November 2018
NY-390 Bridge Replacement in Gates: Innovative Design and Construction Success | 12
Also in this issue:
30th Annual Fall Bridge Conference Friday, November 16th - Millennium Hotel, Buffalo, NY | 32
NY-390 Bridge Replacement in Gates: Innovative Design and Construction Success
The Rochester Engineer Published since 1922 by
(cover) Pages 12-13
Founded March 18, 1897
Volume 97, Number 5, NOVEMBER 2018 (Printed & Electronic Copies) 2,500+ Monthly Circulation (Quarterly Hard Copies, 11 issues electronically) ISSN 0035-7405
RES Mission Statement: The RES will become the lead organization for improving the image and influence of the engineering community in the greater Rochester area by: Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the region’s engineering and technical capabilities; Providing the best clerical support and public relations assistance to our affiliates; Continually communicating the engineering and technical accomplishments to both the engineering and technical community and the public; Providing regular forums and networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues; and, Providing programs that identify career opportunities to the region’s youth and develop the skills of the practicing engineer. News items and articles are invited. Materials should be submitted to the administrative director at the society’s office, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607; Phone number (585) 254-2350, e-mail: admin@roceng.org
The web site for the Engineers’ Center is at: www.roceng.org. The deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to the issue. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this publication are those of contributors, not of the Rochester Engineering Society, Inc. Advertising information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Rochester Engineering Society or going to the website at www.roceng.org. Published every month but July. Yearly subscription is $20.00, (4 hard copies, 11 digital). You can sign up on the website for the subscription for digital copies only (free) and receive an email notice when posted. Go to www.roceng.org to join the Rochester Engineering Society. Click on the individual membership and you can submit your application on-line. Board of Directors: OFFICERS: President JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE M/E Engineering / jdombrowski@meengineering.com First Vice President GREG GDOWSKI, PhD University of Rochsester / Greg_Gdowski@urmc.rochester.edu Treasurer ANDREW C. HIRSCH Retired / andrewcharleshirsch@gmail.com Second Vice President MICHELLE SOMMERMAN, PE Bergmann Associates / msommerman@bergmannpc.com Past President MICHAEL V. TRIASSI Javlyn, Inc. / mike.triassi@gmail.com EIGHT DIRECTORS: CORNELIUS (NEAL) ILLENBERG PE Retired / nillenberg@aol.com LEE LOOMIS Retired / leeloomis46@gmail.com RICHARD E. RICE MJ Engineering / rriceaquash@gmail.com ADAM CUMMINGS, PE Town of Ontario / adamcummings22@gmail.com DANIELLE WALTERS MKS Instruments / dwalters710@gmail.com DOREEN EDWARDS Rochester Institute of Technology /ddeeen@rit.edu BRETT ELIASZ, PE Bergmann Associates / beliasz@bergmannpc.com DENNIS ROOTE, PE CDE Engineering & Environment, PLLC / dennis.roote@cde-pllc.com Administrative Director LYNNE M. IRWIN Rochester Engineering Society / e-mail: admin@roceng.org
contents 4 • RES Scholarship Application Information 5 • RES Call for Nominations for EOY, YEOY & EODs 6 • The Newest RES Tutors for the 2018-19 School Year 8 • How Do You Arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom! 9 • Get to the Point! - Presentation Phobia (3): From Power Point Poison to Standing Ovation
10 • The Limited Monopoly® - Blockchain - The Inventive Foundation of Bitcoin 12-13 • NY-390 Bridge Replacement in Gates: Innovative Design and Construction Success (cover) 14 • NEW: RES Technical Corner by Brett Eliasz, RES Director 14-15 • Position Openings 16 • Continuing Education Opportunities (PDHs) 17-18 • Engineers’ Calendar 19, 26-27 • What's News 20 • Campus News 21 • News from Professional Firms 22-25 • Professional Firms - Employee News 45-46 • Directory of Professional Services 46 • Directory of Business Services 47 • Affiliated Societies and Corporate Members of the RES Membership Application and Advertising Rates are also on the website: www.roceng.org.
news of the... • ABCD Association for Bridge Construction and Design...............32-33 • AFE Association for Facilities Engineering...........................................34 • APWA American Public Works Association...........................................30 • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers......................................36-37 • ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers....................................................41 • ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers....................................31 • EA Electrical Association.......................................................................35
• GVLSA Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association.............................43 • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.................38-39 • INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering..........................28 • IS&T Imaging Science and Technology...................................................42 • MPES Monroe Professional Engineers Society......................................29 • RES Rochester Engineering Society............................................. 2-8, 14 • SWE Society of Women Engineers........................................................44 • TERRA TERRA Science & Engineering Fair...............................................40
President’s Message
Joseph Dombrowski, PE M/E Engineering RES President 2018 - 2019 Another busy month moving firewood at home in anticipation of the colder weather which will be arriving soon (such joy!). And the RES office finally has its HVAC restored! Lynne is very happy! We have also made progress toward updating our by-laws. This has been another busy month for the RES; planning has started for the Terra Fair science fair planned for Rochester on 3/16/19 at the Rochester Museum and Science Center; I am very proud to report that RES has had several members step up to assist with the effort, please see https://terrafairs.org/ for further details, it isn't too late to join the effort! I would like to mention the RES website: http://roceng.org/; it is full of recently updated information such as applications for the Young Engineer Of the Year, Engineer of the Year, volunteer and scholarship opportunities as well as upcoming events. We have many worthwhile activities as well as news of our upcoming events (such as the Gala in April 2019) that you can participate in. By the time you read this we will have had our very informative tour of the Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester on 10/26; a fascinating gem in our own back yard! Joe Dombrowski RES President
res news - president’s message
RES Scholarship Application Information The Rochester Engineering Society (RES) is an umbrella organization for engineering societies in the Rochester area. The goals of the society are: to advance the art and science of engineering for the general public welfare in Monroe County and the adjoining counties; to foster in practicing and prospective engineers excellence as professionals, as citizens, and as individuals; and, to promote communication and cooperation among all branches of engineering. Multiple scholarships, sponsored by a variety of organizations and administered through the RES, are awarded annually from $1,000 to $1,500 each to recognize outstanding engineering, engineering technology, science or technology students. These are merit-based scholarships. Scholarships from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) require applicants be student members of their respective organization. Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following qualifications: 1. Be an undergraduate student in good standing who has completed two years/or achieved Junior standing in an ABET-accredited engineering, engineering technology, science or technology program. 2. Have an overall grade point average of 3.0 out of 4.0 (or equivalent) or better. 3. Plan to continue engineering, engineering technology, science or technology studies in an undergraduate ABET accredited program in September 2019. Scholarship recipients will be individually notified by February 1, 2019, announced at the RES Gala on April 13, 2019 and funds will be mailed ~August 1, 2019. 4. Be a resident of Monroe, Genesee, Livingston, Ontario, Orleans, Wayne, or Wyoming Counties of New York or enrolled in an ABET accredited engineering, engineering technology, science or technology curriculum in a college in those counties. The Rochester Chapter of IEEE allows applicants from Corning and Alfred sub-chapters. 5. Not be a previous recipient of this scholarship. Application: Applicants must submit the six required items listed below. All items must be submitted together. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all the necessary data are submitted by the deadline in one package and will be immediately disqualified from judging, with no further follow-up, if these instructions are not followed. The applicant should notify those persons supplying reference letters that timely response is critical. Reference letters may be submitted in individually sealed envelopes within the application package. Deliver, mail or email to res@frontiernet.net all items by December 1, 2018 to: The Rochester Engineering Society, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607.
Required Data and Instructions 1. Certificate of Interview from a member of the Scholarship Committee - Request an appointment for interview by sending an email to the Scholarship Chairperson, Michelle Sommerman, PE, at msommerman@bergmannpc.com. In your email, include your full name, phone number, and the day(s) and time(s) you are available for an interview. Attach your resume to the email. Contact Michelle Sommerman at 585-498-7896 if you have not received a reply within three days. The interviewer will provide a certificate that the interview was conducted after September 1, 2018 and before Novemberber 30, 2018 (the interview deadline). 2. Transcript - Official copy of applicant’s current transcript showing grades for the entire enrollment in current school and if a transfer student, courses taken and accepted from his/her prior college or university. 3. Resume - The same resume the applicant would use if applicant were applying for employment. Be sure to include the following information: name, permanent address, school address, college, degree and program, anticipated date of graduation, and any professional society memberships. 4. Applicant’s Letter - A letter written by the applicant addressed to the Chairman of the Scholarship Award Committee of the 4 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2018
Rochester Engineering Society. This letter shall not be more than one typewritten page in length and should discuss the applicant’s position with respect to the following: a. Why the applicant is studying engineering and chose his/her particular field. b. Why the applicant is applying for the scholarship. c. The applicant’s involvement in professional society activities, the leadership positions held and describe active involvement in other extra-curricular activities. d. Statement that the scholarship will be used in engineering, engineering technology, science or technology studies in an undergraduate ABET-accredited program in September 2019 should an award be presented. 5. Reference Letter #1 - Letter from the applicant’s faculty advisor in his/her current school. This letter should indicate the applicant’s standing in the class relative to other students, his/her course load and involvement. 6. Reference Letter #2 - Letter from a current or former employer who is not a relative, OR, a professor of engineering, science or technology in whose class the applicant has been or is presently enrolled res scholarship application
Call for Nominations Martin E. Gordon, PE 2017 EOY
Past Engineers of the Year 10 years...(first awarded 1963)
Martin E. Gordon, PE Diane M. Trentini Robert L. Clark, Jr., PhD Lalit Mestha, PhD Maureen S. Valentine, PE Sergio Esteban, PE Brian J. Thompson, PhD Gary W. Passero, PE Kevin J. Parker, PhD Satish G. Kandlikar, PhD
2018 Engineer of the Year 2018 Kate Gleason Young Engineer of the Year and
2018 Engineers of Distinction
Emily M. Smith 2017 YEOY
Past Young Engineers of the Year -10 years... (first awarded 2007)
Emily M. Smith, PE Matthew T. Sidley Danielle Benoit, PhD John Papponetti, PE Courtney E. Reich, PE Clement Chung, PE Sherwin Damdar Michael J. Walker, EIT Nathan Gnanasambandam, PhD Venkatesh G. Rao, PhD
A few of years ago the RES Board of Directors introduced a streamlined nomination form. A simple initial form allows an individual or organization to nominate a candidate. The RES committee will then contact the nominator if the candidate progresses to the next phase. At that point, a final form will be used to gather essential details from the nominator and candidate which will be used to determine our award recipients. The RES will select and recognize the 2018 Engineer of the Year, Young Engineer of the Year, and Engineers of Distinction Awards in a variety of public venues and media during the weeks before the Gala. The Award recipients will be introduced on Saturday, April 13, 2019 during the Gala at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. Visit our website at www.roceng.org and click on Call For Nominations, or call 585-254-2350 (admin@roceng.org) to request a nomination form.
