Grindelwaldmagazin 14 15 e sommer

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Edition no. 03 2014/2015 Preis CHF 14.80 EUR 12.30


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with H i k i ng m ap


Mountains, a place for good ideas Fresh mountain air stimulates the mind – I am convinced of that. For centuries, well-known poets and scholars have tried to find words for the grandeur of the mountains. From early on mountaineers and their guests from all over the world have shown athletic prowess in climbing the peaks of Grindelwald, and in so doing they have moved the needle on what was once thought possible. I myself experience the inspiration of the alpine world in my every day life. It was therefore a logical step to extend the services of the GriwaGroup to customers who wish to have a seminar or workshop in Grindelwald. The new Griwa Congress Center Silberhorn offers flexible rooms with the most modern technical equipment for events and meetings. In these rooms the landscape plays its role, making it easy to think and create. On request we organize a complete event package with accommodation, catering services and incentive programs – a great way to reinspire mind, soul and body. The GriwaGroup continuously tries to think in different dimensions, tries to find untrodden paths in order to reach new horizons. The vote on the second home initia Markus Friedli speaks at the Griwa Congress Center. tive in March 2012 has provided us with great challenges. ABOVE Swiss citizens have decided to tighten restrictions on the construction of new second homes. Therefore new forms of holiday property are demanded in Switzerland as in other places around the world. Thankfully several years ago the GriwaGroup started to take action in this direction and we have already developed new ideas. In the Aspen alpine lifestyle hotel we already have a unique operating concept -- a model case for other areas in Switzerland. GriwaRent manages a large number of second homes that generate many additional nights and which earn considerable revenue for the owners. I am certain that holidays in Grindelwald will not lose their value any time soon, and the feedback we receive from our customers hailing from over 35 different countries confirms this. Of course you could consider taking up residence in Grindelwald. This is an idea which might seem crazy at first but be careful because all of a sudden you could end up like me! I came to Grindelwald intending to stay for three months in order to work as an architect and to gain some experience. That was 28 years ago. So be inspired by Grindelwald and expand your horizons – for a few days, a few weeks, or for years… I welcome you to the glacier valley of Grindelwald! MARKUS FRIEDLI President and Chairman of the management GriwaGroup


Special Offer

Jungfrau VIP-Pass May to October 2015 3 days unlimited travel Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe Kleine Scheidegg · Schynige Platte Grindelwald-First · Harder Kulm Winteregg-Mürren

Jungfraujoch Top of Europe Up to the highest-altitude railway station in Europe · 3454 m The day-excursion takes you to heady heights. En route, this building masterpiece of the century affords overwhelming views from the middle of the notorious Eiger North Wall – and the terminus is an incredible 3454 metres above sea level! A wonderworld of eternal snow and ice. Attractions waiting for you: The Aletsch Glacier – at 22 km the longest ice stream in the Alps. The Ice Palace, 30 metres beneath the glacier surface. Discover glistening alcoves and cavern-like passages. The glacier plateau with walks in the eternal snow. The Sphinx building with mountain views to the north, south, east and west. Round tour subway „Alpine Sensation“ – best bad-weather programme in the Alps. The „Top of Europe“ Glacier Restaurant, with five different places to eat.

Seeing it once is better than speaking of it a thousand times. Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe: your swiss mountain experience

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contact: · +41 (0)33 828 72 33

16.05.14 10:46



Meetings in the mountains Griwa Congress Center in Silberhorn Eiger Ultra Trail Professional mountaineer Ueli Steck loves trail running Top of Europe / Jungfrau Region Chocolate paradise at 3,500 meters above sea level Jobs on the mountains Eating and drinking with a view Grindelwald First: Flying and Hiking Mountain Climbing Roger Schäli: Grindelwald's brand ambassador Summer Events Mountain biking, bouldering and much more


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Magical places around Grindelwald An alpine set of rules with tradition Real estate A Dutch woman moves to Grindelwald Eating & Shopping

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Publisher: GriwaGroup Designed by: GriwaGroup in cooperation with Ville&Casali Layout: Ville&Casali Editing: Marketing Director GriwaGroup, Susan Lerch-Stettler Texts: Annette Marti, Christine Kopp, GriwaGroup Photos: Michael Ackermann, Rainer Eder, Speedy Füllemann, Björn Gosswiler, Jungfraubahnen, Marianne Tiefenbach, Zvg Translation: Eva Ferguson, Enrico Morelli, Cristina D'Andrea Printing: Arti Grafiche Boccia, via Tiberio Claudio Felice, 7- 80131 Salernoo

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15.05.14 18:05


A slice of HAPPINESS on TOP OF EUROPE GRAND HOTEL REGINA, located near the train station and in the village center of Grindelwald.


ur clients are welcome from all over the world. In your busy lives you des er ve a q u iet haven to rest and recharge by tapping into the energ y-loaded mountain paradise. It is here at the Grand Regina where you can capture a moment of peace, find a moment of happiness. Any amenity you may think of, any desire you always had, or may not even have been aware of – our


diligent staff will read your lips. Have you ever milked a cow? Ever made your own chocolate? Chopped a tree in our own forest, or planted a new one that will bear your na me? Jogged up to 6,000 feet above sea level? Enjoye d t he mag n i f ic ent view over 100 km and 100 mountain peaks? Or skied down a world-cup run?This is what the Grand Regina is all about: The Top of Europe. The closest to heaven. Sw issness at its best. Be-

come our guest, become a patron of the Grand Regina.


