The Collegian – Sept. 16, 2022

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application of course mate rial.“It is nice to make sure that students are open to new op portunities because not ev eryone knows what a compa ny does just by its title,” said



“The biblical, expositional teaching of Alistair Begg is internationally known as an inspiring source for clear, relevant instruction rooted firmly in Scripture,” the min istry’s website states. “Study ing God’s Word each day, verse by verse, is the hall mark of Truth for Life’s min istry.”On February 27, 1995, Truth for Life began airing a 25-minute daily Bible teach ing program on seven radio stations.Nowthe program, featur ing Begg, can be heard in ev ery major market across the U.S. and in several countries outside the U.S., according to the website. Truth For Life can also be heard daily on YouTube, its website, its mo bile app, on streaming TV, as a podcast on Amazon Al exa and Google Home devic es and through several other listening channels. FAIR

“My time working as As sistant Director of Sports In formation has been busy to say the least,” Williams said. “I’ve been trying to cover

Maggie Williams ‘22 shoots a photograph on campus.

Wednesday, Sept. 21, from 1-5 p.m. in the Physical Learning Center’s IM rooms. CSO has welcomed over 155 organizations to this year’s fair, encompassing private, non-profit, ministry, fellow ship, grad schools, military and public service opportu nities.This promising lineup presents career paths for all majors on campus, showcas ing a variety of positions that demonstrate the real-world

Friday, September 16, 2022 The Award-Winning

Football is life

Begg will be speaking in an other edition of the college’s Faith for Life lecture series on



Ayden Gutierrez News Editor

Recent grad gives Athletics Dept. a boost

A student approaches a company’s table at the 2021 Career Fair.

SPORTS The@Collegian_GCC@gcc.collegianCollegian:The GCC Newspaper


Ayden Gutierrez News Editor


College Student Newspaper Vol. 108, No. 4 Cafeteria conundrum Student workers needed to open more hours COMMUNITY

Mia Gallagher Contributing Writer

CSO Director Renee Coyne, when asked about the span of fields represented by orga nizations at the fair.


notably known for his Bible teaching ministry, Truth for Life. Ac cording to the Truth for Life website, “Truth for Life is the teaching ministry of Alistair Begg and is committed to teaching the Bible with clar ity and relevance so that un believers will be converted, believers will be established and local churches will be strengthened.”Begghasbeen in pasto ral ministry since 1975. Fol lowing graduation from the London School of Theology, he served eight years in Scot land at both Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh and Hamilton Baptist

Williams, who played for the women’s soccer team here during her time as a stu dent, credited her collegiate playing days for inspiring her passion to give athletes a platform.“Ialways wanted to give our athletes more of a plat form on campus and have something to showcase for the hours of work they put in during the school year. While it is a very busy time in ath letics, I know that the work is appreciated and worth it in the long run,” Williams said.

each of our teams along with being an Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach. However, it has been very rewarding.”

Williams noted that al


While many great activi ties and opportunities fight for students’ attention on campus, Grove City College’s nationally-ranked Career Services Office (CSO) hopes to recenter the focus on what matters most — futures be yondCSOcampus.looksto do that with the 24th annual Career Fair. The fair will take place on



The college’s Athletics Department has seen many improvements in recent months. Much of these are thanks to the department’s newest hire, a familiar face at theMaggiecollege.Williams ’22 was hired onto the full-time staff shortly after graduating from the college in May. Williams currently works as the As sistant Director of Sports Information and Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach.

TheCollegian kills love best to love your neighbor swing and a miss girls can’t win

“Sometimes students have Grove City


Senior football players CJ Otwell and Tim Forry read about the team in The Collegian before last week’s game against Geneva. Read about that match on Sports pg. 12 and get ready for this week’s showdown with Carnegie Mellon.

Renowned evangelical pastor, Alistair Begg, will be visiting the college to speak at chapel next week. the About section of the Truth for Life website, Begg became the senior pastor at Parkside Church near Cleveland, Ohio, in 1983. He has written sev eral books and is heard daily on the Truth for Life radio program. The teach ing on Truth for Life stems from the week-by-week Bible teaching at Parkside Church.


The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022 Page 2

To help students prepare, CSO has organized numerous events to provide students with everything from resume feedback to career fair coach ing. On Monday, Sept. 19, CSO will be holding a “How to Work a Career Fair” event hosted by a recruiter from Enterprise Holdings. This event will give students an idea of what employers are expecting, how to prepare an introduction statement and what questions to ask.

“Meeting people where they are and helping them get

“As a career fair coach, my job is to guide and prepare students of all years for the Career Fair. This includes dress and presentation, in terviewing skills and résumé development,” Feiser said. “I also am the Senior Chair of the Career Fair this year, which means I am the stu dent who oversees the whole event, from set-up the day before to tear down the min ute the fair ends.”

un less

ent sports teams on campus.”

Eisentraut added that members of Writers Anony

its staff

mous come from multiple majors but share a common passion to write novels. Any and all writers are welcome, she said.

“We hope students also bring an attitude of curios ity to the fair. Yes, they’ll be nervous and yes, it’s a new experience. But we want stu dents to enjoy the opportu nity of being able to talk with recruiters,” Coyne said.

prep for success.

“I love creating content, so pursuing that passion re ally is a dream of mine,” said Williams when commenting on the Assistant Director of Sports Information job. “I

For Williams, both jobs contain plenty of aspects that make them enjoyable. As the Assistant Director of Sports Information, she appreciates that she gets to work with a wide variety of teams and gain valuable understanding in sports and how to photo graph them. students, aca demics and future careers are the main focus. So where does writing novels come in handy? While it is difficult to make a living, writing is still a viable career and requires a lot more than just being able to write a story.


of the best, but he knew they had to bring in somebody who could keep the depart ment up to speed with to day’s digital age.

WILLIAMS continued from 1

The Collegian is the student newspaper of Grove City College, located in Grove City, Opinions appearing on pages, expressly stated otherwise, represent the views of are not the collective views of Collegian, or Grove City College.

though it has always been something that interest ed her, working in sports seemed like something un attainable until she was able to land an internship with a professional sports organiza tion.“Itook an internship work ing for the Pittsburgh River hounds SC (USL) during my junior/senior year summer. During that time, I figured out how to generate content (TikToks, tweets, IG posts, graphics, etc.) to better on line traffic and following from a business perspective,” Williams said.

“I then brought that knowl edge into college senior year and started to do photogra phy and graphics for differ

Athletic Director Todd Gibson ’02 believes the de partment at Grove City is one

“I have always had a pas sion for the sport, and I love helping athletes gain a new appreciation for the sport they know and love. I also enjoy the relational/mentor aspect that I have as a coach and hope that I can positively impact my players through out their college careers and beyond,” Williams said when commenting on her role as an assistant soccer coach.

Although some students may be far from making any major career decisions and might be intimidated by talk ing to potential employers, CSO encourages all students to attend the fair not only for the valuable networking op portunities but for the confi dence and experience gained.


Williams said she believes that the Athletic Department is a great environment to be in. She noted that every coach and player are very passion ate about their respective sports, which according to her, makes creating content for them exciting.

happy accidents of bumping elbows with a company they never even had on their list because they didn’t recog nize the name. We encour age students to be curious and use their time to find as many employers to talk with as Beforepossible.”attending the fair, students can log into Hand shake to learn more about the organizations that will be present. CSO encourages all students to prep for success by dressing professionally, refining their resumes and thinking up questions to ask prospective employers.

“We already have the best Director of Sports Informa tion in the nation in our de partment in Ryan Briggs,” Gibson said.

