Rochester Engineering Society Magazine May 2019

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May 2019

Rochester has been doing STEM since long before the STEM acronym existed! | 12

Also in this issue:

Candid Photo's From the RES 117th Annual Gala | 6 Saturday, April 13, 2019

Rochester has been doing STEM since long before the The Rochester Engineer Published since 1922 by

STEM acronym existed!


Founded March 18, 1897

Volume 97, Number 11, MAY 2019 (Electronic CopY Only) 2,500+ Monthly Circulation (Quarterly Hard Copies, 11 issues electronically) ISSN 0035-7405

RES Mission Statement: The RES will become the lead organization for improving the image and influence of the engineering community in the greater Rochester area by: Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the region’s engineering and technical capabilities; Providing the best clerical support and public relations assistance to our affiliates; Continually communicating the engineering and technical accomplishments to both the engineering and technical community and the public; Providing regular forums and networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues; and, Providing programs that identify career opportunities to the region’s youth and develop the skills of the practicing engineer. News items and articles are invited. Materials should be submitted to the administrative director at the society’s office, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607; Phone number (585) 254-2350, e-mail:

The web site for the Engineers’ Center is at: The deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to the issue. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this publication are those of contributors, not of the Rochester Engineering Society, Inc. Advertising information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Rochester Engineering Society or going to the website at Published every month but July. Yearly subscription is $20.00, (4 hard copies, 11 digital). You can sign up on the website for the subscription for digital copies only (free) and receive an email notice when posted. Go to to join the Rochester Engineering Society. Click on the individual membership and you can submit your application on-line. Board of Directors: OFFICERS: President JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE M/E Engineering / First Vice President GREG GDOWSKI, PhD University of Rochsester / Treasurer ANDREW C. HIRSCH Retired / Second Vice President MICHELLE SOMMERMAN, PE Bergmann Associates / Past President MICHAEL V. TRIASSI Javlyn, Inc. / EIGHT DIRECTORS: CORNELIUS (NEAL) ILLENBERG PE Retired / LEE LOOMIS Retired / RICHARD E. RICE Erdman Anthony / ADAM CUMMINGS, PE Town of Ontario / DANIELLE WALTERS MKS Instruments / DOREEN EDWARDS Rochester Institute of Technology / BRETT ELIASZ, PE Bergmann Associates / DENNIS ROOTE, PE CDE Engineering & Environment, PLLC / Administrative Director LYNNE M. IRWIN Rochester Engineering Society / e-mail:


(cover article) Page 12


4 • Notice to All RES Members - Nominations for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 5 • RES Annual Meeting - Wed. May 22

6-7 • Candid Photos From the RES 117th Annual Gala - April 13 9 • RES Technical Corner by Brett Eliasz, RES Director 10 • We Still Need a few more Science Fair Volunteer Mentors... 11 • How Do You Arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom! 12 • Rochester has been doing STEM since long before the STEM acronym existed! (cover) 15, 30-34 • News from Professional Firms 16 • Get to the Point! - Using the Active Voice 17 • Get IT Done - Our IT Tech Got New Shoes? That's Right, She Re-booted Herself 18-19 • Position Openings 20 • Campus News 21, 26-29 • Professional Firms - Employee News 22 • We're Seeking Volunteer Mentors for 2019 Spring Science Fair 23 • Continuing Education Opportunities (PDHs) 23-25 • Engineers’ Calendar 53-54 • Directory of Professional Services 54 • Directory of Business Services 55 • Affiliated Societies and Corporate Members of the RES Membership Application and Advertising Rates are also on the website:

news of the...

• ABCD Association for Bridge Construction and Design...............36-37 • AFE Association for Facilities Engineering...........................................44 • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers............................................48 • ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers....................................................52 • ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers....................................43 • EA Electrical Association.......................................................................45 • GVLSA Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association.............................35 • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.................46-47

• IES Illuminating Engineering Society....................................................51 • INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering..........................49 • IS&T Society for Imaging Science and Technology.............................42 • MPES Monroe Professional Engineers Society................................38-39 • NYSATE New York State Association of Transportation Engineers....40 • RES Rochester Engineering Society........................................... 2-12, 22 • SWE Society of Women Engineers........................................................50 • TERRA TERRA Science & Engineering Fair...............................................41


President’s Message

Joseph Dombrowski, PE M/E Engineering RES President 2018 - 2019 The 117th RES Gala held April 13 just wrapped up. Another successful night full of fun, pleasant company and award winners. Many thanks go to Lynne, our tireless administrative director and all the volunteers who helped make the event successful. Planning is underway for the next RES fiscal year (beginning June 2019). We have filled our vacant director opening but are always looking for assistance on our many committees. If interested, please contact us at The Engineering Symposium of Rochester (ESR aka the "PDH-fest") was just held with RES providing the registration services (thank you, Lynne and volunteers!). It was the largest ESR ever with well over 500 registrants. With a tip of the hat to RES Past President Bill Pollock, our strategic planning committee is re-convening shortly to chew on some ideas and inspiration Bill provided us. Lee Lommis is looking for volunteers to assist at a Science Fair being proposed for the Dr. Walter Cooper Academy of the Rochester City School district. If you can help or would like more details see pages 8 and 20 in this issue or contact Lee at: That's all for now. See you at our events.

Joe Dombrowski RES President res news - president’s message


Notice to All RES Members NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ROCHESTER ENGINEERING SOCIETY Published pursuant to Article IX, Section 1 of the Constitution Pursuant to Article VII, Section 9 of the Bylaws to the Constitution, the Nominating Committee of, Mike Triassi, chair and Joseph Dombrowski, PE, co-chair reported a slate of officers for the 2019-2020 RES year. Selected by the Nominating Committee for the designated offices are: PRESIDENT JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE Senior Engineer M/E Engineering, P.C. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT GREG T. GDOWSKI, PhD Executive Director, Associate Professor Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Rochester SECOND VICE PRESIDENT MICHELLE SOMMERMAN, PE Project Engineer - Mechanical Bergmann TREASURER ANDREW C. HIRSCH Retired DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2021) RICHARD E. RICE, Eng. Facilities Business Development Erdman Anthony DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2021) DENNIS ROOTE, PE Owner, CDE Engineering & Environment DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2021) NEAL J. ILLENBERG, PE Principal Engineer, Rail Safety Consulting DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2021) KENTON G. HINES Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch 4 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2019

New Directors who serve until the expiration of their terms are: DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2020) STEVEN W. DAY, PhD Associate Professor DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2020) MICHAEL T. KURDZIEL, PhD Director of Chief Engineering - Systems & Technology Group Harris Corporation Directors who will continue in office until the expiration of their terms are: DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2020) BRETT C. ELIASZ, PE Disipline Leader - Electrical Bergmann DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2020) LEE M. LOOMIS Senior Engineer RG&E (retired) Past President who will serve as a member of the Board of Directors, pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2 of the Constitution is: PAST PRESIDENT MICHAEL V. TRIASSI, EIT Javlyn, Inc. Pursuant to Article IX, Section 2, of the Constitution, additional nominations may be made by a petition signed by at least 10 VOTING members. Such a petition, together with a written acceptance from each nominee, must be filed with the RES Administrative Director no later than 12:00 noon on May 8, 2019. If there are additional nominations, ballots will be mailed to all members in good standing and ELIGIBLE to vote by May 15, 2019. If there are no other nominations received, the election will be by a voice vote at the annual meeting to be held at the Rochester Museum & Science Center, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, NY on Wednesday, May 22, 2019. Respectfully submitted, Lynne Irwin Administrative Director

res news - 2019-2020 nominations

RES Annual Meeting Save the Date!

RES Annual Meeting Wednesday, May 22, 2019 Rochester Museum & Science Center In the Bausch Auditorium 657 East Avenue Rochester, NY Time: 5:00 to 7:00 pm Cash Bar/Cheese & Crackers Reception (5 to 6 pm) Learn About RES Activities Network and Meet Engineers in the Community RES Update Briefing Board and Officer Elections Meet new and continuing officers and directors for the the fiscal year 2019-2020. You will hear a few words from President Joseph Dombrowski, PE given by Greg Gdowski, PhD, 1st Vice President

This meeting is free (Cash Bar), but a reservation is required by Wednesday, May 15th. Go to the RES Website, A link is on the home page. res news - annual meeting


Candid Photos - RES 117th Annual Gala - April 13, 2019 - more available on the RES website


res ga;a - candia photos

res ga;a - candia photos


Rochester History Continuing with the historical sampling of the earlier writings on behalf of the Rochester Engineering Society, the years following "The Great War," into and through the “Great Depression,” continued to be a time of reaching out for the maturing Society, both locally and nationally. The meeting minutes describe a series of technical discussions and presentations intended to broaden the technical horizons of the membership (especially the CE's, ME's and EE's). The RES affiliated itself with a number of National technical societies, adopted local Affiliated Societies, frequently held joint meetings with them and continued taking action on a growing list of public matters. Certain issues of standardization, some crucial to public safety, became the responsibility of the RES and its affiliates. In the pervasive economic downturn of the “Great Depression," the magazine offered classified advertising for unemployed engineers, technicians and draftsmen and took other steps to try to deal with the crisis. Still, it continued its effort to shape the function, purpose and infrastructure of the City of Rochester, and beyond. Soon, war would again affect the Society, taking away many of its leaders while providing opportunities for others to step forward to fill these vacancies. In an effort to provide even greater perspective on the happenings and concerns of the day, a synopsis, featuring selected items from "The Rochester Engineer" has become an integral part of this series. The Second World War and the Korean Conflict are now history. These experiences have changed the face and, no doubt, the future of the community. The Rochester municipal leadership and the industrial community have become immersed in the cold-war, growth economy. February 4, 1970 (Board of Directors Meeting, Rochester Products Division, GM) The Board approved the application of the Rochester Chapter, American Institute of Architects, to become an Affiliate of the RES. Concerns about the financial position of the Society led to extensive discussion of proposed remedies for offsetting operating costs, which at mid-year exceed revenues by 10%. Current indebtedness remains at $14,500, approximately 50% of the Society’s annual budget. Believing that increased individual membership would improve the Society’s financial position, President Alexander M. Beebee, Jr., proposed a plan to approach additional local employers to solicit their support in enlisting new RES members. These included Bernz-O-Matic, Castle Hanson, Delco Products, Kaddis Manufacturing, Bell & Howell, American Laundry Machinery, Fasco Industries, ITE Circuit Breaker, Sage Electronics, Nalge, Electro Networks and Germanow Simon Machine. The RES Civic Affairs Committee reported an overwhelming response from local public officials from the RES’ recent solicitation on civic problems. A summary of the requests for assistance would be assembled for distribution at the upcoming Engineers Joint Dinner. Chief among these was the region’s solid waste problem. Editor’s note: Stay tuned… The Board approved five new Regular Members, two Associate Members, three Junior Members and one Student Member. “The Rochester Engineer” (February 1970) This issue presented Realto E. “Pat” Cherne as the RES 1969 “Engineer of the Year.” A close associate of Willis H. Carrier, and former Manager at the Carrier Corporation, Mr. Cherne entered private practice in Rochester, eventually consulting on over 800 local projects. A Fellow of ASHRAE, he served as President of the Rochester Rotary Club, Chair of the Salvation Army Advisory Board, and has published numerous articles and papers on heating, ventilating & air conditioning. The RES Luncheon series announced the following: “Lunar Photography – Close Up” by George H. Keene, Kodak Apparatus Division, “Industrial Security” by Mark H. Touhey, Kodak Park, and, “Visit to Rochester 8 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2019

