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Extended Practice Module Brief Cover Sheet Module Code: OUGD603

Module Title: Extended Practice

LEEDS COLLEGE OF ART Student Name: Gregory Ball

Studio Brief Title

Brief 15 - Dawsons Arthouse Synopsis Design a logo with encapsulates the ethos of the tent. The logo could perhaps feature elements from last years’ design, in a sleeker, updated format. The logo will need to appeal to the target audience (people who like to visit to Belgrave, Nation of Shopkeepers, Colours May Vary and Village Bookstore). The logo needs to look really smart and represent the highest quality of graphic design possible. The concept for this brief is ever envolving and changing due to the on-going nature of the breif and the clients changing their minds and not really knowing exaclty what they want.

List of Deliverables


- Logomark

- Logomark ~ evidenced by the submission of boards and the on-going nature of the brief as outlined in the boards

- On-going Deliverables

Evaluation This brief is another collaborative brief for an external client, i am collaborating with Yasmin from the BA Hons Visual Communication to brand a tent at the Beacons Festival in Skipton. This brief is again a brief that has helped me to develop patience and realise the need for good communication between a client and I. This brief was due to be complete by the time of the module hand in but due to the client not really know what exactly they want this isn’t going to happen. But i have already taken a lot from this brief, i have realised the importance to properly interrogate a brief and really get to the bottom of what the client wants before the start of the design process, and it is a schoolboy error that i didn’t already do this from the start. Not doing this has led me to be designing from only a small amount of contextual reference from what already exists from previous Beacons festivals and what the client has given Yasmine. The importance of contextual research has also been apparent in this brief, the client supplied the old logo and said they wanted to use existing elements of it but just redesign it a bit, so we have done this and it has led to some outcomes which i feel our good and to the most we could probably do with still having to use the existing elements. The client has since seen these and decided that they now want a completely different logo and will now supply some contextual references for us. Which has its pros and cons to me, while it allows for a more successful outcome to the brief, this time could have been saved if the brief had been interrogated properly between Yasmin and the client in early meetings, and as the designer i should have made sure this happened. Overall, as a brief up to this point it has taught and reminded not to overlook the basics and i now think this will go on to be a successful brief.

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