CAREER FAIR continued from 1

tiple careers and applying knowledge to write, publish and sell your novel.

also enjoy my coworkers and getting to know coaches now on a deeper level than I did as a student.”AsanAssistant Women’s Soccer Coach, Williams is happy to be back with a team that transformed not only who she was as a player but also as a Christ follower.


individual writers. They

“Her zest for producing content, coupled with her passion for the college and our Athletic Department, is a tremendous addition to what we are doing in the Athletic Department and Sports In formation, specifically.”

“These recruiters are excit ed to meet with students and they have chosen to come to our fair because of our students’ qualities, commit ment and dedication. Do not be afraid and do not be shy to talk about who you are, why you love what you study and

Sophomore Abigail Fisher, freshman Clancey Herring, sophomore Naarah Amorino and freshman Madelyn Braho (left to right) attend one of the Writers Anonymous meetings in HAL.

News Page 3The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022 This week’s Green Eyeshade Award goes to Community Editor Violet Whitmore for her desire to learn the ropes of design and her passionate energy in the office. The Green Eyeshade Award honors student contributors that demonstrate consistency and excellence in their work. the Green eyeshade award WHITMORE Collegian Staff Editor-in-Chief David Zimmermann Managing Editor Caleb West Section Editors News Ayden Gutierrez Community Violet Whitmore Perspectives Grace Scheller Entertainment Nick Grasso Sports Emma Rossi Photo Chief Grace David Copy Chief Hannah Welker Business Manager David Ake Copy Editors Emily Fox Jaina Hershey Claire Josey Eve MaiahJessicaLeePrattSerazin Staff Writers David Smith Peter Van Eerden Isaac Willour Staff Photographers Megan Eisentraut Lydia NaomiJosephEleniWilliamGilanshahHearnKasianidesShinWalters Staff Adviser Nick Hildebrand

“If you want to be a good

writer, you have to be a mod ern-day renaissance man,” her, this means understanding mul

what you hope to do.”

The purpose of the club is very crucial for lovers of the pen and paper. Writing is a passion for many but a lone ly endeavor, and the club’s function in supporting novel writers through their passion is paramount for them.


Additionally Clark Associ ates, RW Supply and Design and NVR/Ryan Homes will be holding information ses sions before the fair to give more details about their companies and career oppor tunities. After the fair, ChickFil-A and Bayer will be join ing RW Supply and Design to hold next-day interviews for job and internship opportu nities.Tohelp manage the event, CSO has assembled a team of volunteers to help with set up, tear down and welcom ing employers. This team is headed by three student ca reer fair coaches: sophomore Ella Metheny, junior Maya Lindberg and junior Jacob Feiser.These individuals play a major role in helping the fair run smoothly and are tasked with helping fellow students

“He sets the standard for a traditional sports informa tion administration. As we look at today’s landscape, the best athletic programs in the nation have tremendous daily sports coverage, con tent and statistical analysis but also are producing high quality creative content. To accomplish this, we knew we had to find someone who could create content that would showcase Grove City College athletics in the new world of Instagram, TikTok

and the like.”

With Williams’ experience, both on and off campus, Gibson said “hiring her was easy!”Ryan Briggs ’01, the Sports Information Director at the college, said the addition of Williams has already paid off in a big “ very talented, creative and motivated, and her efforts are already pay ing off for us. Our digital me dia interactions and interest have skyrocketed and that is because of Maggie’s quality work,” Briggs said.

Writers Anonymous was founded in spring 2021 by Ashley Wright ’22. Its new president Megan Eisentraut has taken responsibility of the club by recruiting sopho mores Emily Nelson, Kyalie Mizerak and Lauren Wil liams to help lead the meet ings.“The main focus in the club is on novels, not short sto ries,” said Eisentraut.

“It would take weeks or a whole year to have the con versations you could have in a couple of hours,” Coyne said.“All majors at all levels should be curious, ask ques tions and come up with re sponses that keep the con versation going or see if there are additional contacts you can find. The employers wouldn’t come if the students didn’t prepare and show up. We’re glad to do the work, and we hope students will put in the work to put their best selves forward.”

where they want to go” was what Eisentraut described as the club’s goal. When the club meets, there are discussion days and writ ingDuringdays. discussion days, people are grouped by their work’s genre where they troubleshoot characters and work out plot issues. During writing days, the members solely write, as especially in college a writer’s greatest challenge – finding time to write – is tough for begin ning novel writers trying to churn out their first publish able

Junior Megan Eisentraut carries the torch for the Writ ers Anonymous club.

WA helps authors stay on the write track

Upon arrival, students will check in through Handshake and receive a name badge, directory and map of the fair.

Benjamin Jones Contributing Writer

referring to the drains moat ing the dish collector. “That might be nice and a little cleaner, especially since they sometimes tip over and spill everywhere.”Whilethe expectation of mysterious filth comes with such a job, some students may not consider the people behind the machine when discarding dishes at MAP


4 - 5:30 p.m.

11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Harbison Chapel Career Fair

Wednesday, Sept. 21

8 - 11 p.m.

Something simple like: “Hey, I think we have this class together, but I forget your name. Can you remind me of it?” Segue that into talking about homework, projects or essays you have for the class. Start small with the conversation before wor rying about anything else.

Formation Friday

Monday, Sept. 19

Saturday, Sept. 17

Violet Whitmore Community Editor

Senior Sam Belitz sprays silverware clean for the next round of hungry Grovers. MAP and Hicks rely on student workers to get the job done.

Upcoming Events...


GeDunk faces staff shortages

“It takes more effort and planning to eat here on the weekends when you don’t have access to a car,” sopho more Kendra Wales said. “If I want to eat after 6:30 p.m., I’m out of GeDunkluck.”workers know students are not happy about the lack of meal swipes, but they simply don’t have the numbers to support the vol ume of students. Retail is open, but it becomes difficult to manage depending on how many orders come in.

Don’t displease the dishwashers

5:30 - 8:30 p.m.

7 - 11 p.m.

HAL Courtyard WednesdayWorship

Thursday, Sept. 22

Friday, Sept. 16

Sticht Lecture Hall ResumeBlitzReview

If you start by simply ask ing for her name, nothing has to be awkward. I think it is one of the most caring things to know someone’s name. Just make sure you ask this honestly and at a good moment. If you have to interrupt her conversation to ask for her name, that’s not ideal. Wait for a natural lull or a time when she is by

11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

7:30 - 10 p.m.

Studentsdoors.can only use meal swipes at the Hicks cafeteria on weekends due to under staffed and overwhelmed Bon Appetit workers.

Friday, Sept. 16 Breen

Introducing yourself to others can be one of the most stressful parts of a potential romance. Fortunately for you, it’s still the beginning of the semester. No matter what year you are, there’s no reason you can’t ask some one to remind you of their name.There are many ways that you could go about meeting her. Although your seat in class is probably fixed now, you could wait for a group discussion to sit or work with her. That is a riskier move, though, because she might be quick to form a group with other people in thePerhapsclass. it is better to in troduce yourself either be


HAL 114 Java Jam

fore class or during a time completely outside of class. If both of you tend to get to class a few minutes early, you could go up to her and ask how she is doing — and introduce yourself from there.Because you are in the class together, if you lead off with humility in not knowing everyone’s name, she proba bly won’t hesitate to give you hers. Once you know some one’s name, you can start another conversation. All it takes is that first interaction to get things started. You can also introduce yourself to her if you run into each other elsewhere on campus. Maybe it’s in the line at Hicks or walking into

Faith for Life Lec ture - Alistair Begg

Community Page 4The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022

Food Truck Fridays

1 - 5 Wednesday,p.m.Sept. 21

7 - 8 p.m.