A Sampling from the Archives of the Rochester Engineering Society...1897 - 1970 by Lee M. Loomis

Telephone’s new Toll Switching Center,” 120 North Plymouth Avenue. The 1970 Engineers’ Joint Dinner would feature Dr. Donald F. Hornig, former Science Advisor to President Lyndon B. Johnson and current Vice President of Eastman Kodak Company. The addition of the Rochester Section of the Illuminating Engineering Society brings the number of RES Affiliates to 23. This issue featured an RES-requested review by RES Past President and 1967 Engineer of the Year, Lynn C. Holmes, of “America the Raped” by Gene Marine. This book presented a severe criticism of the condition of American’s natural treasurers (Grand Canyon, San Francisco Bay, Montezuma Swamp) and the effects of open-pit mining and other evidence of pollution. According to the reviewer, the author lays the blame for decisions made at the higher levels of government solely on “engineers” and “engineering mentality,” rather than including economists, industrialist, statisticians and pressure groups. He suggests that engineers may have had little, if any voice in the final decisions. Editor’s note: It would be several years before the advent of “Earth Day” and a national awakening to the historic degradation of the earth’s environment, and the finding of remedies for its restoration. March 4, 1970 (Board of Directors Meeting, Country Club of Rochester) President Beebee reported to the Board that it would be necessary to borrow an additional $3,000 to meet expenses, and that the Monroe Professional Engineers Society had offered a loan for this purpose, at a “favorable rate.” The Civic Affairs Committee reported that requests for “RES Advisory Assistance” had been received from Rochester General Hospital, the Town of Riga and the Genesee Valley Medical Association. New membership applications for seven Regular Members, two Associate Members, one Junior Member and one Student Member were approved. It was announced that the speaker for the RES Annual Meeting would be Edward Seymour, speaking on his 1969 record altitude glider flight. It was announced that the possibility of computerizing the RES membership records was being investigated. “The Rochester Engineer” (March 1970) This issue described a number of community projects being undertaken by RES volunteers at the request of various municipalities. These included: modernizing the City of Rochester’s building codes, integration of the City and County water systems, solid waste disposal in the Town of Webster and stream conditions at Black Creek Park. At a discussion requested by Times Union and Democrat & Chronicle News Director, John Quinn, RES officers (past and present) responded to inquiries on the city-county solid waste problem with initial suggestions including employing reusable beverage containers, solid waste reclamation, fermentation of organic waste and incineration. Subsequent articles in this series will describe the RES' continuing outreach to other technical societies as it considered its role in this and the larger community, along with more of the activities of the RES as it moved to be of greater service to its membership, especially those suffering from current economic crises, and adopted a greater role in shaping the future of the City and its environs. Noted also, will be the contributions made by RES members in the struggle to meet the challenges coming out of World War II, as well as a hoped-for period of post-war growth and prosperity. These articles will also feature an impressive array of RES activities in support of post-war re-emergence of Rochester area industry. We welcome your questions and comments on this series. res news - history

Technical Corner

This month’s article has been a hot topic and is expecting some up and coming changes/additions in the NEC 2020 Code. The new code section will be NEC 705.11 Supply-Side Source Connections in a PV System and should clear up the current 705.12(A) section which does not provide the “rules” to make the supply-side connections, more specifically how and where to ground and bond this new PV disconnect. Let’s go over what the interpretation of what the PV Disconnect is. Is it a service? My position is that it’s NOT. The inverter’s output circuit is not a utility service and the utility service is not affected when the disconnect is in the off position. However, PV system disconnects, and multi-disconnect services (6 disconnect rule) are service rated, contain overcurrent protection and must be installed in a similar fashion to service disconnects, but PV system disconnects are NOT service disconnects. The following diagram, taken from the 2017 NEC, is essentially the same scenario as a supply-side PV connection. It has the Neutral terminal block within a splice box, one service entrance and a set up for a multi-tenant scenario. To answer the question, Do we need to provide a Neutral to Ground Bond at the PV Disconnect Switch and treat it like a service? My answer is yes. This also co-insides with the new NEC 2020 verbiage listed in Section 705.11 (D)-first revision. Conclusion: The original tripping point was having multiple N-G points in the system, which in some cases is not code compliant. In the case, where the service has multiple disconnecting means, each enclosure is treated separately. However, there is one last twist. This past week a second revision came out implying that the Neutral to Ground bond should not take place within the PV system disconnect. It seems as if this concept is currently under debate. This interpretation may change between jurisdictions, but we believe the current standard is to provide the N-G Bond at the PV Disconnect. We will have to wait and see what is in store for us when the 2020 code comes out. Hopefully this article finds you well and can be used as a reference for your project needs. If anyone would like to contribute to the Rochester Engineer magazine and add an article or would like to request information on a specific topic (not limited to Electrical) just email me at As always, any comments are appreciated…! Thank you for reading. Image Credits: NEC 2017 Handbook

Brett Eliasz, P.E., LEED AP BD+C , RES Director

res - technical corner


RES News - Tutoring Team We Still Need a Few More Science Fair Volunteer Mentors?… The School-Based Planning Team and the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy have invited the RES to help with the development of the “First Annual”, Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Science Fair. We have received responses from a few Volunteer Mentors, but we still need a few more, for our group of highly motivated students. The PTO has developed a step-by-step plan for the Kick – Off, Student Selection and Exhibition portions of our 2019 Science Fair. This plan begins when the teachers of our 3rd – 6th Graders introduce the concept of a science fair to their students on Friday, April 26th. On this day, they are hoping that RES Volunteer-Mentors would be willing to provide several exhibits of various technologies, designed to stimulate the students’ curiosity, so that groups of students can then visit these displays and hear about the various principles of science that they represent. Having seen these exhibits, the students will then be offered the opportunity to participate in the science fair by submitting an application, by Monday, April 29th, expressing their interest, and agreeing to complete the required work. The following week, RES Volunteer-Mentors will meet with a small group of students, during their 40 minute science blocks (classes), to help them choose a phenomenon, plan their investigation and design the presentation of their findings for the fair. Homework might be given, as needed. For this first-time attempt, participation will be limited to a total of about 26 students. Twice-weekly meetings of RES Volunteer-Mentors and their assigned students, in preparation for the fair, will begin during the week of May 6th, and continuing for the next six weeks, with the fair scheduled for the week of June 10th. Science blocks (40 minute classes) occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 9:50AM and 2:55PM as follows:

Grade 3 (age 8 yrs) – 11:00AM – 11:40AM Grade 4 (age 9 yrs) – 1:30PM – 2:10PM Grade 5 (age 10 yrs) – 2:15PM – 2:55PM Grade 6 (age 11 yrs) – 9:50AM – 10:30AM, 12:30PM – 1:00PM, and 1:30PM – 2:10PM

Remembering how much science meant to you, as a young student, won’t you please consider volunteering for this important opportunity to support our Scholars at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy?!? You can become the “help” these young people need. Questions??? Reach out to RES Past President Lee Loomis and the RES Tutoring Team at…Rochester Engineering Society (585) 254-2350, via website:, or via email:, (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text) 10 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2019

res news - tutoring



RES News How do you arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom!

In the 1990’s, Eastman Kodak Company jumped the gun, starting a family of STEM initiatives, years before the Government coined the STEM acronym. The name of these programs was the 21st Century Learning Challenge (TCLC), and at our peek, we were 1500 engineers and technicians, visiting Rochester City School Classrooms, twice a week for two-hour visits, during the entire School Year. This effort continued for nearly ten years, and not only pre-dates our recent STEM excitement level, but delivered support on a scale we have yet to match. Many of the volunteers in these programs were, and still are, members of the Rochester Engineering Society (RES). In the intervening twenty-five years, many have retired, or are about to retire. That makes them even more available as STEM Coaches, than they were as Kodak employees. The RES is working to put technical people in K-12 Classrooms, throughout the Greater Rochester area, as STEM Coaches. Their presence will: • • •

Help the Teacher stay current with our ever-changing technology. Provide real-World Application Examples, making whatever is being taught, real enough to be worth remembering. Support the teachers with not only the delivery of STEM concepts, but perhaps more importantly, the design and delivery of STEM related hardware.

Last year we had six STEM Coach, doing Classroom Visitation at School #3. That was so successful that RCSD is interested in expanding this program to involve nine STEM Coaches this year.

The RES is specifically seeking Retired, Technical people, (Engineers, Technicians, Machinists, Entrepreneurs or anyone whose work would allow them to visit during School hours), as STEM Coaches. We currently have more than 30 Coaches, and are connecting them with 13 Rochester-area Schools. “This is a life-changing experience!” For more information contact: Jon Kriegel   585-281-5216 RES Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer STEM Coach Please visit: res news - stem bridges


Rochester has been doing STEM since long before the STEM acronym existed! by Jon Kriegel

We had 170 students participate in the 2019 E


Fair, held at RIT on March 25. Fifty- five students exhibited the Science Project they made for their 6th 7th and 8th Grade Science Fair, and were interviewed and asked to explain their project. They were exposed to some serious judging, and were asked to think about how such efforts might affect their future education, and career choices. Some even suggested they could see themselves digging further into the topic they had chosen. This whole process is called Option 1 of the Fair, and was the original goal of this ASME STEM Initiative, dating back to 1991. Triggered by RIT Mechanical Engineering Faculty member and, at the time, Chair of the Rochester ASME Senior Section, Dr. Satish Kandlikar, our goal was to better recognize the effort students make using math, to build science, technology and engineering projects each year in Middle School. I remember my own Science Fair experiences (in the 1960s), when my parents came to school the night of the Fair, stood around for 45 minutes wringing their hands, until finally someone representing the school stopped by, shook my hand, congratulated me for doing such a great job, and never so much as looked at my project. Apparently things had not gotten much better by the 1990s. Perhaps we have all been there, to varying degrees. E3 stands for Engineering, Experimentation and Exploration, and since the STEM acronym had not been coined yet, was the best title we could find to describe the broad scope of our Fair. Clearly today we would simply call this a STEM Fair. By 1995 we added a LEGO-based competition involving students in Team efforts to design and build a variety of devices. To avoid having 7th graders come back a second year, and asking them to solve the same problem, we had to cycle through three independent technical challenges. One involved an Obstacle Course which their vehicle had to traverse in minimum time. Please note the bed of marbles and the incline. At one point we even considered a pond they would have to cross. The next year’s competition was a tractor pull, but instead of pitting teams against each other, we hung a load over the end of the track which their vehicle had to lift. We and the kids learned a lot about friction.


cover article - e3 fair


(The picture above is included based on the reaction it got, in 1995, to being able to show wood-grain on a CAD model.) The third year we asked them to build a crane; the team lifting the maximum load wins. About 2006 LEGO made the MindStorm kit, and we jumped to the World of asking 6th, 7th and 8th Graders to program! This became Option 3, and again, we needed three independant competitions.

