Rochester Engineering Society Magazine January 2019

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January 2019

RES Honors the Outgoing Young Engineer of the Year Emily Smith | 12

Also in this issue: 117th RES Annual Gala - Saturday, April 13 Sponsorships Now Available | 10

RES Honors the Outgoing Young Engineer of the Year Emily Smith

The Rochester Engineer Published since 1922 by


Founded March 18, 1897

Volume 97, Number 7, JANUARY 2019 (Printed & Electronic Copies) 2,500+ Monthly Circulation (Quarterly Hard Copies, 11 issues electronically) ISSN 0035-7405

RES Mission Statement: The RES will become the lead organization for improving the image and influence of the engineering community in the greater Rochester area by: Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the region’s engineering and technical capabilities; Providing the best clerical support and public relations assistance to our affiliates; Continually communicating the engineering and technical accomplishments to both the engineering and technical community and the public; Providing regular forums and networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues; and, Providing programs that identify career opportunities to the region’s youth and develop the skills of the practicing engineer. News items and articles are invited. Materials should be submitted to the administrative director at the society’s office, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607; Phone number (585) 254-2350, e-mail:

The web site for the Engineers’ Center is at: The deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to the issue. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this publication are those of contributors, not of the Rochester Engineering Society, Inc. Advertising information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Rochester Engineering Society or going to the website at Published every month but July. Yearly subscription is $20.00, (4 hard copies, 11 digital). You can sign up on the website for the subscription for digital copies only (free) and receive an email notice when posted. Go to to join the Rochester Engineering Society. Click on the individual membership and you can submit your application on-line. Board of Directors: OFFICERS: President JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE M/E Engineering / First Vice President GREG GDOWSKI, PhD University of Rochsester / Treasurer ANDREW C. HIRSCH Retired / Second Vice President MICHELLE SOMMERMAN, PE Bergmann Associates / Past President MICHAEL V. TRIASSI Javlyn, Inc. / EIGHT DIRECTORS: CORNELIUS (NEAL) ILLENBERG PE Retired / LEE LOOMIS Retired / RICHARD E. RICE MJ Engineering / ADAM CUMMINGS, PE Town of Ontario / DANIELLE WALTERS MKS Instruments / DOREEN EDWARDS Rochester Institute of Technology / BRETT ELIASZ, PE Bergmann Associates / DENNIS ROOTE, PE CDE Engineering & Environment, PLLC / Administrative Director LYNNE M. IRWIN Rochester Engineering Society / e-mail:

(cover) Pages 12-13


5 • RES Call for Nominations for EOY, YEOY & EODs 6 • Meet the Bergmann Team of RES Tutors... 7 • How Do You Arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom! 8 • NEW: RES Technical Corner by Brett Eliasz, RES Director 9 • Get to the Point! - How Technology is Degrading our Communication Skills 10 • RES Gala - Sponsorships Now Available! 12-13 • RES Honors the Outgoing Young Engineer of the Year Emily Smith (cover) 14 • Get IT Done - Bring Out the Dead, Bring Out the Dead 15 • Position Openings 16 • RIT Offers FE Civil Exam Review Course 17 • Continuing Education Opportunities (PDHs) 17-19 • Engineers’ Calendar 19, 21-23 • Professional Firms - Employee News 20 • Seeking Volunteer Mentors for 2018 Spring Science Fair 24-25 • News from Professional Firms 41-42 • Directory of Professional Services 42 • Directory of Business Services 43 • Affiliated Societies and Corporate Members of the RES Membership Application and Advertising Rates are also on the website:

news of the...

• ABCD Association for Bridge Construction and Design.....................31 • AFE Association for Facilities Engineering...........................................32 • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers............................................34 • ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers....................................................39 • ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers....................................30 • EA Electrical Association.......................................................................33 • GVLSA Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association.............................28 • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.......................37


• IES Illuminating Engineering Society....................................................35 • INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering..........................36 • IS&T Society for Imaging Science and Technology.............................27 • MPES Monroe Professional Engineers Society......................................29 • NYSATE New York State Association of Transportation Engineers....26 • RES Rochester Engineering Society....................................... 2-8, 10-12 • SWE Society of Women Engineers........................................................40 • TERRA TERRA Science & Engineering Fair...............................................38


President’s Message

Joseph Dombrowski, PE M/E Engineering RES President 2018 - 2019 Well, the weather has definitely changed and in my opinion not for the better; colder, wetter and snowier now. I hope you all had a happy thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas! Planning has begun for the RES Gala and the Engineering Symposium in April; if you have any input, please contact us via the RES. Please note that the silent auction, traditionally run by The Society of Women Engineers will not be run by them this year as the key person behind the effort has moved on to another job out of town. The Gala Committee is grappling with how to continue this tradition. It has been an important source of scholarship funds. There is an effort afoot to increase the RES volunteering effort for STEM volunteering efforts. Please see for more information. Also in STEM, planning is well underway for the Terra Fair Science Fair in Rochester at the Rochester Museum and Science Center on March 16th 2019. I am particularly proud of all the participation of RES members! I suspect it is not too late to volunteer, see for more details. That's all for now. Joe Dombrowski RES President res news - president’s message


Rochester History Continuing with the historical sampling of the earlier writings on behalf of the Rochester Engineering Society, the years following "The Great War," into and through the “Great Depression,” continued to be a time of reaching out for the maturing Society, both locally and nationally. The meeting minutes describe a series of technical discussions and presentations intended to broaden the technical horizons of the membership (especially the CE's, ME's and EE's). The RES affiliated itself with a number of National technical societies, adopted local Affiliated Societies, frequently held joint meetings with them and continued taking action on a growing list of public matters. Certain issues of standardization, some crucial to public safety, became the responsibility of the RES and its affiliates. In the pervasive economic downturn of the “Great Depression,” the magazine offered classified advertising for unemployed engineers, technicians and draftsmen and took other steps to try to deal with the crisis. Still, it continued its effort to shape the function, purpose and infrastructure of the City of Rochester, and beyond. Soon, war would again affect the Society, taking away many of its leaders while providing opportunities for others to step forward to fill these vacancies. In an effort to provide even greater perspective on the happenings and concerns of the day, a synopsis, featuring selected items from "The Rochester Engineer" has become an integral part of this series. The Second World War and the Korean Conflict are now history. These experiences have changed the face and, no doubt, the future of the community. The Rochester municipal leadership and the industrial community have become immersed in the cold-war, growth economy.

Rochester Engineer” (March 1969)

Transportation planning was the subject of a first-of-its-kind meeting of interested local engineers and Henry L. Pereybrune of the NYSDOT’s Urban Transportation Planning Department, sponsored by the RES, Monroe Professional Engineers and the Rochester Section of the ASCE. The topics to be reviewed included a potential 72 miles of rapid transit facilities, broad new transportation corridors around the County, new bridges across the Genesee River, and a downtown multi-facility transportation terminal. The RES luncheon series for this month was to include “Securities of Local Industries,” by Warren F. Wallace of George D. B. Bondbright & Company, “A New Concept – A New Company,” by Thomas A. Tuety, VP & Treasurer of R D Products, “Kodak’s New Colorado Plant,” by Howard E. Smith, Manager at Kodak Colorado, “Developing an Integrated Product Line,” by Howard R. Jaquith of Taylor Process Control of the Sybron Corporation, and “Training the Undereducated,” by Frederic C. Libby, Supervisor of Vocational Training at Kodak Park. Dr. Edward T. Kirkpatrick, RES President, and Dean of RIT’s College of Applied Science, announced that RIT would be adding a program in Industrial Engineering to its five-year, work-study curriculum. This program would offer concentrations in manufacturing sciences, numerical control, computer methodology and simulation.

April 2, 1969 (Board of Directors Meeting, RIT Engineering Building) The Board approved the applications

of nine Regular Members, one Associate Member and two Junior Members. The RES Finance Committee reported that, by having moved the checking account, and associated RES finances, from Marine Midland to Lincoln Rochester Trust Company, the interest rate on the Society’s outstanding loan had been reduced from 8.25% to 8.0%. It was reported that the Metropolitan Transportation Study meeting at RIT, sponsored by the RES, MPES


A Sampling from the Archives of the Rochester Engineering Society...1897 - 1969 by Lee M. Loomis

and ASCE, was attended by 135 local engineers. A report from the RES Task Force P-1, Survey of Educational Needs, had identified three major concerns; current solvency of the RES, the financing future RES programs and the financing of an Engineers’ Center. The Board approved a proposal, authored by RES member John Schickler, making the RES magazine available to the RES Affiliates, for news items, announcements, and meeting notices, for a rate of ½ the cost of an equivalent amount of advertising space.