DEVELOPMENT Nüesch Development AG ARCHITECTURE reinhardpartner Architekten und Planer AG

HIGHLIGHTS - 1- 4 bedroom apartments - Apartments with private SPA - In center of Grindelwald - 1.800 m.² Wellness with openair pool - Direct connection to hotel - Hotelservice - Gourmet restaurant

SALES & MARKETING GriwaPlan AG Tel. +41 33 854 11 60



A congress centre with alpine flair The Griwa Congress centre Silberhorn is a small but beautiful congress centre created by the GriwaGroup. It offers rooms which can be flexibly used for events and seminars of all kinds.


ometimes a cha nge i n perspective works wonders: the fresh air and the alpine ambience i n Gr i ndelwa ld help tackle business cha llenges anew, work on difficult questions or develop new visions with a clear head. The GriwaGroup offers an ideal environment for seminars, small conferences or work-


shops with its congress facilities. The different rooms ca n be used f lex i bly. T he large room on t he ground floor can accommodate up t o 20 0 p e o p l e . T h e t w o smaller rooms on the upper floor can be used separately or together thanks to a movable wall. Modern technical equipment ensures that, for example, a lecture held in t he big room ca n a lso be transmitted onto screens in the upper floor. The techni-

cal equipment is centrally controlled via a touch screen panel on the ground floor. The entire house has a special charm and a comfortable feeling thanks to its scale and equipment. Interior designer Martina Baumann is responsible for creating the atmosphere of the rooms. “It was important to us to accentuate elements from nature and bring them inside t he house�, she ex pla i ns. Wood, stone and metal as

Grindelwald well as white and anthrac ite color tones a re used extensively throughout. The silhouette of Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau mounted behind the stage on the wall is particularly eye-catching. Martina Baumann and the project leader Stefan Garbani are especia lly proud of this metal construction which features subtle backlighting. “We were looking for original solutions to create an environment in which guests can feel comfortable”, s ay s Ga rb a n i. T hey s uc ceeded – the individuality and authenticity of the alpine environment is evident in many details. The GriwaCongressCenter Silberhorn ca n be used for a l l ma nner of events. In addition to small conferences, lectures or general assemblies are feasible. It is also possible to

celebrate a private gathering, such as a family event, thanks to the fully-equipped catering kitchen and flexible seating arrangements. The GriwaCongress team organ i zes b e s p o k e p a c k a g e s complete w ith hotel stays and catering service as req u i red for bigger events. W h atever t he re a s on for the meeting at the Chalet Silverhorn might be, guests can be sure of friendly and moder n a m bience a nd a n absolutely unique view onto the Silberhorn. This elegant, white or sometimes shimmering silver peak is only visible from certain locations in Grindelwald, so to be able to enjoy it from the meeting center is a real rarity.

t Text: GriwaGroup; Photos: Michael Ackermann


Architect/interior designer Martina Baumann, architect/planner Stefan Garbani.


Silberhorn Congress Center, architecture and planning by GriwaPlan AG.


Eiger Ultra Trail

“The 100 km competition would still be a goal”


The professional mountaineer Ueli Steck loves trail running – because it is a good workout, but also fun. So far he has only mastered the medium level on the Eiger Ultra Trail but he is already thinking about the 100 km one. They are pretty fast», Ueli Steck says about the trailrunners with whom he mastered the Eiger Ultra Trail. It sounds strange to hear such a sentence especially from him: quickness, speed and records are words that are all too familiar when talking about Ueli Steck. The Swiss professional mountaineer, who lives near Interlaken, has turned the mountain sport upside down with his speed ascents. In 2007 he climbed, or rather ran up the north face of the Eiger in just 2 hours and 54 minutes. One year later he improved his own record by several minutes. Steck transferred his technique, which is based on ease and speed, to the higher altitudes of the Himalayas. After several attempts in October 2013 he successfully conquered the A n n apu r n a s out h fac e – alone, fast, and on a route that had never been taken before. For this outstanding achievement in March 2014 he was awarded the Oscar of the mountaineering scene, the Pilot d’Or. The speed ascent of the Eiger is a milestone in Steck’s career. Therefore, it stands to reason that he is acting as an ambassador for the Eiger Ultra Trail, the trail-running



Trail running in Grindelwald. It's impossible to imagine a better scenery.

event of Grindelwald. The large differences in height, t he long c l i m b s a nd t he sometimes sloping paths do not scare Ueli Steck. When he first participated in the competition he started in the medium category with a distance of 51 kilometres and 3,100 meters altitude change. The ultra-difficult Eiger Ultra Trail winds over 101 kilometres and 6700 meters altitude change. For that Steck declares himself insufficiently fit, and shall save this challenge for a later date. But even the medium trail was a

ripsnorter. The speed of the fast runners was high for the professional mountaineer, especially in the flat parts. “There it was really hard to keep up”, says Steck. “Uphill and downhill, I was able to get an advantage, for example on the steep path from the Schynige Platte down to Burglauenen where I really went for it”. He loves the fact that different skills are needed with trail-running. Uphill it takes strength, on flat stretches speed is needed, and sure-footedness is the mantra when going downhill.