Last year, students at Grove City College flocked to the GeDunk Café for week end lunches and dinners in the Breen Student Union. This year, weekend traffic causes students to line up out cafeteria

Tuesday, Sept. 20

“We are very understaffed right now. Often, we have to close down stations. The Starbucks station is closed down, and so is the pizza station. There’s only two of us on the schedule tonight,” GeDunk Supervisor Heather FennellFennellsaid.said she has been working since 2008, and this is the lowest number of staff

Making the right first impression

“Maybe if they could, pour it out first,” she said when

Wednesday, Sept. 21 PLC

7:30 - 10 p.m.

Freshmen have especial ly limited options when it comes to food as they are un able to have cars on campus. Including upperclassmen without cars, this student demographic must sched ule their time around dinner hours on Saturday and Sun day when they are cut down to two hours, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Once you establish a per sonal connection with her, then you can start saying hi to her and seeing how she responds. If she also greets you, then you could maybe ask to study together. Use that first interaction to grow the conversation. Asking for someone’s name doesn’t have to be awkward, so don’t make it awkward. You’ve got this, Cautious Grover! Confidently,

Abigail Kengor Contributing Writer

How to Work a Career Fair


Friday, Sept. 16

a building at some point.

Tuesday, Sept. 20

HAL Courtyard

Wednesday, Sept. 21

Junior Sierra Grissom, the executive vice president of Student Affairs in Student Government Association, said, “I know Bon Appetit needs more student workers and that there are shortages of workers among many or ganizations across the coun try. I assume that shortage of labor has impacted Bon Ap petit in some way.”

11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

plate.“I enjoy scrubbing the plates. I like the feeling of sorting it out,” Killam said.

Dr. LoveLoveM.D.

Friday, Sept. 16 Crawford Auditorium

herself to ask her.

There’s this girl in one of my classes who I find really attractive, but we’ve never talked before because I’ve never had a reason to. How do I introduce myself without making it awkward? Sheepishly, Cautious Grover

STEM Patio

Prayer Gathering

Harbison Chapel Block Party


Not everyone finds dish duty especially appetizing, but freshman Abby Killam’s description makes the job shine.When asked about the dif ficulty of dishwashing and which foods were especially irksome or hard to clean, she mused on the soothing nature of cleaning a crusty


Harbison Chapel

8 - 10 p.m.


7 - 9:30 p.m.


Killam recently took up a job at Hicks cafeteria, where she works to polish her skills without drowning in an offcampus work schedule. How ever, there is still a high like lihood of being splashed by a student’s discarded drink.


Silent Disco Night


Be sure to stop by and try their signature drink, the Urban Vanilla Cold Brew, or test out their seasonal drinks just in time for soon-to-come fallFollowweather.Urban Trail Cof fee Co. on Instagram for up dates by signing up for their rewards program. Every 50 points earned will grant you a free drink! andOneHicks.grievance students expressed about dish return was a critique of inefficient space“Don’tuse.put your dishes at

I’m not a very good cook, but if I could eat one type of food for the rest of my life, it would be Mexican food. Or anything with cheese.

Opinions vary on how many flaws are present in the cafeteria dish system, but overall it is considered an ef ficient method without too much need for improvement, except on the part of its cus tomers.

Urban Trail Coffee Co. is a Pittsburgh-based coffee shop founded in 2020 around a pandemic innovation — cof fee trailers. In fact, the stu dent body got to experience this twist on a coffee stand outside the library during the first week of classes.

Finance column

Let’s say that you are given two options: invest $10,000 into the S&P 500 for 10 years or put $10,000 into your bank account for 10 years. Let’s assume that the S&P 500 averages a 10 percent return each year (which is below its historical annualized average return since its inception in 1957) and your savings account returns one percent every year. If you were to choose the savings account at a one percent annual return, you

What’s your favorite genre of music?

What’s your dream travel spot?

Opportunity cost

The owner, Tana Mitchell, said how she’s looking for ward to “being part of the community and building re lationships with people.”

What if you were to buy a brand-new vehicle one year after graduating college? You are not just spending a considerable amount of money on a depreciating as set, but you are foregoing the option to pay off student loans, save up for a house or invest in the market earning compounded interest. Some decisions will have immense financial repercussions be cause we do not properly analyze the opportunity cost.Although this is a rela tively basic concept to un derstand, it is a difficult life style to implement. Before making a huge financial de cision, weigh the opportuni ty cost by considering what you would be receiving and what you would be forego ing.

She suggested that stu dents stack their dishes neat ly in a back corner or side of the tray, leaving room for the next person and mak

Peter Van Eerden Staff Writer

I was exposed to clas sical French theater at a very young age, but in translation, it always felt weird to me. There was something weird about the translation and I didn’t have the vocabulary or the knowledge to situate that, so I started taking French in high school because I had to and just kept taking it.

The café has been con

For example, a college student spends $15 and two and a half hours attend ing the movies instead of studying for an exam the next day. This student is not only foregoing the $15 that could have been spent or invested elsewhere but also

I’m teaching two sections of French 101, French 307 and a medieval and early modern French literature class.

GEDUNK continued from 4

The new café at Grove City College is Urban Trail’s first brick-and-mortar location and have deemed it their out post.This new addition to the li brary fills the space with the

Ryan Young rec ommended the job: “It’s the highest paying job on cam pus at $13 an hour. You get to make your own hours and the staff is very accommodat ing.”The job can include any thing from cleaning dishes to making pastries, according to “StudentsYoung. can make or break a night,” Fennell said, “but the staff understand that school comes first.”


The Collier Café, located in Henry Buhl Library, opened for business on Thursday, Sept. 8, serving coffee from Urban Trail Coffee Outpost.

All the while, we waited for the grand opening of the café which promised to offer quality coffee to all caffeinedependent and sleep-de prived college students.

As we discuss budgeting and investing, it is impor tant to look at the implica tions of opportunity cost in personal finances.

Interested applicants should apply at and fill out the online form under the Student Employ ment tab.

Why did you pick French?

What classes are you teaching this year?

“It’s like building LEGOs with a four-year-old,” she said. “A four-year-old doesn’t know how to build LEGOs; they just throw stuff every where.”

There is one French movie that came out in Quebec a few years ago, “La Disparition des Lu cioles,” and the music is good, the cinematography is great, the acting is great and it feels like Quebec.small-town

What’s your movie?favorite

So, I found a friend of mine’s band in Quebec called the Death Wheel ers and they play songs that are very long and very loud. I’m awake and I’m motivated and it’s just awesome.

Seven questionswith…

What’s your cuisine?favorite

Junior Olivia Nicholas happily serves a handcrafted beverage to a customer on the opening day of the Collier Café. The new café serves hot and cold drinks and snacks Monday through Saturday in the newly renovated Henry Buhl Library.

the front of the tray,” fresh man Angela White said, “be cause then there won’t be room for anyone else’s.”

Emma Whiteford Contributing Writer

On opening day, students ordered anything from regu lar coffee and cold brew to lattes including flavors like iced lavender or caramel ap ple butter. However, if you’re not a coffee-lover, there’s an assortment of tea lattes, matcha and hot chocolate to choose from.

Most Grovers recall studying in the Great Room among sounds of hammers and drills but followed the prog ress as study spaces changed configuration and new tech nology was added.

smell of freshly brewed cof fee and baked goods in ad dition to the classic noises of a coffee shop’s usual hustle and bustle. Their menu offers something for everyone.

continued from 4

structed in the place of what used to be a smaller study room, known as the Bible Reference Room.