Your robot must navigate from the Start Box, around the Cross, and park in the Finish Box. The next year’s competition involves a Hockey Rink where your robot must push 13 strategically placed bottle caps into a goal. For this year’s competition, (my favorite), the Robot must push seven Pop Cans out of the Circle. How, you might ask, do we stage the Pop Cans so that each team sees exactly the same initial playing-field? This year I was lucky enough to serve as a Mentor to four Option 3 Teams from the Rochester School for the Deaf. These students have energy, expertise and determination. Along the way, I took an American Sign Language Class, in hopes of keeping up with them. What an experience! Our scores were OK, but these students more than proved their point, and “we will return." Continued on page 14 cover article - e3 fair


Each year, the Fair awards dozens of Individual and Team Trophies in all three competition Options. For Option 2 & 3, the top two teams also win showcase Trophies, which their School gets to display for a year. On top of these Competitive Options, a dozen of the RES Affiliate Technical Organizations run interactive booths around the perimeter of the E3 Fair Gym, delivering hands-on STEM, plus exposure to the many faces of Engineering, and careeroption conversations at all possible levels. For example, the Society of Plastics Engineers actually injection-molds a screw driver, on-site. This is our 29th Year, and I am proud to contemplate the Career Impact this STEM initiative has had on literally thousands of Rochester-area students, since 1991. Since the government took an interest in STEM, I doubt that the anti-climactic Science Fair debacle I experienced, is even possible anymore. 14 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2019

cover article - e3 fair

E3 Fair is a low budget effort, and it is encouraging that so little money can make such a difference. Please help me think about what needs to happen to make STEM Delivery really work. What is the time line for “Normal Schools” to deliver STEM-Ready Teachers? Whatever the answer, the RES STEM Bridges Initiative is an attempt to empower today’s teacher by tucking a STEM Career-veteran under every teacher’s wing, to bring hands-on, real-World application examples into the classroom. We would welcome your participation as an E3 Fair Committee member or financial donor! Please also consider becoming an RES STEM Bridges Volunteer. q Jon Kriegel is a two-time RES President, (RES) Volunteer Coordinator, Multi-decade E3 Fair Board Member, Director of the RES Initiative STEM Bridges, E3 Fair Mentor at the School for the Deaf, and, Volunteer STEM Coach (RCSD School 45, IA&T, Edison Tech). Contact Jon at: cell 585 281-5216 or

News From

Professional Firms

SWBR Celebrates Opening of DePaul Skybird Landing Apartments in Geneseo DePaul’s new $17 million Skybird Landing Apartments recently celebrated its grand opening in Geneseo. The name is a tribute to Geneseo's National Warplane Museum, a warbird and military history museum founded in 1994. SWBR’s design of the multi-family affordable housing complex is a dramatic departure from typical affordable housing and provides a unique neighborhood inspired by the area’s rich aviation history. The new community consists of six two-story buildings around a cul-de-sac, employing a community-wide sidewalk system with intermittent bench seating. Each building contains a lounge area, laundry facilities and 10 apartments, which totals 60 units with 30 adaptable, 18 enhanced and 12 fully ADA-accessible. The project received funding through New York State Homes and Community Renewal, Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, Supportive Housing Opportunity Program, Rural Area Revitalization Program, New York State Office of Mental Health, and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. q

cover article - e3 fair } news from professional firms


Get to the Point! Using the Active Voice

Don’t you wish that you could have stayed awake back in your junior high school English class? If you had, you might be able to interact with the Microsoft Grammar tool more effectively. How many times do you get the little green line under a sentence and when you right click on it, if you are lucky, the software provides a “better” sentence? More often than not, you’ll get the generic message “Passive voice, consider revising”. To that, most people will simply click IGNORE. We didn’t understand passive voice when we were 12 years old so how are we expected to understand it now, decades (and decades) later. What’s the fuss over passive sentences?

Impact on the Reader

The appearance of a document and the arrangement of the headings and paragraphs encourage a reader to start reading, but it’s the quality of the words and sentences that keeps him or her turning over the pages. The quality of the words and sentences also convey an image of you and the organization or department you represent when you write.

The Passive Voice

In the previous four sentences, A, B, and C are written in the passive voice. The passive voice uses a what...was whom construction. If the short sentences in the list above had been written in the passive voice, they would have seemed much less emphatic: WHAT A receipt.... The conference.... The printer.... A refund....

WAS DONE BY was issued.... by.... was attended.... by.... was stopped.... by.... is requested.

WHOM (or WHAT) Dave Cullen.... Karen Hunt.... A broken cable....

Note that the word "by" appears in the first three sentences, and is implied in the fourth (i.e. A refund is requested [by me] .) You can often identify when you are using the passive voice by searching for the word "by" and when you use the helping verb “to be” in any form: is, was, were.

Write in the Active Voice

We recommend that you write in the active voice for "tell" messages, and even for most "sell" communications. The active voice will help A reader who encounters well-constructed sentences that are direct make your writing seem much more definite, much more confident. and informative will envisage a writer who knows what he or she is To write in the active voice, you need to talking about, and will react positively to the writer's suggestions. • Place a "doer" (a person or object) at the front of the sentence But a reader who encounters wordy constructions, vague or to start the action, as in Dave Cullen...issued and A broken ambiguous statements, or abrasive expressions, will gain an image cable...stopped. of a writer who is unsure about the subject. The reader may even • If you are the "doer," write in the first person ("I" or "We"), doubt the validity of the information, and react negatively to the writer's suggestions. If you are writing a proposal, you cannot afford as in I request... . a negative response from your reader.

If you do not know who the doer is, or prefer not to name the doer, then you have to write in the passive voice. For example:

Write Emphatically

The following four sentences contain the same information, but each presents it in a different way. Which presents its information most efficiently, most emphatically? A. We were represented at this year's business management conference by Karen Hunt. B. Our representative at this year's business management conference was Karen Hunt. C. At this year's business management conference we were represented by Karen Hunt. D. Karen Hunt represented us at this year's business management conference.

The budget was cut by 15%. (You don't know who cut it.)

When you use the active voice, you will find that your documents are much shorter and easier to read. The next time you read a report and wonder why you don't remember anything about it, go back and see if it was full of passive sentences. One of the major consequences of having too many passive sentences is that the reader is not fully comprehending or retaining the information. Is there a report that you read weeks ago that you can still recall specific information from? Go back and see if that one is written with clear, concise and direct active sentences.

Most business managers prefer sentence D because it is direct and emphatic.

The Active Voice

This direct, emphatic construction is known as the active voice. The active voice uses a simple who did what sentence construction: WHO (or WHAT) (subject) Dave Cullen.... Karen Hunt.... A broken cable.... I....

DID (verb) issued.... attended.... stopped.... request....

WHAT (object) a receipt. the conference. the printer. a refund.


© 2019, RGI Learning Lisa Moretto is the President of RGI Learning, Inc. For 24 years she has helped engineers improve their oral and written communication skills. Visit or call (866) 744-3032 to learn about RGI’s courses. get to the point


Get IT Done

Our IT Tech Got New Shoes? That’s Right, She Re-booted Herself — by Andrè Godfrey A former CEO for a large engineering firm and a friend of mine loved this joke (the one below, not the one above) and would retell it from time to time. “What is the difference between an introverted and an extroverted engineer? An introverted engineer looks at his shoes when he's talking to you. An extroverted engineer looks at your shoes when he's talking to you.” I loved the joke too. The Technology Woman of the Year awards were held a few days ago. It’s an enormously prestigious award hosted by TechRochester (former Digital Rochester) that showcases technology women and their contributions to the industry, mentoring other women and impact to their communities. The award was presented to Gabrielle Bedewi of Butler/Till and acknowledged by the 250 technology attendees. Which brings me to the subject of today’s missive. An encouragement to technology people to become joiners and participants in their own community and industry. Unfortunately I believe the tools available for communication; i.e. email, phone, text, eScreenz™ (a shameless plug), Facebook, LinkedIn and many, many others, have only made us more insular and isolated from real people. In my semi-introverted experience (believe it or not, I would be looking at my own shoes if I didn’t force myself to make actual eye contact from time to time) the real exchange of ideas and energy is the old-fashioned conversation and that takes place face-to-face(s). I’m going to throw out a few associations for you to consider and their web sites so you can take your investigation further. Do yourself a big favor and take a look! And if you are looking, you don’t have to look very far. If you’re reading this article you should take a deeper dive as to who produces this monthly periodical. The Rochester Engineering Society is over one hundred years old but up-to-date with new events that are relevant to your world. Go to - Founded in 1897, RES is a multi-disciplinary society uniting diverse disciplines to enhance professional development, foster excitement in math and science for the next generation of leaders, and improve communities where members live. The Society supports individual engineers, local affiliates of national engineering societies, schools of engineering, and professional firms. RES provides many opportunities get IT done

to learn, to build relationships and to contribute to the community. – TechRochester is a nonprofit organization that focuses on bringing technology professionals together within the community. It supports professional growth on an individual basis to encourage the growth of technology within the region. Are you a little younger and want to hang with your own kind? The Rochester Young Professionals might be the place for you. Go to - The RYP is a group that coordinates, collaborates, and promotes events around Rochester that are social, volunteer, or informational in nature. They connect young Rochester with activities that help to improve the careers, social lives, and character of members. A completely volunteerrun organization, it is organized as a charitable not-forprofit corporation and helps organize and coordinate more than 60 activities each year. Thinking of going off on your own? Check out The Rochester Professional Consultants Network is a non-profit affiliation of individual consultants. Their members have extensive experience in business and industry. RPCN is dedicated to the professional growth of its members. Towards that end they provide seminars, workshops, networking and community outreach. Want more of a business association that promotes community ‘Service above self”? You can’t go wrong joining a Rotary. Ask your friends for recommendations and people you respect. But become a joiner! Think About IT

Andrè Godfrey is President, Entrè Computer Services, MAY 2019 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 17

Position Openings


position openings



CONGRATULATIONS DON & BRETT! Bergmann’s 2018 Engineer of the Year Honorees

Want to join the region’s top engineers? Check out our openings at


Electrical Engineer UR Job Id 208142 General Purpose:

The Electrical Engineer provides design and project management for low voltage and high voltage projects for Central Utilities. Provides supervision of the low voltage and high voltage distribution crew. Maintains plant electrical systems documentation and records. Reviews new building electrical connections and systems design.


