An advertisement to promote your drink

To get you started with some fantastic design ideas I have created a research board containing over 290 creative and interesting ideas to help inspire aspects of this project. http://pinterest.com/mirandawrycroft/packaging/ During this project you will investigate the importance of colour, shape, form and imagery used to develop brand awareness: You will create name plates using paints and mixed media from observation, product disassembly and analysis of existing confectionary/drink brand packaging.

http://www.innocentdrinks.co.uk/ innocent fruit smoothie website. http://www.colormatters.com/color-and-marketing http://www.colormatters.com/color-and-marketing/color-and-branding Extension lettering exercises are set as a homework task. Watch these links for information about Industrial manufacturing processes/safety/tasting panels. How quality assurance systems are used to plan safe food production and storage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyW7JVjYoYU how orange juice is made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9fRDsvj4TQ how milk is processed Have fun designing and making a healthy soft drink that could be suitable for manufacture in volume . Have a look for recipes here but experiment at home too! http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/soft_drink a great site with information about storage. http://www.1st-milkshake-n-smoothie-recipes.com/Milkshake_Recipes.html milkshakes and smoothies. http://www.tarladalal.com/recipes-using-soft-drink-966 soft drink recipes. Bring your drink in for group tasting and evaluation and customer feedback.

SGBIS Year 9 Design & Technology: Soft Drink Important! You must bring in a list of ingredients so that any allergy sufferers are informed of any potential risk. .

Pupils are asked to select and research the requirements of a chosen target market for the drink they have created, this is known as ”character profiling” http://api.ning.com/files/NWk7EHK2Fi90qAYDAJL4v080SM2pjO343V3okdSbYUTVMeu32TgCHnd3HfW32In3KPTnkNMfqKsDIU1Y42Y nHXzHDV2lRI6u/CharacterProfileworksheet.pdf

This sheet will help you to create a Customer lifestyle board to build up a picture of who might buy your product. You will produce and develop considered graphic ideas for your brand image and the packaging of your chosen drink. Various packaging ideashttp://pinterest.com/mirandawrycroft/packaging/ Creative packaginghttp://www.themost10.com/creative-packaging-design-part-ii/ In your design books you will experiment with hand draw lettering but you may want to use paints, markers, CAD, etc to help you to develop your ideas. Here are some useful links to help you when designing lettering styles designing a logo http://www.technologystudent.com/designpro/logo1.htm http://www.1001freefonts.com/and http://www.dafont.com/. You can also use whatever you have available on your computer at home, create your own font by hand; see http://www.technologystudent.com/despro2/drink4.htm for tips on handwritten fonts, you could also be inspired by lettering found in magazines, posters, leaflets, advertising, etc. Don’t forget to consider what the user likes. Does your product have a unique selling point that makes it special? Could it be made more appealing?

SGBIS Year 9 Design & Technology: Soft Drink

Checklist for displaying your ideas for the containers. 

Have you clearly shown how your ideas have developed? It is important to show your thought process and any ideas you may have had. Add notes to explain your work.

Have you presented your designs carefully considering use of colour, scale, type of packaging, imagery and lettering to a finished standard?

Could your designs look better if you cut them out and presented them with relevant colours, backgrounds or extra imagery to reinforce your brand identity?

Can your branding be clearly seen? Is it clear what the drink tastes like or do you need to add a description of the flavour? Do you need to present a larger version of your lettering and present it with your designs?

Don’t forget to add feedback comments from your target market so that you can evaluate how effective your design is.

SGBIS Year 9 Design & Technology: Soft Drink To help you to understand packaging manufacturing processes and computer control systems in industry there are some very useful clips here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7Y0zAzoggY how it’s made – drinks cans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfyPCujUPms how plastic bottles are made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IlrOxRPy0U tetrapacks and how they are made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B790vQEof0M sustainable packaging 

Is your chosen packaging suitable for your product? Add notes to your designs to explain why you chose this material and if possible add material samples or photographs of similar materials/packaging to explain your product.

Have you made a mock- up model of your container? You could make a 3D model or use CAD to present this. This would really help the customer to get a good idea of what your product would be like.

To develop the marketing concept for your Drink you will need to plan a short commercial. To do this you will create a story board to plan what you are going to do. As extension and challenge work you can either develop these to a high standard of presentation with detailed drawings of screen shots, voice overs etc., or you can create a short film/ power point/flash animation/musical jingle etc.

Development of storyboards Have a look at some of these commercials to give you some ideas and you can of course use You Tube to research more, they are great fun! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVblWq3tDwY cadbury’s evebrows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5hy7pX2yec energy drink advert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zff9hVH3ptY guinness advert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IReYk-V1Bs innocent super smoothies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzOgyR0FxRw Robinson’s pals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhOeG-uTJxw tango slap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbg2Iypnpk8 pot noodle sticky ribs Some of you are already talented film makers. If you want to make a commercial here are a couple of useful tutorial links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vZ0iqUS6sg stop frame animation using a white board http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vZ0iqUS6sg stop frame animation tutorials You may also have apps on your phones, camera’s, etc that you know how to use.

SGBIS Year 9 Design & Technology: Soft Drink Checklist for your commercial: Have you: 

Planned and presented storyboards to communicate your ideas?

Thought of an appropriate jingle/music/script/phrase to catch the target markets attention and remind them of your product?

Is the commercial going to be presented in the form of: good illustration/film/animation/power point or similar?

Brainstorm what resources you need to help you to make your commercial and create planning lists considering materials, time, photographs, processes (editing, filming, drawing, photocopying) etc. This should help to keep you organised. Don’t forget to fill in the self -assessment sheet as you progress through this project. Ideas for extension and challenge tasks. 1. Research, design and manufacture a 3D promotional display to promote your product. This could hang from the cieling, stand on the floor /counter . You may also want to design a range of promotional goods. 2. Produce a range of soft drinks with a brand image to suit all flavours. 3. Send a presentation of your work to a soft drink manufacturer and ask them for feedback. 4. Create a documentary of the project to show to next year’s pupils.

MW 2013

Other useful DT links: DAFONT (Good for exploring lettering styles) The Design Council The Victoria & Albert Museum (Art & Design Ideas from different times and cultures)

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