Grindelwald In this respect the fighting spirit and ambition of Steck were aroused for the competition, and he was able to finish his first participation in the Eiger Ultra Trail in a very respectable ninth place. Steck practices mountaineering as a professional. He trains a lot, is ver y disciplined, constantly works on his technique, and always thinks about how and where he can save weight in order to be even faster. In the end it is the athletic accomplishment that fascinates him, something that is hard to measure in mountain sports. “I am a performance-oriented person, that is true”, Steck says about himself. Nevertheless, he finds trail-running great because it is a good training for mountaineering. But that is not the reason why he does it, for in fact he derives great pleasure from it. He liked the good spirit at the Eiger Ultra Trail, the relaxed atmosphere amongst the participants, and the beautiful route. The latter can also be enjoyed in a somewhat more gentle manner, for the organizing committee has equipped the

complete route w ith fi xed signposts. In this way, runners can train on the actual course, and saveurs can complete the wonderful circular trail at their own pace, stopping off along the way at one of the many spots for a bite to eat or to spend the night. However, it is clear for Ueli Steck: “The 100 km trail is my goal”. At the moment

his mountain sport projects are the focus, but he already k now s t hat he w i l l need sporting challenges of the highest level after the sun sets on his mountaineering career. Trail-running is going to be amongst them – of that he is sure. t Text: Annette Marti; Photos: Rainer Eder

Eiger Ultra Trail


Speed is his trademark: the professional mountaineer in training.

“Harder than the north face solo” – that is the claim of Grindelwald’s trail-running event. In July 2014, the second edition was held with 1,650 participants from 41 nations. The Eiger Ultra Trail offers a real running adventure in breathtaking natural surroundings. The distance over 101 km with an altitude change of 6’700 meters follows the great classic hiking trails Grosse Scheidegg-First-Faulhorn-Schynige Platte-Burglauenen-Wengen-Männlichen-Eiger North Face-Grindelwald. The shorter route runs from Burglauenen in the Grindelwald valley directly back to the village, a distance of 51 kilometers with 3,100 meters altitude change. The ‘saveurs route’ covers 16 kilometres and 960 meters altitude change. The 37 year-old Ueli Steck is a passionate trail-runner and ambassador for the Eiger Ultra Trail. He lives in Renggenberg near Interlaken and is one of the best professional climbers worldwide. Further information on the Eiger Ultra Trail can be found at



TOP OF EUROPE Each year almost 1 million people visit the highest railway station of Europe. 12

Grindelwald A CHOCOLATE PARADISE AT 3,500 METERS ABOVE SEA LEVEL The Swiss chocolatier Lindt & Sprüngli is now operating at the highest boutique in the world on the Jungfraujoch – a chocolate paradise in the true sense of the word. Swiss chocolate and the history of the company Lindt & Sprüngli are closely connected. In 1845, Sprüngli & Sons started to produce chocolate in a small pastry shop in the old town of Zurich. With chocolate having hitherto been largely consumed as a drink, Spüngli chocolate was offered in solid form, according to the then-fashionable Italian style. More than 160 years later, Lindt is known in more than 100 countries and is the world leader in the premium chocolate sector. The company has proven that it seeks even higher goals with its new store on the Jungfraujoch. In July 2014, the world’s highest Lindt boutique was opened at 3,500 meters above sea level. The many visitors of the Jungfraujoch now have the opportunity to learn more about the secrets of chocolate culture literally at the highest level. The original Maîtres-Chocolatiers-parlour of Lindt provides a


full insight into the craftsmanship and passion of the Lindt Maîtres-Chocolatiers. Amongst other things you can find out what goes into the production of pralines and chocolate bars and what makes Lindt chocolates so special. For example did you know that in 2012 Lindt produced 2.7 billion Lindor-Kugeln, those famous balls with the soft center which spread the world over many years ago? This corresponds to a chain of Lindor balls that would extend twice around the world! With this amount of chocolate you could even build a pretty decent chocolate mountain… Now on the Jungfraujoch, guests can sample Lindor balls high above the realities of everyday life, with every guest receiving a complimentary Lindor ball. t Text:

Annette Marti; Photos: Jungfraubahnen

Erst Tanner, chairman and CEO Lindt & Sprüngli; Roger Federer, professional Tennis player; Urs Kessler, CEO Jungfraubahnen.



«I FEEL VERY GOOD INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN» Hermann Jaggi works as a train driver at the Jungfraubahn. He therefore spends a lot of time in the tunnel. Hermann Jaggi is a special train driver. Indeed all drivers of the Jungfrau railway are special train drivers, because not only can they drive a locomotive, but they can also dismantle it completely and put it back together again. Both, maintenance and driving are part of the everyday life of a train driver on the mountain tracks between Kleine Scheidegg and Jungfraujoch. When there are less trains than in summer the train drivers often work in the workshop in winter doing repairs or modifications. During the summer peak periods every train driver is needed on the tracks. “I like this diversity of my job a lot” says Jaggi. That is also the reason why he has been working for the Jungfraubahn since his apprenticeship as a technician. He loves the special environment of his work: “The mountains all around fascinate me”. According to Jaggi, he does not mind going again and again through the long tunnel up to the Jungfraujoch and back down again. On the contrary, he emphasizes: “I feel very good inside the mountain”. In order to ensure the accessibility of the Jungfraujoch during an emergency at night, the train drivers take turns to sleep at the Eigergletscher station. Jaggi sees this as a special privilege: “To sit in front of the depot in the

evening on a bench and to peacefully enjoy the mountains is wonderful”. However, in bad weather or in winter one gets to feel the forces of nature often very directly. There are frequent violent storms and sometimes meters of snow. At these times the train drivers have to go out on the tracks with the snow machines first thing in the morning before a train can pass. “You either love these conditions or you don’t”, Jaggi summarizes. “I like them a lot”. Moreover, he wonders: "where else can you go on skis to work in the winter and schuss back home to the valley in the evening?" t Text:

Annette Marti; Photo: Michael Ackermann

The Whisky rarity from the Bernese Oberland

Switzerland’s Best Whisky Distillery 2012 Awarded by Whisky Time DistiSuisse 2011 / 12 ***

Winner in the category “Whiskey of the Year” for its Swiss Highland Single Malt Whisky “Ice Label” ***

Award for the Swiss Highland Single Malt Whisky “Classic” ***

2010 “Marketing-Trophy” winner for the Swiss Highland Single Malt Whisky concept “Ice Label”, category “Medium-sized company”

Rugen Distillery, CH-3800 Interlaken,


Available in specialty shops

whisky_INS_ICELABEL&CLASSIC_225x143_5_2014_E_RZ.indd 1

03.04.14 14:10


Grindelwald «ThE First is LIKE WINNING THE LOTTERY» Two years and half ago Tom Ysebaert took over the First. The view from the mountain inn is for Tom Ysebaert the best panorama view that one can find. The view extends far beyond the Grindelwald VI-Peaks Wetterhorn, Schreckhorn and Eiger – you can practically see every peak between Titlis and Schilthorn, countless rock faces, crevasses, and glaciers. The host transfers his enthusiasm for these mountains directly to his guests. Tom Ysebaert stands on the terrace, gives a panorama greeting, asks how everybody is and points to the alpine hut a little further down saying: “This is where our cheese is made”. It has always been his dream to work in the mountains. Originally from Belgium, this is why he came to Switzerland. Previously he worked as a journeyman cook and chef de cuisine, sometimes also as a ski and snowboard instructor. Wherever he went he gathered some experience and also a regional accent. His Swiss German accent is a curious mix of different regions. When Ysebaert took over the First Mountain Inn 2½ years ago, he started to implement his own ideas consistently. “Being the host here is like winning the lottery”, he raves. This passion also inspires the young team and so too the guests. In Ysebaert’s view, friendly service and fresh food should be self-evident, despite the First’s altitude at 2,200 meters above sea level. The alpine

world is also inspirational from a culinary point of view. He cooks with the warmed alpine cheese of the neighbouring cheese-maker and with the beef of the farmers in the village. The menu features homestyle cooking at affordable prices. In the evening when the train stops its operation for the night, all the attention focuses on the overnight visitors, hikers, families or clubs who treat themselves to a unique experience in the mountains. Ysebaert expands his operation in winter: the nearby Genepi ski hut offers a tranquil snow bar and probably one of the highest altitude possibilities to eat a kebab. t Text:

Annette Marti; Photo: Michael Ackermann




Breath-taking view from Bachalpsee.

FLY, DRIVE, HIKE: Grindelwald First A mountain with more sun and a better panorama is hard to imagine: Grindelwald First is the starting point for many hikes and offers lots of action with its First Flyer and scooters. The dream of flying comes true on four ropes on the Grindelwald First: the First Flyer is a permanently-installed fourrope zip-line-like construction on which you can soar at breath-taking speed from the First mountain station down to the Schreckfeld station. Securely fastened to ropes in a specially designed harness, passengers begin their flight. The descent is 800 meters and the First Flyer reaches speeds of up to 84 kilometres per hour – pure adrenalin. The site is open in summer and winter and can be used by people of all ages weighing between 35 and 125 kilograms. The First Flyer is situated in the middle of the breath-taking panorama of Grindelwald First. Even during the ride up with the gondola the view onto the whole valley and the surrounding high peaks opens up. The Wetterhorn towers overhead with its craggy north face, while a little further away the Schreckhorn poses alongside the elegant Felspyramide and the noble Fiescherhörner in their white dresses. From these peaks, the Mittelegi-ridge charts a path to the Eiger summit like a knife’s edge – the perfect backdrop for the worldrenowned Eiger North Face. In the valleys between, the upper and lower Grindelwald glaciers cascade into basins, having reached down to the village as recently as a few decades ago -- indelible traces of climate change are particularly visible from this vantage point. With so many thrills, time

to enjoy the panorama is also needed. A good option is a visit of the terrace of the mountain inn or to take a hike. The First is the starting point for numerous hikes, such as to the nearby Bachalp lake or further afield along the classic route over the Faulhorn to the Schynige Platte. A flower trail and a marmot trail are signposted. A special conclusion to the day in the First area is a mountain scooter ride from Bort down to Grindelwald. The First railway company rents out these ‘Trottibikes’, an off-road combination of a road scooter and a mountain bike. The route is fully paved, 4.5 km long and well-marked. The Trottibike does not require any special skills but is definitely a lot of fun. t


Text: Annette Marti; Photo: Jungfraubahnen





REACT COLLECTION “Less is more“ – ski touring specialist DYNAFIT has been faithful to this motto for years, and once again for the 2014 summer collection it has taken advantage of ultra-light materials and minimalist design. The React Collection employs body-mapping technology, with the material adapting itself to individual body parts and motion, thereby ensuring breathability and freedom of movement.

DENALI WS/PRL JKT M Our warmest and lightest free-touring jacket, the active Gore windproof material works in combination with DOWNTEK® filling on the body and Primaloft insulation at the arms. The Denali jacket is extremely versatile and is therefore the perfect choice for activities on cold days or simply for hanging out after the tour.



