OCEAN Newsletter - Winter 2013

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our values Series They are at the heart of our corporate culture. They define our collective identity, landmarks that guide our daily decisions and allow us to journey together towards a common goal. Discover in this number

Integrity and Respect

newsletter winter 2013 Number 5

A site in our image

OCEAN’S NEW WEBSITE Gordon BAin President

We are extremely pleased to announce that our new website will be online soon. It will completed shortly after several months of hard work by our communications / marketing team and Cossette Communication.


The website content has been simplified to make it more current and easier to navigate. We have introduced several videos that describe our services and employee testimonials that illustrate the different career opportunities that are available within our company. Following a few weeks of testing the site online with the management team, we are fixing minor bugs and improving some sections of the new website before its launch. 2

To those who eagerly awaited this site, thank you for your patience! You will soon be able to navigate the new interface.

Ocean industries and fabrication navale océan

GREEN MARINE Green Marine is a voluntary environmental program aimed at enhancing the environmental performance of the marine industry in North America through a process of continuous improvement. This sustainable development binational project was launched in Québec in 2007 and focused on the waterway of the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes. Ocean Remorquage is associated with Green Marine from the start and the certification of the shipyard is currently underway. Ocean Industries is Eastern Canada’s first shipyard to endorse the program. We also greeted both the Association’s Executive Director and the Coordinator at our facilities in December. This meeting was to familiarize the Green Marine team to the operations of our shipyard.

CONSTRUCTION OF THE 25-Meter TUG The construction of the new 25-meter tug for the company Ocean Remorquage Montréal (ORM) is completed at more than 95%. Electrical connections as well as several finishing jobs are almost completed; the accommodations, exterior insulation and painting are about to be finished. The launching of the ship took place on March 1st. The various trials at dock and at sea are conducted at our facilities on Isle-aux-Coudres. These tests will allow us to obtain the equipment conformity certificate so that the ship may be delivered to ORM for his christening scheduled on April 18 in the Port of Montreal.

Construction of tundra 100 We are currently finalizing the assembly of the ship’s hull modules. The accommodations and the rear winch block were completed by Fabrication Navale Océan. They left the workshop in Québec and are bout to be delivered to the shipyard using a workboat and sectional barges. The pipe work is underway; the installation of propulsion engines and Z-drives is scheduled for mid-March. Engines weigh more than 30 tons and towering Z-drives propellers have a diameter of 3 meters, which will provide approximately 96ton bollard pull. Our teams work tirelessly to complete the most powerful tug ever built at our shipyard.


Océan remorquage And Océan Navigation

Mega motti In the fall of 2012, we evaluated a combined tug / barge unit «Mega Motti». Given the versatility of the equipment as well as the multitude of potential projects for both Ocean Navigation and Ocean Marine Works, Ocean decided to acquire it. Following a drydock in Germany and having obtained the necessary certificates and authorizations, it was decided to take advantage of milder weather conditions in January and February to make the long Atlantic crossing and thus bring our equipment to Canada. After various researches, the company Redwise Ltd was selected to provide crew and supplies needed for this trip a bit special due to the fact that the unit was not designed for long journeys. This journey began in Bremen, Germany on January 7. Traveling along the European coast to the Canary Islands, they began crossing the Atlantic Ocean toward Bermuda. Our ship is now waiting for warmer conditions to continue its journey to Québec. Here is one short text published on the crew’s blog:

« We are currently in Bermuda. We are waiting for the weather to improve in Canada; this means that we review daily weather forecasts even those of the local newspaper to determine if we can continue our voyage. »

SALVAGE OPERATION OF THE TOUNDRA On November 28, 2012, the bulk carrier M / V Tundra was sailing downstream when it ran aground south of buoy S129, near Sorel. A few years ago, the M / V Horizon had run aground at the same place. Our tugs were quickly dispatched to the scene. The ship being loaded to capacity, our first attempt at refloating failed. We opted for the lightening of the ship. A total of 2,692 MT of soy was unloaded. Two (2) barge trips were necessary. Once the lightening completed, our four (4) tugs pulled the ship out of his awkward position.


This operation was a success thanks to the professionalism of our rescue team including Norman Berrigan, Angelo Lavoie, Léandre Harvey, Alain St-Pierre and our crew.


Ocean marine works and ocean dredging dsm

GAGE VERREAULT INC. FLEET MAINTENANCE At first glance, TMO equipment seems ready to start the season. However, a closer look reveals that much maintenance should be carried out prior to their departure. The maintenance team has worked tirelessly for weeks to restore power to aging equipment; the A. Martin benefits of a complete remotorization and the IV9, IV10 barges are receiving a major facelift. The Ocean A. Martin, on which we installed specialized equipment for dredging will definitely be more efficient this summer. The IV9 IV10 barges purchased last spring from Verreault Dredging required a major lift, they are currently at the shipyard for a makeover.

ROSAIRE, BARGE IV 14, BARGE IV 9, BARGE IV 10 MORE ON THE MAINTENANCE TEAM Christian Perron has also joined the team for the busy period during which the equipment is being prepared. Responsible of the sectional barges, he ensures that the equipment will be ready for spring. The team has made some modifications to the ships Roxanne D and Phil D. so that they may obtain the certification for Near Coastal Voyage, Class 2. This will allow them to work in the Gaspe Peninsula this summer. For the maintenance team, the winter season is a very busy one. Several equipments are back for the winter and require renovation work. In order to relax a bit during this busy period, the team went go karting in January.


ing hopper dredger


The Ship and Industrial Repair division is working actively to improve existing processes. To achieve this, the team evaluates the communication systems between project managers and foremen. We are developing schedules and work sequences; we develop toolkits to increase the division’s productivity. Several investments have also enabled the purchase of new equipment, including nine (9) new welding machines, a new mobile unit and a lifting vehicle. Projects to reduce waste and improve the workshops’ ventilation systems are also underway. Several employees of the division are currently working on Ocean Industries’ shipbuilding projects.



