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Navitar Imaging Technologies: Powering New Medical Devices and Equipment for Breakthrough Discoveries Jeremy Goldstein, CEO, Navitar, Inc.
Speed and Discovery. Medical device and equipment companies face intense pressure to develop innova�ve products to improve health care services and procedures, advance scien�c discovery, and push the limits of life science research. Teams of engineers and instrument design specialists must move these novel product ideas from concept to produc�on at breakneck speed while adhering to strict regulatory requirements. The successful and efficient launch of these products o�en requires a manufacturing partner with extensive experience in designing custom op�cs, cameras, illumina�on, and fully integrated imaging solu�ons. Unique op�cal congura�ons, state-of-the-art vision technologies, and quick �me-to-market strategies are key differen�a�ng factors that provide medical device companies the necessary compe��ve advantage over their compe�tors. Navitar has over 60 years of op�cal engineering and manufacturing experience, having created thousands of unique lens systems and integrated camera and lens solu�ons for OEM medical device and equipment manufacturers all over the world.
Navitar custom lens designs are being used by OEM’s, medical engineers, researchers and scien�sts at the forefront of: • DNA Sequencing • Tissue Imaging • Cancer Diagnos�cs • Live Cell Imaging/In Vitro Diagnos�c • Cell Sor�ng, Screening, Imaging, & Viability • Infec�ous Disease Diagnos�cs
“Medical device developers are looking for a better understanding of optics. We are the innovative partner to turn their ideas into reality.” Navitar CEO, Jeremy Goldstein 10 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER OCTOBER 2021
• Microuidic Imaging • Digital Pathology & Liquid Biopsy • Flow Cytometry • Blood Tes�ng & Diagnos�cs
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