After doing all my research and gathering the information about the topics i was going to put into my print book i needed to decided what to call it, i toyed with a few different ideas (see image right) but i decided that i would go with “Print_�, this suited what i wanted to do, instead of something like Print Production because i didn’t want to just focus on print production in my pack i wanted to include sample of print and different types of print. The underscore was added to give it an industrial feel like a printers mark. The underscore also allows me to add things on to the end of the title or any other headers easily whilst being aesthetically pleasing. The typeface i decided to go with was Apercu Medium and then body copy was done in Apercu Mono. I chose this because it is a good, simplistic sansserif typeface and also it gave the look i was going for. The selection of a mono typeface for the body copy was taken again to try and give the industrial feel, it looks like its been produced with a typewriter or letter blocks appose to it feeling like its computerised. It is set at 9pt as this gives the best legibility and readability i found from testing it at different sizes.
I then moved onto produce some diagrams for the different topics i would be putting in my book. I wanted these to go seamlessly with the aesthetic of the rest of the book, so i tried to keep them as simple as possible and when they were placed into the publication the opacity of the colours was reduced to avoid them becoming too overpowering. I think the diagrams have worked well, especially the print process ones. I’m happy with these as drawing anything is something i don’t usually do, i normally choose to work with images, but after doing this i’m confident i could probably produce simple illustration and diagrams in illustrator for future projects.
Layout_ For the layout of the publication i thought it would be best to go with a 4 column grid because this offers enough flexibility but also enough restriction so the design doesn’t become messy and illegible. It allowed me to produce different layouts on the pages whilst sticking to the grid and keeping the aesthetic of the book the way i wanted it; simple, legible and pleasing. The title pages where produced using different gradients, i chose to do this because it was impactful and stood out to the user, and it also looks great. The reason to use gradients and not just pure colour was because i wanted to demonstrate the relationship between colours and also show some of the processes that are in the book, like gradients/tints and overprinting. The title of the pages was originally going to be placed in the bottom left corner coming diagonally onto the page so that if you were flicking through the book you could easily identify what you were looking for, but after having a look what this looked like it didn’t think it worked to well and i didn’t like it. I then changed it to what you see in the final design, the text centrally and knocking out the background, i think this gives a much better finish to the book and generally looks and fits better with the book as a whole.
This is the start of the final designs for the book, the gradient has been implemented on the title page and i has also played about with the type a bit to see if i could get something a bit more interesting but, i decided that this didn’t work and it was best to stick to having it in the center.
This is the first page that was completed that was going to go into the final publication, the title page looks just as i wanted it, the colour and the type work really well together and it definitely stands out to the user and is clear and legible. The first page of body copy i think also works well, the diagrams work well with the text and vice versa, the lines linking the different part of the text to the diagrams i also feel was a good decision as it makes it easier for the reader to know what each part is talking about and also gives them a visual representation of the text.
These screenshots show the final layout of the whole book, the layout has worked well throughout the book, and has been consistent in its grid and also consistent in giving the user an easy and legible read, whilst also teaching them about Print and the processes that go into making print. I think as a whole this piece has worked well and when combined into my info pack with the examples of print and different print processes it will work very well.