Requires Bachelor's Degree in electrical engineering from an accredited institution and 6 years’ minimum experience in electrical distribution systems design and/or electrical systems operations/ maintenance. Experience with medium/high voltage systems over 600 volts preferred. Must have experience with power distribution systems, motors electrical generators, transformers, variable speed drive and building electrical systems. NYS Engineer in Training Certificate and ability to obtain NYS Professional Engineer license in 2 years a plus. Requires computer literacy with AutoCAD, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel. and Microsoft Outlook computer programs and computerized maintenance management systems is helpful. Must be available for on-call responsibilities. Experience with electrical modeling and arc flash software, such as Easy Power, is a plus. Potential to drive UR vehicle, therefore, must have clean motor vehicle license. Must be able to access confined spaces and climb ladders. Interested applicants will need to submit resumes thru the UR online job posting portal the web address is: working/hr/jobs/ search “electrical engineer”. position openings | advertisement


Campus News Volunteers needed for Baja SAE Rochester off road competition in June

RIT hosts 100 collegiate racing teams at international event taking place at the university and Palmyra’s Hogback Hill Motor Cross site

Off-road racing is back at Rochester Institute of Technology as the university will host, and compete against, 100 collegiate racecar teams from around the world at the 2019 Baja SAE Rochester World Challenge June 6-9. This is the seventh time RIT has hosted one of SAE’s Collegiate Design Series competitions. The Rochester event takes place at the university and at Hogback Hill Motocross Track in Palmyra, N.Y. Over the four days, volunteers are needed in a variety of areas from judging sales and design events to on-the-field course workers. Volunteers of different levels of experience can register online for one or more of the days and a variety of jobs. For each of the days, possible responsibilities include: One of the 2019 Baja SAE collegiate design competitions season events Thursday, June 6—Team Arrival, Registration takes place at RIT and Hogback Hill Motocross site this June. Volunteers are and Sales Presentation Judging: Welcome teams needed for a variety of responsibilities for the event, from field support to and provide logistical support for registration on design and sales presentations. site at the RIT Gordon Field House. Throughout the day, teams will make sales presentations to severe punishment of rough terrain—hill and rock climbs— volunteer judges with industry experience, particularly in the areas of new product development and project management. acceleration and maneuverability challenges and a four-hour endurance race. The object of the competition is to provide Volunteers are also needed to manage parking and other setSAE student members with a challenging project that involves up tasks. the design, planning and manufacturing tasks found when introducing a new product to the consumer industrial market. Friday, June 7—Static Events: Technical Inspections, Design

and Cost Presentation Judging: Teams undergo rigorous technical inspections of vehicles and systems and will present on these system designs; volunteer judges with experience in automotive systems and the design and development of vehicles are needed. Saturday, June 8—Dynamic Events: Acceleration, Hill Climb, Maneuverability and Suspension: Teams continue technical and safety inspections of vehicles and systems at the field site: Hogback Hill Motocross; volunteers are needed for support, marshalling, recovery, field safety and management and logistics.

For more information about the event and volunteer opportunities, contact volunteer coordinators Steve Skurski at or Nathan McKerley at Sponsorship opportunities are also available by contacting event coordinator Martin Gordon at

About Baja Racing

Sunday, June 9—4-Hour Endurance Race and Award Presentation: Teams complete the competition with a fourhour race at the field site: Hogback Hill Motocross; volunteers are needed for marshalling/flagging, recovery, field safety and logistics.

RIT’s Baja race team opens its season in Tennessee for a competition at Tennessee Tech April 11-14. They compete in California May 16-19 before returning to RIT and the Rochester event to defend their status as National Champions. Last year, RIT Baja Racing won the North American Championship and were presented with the prestigious Mike Schmidt Memorial Iron Team Award, with top event placements and performance in each of its three U.S. competitions. q

Baja SAE consists of competitions that simulate real-world engineering design projects in which engineering students design and build off-road vehicles that will survive the

For more information, contact Michelle Cometa at 585-475-4954, or on Twitter: @ MichelleCometa


campus news

Professional Firms Employee News SWBR Promotes Eight Employees to Shareholders of the Firm and Two Employees Receive New York State Architectural License

Joseph McNinch, AIA

Jessica Wade, AIA SWBR announced that eight employees have recently become associates and shareholders of the firm. “We’re very proud of the commitment and dedication these individuals have demonstrated with SWBR,” said President Tom Gears. “Our team is what makes SWBR so special. These new shareholders bring brilliant ideas to the table that will continue to grow our firm and make us better for our team, clients and community.” Dennis Baszynski, associate/senior technical coordinator has been with the firm since 1985. Baszynski specializes in building envelope and vertical circulation design on all project types, including K-12, higher education and housing. Victor Cruz, associate/technology group assistant has been with the firm since 1993. Cruz is responsible for the firm’s technology center and IT support. Brian Dionne, AIA, associate/project architect joined the firm in 2016. Dionne manages multiple projects in the firm’s housing studio, from initial concepts to project delivery, with a focus on quality and client satisfaction, and is working to increase the firm’s presence in the Capital region. Brett Gawronski, AIA, associate/project manager/project architect joined the firm in 2017. Gawronski manages design, client communications and team coordination for a number of housing projects. He also assists with construction administration on K-12 projects. Beatriz Machado, AIA, associate/project architect joined the firm in 2017. Machado manages multiple projects in the firm’s housing studio, from initial concepts to project delivery, with a focus on quality and client satisfaction. Michele Michaels, associate/human resources manager joined the firm in 2016. Michaels manages all of the firm’s HR functions, professional firms employee news

including recruiting, benefits, training and employee relations. Bill Price, RLA, associate/landscape architect joined the firm in 2018. Price helps lead the firm’s landscape architecture projects, urban design projects and business development. Erik Reynolds, associate/project designer has been with the firm since 2012. Part of the firm’s housing studio, Reynolds is responsible for building design, project coordination, technical detailing, construction administration, and client and consultant management. There are now 58 shareholders at SWBR. SWBR also announced that Joseph McNinch, AIA and Jessica Wade, AIA recently received their New York State architectural licenses from the New York State Education Department. As project architects in the firm’s housing studio, both McNinch and Wade have worked on many of the firm’s award-winning, affordable and supportive housing projects. The minimum requirements for this licensure include a bachelor’s degree in architecture and at least five years of work experience under a licensed architect. McNinch and Wade successfully completed six divisions of the architectural registration examination. In addition to developing the project design, budget and documentation, McNinch is responsible for producing drawing sets and graphics for client presentations and coordinating with subconsultants and contractors. He earned his associate degree in building science/technology from Finger Lakes Community College and a bachelor’s degree in architectural technology from SUNY Alfred. Wade manages construction projects from conceptual design through construction completion. Her responsibilities include ensuring the design meets the clients’ specifications, and the project is on time and on budget. She earned her bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University at Buffalo and her master’s degree in architecture from Illinois Institute of Technology. q MAY 2019 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 21

We're Seeking Just a Few More Volunteer Mentors for the "2019 Science Fair" At Dr. Walter Cooper Academy The RES has been invited to help establish the first annual, Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Science Fair. The SchoolBased Planning Team amd the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), including parents, teachers and administrators, has requested the support of the Rochester Engineering Society in developing a Spring 2019 science fair at #10 School. The scope of this request includes… • Teachers at Grade Levels 3 - 6 will introduce the requirements of the science fair to their classes, later this Spring. • Students will be invited to volunteer to participate in this assignment, and they will agree to complete the required work. • RES Volunteer Mentors will meet with small groups of students, twice a week, at the school, during their daily, 40 minute science instruction block. • The RES Volunteer Mentors will help the Students select a “scientific phenomenon” they would like to investigate, guide them in planning their investigation, and help them design their presentation and findings for the Fair. Homework for the Students, in support of this effort, will be a distinct possibility. • The Dr. Walter Cooper Academy 2019 Science Fair will be scheduled, at the School, for early June 2019. • RES Volunteer Mentors will begin helping the Students get prepared for the Fair during the week of May 6th, and then meeting twice each week with their Students, for the next six weeks. This will allow Students and Mentors 12 – 14 days to work on their investigation/presentation. The RES is seeking Volunteer Mentors to support this Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) activity. Unlike our RES Tutoring Team, this involves only a short-term commitment of approximately six weeks. Volunteer Mentors will be working with Students who have expressed a desire to learn more about science, technology, engineering and math. These Students are motivated! Do you think you might consider making room in your busy lives to support our “Cooper Scholars” as they develop habits that will help them achieve new levels of learning, focused on a brighter future? Then volunteer to become an RES Mentor. Please contact RES Director, Lee Loomis (leeloomis46@ or (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text) for more information, and to volunteer for this important, potentially life-changing opportunity. 22 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2019

res tutoring | advertisement

Th 1 i

Go to the RES Web Site for Updated Details On All Meetings -

Continuing Wednesday, May 15

Education Opportunities

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) Page 43 Evolution of CSST Piping 1 PDH Credit Approved Speaker: Frank Edgar, Gastite Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. Reservations: To Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or by May 10th.

To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email:

Engineers’ Calendar

The engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. The deadline for submitting copy is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: The meetings offering PDHs are highlighted in blue. Details about the meeting and affiliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the affiliate name.

Tuesday, May 7

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Society for Imaging Science p 47 and Technology (IS&T)

EXCOM Meeting Place: China Buffet, Southtown Plaza Time: 11:50 to 1:00 pm Cost: $5 for all members Details on the IEEE event website: rochester/

Tuesday-Friday, May 7-10

New York State Association of Transportation Engineers (NYSATE) NYSATE Conference 79 Place: Doubletree by Hilton, 455 South Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591 Details at

Support Your Affiliate Attend A Meeting continuing education calendar

Wednesday, May 8

p 42

The Importance of Dark Keeping Factors in Determining Overall Image Permanence of Photographs (Replay of paper from Technology for Digital Photo Fulfillment) Speaker: Joe LaBarca Place: Irondequoit Public Library, 1290 Titus Avenue, Irondequoit, NY, Room #216. Time: 6:00 pm No meeting reservations are required. Additional details on page 42.

Wednesday, May 15

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

p 43

Evolution of CSST Piping – 1 PDH Credit Approved

Speaker: Frank Edgar, Gastite Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. Reservations: To Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or by May 10th. MAY 2019 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 23

Engineers' Calendar, continued Wednesday, May 15

Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Lighting Design ‘The Process’ – Part 2

Friday, May 17

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Annual 18-Hole Scholarship Golf Tournament – Four-

p 51 person Scramble Format

Open discussion in a round table format. Place: Rick’s Prime Rib, 898 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624 Time: 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm Cost: $30 per person (includes lunch). Reservations: Register for this event ASAP on our ‘Education’ page at or contact Diane Montrois at 585-254-8010 or Website:

Thursday, May 16

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD) Annual Dinner Meeting & Bridge Awards

p 48

Place: Webster Golf Course – East Course, 440 Salt Rd., Webster Time: Registration from 12:00 to 1:15 pm; Shotgun start at 1:30; Dinner will be served following the tournament. Cost: $95/person includes lunch, driving range, 18 holes, golf cart, dinner, and drink tickets. Reservations: To register or sponsor a hole, contact Josh Rodems, 585-427-8888 or Reservations and payment due by May 3rd. Additional details and registration form on page 48.

Saturday, May 18

p 36 Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE)

Place: Red Osier Landmark Restaurant, 6492 East Main Street Road, Stafford, NY

p 44

Bus Tour – Visit the Curtiss Museum (Hammondsport, NY) and a couple of Wineries

Cost: The registration fee is only $75/person which includes admission to the museum, lunch, the bus, admission to tour PV award presentations and the introduction of the 2019-2020 officers and Winery and the wine tastings. directors. Reservations: Space is limited, so sign up early! For more Costs: Members-$40, Non-members-$50, Full Time Students-$25. information contact Tom Ward at 585-261-2175 or Registration: Contact Mike Davidson by May 8th with your dinner Time: Open bar & hors d’oeuvres at 5:30; Dinner at 6:30 pm. Bridge

choice (10 Oz. Prime Rib of Beef, Chicken Almond, Baked Salmon, or

Monday, May 20

Vegetarian Lasagna), or call 716-289-5976.