The following information is described:
Eligibility for Nomination Awards Criteria
Deadline for Preliminary Nominations - Monday, December 10, 2018 Deadline for Final Nominations - Monday, January 7, 2019 res news - call for nominations
RES News - Tutoring Team The Newest RES Tutors, for the 2018-19 School Year
CEO, Sergio Esteban, and the LaBella Associates Tutoring Team We are very pleased to announce that LaBella Associates has decided to join the RES Tutoring Team at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy. A team of five LaBella Associates’ engineering and project management professionals has stepped up to form a team that, by each member tutoring for two hours, one day each month, on the same day of the week, for the same teacher, will become the equivalent of one full-time weekly tutor. Each tutor will be working regularly with a group of 6 to 8 elementary students, to help them reach grade-level competence in reading, math, science and/or social studies. Students at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy (RCSD School #10) have been temporarily relocated to the Campus of the former John Marshall High School, at 180 Ridgeway Ave. (just off Lake Ave.), for the 2018-19 & 2019-20 school years. They will be returning to their newly renovated facility, 353 Congress Ave., in September of 2020. The RES Tutoring Team will continue its valuable support for our Scholars, as they move through this transition. We will still have a number of Scholars who will need some of that “extra” support with their reading, spelling, math, science and social studies, the kind of help that only comes with the regular, personal attention they receive from our tutors. The recent “Tutor Information Meeting,” at the John Marshall Campus, was a great success. Several of our “veteran” tutors attended, one of them even brought a new prospective tutor. An impressive number of prospective new tutors have already submitted applications to become RES Tutors. Dr. Walter Cooper was there to welcome everyone, and Principal Cameron Clyburn took everyone on a tour of that portion of the vast Marshal Campus that will be occupied by our Cooper Scholars in the coming school years. We are still building our Tutoring Team, for the 2018-19 school year… We have been giving “Lunch & Learn” presentations in several Rochester area firms and professional groups, to inform and inspire prospective new tutors. We plan to “hit the ground, running”, this Fall, and we need your support...Can we schedule a presentation with your firm, work group, church or family, sometime this Summer? Even just two hours a week of your time can make a big difference in the life of a Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Scholar… Questions??? Reach out to RES Past President Lee Loomis and the RES Tutoring Team at… Rochester Engineering Society, (585) 254-2350 via website: www.roceng.org or via email: leeloomis46@gmail.com, (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text) 6 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2018
res news - tutoring
Rochester History Continuing with the historical sampling of the earlier writings on behalf of the Rochester Engineering Society, the years following "The Great War," into and through the “Great Depression,” continued to be a time of reaching out for the maturing Society, both locally and nationally. The meeting minutes describe a series of technical discussions and presentations intended to broaden the technical horizons of the membership (especially the CE's, ME's and EE's). The RES affiliated itself with a number of National technical societies, adopted local Affiliated Societies, frequently held joint meetings with them and continued taking action on a growing list of public matters. Certain issues of standardization, some crucial to public safety, became the responsibility of the RES and its affiliates. In the pervasive economic downturn of the “Great Depression,” the magazine offered classified advertising for unemployed engineers, technicians and draftsmen and took other steps to try to deal with the crisis. Still, it continued its effort to shape the function, purpose and infrastructure of the City of Rochester, and beyond. Soon, war would again affect the Society, taking away many of its leaders while providing opportunities for others to step forward to fill these vacancies. In an effort to provide even greater perspective on the happenings and concerns of the day, a synopsis, featuring selected items from "The Rochester Engineer" has become an integral part of this series. The Second World War and the Korean Conflict are now history. These experiences have changed the face and, no doubt, the future of the community. The Rochester municipal leadership and the industrial community have become immersed in the cold-war, growth economy.
“The Rochester Engineer” (November 1968)
RES President Edward T. (Ted) Kirkpatrick opened this issue with an article urging engineers to take it upon themselves to become “recruiters” in their own communities for candidates to enter into the engineering profession. Citing a national study that indicated that, “14% of high school graduates have the latent ability and aptitudes to pursue engineering studies successfully,” he urged engineers to ensure that neighborhood school children are aware of engineers around them, the kind of work that they do, and how satisfying it can be, as a career. In announcing this month’s RES luncheon meeting at the Strasenburgh Planetarium, Engineering the Stars, attendees were admonished to, “arrive promptly at noon for the pre-lunch program, as it is being fitted in between two school classes of Rochester area students, who regularly visit to learn about our universe via “Star Shows” from the new Zeiss Model VI projector. Editor’s note: Here we are, exactly fifty years later, witnessing an upgrading of this amazing community resource, as the RMSC closes the Planetarium, for two to three months, for the biggest renovation in its 50-year history, including a new projection system and lighting in the Star Theater, and improvements to the lobby and restrooms. It was announced that RES member, Dr. Raymond Santirocco, would be leading a study to improve the City of Rochester Police Department’s Tactical Communications System, under a $50k Federal Grant.
December 4, 1968 (Board of Directors Meeting, RIT Engineering Building) The Board approved nine new Regular
Members (seven of them from RG&E), one Associate Member and one Junior member. The Board approved a petition for Affiliate Membership, from the Rochester Chapter of the Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers. Four Continuing Education Programs were announced as being planned, with assistance from the Cornell University’s State School of Industrial and Labor Relations. The Membership Committee reported that it had reached 40% of its goal for the fiscal year. It was announced that Donald A. Gaudion, President of Sybron Corporation, would be featured speaker at the RES Joint Engineers Dinner, in February 1969. John Schickler of GM Rochester res news - history
A Sampling from the Archives of the Rochester Engineering Society...1897 - 1969 by Lee M. Loomis
Products was continuing his work on greater utilization (increased circulation) of The Rochester Engineer by the RES Affiliate Societies. Due to poor attendance at recent RES evening programs, the Board decided to terminate this effort, in favor of supporting and promoting the evening programs of its Affiliate Societies, rather than competing with them.
“The Rochester Engineer” (December 1968)
RES President, Ted Kirkpatrick, stated in his monthly article, “We should be thankful that we live in a community where it is possible to make a significant contribution. There is almost daily evidence that one of our members, a committee, or a company, is taking action to further enrich our society.” This issue featured a presentation on the Rolamite bearing, a new, low-friction mechanical engineering concept, invented by NASA engineer, Donald F. Wilkes of the Sandia Corporation. This concept was presented at the RES December 1968 luncheon meeting. The MIT Club joined the RES, becoming the 19th RES Affiliate.
January 5, 1969 (Board of Directors Meeting, RIT Engineering Building) A presentation of the RES financial report,
showing a significant deficit, resulted in discussion of remedies, including the sale of securities in the Kate Gleason Fund to liquidate the debt and provide operating funds. It was agreed to delay, until next month’s report on additional alternatives, before taking any action. It was then moved/approved that the officers of the Society be authorized to borrow up to $4,000 to provide operating funds. Following a meeting with the Rochester Bureau of Municipal Research (founded in 1915 by George Eastman), Dr. Kirkpatrick reported that there was, “a wealth of possibilities in which the RES could be of service to the community.” It was agreed that RES officers would actively pursue discussion of these opportunities.
“The Rochester Engineer” (January 1969)
RES luncheon programs for 1969 were announced: “State Construction in the Rochester Area” by Bernard F. Perry, NYSDOT; “Rochester – AD 2000” by Worth Holder, Rochester Chamber of Commerce; “Chemical Fallout: Current Research on Persistent Pesticides” by Dr. George Berg, U of R; “Pollution of Irondequoit Bay” by Robert L. Spellman, MCPWA; “County and Town Planning” by William E. Uptegrove, MC Department of Planning; “Mechanical Aids to Human Physiology” by Dr. Robert S. Weiner, U of R; “Automotive Safety” by Dr. John D. States, U of R; “”The New Kodak Plant in Colorado” by Howard E. Smith, EKCo.; “Training the Undereducated” by Frederic C. Libby, EKCo; “Community Efforts to Solve the Problems of the Disadvantaged” by Edward S. Croft, Rochester Jobs, Inc.;, and, “Law Enforcement in Rochester” by Mark H. Tuohey, Commissioner of Public Safety. (to be continued) Subsequent articles in this series will describe the RES' continuing outreach to other technical societies as it considered its role in this and the larger community, along with more of the activities of the RES as it moved to be of greater service to its membership, especially those suffering from current economic crises, and adopted a greater role in shaping the future of the City and its environs. Noted also, will be the contributions made by RES members in the struggle to meet the challenges coming out of World War II, as well as a hoped-for period of post-war growth and prosperity. These articles will also feature an impressive array of RES activities in support of post-war re-emergence of Rochester area industry. We welcome your questions and comments on this series.
RES News How do you arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom!
In the 1990’s, Eastman Kodak Company jumped the gun, starting a family of STEM initiatives, years before the Government coined the STEM acronym. The name of these programs was the 21st Century Learning Challenge (TCLC), and at our peek, we were 1500 engineers and technicians, visiting Rochester City School Classrooms, twice a week for two-hour visits, during the entire School Year. This effort continued for nearly ten years, and not only pre-dates our recent STEM excitement level, but delivered support on a scale we have yet to match. Many of the volunteers in these programs were, and still are, members of the Rochester Engineering Society (RES). In the intervening twenty-five years, many have retired, or are about to retire. That makes them even more available as STEM Coaches, than they were as Kodak employees. The RES is working to put technical people in K-12 Classrooms, throughout the Greater Rochester area, as STEM Coaches. Their presence will: • • •
Help the Teacher stay current with our ever-changing technology. Provide real-World Application Examples, making whatever is being taught, real enough to be worth remembering. Support the teachers with not only the delivery of STEM concepts, but perhaps more importantly, the design and delivery of STEM related hardware.
Last year we had six STEM Coach, doing Classroom Visitation at School #3. That was so successful that RCSD is interested in expanding this program to involve nine STEM Coaches this year.
I o s p a t a
I e p
D f t I w
P 5 a s n p m
T s e c r
V e i s a e
The RES is specifically seeking Retired, Technical people, (Engineers, Technicians, Machinists, Entrepreneurs or anyone whose work would allow them to visit during School hours), as STEM Coaches. We currently have more than 30 Coaches, and are connecting them with 13 Rochester-area Schools.
“This is a life-changing experience!” For more information contact: Jon Kriegel jkriegel@rochester.rr.com 585-281-5216 RES Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer STEM Coach Please visit: stem-bridges.org 8 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2018
res news - stem bridges
Get to the Point!
Presentation Phobia (3): From Power Point Poison to Standing Ovation In a previous article I presented the concept of the Three Ps of Presentations: Plan, Prepare, and Practice. In the planning stage, you must establish the circumstances around your presentation, determine your audience’s needs and interest, and organize your information. When you prepare, you need to organize your information into an order which is logical and meaningful to your audience. In this article, I continue with the Prepare stage because establishing structure to your content is only part of preparation.
