A Meditation of Light

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PROJECT 1b – A Meditation on Light ‘I associate the significant moments of my life with the character of light at the time.’ Christopher Wilmarth, Artist (1974)

Course Title Due Date Instructor

Arch 503 Accelerated Design II Friday, September 11 Keith Diaz Moore

Objectives This project will focus on: The utilization of ordering principles into the making of threedimensional space Understanding the tectonic expression in architecture Gaining inspiration through the use of precedents Understanding architecture as being of four dimensions. The Problem You are asked to design a non-denominational place of meditation for the West Campus at KU. The main campus has been served for more than half a century by Danforth Chapel, and there is need for a similar kind of structure on the new and growing campus west of Iowa. The chapel should be a place of contemplation and inspiration, and it should be designed to accommodate a wide range of ceremonies and rituals. Because the chapel will not be associated with any particular belief system, it will need to embody a universal sense of repose, hope and solitude. It should remind us of our universal connection with nature and our role as stewards of the planet. It should do so through an evocative sense of light and controlled view. It will serve as a major visual object in the landscape and a landmark for visitors entering the campus from Iowa Street. The Program The primary functions that will be found in the West Campus chapel are the same as those accommodated in Danforth: weddings, christenings, memorials, weekly religious services. In addition, the new chapel will be used as a formal memorial space adjacent to Pioneer Cemetery. This little-known place is, in fact, an important part of the University and Lawrence’s history. It is the burial grounds for many early settlers of Lawrence as well as KU faculty members. Required spaces include: Reflective space with seating for 40 people Speaking location Dressing room and unisex toilet Storage area for chairs/tables Square feet maximum is 1400sf Site The attached site plan indicates the project boundaries for the new meditative space. Project Requirements Basswood model at 1/8”=1’-0” on plywood base

Arch 503, Fall 2009 School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Kansas

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Schedule Monday, Aug 24: Computer Orientation Wednesday, Aug 26: Wood Shop Safety & Software workshop Friday, Aug 28: Posting of Chapel Precedents (20x20 board – Photoshop or InDesign) (Keith may not be in class this day) Monday, Aug 31: 2 concepts in rip & tear models Friday, Sept 4: Pin-up discussions Friday, Sept11: All projects due. Gallery style reviews.

Evaluation Students will be evaluated on the following criteria: 1. Clarity of ordering principle employed and quality of its execution 2. Creativity in manipulation of light and materiality to achieve desired experiential effect 3. Overall Quality and Timeliness of Final presentation 4. Clarity of inspiration from your architectural precedent 5. Adherence to the process

20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 100%

Suggested Readings Brown, G.Z., DeKay, M. (2000). Sun, Wind, Light: Architectural Design Strategies. New York: Wiley. Mills, C. (2000). Designing with Models. New York: Wiley. Selected chapters.

Arch 503, Fall 2009 School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Kansas

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