Rochester Engineering Society Magazine December 2018

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December 2018

Baja race teams zoom to RIT for 2019 World Challenge University hosts national and international collegiate off-road race teams June 6-9 | 12

Michael Owens (photographer) studentengineers building the race car at RIT machine shop

Also in this issue: PLEASE CONSIDER NOMINATING YOUR PEER Call for Nominations for 2018 Engineer of the Year, Young Engineer of the Year, and Engineers of Distinction | 5

Baja race teams zoom to RIT for 2019 World Challenge

The Rochester Engineer Published since 1922 by

University hosts national and international

Founded March 18, 1897

collegiate off-road race teams June 6-9

ROCHESTER ENGINEERING SOCIETY, INC. Volume 97, Number 6, DECEMBER 2018 (Electronic Copies oNLY) 2,500+ Monthly Circulation (Quarterly Hard Copies, 11 issues electronically) ISSN 0035-7405

RES Mission Statement: The RES will become the lead organization for improving the image and influence of the engineering community in the greater Rochester area by: Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the region’s engineering and technical capabilities; Providing the best clerical support and public relations assistance to our affiliates; Continually communicating the engineering and technical accomplishments to both the engineering and technical community and the public; Providing regular forums and networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues; and, Providing programs that identify career opportunities to the region’s youth and develop the skills of the practicing engineer. News items and articles are invited. Materials should be submitted to the administrative director at the society’s office, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607; Phone number (585) 254-2350, e-mail:

The web site for the Engineers’ Center is at: The deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to the issue. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this publication are those of contributors, not of the Rochester Engineering Society, Inc. Advertising information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Rochester Engineering Society or going to the website at Published every month but July. Yearly subscription is $20.00, (4 hard copies, 11 digital). You can sign up on the website for the subscription for digital copies only (free) and receive an email notice when posted. Go to to join the Rochester Engineering Society. Click on the individual membership and you can submit your application on-line. Board of Directors: OFFICERS: President JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE M/E Engineering / First Vice President GREG GDOWSKI, PhD University of Rochsester / Treasurer ANDREW C. HIRSCH Retired / Second Vice President MICHELLE SOMMERMAN, PE Bergmann Associates / Past President MICHAEL V. TRIASSI Javlyn, Inc. / EIGHT DIRECTORS: CORNELIUS (NEAL) ILLENBERG PE Retired / LEE LOOMIS Retired / RICHARD E. RICE MJ Engineering / ADAM CUMMINGS, PE Town of Ontario / DANIELLE WALTERS MKS Instruments / DOREEN EDWARDS Rochester Institute of Technology / BRETT ELIASZ, PE Bergmann Associates / DENNIS ROOTE, PE CDE Engineering & Environment, PLLC / Administrative Director LYNNE M. IRWIN Rochester Engineering Society / e-mail:

(cover) Pages 12-13


5 • RES Call for Nominations for EOY, YEOY & EODs 6 • The RES Tutors have begun the 2018-19 School Year 7 • How Do You Arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom! 8 • NEW: RES Technical Corner by Brett Eliasz, RES Director 9 • RES Gala - Sponsorships Available Soon! 10 • Get to the Point! - Presentation Phobia (4): From Power Point Poison to Standing Ovation

11 • Get IT Done - Crunch the Numbers or the Numbers will Crunch You 12-13 • Baja race teams zoom to RIT for 2019 World Challenge (cover) 14 • Position Openings 15 • RIT Offers FE Civil Exam Review Course 16 • Continuing Education Opportunities (PDHs) 16-17 • Engineers’ Calendar 18, 22-26 • News from Professional Firms 19-21 • Professional Firms - Employee News 43-45 • Directory of Professional Services 45 • Directory of Business Services 46 • Affiliated Societies and Corporate Members of the RES Membership Application and Advertising Rates are also on the website:

news of the...

• ABCD Association for Bridge Construction and Design.....................32 • AFE Association for Facilities Engineering...........................................34 • APWA American Public Works Association...........................................30 • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers............................................36 • ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers....................................................41 • ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers....................................31 • EA Electrical Association.......................................................................35 • GVLSA Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association.............................27


• IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.................38-39 • IES Illuminating Engineering Society....................................................37 • INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering..........................28 • MPES Monroe Professional Engineers Society......................................29 • NYSATE New York State Association of Transportation Engineers....33 • RES Rochester Engineering Society.................................................... 2-8 • SWE Society of Women Engineers........................................................42 • TERRA TERRA Science & Engineering Fair...............................................40


President’s Message

Joseph Dombrowski, PE M/E Engineering RES President 2018 - 2019 Well, the weather has definitely changed and in my opinion not for the better; colder wetter and rainier now but it did not appear to dampen the spirits of the enthusiastic throng of trick or treaters I had last night. We had a tour of the U of R's Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) on October 26th (many thanks go to Greg Gdowski for setting it up, and Lynne for the name tags!). The tour was fascinating and the reception after the tour provided a splendid opportunity for camaraderie with our fellow engineers! Hopefully it was the first of many events RES will hold. Planning has begun for the RES Gala and the Engineering Symposium next April; if you have any input, please contact us via the RES. Also, we recently made some minor modifications to the RES bylaws (removing some anachronisms, allowing the use of email for voting by the membership, removing some age old typographical errors and removing the names of several specific sub committees whose names have changed or whose activities have been subsumed by other groups); the current bylaws are on the RES website at: That's all for now. Hopefully when you read this, snow will still be a long way off around here, but I suspect it won't be. Joe Dombrowski RES President res news - president’s message


Rochester History Continuing with the historical sampling of the earlier writings on behalf of the Rochester Engineering Society, the years following "The Great War," into and through the “Great Depression,” continued to be a time of reaching out for the maturing Society, both locally and nationally. The meeting minutes describe a series of technical discussions and presentations intended to broaden the technical horizons of the membership (especially the CE's, ME's and EE's). The RES affiliated itself with a number of National technical societies, adopted local Affiliated Societies, frequently held joint meetings with them and continued taking action on a growing list of public matters. Certain issues of standardization, some crucial to public safety, became the responsibility of the RES and its affiliates. In the pervasive economic downturn of the “Great Depression,” the magazine offered classified advertising for unemployed engineers, technicians and draftsmen and took other steps to try to deal with the crisis. Still, it continued its effort to shape the function, purpose and infrastructure of the City of Rochester, and beyond. Soon, war would again affect the Society, taking away many of its leaders while providing opportunities for others to step forward to fill these vacancies. In an effort to provide even greater perspective on the happenings and concerns of the day, a synopsis, featuring selected items from "The Rochester Engineer" has become an integral part of this series. The Second World War and the Korean Conflict are now history. These experiences have changed the face and, no doubt, the future of the community. The Rochester municipal leadership and the industrial community have become immersed in the cold-war, growth economy.

“The Rochester Engineer” (January 1969)

(continued from the November 2018 “Rochester History” article) The IEEE announced a series of seven, two-hour lectures on “ElectroOptical Techniques.” These included, “Image Formation” by Dr. Rudolph Kingslake, EKCo, “Optical Systems” by Dr. Kingslake, “Detectors” by Dr. Michael Hercher, U of R, “Sources” by Dr. Hercher, “Diffraction” by Kenneth Snow, Bausch & Lomb, “Interference & Polarization” by Richard Vandewarker, Xerox Corporation and “Signal Processing” by Frank Slaymaker, General Dynamics. Editor’s note: Dr. Rudolph Kingslake would later be named RES “1978 Engineer of the Year.” The Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers (SPSE) was announced as the latest RES Affiliate Society. In a unique partnership with the New York State Industrial & Labor Relations School (I&LR School) at Cornell University, the RES announced a series of three, evening seminar courses in supervisory and managerial responsibilities, for engineers. These included “Managerial Process Analysis” (eight sessions), “Management by Objectives” (eight sessions) and “Management of Scientific and Technical Personnel” (ten sessions). The decision to offer these courses resulted from a study showing that the rapid growth of Rochester industries had resulted in the advancement of engineers into positions with supervisory responsibilities for which they weren’t adequately prepared. It was announced that Dr. Barry Commoner, Director for the Natural Biology Systems at George Washington University, would be delivering a lecture, “Science and the Survival of the City,” co-sponsored by the RES and the American Chemical Society.

February 5, 1969 (Board of Directors Meeting, RIT Engineering Building) The Board approved three regular

memberships, one associate membership and two junior memberships. Discussion of the RES’ financial position included the possibility of selling some of the securities in the Kate Gleason Fund to eliminate the Society’s current debt. An increased effort to recruit additional members via Plant Coordinators was approved. The Board accepted, unanimously, the recommendation by the Awards Committee that


A Sampling from the Archives of the Rochester Engineering Society...1897 - 1969 by Lee M. Loomis

Thomas B. Sear, PE, LS, be named “1968 Engineer of the Year.” It was announced that Donald Gaudion, CEO at Sybron Corporation, would be the keynote speaker at the 1969 Engineers Joint Dinner. There was considerable discussion regarding the current practice of holding Board meetings in Dr. Kirkpatrick’s office, with sandwiches being brought in from the RIT Cafeteria, rather than being served in the RIT Faculty Club. It was decided that staying with the current practice would be more expeditious for the meetings.