“The Rochester Engineer” (April 1969)

In his monthly column, RES President Edward T. Kirkpatrick, proposed an alternative to current “continuing education and professional development” programs wherein “moonlighting” instructors from academia and industry ran expensive and not-wellthought-out short courses. Instead, Dr. Kirkpatrick proposed the establishment of formal, part-time programs leading to a “diploma of attendance.” These programs, to be taught by regular faculty and industry trainers, would require as much as ten hours per week of study time, sanctioned and supported by employers. The result would be to ensure that the participant would be exposed to upgraded material, currently be given to undergraduates. Dr. Kirkpatrick argued that, with the rapidly developing technology in all engineering fields, employers would see that a better informed and educated engineering staff will lead to greater profitability of their respective companies. The announced April RES luncheon series topics included, “Community Efforts to Solve the Problems of the Disadvantaged,” by Edward S. Croft, Executive Director of Rochester Jobs, Inc., “On Track – The Apollo Instrumentation Ships,” by Gerard L. Abrams, Product Manager of Space Electronics, Electronics Division of General Dynamics, and “Law Enforcement in Rochester,” by William M. Lombard, Rochester’s Chief of Police. A slate of RES officers for the 1969-70 year was presented to the general membership, for approval at the RES Annual Meeting including, Alexander M. Beebee, Jr. (GM Rochester Products) – President, Gordon S. Rugg (EKCo) – 1st VP, G. Robert Leavitt (Taylor Instrument Companies) – 2nd VP, James A. Clark (Bausch & Lomb) – Secretary, Edwin L. Anthony (Erdman Anthony, PC) – Treasurer, Orlando J. Feorene (EKCo), John D. Cooper (Rochester Telephone Corporation), Paul F. Pagery (Taylor Instrument Companies) & Melvin J. Corson (RG&E) – Directors. Subsequent articles in this series will describe the RES' continuing outreach to other technical societies as it considered its role in this and the larger community, along with more of the activities of the RES as it moved to be of greater service to its membership, especially those suffering from current economic crises, and adopted a greater role in shaping the future of the City and its environs. Noted also, will be the contributions made by RES members in the struggle to meet the challenges coming out of World War II, as well as a hoped-for period of post-war growth and prosperity. These articles will also feature an impressive array of RES activities in support of post-war re-emergence of Rochester area industry. We welcome your questions and comments on this series.

res news - history


Call for Nominations Martin E. Gordon, PE 2017 EOY

Past Engineers of the Year 10 years...(first awarded 1963)

Martin E. Gordon, PE Diane M. Trentini Robert L. Clark, Jr., PhD Lalit Mestha, PhD Maureen S. Valentine, PE Sergio Esteban, PE Brian J. Thompson, PhD Gary W. Passero, PE Kevin J. Parker, PhD Satish G. Kandlikar, PhD

2018 Engineer of the Year 2018 Kate Gleason Young Engineer of the Year and

2018 Engineers of Distinction

Emily M. Smith 2017 YEOY

Past Young Engineers of the Year -10 years... (first awarded 2007)

Emily M. Smith, PE Matthew T. Sidley Danielle Benoit, PhD John Papponetti, PE Courtney E. Reich, PE Clement Chung, PE Sherwin Damdar Michael J. Walker, EIT Nathan Gnanasambandam, PhD Venkatesh G. Rao, PhD

A few of years ago the RES Board of Directors introduced a streamlined nomination form. A simple initial form allows an individual or organization to nominate a candidate. The RES committee will then contact the nominator if the candidate progresses to the next phase. At that point, a final form will be used to gather essential details from the nominator and candidate which will be used to determine our award recipients. The RES will select and recognize the 2018 Engineer of the Year, Young Engineer of the Year, and Engineers of Distinction Awards in a variety of public venues and media during the weeks before the Gala. The Award recipients will be introduced on Saturday, April 13, 2019 during the Gala at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. Visit our website at and click on Call For Nominations, or call 585-254-2350 ( to request a nomination form.

The following information is described:

Eligibility for Nomination Awards Criteria

Deadline for Preliminary Nominations - Monday, December 10, 2018 Deadline for Final Nominations - Monday, January 7, 2019 res news - call for nominations


RES News - Tutoring Team Meet the Bergmann Team of RES Tutors…

Executive VP, Tom Mitchell, and RES Director Michelle Sommerman, have gathered another outstanding team of Bergmann Associates Tutors for the 2018-19 School Year We are off and running for the 2018-19 school year at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy. Our tutors began working with our Cooper Scholars in early November. We still have opportunities for additional tutors. Why not consider forming a “team”, such that, with each member tutoring for just two hours, one day each month, on the same day of the week, for the same teacher, the team will become the equivalent of one full-time weekly tutor. Each tutor can expect to be working, regularly, with a group of 6 to 8 elementary students, helping them reach gradelevel competence in reading, math, science and/or social studies. Students at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy (RCSD School #10) have been temporarily relocated to the Campus of the former John Marshall High School, at 180 Ridgeway Avenue (just off Lake Avenue), for the 2018-19 & 2019-20 school years. The plan is that they will return to their newly renovated facility, 353 Congress Avenue, in September of 2020. The RES Tutoring Team will continue its valuable support for our Scholars, as they move through this transition. We still have a few vacancies for tutors, this school year. We have a number of our “Cooper Scholars” who need some of that “extra” support with their reading, spelling, math, science and social studies, the kind of help that only comes with the regular, personal attention they receive from our tutors. We are still building our Tutoring Team, for the 2018-19 school year… We have been giving “Lunch & Learn” presentations in several Rochester area firms and professional groups, to inform and inspire prospective new tutors. We have “hit the ground, running”, and we need your support...Can we schedule a presentation with your firm, work group, church or family, sometime this Winter? Even just two hours a week of your time can make a big difference in the life of a Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Scholar… Questions??? Reach out to RES Past President Lee Loomis and the RES Tutoring Team at… Rochester Engineering Society, (585) 254-2350 via website: or via email:, (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text) 6 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JANUARY 2019

res news - tutoring



RES News How do you arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom!

In the 1990’s, Eastman Kodak Company jumped the gun, starting a family of STEM initiatives, years before the Government coined the STEM acronym. The name of these programs was the 21st Century Learning Challenge (TCLC), and at our peek, we were 1500 engineers and technicians, visiting Rochester City School Classrooms, twice a week for two-hour visits, during the entire School Year. This effort continued for nearly ten years, and not only pre-dates our recent STEM excitement level, but delivered support on a scale we have yet to match. Many of the volunteers in these programs were, and still are, members of the Rochester Engineering Society (RES). In the intervening twenty-five years, many have retired, or are about to retire. That makes them even more available as STEM Coaches, than they were as Kodak employees. The RES is working to put technical people in K-12 Classrooms, throughout the Greater Rochester area, as STEM Coaches. Their presence will: • • •

Help the Teacher stay current with our ever-changing technology. Provide real-World Application Examples, making whatever is being taught, real enough to be worth remembering. Support the teachers with not only the delivery of STEM concepts, but perhaps more importantly, the design and delivery of STEM related hardware.

Last year we had six STEM Coach, doing Classroom Visitation at School #3. That was so successful that RCSD is interested in expanding this program to involve nine STEM Coaches this year.

The RES is specifically seeking Retired, Technical people, (Engineers, Technicians, Machinists, Entrepreneurs or anyone whose work would allow them to visit during School hours), as STEM Coaches. We currently have more than 30 Coaches, and are connecting them with 13 Rochester-area Schools. “This is a life-changing experience!” For more information contact: Jon Kriegel   585-281-5216 RES Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer STEM Coach Please visit: res news - stem bridges


Technical Corner

This month’s article will continue with reliable fire pump circuits and will focus on where the conductors enter the building to feed the fire pump and whether or not a disconnecting means is required. Before, we determined, using locked rotor values, that the minimum overcurrent protection shall be rated at 2,000A amps. Do we need to add a disconnecting means where the conductors enter the building for a fire pump circuit? This scenario has recently come up on a similar project. There was ample debate in house and with the AHJ regarding whether or not a disconnect switch should even be provided where the conductors enter the building. It was agreed that it is best to NOT provide a disconnecting means as per 695.4(A) which ensures no nuisance trips or any reason for the fire pump circuit to fail. However… 695.4(B) permits, but does not require, the installation of a disconnecting means with overcurrent protection, likely since other code sections such as NEC 230.70 opt to add a disconnect where the conductors enter the building. On the other hand section 695.5(B) requires the usage of the primary OCPD of the transformer to carry the LRC and NO secondary protection is permitted. In cases such as this, where the code has conflicting statements, bringing it up to the AHJ seemed to be the next logical approach.

specifying a stand-alone switchboard with a 2,000A circuit breaker. Why a switchboard and breaker? Well, a 2,000A fusible disconnect or non-fused switch would be great, except that they are not manufactured for North American installations which carry the UL listings. The breaker was acting as the disconnecting means and to comply with 695.5(B) we agreed that since the overcurrent device was set so much above the values depicted in the transformer tables in NEC 450, that it really wasn’t providing secondary protection. This did create issues with selecting switchgear and a breaker without GFCI protection. NEC 695.6(G) indicates that GFCI protection is not permitted on fire pump circuits which over rule the GFCI protection requirements introduced in NEC 240.13. Hopefully this article/sample calculation finds you well and can be used as a reference for your project needs. If anyone would like to contribute to the RES magazine and add an article or would like to request information on a specific topic (not limited to Electrical) just email me at beliasz@bergmannpc. com. As always, any comments are appreciated…! Thank you for reading.