Japan. I’ve been ob sessed with Kurosawa films since I was a kid.

This new café is a gift from Janet (Owen) Collier ’63, and it opens onto a new patio that offers the opportunity to study or fellowship over a cup of coffee in the sun.

members she’s seen since then. Despite the stress ful situations, Bon Appetit workers greatly appreciate student patience and under standing.“Thestudents are honestly why we come back every day. If we’re stressed out or short handed, just seeing how un derstanding students are is a big help,” Fennell said.

would be foregoing the 10 percent annual return. The difference is over $15,000, which makes the choice between these two options fairly obvious to most.


Opportunity cost is “the value of what you lose when you choose from two or more alternatives,” Forbes states. This may seem like a technical term, but its prac tical implications for per sonal financial freedom are profound.Resources, like money and time, are finite by nature; therefore, it is imperative to assess alternative strategies to capitalize on the best use of your resources.

The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022 Page 5

ing the depositing process a bit smoother when the line starts to lengthen.

The company’s first out post already hired eight stu dents to work in the café and hope to continue hiring for barista positions.


The process of the library renovation has unfolded over the course of many months.

When I can see on some one’s face that “ohhh” moment the realization that they’ve understood the material. That and I love being able to, as en thusiastically as possible, communicate how much I love that stuff because I find that enthusiasm is infectious, and people will catch on and they get it, and they like it.

I got into heavy metal, stoner metal and doom metal when I was get ting my Ph.D. because I’m a classic punk rock girl. I found after a while that I got distracted by the words, but I needed the music and the activity when I was pulling mul tiple weeks of all-nighters.

Urban Trail opens in the Collier Café

What is your favorite part of teaching?

Students can help with understaffing problems –all cafeterias on campus are looking for student workers forSeniorhire.

the opportunity to study. It is unlikely that this scenario pertains to any Grover stu dents; however, the prin ciples still stand true.

In the last article, we looked at the five major components of financial lit eracy: earn, spend, save and invest, borrow and protect. Opportunity cost plays a sig nificant role in each of these components. Let’s dive a lit tle deeper to see how this es sential principle plays a ma jor role in personal finances.

Some students shared their thoughts on the recent opening of the café. “Urban Trail is a mutu ally beneficial relationship between a local coffee shop and Grovers desperate for caffeine sustenance. Not only is the coffee fantastic, but it saves students a trip into town for coffee or a good study space,” junior Sierra Grissom said.

The college has a new wave of up-and-coming photogra phers, eager to capture the livelihood of campus life. Each artist brings a special set of skills and talents, vibrantly expressed in their favorite works.


The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022

Through the Lens

The photographer’s eye

Collegian photographers showcase their favorite work

Grove City College / Mia Campagna

Fallingwater / Mia CampagnaLake /William Hearn

The artwork, selected from the past year, features scenes from western Pennsylvania to the Everest region in Nepal.

Everest Region, Nepal /William Hearn

Warren, Pa / Judd Demers

Whether the shot is an animal close-up, a wide landscape view, powerful architecture or an action shot of human life, these student photographers write in a piece of themselves in the artwork’s story.

— Grace David, Photo Chief

Through the lens, Feb. 22, 2019 Page 6

As the Photo Chief, I look forward to working with these talented artists and seeing the new points of view of cam pus life and beyond.

The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022 Page 7

Lakeville, Maine / Annie Grace SmithGolden Gate Bridge / Eleni Kasianides

Everest Region, Nepal /William Hearn

Nepal /William Hearn

Allegheny National Forest / Judd Demers

Butterfly Bush / Mia Campagna

Allegheny National Forest / Judd Demers

Everest Region, Nepal /William Hearn

forms is not a violation of his rights; his words leave the realm of legally permissible free speech. According to the law, speech that incites vio lence or is obscene in nature is not permissible in the pub you’re still uncon vinced, know that social me dia platforms have the right to make their own rules and exclude people who don’t fol low them.

Andrew Tate’s ban justified

Articles submitted for pub lication are expected to pro vide arguments of substance that rely on fact and are void of foundationally emotional and biased arguments.


The purpose of the Per spectives section is to give a space for student voices. Here, student writers have the space to critique, ques tion and analyze the world aroundPerspectivesthem. articles represent the views of the individual writer. They do not represent the views of The Collegian, The Collegian staff or Grove City College.

Now, just because I don’t like this quote doesn’t mean I get to silence Tate — that would violate his right to free speech. But he doesn’t just say ugly things; he in spires violence.

After reflecting on these

For example, Tate has said, “When I speak to some of these feminists who’re like ‘I don’t want kids,’ I think you are the most miserable stu pid b**** in the world.”

There’s a difference be tween the language you don’t like and the language that in spires violence. Just because someone says something you don’t like doesn’t mean you can censor them.

The phrase turned out to be a credo used by a group called “Fight the New Drug” that prioritizes informing people on the detrimental effects of pornography.Inthedays following my research on the slogan, I watched Michael Knowles’ speech on the same topic. Near the end, he commented that 95 percent of men have looked at pornography, and the other five percent are lying. He’s not the first person I’ve heard say this.

If the intent behind


wearing revealing clothing is ever to appear more “attractive,” this choice may be counterproductive.

the interaction of faith within theirThistopic.isa space where all voices can be heard. It is our goal as The Collegian staff that Perspectives reflect the diversity of thought rep resented on the college’s campus.Additionally, The Collegian will not accept a Perspec tives article if the topic has not been reported on by the newspaper. This means that the publication of a submit ted or proposed article may be delayed so The Collegian can provide a factual, unbi ased context for the paper’s readership.Ifyouwould like to submit an article for publication or want further clarification of The Collegian’s expectations contact Editor-in-Chief David Zimmermann, Managing Edi tor Caleb West or Perspec tives Editor Grace Scheller.

Inspiring violence should not be considered free speech

Upon returning to campus, one of the first things I saw was a student wearing a shirt that read “Porn Kills Love.” I was surprised to see someone wearing something so bold.

I also recently learned that men and women are aroused in entirely different ways (men almost exclusively visually, women through other things like romance and affection). It can be complicated for someone to imagine what the opposite gender experiences in this regard because the biological workings of the other will never be experienced personally.

Those who think these bans violate free speech fail to understand that right. Let’s explore the dif ference between the U.S.declared right to free speech and public free speech.

Lust kills love: Christians should reject temptations

continue to do so.

To all my sisters, I would say this to you: God made you beautiful. Your character and spirit best demonstrate that beauty. It’s not beauty as the world would have it, with the body being shown off in articles of clothing lacking fabric. Modest dress is truly attractive, as it is the more sensible option and reveals the heart of the person wearing it.

Real sex will never be seen on a screen because it happens in the privacy of the marriage bed, where God intended it. God-fearing Christian couples would not be posting that online. I imagine they would not even be recording it, as they would not need to. Each would enjoy the company of the other in the moment, have fond memories of previous experiences together and have great anticipation for their next time together. Neither recording nor uploading would be part of thisWhatequation.isseen on screen is God’s precious creation being defiled. The people on screen are engaging in something that was specially created and reserved for those who are married (Hebrews 13:4). The viewer is almost certainly looking at the screen lustfully, an action Jesus said is adultery (Matthew 5:28).

Page 8The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022

much heartache. Nobody would intentionally want their marriage, self-esteem or free time to suffer. While this industry shouldn’t be allowed to exist, people do have control over their actions. Christians also have God on their side, and he forgives anyone willing to repent. He has also blessed Christians with the Holy Spirit to help in times of trial andOnetemptation.instrumental book to read on this issue is “The Purity Principle” by Randy Alcorn. It’s concise, practical and biblically sound. It doesn’t tiptoe around any aspect of this, but only because no honest dialogue can. One can get through it in a couple of hours.