“The Rochester Engineer” (February 1969)

Thomas B. Sear, PE, LS, was announced as “1968 Engineer of the Year.” A 1936 honors graduate of the University of Illinois, his work experience included the Illinois Division of Highways, Bethlehem Steel, Eastman Kodak, Cornell University, University of Rochester, William S. Lozier, Inc. and finally founding his own firm, Sear, Brown, Schoenberger & Costich. In discussing the naming of another Engineer of the Year, RES President, Dr. Edward T. (Ted) Kirkpatrick, took the time in his monthly article to say, “By recognizing outstanding members of our engineering community, we can show our appreciation for their efforts. It is unfortunate that we do not have a better way to identify all the men and women in engineering who have made a significant contribution over the years. Our gratitude should be expressed to so many more.” Editor’s note: Dr. Kirkpatrick’s comments notwithstanding, it took another 44 years, until 2013, for the RES to expand its awards tradition and begin selecting “Engineers of Distinction.” Ted Kirkpatrick was certainly a man with “a vision” for the RES.

March 5, 1969 (Board of Directors Meeting, RIT Engineering Building) The Board approved five more Regular

Memberships and one Associate Membership. The Board heard a report that, following further study, it would NOT be beneficial to the Society to sell some of its securities to pay off current debt. It was reported that revenue from two of the evening seminars, currently underway would exceed $1,800. A slate of RES officers for the 1969-70 year was presented and approved including, Alexander M. Beebee, Jr. (GM Rochester Products) – President, Gordon S. Rugg (EKCo) – 1st VP, G. Robert Leavitt (Taylor Instrument Companies) – 2nd VP, James A. Clark (Bausch & Lomb) – Secretary, Edwin L. Anthony (Erdman Anthony, PC) – Treasurer, Orlando J. Feorene (EKCo), John D. Cooper (Rochester Telephone Corporation), Paul F. Pagery (Taylor Instrument Companies) & Melvin J. Corson (RG&E) – Directors. Plans were announced for a joint RES/ASCE/MPES meeting at which the NYSDOT staff would present the “Metropolitan Transportation Study for Rochester & Monroe County.” Subsequent articles in this series will describe the RES' continuing outreach to other technical societies as it considered its role in this and the larger community, along with more of the activities of the RES as it moved to be of greater service to its membership, especially those suffering from current economic crises, and adopted a greater role in shaping the future of the City and its environs. Noted also, will be the contributions made by RES members in the struggle to meet the challenges coming out of World War II, as well as a hoped-for period of post-war growth and prosperity. These articles will also feature an impressive array of RES activities in support of post-war re-emergence of Rochester area industry. We welcome your questions and comments on this series. res news - history


Call for Nominations Martin E. Gordon, PE 2017 EOY

Past Engineers of the Year 10 years...(first awarded 1963)

Martin E. Gordon, PE Diane M. Trentini Robert L. Clark, Jr., PhD Lalit Mestha, PhD Maureen S. Valentine, PE Sergio Esteban, PE Brian J. Thompson, PhD Gary W. Passero, PE Kevin J. Parker, PhD Satish G. Kandlikar, PhD

2018 Engineer of the Year 2018 Kate Gleason Young Engineer of the Year and

2018 Engineers of Distinction

Emily M. Smith 2017 YEOY

Past Young Engineers of the Year -10 years... (first awarded 2007)

Emily M. Smith, PE Matthew T. Sidley Danielle Benoit, PhD John Papponetti, PE Courtney E. Reich, PE Clement Chung, PE Sherwin Damdar Michael J. Walker, EIT Nathan Gnanasambandam, PhD Venkatesh G. Rao, PhD

A few of years ago the RES Board of Directors introduced a streamlined nomination form. A simple initial form allows an individual or organization to nominate a candidate. The RES committee will then contact the nominator if the candidate progresses to the next phase. At that point, a final form will be used to gather essential details from the nominator and candidate which will be used to determine our award recipients. The RES will select and recognize the 2018 Engineer of the Year, Young Engineer of the Year, and Engineers of Distinction Awards in a variety of public venues and media during the weeks before the Gala. The Award recipients will be introduced on Saturday, April 13, 2019 during the Gala at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. Visit our website at and click on Call For Nominations, or call 585-254-2350 ( to request a nomination form.

The following information is described:

Eligibility for Nomination Awards Criteria

Deadline for Preliminary Nominations - Monday, December 10, 2018 Deadline for Final Nominations - Monday, January 7, 2019 res news - call for nominations


RES News - Tutoring Team The RES Tutors have begun the 2018-19 School Year

RES Director (and Bergmann Tutoring Team Leader), Michelle Sommerman, works on a reading lesson with one of Mrs. Ketchum’s 2nd Graders We are off and running for the 2018-19 school year at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy. Our tutors began working with our Cooper Scholars in early November. We still have opportunities for additional tutors. Why not consider forming a “team”, such that, with each member tutoring for just two hours, one day each month, on the same day of the week, for the same teacher, the team will become the equivalent of one full-time weekly tutor. Each tutor can expect to be working, regularly, with a group of 6 to 8 elementary students, helping them reach grade-level competence in reading, math, science and/or social studies. Students at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy (RCSD School #10) have been temporarily relocated to the Campus of the former John Marshall High School, at 180 Ridgeway Avenue (just off Lake Avenue), for the 2018-19 & 2019-20 school years. The plan is that they will return to their newly renovated facility, 353 Congress Ave., in September of 2020. The RES Tutoring Team will continue its valuable support for our Scholars, as they move through this transition. We will still have a number of Scholars who will need some of that “extra” support with their reading, spelling, math, science and social studies, the kind of help that only comes with the regular, personal attention they receive from our tutors. The recent “Tutor Information Meeting”, at the John Marshall Campus, was attended by several of our “veteran” tutors. An impressive number of prospective new tutors have already submitted applications to become RES Tutors. Dr. Walter Cooper was there to welcome everyone, and Principal Cameron Clyburn took everyone on a tour of that portion of the vast Marshal Campus that will be occupied by our Cooper Scholars, in the coming school years. We are still building our Tutoring Team, for the 2018-19 school year… We have been giving “Lunch & Learn” presentations in several Rochester area firms and professional groups, to inform and inspire prospective new tutors. We have “hit the ground, running”, and we need your support...Can we schedule a presentation with your firm, work group, church or family, sometime this Summer? Even just two hours a week of your time can make a big difference in the life of a Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Scholar… Questions??? Reach out to RES Past President Lee Loomis and the RES Tutoring Team at… Rochester Engineering Society, (585) 254-2350 via website: or via email:, (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text) 6 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER DECEMBER 2018

res news - tutoring



RES News How do you arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom!

In the 1990’s, Eastman Kodak Company jumped the gun, starting a family of STEM initiatives, years before the Government coined the STEM acronym. The name of these programs was the 21st Century Learning Challenge (TCLC), and at our peek, we were 1500 engineers and technicians, visiting Rochester City School Classrooms, twice a week for two-hour visits, during the entire School Year. This effort continued for nearly ten years, and not only pre-dates our recent STEM excitement level, but delivered support on a scale we have yet to match. Many of the volunteers in these programs were, and still are, members of the Rochester Engineering Society (RES). In the intervening twenty-five years, many have retired, or are about to retire. That makes them even more available as STEM Coaches, than they were as Kodak employees. The RES is working to put technical people in K-12 Classrooms, throughout the Greater Rochester area, as STEM Coaches. Their presence will: • • •

Help the Teacher stay current with our ever-changing technology. Provide real-World Application Examples, making whatever is being taught, real enough to be worth remembering. Support the teachers with not only the delivery of STEM concepts, but perhaps more importantly, the design and delivery of STEM related hardware.

Last year we had six STEM Coach, doing Classroom Visitation at School #3. That was so successful that RCSD is interested in expanding this program to involve nine STEM Coaches this year.