Brett Eliasz, P.E., LEED AP BD+C RES Director

Ultimately, with AHJ approval, we ended up 8 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JANUARY 2019

res - technical corner

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Get to the Point!

How Technology is Degrading our Communication Skills In a past article, I discussed the importance of listening skills, in both our personal and professional lives. The article gave techniques on how to participate in a conversation by being an “active listener”. The following article came to me from a colleague, on LinkedIn. Lori Marra is a lecturer at RIT and an RGI consultant and is used here with her permission.

iPods and Earbuds: New Challenges for Effective Listening

The Journal of the American Academy of Audiology published a study of 609 college students’ knowledge, experiences, attitudes, practices and preferences for hearing health and use of Personal Listening Device (PLDs).* Part of the studied confirmed what we have surmised: There’s been a dramatic increase in the use of these devices over the last several years. The researchers remarked that, “Unless personal responsibility comes with having the ability to listen to a wide variety of auditory inputs from numerous sources for hours on end at PLLs (Preferred listening levels) delivered directly to the ear canals, many users of PLDs could encounter undesirable consequences.”** In other words, students might suffer from some hearing problems. However, I’m here to talk about another “undesirable consequence” of the PLD syndrome: we’re losing our listening skills. They are being overwritten by loud, in-your-head sounds designed to cut out noise, including the voices of other people. This of course reeks havoc with our ability to communicate effectively. Listening is the skill that turns hearing into meaningful information in our head. Listening is the ability to focus on and think about the sounds around you including what another person is saying to you. We all know that PLDs are not limited to college students. It seems like everyone is walking around in his or her own personalized smart phone world. We’re all listening to our own music or talk shows or phone messages or something coming through some device. We’re checking Instagram or Facebook or we’re tweeting. Of course, the longer we linger in our private worlds, the less time we listen to human beings who might be standing right in front of us—you know, our kids, our spouses, our clients, our employees, our students, our teachers, our, well, anyone! I’m sure I saw some Star Trek episode about just such an epidemic. Maybe your child is telling you all about the field trip to Old McDonald’s Farm. He’s all excited as he tells you about what it was like to hear a real cow moo. Yet while he’s talking and mooing, you are nodding your heard and surfing Instagram to get ideas for your new bathroom paint colors. You can parrot back what he’s saying, but you’re not listening to him. And he knows it. Now think about the employee who’s talking to you about a new sales promotion while you’re mesmerized that you can listen to highlights of Cam Newton and the Panthers going 5-0 yesterday. get to the point

Don’t get me wrong: I love my buds, but while we all get to listen to our favorite stuff 24/7, our ability to communicate with others around us is suffering a lot. Effective communication occurs when a message is sent and is then received in the way in which the sender intended it. So, if we want to complete the communication process successfully, we’ve got to be focused, active listeners. We can’t half-heartedly hear what someone is communicating to us. We have to listen to it—take it in, consume it, think about it, process it, ask clarifying questions, and form a well-thought-out response. That’s tough to do when we’ve got Aerosmith’s “Dude Looks Like A Lady” pounding into our eardrums while our best friend is trying to ask us how to update her resume. Let’s not forget how disruptive we can be when we are immersed in our little sound world. Yes, we’ve all seen the would-be Ringo Starr tapping away at “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” or the next Katy Perry sitting near to you in Starbucks with her pink headphones on, “roaring” off-tune. Their self-immersed performances can disrupt our person-to-person communication. So what can we do? When a runner suffers an injury, he or she has to ease back into it to regain the skill. So, let’s do the same with listening. Let’s start by taking out the earbuds or looking away from our little screens for a few minutes everyday and sitting in silence. Listen to all the sounds around you. You’ll be amazed to hear a clock ticking or a heating system coming on. You might hear the quiet breathing of a napping child or the sound of colleagues laughing in the cube next to you. Next, reframe how you approach the sound of others around you. Look forward to hearing real voices from real people. Value the fact that you can hear someone in person, while they are literally still alive. Finally, know and understand that when you listen, you are building an essential skill for communicating effectively with everyone around you. Take your time, practice, and before you know it, you’ll be listening like a pro. * College Students, iPod Use, and Hearing Health. Danhauer et al. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 20, Number 1, 2009, pp 5-27 ** College Students, iPod Use, and Hearing Health. Danhauer et al. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 20, Number 1, 2009, p 26

© 2018, RGI Learning Lisa Moretto is the President of RGI Learning, Inc. For 24 years she has helped engineers improve their oral and written communication skills. Visit or call (866) 744-3032 to learn about RGI’s courses. JANUARY 2019 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 9


res gala


RES Gala Sponsorship Opportunities

res gala

Commit by 1/21/19 - 10% OFF


m i t

RES Honors the Outgoing Young Engineer of the Year Emily Smith When Emily Smith, PE was asked why she chose structural engineering as a career, she answered, “I wanted to improve people’s lives.” While reflecting on her career, Smith realizes that she has accomplished this in many ways beyond designing infrastructure to meet the needs of the traveling public. The award-winning Centerway Arch Bridge Project, for which Smith served as the lead structural engineer and assistant Project Manager, was more than finding a solution to rehabilitate a deteriorated 92-year old earth filled arch. It was about helping a community preserve an important historic resource that was part of their identity. Smith and her team designed a solution that extended the life of the bridge for 25-plus years and mimicked the historic aesthetics of the original structure. But more importantly, Smith said, “We gave the community a structure that not only provides safe bicycle and pedestrian travel accommodations, but a structure that serves as a focal point of their community.” The new bridge provides visual beauty with its parklike landscape, education with its interpretative signage, and fun ways to interact with the play features that have been integrated into the design. “The joy this project brings to its community is truly gratifying. Every project has its additional elements of gratification beyond the personal satisfaction of delivering a great design,” Smith explained. “I don’t think I realized how rewarding that aspect of my engineering career would be.”

Rehabilitated Centerway Arch Bridge in Corning, NY

Smith also improves the lives of others within her home away from home, Fisher Associates, where she has worked for 10 years. Smith enjoys mentoring young engineers and seeing them grow and achieve their career goals, just as she was mentored by CEO Roseann Schmid. “I worked closely with Roseann (Schmid) for three to four years on transportation projects in New York. She was a great mentor in preparing me for the Director position. I want to pay that forward,” Smith said.

In 2008, Smith relocated to the Rochester area and accepted a position as a Project Engineer with Fisher Associates. Fisher quickly recognized her natural leadership ability and technical expertise and promoted her to higher levels of responsibility including Project Manager, Head of the Structures Group and Transportation Group Manager of New York. She is currently a Vice President, Shareholder, Member of the Board of Directors and Director of Transportation. Fisher Associates promoted Smith to Vice President/Director of Transportation in late 2017. As Director of Transportation, Smith oversees transportation services across all offices and disciplines including bridge and highway design, traffic engineering, construction engineering and inspection, and trail and pedestrian facilities. With her diverse experience, Smith understands the complexities and nuances that occur with transportation-related projects. She is experienced in managing and coordinating the planning, design and construction phases of a variety of transportation projects that range from routine to complex and include the rehabilitation, reconstruction and/or replacement of key infrastructure. In addition to overseeing staff assignments, project budgets and schedules, and monitoring client satisfaction, her diverse background and attention to detail are invaluable in providing technical oversight for Fisher’s engineering disciplines and ensuring quality and efficiency in their deliverables and processes. Smith also spearheads continued growth of the Transportation Market Sector. A large percentage of her time is spent building relationships with new clients, and fostering those with existing clients. “In the transportation industry, relationships are extremely important,” says Smith. “Clients want to work with people they know and trust. Our company’s clientship philosophy drives us to focus on delivering superior client service in addition to the highest quality deliverables. We own the experience our clients have with us and my job is to 12 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JANUARY 2019