MS Pantera is specialist kit for your feet. Safe and effective during descents thanks to the full-length EVA DUO MOTION unit providing controlled and balanced footing. All you have to do is run -- leave the rest to the shoes!

Alongside the Nanga Parbat and Cho Oyo, the Denali completes the high-end series with its high-tech material offering an unprecedented space-to-weight performance ratio. Denali Ski is the perfect choice for the long descents that follow the tough climb.

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SALEWA Mountain shop • Dorfstrasse 118 • 3818 Grindelwald • 033 853 0967 •

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13.08.14 07:12


The Eiger, is at the centre of Roger Schälis life The professional mountaineer is now the brand ambassador for Grindelwald. From a technical climbing perspective, Roger prepares himself for a new challenge to conquer the north face of the mountain.


small tent on the highest possible rock wall, dangling from bolts – this is Roger Schäli’s favourite home. He feels particularly at home, for example, when the tent is perched on the north face of the Eiger, a few hundred or even a thousand meters above the ground below. The Swiss professional mountaineer and climber has spent a lot of time on the Eiger over the years. He has already climbed the north face about 35 times, sometimes as mountain guide with guests, often on the difficult climbing trails. And although he has climbed past many places on this famous face, he still finds new challenges, new projects that need to be accomplished. Roger Schäli and the Eiger - a special team. “Although civilization is near at hand, on this mountain-face you are completely on your own – it is another world”, Roger says explaining his fascination for the peak. Roger’s next project is a difficult rock route that he started in the summer of 2013 with his climbing partner Robert Jasper. The two climbers want to trailblaze a new path through the steepest part of the rock-face. From a technical climbing perspective, the route is extremely difficult, something which is actually rare for such an Alpine face. As a result, Roger Schäli, who considers




Roger Schäli’s home in Switzerland: a caravan with extension at the campsite in Grindelwald.

himself a good mountaineering all-rounder, has been training throughout the first months of 2014 in order to keep his skills honed to the highest level, mostly doing sport climbing, not only in the climbing park, but also on the rock-face itself high above Grindelwald. He says that the body has to carry a great load physically and mentally. “I like this conflict. I learn a lot. Up there no excuses are valid; it either works or it doesn’t”, he explains. “In every day life you can easily let yourself be distracted – that’s a no-go when climbing on the Eiger. If it does not work, you are left hanging on the rope. That’s the way it is – I love this truism”, says Schäli. So he does not find

it hard to relegate all his activities to a second position to focus on the Eiger. “I am absolutely inspired by this mountain. Here I can benchmark my personal limitations and I don’t even have to travel far to do it.” Roger Schäli hopes to spend a lot of time on the mountain, looking to be on the rock-face with Robert Jasper over the course of one or two weeks without coming down. As of early summer 2014 he feels well-prepared. He estimates his chances for success at just 50%. But whatever happens the rockface will not lose any importance to Roger Schäli. At 35 he is not yet an “oldie” on the scene, but nevertheless he thinks about what is to come after his moun-

Grindelwald taineering career. The Eiger also plays a role there, because the mountains fascinate him and not only because of their athletic dimension. “Whenever I come to Grindelwald, calmness settles in and I find this very beneficial” he says. He calls a permanentlyinstalled caravan in the glacier village camping his base camp, and indeed even his home in Switzerland. And at some point Roger Schäli might even retire in Grindelwald. Although retiring will probably not mean just sitting around, for he imagines that he will be a mountain guide again after his active time. And if he can climb up the Mönch when he is 70, then this would be one of the best things he could hope for right now.

t Text: Annette Marti; Fotos: Michael Ackermann, Speedy Füllemann

A PAssion Since Young Roger Schäli was born in 1978 in Sörenberg in Entlebuch, canton Luzern. The Eiger has captivated him since he was a young boy. At the start he was awed by the main face when skiing on the Brienzer Rothorn. Then as a teenager Roger Schäli discovered climbing and later trained to be a mountain guide. Soon after he started his professional career. He has been the brand ambassador of Grindelwald since the beginning of 2014. With their collaboration, Grindelwald tourism and Roger Schäli want to use the village’s tradition of mountaineering and the booming popularity of mountain sports to further promote Grindelwald as an Alpine destination.

Alpina_Griwa_Magazin_E_Layout 1 21.12.12 14:05 Seite 1

The family Regula and Thomas Wolf-Stucki 033 854 33 44 ·

With us you’ll enjoy personal service with a great deal of charm and discretion Situated in a lovely quiet spot just «a few steps» above the train station, with a cosy atmosphere and clear views of Grindelwald’s towering mountains A hidden gem of Grindelwald cuisine • a wide range of creative dishes • • large selection of fish dishes • • vegetarian dishes • • Monthly specialities • We look forward to meeting you, Regula & Thomas Wolf and the Alpina Team



Outdoor-SPORTS for all challenges The landscape alone offers countless possibilities from hiking to climbing, from paragliding to swimming in a mountain lake. There are also a number of exciting sporting events taking place in Grindelwald.

