SGBIS Art, Design & Technology Investigation, Extension & Challenge Unit Year 9 Art, Design & Technology:
Mapping & Measuring MAXXI
SGBIS Year 9 Art & DT: Mapping & Measuring MAXXI Description of the project: This is a mixed and multi-media Art & Design Technology project in which you will explore different ways of viewing and communicating ideas about places, environments, journeys and pathways. You will then go on to develop creative and imaginative outcomes in media including information graphics, pop ups, painting, ceramics, collage, sculpture and photography.
Products/outcomes Over the entire term you will produce a range of exciting, creative and experimental work in your Art & DT sketchbooks and also on a larger scale. The main outcomes (finished things) may include:
Detailed, carefully presented research pages explaining the life and work of relevant artists, designers & architects particularly including (click on these links to start your research):
Hockney Hadid
Sabuda Beck
Australian Aboriginal Art
Danti Boetti
Large observational & imaginative/interpretative drawings in graphite, pencil and paint.
Work in clay, card, wire, wood, foam board and other relief sculpture/product modelling materials
CAD/CAM: Working in programmes including Corel Draw & Sketchup for 2 and 3 dimensional modelling of your ideas.
Large scale mixed media collage and painting work
Investigation & Preparation You will explore the ideas, approaches, techniques of a range of artists and designers so as to develop an understanding of their ideas and methods and the meanings and uses of their work. This will then help you to extend your own work as an artist and designer. You will use observation, both from photographs, artworks, graphic imagery and directly from life to investigate forms and images that you will then use in your own work You will explore various visual media this term such as CAD/CAM and relief sculpture You will also research the history of these techniques as well as exploring how other artists and designers have used these techniques at different times and in diverse cultures. You will plan your outcomes whilst thinking about the needs of the final users and viewers. This may include younger, older or visually impaired users/viewers. Use the links at the end of this unit as a launch pad for your own research.
Investigation extension oportunity Produce an extended research scrap book/journal over several sketchbook pages, that contains phrases, poetry, photographs, sketches, paintings, found items, song lyrics, etc. relating to your thoughts about the MAXXI
SGBIS Year 9 Art & DT: Mapping & Measuring MAXXI Zaha Hadid : Iraqi-British Architect, born 1950 Biography (click to view) Video
Zaha Hadid Architects | Arum Installation - Venice 2012
Building the unbuildable – Interview with Zaha Hadid
Architects and their works -ZAHA HADID
A time lapse video showing the installation of the Zaha Hadid Pavilion
These thumbnails link to larger images as well as further information on Hadid
MAXXI : the National Museum of XXI Century Arts (opened in 2010) Official Website (click to view) MAXXI
Video Channel on YouTube
MAXXI Digital Animation
These thumbnails link to larger images as well as further information on the MAXXI
SGBIS Year 9 Art & DT: Mapping & Measuring MAXXI Techniques, Skills & Knowledge Using drawing, sketching and prototyping as observational and thinking/problem solving tools: Different types of drawing and modelling help you to think and work creatively – this can include imaginative and experimental drawing as well as precise work recording what you can see. Absorbing different ideas and influences and creating something new: Translating ideas from one artist, designer, and or/culture to another. The final outcomes are to be an original work rather than a copy of existing artefacts or artworks. Borrowing is good – extend your artistic vocabulary! Using colour, texture and pattern in 2 and 3 dimensions: Developing and using surface textures and patterns based upon observation, experimentation and imagination. Working in advanced techniques and media: You will need to follow instructions carefully in order to safely and effectively use new techniques within this project. Creativity often needs a great deal of concentration and discipline. Creative Critical Collaboration: Sharing ideas, comments and helpful suggestions with your peers. This means that your own work and that of others can achieve the best possible result. Planning to create works of Art & Design for specific audiences, users and viewers: plan and produce your outcomes whilst thinking about the needs of a range of other people. This may include younger, older or visually impaired users/viewers.
Extension and challenge opportunities: Option 1: Create a design for a public museum or gallery space to occupy an area of derelict or recycled land somewhere in your local environment. How can you make it seem exciting and inviting to visitors, yet sympathetic and appropriate for the local urban environment? You might use card modelling or the following free 3D software to help visualise your plans: SKETCHUP
Option 2: Choose a specific place within the MAXXI and design an artwork that belongs there. How does your artwork respond to the space? How does it fill it or bring it to life? You don’t need to actually build the sculpture so it can be as big or as crazy as you like. Here are some examples by older SGBIS artists: LINK. Look at the catalogue for ‘Gallery Dreaming’ to see and read more about their ideas
SGBIS Year 9 Art & DT: Mapping & Measuring MAXXI Investigation: Relevant References and Resources (click on links to follow): Sites, pages and videos about other inspirational designers, artists and ideas that will help you to develop your own work or investigation for this project (click thumbnails)
Other useful Art & DT links (click on them): Artcyclopedia
Glossary (meanings of art/design related words) Explore Museums
DAFONT (Good for exploring lettering styles)
The Design Council
Artist Quotes
Artists’ and designers’ sketchbooks Art from diverse times and cultures The Victoria & Albert Museum (Art & Design Ideas from different times and cultures)