cover article

S 2 O c y A f f o T w t e o e “ s a

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make certain that our clientship philosophy is embraced at every level throughout the transportation market sector.” Shortly after Smith’s promotion, she earned the 2018 RES Young Engineer of the Year Award. One year later, she reflects on how much has changed. “It's been a very busy but rewarding year,” she admits. In April 2018, Fisher Associates moved its corporate headquarters from its Henrietta location which it occupied for 17 years, to a beautifully renovated building on Charlotte Street in downtown Rochester. The move is a big step for the firm, and Smith worked hand-in-glove with Schmid to manage the transition. This included overseeing everything from the layout and interior design of the new office to the logistics of moving 65 Emily Smith and Dana White collaborating on a county bridge project employees without disrupting their workflow. “There were a lot of moving pieces,” Smith said. “And it went very smoothly. Employees packed their offices on Friday afternoon and were working in their new space by Monday late morning.” Smith’s contributions don’t stop there. She serves on the company’s Board of Directors and has been instrumental in strengthening the company’s organizational culture. She spearheaded firm-wide training on the company’s Deltek Vision software platform which has increased efficiency, data management reporting effectiveness, and customer service. “I’ve been deliberate in seeking out new challenges so that my personal growth opportunities also drive organizational growth. I am committed to doing my part in making Fisher Associates the best firm it can be,” Smith explained. Smith also looks for opportunities to give back to the community. She currently serves as the President of the Board of the National Development Corporation (NDC) for Delta Phi Epsilon. Smith joined Delta Phi Epsilon in 2000 while attending college at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. “The sorority experience provided me with a home away from home while in college and the first real opportunity to develop my leadership and management skills,” Smith stated. After having received so much from the organization she was motivated to find a way to give back to it. The board was the perfect opportunity to utilize Smith’s technical expertise and provide value to the Delta Phi Epsilon house at Georgia Southern organization. The board is designed to assist chapters with housing or those desiring a house. The NDC is an organization that promotes sound fiscal management for all chapters, provides liability, worker's compensation and property insurance coverage at large group rates and assists chapters with saving for future housing. Their work also includes the ownership, management and maintenance of several houses. Smith's commitment to improve people's lives cannot be overlooked with respect to her family. She instills in her two children that they can achieve whatever they set their minds to. She takes them to visit her numerous successful projects and explains the value of each project to the community and traveling public. “In the end, I am not just leaving a legacy of my engineering work, but a legacy of my children wanting to improve the lives of others as much as I do.” q Carl, Emily, Kijako and Elliana Smith cover article

by Roseann Schmid, PE, CEO at Fisher Associates, PE, LS, LA, DPC and Amit Chitre, CEO/Founder of R3 Communications JANUARY 2019 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 13

Get IT Done

Bring Out the Dead, Bring Out the Dead — by Andrè Godfrey “The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.” — William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar I noted that LinkedIn posted the work anniversary of a friend of mine asking me whether I wanted to congratulate them for the achievement. In this instance several people had preceded me and ‘liked’ the notification. Only problem was – that person had passed away. It reminds me of a story many, many years ago when I worked in computer sales and a customer suggested that he was close personal friends with the owner and thereby deserving of a special discount. Only, of course, the owner was deceased. I told the would-be customer that the owner hadn’t communicated since his passing but in the event he did, I would ask. The LinkedIn story is repeated in all social medias and come to find out, each outlet has a policy that deals with data and death. Also, because this is inevitable – each state has different laws that govern what your estate owns in terms of your data. And that photo you have always regretted where you are seen ogling your sister-in-law – but you weren’t – but it looks that way? That photo, of course, will survive digitally and when the 4th generation removed from you gets there ‘23andme’ results, that photo of their leering great-great-great grandfather will come with the results. The many photos of you helping elderly people crossing the street and ringing Salvation Army bells in the cold will have been deleted a long time ago. So who owns your data after you die and why do you care? Well, as the poor example above might suggest it may be a privacy issue. You simply don’t wish to have your family embarrassed by material that appears after you are gone. In fact, in this age of ransomware I can easily foresee another criminal blackmail industry springing up around that very issue. The law in one way appears to be somewhat straightforward in that digital assets are treated the same as physical assets. You may not have thought too much about your digital asset 14 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JANUARY 2019

collection but all the iTunes tunes, Kindle books, video games and other digital software/cloudware you have purchased over the years are part of what you own, and you are entitled to have your favorite nephews fight over your Call of Duty password just as your siblings fought over your grandmother’s Corelle dinnerware. The first Audio-Animatronics version of Abraham Lincoln debuted in 1964 at the New York World's Fair, and soon thereafter became a Disney attraction. Though changed over the years it was said to be so life-like in its original form that National Geographic magazine called the figure “alarming” in its realism. That was 1964 technology. Forget Lincoln. Reconstructing a ‘digital’ you becomes more possible every day by using information gleaned from omnipresent cameras, digital photos, digital watches and other wearable devices, as well as your smartphones historical GPS. Digital You will have your voice and inflections and your mannerisms. In some people’s mind it will an improvement in that it will have a much smaller carbon footprint. Let’s skip forward another 100 years. Are these the new Walking Dead? Digital ghosts that you cannot kill because they spring up again from the digital ashes? There was an old Monty Python skit (the old part is redundant) where in creating a scene from the Great Plague of the Middle Ages people in carts hawked “bring out your dead, bring out your dead.” I predict there will be a 2019 remake of that scene and the carts will be filled with iPhones. Hmm… Think About IT

Andrè Godfrey is President, Entrè Computer Services,

get IT done

Position Openings

position openings



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.1 e Jan . 22 n n i l a J d s a Start ration de t s i (Reg



RIT’s Civil Engineering Technology program, within the College of Applied Science and Technology is now offering a Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Civil Exam Review Course for the civil engineering professionals. Passing the FE exam is the first step in the process leading to the Professional Engineers (PE) license. All eighteen (18) different exam topics as shown in the table below will be covered.

FE Civil Exam Review Course Offerings for Spring 2018-19 For 14 weeks of evening class option (Spring 2019): Starts on January 22nd with last day of class is on 26th of April 2019.



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FE Civil Exam Review Course Structure           

P P C T a R

Hands-on Problem solving in every class with some theory but mostly based on FE Reference Handbook from NCEES. 70 hours of intensive in-person teaching and practicing to ensure that the attendees fully grasp all the topics. A very fast-paced course with 14 weeks of evening classes. Homework materials will be provided after every class and need to submit it back at the beginning of next class. Some part of every week will be devoted for time restricted sample tests with problems similar to FE Exam to check individual progress towards the preparation of actual test. Deep-learning (engaging heart, mind, body and soul) initiative will be taken by a single instructor teaching all the topics by engaging all attendees in active learning and participation to unlock their potential. Fee for the review is set to be $1049. Group discount: For a group of 5 or more will receive a discount of $99 per person. Guarantee of passing: Students will be allowed to sit for maximum of three full scale 6 hours mock tests (OPTIONAL) at their suitable time set with the instructor at the end of 14 weeks of classes. If the student receives 85% or more in mock tests but doesn’t pass the FE, will be allowed to attend the next course absolutely free. Class meeting time: Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm and Friday from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Registration deadlines are 10 days before the start of the course. All classes will be held in RIT campus.

S P N T C R d

Note: Start and end dates are flexible to accommodate the requirement from large group enrollment. Same applies for class meeting time.

For additional information or to register, please contact: Greg Evershed Director of Corporate Engagement RIT College of Applied Science and Technology


FE civil exam review course


Go to the RES Web Site for Updated Details On All Meetings -


Education Opportunities

Monday, January 14

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 39 Design Considerations for Thermal Expansion in Pipes

1 PDH Pending

Presented by: Chris Wolak Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Cost: $25 per person Time: 12:00 noon – lunch buffet. Presentations to start approximately 12:30 pm. Reservations: Reservations at

Wednesday, January 16

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention 1 PDH Credit Approved

Friday, March 15, 2019 Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)

Save the Date for the ABCD Spring Seminar

Place: Batavia Downs, Batavia, NY PDH credits will be available Contact David Jenkinson, PE, 585-364-1634 ( or Jason Messenger, PE, 585-385-7417 ext. 241 ( for further information.

p 30

Speaker: Randy Schaefer and Joe Marohn, WMS Sales Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. Reservations: To Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or by January 11th.

p 31

Save the Date Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Engineering Symposium in Rochester

To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email:

Engineers’ Calendar

The engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. The deadline for submitting copy is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: The meetings offering PDHs are highlighted in blue. Details about the meeting and affiliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the affiliate name.

