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RES President's Message
Dear Fellow Engineers,
Mid-summer is upon us! I hope that each of you have been and are enjoying it.
The June and July events were a great example of a HOW of RES ~ Opportunities to Build Relationships ~. At the June social gathering at The Exchange, it was great to connect and reconnect in-person. THANK YOU to International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Finger Lakes Chapter for your sponsorship. I had the pleasure to meet & chat with Chapter President Teresa Froncek. Wow – the chapter covers a large geographic area, from Rome in the east to Buffalo in the west! THANK YOU also to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE), Rochester Section (President Eric Brown) for sponsoring the event. The July event was fantastic! The presentations on developments in the City of Rochester and at The Strong were VERY informational. During the walking tour it was great to walk through the developments discussed in the presentations. Bonus – the weather cooperated! Another great opportunity to connect. A big THANK YOU to all the organizers (particularly the Engineering Development Committee) and speakers. Who knew we had a fountain of knowledge on Rochester in our group in Howard Ressel (member of the EDC committee)? I am excited for more of these to come!
Shout out to new members since the end of May: Individual members Andrew Poshadel, PhD, Senior Energy/ Mechanical Engineer, Pathfinder Engineers and Architects and Erin McCormick, PE, Engineering Manager, RTS, Registered PE. (You may know Erin as the Moderator for RES on our virtual Education Series.) Corporate Sustaining Member - Electrostatic Answers, Dr. Kelly Robinson, Fairport, NY (www.electrostatic answers.com). I met Kelly at the social gathering in June and we had a great conversation! I am so glad he and his company decided to join the RES! A few highlights from this issue…on pages 10-11 Lee Loomis takes us through some RES history. Every time I read this section, I am always impressed by how active RES members were in the Rochester community. It’s also interesting to read about the topics of interest at that time…and think of how they translate to the current conversations. Baja SAE Rochester had a competition in early June and RIT’s team RIOT Racing won (page 30)! As always, check out the calendar (starting on page 34) followed by various Affiliates news. Activities are gearing up for this Fall, a few include a tour of the Charles Carroll Plaza & Sister Cities Bridge Revitalization by ASCE, the 2022 Upstate Electrical Show by the EA of WNY and the 34th Annual Fall Bridge Conference by ABCD WNY.
I’m very happy to report there is much activity within RES in reinvigorating various committees. All in support of YOU! If you would like to be involved, please check out the committee list on the website and join one. We want to make sure your voice is heard! Speaking of the website, thanks to the Website Committee, there has been steady progress on general updates throughout the site. If you haven’t been on it lately, please be sure to check it out at www.roceng.org.
Also, the Engineering Development Committee will be starting up the Education Series in September (yes, Fall is coming) and are always looking for session ideas so please, send them to Lynne (or a committee member). Or better yet…join the committee!
Please contact us with any questions, comments, or suggestions.
Thank you!
Michelle Sommerman, PE
Bergmann RES President
June 1, 2022 - May 31, 2024