Urban Forestry Working Paper 2016

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Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry Working Paper On 6-8 April, 2016, FAO, the Urban Forestry Research Center of the State Forestry Administration of the People's Republic of China, and the city of Zhuhai, China co-organized the First Asia-Pacific Urban Forestry Meeting (APUFM) in Zhuhai, China. The meeting was attended by over 200 participants representing over 20 countries from Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America. The objectives of the meeting were to: 1) discuss the current status of UPF in the Asia-Pacific region; 2) exchange successful stories and lessons learned of urban forest management; 3) develop UPF strategies and nature-based solutions and discuss possible long-term collaboration between countries and/or cities towards a greener, healthier, and happier future.

TOWARDS A GREENER, HEALTHIER AND HAPPIER FUTURE The 1st Asia-Pacific Urban Forestry Meeting Meeting proceedings Zhuhai, China 6 - 8 April, 2016

Simone Borelli Forestry Officer Forest Policy and Resources Division FAO Forestry Department Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome, Italy Simone.Borelli@fao.org www.fao.org/forestry/urbanforestry



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