Š / Thomas Senf /


Grindelwald Mountain bike endurance racing Eiger Bike Challenge,

A classic mountain bike race is the Eiger Bike Challenge which takes place every August in Grindelwald with about 1,400 participants. Here real endurance-pros compete against each other and give themselves a run for their money on the spectacular track. The race is held in three categories: the longest distance is 88 kilometres with a height difference of 3,900 meters. The route takes the participants in two loops to the Grosse Scheidegg, First and Bussalp, then on to the other side of the valley to Alpiglen, Kleine Scheidegg, Feldmoos, and Grindelwald. For participants who fancy shorter distances, there is the middle distance course at 55 kilometres with 2,500 meters height difference or the short distance track at 22 kilometres and 1,000 meters height difference. All three routes lead through the most beautiful mountain terrain, including hard climbs, technically-challenging sections, and fast downhill stretches. A special highlight is the kid’s race with skill courses for the tiny tots. For more information visit



Climbing competition at the foot of the Eiger Boulder Happening Grindelwald

The Boulder Happening takes place ever y year at the beginning of the summer season at the sport centre. The bouldering event has grown steadily since 2011 and in 2014 incorporated a world cup and the Swiss championship. Bouldering is a form of rock climbing without a rope and harness close to ground level. Since the challenges of bouldering are magnified on the climbing walls it is particularly impressive to watch. Participants not only need climbing technique and strength but also an incredible amount of agility, cleverness and courage. Only then can the challenges be surmounted. Open competitions for adults and children are held and in total around 2,000 spectators enjoy watching 500 athletes on the climbing walls. One can hardly imagine a more suitable place for a climbing competition. Just a stone’s throw away from the climbing arena is the Eiger, home to the North Face where crucial chapters in the history of climbing are still being written. (see also the portrait of professional mountaineer Roger Schäli, page 18).

Further summer events in Grindelwald

. Tatort Jungfrau

. LandArt Festival

. Bergfrühlingsfest Männlichen (Spring Mountain Festival) . Eiger Ultra Trail

. Inferno Triathlon

. Jungfrau Marathon

. (Alpine-Cheese Alpkäsefest Grosse Scheidegg Festival)





Magical places around Grindelwald The Grindelwald valley features many unique and beautiful places with a special panorama – some can be reached easily, others require more effort. The Grindelwald motto is: wherever you go – views are guaranteed. Bachalpsee The Bachalpsee is the view par excellence in Grindelwald. The crystal clear mountain lake, which is not far from the Grindelwald First mountain station, rightly adorns many calendar images. The whole troupe of Grindelwald’s imposing mountain peaks unfolds before your eyes and when there is no wind the peaks are even reflected on the water. Although already widely seen, the Bachalpsee is a magical destination at any time of the day and in all conditions.

Starting point: First mountain station; Hiking time: 45-60 minutes (can be combined with many other hikes) (Sommer/Wandern)

Chlosterseeli Grosse Scheidegg The landscape around the Grosse Scheidegg poses an exciting contrast between the high alpine mountains and the verdant alpine meadows. The transition is sudden and overwhelming. A few minutes below the summit, on the Grindelwald side, lies the idyllic Chlosterseeli. A fantastic view of the Eiger can be enjoyed from the shore. From this vantage point it turns out that the Eiger is actually not a thick and powerful mountain, but rather a disc of rock with a sharp ridge. The defiant North Face of the Wetterhorn swings upward right next to the lake, and high above it hangs the blue-white shimmering glaciers. Many birds are endemic in the area and with a little bit of luck you can hear the cuckoo, see alpine flowers such as gentian or alpine roses, and later in the summer you can find wild blueberries.

Starting point: Grosse Scheidegg (reachable by bus), follow the hiking trail in the direction of Stepfi/Mühlebach/Grindelwald. Hiking time: 15 minutes (Sommer/Wandern)



Berghaus Bäregg The hike to the Pfingstegg and Bäregg mountain hut is a spectacle without comparison. Shortly after the summit station of the Pfingsteggbahn one enters the Jungfrau-Aletsch UNESCO World Heritage Site. For a while hikers can enjoy the view down to Grindelwald but soon enough the surrounding mountains take on the lead role in the hike. The hiking trail runs along the steep slope high above the gorge of the lower Grindelwald glacier. The ice has retreated significantly and in doing so has caused some mischief. Due to the loss of stability in the rock mass, a large rock fall occurred a few years ago on the eastern flank of the Eiger. The break point shows the magnitude that changes in nature can have on the mountain area. More information can be found on the website and there is also a new hiking companion app for iOS and Android with lots of information about the climate. The view from the Bäregg mountain hut is the highlight of this varied hike. Sitting on the terrace in the midst of the high peaks and near the glacier, where every now and then a piece of ice comes thundering down, makes you part of the panorama.

Starting point: cable car station Grindelwald Pfingstegg. Hiking time: approx. 1.5 hours;

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Schynige Platte-Faulhorn The undisputed king of hikes of the area runs from the Schynige Platte summit station over the Faulhorn to the First Mountain Inn. On this high trail the fabulous panorama can literally be hiked. The view is incomparable: from Lake Brienz and Lake Thun, to the snow-capped mountain peaks and green valleys. The path leads past the oldest mountain hotel in Europe, the nearly 170 year-old Berghotel Faulhorn, located at the top of the Faulhorn.

Starting point: Schynige Platte (accessible by funicular railway from Wilderswil). Hiking time: 5.5 to 6.5 hours (Sommer/Wandern); (Sommer/Schynige Platte);

Eigertrail The Eigertrail is for those who wish to get an accurate picture of the infamous Eiger North Face. This dramatically beautiful hiking trail goes directly along the foot of the North Face and allows for breath-taking views of the infamous face. Up close entirely new perspectives open up and with the help of binoculars sometimes climbers can be seen on the face. On the Eigertrail, the stories about the Eiger take shape, the fever of the high Alps grabs you and a thrill is guaranteed.