The right to free speech is not an unlimited free-forall: there are legal excep tions. The U.S. Courts Data base clarifies the parameters of this right: “Freedom of speech does not include the right to incite imminent law less action, to… distribute obscene materials.”

So, where does Andrew Tate fall? Is he just a bully, or do his words carry dan ger? Let’s look at another of his quotes from TikTok. (A warning for violent language

involving sexual assault fol lows).

For those who struggle with this sin, it would be best to find someone you can trust to help you kick the habit.

I live in a dorm at the col lege. Thus, I cannot have alcohol in my room even

And to my sisters: as I mentioned, Scripture tells us that anyone who looks at another lustfully has already committedScriptureadultery.alsosays to be mindful by avoiding doing things that cause other believers to stumble (Romans 14:13).

Zachary Smith Contributing Writer

The pornography industry has been responsible for

I apologize for the lan guage in this quote. Though vile, it is necessary to show that Tate doesn’t just disre spect women — he publishes advice on how to abuse them. You can find countless simi lar quotes Banningonline.Tate from plat

things, and because this issue affects everyone in one way or another, I feel led to offer a word to my brothers andFirst,sisters.tomy brothers who may struggle with this (and it sounds like it tempts all men eventually): don’t be fooled – what’s on the screen is neither sex nor love.

On how to “handle” a “dis respectful” girlfriend, Tate recommended: “Bang out the machete, boom in her face, then grip her up by the neck… That’s how it goes.”

though I’m 21. A violation of my legal right to drink? Absolutely not. It is simply a rule I agree to follow since I live on Grove City College property. It’s the same with theseTikTok’ssites. policy states, “Content that… threatens, incites violence against or otherwise dehumanizes an individual or group... will not be permitted to remain on theIt’ssite.”that simple. Put moral ity aside if you can stomach it. Tate violated the agree

I have talked with plenty of men that aren’t attracted to women who don’t dress modestly.Ithink it would be safe to assume that most Christian men prefer to look at women exclusively in God-honoring ways, and I’m sure Christian women would prefer that, too.

Perspectives Policy

This is not a space to parrot party lines. Perspec tives articles are expected to take original stances, and, where applicable, consider

I would implore you to keep these things in the back of your mind when deciding what to wear each day. To those who already do, I thank you and hope you will

While pieces in Perspec tives are subjective by nature, The Collegian has standards for publication.

ment that exists between the platform and the user, so he wasHowever,removed.this debate is about much more than the right to free speech. It’s about a generation of young people — particularly teenage boys — watching these videos and becoming inspired by a vio lentTatemisogynist.entices young men with his get-rich-quick pro gram and inundates them with advice on how to treat women violently. Let’s do better for this generation.

Internet personality An drew Tate has been banned from most social media platforms for his blatant mi sogyny and violent language about women.

Mallory Jones Contributing Writer

While some might think of the Royal Family as a waste of time and energy, Elizabeth demonstrated the core values of qualities that most leaders significantly lack. She illus trated that love is most important when being a servant to others. Un like many leaders today who use division and unrest to bolster their political clout, Elizabeth used her position to care for others who need edInhelp.1944, she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service Force and later became a driver and auto mechanic in the British Army. She was even tually given the rank of honorary junior commander, the equivalent of being a captain. According to the Royal Household, “the Queen held Patronages with over 70 education and training organizations, over 60 sports and recreational organiza tions, over 30 faith organizations and over 40 arts and cultural orga nizations.”Elizabeth’s love for her country

Isaac Lipton ‘26 The cof fee shop is great. fantasticserviceTheisand the coffee is even better. Justin Folger ‘23 The capitalism!promotereallyprices

It’s actually good coffee and gratefulincrediblyI’mforthat.

Melva Loock ‘23 I love that they frompastrieshavealocalbaker!

The true measure of one’s legacy is not determined by the soci etal status we end up with, but rather the works and treatment of those around us. tions.generaforinspirationsourceservelegacyElizabeth’sQueenwillasaoffuture

It was a bit expensive, but I would say it’s totally worth it considering hownientconveitis.

When hearing about Her Majes ty’s passing, I was about to exit the doors of the Student Union as I was heading to Ritenour’s Intermediate Microeconomics. As the announce ment was made, the first thing that came to mind was: “The world just lost its most devout servant leader.”

September 8 was a day of heart ache for millions worldwide. That af ternoon, Buckingham Palace, along with members of the Royal Fam ily released a statement announcing that Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning monarch in British history, had passed away at age 96.

big of a deal to some, but it turns out that this idea is more contentious than many college students are prepared for.A

It’s our differing priorities that make friendship inter

Members of Parliament and for mer prime ministers paid tribute to Her Majesty by offering kind words and reminiscing over their cher ished memories of her. Liz Truss, the U.K.’s newly instated prime min ister, called Elizabeth II “the rock on which modern Britain was built.” World leaders offered their condo lences and emphasized Elizabeth’s significant contributions to Britain’s and humanity’s history.

The British Broadcasting Chan nel played “God Save The King,” the national anthem of the United King dom, and ceased showing any adver tisements as a sign of respect.

Alam’s one of the most interesting friends I have. When something big like the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago happens or Roe v. Wade is overturned, he’s often the first person I want to get an opinion from, not because I agree with him, but precisely because I don’t.

Conservatives, hang out with liberals

Catholic Primate of All Ireland Archbishop Eamon Martin saw how faith was instrumen tal in Elizabeth’s life: “Here was a woman who lived her faith – who served the Lord at every moment of her life and who really wrote faith into everything that she thought, said and did.”In 2011, she said, “For giveness lies at the heart of the loveonstratedElizabethleadership,temporarylove.”ofthewethatnessgiveinties.communicilecanshipsfriendcanfamilies,healfaith.ChristianItcanbrokenitrestoreanditrecondividedItisforfeelpowerGod’sUnlikecondemGod’sinherprivate

And now, for a week in the dorms of Catholic University, Alam and I had to manage a living situation that almost half of people our age say they’d never willingly un dergo.Forwhat it’s worth, we ar gued a lot.

The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022 Page 9

and other countries alike is an attribute our leaders should aspire to in their positions. The Queen demonstrated that devo tion to faith is vital to a happy life.

politics, background or even religion: we liked each other as people. We were funda mentally at odds on any num ber of issues — post-AEI, we both went to a D.C. art muse um, and I had the pleasure of attempting to explain medi eval iconography to someone with minimal cultural Chris tian background. (Why does Mary wear blue? Well, this is going to take a while.)

2022 NBC poll found that almost half of college stu dents (46 percent) couldn’t see themselves choosing to room with someone who voted differently in the 2020 presidential election. The people that we disagree with represent something so hos tile to our frame of being that living with them in the setting of a college dorm is simply unthinkable to half of American college students.

Last week’s column talked about the difference between civility and love. Loving means that you genuinely engage with them to aboutoffullydiscussion.ingunderstandgainandhaveaI’mcognizanthowtalkingcom

and public affairs, mak ing her life a testimony of God’s im mense mercy and glory. While the world mourns Elizabeth’s passing, it would be a disservice to not remember her memory by not celebrating her life’s work and example.

Daniel Stepke ‘23

Citizens across the U.K. have come together to pay their respects to the Royal Family and Her Maj esty. Thousands laid wreaths, flowers and other assortments at various royal residenc es, including Balmoral, where Queen Elizabeth II peacefully passed away.