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

Thursday, May 16

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA)

2019 Annual ASHRAE Picnic / Golf Tournament Place: Ravenwood Golf Course, 929 Lynaugh Road, Victor, NY

p 35 Reservations: Tickets need to be purchased by May 13th.

General Membership Meeting / Finger Lakes Dinner Place: TBD Time: 6:00 pm

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Thursday, May 16

Cornell Student Chapter Report, International Workshop Highlights

Additional details are on the website at and on age 52 of this issue.

Friday, June 14

GVLSA website:

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

p 52

p 47

Thyristor Milestone Ceremony

p 49 Place: Advanced Atomization Technologies, Clyde, NY Details will be available on the website.

Speaker: Wesley Hewett, Cornell University Place: 4 host sites. Details are on page 41 or contact Kevin Devaney at Time: Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm Reservations: Contact the host person at the host site list on page 49.


Support Your Affiliate Attend A Meeting engineers' calendar

Thursday, June 20 International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

p 49

SE Management is not SE Core Competency, Time to Shift this Outdated, 60 Year-Old Paradigm Speaker: Charles Wasson, Wasson Strategies, LLC Place: 4 host sites. Details are on page 49 or contact Kevin Devaney at Time: Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm Reservations: Contact the host person at the host site list on page 49.

Thursday, June 20 Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)

p 37

21 Annual Scholarship Golf Outing st

Place: Terry Hills Country Club, 5122 Clinton Street Road, Batavia Time: Registration begins at 11:30 am; Lunch (Halfway House) at 11:30. Shotgun start at 12:45 pm, Keg beer starting one hour before dinner. Steak dinner at 6:00 pm, awards following dinner. Cost: $100 per person (includes lunch, golf with cart, keg beer, dinner and prizes). $35 for dinner only. $200 Hole Sponsorships available. Watch for registration information soon. Contact Todd Swackhamer, PE, 716-834-8934 or for additional information.

enineers' calendar

Monday, July 15 Electrical Association (EA)

p 45

39th Annual Invitational Golf Outing Place: LeRoy Country Club, 7759 East Main Road, LeRoy, NY Time: 10:00 am shotgun start at the Club House. Registration opens at 9:00 am Cost: $90 for EAWNY Members – includes 18 hols of golf, cart, coffee and donuts at registration, lunch at the turn, one free beverage ticket, buffet dinner and prizes. Register before June 15th for a discounted price. For more information call 585-382-9545 or go to the website for additional details

The RES website ( has a calendar of events for this month's meetings and meetings that are received or updated after print deadline. Please refer to the website for updated information. If you wish to be listed in the calendar please send details to MAY 2019 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 25

Professional Firms Employee News Passero Associates Staff Involved in Their Communities

Jess Sudol, PE

CFO David Pssero

Peter R. Wehner, AIA

Greg Topping, PE

Steve Trobe, AIA

Bryan Savage, PE

Timothy Geier, AIA

Dustin Welch, AIA

Matt Sinacola

Youssef Elzein, PE

The professionals at Passero Associates have had a long-standing passion for getting involved in and supporting the communities where we live and work. Passero staff are involved in numerous community organizations and are currently serving on several Boards of Directors for professional organizations, local institutions and non-profit agencies.

expectations, spirituality, and a strong sense of Catholic community enhance the education of the whole person. Mr. Passero has served as CFO for the firm since 1998 and has over thirty years of finance experience. He holds a bachelor of science in business administration from Rochester Institute of Technology.

Vice President and Civil Engineering Department Manager Jess Sudol, PE is serving as a Member of the Dean’s Advisory Council for the College of Engineering Technology at Rochester Institute of Technology. The Dean's Advisory Council provides the Dean with independent, external perspectives on various College programs, initiatives, and strategic direction. Mr. Sudol also serves as a Board Member for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Northeast Region. For the past 17 years, Mr. Sudol has worked with many valued clients on a range of award-winning and high-profile projects. He has been an active participant on a number of firm committees and has served as a teacher, coach and mentor to developing engineers. Mr. Sudol is a licensed Professional Engineer in New York and Pennsylvania and holds a bachelor of science in civil engineering technology from Rochester Institute of Technology.

Associate and Architectural Department Manager Peter Richard Wehner, AIA, LEED® AP BD+C has been elected to the Executive Committee of Board of Directors of American Institute of Architects New York State (AIANYS), serving as Secretary. AIANYS is the voice of the architectural community and a resource for its members in service to society, representing architects and the profession of architecture in government and providing services to the membership. The AIANYS Board of Directors serves as a cumulative voice for the 9,000+ members. Mr. Wehner served as the Rochester Chapter Representative on the AIANYS Board from 2016-2018, and as Practice and Design Director, President, President-Elect, and Treasurer of the AIA Rochester Chapter in 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012, respectively. Passero Associates values Mr. Wehner’s service both to our firm, and to the Architecture profession as whole, through his leadership in the AIA. Mr. Wehner is a seasoned veteran with over 30 years of architectural experience in various types of projects including real estate development, general construction, design-build, and new and renovation projects. He holds a

CFO David Passero serves on the Board of Trustees for Bishop Kearney High School. Bishop Kearney is a vibrant community dedicated to providing an environment in which high academic 26 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2019

professional firms employee news

master of architecture degree and a bachelor of arts degree in design from Clemson University in South Carolina. Mr. Wehner lives in Irondequoit, where he serves as a Town Councilman. Northeast Aviation Director Greg Topping, PE, serves on the Board of Directors of the New York Aviation Management Association (NYAMA). NYAMA promotes the viability and business interests of New York State’s airports, which are the centerpiece of aviation services and drivers of economic development. Mr. Topping has over 30 years of experience in aviation engineering and management, and has been responsible for managing hundreds of millions of dollars in aviation projects from grant programming through airfield construction. He holds a bachelor of science in civil and environmental engineering from Clarkson University, and is a US Army Veteran, having completed US Army Engineers, Airborne, Sapper and Ranger training. Mr. Topping is a licensed Professional Engineer in New York. Senior Project Architect Steve Trobe, AIA, serves as a Board Member of SUNY Brockport SummerLEAP. SummerLEAP is a six-week summer program that focuses on providing high quality summer enrichment to students in the Rochester City School District. Mr. Trobe is also an Advisor to the Baden Street Settlement. The Baden Street Settlement works in cooperative, collaborative, and supportive spirit with concerned agencies in the community to meet the needs of neighborhood residents. Mr. Trobe has over 30 years of architectural design expertise for various types of projects, including in higher education and for faith-based organizations. He holds a bachelor of architecture degree from Cornell University. Senior Project Engineer Bryan Savage, PE serves on the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) (commonly known as drones) committee for the New York Aviation Management Association (NYAMA). NYAMA promotes the viability and business interests of New York State’s airports, which are the centerpiece of aviation services and drivers of economic development. Mr. Savage has over 10 years of experience, and specializes in aviation engineering. He has also pioneered the use of real-time graphics engines to produce realistic renderings, animations, and interactive environments of projects through the use of Virtual Reality systems. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of New York and holds a bachelor of ccience degree in civil Engineering from University at Buffalo. Project Architect Timothy Geier, AIA serves as Membership

Director on the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Rochester Chapter Board of Directors. AIA Rochester is celebrating its 100 years of involvement in the community with many upcoming events, including the Architectural Installation Competition at Midtown Commons; the Design Awards Gala and Celebration; and the Architectural Fashion Show, to be held during Fashion Week Rochester. Mr. Geier is a seasoned professional and has been involved in a wide variety of residential, institutional and commercial projects during his five-year tenure with the firm. He holds a Master of architecture from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. Mr. Geier completed his undergraduate studies in architecture at UNC Charlotte. Project Architect Dustin Welch, AIA is entering his second year of service as Vice President of the ACE Mentor Program in Rochester, and his third year on the Board. ACE members mentor high school students interested in Architecture, Construction and Engineering. As part of the program the students, with guidance from their mentors, participate in an annual national competition, building full-scale versions of their original designs. Mr. Welch is a seasoned professional and has been involved in a wide variety of residential, institutional and commercial projects. He holds a master of architecture from the University at Buffalo and has work experience in 2D and 3D Revit modeling and BIM management including existing conditions, design development, and construction documents. Project Engineer / Construction Inspector Matt Sinacola, NICET I serves as Chair to the Chili Drainage Committee in the Town of Chili. Mr. Sinacola has over 21 years of experience in engineering, CAD design and surveying, including work on most aspects of land surveying and land development. He holds a bachelor of arts in liberal arts / fine arts, from Clark University. Senior Project Manager Youssef Elzein, PE serves as a Member of the Board of Directors for the Dayton Red Cross, as Vice President of the Board of Directors for the Forest Ridge Home Owner’s Association, and as a Member of the University of Dayton Parents’ Council. Mr. Elzien is a seasoned professional with over 30 years of diversified experience in airport project planning, design and analysis, and in Construction and Project Management. Mr. Elzein holds a master's in civil engineering from Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, and is licensed as a Professional Engineer in Ohio, Texas and Indiana. He is also a Certified Construction Manager. q

BME Associates Welcomes New Hire BME Associates welcomes Daniel Wulf to our surveying department. Dan is a 2018 graduate from Alfred State, studying surveying and geometric engineering technology. As a survey technician, he is responsible for fieldwork relative to boundary and topographic survey, mortgage surveys, ALTA/NSPS surveys, as well as construction stakeout of roads, utilities, foundations, and related-development items. Dan’s eagerness will make him a valuable member of Daniel Wulf

the BME team.

professional firms employee news


Professional Firms Employee News Erdman Anthony Announces New Hires Erdman Anthony announced three new hires. Amy Blackmon, PE, joined as a design engineer in the transportation group. Amy has more than 5 years of engineering

senior engineer for a variety of health care, education, retail, and multi-unit residential clients. Robert has a bachelor of science degree in engineering, with an electrical engineering concentration from Messiah College.

experience and a bachelor of Amy Blackmon, PE

Sean Cavanaugh, EIT joined as

science degree in civil engineering

a mechanical engineer in the

from Syracuse University.

facilities group. Sean has 5 years of engineering experience and

Robert Marshall, PE joined as a

a bachelor of science degree in

senior electrical engineer in the facilities group. He has 10 years of engineering experience, including

mechanical engineering from Sean Cavanaugh, EIT

Syracuse University. q

with project design and project Robert Marshall, PE

engineering, and has been a

Hunt Engineers and Architects Strengthened by Addition of New Planner

Yixuan Lin brings additional Comprehensive Planning, Zoning, and Analytics skills to HUNT’s Community Initiative Program Yixuan Lin, a University of Buffalo educated planner, has joined HUNT Engineers and Architects. Lin’s academic credentials are further burnished by six years of zoning, land use regulation, and commercial development experience at Howard Hanna/Ferrara Jerum International, where she utilized her GIS mapping and research and analytic skills to assist retail and commercial clients. According to the firm's Municipal Business Development leader Marty Muggleton, “Lin rounds out a HUNT community-consulting toolbox that already includes economic development and grant writing. Combined with our full-service architecture and engineering teams, we are able to give the communities we work in unparalleled insights in both planning and bricks-and-mortar design.”

