Iselect treatment

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Barney Howells // Plaza Films

Barney Howells // Plaza Films

iSelect Car Insurance “Rear Window” There are lovely moments in life when the metaphorical lightbulb pings on above your head, and when the distinctive sound of metal on concrete rings in your ears as the penny drops. Moments when you realise you’ve not been paying attention and you have somehow ended up in unfamiliar territory. With one logical and simple thought, you can get back on track and save some serious money. The founding principle of this great iSelect car insurance script is the plain fact that a car that is depreciating in value should cost less to insure, not more. Most people don’t see things in this straightforward manner, they are too busy or distracted to be this clear of thought. The visual story that underscores this message is great: While you weren’t paying attention, crazy things have been going on! What I love about this idea, and the execution will highlight this, is the way we present the notion that the concept of paying more for less has been eluding most people for years. We have been happily driving our cars and haven’t noticed the plain fact that we have blindly been forking out more money than we need to, to insure a vehicle that’s value is dropping. There is a brilliant visual device written into the script to emphasis how oblivious we have been to the idea of paying more for something that is worth less. We see Mr iSelect driving his car through a number of ever changing terrains that get progressively more off-beat as he delivers his message to us. We are informed in Mr iSelect’s trademark affable tone that this practice of renewing our car insurance without question makes no sense. Like a car that drives over water, or up into the sky. It’s a classic example of the Chewbacca defence .


Barney Howells // Plaza Films

Execution The car that we feature Mr iSelect driving should be a modern stylish family sedan. Something that has a bit of new car shine, but not an unobtainable luxury. By cleverly utilising stock footage we can show Mr iSelect’s journey taking him from familiar and everyday scenery to farflung and exotic locations, all while explaining the logic behind paying less to insure a car that is worth less. What is great about receiving a script like this is the confidence that comes from having a fantastic pre-existing character in mind when thinking about the performance. Jason Geary is excellent in the role of Mr iSelect, and his witty delivery and pitch perfect comic timing are great tools to be able to utilise when executing a script such as this. Obviously with the use of stock footage a great deal of the content is implemented in post-production, but I feel strongly that we should have a good idea of our footage on the shoot day. If we have some of the footage to hand on the shoot, we can have Jason react to a few of the locations and discoveries therein. By using a green-screen and overlaying example footage on set, we can have Mr iSelect delivering the essential message conveyed in the script, plus have the flexibility for a few witty ad-libs and off the cuff remarks that have previously made the iSelect suite of TVCs so memorable and watchable.


Barney Howells // Plaza Films

The world of stock footage can be a daunting place, there are 100’s of thousands of hours of footage out there in the world, and my suggestion is that we work with a TV researcher from the get-go to start filtering the best and most relevant bits for us. All of the scripted footage should be easily available, the city and country roads, the arctic scenes etc. Where I think there is scope for some great material is when we get into some of the more off-the-wall places. I have had a little dig around some of the well known resources and come up with a few examples to get us going. As we are shooting on a green screen we have the flexibility to try a few routes in post. With options on the day we’d have the ability to have Mr iSelect reacting to some of the more fantastical scenarios. Things that have tickled me thus far have been *A rhino pacing behind the car, which Mr iSelect can spot in his rear view mirror. *A galloping herd of horses ridden by native Americans coming over the brow of a hill. *Vintage footage of 1970’s London with distinctive red buses and black taxis. *Tracking alongside Cape seals diving through the ocean. These are just a few early examples and I firmly believe that with a fastidious approach to researching the footage we will unearth some gems. TREATMENT

Barney Howells // Plaza Films

We can manipulate the footage in post to attain a consistent speed and direction to the background plates making it seem like an unbroken journey, when the scene changes there shouldn’t be too much of a jarring effect, further underscoring the idea that things can gradually get weird when you aren’t paying full attention. Of fundamental importance will be Mr iSelect’s delivery of the dialogue. The charming approach that Jason Geary has will make the words come to life, and make it seem genuinely strange that people have been prepared to overpay for so long. Mr iSelect is directing much of the dialogue to the viewer, and his tone should be measured and relaxed, he’s informing not preaching. The way that he presents the concept of paying more for less as “weird” should have the timbre of someone revealing a true mystery of life, something baffling that is being pondered on by an inquisitive mind. The “Airbag” TVC has a slightly different twist, with the deployment of the safety bag occurring at an inopportune, but hilariously timed point in Mr iSelect’s musings on inflated prices. I presume we are featuring the car as stationary so as not to show Mr iSelect as having been in an accident. That makes sense, and I think makes the event funnier as it is more random. By coupling Mr iSelects great performance with footage that gets ever more exotic we have a great recipe for some funny TVCs. I look forward to bringing them to life with you.