Starting point: Eigergletscher station of the Jungfraubahn. Hiking time: approx. 2 hours until Alpiglen (Sommer/Wandern/Themenwege)

Weisse L端tschine It is always exciting to get to the bottom of something, and in Grindelwald you can do that literally. There is an idyllic walk along the L端tschine at the bottom of the valley. Every year in June the section between the Gletscherschlucht restaurant and the golf course becomes an open-air art museum. Various teams of artists from around the world make sculptures and creations from natural materials for the LandArt Festival, creating ephemeral art in a wild romantic ambiance.

Starting point: Gletscherschlucht or Golfplatz bus stops (bus Bahnhof-Gletscherschlucht, line 2). Hiking time: depending on the interest in the art 30-60 minutes



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farming cooperatives of Grindelwald Alpine agriculture works on a set of rules dating back to 1538. At that time, the rules were well thought through and there have been hardly any changes since.


he landscape in the valley of Gr i ndelwa ld is unique, both because of the high alpine mountains and their contrasts of nature, and because of the things that the people of Grindelwald bring to the landscape, especially the mountain farmers. The meadows and forests of the region look special thanks to their work. Can you imagine an alpine pasture without grazing cows and jingling bells? Or mountain meadows without clear delineation to the forest? Or the valley without the scent of hay? The fact that the landscape is so attractively and sustainably maintained is thanks to an alpine order from the Middle Ages. In 1538 the people of Grindelwald decided on the so-called “Taleinungsbrief”, a set of rules which have to be followed when farming and maintaining the seven Alps of Grindelwald. The rules cover, for example, how the meadows are to be protected from over-exploitation and which rights and obligations individual farmers have. This framework is unique for Switzerland. It is the basis for the organization of Grindelwald’s seven alpine cooperatives which are known as “Bergschaften”.



Working together is necessary to take care of the Alps and its economy.

Work in favour of landscape and society A mongst her ma ny st udies, the social anthropologist Marian ne Tiefen bach has dealt with the question of how it is possible that the rules from the Middle Ages

still work in our modern society. Over the past 10 years, Tiefenbach has done intensive research in Grindelwald, and recently published her dissertation as a book (see box). The social scientist conducted countless conversations and even pitched in to help out

Grindelwald with maintenance work in the fields. Such collaborative work, known as “Tagwann”, is an essential feature of the alpine order. Every farmer who has animals for the summer on the Alp is also required to spend a certain number of hours on maintenance work. These include the clearing of waste i n t he past ures, building fences, maintaining paths or the cutting back of bushes and trees along the steams. In this way all farmers work for the community and in doing so secure their individual interests in a functioning and well-maintained pasture. Through “Tagwann” contacts, traditions and gettogethers are cultivated and ma i nta i ned. “Work i ng together creates an intimate engagement with the landscape”, explains Tiefenbach in her book. “This in turn has a positive effect on the level of ca re a nd ma nagement: The people from Grindelwald identify with the Alp and so they also take care of it”. Not to lose control In the “Taleinungsbrief” of 1538, the people of Grindelwald also decided how many a n i ma ls were a l lowed to spend the summer on which


Alp without leading to overexploitation. They set forth ownership issues in a way that is still valid today. Thus the soil in the valley can be privately owned, but the Alpine pastures are for communal use. Privately-owned valley ground and communally used Alpine land cannot be separated from each other. Each person who owns a plot of land in the valley also gets all or part of so-called mountain rights, depending on the size of the plot. These mountain rights permit animals to be on the Alp in summer and these mountain rights cannot be separated from the sale of the land in the valley. In this way it is impossible for a single person to buy an Alp in Grindelwald – the right of use results only through inheritance or acquisition of private property in the valley. Under this scheme, farmers are able to secure the land they need for their existence by also controlling it. Balance between mountain farming and tourism A lthough farmers want to keep the control, they are of course under the influence of external factors, especially

Book author Marianne Tiefenbach (5th from the left) and the presidents of Grindelwald's Mountains community.

The book about the Bergschaften

The book by social anthropologist Marianne Tiefenbach is c alled “Alpkorporationen – traditionelle Institutionen nachhaltiger Landschaftsentwicklung. Das Beispiel der Bergschaften Grindelwalds im Kontext aktueller gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen.” (Alp cooperatives – traditional institutions of sustainable landscape development. Alpine cooperatives of Grindelwald in the context of the modern-day social challenges). Published in 2013 by Sutter Druck AG, Grindelwald (in German).

tourism. Very few work exclusively on their farm. The majority of the farmers have an additional job in the modern working world, often even to employment levels ranging from 60% to fulltime. Tiefenbach sees this multi-facted workload as one of the greatest challenges for the future of Alpine farming. The development of tourism is a particular challenge because mountain farming and tourism depend on each other, both because of the income for residents and because of the role the landscape has from a tourism perspective. If the farmers do not use and maintain the valley and Alpine areas, who is going to?