Yixuan Lin

Lin graduated from Buffalo in 2009 and after internships at Buffalo and with the City of Rochester, she joined Ferrara Jerum in 2012. q

Stantec Announced New Hire Stantec announced that Mike Simmons has been hired as a senior structural engineer in the Rochester office. Simmons began his career at Sear-Brown (later acquired by Stantec) in Elmira in 1994 and has since held positions at a number of global engineering firms, with extensive experience in Industrial, pharmaceutical, educational, environmental, food/beverage and commercial projects.

Mike Simmons

He holds degrees in both engineering and architecture from SUNY at Buffalo, and has developed a comprehensive technical understanding of both disciplines to best inform his work on new building, renovation, and addition projects. q


professional firms employee news


CHA Announces New Hire and Promotion CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA), a highly diversified, full-service engineering consulting firm, announces Ellen Moshier, PE, ENV SP, has joined the firm’s transportation group as a senior project manager. Ellen will assist with business development efforts and oversee multi-disciplinary transportation projects throughout New England from CHA’s Boston and Norwell offices in Massachusetts. She is a licensed professional engineer in Massachusetts and Connecticut and an Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP). Throughout Ellen’s 19-year career overseeing transportation engineering and planning projects, she has been an advocate and recognized leader in multimodal transportation planning and engineering for improved mobility. She received her bachelor’s degree in civil and environmental engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. CHA also announced that Erin M. Crotty has been promoted to senior vice president, regional business development manager for New York State. Erin, who is a former New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner, will lead efforts for growth in target markets across the state and work with the multi-disciplinary team dedicated Erin M. Crotty to the firm’s clients in the New York Region. She will continue to be based out of the firm’s Colonie, NY office, but will be a frequent presence at the offices in Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, and New York City.

“Erin will be a driving force in the firm's continued growth in New York State. Her deep understanding of our business and the region coupled with proven leadership in bringing innovative solutions to our clients will now be leveraged across all our markets. I am certain our clients will be elated with the insight she can share to solve the challenges facing their businesses and communities,” stated CHA’s President & CEO, Michael Carroll. Erin joined the firm in 2017 as Vice President, Environmental Market Leader with decades of environmental and energy experience in the public, non-profit and private sectors. Her work has included leading efforts to improve air quality, open space conservation, clean up Superfund and brownfield sites, watershed protection, habitat protection, sustainable economic growth, solid waste management, water quality protection and improvement, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Erin was the first woman to be named Commissioner for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and served as DEC’s Deputy Commissioner for the Division of Water Quality and Remediation. She was a member of the New York State Thruway Authority Board of Directors under three governors and Director of Special Environmental Projects for Governor George E. Pataki. She has also held leadership positions at Audubon New York/The National Audubon Society, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Plug Power. q

C&S's Growing Rochester Office Adds Three Professionals C&S’s growing Rochester office welcomed three new staff. Robert Gleason, III, EIT is an electrical engineer in the firm’s higher education, healthcare and public facilities practice. He is the Vice President of the Illuminating Engineering Society Rochester Chapter, and a graduate of SUNY Canton. Robert Gleason III, EIT

Alex Brownell

Jeff Block

Alex Brownell is a transportation engineer who formerly worked for the New York State Department of Transportation as a construction inspector. He is a 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology graduate. Jeff Block is a construction manager with more than 25 years experience in the construction industry for both commercial and private general contractors. Jeff comes to C&S from a diverse career in public service and brings significant experience and expertise in government and public works projects. q professional firms employee news


News From

Professional Firms

SWBR Recognized with Three Awards from Construction Specifications Institute SWBR has been recognized with three awards from Rochester’s chapter of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). DePaul’s Upper Falls Square Apartments and Rochester City School District’s John Walton Spencer School No. 16 have both received Outstanding Project Awards. SWBR Principal Steve Rebholz, AIA, has been honored with the 2019 CSI President’s Award. The Outstanding Project Award is given for exceptional teamwork between owner, designer and constructor through CSI’s principles of clear, well-prepared construction documents, which can positively influence the process, quality and successful outcome of a project. The Upper Falls Square Apartments brings quality and affordable housing to Rochester’s Upper Falls neighborhood. At 143,000 square feet, it consists of two buildings housing 150 apartment units and amenities, spans two city blocks and is one of the largest single developments ever undertaken by DePaul.

opportunities for more than 300 professionals from Rochester’s construction community. He also instructs the CSI Construction Documents Technology exam preparation course for members and non-members.

Built in 1910, John Walton Spencer School No. 16 was built over time and made up of seven additions. SWBR’s design modernized and expanded the facility, while preserving historic features and unifying the building’s look and flow.

“Steve’s commitment to our chapter, his enthusiasm for educating our members, and passion for the work happening in our industry are noteworthy and bring value to our organization,” said Kristin Purdy, AIA, chapter president-elect and SWBR architect.

The President’s Award is given for excellence to the chapter in recognition of unselfish service and dedicated devotion. Steve Rebholz, AIA, organizes the chapter’s annual CSI Night, which provides learning and networking

SWBR accepted the awards on Saturday, April 27 at the annual CSI gala at the George Eastman House. q


news from professional firms

Municipal Broadband and the Future of the Fifth Utility

Local Governments Press for Broadband Deployment Projects as Expectations of "Ubiquotous" Connectivity Rise...wat was only recently considered an "amenity" becomes an expectation and necessity. Ryan Garrison, Director of IT, HUNT Engineers & Architects.

In today’s connected world of smart devices and the internet of things, intellectual knowledge and everyday conveniences have become more available than ever…to some at least. There is still a large divide between those communities where internet connectivity is available at affordable prices and those where it is not available or too costly for the average household. Internet connectivity affects all aspects of the community such as local government, education, business and economic development, as well as making our communities attractive places to live for upcoming generations. For this reason, it has become known as the Fifth Utility – think electricity, water/sewer, gas, and telephones, and communities around the state are struggling to ensure they don’t fall behind. Plain and simple, internet is no longer a luxury had by a few to a necessity to learn and communicate with the rest of the world. For example, educators are building curriculums tailored to the 21st Century learning environment, posting content, and seeking to directly interact with parents and students before and after school hours; thus, putting students beyond their digital reach at a measurable disadvantage. The shortfalls aren’t limited to public schools. Private businesses in these underserved areas find it difficult to provide services that customers expect -- for example, free Wi-Fi and credit card transactions that elsewhere are considered commonplace. These disadvantages limit businesses’ ability to compete and expand, and also serve as a disincentive to even opening in the first place. Moreover, an increasing number of businesses and social service providers are requiring clients to do their business only on-line. Again, either adding costly complexity to the have-nots or inadvertently knocking them out of the system. As this demand increased, both state news from professional firms

and federal entities have recognized this as an issue of the upmost importance and dedicated subsidies to service providers. In an effort similar to the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, they have provided grants and loans to service providers to deliver bandwidth to unserved households. Today, most unserved areas are primarily in rural areas due to the financial restrictions of private, for-profit service providers, who have a hard time “justifying” a distribution plan to an area with so few customers. To further complicate the funding model, areas described as “served” are determined using census blocks as a whole -- wherein even just one household served within that block classifies the census block to be served and thus ineligible for funding. This information is provided by the incumbent providers along with an assigned speed that is the theoretical maximum of the installed technology. Actual metered bandwidth information is often not available, and the actual speeds are often a fraction of the claimed speeds. These funding models can quickly lead a town, village, or municipality to discover that they either qualify for funding but are at the mercy of a willing service provider, or do not qualify for funding because a small corner of a census block is claimed to be served.

Identifying Physical and Funding Solutions

This leaves communities seeking solutions that provide their residents with the same advantages as the urban communities. Consequently, like with other utilities – water/sewers, electricity, gas, and telephone, some municipalities have taken control into their own hands leveraging assets and utilizing different models to provide broadband to residents. The answer could be a municipal, town, or village-operated Internet Service Provider (ISP).The three most common models are municipally owned and operated model, municipally owned and outsourced

Rural areas are at a particular disadvantage regarding access to high-speed broadband. In Pennsylvania, 48 of the 67 counties are considered to be rural. Only about 27 percent of the state’s population live in rural counties, though. Of the 800,000 Pennsylvanians lacking access to high-speed internet, two-thirds are people living in rural areas. Therein lies the issue: Laying lines over vast amounts of land with relatively few people is not a profitable proposition for internet-service providers. The desire to amplify access to high-speed broadband is growing. In March, Gov. Tom Wolf announced the Pennsylvania Broadband Investment Incentive Program, establishing the Pennsylvania Office of Broadband Initiatives and offering $35 million in incentives to internet providers that invest in underserved areas. Wolf, in his announcement, said Pennsylvania ranks 27th among states for making broadband available.

service model, and a subsidization model. The municipally owned and operated ISP model relies on the municipal entity installing, managing, and performing all technical aspects of serving internet to its residents. This model is best suited to a municipality with an electrical authority that can provide the field resources and technical know-how to maintain a large fiber cable plant. Another option is the municipality-owned/business-serviced network wherein the municipality owns the system and sources out all other aspects of the business. Lastly, communities themselves have funded private internet service providers to build into rural areas of known need. This is a good option if the goal is limited in scope but is inefficient and not a good investment for the town as the service provider now owns the asset. Continued on page 32...


Municipal Broadband and the Future of the Fifth Utility, continued... The counter point to municipal networks is that they have been difficult to make them financially viable on a large scale. This can be attributed to lack of data to match the correct model to the community. This, in turn, leads to underestimating costs and under planning. Prudent financial planning, good funding research, and embedding yourself in the community to gain long-term business clients, municipal networks can provide a community with a much-desired asset. With an “open access fiber optic network’ as their vehicle, municipal leaders believe that they can reach the previously unreachable, .... drive economic development,..strengthen emergency services communications, and .... push the expansion of cellular coverage by installing additional towers in remote locations.

2019-2020....NYS and PA Snapshots....What’s Next? ... Will it be sufficient? Propelled by this increasingly dramatic disparity between digital have and have-nots and bolstered by new and compelling funding models, the installation of fiber-optic cable – both “dark and lit” -- has surged in the second half of the decade. According to New York State, by the end of 2018-early 2019 its NYBroadband Program will have reached 100% of the 2.42 million New Yorkers (or 35%) previously lacking access to broadband internet access. NYS program’s goal was to “achieve statewide access to internet download speeds of at least 100 Megabits per second and 25 Megabits per second in the most rural and remote areas.” These are admirable broadbandthrough-put achievements, and a dramatically positive advance in those communities previously without any services at all. Under pressure from constituents complaining of insufficient service and hamstrung by laws restricting government entities from providing telecommunication services, in 2017 county commissioners in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, a rural community in the state’s northeast corner, decided to build the “middle mile” that private providers were unwilling to build. Using ACT 13 Funds available to them through a Natural Gas Impact Fee, they funded a feasibility study aimed at the determining the viability of such a network. Their partners included the local development agency/IDA Progress Authority and HUNT Engineers & Architects, a local consultant. Buoyed by their findings, in 2018 Bradford committed $5.2 of matching funds for a grant application to develop their network, with a goal of providing dark fiber leases for public safety, ISPs, cellular, etc. Looking at 2019 and 2020, PA Project Authority Executive Director Tony Ventello asserted that “Public safety remains the primary component of our efforts. Rural citizens have no less need for good connectivity than anyone else.”