Make Speaking Notes
Don’t rely on just your Power Point slides. Often speakers fear that if they have note cards, the audience will think they are unprepared. In fact, it sends the opposite message. It shows the audience that you DID prepare and that you wanted to make sure you didn’t miss a point. Prepare your speaking notes on cards no smaller than 3 in. X 5 in. Write in large, bold letters that you can see at a glance and, and use brief headings to develop the information in sufficient detail. Avoid using a full sheet of paper for your notes. If you are nervous, your hand may quiver and the paper will shake. You also may be tempted to include far too much information on it and end up reading from the paper.
Use upper and lower case letters; avoid all CAPS. Use color to highlight key words or parts, but in moderation. Some colors, such as green and blue or red and orange are hard to tell apart from a distance. Place a short title above or below each slide. Give credit to the original source for diagrams, graphs, and images, just as in a written document. Select an appealing design that provides contrast between the background and text. Avoid dazzling transitions. They take the attention away from you and your content. Print copies of your slides to use as a prompt or to offer as a handout, but it shouldn’t be your only handout.
Practice working with your visuals and make sure you know exactly which slide comes next. This also helps you ensure that your speaking notes match up to your slides.
Prepare Handout Notes
During the preparation stage you need to decide whether to provide printed material for your audience. If so, you will also have to decide whether to make it copies of your Power Point slides or a summary report of the main topics. There is a trend today to only provide copies of slides. This is easy, but may not be effective. Although it may take longer, I encourage you to write a short document to distribute to your audience. This is a useful resource to remind them, in your words, of what your key points were. A bulleted list doesn’t suffice.
The amount of information you include will depend on the subject, your familiarity with it, and your previous speaking When is the best time to distribute your handouts? There are experience. Your notes should not be so detailed that you cannot quickly pick out points, nor so skimpy that you have to three approaches: 1. If you are providing copies of the slides, hand them out at the rely too much on your memory.
Prepare Visual Aids
Visual aids help clarify and explain your concepts. They are especially important when discussing complex, technical information. Some people are visual learners and need to see the information as well as hear it. Examples of visual aids are PowerPoint slides, poster boards, physical props, equipment, and hand-drawn diagrams. Here are some tips for creating effective visuals:
Strive for simplicity: let each visual make just one point. The visual should support your spoken words; you should not have to explain it. Use a font that is visible from the back of the room. (This means you need to know where you are presenting.)
get to the point
start. 2. If you have charts or diagrams to refer to, hand them out at the moment in the presentation when they are needed. 3 .If you have a detailed summary of your points, hand it out at the end.
In my next article, I’ll discuss the third P, Practice.
© 2018, RGI Learning Lisa Moretto is the President of RGI Learning, Inc. For 24 years she has helped engineers improve their oral and written communication skills. Visit www.rgilearning.com or call (866) 744-3032 to learn about RGI’s courses. NOVEMBER 2018 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 9
The Limited Monopoly® Blockchain - The Inventive Foundation of Bitcoin by John Hammond, PE and Robert Gunderman, PE
Bitcoin – an Update We last covered the subject of bitcoin in early 2016. Since our last writing1 on the subject, there have been plenty of further developments in cryptocurrencies, and in their underlying technology known as blockchain. Back in November 2015, bitcoin was trading at about 400USD/฿. The price trajectory was unremarkable until 2017, when it opened the year at 986USD/฿, and reached a peak of 17,900USD/฿ on December 15th. By early February of this year, the price had dropped to about half of that, and it has spent the year bouncing around 6000USD-8000USD/฿. While there may still be money to be made trading in bitcoin, we find it a bit too volatile to hold in our retirement accounts. Another big change in bitcoin is in who “mines” it. When a bitcoin transaction occurs between two parties, bitcoin miners’ computers compete to solve a mathematical algorithm associated with the transaction in a process known as “bitcoin mining.” When the algorithm is solved, the transaction is verified as legitimate, and is entered into the blockchain, and the miner whose computer “won” the mining of that transaction is awarded additional bitcoins. In the early days, bitcoin miners were mostly individuals, typically extreme computer geeks. To get into mining, the entry level investment was the price of a few superfast personal computers and network connection gear. Those days are long gone. Solo mining has become unaffordable, as companies have been formed for the sole purpose of bitcoin mining. ASICs have been developed specifically for mining, and rooms full of these processors have been set up in mining 10 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2018
“Pursuing patents on bitcoin has all but ceased over the past two years. But blockchain patenting has exploded.” farms. A quick snapshot - at press time, a used “mobile mining farm” of 40 processors in a 10 foot shipping container was listed for sale on eBay for $195,000. (According to the sale specs, if you’ve got 240V three phase wired to a Hubbell plug in your garage, you could be mining in no time.) The energy consumption of bitcoin mining has also become the subject of debate. At the high end, one researcher asserts3 that bitcoin mining worldwide consumes energy comparable to that needed by countries such as Ireland or Australia. Others dispute that claim, but even at fractions of that amount, bitcoin and blockchain energy use is still significant and growing. On the patent side of things, pursuing patents on bitcoin has all but ceased over the past two years. A quick search of published U.S. applications in Class 705, “Data processing: financial, business practice, management, or cost/price determination,” and containing the word “bitcoin,” shows that a peak was reached at 139 applications, dropping to eight in 2017 and six so far this year. Moreover, out of 322 published applications since 2012, only five bitcoin-related patents have been issued by the USPTO. This may be due in part to the 2014 ruling by the Supreme Court in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International4, but also because there may simply not be that much inventive opportunity with bitcoin related technologies. the limited monopoly
Blockchain – a New Opportunity The dearth of bitcoin patents notwithstanding, the inventions and developments in blockchain have been explosive in the past few years. The invention of the blockchain was a key part of Satoshi Nakamoto’s disclosure of bitcoin, published in an online paper5 entitled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” in 2008. A detailed description of how the blockchain is structured is beyond the scope of this column; it is well covered in Nakomoto’s paper, and a concise summary is available on Wikipedia6 and our previous column7. In bitcoin transactions, all users of bitcoin software are connected to a network, and all bitcoin transactions are recorded in a public ledger known as the blockchain. As summarized by Iansiti et al.8, “The technology at the heart of bitcoin and other virtual currencies, blockchain is an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way.” By publishing his paper, Nakomoto put the invention of blockchain out in the public domain. It did not take long for bright people to see all sorts of applications for blockchain that stretch well beyond its original use as the foundation of bitcoin. As of this writing, the growth in U.S. published patent applications containing the words “block chain” or “blockchain” has been exponential. It can be seen from the nearby graph that blockchain patent applications were relatively flat through 2015, and have since gone from about 200 to nearly 1200 in just the past three years.
Emerging Uses The blockchain is being implemented in a broad range of uses where data must be reliable and secure. The fifty most recent U.S. published patent applications are in diverse fields such as identity verification, digital content licensing, supply chain management, digital imaging, cybersecurity, pharmaceuticals, cryptography, machine learning, and health care. Small and nimble tech companies are pursuing their share, but big players have moved in as well. IBM has over 100 published applications to date in 2018, covering all of the above fields. Other large companies that have already obtained issued patents include Nasdaq, MasterCard International, AT&T, Amazon, Cisco, and Capital One. The tenth anniversary of the publication of Satoshi Nakamoto’s paper has just passed. In the ensuing ten years, bitcoin has waxed and waned as a highly volatile investment or currency. Meanwhile, blockchain has quietly grown in the background to become a major innovation in our digital world. If you have made a call, the limited monopoly
a text message, or a purchase today, chances are blockchain was involved in some way. 1. See The Limited Monopoly®, February 2016. 2. See https://www.ebay.com/i/153188336902?chn=ps. 3. De Vries, Alex, Joule, Volume 2, Issue 5, 16 May 2018, pp. 801-805 4. Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, 573 U.S. __, 134 S. Ct. 2347 (2014). 5. Available at https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf. 6. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain. 7. See The Limited Monopoly®, December 2015. 8. Iansiti, Marco; Lakhani, Karim R. (January 2017). "The Truth About Blockchain". Harvard Business Review. To browse the entire searchable library of prior issues of The Limited Monopoly® from 2005 to present, visit www. thelimitedmonopoly.com. GRAPHIC CREDIT: “Chain, Chain, Chai-i-i-n”. Copyright 2018. Robert Gunderman. Authors John M. Hammond P.E. (Patent Innovations, LLC www.patent-innovations. com) and Robert D. Gunderman P.E. (Patent Technologies, LLC www.patentechnologies. com) are both registered patent agents and licensed professional engineers. Copyright 2018 John Hammond and Robert Gunderman, Jr. Note: This short article is intended only to provide cursory background information, and is not intended to be legal advice. No client relationship with the authors is in any way established by this article. NOVEMBER 2018 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 11
NY-390 Bridge Replacement in Gates: Innovative Design and Construction Success The New York State Department of Transportation in September announced a major milestone in ongoing improvements to the I-390/I-490 Interchange in Gates, Monroe County. The new bridge carrying State Route 390 over Trolley Boulevard was completed and the Boulevard was reopened to traffic. The announcement was the result of hard work and innovative design and construction, which culminated with a beautiful new bridge, enhanced traffic safety and smooth traffic flow. It wasn’t easy. When NYSDOT needed to replace and widen the two NY-390 structures over Trolley Boulevard, our engineers were faced with a serious challenge: to minimize the impact of replacing these bridges, which carry nearly 100,000 vehicles on any given day. The challenge came with an opportunity for innovative design, however. Each bridge needed to be widened to accommodate traffic volumes and movements to improve interchange operation. This article examines the condition of the preconstruction bridges and discusses the design and construction of the replacement bridge.