t Text: Annette Marti Photos: Marianne Tiefenbach/ Jungfrau Zeitung



When dreams come true…


Audrey Driessen, originally from the Netherlands and employee of the GriwaGroup, describes how she realized her dream and took permanent residence in Grindelwald. Even as a child I used to get homesick for the mou nt a i n s a f ter re turning from our holidays in Switzerland. I could not stop thinki ng a b out ou r h i kes and dreaming of the mounta i n huts, a nd i n school I was always writing essays about Sw itzerland. Later I had the good fortune that my mother in law’s family, or ig i n a l ly f rom S w it z erland, had a beautiful holiday home in Grindelwald. For years I spent holidays there with my husband and our children, both summer and w inter. Even then we agreed that at some point we would move to Grindelwald.” My husband and I were both involved in the business of footwear and clothing. We were travelling all around the world and therefore also spent our holidays in various far-off places. However, we always dreamt of quiet days with the family in the mountains and as soon as we reached the Swiss border we felt wonderfully “at home”. Only when we sold our business and our house in the Netherlands did we s ta r t to t h i n k more c onc retely a b out p er ma nent residence i n Sw itzerla nd.





Audrey Driessen, born in the Netherlands, settled in Grindelwald two years ago – a move she has been dreaming of since her childhood.

“Is our courage and convict ion s t rong enough? ” we asked ourselves. Ticino was also an option for our new dom ici le. But we decided for Grindelwald because we love life in the mountains, t he s u m mer w it h it s numerous hiking possibilities, and winter with the skiing.

Mostly it is q uiet in Grindelwald but at certain times t here a re ma ny people i n the village. We love it when the restaurants and terraces are filled with people from all over the world. T he sta r t of ou r new l i fe was a v isit to GriwaGroup where we were shown se-

As loo en

Ca bu

Grindelwald veral apartments. We also had to get all the necessary information regarding immigration, to follow the correct procedures to register officially in Switzerland and deregister in Holland. Since we had a l ready ow ned a corporation in Switzerland for several years, the commune asked us for the business plan, and with that it was no problem to get our residenc e p er m it for f ive years. Of course the move ne e de d to b e wel l- organized, but with good planning there were few problems (see box). We quickly felt at home in this beautiful region. The people a re fr iend ly a nd most ly open for plea sa nt c onver s at ion . It w a s i mportant to me to integrate mysel f fur t her a nd get to

k now S w i ss c u lt u re b etter. I was therefore thrilled when t he possi bi l it y of a job at Gr iwaGroup a rose. “I love t he work w it h t he international clientele and ma ny D utc h a nd Belg ia n customers have been ver y happy to be served in their mot her tong ue. T he move

to Grindelwald is one of the best decisions of my l i fe. Our children like to visit us a nd we enjoy t he q ua lit y time and the family life in our apartment in the middle of this fantastic mountain world.” t

Photo: Michael Ackermann

Tips to immigrate to Switzerland • Search

for a job first and then for an apartment property has to be declared at customs: you have to list all items and you should also be ready to show your contract of property purchase or rental agreement as well as your employment contract. • In Switzerland you have to register with the local authorities where you will live to get your work and residence permit. • Change your driving licence no later than 12 months after the date of entry. • Change your car registration (used cars within 12 months, new cars within 1 month). • Choose a health insurance package and other necessary insurance coverage. • Once you’ve opened a bank account and established a telephone line then you’re as good as Swiss

• Personal

Speedy Füllemann - Grindelwald - Nature-, wildlife-, and landscape pictures from Grindelwald As a passionate amateur photographer on the road all year. Always looking for special moods, unique moments and surprising encounters. Catching pictures with the camera, that not only delight the eyes, but also touch the heart.

Contact: Speedy Füllemann Ischweg 27 CH-3818 Grindelwald mobile: +4179 334 09 79 mail: 31

CARVINGS . TEXTILES . CURIOSITIES . SOUVENIRS Wyss Sport . Familie Daniel & Conny Wyss . Sport & Souvenirgesch채ft . CH-3823 Kleine Scheidegg Tel. +41 (0)33 855 15 45 . Fax +41 (0)33 855 15 47 . .


Challigroosi Chuechen Bäckerei Ringgenberg Dorfstrasse 123

Baker Christian Bigler loves legends and tasty cakes. The ensuing combination is “Challigroosi Chuechen”, a fabulous apple tart baked in a wooden ring, named after the giant “Challigroosi” who is said to be responsible for the Föhn winds of Grindelwald.

Cafe C&M

Aspen alpin lifestyle Hotel

Almisgässli 1

Aspen 1

Unsurpassed for patisserie in Grindelwald, the terrace at Café C&M is a top location during the day. In the evening the C&M plays out its inner qualities, featuring a small but delicious selection of food, an extensive wine list, and a bar with more than a few treasures.

Rustic style, one part stable, one part alpine hut and a dash of modern design: Aspen is a first class hotel location, but also a fantastic place for an apéro at the bar or a sumptuous dinner (featuring a terrace with direct piste access in winter).


Wärgistalstrasse 4 The cows eating the grass under the Eiger give better milk. And cheese made from good milk makes good cheese. The farmers of Grindelwald are testament to this. In 2010 they founded their own dairy and have been producing all kinds of delicious dairy products ever since.


Marti Haushalt-Wohnen-Eisenwaren Dorfstrasse 164 Bells are an integral part of Swiss culture and a wonderful souvenir. A wide selection can be found at the shop of the Marti family, where you can purchase regular bells in all sizes or, on request, speciallycustomized ones.

Cafe 3692

Terrassenweg 61 Café 3692 takes its name from the height of the Wetterhorn. The interior features indigenous carpentry to create a café with a surprising décor, great views and even an old rail wagon as a grill.


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