The RES is specifically seeking Retired, Technical people, (Engineers, Technicians, Machinists, Entrepreneurs or anyone whose work would allow them to visit during School hours), as STEM Coaches. We currently have more than 30 Coaches, and are connecting them with 13 Rochester-area Schools. “This is a life-changing experience!” For more information contact: Jon Kriegel   585-281-5216 RES Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer STEM Coach Please visit: res news - stem bridges


Technical Corner Some questions came up from last month’s article regarding the voltages used in the locked rotor calculation. More information was requested to differentiate between using 460V or 480V for motor calculations. As explained below you will notice that 460V is the proper voltage to be used. 480V is the Distribution Voltage (DV) typically seen at the transformer or Utility level and 460V is the Utilization Voltage (UV) often used in calculations downstream in the electrical system. 460V was chosen by NEMA as the (UV) for motors because prior to any universal standards, some motors were designed for 440V, some for 460V and some for 480V. In fact, a good way to tell if a motor is old, rather than the obvious physical appearance, is to look at the nameplate. 440V was a common rating for older motors. 460V was the "compromise" that allowed manufacturers to unify their nameplate information without necessarily changing their design. This holds true with other voltages such as in a 240V system. 240V is the (DV), 220V is an “older” rating and 230V is the “compromise” or (UV), and should be listed on the today’s motor nameplates and used in motor calculations. (Also: 110V:115V:120V) Some reasoning behind why we use (UV) is that there is an assumption that there is voltage drop present downstream of the transformer or Utility and that motor starting also causes a dip in voltage. Motors have the best performance when operated at their nameplate voltage. Thus, a motor with a rated nameplate voltage of 460V should be expected to operate successfully at +/- 10% or between 414V and 506V. This is a good Segway into the following calculation: What size transformer would be required to feed the following 2 motors? From last month's example: Fire Pump Motor and controller 200HP Code G with soft start 460V Rated 229 Amps Nameplate Jockey Pump (on same circuit as FP) 3 HP Code L 460V Rated 3.4 Amps Nameplate For XFMR: Assume 12,470V Primary/480Y/277V Secondary (Distribution Voltages-also would be located on nameplate of transformer) Transformer Sizing Calc: NEC Table 430.250 Full Load Current (FLC) of both motors NOT nameplate. Nameplate currents are only used to size overloads, see NEC 430.6(A)(1 and 2) Note the Utilization Voltages (UV) in this table 240A + 4.8A = 244.8A Take 125% of this value to get 306A @ 460V 3PH However, for the transformer secondary voltage we should be using the Distribution Voltage (DV) which is on the nameplate of the transformer. (480V) Transformer kVA= (Volts * Amps * 1.73)/1000 = (480 x 306 x 1.73)/1000 To get 254kVA as a minimum size. Using the next standard size up puts us at a 300kVA. Hopefully this article/sample calculation finds you well and can be used as a reference for your project needs. If anyone would like to contribute to the Rochester Engineer and add an article or would like to request information on a specific topic (not limited to Electrical) just email me at As always, any comments are appreciated…! Thank you for reading. Brett Eliasz, P.E., LEED AP BD+C RES Director 8 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER DECEMBER 2018

res - technical corner

res gala


Get to the Point!

Presentation Phobia (4): From Power Point Poison to Standing Ovation Previously I introduced the Three Ps of Presentations: Plan, Prepare, and Present. This is the last of my series and offers ideas on how to present.

The Practice Stage

This is often awkward because you may not have an audience, but it is an essential component to becoming a successful presenter. Don’t fall into the trap of quietly reading your notes and consider that your practice. To fully understand your pace and language you have to practice and speak your words out loud. This will help you catch awkward transitions and phrases and use natural language.

Control Your Nervousness

There are very few people who are not at least a little nervous when the time comes to speak before an audience. Some nervous tension is perfectly normal and can even help a speaker perform better. If you have quality speaking notes and have practiced using them, you will find that the familiar phrases will help relax you and give you confidence.

Here are some additional tips to help calm your nerves: • Visit the room before you speak. Check the equipment and become comfortable with your surroundings. • Find a quiet space to project your voice and warm it up. During your presentation, you need to talk louder Practice working with your visuals and make sure you know than you normally do and, for some, the first few words exactly which slide comes next. This also helps you ensure are uncomfortable. that your speaking notes match up to your slides. Confident • Avoid looking at your notes and rehearsing just minutes speakers know exactly what slide comes next and exactly before the presentation. It’s too late now and last minute what they want to say about the content on the slide. If you preparations will only make you more nervous. haven’t practiced in advance, this is impossible. • Time yourself as you practice so you know exactly what slide you should be on at what time. This will allow you I encourage you to know your slides so well that you during to control the clock and know if you need to speed up or your practice, guess what the next slide will be before you slow down during the presentation so you finish on time. reveal it. This will ensure you don’t have that surprised look • Take a few deep breaths; roll your ankles and shoulders to on your face during your talk, as if this is the first time you’ve help relax any tight muscles. seen the slide. • If a question arises and you don’t know the answer, don’t bluff. You can (and should) say you don’t know the answer Sharpen Your Platform Presence but will follow-up on it. And then do so! Here are some techniques to improve your performance. • Know that your listeners are there to learn something Practice them in advance! from you and you are the authority. If you have done your • Use your notes, but don’t read them or your slides. research and have prepared well, it will show. • Be enthusiastic. If you present with passion, your audience will see that you enjoy your topic and that will The time and effort you invest in the planning, preparing and transfer to them. practicing your presentation will give you confidence. No one • Look at your audience; make eye contact. expects you to give a fully professional presentation at your • Use humor only if it fits naturally into the presentation; first attempt, but your audience (and your employer) will you don’t want to offend someone or diminish your appreciate your efforts when they see that you have prepared content. carefully and presented in an interesting way. Don’t be • Speak up and at a comfortable pace; not too fast or surprised when they applaud. You deserve it. too slow. Practice intentional pauses. Silence helps your audience catch up to you and comprehend before you move on. What seems like awkward silence is a welcome break for your audience. © 2018, RGI Learning • Vary your voice to create interest: louder, softer, faster, Lisa Moretto is the President of slower. Consider your voice a tool. Learn to use it to your RGI Learning, Inc. For 24 years she has benefit. helped engineers improve their oral and • Pause occasionally to check your notes and to allow your written communication skills. Visit audience to digest your information. or • Avoid distracting habits. You may need to ask a colleague call (866) 744-3032 to learn to observe you and help identify actions that might about RGI’s courses. divert the audience’s attention. 10 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER DECEMBER 2018

get to the point

Get IT Done

Crunch the Numbers or the Numbers will Crunch You — by Andrè Godfrey 2019 is a-coming and you need to get your IT budget prepped and presented before the other departments claim all of it. You need a strategy, my friend, because there are a number of issues you need to address. Do you ask for more than you need, knowing in advance that the ‘powers that be’ are going to whittle you down? Do you look at your IT spend for 2018 and add 15%? Make it flat because that’s the best you can do? Or do you shrug your shoulders and say ‘what’s the use’, knowing from past experience that your well thought out arguments will fall on deaf ears? Perhaps you are a bit weary from past experiences but hear me out. Get the budget you want and when you succeed you will look forward to the coming year. If your efforts are in vain, then 2019 is just another year of being asked to do more with less. The crux of the issue is that senior leadership may look at IT as overhead. That is a perspective we need to change. How do we do this? First, with hard cold facts. Then with some pizazz. A cautionary note: my suggestions only work if they are real and sincere efforts to improve your IT deliverables. The ideas will backfire miserably if they are looked upon as a bit of corporate trickery. Let’s start with industry standards. The average small company (less than $50 million in revenue) spends 6.9% of their revenue on IT Mid-sized (between $50 million - $2 billion) spend 4.1%

year: enhance security, created a faster network, on boarded a number of new employees, assisted in acquisitions, improved your support, and/or upgraded company applications? If you want to add budget, you MUST demonstrate you can do something with it. The three areas where most IT Management begin to consider budgeting are staff, hardware/software and projects. People: A good place to start is with your people. Do you need to add staff? Do you need to give someone a raise? Can you justify it? Hardware/software: What’s old and needs to be new? What’s slow and needs to be faster? Projects: Can you articulate both the technical framework and an immediate and future ROI? Now what are you going to accomplish next year? How will your future accomplishment help senior management and their goals? If it doesn’t translate easily to senior management needs then you may want to think again. Got it? Ok, now the pizazz! If you are considering sending this off in a spreadsheet don’t waste your time. You need mindshare. You need C-Level buy-in. Perhaps a champion would help. Chances are someone on that level shares your vision. Or ask sales/marketing for presentation help. Then practice your presentation. You got this! Think About IT

Larger companies (over $2 billion) spend 3.2% So how do you measure up? Whether your personal numbers are higher or lower they will alter your strategy. If you are budgeted below industry standard then you should be congratulated for keeping costs down but with the caveat that those efforts come with a price ‘down the road’ and that your company may have reached that road mark and is currently running the risk of being left in your competitors’ technological dust. Whether your comparative number high or low it would do you, your department and your company a lot of good, to reflect on the department accomplishments in the past year. Think man (woman)! Think! What did you do this past get IT done

Andrè Godfrey is President, Entrè Computer Services,


Baja race teams zoom to RIT for 2019 World Challenge University hosts national and international collegiate off-road race teams June 6-9