Barney Howells // Plaza Films

iSelect Savings “We Love Saving” There are some people in life who are naturals. Gifted with an intrinsic knack for a particular behaviour. Colin is one of these guys, a born saver. He likes nothing more than assisting iSelect’s customers to get better deals on their health insurance, and this mantle that he has assumed; the living manifestation of iSelects saving principles, exhibits itself in all aspects of his life. This funny spot is another great opportunity to enjoy the amiable comic performance of Jason Geary as Mr iSelect. He introduces Colin; the newest member of the iSelect team. He presents Colin to the rest of the office by listing off the new guys notable achievements in the field of saving. What I think is great about this script is the dialogue that has been crafted perfectly for Mr iSelects comedic style. The delivery of Colin’s useful attributes and accomplishments will have the gentle pride that comes with finding the right guy for the right job. I like the idea that Colin is a simple guy and a bit embarrassed by being made the focus of the office’s attention. He’s here to do a job and doesn’t need a fuss made about it! The execution can be very simple, the performance of Mr iSelect is the captivating element that will be presented with due care and attention. I feel, however, there is room for one or two visual gags that may be useful in the edit room as cutaways to pace the flow and tempo of the dialogue. We use the simple premise of Colin starting his first day at the iSelect call centre as a device to allow us to show a few bits and pieces from Colin’s belongings that reinforce his status as a Super Saver.


Barney Howells // Plaza Films

Action We open with wide shot of the pre-established iSelect call centre, by using existing footage that has all of the branding and style cues of the previous commercials, the audience is left in no doubt as to our location. Mr iSelect walks into frame with his arm around the shoulder of a slightly bashful looking guy carrying a box of personal belongings. This is Colin and it’s his first day on the job. Mr iSelect calls the office to attention, and begins to list off the credentials of the newest recruit to the crack team of customer focused iSelect employees. As Mr iSelect extolls Colin’s virtues, he crescendos in interest and enthusiasm as he to the peak of Colin’s achievments. Colin, meanwhile has begun unpacking his belongings at his distinctivly styled iSelect call centre desk. Perhaps we see one or two of the characteristic items that Colin has brought with him to personalise his work space. Items that logically make up the notion of someone who is passionate about all aspects of saving. A collection of piggy banks could be one such thing. Perhaps also he pins up a “Save the date” notice for an upcoming wedding. Maybe he screws in an energy saving lightbulb into his desk lamp. He may have a trophy that he puts in pride of place, adorned with the figure of a goal-keeper diving mid save, or a plastic box full of neatly filed floppy disks. There are, I’m sure, many more little visual cues that we could have standingby that are little witty interpretations on the theme of Colin as the ultimate saving machine. As I said, these little asides may not be required, the bulk of the humour comes from Mr iSelect’s dialogue and there will be some TREATMENT

Barney Howells // Plaza Films

lovely moments of inter-play between Mr iSelect and Colin. The dynamic plays well if Colin comes over as a humble guy and when Mr iSelect starts to get into the heavy praise (“Saving the day!”) Colin, seems genuinely modest in his body language. As a small note I love the idea of the dialogue building to the peak of “Surf Life...” The pin-prick that the word “guard” delivers as an unexpected ending to the stanza is something I imagine being very funny when performed by Mr iSelect. Perhaps he has a folder that he is periodically checking his facts with, it might work as a nice prop for Jason’s delivery. The final line of that sequence might be nice to try a variation as a direct comment to Colin. Mr iSelect has spent his time speaking about him, there is a nice opportunity to speak to him (n.b. “You’ll fit in perfectly”) We cut to the graphic telling us about the iSelect ethos of loving to save their customer’s money, with accompanying musical sting. It’d be great to have a reprise to come back to as a “leave them laughing” moment. The two scripted reprises are great. If possible it might be nice to try the “I saved you a seat” line coming from Colin, reinforcing his status as the foremost saver. The break-room location could be used for the other line also. Colin sitting with his tray of lunch, his plate is clean and there is a cupcake in one corner. In one movement, Mr iSelect walks past, spies the cupcake and deftly swipes it for himself. Colin is softly indignant in his retort (“I was saving that”) We could also try a simple execution where Mr iSelect is fiddling with some of the new additions to Colin’s desk, he clumsily tips something that looks like it’s going to dop off the edge of the table. Colin’s quick reactions catch the object before it falls leading to Mr iSelect to praise a “Good save!” TREATMENT

Barney Howells // Plaza Films

Execution The key principle for a successful execution is to ensure we get a great performance with the dialogue from Jason. His previous form in this area leads me to believe we will have a lot of great options in the edit with his off-the-cuff delivery. Mr iSelect has a great pre-established tone of voice and I welcome the opportunity to continue the fine work that has been done with this character. His enthusiasm and infectious charm are the cornerstones of the campaigns. It is through the clear and effective scripting and delivery of the message that there has been so much success with this character, and it leads to a really easy to digest brand communication. The predetermined look and feel of the iSelect call centre as a modern and clean designed working environment will be continued with this spot. The use of pre-existing wide shots is beneficial for audience recall and we will build our sets to compliment this aesthetic. There will be a simplicity to camera work and editing will be used to pace the dialogue and craft another funny performance from Mr iSelect. In casting Colin I would like to look for an everyman. He’s not overly meek as to ensure Mr iSelect doesn’t appear to bombastic in comparison, but I think there will be some charm in finding a slightly nerdy character. This script will be a great opportunity to continue the great work of previous iSelect TVCs, and I look forward to collaborating with you further on it.