Original Trolley Boulevard Bridge
Preconstruction Bridge Conditions
Preconstruction, the two bridges were identical, carrying NY390 southbound and northbound over Trolley Boulevard and an abandoned rail line. Each bridge consisted of four simple spans of 50, 65, 65, and 50-feet in length using a multi-girder type design with a curb-to-curb width of 40 feet carrying three 12foot travel lanes, a foot-long left shoulder and a three-foot right shoulder. The ends of each simple span contained outdated joint systems over abutments and piers. The vertical clearance was measured at roughly 24 feet above the original Trolley Boulevard and abandoned rail line. In addition, the placement of the piers was relatively close to Trolley Boulevard, presenting us with another design challenge. The preconstruction bridges exhibited several conditions of deterioration including: underside of deck spalls with wood cribbing to catch falling debris over Trolley Boulevard lanes of traffic; joint failure between bridge simple spans allowing water and corrosive salts to further deteriorate underlying steel beam ends which already showed signs of section loss; bearings ceasing to properly rotate with expansion bearings frozen in place, unable to allow for thermal expansion and contraction of the superstructure; top of deck spalls creating potholes and a rough commute for the drivers; abutment, pier columns and cap beam spalls. The deteriorating state of these bridges, if left unaddressed, would eventually lead to posting these structures for load and, finally, closure. This deterioration led to the decision to replace these bridges instead of rehabilitating and widening them. 12 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2018
Completed Trolley Boulevard Span Unit Bridge
New Bridge Design
NYSDOT considered several alternatives during design, which included: rehabilitation; replacement with a single span, threesided structure; replacement with similar length structures; and replacement with single span bridge with counterfort abutments. Rehabilitating and widening these bridges was determined to cost more than 85% of the cost of replacement, would impose lengthy delays during construction and extend the life of the structures by approximately 20 to 30 years. Replacement options had a life span of approximately 75 years. Replacing the structures with a single span, three-sided structure was determined to provide the least impacts to the travelling public and was the most economical choice, minimizing both construction and future maintenance costs. The new single-span replacement bridge was designed to carry four 12-foot travel lanes for both northbound and southbound NY-390, with ten-foot right shoulders, six-foot left shoulders and an approximate 20-foot-wide median. The new structure was designed with a 48-foot clear span, which accommodates the roadway width for Trolley Boulevard, including two 11-foot travel lanes, two six-foot shoulders and two six-foot gutters, plus additional width to allow for a future sidewalk, when warranted. cover article
Several design challenges were presented with the single span, threesided structure alternative. The preconstruction bridge spanned a rail line. Although the rail line appeared to be abandoned, further investigations were necessary to ensure it was. The investigations determined that rail line was abandoned, raising the opportunity to purchase the property beneath the original bridges. In planning for the new bridge’s installation, care had to be taken to ensure that the span units could slide beneath the original bridges, between piers and under the superstructure steel. A 3D model was created to ensure proper fit of the new structure. The original bridges were high due to the 22-foot vertical clearance Placement of span units beneath the original Trolley Boulevard bridges required for passing over a railroad, so they had the clearance necessary for sliding the new spans underneath. However, the new 14-foot, six-inch and 17-foot wide cast-in-place strip footings on limestone rock needed to finger between and around the original bridge spread footings to provide the required support. To connect the new and existing footings, reinforcing steel was doweled into the original spread footings. Stem walls were designed to reduce the mobilization challenges of these three-sided 48-foot span units and provide the required 16feet of vertical clearance above Trolley Boulevard. The stem walls are approximately 5feet thick and 14feet tall, with weeps every 24 feet to reduce water pressure behind the walls.
During construction, Trolley Boulevard was closed to traffic directly beneath the NY-390 structures. Trolley Boulevard is a low volume road with a reasonable detour nearby. Several utilities were relocated and a watermain and sewer line needed to be supported during the excavation for the footing. Soil nail walls were used to support the excavations to the bottom of the original footings. New strip footings were placed, followed by the stem walls and wing walls, which were all cast-in-place. Forty-eight pre-cast arched span units were delivered by truck to the bridge site one per flatbed. These four-foot wide precast span units were placed side by side to create one single span structure to carry both the northbound and southbound lanes of NY-390. To increase the life span of the new structure, multiple coats of penetrating sealer were used on the inside of the span units. The exterior of the units required placement of sheet-applied waterproofing membrane and prefabricated composite structural drain to protect from water penetration, corrosive salts, and, ultimately, freeze-thaw cycles. Antigraffiti coating was also applied to the inside of the stem walls, wing walls and span units to reduce the ability of graffiti to adhere to the new surfaces of these elements. Stem walls for new bridge adjacent to original columns
To place the span units, each flatbed truck drove to a location within reach of a crane. The crane lifted and placed the spans on a fork lift with an attached I-beam support system. The span unit was then driven to its final location and set in place. The headwalls were formed and poured in place, with the anchorage design done according to the precast span unit manufacturer. Once the span units were in place, fill was placed -- in lifts -- on either side of the new structure, which was beneath the original structures. Fill was placed until the contractor could no longer fit equipment beneath the structure. Traffic on NY-390 was first impacted when demolition of the original NY-390 over Trolley Boulevard bridges began. Reconstruction of the NY-390 was performed in a three-stage sequence, starting and ending during the summer of 2018. NY-390 was returned to its original alignment, with widening complete, in August 2018. Impacts to NY-390 users were minimized thanks to the innovative design and by limiting the construction schedule to the summer vacation period for local schools. Trolley Boulevard beneath the bridge was open to two-way traffic following the bridge’s completion and the road being paved in September of 2018. The completed structure was just one part of Phase 2 of 4 in the overall project. Phase 2 is expected to be complete by the end of 2019. Phases 3 and 4 have yet to be awarded. The entire project is expected to finish in 2022. q By: Katherine B. Fragale, P.E. NYSDOT Regional Structures Engineer, Region 4 cover article
Technical Corner
Position Openings
This month’s calculation is focused on Motor Locked Rotor Current (LRC) which plays a critical role in sizing reliable electrical infrastructure in a Fire Pump circuit. Fire Pump Motor and controller 200HP Code G with soft start 460V Rated 229 Amps Nameplate Jockey Pump (on same circuit as FP) 3 HP Code L 460V Rated 3.4 Amps Nameplate Motor Locked Rotor Calc: 200HP fire pump motor with “G” rating. Locked Rotor Current (LRC) not listed on nameplate. Use the upper ranges of the values in NEC Table 430.7(B) and not the typical 430.251(B) as the motor code is listed on the nameplate and NOT code letter B, C or D. LRC=(HP X Table Value X 1000)/(460V X 1.73) (200 X 6.29 X 1000) / (460 X 1.73) = 1580.8 LRC 3 HP jockey Pump motor with “L” rating. Use table 430.7(B). (3 X 9.99 X 1000) / (460 X 1.73) = 37.6 LRC Total LRC = 1580.8 + 37.6 = 1,618.5A Therefore, minimum OCPD is next standard size up or 2,000A. (Standard ratings are listed in NEC 240.6)
Hopefully this article/sample calculation finds you well and can be used as a reference for your project needs. If anyone would like to contribute to the Rochester Engineer and add an article or would like to request information on a specific topic (not limited to Electrical) just email me at beliasz@bergmannpc.com. As always, any comments are appreciated! Thank you for reading.
Brett Eliasz, P.E., LEED AP BD+C RES Director 14 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2018
res news - technical corner | position openings
Position Openings
Save the Date Saturday, April 13, 2019 RES Annual Gala
Save the Date Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Engineering Symposium in Rochester position openings
Go to the RES Web Site for Updated Details On All Meetings - www.roceng.org
Education Opportunities
Monday, November 12
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 41 Filter Energy – 1 PDH Pending
Presented by: CamfilFarr Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Time: 12:00 noon Reservations: Reservations at Rochester.ashraechapters.org.
Wednesday, November 14
American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)
Friday, November 16 Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)
p 32-33
30 Annual Fall Bridge Conference Up to 6 PDH Credits th
Place: Millennium Hotel, 2040 Walden Avenue, Buffalo, NY Time: Registration 7:30 am Cost: Members - $125, Non-members - $175, Students - $35,
p 31
Cast Iron Soil Pipe - Histoy 1 PDH Credit Approved
Late Fee (applied to registrations made after 10/26/18) - $30. Comments: Sponsorship, Advertising and Exhibitor Booth
Speaker: Sal Terranova, Charlotte Pipe Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. Time: Noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Reservations: To Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or djereckos@ibceng.com by November 9th.
opportunities available (page 27).
Thursday, November 15
mdavidson@jmdavidsoneng.com or 716-289-5976.
Registration: Registration begins October 1st by visiting the RES website at www.roceng.org. For additional information contact Bill Rugg, PE, GPI, wrugg@gpinet.com or 716-989-3334 or Mike Davidson, PE, JM Davidson Engineering,
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) p 36 Continuous Flow Intersection – 1 PDH Credit Pending
Speaker: Lorenzo Rotoli, PE, PTOE & Tom Miller, PE, PTOE Place: LaBella Associates, 300 State Street, Suite 201, Rochester Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Cost: ASCE members - $20; Non-members - $30, Students - $10. Website: www.asce.org.
Support Your Affiliate Attend A Meeting
To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email: admin@roceng.org
Engineers’ Calendar
The engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. The deadline for submitting copy is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: admin@roceng.org. The meetings offering PDHs are highlighted in blue. Details about the meeting and affiliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the affiliate name.
Monday, November 5
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
p 39
42nd IEEE EDS Activities in Western New York Conference Place: University Gallery, Rochester Institute of Technology Time: Continental breakfast at 8:30 am; 9:00 am to 5:00 pm 16 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2018
Registration: Registration for the event is required and is free of charge. Conference co-chairs: Karl Hirschman, Electrical & Microelectronic Engineering, RIT (kdhemc@rit.edu) and Parsian K. Mohseni, Microsystems Engineering, RIT (pkmeen@rit.edu). IEEE event website: http://sites.ieee.org/rochester/.
continuing education calendar | engineers' calendar
e d
Tuesday, November 6
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Rochester Section Excom Meeting
Wednesday, November 14 p 38
Place: Tandoor of India, 376 Jefferson Road, Rochester Time: 11:50 – 1:00 pm Cost: Buffet lunch, $5 for all members. IEEE event website: http://sites.ieee.org/rochester/
Wednesday, November 7
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
p 39
Graph Signal Processing: Distributed Graph Filters Place: University of Rochester, Room 1400, Wegmans Hall Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm IEEE event website: http://sites.ieee.org/rochester/
Friday, November 9
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
p 39
Cache Side-Channel Attack and Defense on Mobile and loT Devices Place: Rochester Institute of Technology, Room 3650, Golisano Hall Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm IEEE event website: http://sites.ieee.org/rochester/
p 38
How Radio Changed Society (Everything) – Lecture and Tour Place: Antique Wireless Museum Time: 10:00 am Register at https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/178764
Monday, November 12
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 41 Filter Energy – 1 PDH Pending
Presented by: CamfilFarr Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Time: 12:00 noon Reservations: Reservations at Rochester.ashraechapters.org.
Support Your Affiliate Attend A Meeting
p 31
Cast Iron Soil Pipe - History – 1 PDH Credit Approved
Speaker: Sal Terranova, Charlotte Pipe Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. Reservations: To Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or djereckos@ibceng.com by November 9th.
Wednesday, November 14
Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE) p 34 Tour Kodak Center (Bldg. 28)
Place: Kodak Center, 200 West Ridge Road, Rochester, NY 14615. Dinner at MacGregors, 300 Center Place Drive, Rochester. Time: 5:30 pm Cost: Members - $25; Non-members - $30 Reservations: Make your reservation by Wednesday, November 7th to Ken Carr, kencarr82@yahoo.com. Payment can also be made on the website at http://afe21.org/tours/next-tour.