Collegiate Baja races are more than a design competition on a challenging field of hairpin turns, hills, obstacles and rough terrain—it’s a test of how student-engineers think, build and work together to solve problems. More than 100 teams of these racing problem-solvers will be at Rochester Institute of Technology on June 6-9, 2019 for the Baja SAE Rochester World Challenge VI. This will be the seventh time overall RIT has hosted a Baja event, and sixth with international competitors. Baja SAE is one of several collegiate design competitions sponsored by SAE (formerly known as the Society of Christina Buettner (Photographer) during the rock climb at Oregon race Automotive Engineers) where students design and build one person off-road vehicles to compete in national and international events. Team members are engineering and engineering technology students primarily, but also include students from liberal arts, business, computing and graphic design. Each team builds component parts of the cars from chassis to electronics. Chris Mehalakes, this year’s RIT team manager is looking forward to welcoming 100 teams from around the world to our campus. “We are hoping for healthy competition and the opportunity to help other universities compete right here in Rochester,” said the fifth-year mechanical engineering technology major. During competitions, all cars undergo a meticulous technical inspection process and are judged on frame structure, suspension, workmanship and appearance. Teams that do not pass the technical inspection are not permitted to move on to

Set up prior to dropping the flag for endurance at Alabama race 12 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER DECEMBER 2018

The Baja SAE Rochester World Challenge VI takes place at RIT’s Gordon Field House and Activity Center on June 6 & 7 with registration, sales presentations and design events. The competition continues at Hogback Hill Motocross Track in Palmyra, N. Y. with dynamic events on June 8 and the 4-hour endurance race on June 9. Please visit https://www. for more info. cover article


Ryan Hurley (photographer) During the Endurance Race at Palmyra

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Baja SAE events are more than a race. Companies can recruit some of the most talented young engineers as the competition is a fertile ground for seeing firsthand how they manage projects, strategize using the best technology and work effectively on teams and among competitors. Planning for the 2019 event is underway and event sponsors are needed for the Sales Presentation Event and meals. Please contact Marty Gordon at if your company is interested in being a local sponsor. Volunteers are needed too for all events and local engineers are needed to help judge the Sales Presentations and Design. If you’d like to volunteer please contact Steve Skurski at skurski.steven@

the dynamic events. Dynamic events include hill climb, suspension and traction, land maneuverability, acceleration and the penultimate endurance event where the teams go head-to-head in a four-hour endurance race. Teams from as close as the University of Rochester and as far away as Brazil and Korea attend regularly along with some of the best from across the US including Cal Poly, Northeastern, Purdue, Arizona State, John Hopkins, Ohio State and Virginia Tech. Over the last few years, RIT, Cornell, the University of Michigan and Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada) have alternated winning the National Championship and attaining the Mike Schmidt Memorial Iron Team Award for perseverance, engineering excellence and competitive success. The coveted award is given to the season’s best team based on cumulative points in each of the three national events. The Schmidt Award also holds significance for RIT’s Baja team for two reasons: the trophy, established in 2001, commemorates the late Mike Schmidt, a founding member of RIT Baja; and in 2018, RIT won the trophy and will not only host the final Baja SAE event of the season, but will be defending national champions. In a competition where all teams start with a level playing field, who tops that field often is a surprise until the last car races across the finish line.q

Video from 2016 watch?v=epEUC23oZ0Y Abbey Leyendecker (photographer) Endurance race 2016

Michelle Cometa (Photographer) Endurance race at Palmyra cover article


Position Openings


position openings



.1 e Jan . 22 n n i l a J d s a Start ration de t s i (Reg

RIT’s Civil Engineering Technology program, within the College of Applied Science and Technology is now offering a Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Civil Exam Review Course for the civil engineering professionals. Passing the FE exam is the first step in the process leading to the Professional Engineers (PE) license. All eighteen (18) different exam topics as shown in the table below will be covered.

FE Civil Exam Review Course Offerings for Spring 2018-19 For 14 weeks of evening class option (Spring 2019): Starts on January 22nd with last day of class is on 26th of April 2019.

FE Civil Exam Review Course Structure           

Hands-on Problem solving in every class with some theory but mostly based on FE Reference Handbook from NCEES. 70 hours of intensive in-person teaching and practicing to ensure that the attendees fully grasp all the topics. A very fast-paced course with 14 weeks of evening classes. Homework materials will be provided after every class and need to submit it back at the beginning of next class. Some part of every week will be devoted for time restricted sample tests with problems similar to FE Exam to check individual progress towards the preparation of actual test. Deep-learning (engaging heart, mind, body and soul) initiative will be taken by a single instructor teaching all the topics by engaging all attendees in active learning and participation to unlock their potential. Fee for the review is set to be $1049. Group discount: For a group of 5 or more will receive a discount of $99 per person. Guarantee of passing: Students will be allowed to sit for maximum of three full scale 6 hours mock tests (OPTIONAL) at their suitable time set with the instructor at the end of 14 weeks of classes. If the student receives 85% or more in mock tests but doesn’t pass the FE, will be allowed to attend the next course absolutely free. Class meeting time: Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm and Friday from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Registration deadlines are 10 days before the start of the course. All classes will be held in RIT campus.

Note: Start and end dates are flexible to accommodate the requirement from large group enrollment. Same applies for class meeting time.

For additional information or to register, please contact: Greg Evershed Director of Corporate Engagement RIT College of Applied Science and Technology

FE civil exam review course


Go to the RES Web Site for Updated Details On All Meetings -


Education Opportunities

Monday, December 10

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 41 Sustainability & Resiliance-Examples of Community and Campus Energy Assessments – 1 PDH Pending Presented by: Chonghui Liu, Popli Design Group Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Cost: $25 per person Time: 12:00 noon – lunch buffet. Presentations to start approximately 12:30 pm. Reservations: Reservations at

Wednesday, December 12

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

p 31

Controlling Legionella and other Waterborne Pathogens in Potable Water – 1 PDH Credit Approved Speaker: Andrew Paulsen, Water Control Corporation Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. Reservations: To Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or by December 7th.

Friday, March 15, 2019 Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)

Save the Date for the ABCD Spring Seminar

p 32

Place: Batavia Downs, Batavia, NY PDH credits will be available Contact David Jenkinson, PE, 585-364-1634 ( or Jason Messenger, PE, 585-385-7417 ext. 241 ( for further information.

Save the Date Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Engineering Symposium in Rochester

To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email:

Engineers’ Calendar

The engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. The deadline for submitting copy is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: The meetings offering PDHs are highlighted in blue. Details about the meeting and affiliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the affiliate name.

Tuesday, December 4

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Thursday, December 6 p 39

Rochester Section Excom Meeting Place: Location TBD Time: 11:50 – 1:00 pm Cost: Buffet lunch, $5 for all members. IEEE event website: Parsian K. Mohseni, Microsystems Engineering, RIT ( IEEE event website: rochester/. 16 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER DECEMBER 2018

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ‘Tis the Season…Holiday Happy Hour

Brewery or Distillery tour pending. Place: Rohrbach Beer Hall, 97 Railroad Street (near Public Market). Time: 5:30 to 9:00 pm Cost: ASCE members - $20; Non-members - $25, Students - $15. Reservations: via Constant Contact invite or by emailing You can pay at the door w/cash or online via PayPal.

continuing education calendar | engineers' calendar

e d



Monday, December 10

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 41 Sustainability & Resiliance-Examples of Community and Campus Energy Assessments – 1 PDH Pending

Presented by: Chonghui Liu, Popli Design Group Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Cost: $25 per person Time: 12:00 noon – lunch buffet. Presentations to start approximately 12:30 pm. Reservations: Reservations at

p 31

Controlling Legionella and other Waterborne Pathogens in Potable Water – 1 PDH Credit Approved

Speaker: Andrew Paulsen, Water Control Corporation Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. Reservations: To Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or by December 7th.

Wednesday, December 12

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA) GVLSA Holiday Mixer

p 27

Place: Rohrbachs Beer Hall, 97 Railroad Street, Rochester, NY 14609 Time: 6:00 pm (drinks, appetizers & wood fired pizza’s). Cost: $20 per person or $30 per couple Reservations: Contact Justin Roloson by December 5th, 484-8100, ext. 209 or 585-369-6943. GVLSA website:

Wednesday, December 12

Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE) p 34 Tour American Packaging

Place: American Packaging, 100 APC Drive, Churchville, NY. Dinner at Delmonico’s, 125 White Spruce Blvd., Rochester, NY 14623 Time: 5:30 pm Cost: Members - $25; Non-members - $30. Dinner choices are: Chicken Riggies, Ravioli, Sirloin Slices, Tortellini Aglio, Haddock Bella Vista, or Pasta with Meatballs or Sausage. Tour requirements: park in main lot and meet in the front lobby; APC is a nut-free and smoke-free site; open toed shoes are prohibited on the plant floor; and safety glasses, hair/beard nets and hearing protection are required in the facility and APC provides these items for the tour participants. Reservations: Make your reservation by Friday, December 7th to Ken Carr, Payment can also be made on the website at engineers' calendar

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Rochester Section Excom Meeting

p 39

Place: Location TBD Time: 11:50 – 1:00 pm Cost: Buffet lunch, $5 for all members. IEEE event website:

Tuesday, January 15

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) p 36 49th Engineer of the Year – Thomas C. Hack, PE

Wednesday, December 12

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

Tuesday, January 8

Place: Rochester Riverside Convention Center Time: 5:30 pm. Additional details will be available in the January issue and on the website. Website:

Thursday, January 17

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

p 28

Building the Tower without Climbing it, Progress in Engineering Systems

Speaker: David Broniatowski, Assistant Professor, George Washington University Place: 4 host sites. Details are on page 28 or contact Kevin Devaney at Time: Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm Reservations: Contact the host person at the host site list on page 28.