A eulogy for Her Majesty

Wade Douglas ‘26 MAP has coffee for me.enoughThat’sfree.goodfor

American Enterprise Insti tute. The Summer Honors program is one of the best ex periences available to college students in terms of nurtur ing intellectual diversity and fostering innovative thinking on various policy and cultur al Iissues.know about the intel lectual diversity part first hand because I found my self rooming with someone ridiculously different from me; it ended up being one of the best things about my summer. Alam is a liberal at UChicago, and I’m sol idly right-of-center hailing from some college in western Pennsylvania. He’s culturally Muslim, and I’m a practicing Christian. I was thrilled to see Roe v. Wade overturned; he had markedly different feelings on the matter.

So far I think Urban Trail has been great for gotstudents.theIamochathispastweek.

Jacob Adams ‘23

Isaac Willour Staff Writer

What do you think of ColliertheCafe?

Word on the street...

ing together despite differ ences is perceived as cheap within politics or perceived as a throwaway line designed to call back to an American golden age that increasingly few believe even existed at all. But I’m going to double down one last time with a personal example of why I believe so strongly in the power of per sonalThisconnection.summer, I had the privilege of taking a week off journalistic work to partici pate in an academic honors program sponsored by the

Two essentially politically opposite guys from entirely different backgrounds, hav ing to live with each other for a week during a policy sum mit may not seem like that

The space is really beau tiful, makes you modern.fascinatinglyfeel

esting. It doesn’t make us equally correct (I obviously have that market captured, particularly on issues like eating branzino with eyes in tact), but it does mean that we’ll never run out of things to talk about, and when we talk, our respective argu ments for issues become bet ter, more coherent and more persuasive.That’swhat it means for diversity to be our strength. The ability to like and engage with others despite political differences isn’t just an in dicator of a realistic outlook, it’s a way to build character and maturity and worldly wisdom.Ascontroversial as it may be at Grove City College, not everyone is going to be a die hard conservative. Even if you are, find someone who’s not and learn to disagree with them without disliking them.Ipromise it’s worth the ef fort.

Differences don’t necessi tate silence, but rather quite the opposite. Those differ ences are far easier to navi gate with the learned skill of liking people independent of their political leanings.

Sierra Grissom ‘24

Yet over the course of the few days we had at AEI, I re alized we had something in common that transcended

Hunter Oswald Contributing Writer

For some, Eric Clapton is just a guitarist or another rockstar; for others he is an inspiration. Some critics op pose his conservative be liefs and challenging past. Regardless of what people think, Clapton is a hero to me.

These snapshots are what his 2007 album “Un true” is built upon. Much like what Lofi Girl would adopt over a decade lat er, these tracks are filled with texture and move at strange“Archangel” an excel lent entry point into the album. Burial uses the process of sampling to distort clips of R&B singer Ray J’s voice into a gor geous pop melody atop a shuffling, dark beat.

Save the Queen,” in remem brance of Queen Elizabeth II who had passed away earlier thatAfterday. the opening song, Clapton quickly jumped into his upbeat tune, “Tearing Us Apart,” from his 1986 album “August.” At this point, I was pleasantly surprised at how well Clapton sounded.

These are some of my fa vorite Clapton tunes, and I feel he played them in a re freshing manner. Clapton brought Jimmie Vaughan out for his encore, and they per formed the Bo Diddley cover, “Before You Accuse Me.”

Entertainment Page 10The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022

Have you heard of Lofi Girl? What would we do without her on a lonely night, struggling through a paper or swamped with reading? She’s an excel lent study partner, choos ing to remain silent as she nods her head to the beat of the music.


Let’s start with what went right, and there wasn’t much.

I especially enjoyed how Clapton extended and ex panded his rendition as it provided a more reggae sound, allowing him to shred several flawless guitar solos.

Clapton then played about a half dozen acoustic songs. I was elated to hear him perform his hit song, “After Midnight,” despite it being a slowed-down rendition. Af ter this, he performed three songs featured on his Gram my Award-winning album, “Unplugged.”Thetwohighlights from that set were “Tears in Heav en,” which is always a tough one to get through without

The family dynamic be tween the three leads was arguably the most glaring is sue.Samuels’ wife lost a battle with cancer, and the daugh ters blame their father for his absence throughout her fight. The sentiment is a good one, but there is a lack of emotion between the family that makes the tension hard to Thebelieve.older of the two sisters is more annoying than sym pathetic throughout, and her decision-making is blatantly foolish. You may find your self rooting for the lion by the midpoint of the film.

Even Idris Elba couldn’t save this mess

‘Beast’? More like bust

Nick Grasso Entertainment Editor

The most obvious flaw in my opinion was the lack of light in what was seemingly a great set.

Clapton then commenced his second set with “Badge,” a cover from his supergroup band Cream. He played hits “Wonderful Tonight” and “Cocaine,” which are fea tured on his most popular studio album, “Slowhand.”

Vincent Clay Contributing Writer

One can’t help but compare films within a specific genre such as animal thrillers, so

movie, the unbelievability is obvious and distracting.

As a fan of thriller mov ies and a lover of wildlife, I was quite intrigued by the previews for Baltasar Kor mákur’s “Beast.” As the only other “king of the jungle” film I’ve seen outside of “The Lion King,” I had high hopes for this African thriller with one of Hollywood’s best, Id ris Elba, in the leading role.

crying a little bit, and “Layla.”

In another scene, Samu els fights the monster from underneath a crashed car. The lion’s head slides under the vehicle, coming within inches of Samuels’ torso, but it doesn’t even attempt to reach its long and powerful arm under the car to catch its prey.That might sound confus ing, but when watching the

The climaxes of the film came during attack scenes, which, outside of having great CGI, were not impres sive. On several occasions, the lion appeared to have an easy kill shot but didn’t take it.

After a few lighter clicks, “Near Dark” slams the lis tener into a tight groove built around the sounds of a gun reloading. If you listen closely, you can hear bullet shell casings hit the floor between snares. A lonely night train travels through the background of “Shell of Light,” and the shuffling of cassette tapes is heard on profoundlyreckoning.takingsupernatural;aprovidesitionsalds”andTracksspotsofandtrackstheaudiblyousElsewhere,“Untrue.”deepcavernbasslinesandkickscrackleandpopinmix,likeonstandout“GhostHardware”“EtchedHeadplate.”Theclubbiermoments“Untrue”“Endorphin”theeerie“InMcDonarebeautifulcompoonspaceykeysthatpurebliss.Thealbumislikeseeingghostorwitnessingtheit’sbreathandfraughtwithBurial’salbumencompasses

What a disappointment.

tant to the plot, subtracted from the beauty of an African plain that could have been better utilized. A fleeting flaw, but worth mentioning.

At approximately 9:15 p.m., Eric Clapton walked on stage. I was completely shellshocked, trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I was in the same building as my hero. He opened the show with an instrumental of “God

On Sept. 8, one of the alltime great guitarists, Eric Clapton, performed a spec tacular concert at the Schot tenstein Center in Columbus, Ohio. As I walked to my seat, I struggled to wrap my mind around how close I was to the stage that Clapton would soon stand on.

The issues with this film were numerous, which is frustrating considering the plot’s potential. Recently widowed Dr. Nate Samuels (Elba) and his daughters, Norah (Leah Jefferies) and Meredith (Iyanna Halley), take a trip to South Africa in search of family healing, but are instead stalked and at tacked by a rogue lion.

My anticipation reached its peak as Jimmie Vaughan, brother of the late Stevie Ray Vaughan, took center stage to open. For any in-house blues fans, this was a treat.