NYS Congressman Paul Tonko said, "Broadband Internet access opens doors of opportunity enabling students to keep up with their homework, doctors and nurses to provide telemedicine services, and entrepreneurs and small businesses to start, grow and thrive. I have been fighting to secure broadband funding for the State of New York and commend Governor Cuomo for this effort, which will deliver an important step forward to expanding access on the ground for thousands of homes and businesses. We have a lot of work to do on this issue including updating our broadband access maps so they accurately reflect the real levels of speed and access experienced by communities in our region. This is a valuable first step."

Libby of the three this is the most REDUNDANT: When the New NY Broadband Program was launched in 2015, 30 percent of New Yorkers - approximately 2.42 million locations lacked access to broadband. This was most acute in the eight Upstate Regional Economic Development Council regions, where only 35 percent of New Yorkers had access. As a result of the Program’s Round I awards and additional state-secured upgrades, broadband access was expanded by more than 2.2 million locations to 97 percent of New Yorkers. Round II awards then extended coverage to more than 80,000 locations to 98 percent of New Yorkers. Today, with the announcement of Round III awards, the Program accomplishes its mission of statewide broadband availability, providing the last mile funding to ensure all New Yorkers have access to high-speed internet by the end of 2018.

that includes the best possible cross-section of individuals that understand and have developed a truly redundant self-healing, fiber-optic middle-mile...” ”Moreover,” Ventello continued, “led by HUNT and supported with communications-savvy legal advice, last-mile service expertise, and financial analysis, we believe we can attack and solve the rural broadband dilemma. We will construct the first segment of our system the second quarter of 2019.” Their efforts have been followed by similar planning efforts by neighboring Susquehanna and Madison counties, and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission has also begun its own public-private effort to create fiber-optic broadband networks to expand its cashless toll collections and tie together its widespread maintenance, tolling, and camera systems. Meanwhile, in 2019-2020 industry experts expect the following advances and pipeline-pressures to be at play: 1) rapid adoption of 5G technology; 2) an exponential spike in governmentdeployment programs; 3) a continued proliferation of devices and voluminous software programs (think Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence software programs); 4) expanded cloudbased capacity and accessibility; and, unfortunately, 5) an increase in security concerns for all user groups. q

“Efforts like this require the foresight and energy that our Bradford Commissioners have displayed. We’ve organized a team 32 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2019

news from professional firms

Western Specialty Contractors Cleans, Restores Limestone Façade of Historic Decatur, IL Courthouse

Throughout its history, the Macon County Courthouse in Decatur, IL has inhabited a variety of buildings, from

a log cabin built in 1829 where Abraham Lincoln practiced law, to a stone and brick four-story building with a clock tower built in 1892 to its current location -- a five-story limestone building constructed in 1939. Façade expert Western Specialty Contractors - Springfield, IL branch was recently tasked with restoring the historic courthouse’s 80-year-old façade to like-new condition, which involved extensive cleaning and repair of its damaged limestone.

Partnered with BLDD Architects, Western’s team began the façade restoration process by identifying, removing and re-tuckpointing damaged mortar between the limestone, for a total of 10,000 linear feet or 25% of the building. Crew members then cut out and re-caulked the perimeter of all the building’s windows, doors and coping stones, which totaled 9,200 linear feet. Cleaning the limestone was a particular challenge for the Western crew, which had to experiment with multiple cleaners to find the one that obtained the desired result for the owner. Copper stains on the limestone that had run down from a large clock mounted on the buildings’ front façade were also removed by Western. “The top of the wall was the most severely stained, so we had to be careful with the cleaning to blend it with the rest of the limestone so everything looked uniform,” said Western Branch Sales/Project Manager Darren Lemon. A significant part of the project also included chipping out and repairing 130 square feet of spalled limestone. Since the limestone exhibited a variety of shades, Western’s experts had to blend patching materials on-site to painstakingly match each damaged stone’s unique character. Since the courthouse’s architecture features multiple roof levels and a connecting building, access to repairs was further complicated. Western’s crews floated swing stages over the harder-to-reach upper areas and used man-lifts to access the lower areas. Western’s crews completed the six-month project by applying a silane-based water repellent to the building’s entire 53,400-square-foot façade. q news from professional firms


News From

Professional Firms

Bergmann Recognized at 2019 ASLA Awards for ROC the Riverway National architecture, engineering and planning firm Bergmann earned top honors in the Planning and Analysis category at the annual New York Upstate Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) awards banquet for the ROC the Riverway project. Bergmann is providing planning and design services for the City of Rochester as it embarks on the more than two dozen projects that comprise the ROC the Riverway initiative. Each year, the ASLA recognizes innovative projects executed by individuals, firms, agencies, and academic institutions in six categories: Planning and Analysis, Unbuilt Design, Built Design, Residential Design, Research and Communication, and Historic Preservation. Criteria for the Planning and Analysis award include quality of planning and analysis; effective use, presentation or programming of landscape architectural techniques; likelihood of implementation; and value to the client and other professions. “For 40 years, Bergmann has called downtown Rochester our home. We are thrilled to help Rochester reconnect with the Genesee River,” said Andrew Raus, vice president, Northeast/

Atlantic Buildings Division, Bergmann. “We thank ASLA for this honor and look forward to helping the city realize its vision for revitalization.” Through a series of design workshops, Bergmann's team of urban planners, landscape architects and engineers work collaboratively with city professionals and the community to pull together existing initiatives, as well as new aspirational projects, under the ROC the Riverway umbrella. The end product is a holistic vision among the various projects that leverages the value of Rochester’s waterfront. “ I want to congratulate the men and women of Bergmann on the receipt of this much deserved recognition for their incredible performance on the ROC the Riverway project,” said City of Rochester Mayor Lovely A. Warren. “Bergmann’s designs helped launch a project that will help our city finally realize the full job-creating, community-building potential of the Genesee River. This is an exciting time for Rochester, as we are about to witness an unprecedented level of investment and activity along our riverfront, which will help us transform our city and create more jobs, safer and more vibrant neighborhoods and better educational opportunities for our citizens.” q

Greece Schools Selects Bergmann To Design New Transportation Facility National architecture, engineering and planning firm Bergmann will design Greece Central School District's new transportation and support services facility. The project will involve design and construction oversight for a 65,000-square-foot building that will house a number of departments for the district, including Transportation, Buildings & Grounds, Central Stores, Technology, Professional Learning, Facilities, Planning & Operations and the Print Shop. The new facility will be located at the intersection of Latta Road and Mt. Read Blvd. where the existing transportation buildings are located. To make room for the new facility, the project includes the demolition of two buildings, the relocation of the district pole barn, the demolition of the existing vehicle fueling island and a new four-acre lot purchased by the district. A unique

segment for us in K–12 education.”

feature of the structure will be the rooftop solar array which can supply a portion of the building’s electrical energy requirements. “The school district selected Bergmann for our experience designing transportation facilities and our reputation in the local community,” said Andrew Hart, practice leader, Northeast Buildings Division. “This is truly a big win for Bergmann’s Northeast Buildings Group and will start a new market


Bergmann will provide architecture, mechanical/electrical/plumbing, structural engineering, interior design, landscape architecture, environmental and survey services on the project. Bergmann is also partnering with a K–12 architecture firm, Young and Wright. Young and Wright will assist with State Education Department approvals, as well as the programming and schematic design. Bergmann’s experience with civic projects is extensive, including the redesign of the Irondequoit Department of Public Works facility which burned down in 2016 and is now nearing completion. Bergmann also recently completed a design project with the Renaissance Academy Charter School in Rochester. q news from professional firms


Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association Website:

Board of Directors

Year 2018 Officers President Jared R. Ransom, LS Vice President Justin M. Roloson, LS Secretary Robert J. Avery, LS Treasurer Michael A. Venturo, LS Roy B. Garfinkel, LS, Ex-officio

2016-2018 Douglas W. Magde, LS Douglas Churchill, LS 2017-2019 David L. Standinger, LS Daniel T. Hickok, LS 2018-2020 Timothy T. Odell, LS Matthew R. Palmer

May 2019

Jonathan Navagh - Associates Representative

Upcoming Events 2018: May 16, 2019 General Membership Meeting / Finger Lakes Dinner 6:00 pm Details to follow...

General Membership Meeting / Finger Lakes Dinner May 16, 2019 6:00 PM

Professional Affiliations •

New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc.

National Society of Professional Surveyors

Rochester Engineering Society

gvlsa news

Details to follow



abcd news

21st Annual Scholarship Golf Outing Thursday, June 20, 2019 Save the date as the Association for Bridge Construction and Design would like to welcome everyone to participate in our annual Scholarship Golf Tournament. The tournament proceeds will benefit the ABCD Scholarship Program. The Western New York Chapter plans to award scholarships to students in a bridge related curriculum for the 2019-2020 academic year.

Terry Hills Country Club; Batavia, NY

Highlights • Registration beginning at 11:30 AM • Lunch beginning at 11:30 AM (Halfway House)

Watch for registration information to come in the near future!

• Shotgun Start at 12:45 PM • Keg beer starting 1 hour before dinner • Steak Dinner at 6:00 PM • Awards following Dinner

Contact Information Todd Swackhamer, P.E. Phone: (716) 834-8932 Email:


Reservation Deadline

Terry Hills Country Club 5122 Clinton Street Road Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: (585) 343-0860

Friday, June 14, 2019

abcd news

Cost $100 per person (includes Lunch, Golf with Cart, Keg Beer, Dinner, and Prizes)

Association for Bridge Construction and Design Western New York Chapter -

$35 (dinner only) $200 Hole Sponsorships available


Monroe Professional Engineers Society A Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers 657 East Avenue, Rochestter, New York 14607 Dedicated to Professionalism in Engineering in the Interest of Public Safety and Welfare 2018-19 Officers: President Chris Kambar, PE, President-elect Arthur Reardon, PE, Vice-President Scott Wolcott, PE, Secretary Martin Gordon, PE, Treasurer Michael Ritchie, PE, Membership Chair Arthur Reardon, PE Past Presidents: David Roberts, PE, Chris Devries, PE Directors: Barry Dumbauld, PE, Robert Winans, PE, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, Jim Drago, PE, Neal Illenberg, PE, Douglas R. Strang Jr., PE

STUDENTS LEARN ABOUT ENGINEERING AT TSA-TEAMS EVENT For middle- and high-school students considering their future career options, it can be difficult to understand what an engineer actually does and whether it is the right career path for them. The annual TSA-TEAMS event tries to help students experience engineering first hand.

Allendale Team

McQuaid Team

The TEAMS acronym stands for Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science. The 2019 event featured the theme: “Engineering the Brain.� The competition is broken into three parts: (1) An Essay section that takes place prior to the event, asking students to propose a solution to a modern engineering challenge; (2) A multiple choice competition on the day of the event, where teams of up to 8 students attempt to solve short engineering challenges; (3) A design-build experiment where the teams attempt to build various mechanisms or structures from basic supplies to meet a specific engineering challenge. The event was held on March 9, 2019 at the Finger Lakes Community College (FLCC) in Victor Campus Center, near Eastview Mall, NY. Three teams originally planned on attending, but due to conflicts we only had 2: 11/12 Allendale Columbia and 11/12 McQuaid Jesuit. Allendale was the winner of part 1 of the competition. However, McQuaid dominated in the design-build competition - that will be judged by the national office.


mpes news

Dr. Reardon helping students with the design-build challenge The design build portion will be scored by the national office. The results will be posted on the TSA-TEAMS website in the next few weeks ( In addition to the competition, students in attendance benefitted from a presentation about the engineering profession “Why Become an Engineer?� and a question-answer section conducted by members of the Monroe PE Society. About 80% of the students present indicated that they were interested in pursuing careers in engineering. While we had 2 teams this year, we could easily accommodate more. To find out how your school can participate, please reach out to MPES using the contact information listed below.