Support Your Affiliate Attend A Meeting

Save the Date

Saturday, April 13, 2019 RES Annual Gala The RES website ( has a calendar of events for this month's meetings and meetings that are received or updated after print deadline. Please refer to the website for updated information. If you wish to be listed in the calendar please send details to DECEMBER 2018 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 17

News From

Professional Firms

SWBR Celebrates Grand Opening of RIT Magic Spell Studios

F f e a

Pictured from left to right: Matthew Weber, Caitlin Ellis, Ryan Zegarelli, Diana Kalvitis-Pannone, Dennis Jansen, Mark Maddalina, Megan Smith, Mark Kluczynski


SWBR recently celebrated the grand opening of RIT MAGIC Spell Studios, a new state-of the-art facility designed to converge strategic components of the University’s creative arts & media programs under one roof. “MAGIC Spell Studios is a landmark facility that uniquely embraces innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship,” said SWBR principal Mark Maddalina. “It supports the convergence of computer game design, film, animation and digital media education in an inspiring, professional environment.” The studio also provides students a hands-on, high-tech environment from which they can launch their own companies in Rochester, fueling an industry that has taken hold locally with entrepreneurial enterprises. Featuring a movie sound stage, soundmixing studio, color correction studio, 180-seat Movie Theater and three (3) media development laboratories, MAGIC Spell Studios is the first academic commercialization studio of its kind in the northeast. “MAGIC Spell Studios will be a wonderful resource for our students and will also serve as an economic engine for the Finger Lakes region and New York State,” said RIT President David Munson. “The programs, labs and studios in MAGIC Spell will help build and retain a vibrant workforce and send exciting products into the marketplace.” q 18 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER DECEMBER 2018

news from professional firms | advertisement


Professional Firms Employee News Bergmann Adds Jim McIntosh to Northeast Region

Jim McIntosh, PE

Jim McIntosh, PE, has joined national architecture, engineering and planning firm Bergmann as a principal serving the Northeast region. McIntosh, who brings more than three decades of civil engineering experience, will work with both Bergmann’s Infrastructure and Buildings groups to further develop municipal offerings across New York state.

For the past 12 years, McIntosh has served as the City Engineer for the City of Rochester, New York. In that role he gained extensive expertise as a municipal project manager and excelled at delivering collaboration between public and private partners.

such as water quality and municipal roadways. He will also work closely with the buildings team to identify opportunities to expand Bergmann’s full range of planning, architecture and engineering services to towns, cities and other municipal organizations. “Jim adds significant expertise in all aspects of municipal engineering to our team. He will help to round out our fullservice capabilities provided to cities, towns and counties throughout New York State,” said Andrew Raus, vice president of Northeast Buildings, Bergmann. “We also see immediate need for Jim’s expertise in supporting our Downtown Revitalization Initiative projects and clients.” McIntosh is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section. He has a bachelor of engineering technology degree in civil and environmental engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology. q

At Bergmann, McIntosh will focus on infrastructure projects

T.Y. Lin International Announces Architectural Group Leader for Upstate New York T.Y. Lin International (TYLI), a globally recognized full-service infrastructure consulting firm, announces the addition of Herbert Guenther, AIA, NCARB, as Architectural Group Leader for the firm’s Upstate New York operations. In his new role, Guenther will develop staff, manage projects, and create business development opportunities in the regional markets served by TYLI’s Rochester and Buffalo offices.

Herbert Guenther, AIA

Guenther’s career spans more than 28 years and includes the management and design of corporate, institutional, commercial, and medical facilities projects for public and private clients. His experience encompasses design development, schematic design, code review, and construction administration for building renovation, historic preservation, and new construction assignments. Guenther has served in key roles on projects valued up to $19 million.

“Herb’s enthusiasm and energy will be a huge asset as he mentors our younger staff,” said Robert Radley, PE, senior vice president and East Region director. “His passion and experience working repeatedly with such clients as the Rochester Housing Authority, Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority, Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority, City of Buffalo, and General Motors will help propel our Architectural Group into its next phase.” Guenther is a consulting industry veteran who has worked with both large and small firms and for 13 years at his own private architectural firm. His experience over the past eight years includes serving as the Western New York Buildings Group Manager for an international firm. Licensed in New York State, Guenther earned his master of architecture and bachelor of professional studies – architecture degrees from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo. He is a member of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, the American Institute of Architects and Green Globes Professional. q professional firms employee news


Professional Firms Employee News CPL Welcomes New HR Director CPL, a full-service design firm that has served public and private-sector clients for more than 40 years, welcomes Human Resources Director Amy Marra to its team in Rochester. As an accomplished HR and organizational development leader, Marra will work closely with the firm’s HR team to oversee and enhance a full range of people-related Amy Marra activities, including onboarding and training, team-member development, recruitment and retention, compensation and benefits, and HR policies and compliance. Marra joins the firm with more than 20 years of experience, most of which were gained with University of Rochester Medical Center. Most recently, she served as human resources business partner, strategically identifying solutions to support business objectives for multiple units and departments. With responsibilities spanning all aspects of HR — including performance management, employee relations and culture development — she earned a reputation for creating strategies

CHA Announces New Staff in Rochester CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA), a highly diversified, full-service engineering consulting firm, announces Melinda Kinnear,

that enable employees to grow and reach their full potential. Marra decided to pursue a career in HR while earning her degree in business administration with a concentration in human resources at The College at Brockport. “I was unsure of exactly what I wanted to do until I took my first course in HR,” she said. “My enthusiasm for the field was pretty instantaneous and I’ve not once regretted my decision to embark on this career path.” Marra noted the firm's current evolution in her decision to join the firm. “It’s clear that CPL is in the midst of exciting growth, and I’m very eager to be part of that,” Marra said. “With more than 400 team members (and counting), I see opportunities to help reinforce positive change and propel initiatives to support the company’s culture.” Dedicated to spurring thoughtful and practical HR solutions, Marra’s work mantra boils down to a quote by Vince Lombardi, who once said, “individual commitment to a group effort — that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” q

Kwasniewski Joins Beardsley Architects + Engineers Beardsley Architects + Engineers announced that Christopher Kwasniewski, PE, has joined the firm as structural engineer.

CEM, CEA, has joined the firm as a senior mechanical engineer. Melinda has over 30 Melinda Kinnear, CEM

years of experience in energy and mechanical engineering. Prior to joining, she was a senior

performance assurance engineer tasked with measuring and verifying energy savings associated with facility improvement measures and NYSERDA program opportunities. She received her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell University. q 20 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER DECEMBER 2018

Mr. Kwasniewski has over 20 years of experience in structural engineering including project management; project planning and estimating; inspection, evaluation and repairs of Christopher Kwasniewski, structures; and extensive analysis PE and design of concrete, steel, masonry, wood, and cold-formed metal structures. He has designed a wide variety of buildings and structures for industrial and municipal clients. He is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Structural Engineering Institute. q professional firms employee news


Passero Associates Announces New Employees and Intern Wins AIA New York State Student Award


Jonathan Daniels, EIT

Daniel Lenk

Eduardo Navarro, RA

Jonathan Daniels, EIT joins as a civil engineer II. Mr. Daniels holds a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering with a structural concentration from Pennsylvania State University. He was most recently employed by APD Engineering & Architecture where he served as a project engineer. His previous work experience also includes a position as a field engineer with Entact, LLC, and two internships with Clough Harbour in Rochester. Daniel Lenk joins as a landscape architect I. Mr. Lenk holds a bachelor of science in landscape architecture from Ohio State University. He was most recently employed by Passero Associates as a landscape architecture intern, during which time he had an immediate and positive impact on an array of projects. He has also previously worked for ILC Construction in Norway. His planning and landscape architecture talents make him a great addition to the the firm and a valued resource for all disciplines and office locations. Eduardo Navarro, RA, LEED AP BD+C joins as project architect III. Mr. Navarro comes to the firm from the San Francisco Bay area where he worked for ELS Architecture and Urban Design as a project architect. He holds a master of architecture degree from Tulane University, and his more than 13 years of project experience includes performing arts/theater, multi-family, mixed use, retail, and K-12 schools. Mr. Navarro is a licensed architect in California and