Tuesday, January 8

Wednesday, January 9

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T)

Rochester Section Excom Meeting Place: China Buffet, Southtown Plaza Time: 11:50 – 1:00 pm Cost: Buffet lunch, $5 for all members. IEEE event website:

p 37

p 27

Network-Mediated Peer Group Image Measurement Speakers: Henry B. Freedman, Peter H. Dundas, PhD, and, Peter Crean, PhD Place: Irondequoit Public Library, Room #216 (Newport), 1290 Titus Avenue, Irondequoit, NY Time: 6:00 pm No meeting reservations are required.

continuing education calendar | engineers' calendar


Monday, January 14

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 39 Design Considerations for Thermal Expansion in Pipes 1 PDH Pending Presented by: Chris Wolak Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Cost: $25 per person Time: 12:00 noon – lunch buffet. Presentations to start approximately 12:30 pm. Reservations: Reservations at

Tuesday, January 15

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) p 34 49th Engineer of the Year – Thomas C. Hack, PE Place: Rochester Riverside Convention Center, 123 East Main Street, Rochester Time: Social Hour (2 drinks included) 5:30; Dinner 6:45; Award Ceremony 7:30 pm Cost: Members $50. Non-members $60; Students $20. ASCE Life Members complimentary. Tables of 10 is offered at $450. Registration: Registration link to be emailed to membership. Website:

Wednesday, January 16

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Lighting Design “The Process”

p 30

Speaker: Randy Schaefer and Joe Marohn, WMS Sales Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. Reservations: To Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or by January 11th.

Wednesday, January 16

Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE) p 32 Scholarship Night: Rochester Museum & Science Center Keynote speaker: Heidi Zimmer-Meyer, President, Rochester Downtown Development Corporation Place: RMSC, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607 Time: 5:30 pm Cost: Members - $25; Non-members - $30. Catered Buffet Dinner and Cash Bar. Reservations: Make your reservation by Friday, January 11th to Ken Carr, Payment can also be made on the website at

p 35

Roundtable format venue of colleagues discussing their experiences in the lighting design process. Place: Rick’s Prime Rib, 898 Buffalo Road, Gates, NY Time: Noon to 1:00 pm Cost: $30 per person (includes lunch) Reservations: Register for this event ASAP on our ‘Education’ page at or contact Diane Montrois at 585-254-8010 or

Thursday, January 17

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

p 36

Building the Tower without Climbing It, Progress in Engineering Systems

Speaker: David Broniatowski, Assistant Professor, George Washington University Place: 4 host sites. Details are on page 28 or contact Kevin Devaney at Time: Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm Reservations: Contact the host person at the host site list on page 36.

Friday, January 25

New York State Association of Transportation Engineers (NYSATE) NYSATE Section 4 Amerks Game

Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention 1 PDH Credit Approved


Wednesday, January 16

p 26

Place: Blue Cross Arena, downtown Rochester Time: 7:00 to 10:00 pm Tickets: Purchase your tickets by 3:00 pm on Thursday, January 17th. Tickets include access to the Party Deck featuring a private cash bar, high-top tables, plenty of standing room and limited open seating. Traditional stadium seating will also be available for those who wish to watch the game from the stands. NYSATE members may purchase up to six (6) tickets for only $10 each – bring the whole family! Members may purchase additional tickets for $20 each. Non-members not attending as guests may purchase tickets for $20 each. For a link to register online, contact

Monday-Wednesday, January 28-30 Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA) NYSAPLS Conference & Exhibition

p 28

Saratoga Springs City Center & Hilton Hotel GVLSA website:

Saturday, February 9

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) p 34 ASCE Ski Day

Place: Bristol Mountain Ski Hill Time: 8:30 am Website: More details when available at engineers' calendar

Monday, February 11

Electrical Association (EA) Electrical Week Luncheon

p 33

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Eric Bieber, President & CEO of Rochester Regional Health. Place: Midvale Golf & Country Club Time: Noon to 1:30 pm Cost: $25 Members or $30 for Non-members. Tables of 8 $185/ member or $230/non-member. Comments: Presentation of four scholarships to area students will be awarded. Reservations: For reservations and more information call 585-382-9545 or check the website at

p 36

Systems Theory as the Foundation for Understanding Systems Speaker: Kevin Adams, Patrick Hester Place: 4 host sites. Details are on page 28 or contact Kevin Devaney at Time: Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and run to approx. 7:30 pm Reservations: Contact the host person at the host site list on page 36.

Thursday, February 21

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA)

Saturday, April 13, 2019 RES Annual Gala The RES website (

Thursday, February 21

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

Save the Date

has a calendar of events for this month's meetings and meetings that are received or updated after print deadline. Please refer to the website for updated information. If you wish to be listed in the calendar please send details to

p 28

Board of Directors and General Membership Meeting Place: 40 & 8 Club, 933 University Avenue, Rochester Time: 6:00 pm GVLSA website:

Support Your Affiliate Attend A Meeting

Professional Firms Employee News Two Erdman Anthony Structural Engineers Earn Professional Engineering License


Andrew P. Schwingel, PE

Andrew P. Schwingel, PE, a structural engineer in the firm's Rochester office, has earned his license as a professional engineer in Maine.

cost estimating. Edward Farrell, PE, also a structural engineer in the firm's Rochester office, has earned his license as a professional engineer in New York.

Schwingel has a master’s degree in civil engineering, with a concentration in bridge and structural engineering, from the University at Buffalo. The Rochester resident specializes in bridge analysis and design, and his projects have included a wide variety of bridge replacements, rehabilitations, load ratings, and

Farrell has a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from the University of Dayton. The Rochester resident specializes in bridge design, rehabilitation and load ratings, cost and quantity estimates, structural detailing, interstate highway reconstruction, and steel framestructure design. q

engineers' calendar | professional firms employee news

Edward Farrell, PE


Seeking Volunteer Mentors for 2018 Spring Science Fair At Dr. Walter Cooper Academy The RES has been invited to help establish the first annual, Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Science Fair. The SchoolBased Planning Team, including parents, teachers and administrators, has requested the support of the Rochester Engineering Society in developing a Spring 2018 science fair at #10 School. The scope of this request includes… • Teachers at Grade Levels 3 - 6 will introduce the requirements of the science fair to their classes, later this Winter. • Students will be invited to volunteer to participate in this assignment, and they will agree to complete the required work. • RES Volunteer Mentors will meet with small groups of students, twice a week, at the school, during their daily, 40 minute science instruction block. • The RES Volunteer Mentors will help the Students select a “scientific phenomenon” they would like to investigate, guide them in planning their investigation, and help them design their presentation and findings for the Fair. Homework for the Students, in support of this effort, will be a distinct possibility. • The Dr. Walter Cooper Academy 2018 Science Fair will be scheduled, at the School, for early June 2018. • RES Volunteer Mentors will begin helping the Students get prepared for the Fair during the week of May 6th, and then meeting twice each week with their Students, for the next six weeks. This will allow Students and Mentors 12 – 14 days to work on their investigation/presentation. The RES is seeking Volunteer Mentors to support this Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) activity. Unlike our RES Tutoring Team, this involves only a short-term commitment of approximately six weeks. Volunteer Mentors will be working with Students who have expressed a desire to learn more about science, technology, engineering and math. These Students are motivated! Do you think you might consider making room in your busy lives to support our “Cooper Scholars” as they develop habits that will help them achieve new levels of learning, focused on a brighter future? Then volunteer to become an RES Mentor. Please contact RES Director, Lee Loomis (leeloomis46@ or (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text) for more information, and to volunteer for this important, potentially life-changing opportunity. 20 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JANUARY 2019

res tutoring | advertisement


Professional Firms Employee News Tom Mitchell, Bergmann's Former CEO, to Retire at the End of the Month After 45 years in the architecture and engineering industry, Tom Mitchell will retire from his full-time position at Bergmann on December 31, 2018. From 2004 to 2017, Mitchell served as the architecture, engineering and planning firm’s second CEO, preceded only by founder Don Bergmann. He currently serves as executive vice president with responsibilities for marketing and business development, as well as quality and special projects. Under Mitchell’s leadership, Bergmann experienced significant employment growth and geographic expansion. Today, the company employs more than 400 professionals across 11 regional offices. A certified professional engineer who practiced in electric and thermal power generation, Mitchell was a hands-on professional and strategic leader throughout his career at companies such as BGL Associates, Bell Engineering Corporation, Bell Power Corporation and Stone & Webster Engineering Group prior to Bergmann. Mitchell’s passion for engineering and appreciation for his engineering role models and mentors led to a lifelong practice of giving to the profession by serving in many capacities and earning several honors, including an award for New York State “Engineer of the Year” in 2012 and Rochester, N.Y., area “Engineer of the Year” in 2007.