Barney Howells // Plaza Films

iSelect. No.1 Website “Play It Cool” If I only had a little humility, I would be perfect. - Ted Turner No one likes a show off, but sometimes it can be hard to contain your pride when you excel in a particular field. iSelect being crowned as the most visited insurance comparison website is certainly one of those things that’s worth making a fuss of. The pleasant duty of informing customers that they can compare their insurance quotes with the internet’s number one site falls to Brad. We have previously established Brad as a character and as a new iSelect employee. He has a great demeanour of gentle deference so when he states iSelect is officially Australia’s most visited insurance comparison site, it is not a statement filled with hubris, more a gentle, casual, matter-of-fact statement. Mr iSelect catches this off-the-cuff remark, and warns Brad that it’d be better if they just “Play it cool.” They don’t need to make a song and dance about their success. But that is precisely what Mr iSelect is planning to do. When we pull out wide we see the preparations are well underway for a glorious fanfare celebrating the fact that iSelect is Australia’s number one insurance comparison website.


Barney Howells // Plaza Films

Setting I really like the idea that we establish our action in an informal part of the office, a hallway, corridor or such. Brad’s statement is water-cooler talk, it isn’t meant to be taken as a big official announcement. Also it makes for a nice dynamic, if we set ourselves somewhere communal, that Mr iSelect just happens upon the scenario. As he was passing through he overheard what Brad was saying, and mistaking it for a boastful declaration, feels compelled to intervene. The aesthetic of the space should be driven by the clean and stylish modern look of the established call centre from previous campaigns. Simple white furnishings with accents of the brand orange will visually tie this spot in to its predecessors.


Barney Howells // Plaza Films

Action We open on Brad in a fairly tight shot. He has been making a cup of tea, or filling a glass with water when we cut into the scene. He tells us with earnest sincerity and gentle pride that iSelect is the number one insurance comparison website. We introduce Mr iSelect to the scene. He is walking through frame and catches the end of Brads’s statement. The conversation between the two of them continues in fairly tight frames, as Mr iSelect warns Brad in an avuncular manner about the dangers of being perceived to be bragging. Brad seems suitably remorseful before we reveal that Mr iSelect does not heed his own advice. We cut out to see Mr iSelect wearing a graphic print T Shirt with “We’re No.1.” It has the boldness and clarity of message of an old school “Frankie Says Relax” shirt. As we cut out wider still we see that the space is in the process of being decorated with grandiose banners bearing statements like “Australia’s most visited insurance comparison site” It’d be nice here to have options in the edit for a few beats of evermore outlandish occurrences to score maximum laugh points to the payoff.


Barney Howells // Plaza Films

Perhaps Mr iSelect confiscates a “Number One” foam finger from a passing employee. Or maybe a giant Number 1 cake with sparklers blazing is wheeled past. On the way past Mr iSelect can’t resist running his finger through a bit of sweet frosting. Mmm, the sweet taste of success! I love your idea of using a dolled up Segway in this section, with ribbons and a No.1 flag flying proudly! Perhaps it coincides with a confetti bomb going off, raining colourful shreds of paper down on the scene. The final act of this scene is for a colleague to pass Mr iSelect a cup of tea in his favourite mug. Of course, it’s a mug with a No. 1 printed in bold letters. He takes a sip (maybe fishing out a bit of coloured paper) before delivering his final line, a reinforcing of his opinion on show-offs that runs counter to the action. I like the chest-beating line, and I think it’d be great to record it with some alternatives. Continuing the animal theme, we could try “Nobody likes a show off, except maybe a Peacock.” The final line should be a little pearl of wisdom that is a great juxtaposition to the visual cues of adulation and congratulation around the wider scene.


Barney Howells // Plaza Films

Execution The key here is not to give the game away early, through storyboarding and blocking of the scene we will present an editorial route that means the setup is clear of any notion of what the payoff is going to be. When we reveal the fact the Mr iSelect is in fact overseeing a full celebration of the number one in Australia accolade we have the opportunity to add a few punches to the punchline. There should be a dry and wry performance from both Brad and Mr iSelect. The former is dumbfounded by the obvious contrast in Mr iSelect’s statement and actions. Mr iSelect himself oblivious to how all that is going on around him runs in total opposite to his request to “Play it cool.” With the structure of the TVC determined by a clever edit, the meat of the spot will be in the play between Brad and Mr iSelect. By further developing this master/pupil relationship that we have seen in the previous spots, we will add to the already great suite of iSelect commercials.


Barney Howells // Plaza Films

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