Robert Sulli

Savannah Tabor

Adam Lu

is LEED AP BD+C accredited. Robert Sulli joins as architectural designer I. Mr. Sulli was previously employed by Hanlon Architects, where he served as an architectural designer. He is pursuing his master of architecture degree, specializing in sustainable architecture, at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He also holds a bachelor of arts degree in studio art with a minor in anthropology from Oswego State University and an associate of arts in graphic arts and printing from Monroe Community College. Savannah Tabor joins as office administrator. Ms. Tabor will be providing a full range of administrative support to the Midwest aviation group, including grants and contracts administration. She holds a bachelor of arts degree in psychology from Ohio State University. She was previously employed as an administrative professional for AmCare Occupational Health Management in Cincinnati. Adam Lu joins as civil engineering co-op / intern. Mr. Lu is a senior in the civil engineering technology program at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Prior to joining the firm he held co-op positions with J. C. Cannistaro in Watertown, MA, and AECOM Technology Corporation in New York City. He currently serves as president of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers at RIT and has experience in AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Revit, CADMep and Navisworks. q

Architecture Intern Leah Przybylski Wins the AIA New York State Student Award Leah Przybylski, architecture intern at Passero Associates, was recognized by the American Institute of Architects New York State with the AIA New York State Student Award for her contributions and achievements in the architectural industry at AIA Rochester’s Annual Meeting on October 31, 2018. The AIA New York State Student Award recognizes notable contributions and accomplishments by a student member of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) through design, education, community service, and service to the profession. Leah Przybylski, a third-year master of architecture student in the Golisano Institute for Sustainability at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), is being recognized for her dedication to studying architecture and her involvement with RIT’s AIAS chapter, for which she currently serves as President. She is involved with various activities of the Emerging Rochester Architects (ERA) group, has organized fundraising events, has setup a volunteer group to help with Habitat for Humanity, and has promoted AIA Rochester’s Career Fair. Ms. Przybylski has received numerous honors from AIA Rochester and other industry firms for her hard work and dedication to the profession. In addition to her academic studies, she works as an intern at Passero Associates and is also a graduate assistant in the master of architecture program at RIT. She also holds a bachelor of arts from the University of Rochester in Psychology and ATHS (Archaeology, Technology and Historical Structures). Leah is also the recipient of a yearly scholarship given by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Rochester Foundation. The scholarship is in recognition of her contributions to the RIT Architecture program through her role as American Institute of Architects (AIA) Student president at RIT and for her work with the community. This is the second consecutive year she has received this scholarship. Leah is also the recipient of several scholarships from RIT, including for Academic Merit, an Achievement in Architecture scholarship, and the 2018 Martha Perry Scholarship, given in recognition of students that assist and promote the success of Deaf student populations in service and learning experiences. q professional firms employee news


News From

Professional Firms

Erdman Anthony Bridge Project Earns ACEC New York 2019 Engineering Excellence Award Erdman Anthony announced that its entry in the American Council of Engineering Companies of New York’s 2019 Engineering Excellence Awards Competition has earned a silver award. The project on the I-81 Southbound and Northbound Bridges over Oneida Lake and the New York State Barge Canal in Brewerton, NY, was submitted in the structural systems category. The Engineering Excellence Awards are presented to projects that encompass both the public and private sectors in the following categories: studies, research, and consulting services; building/technology systems; structural systems; surveying and mapping technology; environmental; waste and stormwater; water resources; transportation; energy; industrial and manufacturing processes and facilities; and special projects. Each year, over 60 member firms submit projects that are judged on a rigorous set of criteria, including complexity, innovation, and value to society. These projects are judged by a panel of industry experts, including military and government officials, ACEC national and international leadership, educators from college and university engineering departments, and leadership from other organizations dedicated to the built environment.

ACEC New York will honor 130 projects at the 52nd Annual Engineering Excellence Awards Gala, which will take place at the Hilton Midtown in New York City on April 13, 2019. This event is co-sponsored by the ACEC New York Scholarship Fund, and, in conjunction with the gala, the scholarship program will award more than $50,000 to New York state engineering students. In addition to celebrating among peers, the awards program helps publicize the many significant contributions consulting engineers make to the built environment throughout the world. q

T.Y. Lin International Wins Two 2019 ACEC New York Diamond Awards T.Y. Lin International (TYLI), a globally recognized full-service infrastructure consulting firm, announces that two projects have won Diamond Awards in the American Council of Engineering Companies New York (ACEC NY) Engineering Excellence Competition. The Niagara Falls State Park Transformation Initiative won in the Special Projects Category while the I-390 Interchange Improvements Design-Build Project won in the Transportation Category. The ACEC NY Engineering Excellence Awards recognize projects for complexity, innovation and value to society. A panel of industry experts judged entries from more than 60 firms. The Diamond Award is the top honor in each category. 22 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER DECEMBER 2018

news from professional firms

The awards will be presented at a black tie gala on Saturday, April 13, 2019 in the Ballroom of the Hilton Midtown in New York City. As Diamond Award winners designed and built entirely in New York State, both projects are candidates for the Empire Award, which goes to the toprated project across all 12 categories. This award will be announced during the gala. TYLI was the lead consultant on the Niagara Falls State Park Transformation Initiative, a massive $65 million endeavor that produced a new version of the park that harmonizes with its distinction as an international tourist destination and one of the nation’s greatest treasures. The Initiative implemented a series of more than 16 full-scale, interconnected projects across 400+ acres. Gone are the days of disrepair, undersized overlooks, inadequate pedestrian circulation, and antiquated systems. Today, the park is a thriving picture of sustainability, state-of-the-art innovation, and ADA accessibility for its nine million annual visitors. Deemed “a crowning achievement for all involved” by the New York State Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYSOPRHP), the transformation spanned five years and touched nearly every major aspect of the park to sculpt a more intimate view of its majestic beauty. All designs complement the site’s historic and natural setting while meeting the park’s contemporary needs. TYLI orchestrated the efforts of 13 individual firms and worked in close partnership with landscape architect, The LA Group, and NYSOPRHP to design and progress the construction. Throughout construction, the park never once closed its gates. The entire park is now completely ADA accessible. The park systems, both visible and behind the scenes, are vastly more efficient and realize an extraordinary savings in both cost and time to maintain them. The transformation has been a boon to the regional economy with new hotels and restaurants opening to meet the tourist demand.

Improvements DesignBuild Project. This $31 million project was the final in a series of improvements to alleviate delays at the I-390 and Routes 15 and 15A interchange in Rochester, NY. The project replaced the existing bridge carrying NY Route 15A over the historic Erie Canal; constructed four new ramps; eliminated two ramps; rehabilitated two existing bridges; and provided additional ramp widening and rehabilitation, as well as traffic signals, roadway lighting, overhead signage, drainage system reconstruction, ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems), and the relocation of existing facilities. Safety and minimizing disruption to the traveling public were key components to the construction approach in this vital, heavily traveled corridor. Despite a late award date and additional delays prompted by utility companies, the team completed the project on an accelerated schedule one month early and within budget. While the popularity of the design-build delivery method is increasing nationwide, this project was only the second instance for New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Region 4. Project innovations focused on design and construction staging. TYLI designed a three-span slant leg rigid frame structure to carry Route 15A over the popular historic Erie Canal. Dubbed the “grasshopper” for its appearance, the unique design creates an open, airy feel for pedestrians and bicyclists, while offering design and material efficiencies. The project team devised an atypical solution to foundation design for this structure. ITS eliminated back-ups onto the mainline and alleviated traffic in this high-volume area. The team corrected geometric and safety deficiencies to improve traffic flow by eliminating heavy left-turn movements and utilizing medians. The project also enhances aesthetics and supports future economic growth, but in perhaps the most celebrated victory, it facilitates on-time arrival for the thousands who traverse this busy corridor each day. q

TYLI was also the lead consultant on the I-390 Interchange news from professional firms


News From

Professional Firms

Beardsley Project Receives Prestigious AIA CNY 2018 Design Award Beardsley Architects + Engineers, in its pursuit to raise their bar on design excellence, announced that the Implant Dental, New Office Building, located in Plattsburgh, NY, has been selected by the AIA Central New York chapter to receive a 2018 Award of Merit in the Commercial/Industrial category. The awards program recognizes outstanding achievements in architecture for recently completed projects by architects and firms based in Central New York. This year’s ceremony was held at the Everson Museum of Art on November 3. Michael N. Reynolds, RA, AIA, Brian Levendusky, Bernie Brown, and John MacArthur, P.E., teamed to create a modern medical office building that embraces the client’s sophisticated technology in a warm, inviting atmosphere, providing patients with a comfortable experience for life-changing results. In addition to a larger office space, the practice also included space for their growing implant dental educational practice.