I left the concert com pletely bewildered as I had convinced myself a while ago

that I would never see Eric Clapton perform live. This concert was a dream come true.After returning to my dorm at 3 a.m., it took me some time to appropriately process how wonderful the concert experience was. I’ve attended over 50 concerts, but this one was extraordinarily special.

The overemphasis on an Af rican aurora felt out of place, forcing me to rewind to see if I missed something the first time it appeared.

Clapton crushes it in Columbus

fromTunesthe Tower ‘Untrue’

If you’re not online of ten to know what I’m talk ing about, I am describing the notorious YouTube livestream that plays oldsounding (Lofi) hip-hop beats 24/7. It’s the perfect soundtrack to study or simply relax with.

His set consisted of blues standards and a cover of his brother’s famous song, “Tex as Flood.” Vaughan’s band included a horn section and background singers, which augmented the aura of his performance. I was surprised at how well he played and sang considering how much time has elapsed since his tenure with The Fabulous Thunderbirds.Vaughanblessed our ears for just under an hour before the stage crew began to set up for the main event.

The beats themselves are calming as they stum ble along in a haze of vinyl crackle. The atmosphere invokes something noc turnal–dark, rainy and intimate. Think London, circaWilliam2007. Bevan, known professionally as Burial, had a front row seat to The South London club scene: a melting pot of various music styles. He saw the ravers stumbling through the London alleyways. He knew of lonely travelers heading home, the buses and subways rattling on ward into the dawn.

David Smith Staff Writer

The biggest shame is the waste of Elba; the leading man has become a standout performer, known for such memorable roles as Heim dall, Brixton Lore and De tective Chief Inspector John Luther.

the chilled flow of Lofi beats, inspiring the mel low music makers of to day, including Lofi Girl.

Two or three times throughout the film, Samuels seems to dream about his de ceased wife, only the dream takes place in a weird “Black Panther”-esque spirit world.

Elba’s acting was terrific as usual, but he didn’t have much material to work with in the way of a script. We’ll get back to that later, though.

Much of the film’s action takes place in the dead of night, which, while impor

when the inevitable “Jaws,” “The Revenant” and “Cujo” comparisons are mentioned, “Beast” is quickly forgotten.

Naturally the lion was cre ated with computer-gener ated imagery (CGI) and the quality of the effects was sur prisingly excellent. The beast looked menacingly real, as did the attack scenes – most ly.

I left the most baffling as pect of the movie for last.

Although he is in his seven ties, he remained especially energized during the second song, matching the energy of the fans singing along. Two other highlights dur ing his first electric set were the songs “River of Tears,” which is a slow and somber tune from his 1998 album, “Pilgrim,” and his hit cover of Bob Marley’s song, “I Shot the Sheriff.”

Isles said he sees great potential from the team this season as they come away from Monday’s event and prepare for their upcoming invitationals.“I’mpleased with the ef fort we put forth, and I’m excited we can get back out on Saturday at Westminster. We will look to improve our scores across the board, and I have full confidence we can do that.”

Junior wide receiver Scott Frasier takes the ball to the end zone during Saturday’s game against Geneva College.

Women’s Soccer: Sept. 17, 2:30 p.m. at Susquehanna Sept. 21, 7:00 p.m. vs. Chatham


Women’s Golf: Sept. 17, 12:30 p.m. at Westminster Invitational Men’s Golf: Sept. 15, 1:00 p.m. at Grove City Fall Invitational Sept. 19, 1:00 p.m. at Westminster Invitational

Women’s Cross Country: Sept. 17, 10:00 a.m. at Allegheny Invitational


Women’s Soccer (2-3): L, Centre (4-1)

GOLF continued from 12

Sports Page 11The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022

L, Linfield (3-2)

FOOTBALL continued from 12


Women’s Tennis (3-1):

Football (2-0): W, Geneva (55-17)

Women’s Cross Country: 7th/13 - 160, Saint Vincent Invitational Men’s Cross Country: 9th/15 - 265, Saint Vincent Invitational

Audrey Donnelly DefensiveVolleyballPlayer of the Week

W, Oswego State (3-1)

Volleyball (3-5):

“And we do have a great facility in the PLC where our men and women are able to practice throughout the year, which is especially important over the winter and early spring when conditions pre vent us from getting out to the course. We have a solid support foundation in place, and now it’s a matter of gain ing experience and working hard to get better.”

Sophomore Tamar Walton during the Grove City Fall Invitational.

The women’s soccer team lost their Saturday match against Linfield by a close score of 3-2. Both teams finished the first half with at least one point on the board. After Linfield scored again in the second half, forward sophomore Natalie Merrick scored with an assist from sophomore midfielder Lexi Zook. In a suspenseful finish, Linfield was able to score one final goal off a pen alty kick at the 82:56 mark.

Sept. 16, 5:30 p.m. vs. Alma at Thiel Tournament Sept. 17, 2:00 p.m. vs. Brockport State at Thiel Tour nament

Both teams now have a 2-3 record for the season.

Men’s Cross Country: Sept. 17, 10:45 a.m. at Allegheny Invitational


Grove City’s defense held Geneva to only 250 yards of offense. A series of stand outs on the defensive side of the ball contributed to the stunt ing of Geneva’s offense.

Rosenberry’s first quarter sack was only one feature of his performance. Rosenberry finished the game with eight tackles, as well as a forced fumble and recovered fum ble. In addition, freshman linebacker Ben Bladel had 1.5 sacks in his second game for Grove City.

W, Penn State Behrend (3-2)


Men’s Soccer: Sept. 17, 4:00 p.m. at Buffalo State Sept. 21, 4:30 p.m. vs. Chatham

W, Penn State Altoona (7-2)

The Wolverines will head to Pittsburgh to face Carn egie Mellon University to morrow at 1 p.m. in their first road game of the season.


L, Otterbein (8-1)

W, Fredonia State (3-1)

Bella Costa

L, Carnegie Mellon (3-0)

Grove City lost to Centre College on Friday, Sept. 9, with a final score of 4-1. With an uneventful first half con sisting of only one goal by Centre’s offense, a lot of the action took place in the second half. Centre Col lege was able to score three more times while Grove City scored in the middle of the secondSophomorehalf. forward Brit ta Lagerquist executed the

Joel Sledd Contributing Writer

Wolverines’ only goal 58:04 into the match.

The women’s team will travel to compete against Susquehanna tomorrow at 2:30 p.m., and the men’s team travels to face Buffalo State tomorrow at 4 p.m. The first men’s PAC match will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 21.

Sports at a ResultsGlance

score their last points of the game, tvhe Wolverines in creased their lead with the game’s final touchdown. A 61-yard run from sophomore running back Joey Guida set the Wolverines up at Ge neva’s one-yard line. Guida finished the drive and set the final score to 55-17.

Sept. 17, 4:00 p.m. vs. Thiel at Thiel Tournament Sept. 20, 7:00 p.m. vs. Geneva

Men’s Soccer (2-3): L, Denison (2-1)


Women’s golf tees off in their next rounds tomorrow in New Castle, Pa., at the Westminster Invitational.

Women’s Tennis: Sept. 16, 6:00 p.m. at Fredonia State Sept. 19, 6:00 p.m. at Geneva Sept. 22, 4:00 p.m. vs. Waynesburg

L, Penn State Behrend (3-0)

Football: Sept. 17, 1:00 p.m. at Carnegie Mellon

It was a tough week for men and women’s soccer as both teams fell below a win ningOnrecord.Wednesday, Sept. 14, the men’s team lost to Penn State Behrend in an away game that ended 0-3. Penn State Behrend scored once in the first half and twice in the second. Despite this, the Wolverine offense per formed well with 14 shots. While the Wolverines have lost their third away game of the season, they are still un defeated at home and have yet to play another team in the Presidents’ Athletic Con ference.Themen’s soccer team’s first loss occurred on the road against Denison College. The Wolverines lost with a final score of 2-1. An early goal was scored by the Wolverines two minutes into the match.