Mitchell’s legacy also includes countless contributions of his time and talents through a variety of volunteer efforts and not-forprofit board positions. He currently chairs the Board of Trustees at the Rochester Museum and Science Center and serves on the Dean’s Council for the Warner School of Education at the University of Rochester. He’s committed to the advancement of the education of students and demonstrates that as a volunteer tutor at the RCSD Dr. Walter Cooper School No 10. He also serves as a mentor for young men from the Center for Youth New Beginnings School. Mitchell created a program at Bergmann to bring New Beginnings students starting college into the workplace as interns. “The impact of Tom’s leadership and contributions to Bergmann, his profession, and the Greater Rochester community will endure for many years,” said Pete Giovenco, president and CEO, Bergmann. “We thank Tom for all that he’s done to grow Bergmann over the years and are grateful that he will stay connected with our organization as a valued advisor.” In retirement, Mitchell plans to continue to lend his expertise as a part-time staff consultant at Bergmann. He also plans to continue his community volunteerism and support for local nonprofits. q

BME Co-Founder Doug Eldred To Retire at End of 2018 Douglas B. Eldred, PE, a co-founder of BME Associates in Fairport, will retire at the end of 2018 after 30 years with the firm and 41 years in an exceptional engineering career. Eldred, a senior project engineer, has been a key contributor to many of BME’s most visible and successful Rochester area projects including Cobblestone Creek Golf Course Community, High Point Retail Office Park and Residential Community, Greece Ridge Mall, Eastview Mall and Retail Power Center, Riverwood Office Park, and Greystone and Ravenwood Golf Courses. In 1988, Eldred partnered with Bruce Boncke and Jim Mueller to create BME Associates, a firm focused on land development projects. The three had worked together at Sear-Brown Associates along with current BME president Peter Vars. At BME, Eldred built a reputation as a problem solver, always finding ways to overcome challenges to bring projects to a professional firms employee news

successful conclusion. “Solving problems is what makes me the happiest,” Eldred said. “In land development, every project has its own unique challenges, and they make my brain work. I guess that’s what makes me tick.” “I can honestly say that Doug Eldred is the smartest engineer I’ve ever worked with,” said BME president Vars. “His ability to analyze challenges and come up with solutions is jawdropping. It has made him the ‘go-to guy’ here for 30 years.” Eldred, a native of Binghamton, NY, began his training at Broome Community College before earning his engineering degree at Rochester Institute of Technology. He spent 11 years at Sear-Brown before founding BME Associates, where he developed strong relationships with many clients including Wilmorite Management Group, Rainaldi Family, MCA Group and Dolomite Products. q JANUARY 2019 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 21

Professional Firms Employee News Erdman Anthony Geospatial Manager Earns Professional Surveyor and Mapper License David Standinger, PLS, PSM, geospatial manager in Erdman Anthony’s Rochester office, has earned his license as a professional surveyor and mapper in Florida. He is also a licensed professional land surveyor in New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and New Hampshire.

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Standinger began his career in 1981 as a field artillery surveyor attached to the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). He has an associate degree of applied science in survey technology from SUNY Alfred. Standinger has a diverse background that includes survey and survey supervision for transportation projects, site development, wireless and utility projects, and many innovative laser scanning and modeling projects. He currently serves on the Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association’s board, is David Standinger, PLS vice president of the Joseph E. Glickman Scholarship fund, and secretary of the U.S. Institute of Building Documentation. q

CHA Promotes Tim George to Water Market Leader CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA), a highly diversified, full-service engineering consulting firm, announced Tim George has been named the firm’s Water Market Leader and senior vice president. Tim will direct the firm’s overall water-related planning, design, and project management activities, as well as its strategic and business development initiatives. In this role he will also serve on CHA’s Leadership Team.

Tim George

“Tim’s technical experience and vast market knowledge of water and wastewater projects brings tremendous value to the firm and our clients,” said John Achenbach, Executive Vice President, Campus & Institutional Group Executive. “Planning and developing infrastructure that ensures clean and safe water for communities is one of our most important services and under Tim’s leadership, our water group will continue to provide expert solutions and innovative technologies to the growing challenges facing our water clients.” q

M/E Engineering Names Principals M/E Engineering announced the promotion of two of our key personnel to the position of Principal. Brian Danker, PE, LEED AP BD+C joined the firm in 2002 and has been an Associate/Partner in our Rochester office since 2011. With over thirty years of experience in consulting engineering, Brian will continue to oversee the company electrical standards and is responsible for project management with many of our collegiate and health care clients. Brian's team recently designed the MCC Downtown Campus, RIT Magic Spell Studios, Genesee Hall at the University of Rochester, and the Optimax Expansion. Brian is a graduate of Clarkson University with a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering.

Brian Danker, PE

David Schlant, PE

David Schlant, PE, LEED AP, has over thirty years of experience in consulting engineering and manages the plumbing/fire protection standards for M/E corporate-wide. He has been with the firm since 1999 and has been an Associate/Partner with Brian since 2011. Dave is responsible for project management, engineering and design for a wide range of projects including Artspace Lofts & City Center in Trinidad, Colorado, the Emerson Culinary Arts High School, the Buffalo Zoo Arctic Exhibit and Reptile House, and Explore & More Children's Museum at Canalside. Dave is a graduate of SUNY Buffalo with a BS degree in mechanical engineering as well as a master of business degree. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in 8 States, and also holds a Professional Engineer's license in fire protection in New York, Massachusetts and California. "Brian and Dave are consummate engineers whose strong technical backgrounds have been invaluable in assisting clients to successfully complete complex projects on time and on budget. Their leadership qualities and commitment to guiding our staff have directly impacted M/E Engineering's success. Our growing business welcomes the efforts of their positive attitude, and contributions to our Leadership Team." Ronald C. Mead, PE, LEED AP - M/E Engineering, P.C., President q


professional firms employee news

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M/E Engineering, P.C. Rochester Office Continues to Grow M/E Engineering, P.C. has added new members to its growing staff of professionals:

Brendan Arel

Andrew Zgoda

Jeffrey Sylor

Brendan Arel recently joined as a design engineer in our HVAC group. Brendan holds a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. His work involves technical design and engineering for a variety of educational, healthcare and commercial facilities. He is currently working on projects for Rochester Regional Health and Syracuse University. Andrew Zgoda joins as a design engineer in our plumbing/fire protection group. He recently graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology with a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering technology. He is responsible for the design of plumbing/fire protection systems for educational, manufacturing and commercial projects and is currently working on projects for Rochester Regional Health, Syracuse University and Conifer Realty. Jeffrey Sylor recently joined as a design engineer in our electrical group. Jeffrey graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology with a bachelor of science in electrical engineering. He is responsible for the electrical design of educational facilities, with a focus on K-12 projects. Currently, Jeff is working on projects at School Districts in Rochester, Brighton, Liverpool and Skaneateles.

Blake Soble

Blake Soble has accepted a full time position after completing 2 Co-ops and working part time with the firm over 2 years. Blake recently graduated from the professional firms employee news

Rochester Institute of Technology with a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering technology. He is responsible for the design of mechanical systems for housing, institutional and health care projects, and is currently engaged in projects for DePaul, Conifer Realty and Home Leasing.

Thomas Bowker

Ivรกn Otero

Kevin Wendt

Thomas Bowker joins as a designer in our plumbing/fire protection group. He is responsible for the technical design of Plumbing/Fire Protection systems for manufacturing, municipal and educational facility projects. Currently, Thomas is working on projects for SUNY Binghamton, DuPont and ThermoFisher Scientific. Ivรกn Otero is a design engineer in our computer aided engineering services group in our Rochester/Syracuse office. Ivรกn recently completed his master of science in mechanical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and has gained CFD modeling experience through a coop at the Center for Atmospheric Particle Studies. The particular focus of his work at M/E applies CFD to the understanding of airflow in health facilities, sterile clean areas, laboratories, data centers and in wind wakes around buildings. He is currently working on CFD models for Erie County Medical Center and Strong Museum of Play.