In early June 2012, we asked you to complete the Défi Employeurs Inspirants survey. Your input is valuable to us since the survey results allowed us to measure your degree of satisfaction and your level of commitment to health and wellbeing. It also allowed us to identify our strengths and challenges in order to target our next interventions.


After analyzing the survey results, the management team has developed an action plan to increase your level of satisfaction and commitment. Here are examples of these actions by issues that are already implemented or will be in the coming months. It is important to note that these activities are not necessarily applicable to each group of employees.


Q.? Adherence to business objectives Documents presenting the mission, vision, values, goals and challenges of the organization were sent to the employees. Q.? Available tools and resources to achieve an excellent level of performance Planning activities and identification of needs for tools and equipment.


Q.? Open and honest communication Implementation of individual meetings between supervisor and employee, of a program for management of ideas and of improvement projects involving the production / operation using the PVA method. Q.? Treatment with dignity and respect, regardless of their position or background Workshops on the mobilization and commitment for supervisors and promotion of the organization’s values.


Q.? Tools and resources promoting healthy lifestyles Negotiation of agreements with fitness centers Energie Cardio, Nautilus Plus and Planet Fitness Gym. Participation in Défi Entreprise in June 2013. Q.? Sufficient staff to perform the tasks Human resources planning process to meet the needs for labor.


EMPLOYEES CONTRIBUTE TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Ocean has recently begun implementing improvement activities involving production and operations employees. Managers in different sectors identify, with their staff, relevant projects and determine the results expected of the improvement team. As the people who perform work are the best to improve it, the team consists of employees in the pertaining sector. The participants must be present in approximately three (3) meetings organized by myself or someone mastering improvement techniques. For example, topics may include: reduction of waste materials, the development of the list of required tools on a construction site, the development of a sector and many more.

Employees who were involved in the activities already undertaken are satisfied and contend, among other things, that «it allows me to give my opinion and be heard» and that «we find solutions as a team and we choose those that work best». In short, when your supervisor, superintendent, foreman or manager asks you to participate in an improvement activity, do not hesitate and say «yes»! You will not regret it! Mireille Bérubé

HEALTH AND SAFETY – ELECTRICITY : FAIRY GODMOTHER OR WICKED WITCH We continually use many tools powered by electricity. The common use of this energy sometimes makes us forget the notion that it can be dangerous, even fatal. Each year, the CSST has noted many cases of electrocution and unfortunately some cases of electrocution in the workplace. The following tips can definitely help you prevent an accident: • • •

Before working on electrical equipment, make sure it is turned off (even when changing a light bulb); Check the status of your extension cords; they should not be cut, notched or burned; Only a licensed electrician is allowed to repair extensions,

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reset the circuit breaker or work on the electrical grid; When performing work at heights, stay away as far as possible from high-voltage lines, because they can electrocute you even at a distance; When equipment produces sparks, unplug it before touching it; also, before using the fire extinguisher on an electrical fire, you must disconnect the power source; Under no circumstances can electrical equipment be modified.

Finally, if you have any doubt, do not hesitate to ask a qualified person to check it before starting work. Olivier Simon

marketing AND communications: OUR youtube CHANNEL We chose to integrate YouTube to our new web and social networks positioning strategy. There are approximately 120 million members on YouTube and it is now the second search engine most viewed, just after Google. This can prove to be very interesting to attract traffic to our new website. In addition, it is a great way to host our videos for free while combining the advantage of being viewed by all and everywhere. We recently completed the creation of our channel to display our various promotional videos and media interventions.

groupoceantv channel will be updated on a regular basis and we invite you to consult it on a regular basis and actively participate by leaving comments. We are currently considering the presence of Ocean on other social networks; read our future newsletters for more information. Vicky Boivin

7 www.youtube.com/ user/groupoceantv


Integrity and respect are two concepts closely linked. The more our standard of conduct is exemplary, the more people trust us. This is our high level of honesty and integrity that inspires and fosters respect. How to be honest? Put aside the definitions found in dictionaries and use logic. We all have a conscience. This conscience, humorously represented by the angel or demon that stands on our shoulders. Consistently, the angel and the devil dictate what to do and argue between doing good or evil. To be honest is to listen to our conscience, our angel. Deep within ourselves, we all know what is right or wrong. This implies to follow our beliefs and respect our colleagues by acting with civility, politeness and without discrimination. In case you are interested, here are the Webster definitions: RESPECT: deferential esteem felt or shown towards a person. INTEGRITY: moral uprightness; honesty.


Do I keep my promises?

Am I honest?

I follow the rules I am respectful?


I am honest and I always tell the truth

IntEgritY & Respect The difference is an asset from which we all benefit. We hold honesty in high esteem and value loyalty.


Points for consideration

Do I easily accept ideas from my colleagues?

Do I treat all my colleagues without discrimination?

Do I pay close attention to the needs of others?

Do I offer my comments in a constructive way?

I have a positive attitude

I come up with solutions

I do not participate in gossip


CHRISTMAS PARTY 2012 PHOTO ALBUM Photo: Nathalie Christiaens



event to come défi-entreprise 2013 date and time: Sunday June 9 2013, starting at 8 am. Location: Plaines d’Abraham, Québec More information about the défi and the training program will follow shortly.

If you have any comments, suggestions or if you would like to publish an article in the newsletter . 12

Contact : vicky.boivin@groupocean.com

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