Wednesday, November 14
Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T)
Saturday, November 10
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)
p 42
Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Digital Imaging Performance of Cultural Heritage Workflows – The Role of FADGI* Guidelines
Speaker: Don Williams, Founder, Image Science Associates Time: 6:00 pm. Place: NEW THIS YEAR – Irondequoit Library, 1290 Titus Avenue, Irondequoit, NY. The November through January meetings are in Room #216 (Newport). No meeting reservations are required.
Thursday, November 15
International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
Systems Engineering an MBSE Tool Suite: The Boeing Approach
p 28
Speaker: Brittany Friedland, Systems Engineer, Boeing Place: 5 host sites. Details are on page 28 or contact Kevin Devaney at kdevaney@srcinc.com. Time: Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm Reservations: Contact the host person at the host site list on page 28.
Engineers' calendar continued on page 18... engineers' calendar
Engineers’ Calendar,
Thursday, December 6
Thursday, November 15, continued
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) p 36 Continuous Flow Intersection – 1 PDH Credit Pending
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Speaker: Lorenzo Rotoli, PE, PTOE and Tom Miller, PE, PTOE Place: LaBella Associates, 300 State Street, Suite 201, Rochester Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Cost: ASCE members - $20; Non-members - $30, Students - $10. Website: www.asce.org.
Brewery or Distillery tour pending.
Thursday, November 15
Time: 5:30 to 9:00 pm
Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA)
p 43
Board of Directors Meeting/General Membership Meeting
p 32-33
Place: Millennium Hotel, 2040 Walden Avenue, Buffalo, NY Time: Registration 7:30 am Cost: Members - $125, Non-members - $175, Students - $35, Late Fee (applied to registrations made after 10/26/18) - $30. Comments: Sponsorship, Advertising and Exhibitor Booth opportunities available (page 33). Registration: Registration begins October 1st by visiting the RES website at www.roceng.org. For additional information contact Bill Rugg, PE, GPI, wrugg@gpinet.com or 716-989-3334 or Mike Davidson, PE, JM Davidson Engineering, mdavidson@ jmdavidsoneng.com or 716-289-5976,
Tuesday, December 4
Cost: ASCE members - $20; Non-members - $25, Students - $15.
Save the Date
30 Annual Fall Bridge Conference Up to 6 PDH Credits
Place: Tandoor of India, 376 Jefferson Road, Rochester Time: 11:50 – 1:00 pm Cost: Buffet lunch, $5 for all members. IEEE event website: http://sites.ieee.org/rochester/
or online via PayPal. Website: www.asce.org.
Rochester Section Excom Meeting
Place: Rohrbach Beer Hall, 97 Railroad Street (near Public
ascerochester@gmail.com. You can pay at the door w/cash
Friday, November 16
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
‘Tis the Season…Holiday Happy Hour
Reservations: via Constant Contact invite or by emailing
Place: 40 & 8 Club, 933 University Avenue, Rochester Time: 6:00 pm Details: www.gvlsa.com
Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)
p 37
p 39
Saturday, April 13, 2019 RES Annual Gala
Save the Date Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Engineering Symposium in Rochester The RES website (www.roceng.org) has a calendar of events for this month's meetings and meetings that are received or updated after print deadline. Please refer to the website for updated information. If you wish to be listed in the calendar please send details to admin@roceng.org. engineers' calendar
What's News Woolpert to Conduct Study for Reconstruction of Sandstone Arch Bridge The firm will provide geospatial and conceptual design services along with a feasibility study to determine the best options for the rehabilitation of a stone arch bridge on Sunbury Road near Woodward Avenue in Columbus. Columbus, Ohio: Franklin County has contracted with Woolpert to conduct a feasibility study to determine the best option for the rehabilitation of a sandstone arch bridge on Sunbury Road near the corner of Woodward Avenue in Columbus. Woolpert will conduct a topographic survey employing terrestrial lidar to complete base mapping for the project, and will use this data to evaluate three options: rehabilitating the bridge to match the existing conditions; rehabilitation and widening the bridge to provide additional width for a future sidewalk along Sunbury and Woodward; or rehabilitation and widening for the additional future sidewalk and the addition of a northbound left turn lane onto Woodward. A traffic analysis will be performed by Woolpert Engineer Jon Wiley to determine the need for an intersection reconfiguration, and a hydraulic study may be conducted if any proposed solutions impact the floodway. Woolpert Project Manager Paul Denny said these engineering and geospatial analyses will form an effective and economic rehabilitation strategy. He said roadway problems often require creativity, since they are frequently affected by slope issues, rights of way, traffic volume, the age of various structures, etc. “Improving a roadway and rehabilitating a bridge in an urban setting can be challenging,” Denny said. “But, when wellexecuted, these projects can provide outstanding results.” Denny said he’s looking forward to working with Franklin County Engineer Cornell Robertson, who has worked with the firm in the past. “Cornell will be responsible for the project from the county’s perspective, and we fully support his work and that of his staff,” Denny said. “This is our office’s home county, and we always appreciate the opportunity to improve the roadways that our friends and family travel.” The study is expected to take eight to 12 months to complete. q what's news advertisement
Campus News Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences University of Rochester Congratulations to three of our faculty members who will play important roles in the new Morris K. Udall Center of Excellence in Parkinson’s Disease Research, which is being established at the Medical Center with a $9.2 million grant from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Ehsan Hoque, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and the Asaro Biggar Family Fellow in Data Science as well as interim director of the Goergen Institute for Data Science, and Gaurav Sharma, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, will be part of an interdisciplinary team that will develop and evaluate remote monitoring and wearable technologies to help researchers better understand how Parkinson’s disease affects individuals. This will extend beyond what is observed when patients visit the clinic by monitoring patients in their homes and daily lives. Jiebo Luo, Professor of Computer Science, will help support the center’s research as part of an advanced analytics core.
Ehsan Hoque
Gaurav Sharma
Jiebo Luo
Here’s another interdisciplinary project involving Hajim faculty members. Anne Luebke, Associate Professor, and Ross Maddox, Assistant Professor, both of Biomedical Engineering, along with co-PI Elizabeth Marvin, Professor of Music Theory at the Eastman School, have received a National Science Foundation award. They Anne Luebke Gaurav Sharma Elizabeth Marvin will test the hypothesis that early musical exposure has benefits that extend beyond music to critical aspects of human communication, such as speech perception in noise. In addition, the project will test whether early musical training is associated with less severe effects of aging on the ability to understand speech in noisy backgrounds. This intriguing project also involves researchers at the University of Minnesota, Purdue University, Carnegie Mellon University, Boston University, and University of Western Ontario. Congratulations as well to: Elysia Masters, a Biomedical Engineering PhD student advised by Hani Awad and Edward Schwarz; Greg Madejski, a BME postdoctoral associate in James McGrath’s lab; and Justin Schultz, an optics postdoctoral associate in Nick Vamivakas’ lab. All three placed well in recent competitions that give researchers just a few minutes and a slide or two to clearly explain their research. Elysia tied for second in the Falling Walls Competition and Greg tied for second in the Steadman Family Postdoctoral Award in Interdisciplinary Research, in which Justin tied for the people’s choice award. Communicating science in a succinct, easily understood way is critical for connecting with potential collaborators from other disciplines, and for explaining the importance of research to the general public. Gene Kim, a PhD student in Computer Science advised by Len Schubert. Gene recently participated in the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, after being selected for the American delegation by Oak Ridge Associated Universities and the National Science Foundation. The forum is a week-long conversation between recipients of the most prestigious awards in mathematics and computer science, and the next generation of young researchers in both fields. The inaugural Biomedical Ultrasound Symposium Day will be held from 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. November 6 at the Feldman Ballroom. Hosted by the Rochester Center for Biomedical Ultrasound, this event will include special lectures, graduate student presentations, a poster session, lunch, and networking. Frederick W. Kremkau, Professor of Radiologic Sciences and Director of the Program for Medical Ultrasound at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, will deliver the Distinguished Edwin and Pam Carstensen Family Lecture. Edwin Carstensen was the founding director of the RCBU and the Arthur Gould Yates Professor Emeritus of Engineering. Theresa Tuthill ’84, ’87 (MS), ’91 (PhD), Senior Director of Clinical and Translational Imaging at Pfizer Inc., will deliver the RCBU Distinguished Alumni Lecture. RSVP to carlaboff@rochester.edu. Include your name, affiliation, any dietary restrictions, and whether you will be presenting a poster. q 20 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2018
campus news
News From
Professional Firms
Gryphon International Engineering Services is Now CHA Canada CHA Subsidiary Rebrands and Launches New Website
CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA), a highly diversified, full-service engineering design firm, announces its subsidiary, Gryphon International Engineering Services, has rebranded as CHA Canada. Based in St. Catharines, Ontario, the award-winning thermal, power and energy engineering arm of CHA has also launched a new website at www.chacanada.com. Gryphon International Engineering Services was acquired by CHA Consulting, Inc. in 2011. The name change and rebranding is intended to clarify to the market the full-service capabilities CHA can now offer our Canadian clients. This branding change completes the full integration of the companies and aligns the Canadian operation with the CHA brand. CHA Canada will serve its clients with the highly professional staff and excellent service they have come to expect as well as offer additional services to meet our clients’ many needs. “Our team is inspired to be clearly identified as part of the CHA team through our new name and redesigned website,” said Rich Rappa, CHA Canada’s President and CHA’s Manufacturing and Energy Market Leader. “This branding and alignment will support our team’s approach to serving clients with resources from across all of the CHA Companies thus providing a single source solution.” “Branding our Canadian team under CHA reaffirms our aspiration to elate our clients by offering them a truly one-stopshop for all their engineering and environmental needs that CHA’s fully integrated team of professionals can bring to North America,” said Michael Carroll, CHA President and CEO. “Under our stronger, integrated brand in Canada and the United States, we will continue to responsibly improve the world we live in.” CHA Canada’s new website was redesigned to showcase the firm’s expertise and extensive experience providing highlyspecialized power and energy engineering services. The new website includes resources for clients and potential clients, including descriptions of complex domestic and international projects CHA Canada has successfully completed. The website also provides information about career opportunities available with the CHA Companies. q
Barton & Loguidice Grows Planning Services With Acquisition of Steinmetz Planning Group Firm Expands in Western New York Market, Increases Offerings
In a move to increase its presence in Western New York and expand its Community Planning services, Barton & Loguidice (B&L), an engineering, planning, environmental and landscape architecture firm with over 250 employees throughout the Northeast, has acquired Steinmetz Planning Group, a planning, zoning and public engagement firm with offices in Rochester and Buffalo, New York.