Kevin Wendt, a recent graduate of the University at Buffalo, joins as a design engineer in our HVAC group. Kevin holds a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering. He will be responsible for the design of mechanical systems for institutional, educational and health care projects, and is currently working on projects at the Rochester Institute of Technology and the University of Rochester. q


News From

Professional Firms

Pathfinder Project Receives Platinum ACEC NY Engineering Excellence Award Pathfinder Engineers & Architects has been selected by American Council of Engineering Companies – NY (ACEC NY) for a Platinum level 2019 Engineering Excellence Award for its design for MacKenzie Hall at SUNY Alfred State College. Pathfinder provided high-performance mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection engineering and energy modeling for the building renovation. The Engineering Excellence Awards recognize outstanding achievements who have successfully applied innovative design for private- and public-sector projects in several categories. Projects that are judged on a rigorous set of criteria, which includes complexity, innovation and value to society. The phased, $18 million renovation updates and Alfred MacKenzie Center Core modernizes the largest residence hall on campus. Phase I included renovations to 61,012 sq. ft of this 282,656 sq. ft. residence hall, and Pathfinder has continued providing design services for two additional phases that are in design or construction. The complex houses 1,100 students in four wings and a central quad. This dormitory complex was constructed in 1968, when college campuses in the US were dealing with demonstrations and student unrest and planners looked for ways to minimize opportunities for large student gathering. MacKenzie Complex featured difficult wayfinding, and limited connection within the complex and to the campus. Recently, the Complex was used for freshman housing and was woefully past its prime. Today campuses seek to provide common gathering space and robust amenities to encourage students to select on-campus housing. Housing is often a significant factor as students select a college or even remain at a college. The College chose to invest heavily in not only updating student spaces, but wayfinding and connection. This renovation – with the goal to make the complex a residence of choice – has featured student engagement and involvement. Their input was key in helping create spaces where students stop and take it in, rather than simply pass through. The design reflects how students live now and how a building needs to support them. Phase I design included renovation of a two-story commons area to create food service, student laundry, a fitness room, and gathering space. It also included replacement of heating, plumbing, power and data systems, installation of a new fire protection system and installation of air conditioning for common areas and resident suites. In a separate project concurrent with Phase I, Pathfinder provided full-service design for the decentralization of the existing boiler plant. The project was designed to comply with LEED Silver standards including high-efficiency HVAC, LED lighting and daylighting control, low consumption plumbing, intelligent kitchen ventilation systems and enhanced ventilation. Design provides 16% energy cost savings and 14.5% energy savings relative to the International Energy Conservation Code 2015. The design team was led by Mach Architecture (Buffalo, NY).

Alfred MacKenzie Mechanical Room 24 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JANUARY 2019

Award winners will be honored at the 52nd Annual Engineering Excellence Awards Gala, in New York City, on April 13, 2019. q news from professional firms

Farmington Celebrates New Community Connections The Town of Farmington recently celebrated the opening of two pedestrian bridges located in the subdivisions of Monarch Manor and Lilybrook Court. Supervisor Peter Ingalsbe was joined by fellow board members, town staff and representatives from MRB Group to dedicate the bridges as part of the expanding network of parks and trails located within the Town. In remarks to those who attended, Supervisor Ingalsbe thanked staff, Town Planner Ron Brand, and MRB Group, the Town engineers who have assisted with community planning and strategic development efforts for many years. The Town of Farmington, located just 20 minutes east of the City of Rochester, is one of the fastest-growing in Upstate New York. Supervisor Pete Ingalsbe would maintain that the rapid growth is “by design,” and is the result of excellent planning and collaboration between the town’s leadership, its staff, Ron Brand, and MRB Group. In order to continue to attract a more health-focused and environmentally-conscious generation, the town has proactively developed a long-term Master Plan to support parks and recreation trails. Working in conjunction with the neighboring towns of Canandaigua and Victor, the Town of Farmington is investing in creation of attractive pedestrian and bicycle trails that join several of its own subdivisions and will connect with the Auburn Trail system, a plan to link communities across much of Western New York. According to Supervisor Ingalsbe, offering residents and future home-buyers this increasingly popular amenity has paid off.

“We’re seeing results, and getting positive feedback,” he said. “The incentive zoning was created in association with the Community Comprehensive Plan and Park Master Plan, encouraging development that is compatible with the Town’s long-term strategy for growth,” Ingalsbe said. “As a result of these incentives, developers have provided a portion of the revenue that supports development of parks, trails, and bridges, such as the new pedestrian crossings at Monarch Manor and Lilybrook Court,” he stated. “The Town will continue to support activities that make sense, and attract people to choose Farmington as the place to live and raise a family,” Ingalsbe concluded. q

SWBR Named to the 2018 Rochester Chamber Top 100 List SWBR, a multidisciplinary, award-winning design firm, placed 64th in the 2018 Rochester Chamber Top 100 List. SWBR has achieved the honor of being in the Top 100 a second year in a row. The annual Rochester Chamber Top 100 program recognizes the fastest-growing privately held businesses in the Greater Rochester region. The Top 100 recipients have an innovative and strong entrepreneurial spirit and play a pivotal role in contributing to Rochester's economic growth. SWBR was also recently recognized as a top-performing architecture and engineering firm by Rochester Business Journal, Engineering News-Record, and the Zweig Group. Not only has SWBR's revenue increased significantly over the past three years, but the staff size has grown by 30 percent since 2015 and the firm recently completed a major interior renoation to accommodate its growth. q news from professional firms



nysate news

Rochester Chapter

Society for Imaging Science and Technology Website:

Our meeting locations have changed starting this fiscal year. They are being held at the Irondequoit Public Library, 1290 Titus Avenue, Irondequoit, NY. The November through January meetings are in Room #216 (Newport). No meeting reservations are required.

Meeting Schedule:

January 9, 2019 - "Network-Mediated Peer Group Image Measurement" by Henry B. Freedman, third generation printer from Philadelphia. February 13, 2019 - Tour of the new MAGIC Center ( Venue ideas requested - we are soliciting input regarding other possible venues for our meetings.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019 - 6:00 pm Network-Mediated Peer Group Image Measurement by Henry B. Freedman, Peter H. Dundas PhD and Peter Crean PhD Abstract: Digital electronic communications through the internet, text messaging, and social media have created new opportunities for measuring and controlling printed images. This paper will discuss the results of a study of a new field of research, namely testing and applying “Network-Mediated Peer Group Image Measurement.” Network-mediated peer group image measurement makes an enhanced use of email to remotely test printing presses, then uses internet communication technologies to establish a meeting of the press operators and owners during which they can make a detailed print image assessment. The operators and owners use the assessment to enhance their printing operations.

London University. Peter immigrated to USA in 1961 and was on the chemical engineering faculty of MIT in Cambridge Massachusetts for seven years. In 1974 Peter joined Xerox Corporation in Rochester NY and became a principal color scientist in 1997, responsible for the image quality of digital color products. Peter was also responsible for teaching the Xerox worldwide Color Analysts charged with supporting all the digital color products in the field. In 2004, together with Henry Freedman and Peter Crean, Peter Dundas was the first person to match a digital color Xerox DC8000 image to a Heidelberg offset image on a single page in a true production length press run. Peter has co-authored four US Patents.

Biographies: Henry B. Freedman is a third generation printer from Philadelphia whose family has owned and operated printing plants for 100 years. Henry has degrees in printing technology and photographic science from RIT as well as an MBA in government regulation from The George Washington University where he also attended law school. Henry's inventions in chemical film processing, automated printing controls, print ecommerce and digital image measurement have received many industry awards. Henry is an Eastman Kodak Scholar, 3M Fellow, a TAGA Fellow, a GATF Scholar and a National Science Foundation award winner for his research on the future of the graphic arts. To share his knowledge Henry has been the Technology and Trends Editor of American Printer, the Technology Editor of Graphic Arts Monthly, and has authored over 485 scientific and technical articles in his now 33 year old Technology Watch newsletter. To learn more please see

Peter Crean earned a PhD in high energy nuclear physics from Princeton University in 1970 and joined Xerox's Exploratory Development Lab to work on “advanced computer peripherals.” He worked with Lavallee and Starkweather to build the first Xerox laser printer prototype. He was a member of the team which, over the next 6 years, went on to develop a high resolution scanner, printer and high bandwidth electronics and assembled them into a functioning electronic copier/printer prototype which, 15 years later, emerged as DocuTech. He was the lead technologist on a high performance ink jet prototype and, from 1986 on, concentrated on color systems development with Xerox and Fuji Xerox. He had a major role in the 5775 color copier, iGen color press, Xerox color management and the high performance FreeFlow DFE. He retired from Xerox as a Senior Research Fellow in 2010. Dr. Crean has been awarded 54 US patents and has spoken at many imaging conferences, customer events and trade shows during his last 25 years with Xerox. In 2009, PIA/TAGA awarded Dr. Crean the Reed Technology Medal for significant contributions to the graphics communication industry.

Peter H. Dundas was born in London and received BS in chemical engineering and PhD in physics from Imperial College is&t news


Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association Website:

Year 2018 Officers President Jared R. Ransom, LS Vice President Justin M. Roloson, LS Secretary Robert J. Avery, LS Treasurer Michael A. Venturo, LS Roy B. Garfinkel, LS, Ex-officio

Upcoming Events 2018:

January 28-30, 2019 60th Annual NYSAPLS Conference & Exhibition Saratga Springs City Center & Hilton Hotel

Board of Directors

January 2019

2016-2018 Douglas W. Magde, LS Douglas Churchill, LS 2017-2019 David L. Standinger, LS Daniel T. Hickok, LS 2018-2020 Timothy T. Odell, LS Matthew R. Palmer Jonathan Navagh - Associates Representative

60th Annual NYSAPLS Conference & Exhibition January 28-30, 2019

February 21, 2019 Board of Directors and General Membership Meeting: 6:00 pm 40 & 8 Club 933 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14607

Saratoga Springs City Center & Hilton Hotel

Board of Directors and General Membership Meeting February 21, 2019 6:00 PM

Professional Affiliations •

New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc.