However, Denison’s offense scored two goals in the sec ond half, putting them ahead for the victory. The only goal was scored by junior defend er Clay Meredith assisted by sophomore midfielder JohnLucWomen’ lost three of their outings. The Wol verines traveled to Carnegie Mellon on Wednesday, Sept. 14, to play in their fifth game of the season. The team lost with a score of 3-0, marking their third loss of the season.

of exposure among the stu dents,” he said. “But we’re extremely fortunate to be able to practice and play just a short drive away at Grove City Country Club.”

Women’s Golf: 7th/11 - 419, Grove City Fall Invitational

GCC soccer hits slump

Nick Morrow

Three plays and 65 sec onds of offense were enough for Grove City to benefit from the opportunity granted by Steinmetz. The Wolverines increased their lead to 2710 after Pfueffer’s 50-yard pass found sophomore wide receiver Josh Gregory in the endzone.TheWolverines had a set of four touchdowns in the fourth quarter. Senior run ning back Clayton Parrish muscled through the defense for the first. A three-play ef fort from sophomore running back Nico Flati and Morrow’s

Last Thursday, Sept. 8, Grove City faced Otter bein College on the road in Westerville, Ohio. The Wol verines faced their first de feat, falling 8-1.

As they begin another sea son, Isles acknowledged the golf program’s unique posi tion amongst the college’s athletic programs.

Emma Rossi Sports Editor

The final two singles were taken by Good and junior Kelsey Coleman.

consisted of eight singles and four doubles tournaments.

The team won five brack ets during the event, two in singles and three in doubles.


Finishing a sequence of runs contributed by Parrish and sophomore running back Shay Aitken, freshman run ning back Ian DeMeri rushed seven yards and brought Grove City’s lead to 48-17.

Four Wolverines came out victorious in the semifinals after their performances in the singles. Junior Lexi Chap pel won one and lost one in A singles, as did senior Logan Fuss in the B singles. McCray went 1-1 in the D singles and Ehrenberger followed in suit in the E “Saturdaysingles.was a good op portunity for us to play

Pfueffer hurled the ball 77 yards into the hands of junior wide receiver Scott Fraser; this pass put the Wolverines on the scoreboard, tying the game 7-7.

Fredonia State on the

Football flattens Golden Tornadoes

“You can expect to see a lot from the run game this sea son. The entire O-line and fullbacks are back except for the left tackle position which Dalton Foore is stepping up very nicely at. They all are very experienced and very talented at creating holes for Nico and myself to run through,” Parrish said.

After Geneva managed to

The Wolverines led 20-10 entering the second half. Ge neva’s offensive efforts were thwarted by an interception from sophomore cornerback Jack Steinmetz, putting the Wolverine offense back on the field.

The Wolverines placed seventh overall, amassing 419 points across the boards.

The Wolverines hosted the Grove City Invitational Sat urday, Sept. 10. Alfred, Clar ion, Mount Union and Thiel were guests at the WaltersZbell Courts. The Invitational

To close out the first quar ter, Geneva added another

Sophomore Emily Ivory jumps to attack a high volley.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Wolverines visited Penn State Altoona. Grove City earned their third win of the season after defeating the Nittany Lions 7-2.

against a variety of new teams. We were able to play quality matches in ‘no pres sure’ circumstances, and I hope we can continue to play with that freedom and calmness for our big matches coming up,” said Head Coach Nathan Horner.

three points from a field goal after a 12-play saga featur ing a sack on Geneva quar terback Brutus Ogilvie by sophomore linebacker Seth Rosenberry causing a loss of 12 yards. Geneva would not score again until the fourth quarter.Senior kicker Nick Morrow tied the game at 10-10 at the end of the first possession of the second quarter thanks to a 41-yard field goal.

Women’s golf opened the 2022-23 season on Mon day, Sept. 12, by hosting 11 teams at the Grove City Fall Invitational at the Grove City Country Club.

Sports Page 12The Collegian, Sept. 16, 2022


Tarpey earned the solo vic tory for the Wolverines, de feating her opponent 6-3 in the first round of the fourth singles and 7-5 in the second round.Asthe Wolverines prepare for their next match, Horner hopes to see slight changes to elevate the team’s gameplay.

Ivory took the first Wolver ine singles, with Tarpey and McCray earning the win in third and fourth singles, re spectively.

“Golf kind of flies under the radar because our ‘home field’ isn’t on campus like most of the other sports, so we don’t have a great deal

The half closed with an additional 10 points gained by the Wolverines. The first seven were added to the tally after another long pass from Pfueffer sailed 57 yards down the field to Fraser and an other extra point was put up by Morrow. The final three points of the first half were earned by Morrow’s 31-yard kick through the uprights.

In Saturday’s first slate of conference action, the Wolverine offensive line-up advanced 545 yards. Sopho more quarterback Logan Pfueffer completed his sec ond start for Grove City with 263Afteryards.Geneva opened the game’s scoring, Grove City’s offense answered the call.

“It’s really just the small details. Little things here and there will go a long way for our team. If everyone on the roster can tweak a hitch here and there that they need to work on, I think it will re ally elevate our level of play,” HornerWomen’ next faces road.


After a week of action, women’s tennis has im proved their record to 3-1.

sixth successful kick of the game put another seven on the board. Flati led the team in rushing yards against Ge neva, earning 117 total.

Emma Rossi Sports Editor

Leading the Wolverines was sophomore Tamar Wal ton, who placed 22nd with a 99. In her first performance for Grove City, freshman Rebekah Gaehring put up a 101, placing 26th. Freshman Julianna Jacobs also played her first match placing 31st in in the ranking. Junior Annie Grace Smith completed the Grove City-ranked represen tation with a 116, putting her in Head50th Coach Brad Isles spoke to the team’s opening act on Monday.

Sophomore linebacker Seth Rosenberry takes down Geneva’s running back in Saturday’s win.

Tennis team takes ‘toona

“We are a very young team, and it was a great opportu nity for the ladies to gain some experience and kick off our fall season at home. The course played pretty hard overall, due in part to the rain from Sunday and the rough that was a little higher than usual. The average score was 103 over the 56-player field, and only the medalist was in theWestminster’s70s.” medalist Kasey Clifford scored a 77. Westminster won the event with a total 329. Following Westminster in the stand ings were Point Park with a 376 overall and Geneva Col lege in third with a 381.

The team came out victori ous in two of three doubles and five of six singles.

Wolverine football defeat ed Geneva College 55-17 Sat urday, Sept. 10, in the team’s second game of the season.

Sophomore Janel McCray and sophomore Emily Ivory took an 8-0 victory in second doubles. The second dou bles win came from tandem freshman Sunshine Tarpey and sophomore Alyssa Good.

In the E singles draw, freshman Courtney DeCarlo won both of her matches, giving the Wolverines their first bracket victory. Sopho more Ally Gaines went two for two in her matches, earn ing the win in the G singles competition.Goodand Tarpey claimed the A doubles win after go ing 2-0. Coleman and fresh man Julie Ehrenberger won the C doubles, giving Grove City their second doubles bracket win. The final win was earned by senior Joanna Barham and sophomore Mia Perry in the D doubles draw.


Emma Rossi Sports Editor

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