John Steinmetz
“Adding the planners from Steinmetz provides further depth to the municipal services we can provide our clients in all of the geographic areas we serve, while adding to our family of talented professionals in Western New York,” said John F. Brusa, Jr., P.E., Barton & Loguidice President & CEO. “The synergies between our two firms has been building as we worked previously together on Rochester-
news from professional firms
area projects, demonstrating our shared vision for providing tailored solutions for our clients that exceed their expectations.” With this acquisition, Steinmetz employees have joined the B&L team, including Principal John Steinmetz, AICP and Molly Gaudioso, AICP, who have become Molly Gaudioso part of B&L’s Sustainable Planning and Design Group. They will be operating out of the existing B&L offices in Rochester and Buffalo, New York. “We are excited about what this means for our clients and the communities we serve,” said Steinmetz. “By bringing together our assets to work for the communities across New York and throughout the northeast, our clients will get the best of our joint expertise.” q NOVEMBER 2018 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 21
Professional Firms Employee News Fisher Associates' New Directors Drive Growth New leaders driving growth for Transportation and Energy Sectors
Earlier this year, Fisher Associates promoted two leaders to the position of Director for two of its primary and growing market sectors. The company promoted Emily Smith, PE to Vice President / Director of Transportation, and Edward Kostowniak, PE to Director of Energy. Smith joined the firm in 2008 as a project engineer. Since then, she has also served as project manager, structures group manager, and transportation group manager before assuming her newest role. As vice president / director of transportation, Smith oversees the company’s efforts in highway and bridge design, traffic engineering, trail and pedestrian facilities, structural analysis and inspection, and construction engineering and inspection. She is also serving her first term on Fisher Associates’ Board of Directors. Smith has a diverse portfolio having worked on more than 75 bridge, highway, and pedestrian facility projects with a new and rehabilitated construction value exceeding $650M. She was recently honored by the Rochester Engineering Society as the recipient of the 2017 Kate Gleason Young Engineer of the Year.
Emily Smith, PE
“Smith brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to lead this market sector,” said Fisher Associates CEO, Roseann Schmid. “Her diverse technical expertise, excellent client relations, and ability to assess new opportunities positions us well for growth in our highway, bridge, traffic, and construction inspection groups.” Kostowniak joined the firm in 2011 as a senior project manager focusing primarily on energy and utility projects. He has successfully permitted over 1000 miles of electric, gas, and water line construction projects, as well as various new and rebuilt electric substations. As director of energy, Kostowniak oversees the company’s work with oil and gas, renewable, water, and electric utility clients.
Edward Kostowniak, PE
“Ed has a thorough understanding of the complex state and federal permitting and design requirements in the energy market,” Schmid said. “His experience in all facets of these multidisciplined projects coupled with his strong management skills make him the ideal leader for our energy market sector.” q
Ravi Engineering Employee News Douglas Webber, IE has joined the structural
Optimation Technology Employee News
team at Ravi Engineering and Land Surveying. He is a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology where he earned his BS in civil engineering technology with an emphasis on structural design. His experience is in design, structural inspections, and building projects Douglas Webber, IE
for public and private sector clients. Doug is an excellent addition to the team. q
James Stockschlaeder joins Optimation Technology as a senior program manager. q
professional firms employee news
Local Stantec employees celebrate sixth annual Stantec in the Community Week Thousands of volunteers around the world take part
From Buffalo to the Big Apple, Stantec’s New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut offices are celebrating their sixth annual Stantec in the Community Week. This celebration of worldwide community service occurred from September 24 – 29th with more than 5,600 team members volunteering for 321 charities around the globe. Some examples of Stantec in the Community Week events around the Stantec’s 11 Tri-State offices included: • New York City staff pitched in at the scenic Riverbank State Park, providing clean-up and repairing and painting
park benches.
• The team in Mt. Laurel, NJ dedicate time with Strawberry Hill Farm. While there they helped glean fruits and vegetables for
distribution to local non-profits such as Cathedral Kitchen.
• Binghamton, NY staff, long time volunteers with Boys and Girls Club of Western Broome County, returned to spruce up the
organization’s facility with fresh paint.
• The Rochester, NY crew donated time to landscape and provide clean-up around the City’s recently opened Inner Loop, an
award-winning urban complete street project.
• In Albany, NY, the team joined local organization Street Solders to package and distribute meals to the homeless. • Our Rochelle Park, NJ delivered toys and stayed to spend some playtime with patients at Tackle Kids Cancer in Hackensack. • New Haven, CT team members supported the city in clean-up along State Street. q
professional firms employee news
Professional Firms Employee News SWBR News SWBR Welcomes Chief Financial Officer to the Firm SWBR, architectural and design firm based in Rochester, welcomes Michael Picard to the leadership team as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). With more than three decades of financial management experience, Picard is an expert in implementing strategic financial plans into operational plans, providing guidance to the organization’s president and CEO, and managing an organization’s overall corporate governance.
Most recently Picard served as CFO at the Costello Group, where he served as an executive manager of all financial operations, treasury management, debt service and regulatory reporting, and provided strategic analysis . He earned a master’s in finance and management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, as well as a bachelor’s in accounting from Central Connecticut State University.
“Mike is a proactive, assertive and inquisitive Michael Picard Picard holds three certifications from the leader who is a natural fit at SWBR,” said Tom International Foundation of Employee Gears, AIA president and CEO of the firm. “We Benefit Plans and the Wharton School at the University of invested a great deal of time searching for the right person to Pennsylvania, including Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS), serve in this key leadership role. During our first meeting with Retirement Plans Associate (RPA) and Group Plans Associate Mike, it was clear that he has the experience, integrity, strategy (GBA). He is also Six-Sigma Lean and DFSS (Green Belt) and competency that’s right for this position. Mike’s influence certified. He serves as a member of the Institute of Management will make SWBR stronger and more resilient moving forward Accountants, the Construction Financial Management as a business, and he will set a positive example as a leader and Association and Society of Certified Employee Benefit colleague for our team.” Specialists. q
SWBR's Interior Designer Earns LEED Credential Associate accreditation by the U.S. Green Building Council. This LEED credential denotes proficiency in today’s sustainable design, construction, and operations standards. Professionals who have earned a LEED credential showcase knowledge, experience, and credibility in the green building marketplace.
Candace Gonnella
SWBR interior designer, Candace Gonnella, earned her LEED Green
“Candace has been working very hard on sustainability initiatives that include the design of the North Rose Wolcott Middle School interior for LEED certification and the transformation of SWBR’s materials library,” said Mark Maddalina, principal and sustainable
design director of the firm. “We are so proud of Candace’s leadership and efforts in passing this exam.” Gonnella is responsible for design concepts, presentation boards, monitoring current sustainable products and trends, and space planning for the firm’s key clients. She’s also currently managing the firm’s major interior renovation of their Rochester office. She received her bachelors of science degree in interior architecture and design from Mercyhurst University. q
professional firms employee news
Burak Tuncer Joins MRB Group
MRB Group President Ryan T. Colvin, PE, recently announced that Burak Tuncer has joined the firm’s Rochester office as a civil engineer.
Well-traveled in his educational endeavors, Tuncer has worked as an intern in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Finland, and Spain, gaining exposure to many facets of engineering and project development, including estimating and design.
Tuncer is a graduate of the University of Rochester and recently received his master of science in earth and environmental engineering from Columbia University. Before joining the firmTuncer worked as a program Burak Tuncer coordinator and project dead for the local Chapter of Engineers Without Borders, through the University of Rochester. While there, he led a 15-member project team of engineering students working on a water supply project in the Dominican Republic. He also led a previous distribution and disinfection system project coordinated for a primary school in that country. He gained additional experience developing technical documentation, conducting outreach and fundraising, and assisting with other implementation trips while working with the local chapter.
“As a recent graduate, Burak represents the best and brightest among young professionals,” said Colvin. “In addition to excelling in his educational endeavors, he received tremendous exposure and training through Engineers Without Borders, while serving the global community. There’s no better opportunity to learn about the impact that design can have in the field,” Colvin continued. “We are always excited to work with students and recent graduates, but only those who are exceptional are invited to become a part of the MRB Group team. They benefit because we mentor them and foster professional growth. Their understanding of new technology, fresh approach to solving problems, and enthusiasm benefit the firm and the clients we serve,” Colvin stated. “Burak is a talented individual who could work anywhere. We’re excited and proud that he chose to work with MRB Group,” said Colvin. q
CPL Welcomes Three New Hires in Rochester CPL, a full-service design firm that has served public and private-sector clients for more than 40 years, welcomes three new team members to its Rochester office: John Ferraro, PE joins the civil engineering team, James Basile, PE joins the civil engineering team as a senior associate, and Stephen Pyrkosz joins the architectural team.
John Ferraro, PE
As civil engineer, Ferraro will focus on bridge design, inspection, civil project engineering, development of transportation projects, quality-control review of plans, specifications estimates and responses to requests for proposals. With nearly 40 years of industry experience, he most recently served as construction quality-control engineer for WSP USA (formerly known as Parsons Brinckerhoff) on the new Schenectady rail station project and the Rochester railroad station design/build project. Ferraro has a bachelor’s degree in civil and environmental engineering from Clarkson University. As senior associate, Basile will manage civil/site projects and help train and mentor younger team members. With nearly 20 years of industry experience, he joins the firm after serving as civil discipline leader at Bergmann Associates.
James Basile, PE
Basile has an associate degree in civil technology from Monroe Community College and a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology, and holds professional licensure in New York and Pennsylvania. Outside the office, he volunteers at Practice Institute of Engineering Inc. and St. Thomas Moore Church. Pyrkosz will work with the architectural team to use the design-build delivery method on a variety of project types. He has more than 20 years of industry experience and most recently served as assistant project manager at Bergmann Associates. Pyrkosz has a bachelor of science in architecture and a bachelor of architecture from Lawrence Technological University. He holds professional licensure in 17 states, including New York, North Carolina and South Carolina. q
Stephen Pyrkosz professional firms employee news
What's News Huntington Ingalls Industries Starts Fabrication of Amphibious Assault Ship Bougainville (LHA 8) PASCAGOULA, Miss.: Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (NYSE:HII)
Bougainville include a larger flight deck configured for Joint
Ingalls Shipbuilding division officially started fabrication of
Strike Fighter and Osprey V-22 aircraft, which can be used
the America-class amphibious assault ship Bougainville (LHA
for surface and aviation assaults. The additional area on the
8) on October 15 . The start of fabrication signifies that the
flight deck comes in part from a smaller deck house and an
shipyard is ready for sustained production and ready to move
additional sponson.
forward with the construction of the ship. LHA 8 will be the second Navy vessel to bear the name “Our shipbuilders are proud to continue Ingalls’ legacy in
Bougainville. The name commemorates the Bougainville
amphibious shipbuilding,” said Ingalls Shipbuilding President
Campaign that took place during World War II. During the
Brian Cuccias. “The start of Bougainville, our 16th large-deck
campaign, which lasted from 1943 to 1944, Allied forces
amphib, allows us to continue the serial production of these
secured a strategic airfield from Japan in the northern
great ships. Working with the Navy and Marine Corps, we
Solomon Islands, helping the allies break the Japanese
will take advantage of our hot production line and a healthy
stronghold in the South Pacific.
nationwide supplier base to continue providing these muchneeded ships for the defense of our nation and the world’s
Huntington Ingalls Industries is America’s largest military
sea lanes.”
shipbuilding company and a provider of professional services to partners in government and industry. For more than a
A photo accompanying this release is available
century, HII’s Newport News and Ingalls shipbuilding divisions
at: https://newsroom.huntingtoningalls.com/
in Virginia and Mississippi have built more ships in more ship
classes than any other U.S. naval shipbuilder. HII’s Technical Solutions division provides a wide range of professional
Bougainville will retain the aviation capability of the America-
services through its Fleet Support, Mission Driven Innovative
class design while adding the surface assault capability of
Solutions, Nuclear & Environmental, and Oil & Gas groups.
a well deck. The well deck will give the U.S. Marine Corps
Headquartered in Newport News, Virginia, HII employs
the ability to house and launch two landing craft air cushion
more than 40,000 people operating both domestically and
(LCAC) hovercraft or one landing craft utility (LCU) as
internationally. q
needed during their maritime missions. Other additions to
Save the Date
Save the Date
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
April 13, 2019
Engineering Symposium in Rochester
what's news
What's News EPA Finalizes Nearly $7 Million Plan to Clean Up Lead-Contaminated Soil at Residential Properties at the Eighteen Mile Creek Superfund Site in Lockport, New York The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized its plan to clean up lead-contaminated soil at approximately 28 residences that are impacted by the former Flintkote Plant property at the Eighteen Mile Creek Superfund Site, in Lockport, N.Y. As part of a multi-phased, comprehensive cleanup of the Eighteen Mile Creek Site, EPA will remove and transport approximately 14,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil for off-site disposal at facilities licensed to handle the waste. The excavated areas will be restored with clean soil.