National Society of Professional Surveyors

Rochester Engineering Society


40 & 8 Club 933 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14607

gvlsa news

Monroe Professional Engineers Society A Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers 657 East Avenue, Rochestter, New York 14607 Dedicated to Professionalism in Engineering in the Interest of Public Safety and Welfare 2018-19 Officers: President Chris Kambar, PE, President-elect Arthur Reardon, PE, Vice-President Scott Wolcott, PE, Secretary Martin Gordon, PE, Treasurer Michael Ritchie, PE, Membership Chair Arthur Reardon, PE Past Presidents: David Roberts, PE, Chris Devries, PE Directors: Barry Dumbauld, PE, Robert Winans, PE, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, Jim Drago, PE, Neal Illenberg, PE, Douglas R. Strang Jr., PE

NSPE Plays Key Role in NTSB Look at Licensure Exemptions The Society was an important part of the discussions about improving public safety following a deadly gas pipeline explosion in Massachusetts. NSPE is quoted and referenced several times in the recent National Transportation Safety Board report, which calls for elimination of professional engineer licensure exemptions, and is pleased to have been consulted during the investigative process. Read more here: NSPE offers additional resources on this issue:

• • • •

Read NSPE's Exemptions to Engineering Licensure Laws: A State-by-State Summary; Listen to the NSPE Speaks podcast episode; Access NSPE's new Action on Issues page; Join the conversation on this topic.

Trump administration sets 5-year strategy for STEM education According to the National Science Board's Science and Engineering Indicators 2018, Americans' basic STEM skills have improved over the past two decades but they continue to lag behind many other countries. The administration's strategy focuses on four objectives and priority federal actions to beef up STEM education in the United States: developing and enriching strategic partnerships; engaging students where disciplines converge; building computational literacy; and operating with transparency and accountability. Full report available here: Source: THE Journal | Article written by Sara Friedman | Tuesday, December 4, 2018 | As always, we encourage active membership in the Monroe Professional Engineers Society. We are constantly striving to improve your membership but we always need more help. If you are interested in becoming an active member or have any questions, please email me at or contact MPES through our website at

Christopher V. Kambar, President, MPES mpes news


President/Education Chair: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD CPL 205 St Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Vice President Technical: DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Legislative: DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110 Vice President Membership: DOUG MEIER Twin”D” Associates 1577 Ridge Road West, Suite 116B Rochester, NY 14615 585-581-2170 Treasurer: ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Administrative Secretary: ADAM KRAMER IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Affiliate Liaison: TRAVIS JESSICK Altherm, Inc. 255 Humphrey St. Englewood, NJ 07631 551-486-9556 Newsletter Editor: CHRIS WOLAK Victaulic Fairport, NY 14450 484-350-1954

President's Message Happy Holidays! I hope everyone stays safe and warm this Holiday season. The date has been selected for the next Engineering Symposium in Rochester. Pencil Tuesday, April 23, 2019 on your calendar. We are looking for speakers on topics related to plumbing that would be appropriate for other engineering disciplines as well. Let me know if you have ideas or are interested in being a presenter this year. Once you flip your calendar to 2019, also pencil in the 3rd Wednesday of each month at lunch for our ASPE technical lunch meetings. See you in January! Jennifer Wengender, P.E., CPD Rochester Chapter President

Meeting Notice – Save the Date Topic: Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention Randy Schaefer and Joe Marohn - WMS Sales Date:

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. (please arrive by 11:50 am)


Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Rd., Rochester 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates)

Credits: 1 PDH Approval Cost:

$20.00 (member or guest), check or cash at door.

RSVP: To Dave Jereckos (341-3168), or by January 11th. (Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society)


aspe news

abcd news



afe news


ea news



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ieee news



terra news


Rochester Chapter

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Rochester ASHRAE website:

President’s Message Our meeting in November was ‘Sustainability & Resilience - Examples of Community and Campus Energy Assessments’, presented by Chonghui Liu (C.L.). Thank you C.L. for taking time to share your expertise with our chapter!


ASHRAE January Meeting - 1 PDH Credit Pending Date: Monday, January 14, 2019 Time: 12:00 Noon. Lunch Buffet. Presentation to start approx. 12:30 PM Location: City Grill, 384 East Avenue in Rochester, Ny 14607 Cost: $25 Reservations: Reservations at Topic: Design Considerations for Thermal Expansion in Pipes Presented by Chris Wolak

The ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR Expo is quickly approaching on January 14th through 16th in Atlanta, GA. The ASHRAE Learning Institute is offering many courses during the conference. If you would like to attend the conference or any of the courses, more information can be found at http:// On Friday, February 8th, 2019 the Rochester ASHRAE Chapter will fantastic food, music and fun. be hosting is 62nd Annual Valentine Please continue to check out our website at for information Dinner Dance. Jody and Matthew McGarry on upcoming chapter meetings, current officer list and contact information, chapter newsletters, and more! Also take a minute and like us on Facebook at!/ put on a fantastic ashraerochester. event. Please consider contributing to this Paul Kenna, PE event and joining us. 2018-2019 President, Rochester Chapter It is a terrific time with ashrae news



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directory of professional services


Directory of Professional Services

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Directory of Business Services Philip J. Welch

First Vice President - Investments

Wells Fargo Advisors Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC



200 Meridian Centre Blvd. Suite 260 Rochester, NY 14618 Direct: 585-241-7546 Fax: 585-241-3986 Toll Free: 877-237-6201

directory of professional services | director of business services


Affiliated Societies of the Rochester Engineering Society American Consulting Engineering Companies of New York President, David J. Meyer, 585-218-0730 Email: American Public Works Association Monroe County/Genesee Valley Branch Chairman, Peter Vars, PE Email: American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section President, Drazen Gasic, CPSWQ, CPESC, LaBella Associates. 585-402-7005 Email: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Bill Clark, PE, CEM Email:

Email: Association For Facilities Engineering, Rochester Chapter President, Dennis Roote, PE Email: Electrical Association Executive Director, Karen Lynch Email: President, Russ Corcoran, Landmark Electric, 585-359-0800. Email: Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association President, Jared R. Ransom, LS 585-737-6881 Email: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Inc., Rochester Section President, Dan Rusnack Email:

Monroe Professional Engineers Society President, Chris Kambar Email: New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 President, Howard R. Ressel, 585-371-9280. Email: NYSATE has scholarships available for dependents of members who are or plan to enroll in a postsecondary university of accredited business or vocational school (undergraduate only). Some members may also be eligible. Information will be posed in the early spring at

New York Water Environment Association Inc., Genesee Valley Chapter ( President, Bill Davis, 585-381-9250 Email:

Imaging Science & Technology, Rochester Chapter President, Bruce Pillman, 585-748-6006 Email:

Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor’s National Association-Rochester, Inc. Executive Director, Aaron Hilger 585-586-8030. Email:

American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Rochester New York Chapter President, Jennifer Wengender, PE, CPD, Clark Patterson Lee, 205 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14604. 585-454-7600. Email:

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Sreeram Dhurjaty Email:

Society of Plastics Engineers, Rochester Section President, Brett Blaisdell Email:

Alfred Steele Scholarship available to ASPE members and their immediate family. Applications due in January each year. Details at https://www.

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, John Kaemmerlen, 585-475-2767 Email:

Society of Women Engineers President, Marca J. Lam, RIT Email:

Association for Bridge Construction and Design President, Ronald Centola Prudent Engineering

International Council on Systems Engineering, Finger Lakes Chapter President, Jack Riley Email:

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Steven Ivancic, University of Rochester

Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science & Engineering Fair Director, Mary Eileen Wood, 315-422-2902 Website: Awards and scholarships available. Visit the website for details.

Corporate Members of the Rochester Engineering Society Bergmann (Enterprise)

Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

Passero Associates

BME Associates

Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, Inc.

Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Gleason College of Engineering

IBC Engineering, PC (Champion)


M/E Engineering, PC (Enterprise)

TY-LIN International (Champion)

MRB Group (Champion)

VJ Stanley

Optimation Technology, Inc.

IS YOUR COMPANY LISTED HERE? Call 585-254-2350 for information.

CHA Consulting (Champion) Clark Patterson Lee Erdman Anthony Associates Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (RBA) Champion)

affiliated societies & corporate members of the rochester engineering society



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