Working within an existing medical campus, Beardsley worked closely with the owner to develop a concept that would pair the building form and exterior detailing to the existing Adirondack Cottage. The contemporary interior projects a sophisticated and warm environment utilizing a neutral palette, floor to ceiling glass partitions, and a serene wave-like acoustical ceiling system in the education space. The owner noted, “Michael N. Reynolds, AIA, and staff at Beardsley Architects + Engineers are dynamic, engaging, and alive with tremendous kinetic, positive energy and engineering amplitude. The team exhibited an exceptional structural knowledge base with precision timeline efficiency, coupled with an empathic cost-conscious protocol. Michael's ‘Adirondack architectural style’ kinesthetic/visual sense of position and wholeness transcended my dream project into breathtaking results.” q

Beardsley Project Receives Prestigious AIA CNY 2018 Design Award Beardsley Architects + Engineers, in its pursuit to raise their bar on design excellence, announced that the St. Lawrence University, Herring Meeting/Briefing Room Reawakening project, located in Canton, NY, has been selected by the AIA Central New York chapter to receive a 2018 Award of Merit in the Adaptive Reuse/Historic Preservation category. The awards program recognizes outstanding achievements in architecture for recently completed projects by architects and firms based in Central New York. This year’s ceremony was held at the Everson Museum of Art on November 3. Michael N. Reynolds, RA, AIA, Bernie Brown, and John MacArthur, P.E., teamed with St. Lawrence University to design the reawakening of the historic Herring Hall. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974, Herring Library is the second oldest building on the campus. While it had been well maintained over the years, renovations in the mind-1970s stripped the building of its original character. To correct the actions of the past, SLU used this opportunity to look back at period specific examples on campus and beyond to guide their vision for its future. The newly renovated space will be reserved for special events and speaking engagements and will also serve the students as a learning space and gallery. To coordinate the interior reconstruction, SLU’s Capital Projects Manager, Bob Hance, in partnership with Master Craftsman, John Gillis, combined their talent to lead the construction team through the integration of a contemporary infrastructure, including the delicate job of installing an entirely new internal steel structural system, staged through the window openings, along with sophisticated information 24 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER DECEMBER 2018

technology, audio/video, and life safety systems. The original white Carrara marble floors were protected as the only finish to survive the nearly 150 years of use. The layered custom moldings, cabinetry, wainscoting, and coffered ceilings meticulously designed by Beardsley were constructed by John Gillis of white Oak and Douglas Fir, and define the grand lecture space. Stained glass and custom carpeting designed and crafted by SLU Alumni speak to the love and commitment this SLU community has for this historic and iconic structure. q

news from professional firms


Pathfinder Project Receives Prestigious First Place ASHRAE Technology Award Pathfinder Engineers & Architects has been selected by American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) for a first place 2019 Technology Award for its design of the Koffman Southern Tier Incubator, Binghamton, NY. Pathfinder provided high performance mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection engineering and enhanced commissioning for the building. The ASHRAE Technology Awards recognize outstanding achievements by members worldwide who have successfully applied innovative building design in the areas of occupant comfort, indoor air quality (IAQ) and energy conservation. These designs incorporate ASHRAE standards for effective energy management and IAQ. Performance is proven through one year’s actual, verifiable operating data. A benchmark for efficiency is Energy Use Intensity (EUI), which expresses a building’s annual energy use relative to its gross square footage. Between June 2017 and May 2018, the EUI was 71 kBtu/sf/year, which is 50% lower than comparable laboratory buildings in LABs 21 benchmark database. The award will be presented at the ASHRAE Winter Conference in Atlanta, GA, in January 2019. Six projects worldwide were selected for First Place Awards in six categories based on building type. All first place awards in each category are automatically eligible for consideration for the "ASHRAE Award of Engineering Excellence." The new three-story, 38,000 sq. ft. facility, which opened May 2017, provides labs and shared facilities for start-up companies, providing resources and promoting growth until these companies are strong enough to graduate from the incubator. The facility includes eight wet labs, 10 dry labs, one high space area, 22 offices, and a common area known as “the sandbox.” Tenants have access to any available space, admission to all events hosted by the Incubator, and the ability to book the conference or event room. The design team was led by Ashley McGraw Architects (Syracuse, NY). q news from professional firms


News From

Professional Firms

SWBR Wins AIA Buffalo/WNY’s 2018 Community Award for Evergreen Center Announced earlier this month, SWBR won





American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2018 Community Award for its work on the Evergreen Center administration building addition in Buffalo. The community awards are presented to outstanding projects, both built and unbuilt, that exemplify the best of quality, innovation and collaboration in the profession. The Evergreen Center is a part of Evergreen Health Services, which provides a broad range of medical, supportive and behavioral health services in the Buffalo area. SWBR worked with Evergreen to design a five-story, 35,000 square-foot addition to their existing facility, including the expansion to their administrative space. “We are thrilled with the award and SWBR’s efforts to ensure a beautiful new administration space for our employees and patients,” said Justin Azzarella, vice president of community development for Evergreen Health Services. SWBR structural engineers met the challenge to create a design to connect the modern addition to the existing historic structure without imparting significant load. New foundations were kept clear of the existing building at the lowest levels. The connecting bridges at upper floors were hung from the addition’s roof to keep them structurally independent. Additionally, a cost-efficient SidePlate lateral force-resisting system was employed—a first in this area—saving steel tonnage and expediting erection. Earlier in 2018, SWBR was also awarded an AIA People’s Choice Award for their work on the Evergreen Lofts. “By working hand in hand with Evergreen Health, we were able to add onto the historic structure and convert the overall building into a modern administration and medical clinic space for their employees and patients,” said Joe Gibbons, AIA, principal in charge of the Evergreen Center project. q


news from professional firms


Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association Website:

Year 2018 Officers President Jared R. Ransom, LS Vice President Justin M. Roloson, LS Secretary Robert J. Avery, LS Treasurer Michael A. Venturo, LS Roy B. Garfinkel, LS, Ex-officio

December 2018

Board of Directors 2016-2018 Douglas W. Magde, LS Douglas Churchill, LS 2017-2019 David L. Standinger, LS Daniel T. Hickok, LS 2018-2020 Timothy T. Odell, LS Matthew R. Palmer Jonathan Navagh - Associates Representative

Upcoming Events 2018:

December 12, 2018 GVLSA Holiday Mixer 6:00 PM Rohrbachs Beer Hall 97 Railroad Street Rochester, NY 14609

Professional Affiliations •

New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc.

National Society of Professional Surveyors

Rochester Engineering Society

Justin M. Roloson, LS, Project Manager Gayron de Bruin Land Surveying and Engineering, PC, WBE Certified 12 N. Main Street | Suite 100 | Honeoye Falls, NY | 14472 585.484.8100 office ext: 209 | 585.369.6943 mobile gvlsa news



incose news

Monroe Professional Engineers Society A Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers 657 East Avenue, Rochestter, New York 14607 Dedicated to Professionalism in Engineering in the Interest of Public Safety and Welfare 2018-19 Officers: President Chris Kambar, PE, President-elect Arthur Reardon, PE, Vice-President Scott Wolcott, PE, Secretary Martin Gordon, PE, Treasurer Michael Ritchie, PE, Membership Chair Arthur Reardon, PE Past Presidents: David Roberts, PE, Chris Devries, PE Directors: Barry Dumbauld, PE, Robert Winans, PE, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, Jim Drago, PE, Neal Illenberg, PE, Douglas R. Strang Jr., PE

Moving Target: Preparing Today's Minds For The STEM Jobs Of Tomorrow Education reform continues to be fiercely debated, but one thing is clear: It's imperative that leaders align K-12 classrooms with the growing demands of the future science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce. What makes this task particularly challenging is that today's youth will likely face challenges that the adults around them can barely imagine. We're living in a precarious moment in human history in which some have argued that technology is so disruptive that productivity is outpacing job growth. Preparing the children of today to succeed in a completely different job market is a responsibility we cannot ignore — even though it may feel impossible to keep up with such rapid change. Find the full article here: Sources: Forbes Technology Council Community Voice | Article written by: Andrew B. Raupp Founder @stemdotorg democratizing science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education through sound policy and practice.