Background: Eighteen Mile Creek has a long history of industrial use dating back to the 1800’s. The headwaters of the Creek consist of an east and west branch beginning immediately north of the New York State Barge Canal in Lockport. Eighteen Mile Creek flows north approximately 15 miles and discharges into Lake Ontario in Olcott, N.Y. Investigations at the site show that sediment and soil in and around Eighteen Mile Creek and nearby properties are contaminated with a variety of pollutants, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and lead.
extends from the New York State Barge Canal to Harwood Street in the City of Lockport. The third phase of cleanup – also currently ongoing – is an investigation of groundwater and contaminated sediment in the Creek from Lockport to Lake Ontario. This announcement involves the fourth phase, which is the cleanup and restoration of lead-contaminated soil at residential properties near the former Flintkote Plant property.
“Our decision to move forward with The former Flintkote Plant property The Superfund program has been providing the removal of lead from the properties located at 198 and 300 Mill Street operated important health benefits to communities of more than two dozen residences is a between 1928 and 1971 and manufactured across the country for more than 35 years. major milestone Superfund cleanups in the long-term also strengthen local cleanup of the economies. Data Eighteen Mile collected through 2017 Creek Superfund shows that at 487 site cleanup,” said Superfund sites in reuse, EPA Regional approximately 6,600 Administrator businesses are generating Pete Lopez. “We $43.6 billion in sales and are committed to employ 156,000 people continuing our who earned a combined Before and after photos of the former Flintkote Plant location. ( work with our state income of $11.2 billion. Photo credit: courtesy of EPA) and local partners, the community, Under the Trump and individual property owners to ensure felt products. Administration, the Superfund program that the children and families of Lockport has reemerged as a priority to fulfill and are protected from the legacy of pollution EPA has taken a multi-phased approach strengthen EPA’s core mission of protecting from the Flintkote Plant.” to cleaning up the Eighteen Mile Creek human health and the environment. Site. In the first phase, EPA demolished EPA held a public meeting in August the buildings at the former Flintkote Plant On the one-year anniversary of the EPA’s 2018 to explain its cleanup proposal, property and bought out and relocated five Superfund Task Force Report, EPA discuss the other cleanup options that families from their Water Street residences announced significant progress in carrying were considered, and to solicit public in Lockport, N.Y. due to the impact of out the report’s recommendations. These comments. To read the EPA’s selected recurring flooding of PCB-contaminated achievements will provide certainty to cleanup plan, outlined in a Record of water and sediment from the Creek. Those communities, state partners, and developers Decision, and to view EPA’s responses to homes, and the former industrial buildings, that the nation’s most hazardous sites will be public comments in the Responsiveness were demolished and all demolition debris cleaned up as quickly and safely as possible. Summary, please visit: https://www.epa. was removed from the properties. gov/superfund/eighteenmile-creek or EPA’s “Superfund Task Force for a direct link to the Record of Decision, In the second phase, which is ongoing, Recommendations 2018 Update” is visit: https://semspub.epa.gov/src/ EPA is addressing soil and sediment available at: https://www.epa.gov/ document/02/550180. contamination in the Creek Corridor. This superfund/superfund-task-forceencompasses an approximately 4,000recommendations-2018-update. q foot segment of Eighteen Mile Creek that what's news
incose news
Monroe Professional Engineers Society A Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers 657 East Avenue, Rochestter, New York 14607 Dedicated to Professionalism in Engineering in the Interest of Public Safety and Welfare 2018-19 Officers: President Chris Kambar, PE, President-elect Arthur Reardon, PE, Vice-President Scott Wolcott, PE, Secretary Martin Gordon, PE, Treasurer Michael Ritchie, PE, Membership Chair Arthur Reardon, PE Past Presidents: David Roberts, PE, Chris Devries, PE Directors: Barry Dumbauld, PE, Robert Winans, PE, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, Jim Drago, PE, Neal Illenberg, PE, Douglas R. Strang Jr., PE
Canadian Licensing Provision Restricts US PEs, NSPE Warns On Sept 24, NSPE alerted the US Trade Representative about Canadian licensing rules that restrict US licensed professional engineers from practicing in Canada. In a letter to Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer, NSPE pointed out that both the US and Canada allow individual jurisdictions to develop their own requirements for applying for and obtaining an engineering license. Unlike most of the US, Canadian provinces have work requirements that can be fulfilled only in Canada, which prohibits many US PEs from practicing there despite having proficient education and experience. The Society recommends that the US and Canada enter into an agreement that recognizes work experience from either nation. Sources: https://www.nspe.org/sites/default/files/resources/pdfs/NSPE-Public-Comment-Re-Docket-No.USTR-20180029.pdf
A Guide to Digital Signing and Sealing Of Engineering Documents Do you know which states allow PEs to use digital signatures and seals on engineering documents? You can find that answer in a new NSPE report that provides a state-by-state summary on the rules around use of digital signatures and seals. To reduce time-consuming and expensive paper-based processes, more state licensing boards are accepting electronic documents alongside documents with impression and rubber stamps. It is the ethical responsibility of a PE to meet the required standards for signing and sealing engineering documents. Access to the report is free for NSPE members. Learn more about this report and others on state laws and regulations related to engineering practice. Sources: https://www.nspe.org/resources/digital-signing-and-sealing-of-engineering-documents As always, we encourage active membership in the Monroe Professional Engineers Society. We are constantly striving to improve your membership but we always need more help. If you are interested in becoming an active member or have any questions, please email me at CKambar@apd.com or contact MPES through our website at www.monroepes.org/contactus/.
Christopher V. Kambar, President, MPES mpes news
The Genesee Valley Branch is requesting submissions to recognize Projects of the Year and outstanding individuals in public works. This includes any town, village, or city within our sixcounty region, as well as any regulatory agency, water supply agency, department of transportation, or public official. Information on the award categories and nomination forms can be found by visiting the Genesee Valley Branch APWA website at http://newyork.apwa.net/pagedetails/13214 All nominations are due by December 7, 2018. Award nominations can be submitted to Paul Chatfield at the contact information below: Paul Chatfield MRB Group 145 Culver Road Suite 160 Rochester, NY 14620 Paul.Chatfield@mrbgroup.com The awards will be handed out at the annual APWA Genesee Valley Branch Banquet to be held on Thursday January 31, 2019 at the RIT Inn & Conference Center.
apwa news
President/Education Chair: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD CPL 205 St Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Vice President Technical: DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Legislative: DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110 Vice President Membership: DOUG MEIER Twin”D” Associates 1577 Ridge Road West, Suite 116B Rochester, NY 14615 585-581-2170 Treasurer: ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Administrative Secretary: ADAM KRAMER IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Appointed AYP (Young Professionals) Liason: THOMAS GAMER, PE Erdman Anthony 145 Culver Road, Suite 200 Rochester, NY 14620 585-427-8888 Affiliate Liaison: TRAVIS JESSICK Altherm, Inc. 255 Humphrey St. Englewood, NJ 07631 551-486-9556 Newsletter Editor: CHRIS WOLAK Victaulic Fairport, NY 14450 484-350-1954
aspe news
President's Message
I recently attended the ASPE Convention in Atlanta with Dave Myers and Adam Kramer. We represented the Rochester Chapter as Delegates for the biennial Business Meeting where we voted on By-law amendments and voted for our new Society level board members. Our trip was paid for by ASPE thanks to the support of our golf outing participants and sponsors. Thanks for helping us make this trip to support our organization! Our November meeting, advertised below, is one week ahead of our normal “third Wednesday” due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope to see you there! Jennifer Wengender, P.E., CPD Rochester Chapter President
Meeting Notice – Save the Date Topic: Cast Iron Soil Pipe - History Sal Terranova, Charlotte Pipe Date:
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. (please arrive by 11:50 am)
Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Rd., Rochester 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates)
Credits: 1 PDH Approval Cost:
$20.00 (member or guest), check or cash at door.
RSVP: To Dave Jereckos (341-3168), or djereckos@ibceng.com by November 9h.
(Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society)
abcd news
abcd news
November 2018 Meeting Notice
2018/19 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Dennis Roote CDE Engineering & Environment, PLLC (585) 330-6986 dennis.roote@cde-pllc.com VICE PRESIDENT Vacant SECRETARY Brian Laurer The Gleason Works (585) 256-6784 blaurer@gleason.com
Date/Time: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 – 5:30 p.m. Tour of Kodak Center (Building 28)
Building 28, formerly known as the Theater on the Ridge, is a 400,000 square foot facility built in 1948 and has now become Kodak Center. In addition to the 2,000-seat theater, the building also contains a ballroom, dining room, gym and fitness center, and provides leased space to numerous tenants. Coming in December 2018, the building’s lobby will be fully transformed into the Kodak Experience Center.
TREASURER Ken Carr kencarr82@yahoo.com
Location: Kodak Center, 200 West Ridge Road, Rochester, NY 14615
Directions (from the east)
ASSISTANT TREASURER Phil Masters Mitten Fluidpower Inc (315) 437-7563 pmasters@MITTEN.com
Follow I-490 westbound to SR 590 North
Continue to exit 10A and merge onto NY-104 W for 4.5 miles
Kodak will be on the right (north). Park in the lot across Ridge Road.
Directions (from the west)
I-490 eastbound to exit 9A, NY 390 N toward Greece.