As always, we encourage active membership in the Monroe Professional Engineers Society. We are constantly striving to improve your membership but we always need more help. If you are interested in becoming an active member or have any questions, please email me at or contact MPES through our website at

Christopher V. Kambar, President, MPES mpes news



nysate news

Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science and Engineering Fair Thank you again to every RES member who turned out to volunteer, judge, or visit at the 2019 Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science and Engineering Fair at the RMSC. You are the living power that makes the most difference! Enjoy our science fair tour at Have more free time in June? Terra also sponsors GENIUS OLYMPIAD - the world’s largest precollegiate international environmental competition!

Watch theduring overview videoViewing at the homepage. Public Students grades 8-12 travel from 70+ countries to bring their work related to the environment to SUNY Oswego . A traditional science fair is one piece of GO. Youth also bring business plans, prepare robots or drones for on-site challenges, perform vocal or instrumental pieces, submit graphic art, or read their creative writing! Environment issues permeate it all. Register to judge by clicking on “Partners.”

Contact us today: (315) 400 1763 terra news


Rochester Chapter

Society for Imaging Science and Technology Website:

Our meeting locations have changed starting this fiscal year. They are being held at the Irondequoit Public Library, 1290 Titus Avenue, Irondequoit, NY. The May meeting is in Room #216. No meeting reservations are required.

September 18, 2019 - "Algorithm development of Hyperspectral data for the automatic characterization of materials in illuminated manuscripts," by Tania Kleynhans

Meeting Schedule: May 8, 2019 - Replay of paper from Technology for Digital Photo Fulfillment, by Joe LaBarca

Venue ideas requested - we are soliciting input regarding other possible venues for our meetings.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 6:00 pm The Importance of Dark Keeping Factors in Determining Overall Image Permanence of Photographs by Pat Webber, Kodak Alaris (Presented by Joe LaBarca, Pixel Preservation International) Abstract: Traditional reporting of the image permanence of photographs has tended to primarily focus on light stability. The reality of how consumers use and store prints is that the vast majority of the print’s life is spent stored in the dark. The dark stability of traditional silver halide photographic paper is primarily driven by thermal affects. However, many of the newer digital materials used for photographic prints are susceptible to additional dark factor impacts including humidity and atmospheric pollutants. These can result in predicted life times being significantly shorter than reported by light stability data alone. This paper will discuss these additional dark factors and provide comparisons to traditional silver halide photographic paper. Author Biography: Pat Webber is a principal scientist at Kodak Alaris. He has worked in the industry for over 30 years and has held a variety of positions in silver halide paper including manufacturing, research, and development of color products at Eastman Kodak and now Kodak Alaris. His primary focus for the last 20 years has been the development and commercialization of professional silver halide media products for digital use. He is certified as a six sigma black belt. He has been awarded two U.S. patents and is the author of many technical papers. Pat

currently is the world-wide color paper product manager. He also leads the systems team for the design and development of new color output media. Presented by Joe LaBarca, Pixel Preservation International Biography: • 20-year member of the ISO Technical Committee on Photography, a member of ISO Working Group 5 Committees on color print stability and physical properties. • Retired from Eastman Kodak Company with over 34 years in R&D for color photo paper, chemicals and professional imaging systems including film. • Involved in image permanence testing, design and standards for over 25 years. • Expanded into digital output technologies image quality and permanence covering AgX, thermal dye transfer, electrophotography and inkjet. • Formed Pixel Preservation International in early 2011, to provide consulting services to the imaging industry on image preservation, ISO standards, and image quality. • Joe has been a member of IS&T for over 29 years and was awarded Senior Membership in 2012. • He has also been a member of the American Institute for Conservation since 2008.

Call for Nominations and Committee Assistance The Rochester Chapter Nominating Committee is starting to seek input for candidates to run in our 2019 election. We are also looking for individuals willing to make the short term effort of being on the Committee itself. Nominations will be considered for President, VP Programs, VP Membership, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer, all of 42 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2019

which are one year terms. Councilors will be considered for two year terms. Give thought to joining an active, local governing body that has provided dynamic monthly meetings on topics of the frontiers of imaging science for more than fifty years! To discuss officer requirements or to email candidate profiles, please contact us at is&t news


President/Education Chair: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD CPL 205 St Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Vice President Technical: DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Legislative: DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110 Vice President Membership: DOUG MEIER Twin”D” Associates 1577 Ridge Road West, Suite 116B Rochester, NY 14615 585-581-2170 Treasurer: ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590

President's Message

The Rochester ASPE chapter will be hosting the ASPE Region 2 Presidents meeting this coming June. Delegates from each of the ASPE chapters in the Region will be coming to meet and talk about activities from the last year. This sharing and personal interaction provides ideas to help strengthen each of our chapters. We are thankful for local firms and vendors who are helping support this event. In May, the Rochester ASPE Chapter will be voting for the Board to serve for the next two years. If any current ASPE members are interested in running for a position on the board, please contact me or any of our current board members. The Rochester ASPE annual golf outing is set for June 13, 2019 at 10:00 am Victor Hills Golf course. Please contact any of the board members to get signed up for this event. Jennifer Wengender, P.E., CPD Rochester Chapter President

Meeting Notice – Save the Date Topic: Evolution of CSST Piping Frank Edgar, Gastite Date:

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Administrative Secretary: ADAM KRAMER IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590


12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. (please arrive by 11:50 am)


Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Rd., Rochester 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates)

Affiliate Liaison: TRAVIS JESSICK Altherm, Inc. 255 Humphrey St. Englewood, NJ 07631 551-486-9556

Credits: 1 PDH Approval

Newsletter Editor: CHRIS WOLAK Victaulic Fairport, NY 14450 484-350-1954

aspe news


$20.00 (member or guest), check or cash at door.

RSVP: To Dave Jereckos (341-3168), or by May 10th. (Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society)



afe news


39th Annual Invitational Golf Outing Monday Scramble Format July 15, 2019 This event sells out... space is limited!

LeRoy Country Club

7759 East Main Rd, LeRoy NY 14482

Schedule & Golf Package

Hole Sponsorship

EAWNY Members $90 ($110 after 6/15) Non-Members $120 ($140 after 6/15)

Here's an opportunity for your company to be a sponsor of EAWNY's 39th Annual Invitational Golf Outing. A $60 per hole sponsorship will display your company name at the tee for all EAWNY member golfers and guests to see. Show your company's contribution and dedication to the Electrical Association and check the appropriate box on the Registration/Sponsor Form.

Price Includes: 18 Holes of Golf, cart, coffee and donuts at registration, lunch at the turn [choice of hotdog or hamburger, chips and beverage], one free beverage ticket (good at the beverage cart), buffet dinner and prizes.

Even if you are not a golfer, reserve now for dinner. Tickets are only $25 per person. Come out early to enjoy LeRoy Country Club's facilities. Join the golfers for cocktails before dinner.

10:00 a.m. SHOTGUN START at Club House [Registration opens at 9:00 am]

REGISTER EARLY FOR DISCOUNTED PRICE! Price is determined by date payment is received!

Beverage Tickets

Each golfer receives one free beverage ticket that can be used at the Beverage Cart. Additional drinks may be purchased directly from the Beverage Cart Driver [cash only] .

Buffet Dinner

Prize Donations

Prizes are needed and will be greatly appreciated. The value should be approximately $15 or greater. Donations indicated on Registration/Sponsor Form will be recognized in the program.

Electrical Association of Western New York PO Box 20219, Rochester, New York 14602-0219 Phone: 585-382-9545 Fax: 585-382-9455 ~

ea news



ieee news

ieee news



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incose news



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Rochester Chapter

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Rochester ASHRAE website:



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Directory of Professional Services

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Affiliated Societies of the Rochester Engineering Society American Consulting Engineering Companies of New York President, David J. Meyer, 585-218-0730 Email: American Public Works Association Monroe County/Genesee Valley Branch Chairman, Peter Vars, PE Email: American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section President, Drazen Gasic, CPSWQ, CPESC, LaBella Associates. 585-402-7005 Email: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Bill Clark, PE, CEM Email: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Steven Ivancic, University of Rochester

Monroe Professional Engineers Society President, Chris Kambar Email:

Email: Association For Facilities Engineering, Rochester Chapter President, Dennis Roote, PE Email:

New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 President, Howard R. Ressel, 585-371-9280. Email:

Electrical Association Executive Director, Karen Lynch Email: President, Russ Corcoran, Landmark Electric, 585-359-0800. Email:

NYSATE has scholarships available for dependents of members who are or plan to enroll in a postsecondary university of accredited business or vocational school (undergraduate only). Some members may also be eligible. Information will be posed in the early spring at

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association President, Jared R. Ransom, LS 585-737-6881 Email: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Inc., Rochester Section President, Dan Rusnack Email: Imaging Science & Technology, Rochester Chapter President, Bruce Pillman, 585-748-6006 Email:

New York Water Environment Association Inc., Genesee Valley Chapter ( President, Bill Davis, 585-381-9250 Email: Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor’s National Association-Rochester, Inc. Executive Director, Aaron Hilger 585-586-8030. Email: Society of Plastics Engineers, Rochester Section President, Brett Blaisdell Email:

American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Rochester New York Chapter President, Jennifer Wengender, PE, CPD, Clark Patterson Lee, 205 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14604. 585-454-7600. Email:

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Sreeram Dhurjaty Email:

Alfred Steele Scholarship available to ASPE members and their immediate family. Applications due in January each year. Details at https://www.

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, John Kaemmerlen, 585-475-2767 Email:

Association for Bridge Construction and Design President, Ronald Centola Prudent Engineering

International Council on Systems Engineering, Finger Lakes Chapter President, Jack Riley Email:

Society of Women Engineers President, Marca J. Lam, RIT Email: Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science & Engineering Fair Director, Mary Eileen Wood, 315-422-2902 Website: Awards and scholarships available. Visit the website for details.

Corporate Members of the Rochester Engineering Society Bergmann (Enterprise) BME Associates CHA Consulting (Champion) Clark Patterson Lee Erdman Anthony Associates Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (RBA) Champion) Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, Inc.

Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Gleason College of Engineering

IBC Engineering, PC (Champion)


Kistner Concrete Products Inc.

TY-LIN International (Champion)

M/E Engineering, PC (Enterprise)

VJ Stanley

MRB Group (Champion) Optimation Technology, Inc.

IS YOUR COMPANY LISTED HERE? Call 585-254-2350 for information.

Passero Associates

affiliated societies & corporate members of the rochester engineering society



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Save the Date!

RES Annual Meeting Wednesday, May 22, 2019

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Rochester Museum & Science Center In the Bausch Auditorium 657 East Avenue, Rochester 14607

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