Post Hurricane Michael, a Long Road Lies Ahead for Florida’s ‘Forgotten Coast’ Nearly a month out from Hurricane Michael’s landfall, residents and businesses in the Florida panhandle are still immersed in cleanup, awaiting insurance appraisals and doing everything possible to keep employees on the payroll. “Our heads are still swimming over here,” says Angie Brooke, president of Associated Builders and Contractors’ North Florida Chapter, located in Tallahassee. “We got a lot of tree damage, but immediately to our west, about seven counties were almost completely obliterated. There’s everything from trees on houses still, to no houses at all—just concrete foundations sitting there. It’s like a war zone driving through some of the coastal roads. It looks like a movie set that never ends.” While much of the focus has been on Bay County communities such as Mexico Beach and Panama City, which experienced a record 20-foot storm surge, devastation also abounds to the north due to wind damage and tornados. Hurricane Michael caused at least 35 deaths, destroyed 85 miles of transmission lines, and is responsible for billions of dollars in agricultural and timber losses across Florida, Alabama and Georgia. Find the full article here: article/post-hurricane-michael-a-long-road-lies-ahead-for-floridas-forgotten-coast Sources: Construction Executive | Article written by Joanna Masterson | Wednesday, November 7, 2018 | ABC , Florida , Disaster Recovery

As always, we encourage active membership in the Monroe Professional Engineers Society. We are constantly striving to improve your membership but we always need more help. If you are interested in becoming an active member or have any questions, please email me at or contact MPES through our website at

Christopher V. Kambar, President, MPES mpes news


The Genesee Valley Branch is requesting submissions to recognize Projects of the Year and outstanding individuals in public works. This includes any town, village, or city within our sixcounty region, as well as any regulatory agency, water supply agency, department of transportation, or public official. Information on the award categories and nomination forms can be found by visiting the Genesee Valley Branch APWA website at All nominations are due by December 7, 2018. Award nominations can be submitted to Paul Chatfield at the contact information below: Paul Chatfield MRB Group 145 Culver Road Suite 160 Rochester, NY 14620 The awards will be handed out at the annual APWA Genesee Valley Branch Banquet to be held on Thursday January 31, 2019 at the RIT Inn & Conference Center.


apwa news


President/Education Chair: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD CPL 205 St Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Vice President Technical: DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Legislative: DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110 Vice President Membership: DOUG MEIER Twin”D” Associates 1577 Ridge Road West, Suite 116B Rochester, NY 14615 585-581-2170 Treasurer: ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Administrative Secretary: ADAM KRAMER IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Appointed AYP (Young Professionals) Liason: THOMAS GAMER, PE Erdman Anthony 145 Culver Road, Suite 200 Rochester, NY 14620 585-427-8888 Affiliate Liaison: TRAVIS JESSICK Altherm, Inc. 255 Humphrey St. Englewood, NJ 07631 551-486-9556 Newsletter Editor: CHRIS WOLAK Victaulic Fairport, NY 14450 484-350-1954

aspe news

President's Message As busy as people are in this industry, it has been great seeing our technical lunch meeting attendance grow! We have had nearly 50 people attend each of our past meetings. To make sure that we can support our expanding group, it’s more important than ever to make sure you RSVP to Dave. The more accurate the count that we give Valicia’s, the better and more efficiently they can serve us. I also wanted to let everyone know that ASPE members who attend 5 or more of our presentations between September and May, are eligible to receive one of our ASPE Rochester logo’d windbreakers! So in addition to a great lunch and educational presentation, you could be warm and dry in ASPE apparel. It’s a win, win, win….. Our December meeting, advertised below, is one week ahead of our normal “third Wednesday” due to the Christmas holiday. I hope to see you there! Jennifer Wengender, P.E., CPD Rochester Chapter President

Meeting Notice – Save the Date Topic: Controlling Legionella and other Waterborne Pathogens in Potable Water Andrew Paulsen, Water Control Corporation Date:

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. (please arrive by 11:50 am)


Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Rd., Rochester 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates)

Credits: 1 PDH Approval Cost:

$20.00 (member or guest), check or cash at door.

RSVP: To Dave Jereckos (341-3168), or by December 7th. (Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society)



abcd news

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afe news


ea news



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ieee news



terra news


Rochester Chapter

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Rochester ASHRAE website: President’s Message

Our meeting in November was on “HVAC Air Filters and Filter Energy” presented by The Camfil Group and RP Fedder. We appreciate Charlie Seyffer and Roger Zaccour taking time to share their expertise with our chapter. Thank you as well to everyone that attended. Our December meeting will be Resource Promotion night, where we would like to thank our 2017/18 donors. We are very thankful to all who donate to ASHRAE Resource Promotion, helping to fund ASHRAE Scholarships and multiple research projects across the country that help drive the content in the handbooks we all rely on. If you are not currently a donor, but would like to be, please contact our committee chairperson, Zac Hess, for details on how you can help support ASHRAE Resource Promotion at


ASHRAE December Meeting - 1 PDH Credit

Date: Monday, December 10, 2018 Time: 12:00 Noon. Lunch Buffet. Presentation to start approx. 12:30 PM Location: City Grill, 384 East Avenue in Rochester, Ny 14607 Cost: $25 Reservations: Reservations at Sustainability and Resilience – Examples of Community and Campus Energy Assessments Presented by Chonghui Liu - Popli Design Presentation Abstract: Sustainability and resilience from a mechanical/energy engineer’s perspective in different physical scales: • Community (microgrid, energy master planning); • Campus (energy master planning and assessment); • Building (energy assessment and mechanical design); and, • Equipment (mechanical design and commissioning). Course objectives: To define sustainability and resilience; To review lessons learned from recent natural disasters; and, yo outline industry guidelines in sustainability and resilience; This presentation qualifies for one registered NYS PDH. Speaker: Chonghui Liu (CL), PE, ECM, LEED AP recently joined Popli Design Group as Team Leader, Energy Services. He has 10 years of experience in mechanical/HVAC design, energy assessment/planning, and commissioning. Mr. Liu holds an M.S. in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. He is a licensed professional engineer (PE) in the State of New York, Certified Energy Manager (CEM), and LEED Accredited Professional BD+C. He is a project subcommittee voting member (PSVM) of ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 90.1, and a corresponding member of Technical Committee 6.2 (District Energy) and 7.6 (Building Energy Performance). His technical expertise includes HVAC/plumbing design and optimization, central plant design and optimization, energy master planning and assessments, sustainable design and renewable energy, commissioning and retro-commissioning, and energy/CFD/FEA simulations.

Our presentation for December will be ‘Sustainability & Resilience - Examples of Community and Campus Energy Assessments,’ presented by Chonghui Liu. Please consider joining us for lunch on December 10th at City Grill. http://rochester. or on Facebook at https://www.facebook. com/ashraerochester/. Paul Kenna, PE 2018-2019 President Rochester Chapter

ashrae news



swe news



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Directory of Professional Services

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Directory of Business Services Philip J. Welch

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directory of professional services | director of business services


Affiliated Societies of the Rochester Engineering Society American Consulting Engineering Companies of New York President, David J. Meyer, 585-218-0730 Email: American Public Works Association Monroe County/Genesee Valley Branch Chairman, Peter Vars, PE Email: American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section President, Drazen Gasic, CPSWQ, CPESC, LaBella Associates. 585-402-7005 Email: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Bill Clark, PE, CEM Email:

Email: Association For Facilities Engineering, Rochester Chapter President, Dennis Roote, PE Email: Electrical Association Executive Director, Karen Lynch Email: President, Russ Corcoran, Landmark Electric, 585-359-0800. Email: Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association President, Jared R. Ransom, LS 585-737-6881 Email: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Inc., Rochester Section President, Dan Rusnack Email:

Monroe Professional Engineers Society President, Chris Kambar Email: New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 President, Howard R. Ressel, 585-371-9280. Email: NYSATE has scholarships available for dependents of members who are or plan to enroll in a postsecondary university of accredited business or vocational school (undergraduate only). Some members may also be eligible. Information will be posed in the early spring at

New York Water Environment Association Inc., Genesee Valley Chapter ( President, Bill Davis, 585-381-9250 Email:

Imaging Science & Technology, Rochester Chapter President, Bruce Pillman, 585-748-6006 Email:

Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor’s National Association-Rochester, Inc. Executive Director, Aaron Hilger 585-586-8030. Email:

American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Rochester New York Chapter President, Jennifer Wengender, PE, CPD, Clark Patterson Lee, 205 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14604. 585-454-7600. Email:

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Sreeram Dhurjaty Email:

Society of Plastics Engineers, Rochester Section President, Brett Blaisdell Email:

Alfred Steele Scholarship available to ASPE members and their immediate family. Applications due in January each year. Details at https://www.

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, John Kaemmerlen, 585-475-2767 Email:

Society of Women Engineers President, Marca J. Lam, RIT Email:

Association for Bridge Construction and Design President, Ronald Centola Prudent Engineering

International Council on Systems Engineering, Finger Lakes Chapter President, Jack Riley Email:

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Steven Ivancic, University of Rochester

Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science & Engineering Fair Director, Mary Eileen Wood, 315-422-2902 Website: Awards and scholarships available. Visit the website for details.

Corporate Members of the Rochester Engineering Society Bergmann (Enterprise)

Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

Passero Associates

BME Associates

Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, Inc.

Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Gleason College of Engineering

IBC Engineering, PC (Champion)


M/E Engineering, PC (Enterprise)

TY-LIN International (Champion)

MRB Group (Champion)

VJ Stanley

Optimation Technology, Inc.

IS YOUR COMPANY LISTED HERE? Call 585-254-2350 for information.

CHA Consulting (Champion) Clark Patterson Lee Erdman Anthony Associates Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (RBA) Champion)

affiliated societies & corporate members of the rochester engineering society



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Call for Nominations Details and forms at:


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