Continue to exit 24A, NY-104 E (Ridge Road) for 2.3 miles
Kodak will be on the left (north). Park in the lot across Ridge Road.
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Craig Avalone RED Rochester. (585) 704-7204 DELEGATE DIRECTORS Jeff Bidell – Erdman Anthony Dan Friday – NRWCSD Tom Ward - YMCA Mark Ramsdell – Haley & Aldrich CHAPTER HISTORIAN Joe Dioguardi – MicroMod CHAIRMAN, EDUCATION COMMITTEE Matthew Knights – Constellation (585) 396-8043 matt.knights@cbrands.com CHAIRMAN, COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE Thomas Coburn -The Gleason Works (585) 461-8073 tcoburn@gleason.com CHAIRMAN, MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Joseph R. Graves – CypherWorx, Inc (585) 268-6184 jgraves@cypherworx.com
Dinner: MacGregors, 300 Center Place Drive, Rochester, NY 14615 Cost: Members - $25
Non Member - $30
Payment can be accepted on our website: http://afe21.org/tours/next-tour Please RSVP by Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 to: Ken Carr kencarr82@yahoo.com
afe news
ea news
asce news
asce news
ieee news
ieee news
terra news
Rochester Chapter
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Rochester ASHRAE website: rochester.ashraechapters.org
President’s Message
Thank you to everyone that made it the annual Clambake in September. This was a great social networking event to kick off the year in what was left of summer weather. A special thanks to the Rochester EV Accelerator for promoting the benefits of electric vehicles, in a fun way, with EV test drives. Also, thank you to Carolyn Levine for her time and efforts for the main presentation! Our November meeting will be on 11/12, at City Grill at noon. Camfil Farr will be presenting on the energy use of filters in HVAC systems, and the importance of proper selection for energy savings opportunities. Please check out our website at
ashrae news
ASHRAE November Meeting - 1 PDH Credit Pending Date:
Monday, November 12, 2018
Time: 12:00 Noon Location: City Grill, 384 East Avenue in Rochester Reservations: Reservations at rochester.ashraechapters.org
Filter Energy Presented by CamfilFarr
http://rochester.ashraechapters.org/ or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ashraerochester/. Paul Kenna, PE 2018-2019 President Rochester Chapter NOVEMBER 2018 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 41
Rochester Chapter
Society for Imaging Science and Technology Website: http://rochesterengineeringsociety.wildapricot.org/ISandT Our meeting locations have changed starting this fiscal year. They are being held at the Irondequoit Public Library, 1290 Titus Avenue, Irondequoit, NY. The November through January
Meeting Schedule November 14, 2018 - "Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Digital Imaging Performance of Cultural Heritage Workflows: The Role of FADGI* Guidelines.( *Federal Agency Digital Guideline Initiative)" by Don Williams, Image Science Consultant.
meetings are in Room #216 (Newport). No
Venue ideas requested – we are soliciting input regarding other
meeting reservations are required.
possible venues for our meetings.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Digital Imaging Performance of Cultural Heritage Workflows The Role of FADGI* Guidelines.( *Federal Agency Digital Guideline Initiative)
Don Williams, Founder, Image Science Associates Meeting Location for November: Irondequoit Public Library, Room #216 (Newport) Abstract: The shear volume of collection content in cultural heritage institutes is, without hyperbole, mind numbing. The Smithsonian’s collection alone has 138 million objects. Much of it simply sits in storage where only researchers and patrons can access it once requested and approval received. The operative word in the last sentence is ‘access’. How can greater access to these collections be achieved while still preserving and maintaining the content’s fragility and value? The answer is not merely digitization, but rather mass digitization in a rapid capture mode. It is literally a digital image manufacturing pipeline. With these kinds of volumes workflow management is critical. And as with any manufacturing process quality control procedures need to be in place. For the still imaging portion of these workflows the Library of Congress has hosted the Federal Agency Digital Guideline Initiative (FADGI) since 2007. They have put in place guidelines for measuring accurate and consistent imaging best practices based on ISO vetted metrics. These guidelines set aim and tolerance limits for common imaging metrics like exposure, resolution, color encoding, 42 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2018
white balance, and noise and are used as objective acceptance criteria for awarding contracts to outside service and equipment vendors. ISA has been an integral part in defining these guidelines and providing targeting tools, software, and consultation for good imaging practices. This talk will include background and examples of how these guidelines are being successfully exercised to create solid digital image objects that can be repurposed into multiple use case derivatives. Biography: Don Williams is founder of Image Science Associates, a digital imaging consulting and software group. His work focuses on quantitative performance metrics for digital capture imaging devices, and imaging fidelity issues for the cultural heritage community especially for benchmarking and high volume workflows. He has taught short courses for many years, contributes to several ISO digital imaging standards activities. He was instrumental in helping to form the criteria for Federal Agency Digital Guideline Initiative for still imaging.
is&t news
Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association Website: www.gvlsa.com
Year 2018 Officers President Jared R. Ransom, LS Vice President Justin M. Roloson, LS Secretary Robert J. Avery, LS Treasurer Michael A. Venturo, LS Roy B. Garfinkel, LS, Ex-officio
Board of Directors
November 2018
2016-2018 Douglas W. Magde, LS Douglas Churchill, LS 2017-2019 David L. Standinger, LS Daniel T. Hickok, LS 2018-2020 Timothy T. Odell, LS Matthew R. Palmer Jonathan Navagh - Associates Representative
Upcoming Events 2018:
November 15, 2018 BOD / General Membership Meeting 6:00 PM 40 & 8 Club, 933 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14607
December 1, 2018 Annual Dinner Meeting 6:00 PM Location TBD
Board of Directors Meeting / General Membership Meeting November 15, 2018 6:00 PM 40 & 8 Club 933 University Avenue, Rochester
Professional Affiliations •
New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc.
National Society of Professional Surveyors
Rochester Engineering Society
Annual Dinner Meeting December 1, 2018 6 PM Location TBD
gvlsa news
swe news
Directory of Professional Services
www.eco-rentalsolutions.com 855-ECO-RENT Newest Rental Fleet in the Industry Exceptional Customer and Technical Service Consistent Quality Rentals • Sales • Service
directory of professional services
Directory of Professional Services
Solving soils problems for over 40 years. 46A Sager Drive, Rochester, NY 14607 Tel: 585-458-0824 • Fax: 585-458-3323 www.foundationdesignpc.com
Advertising Rates and Membership Application is Available at www.roceng.org Michael S. Quagliata, Jr., PE President
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 217 West Commercial Street East Rochester, New York 14445 585/385-1450 585/385-1482 Fax mikeq@q-techpc.com
Electrical & Mechanical Engineering & Design
Advertising Rates and Membership Application is Available at www.roceng.org
Inc. A sign, ct Deeld, NY 14526 US of u d o r fi P P. Haltaolt en f P o f.com , e r lt n a H G Gry Ha kbridge La arry@ c
40 Ro
Design Engineering Services - Concept thru Production Mechanical / Electromechanical - Consumer / Industrial All Plastic and Metal Technologies Tel: 585-388-9000 Fax: 585-388-3839
Directory of Business Services Philip J. Welch
First Vice President - Investments
Wells Fargo Advisors Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC
200 Meridian Centre Blvd. Suite 260 Rochester, NY 14618 Direct: 585-241-7546 Fax: 585-241-3986 Toll Free: 877-237-6201 philip.welch@wellsfargoadvisors.com
directory of professional services | director of business services
Affiliated Societies of the Rochester Engineering Society American Consulting Engineering Companies of New York President, David J. Meyer, 585-218-0730 Email: dmeyer@pathfinderengineers.com American Public Works Association Monroe County/Genesee Valley Branch Chairman, Peter Vars, PE Email: PVars@bmepc.com American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section President, Drazen Gasic, CPSWQ, CPESC, LaBella Associates. 585-402-7005 Email: DGasic@LaBellaPC.com American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Bill Clark, PE, CEM Email: ashraerocnews.com
Email: RCentola@prudenteng.com Association For Facilities Engineering, Rochester Chapter President, Dennis Roote, PE Email: Dennis.Roote@cde-pllc.com Electrical Association Executive Director, Karen Lynch Email: karen@eawny.com President, Russ Corcoran, Landmark Electric, 585-359-0800. Email: russc@landmarkelectric.net. Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association President, Jared R. Ransom, LS 585-737-6881 Email: jaredransomls@gmail.com Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Inc., Rochester Section President, Dan Rusnack Email: drusnack@bergmannpc.com
Monroe Professional Engineers Society President, Chris Kambar Email: CKambar@apd.com New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 President, Howard R. Ressel, 585-371-9280. Email: Howard.Ressel@dot.ny.gov NYSATE has scholarships available for dependents of members who are or plan to enroll in a postsecondary university of accredited business or vocational school (undergraduate only). Some members may also be eligible. Information will be posed in the early spring at www.nysate.org
New York Water Environment Association Inc., Genesee Valley Chapter (www.gvcnywea.org) President, Bill Davis, 585-381-9250 Email: william.davis@mrbgroup.com
Imaging Science & Technology, Rochester Chapter President, Bruce Pillman, 585-748-6006 Email: bruce.pillman@gmail.com
Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor’s National Association-Rochester, Inc. Executive Director, Aaron Hilger 585-586-8030. Email: mzin@smacnaroc.org
American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Rochester New York Chapter President, Jennifer Wengender, PE, CPD, Clark Patterson Lee, 205 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14604. 585-454-7600. Email: jwengender@clarkpatterson.com
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Sreeram Dhurjaty Email: SDhurjaty@dhurjaty.net
Society of Plastics Engineers, Rochester Section President, Brett Blaisdell Email: zippel@frontiernet.net
Alfred Steele Scholarship available to ASPE members and their immediate family. Applications due in January each year. Details at https://www. aspe.org/SteeleScholarship.
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, John Kaemmerlen, 585-475-2767 Email: jxkpdm@rit.edu
Society of Women Engineers President, Marca J. Lam, RIT Email: mjleme@rit.edu
Association for Bridge Construction and Design President, Ronald Centola Prudent Engineering
International Council on Systems Engineering, Finger Lakes Chapter President, Jack Riley Email: jackri2139@hotmail.com
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Steven Ivancic, University of Rochester
Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science & Engineering Fair Director, Mary Eileen Wood, 315-422-2902 Website: TerraFairs@terraed.org. Awards and scholarships available. Visit the website for details.
Corporate Members of the Rochester Engineering Society Bergmann (Enterprise)
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
Passero Associates
BME Associates
Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, Inc.
Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Gleason College of Engineering
IBC Engineering, PC (Champion)
TY-LIN International (Champion)
M/E Engineering, PC (Enterprise)
VJ Stanley
CHA Consulting (Champion) Clark Patterson Lee Erdman Anthony Associates Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (RBA) Champion)
MRB Group (Champion) Optimation Technology, Inc.
affiliated societies & corporate members of the rochester engineering society
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