Growing Up In the Valley January 2017

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S O U T H W E S T & C E N T R A L V I R G I N I A’ S P R E M I E R FA M I LY R E S O U R C E

2017 Family Event

Calendar Roanoke & Southwest Virginia’s largest and greatest festivals for the entire year!

In the Valley Volume 5, Issue 5 | January 2017 | FREE

The Dog bit Our Baby!

How local family is recovering from a terrible accident one year later.

Purr-fect Pets finding the best companion for your family

Brody, Proud Saver and HTB Kids’ Club Member

the power of


We are committed to serving people of all ages, starting with our Kids’

Homer, HTB Kids’ Club Mascot 540.345.6000 Member FDIC

Club savings account. It not only provides our youngest savers with a place to keep their money, it also helps teach them about financial principles at an early age. We invite you to bring your kids (or your pets) and let us know how we can help you succeed. And yes, we have treats for everyone! That’s the power of local banking.

Growing Up In the Valley’s


Family Expo Saturday, February 11 10 AM - 4 PM Sheraton Roanoke Over 70 Booths of Fun and Information for Families of All Ages. Live Entertainment, Giveaways, Prizes & More!


Letter from the Editor


elcome to the start of another great year! Growing Up In the Valley will celebrate our 50th issue this year (June) and our fifth anniversary (September). We have had some amazing support throughout the years and we are excited to continue to bring the best the Roanoke region has to offer in 2017.

Evelyn, Andrea and Anika in Times Square with our exchange student.

Facebook growingupinthevalley Follow Us on Instagram @Growingupmag Tweet Us on Twitter @GUPinthevalley Email The Editor andrea@ Story Ideas Share your story ideas with us by emailing

This issue focuses on the other children in the house; the family pets. A pet can be a great addition to a family, but you have to make sure you understand the potential issues and stress that a new family member can bring. In our house, we have two cats, two dogs and four hermit crabs. We also have the class pet, a turtle named Gabe the Babe, staying with us over winter break. We are outnumbered! We also are getting ready for the first ever Virginia Family Expo! This event at the Sheraton in February will be a great opportunity for our readers to come face-to-face with some great local businesses and organizations that have a lot to offer our community. This event is free for our readers, so mark your calendars now! Join us from 10 AM to 4 PM on February 11th. Finally, as you flip through the pages of this issue, make sure to keep those New Year’s resolutions in mind! We all have them and we all try to keep them! Let’s make this year the year we keep our resolutions and become the people we want to be! Happy New Year!

Andrea, Josh, Anika and Evelyn

Growing Up In The Valley PUBLI SHER Josh Eagan EDI TOR-IN- CHIEF Andrea Eagan CRE AT IVE DIRE C TOR Tracy Fisher ADVER T I SING A C C OUN T E X E CUT IVE S Dee Reynolds Cassy Childress C ON T RIBUTOR S Peg McGuire Katie Lewis Sandra Gordon Ava Rosa DeVries Kevin Hurley Clifford Jackson C ont ac t Us : Phone: 540-251-1660 Fax: 540-808-1568 Mail: PO BOX 12263 Roanoke, VA 24024 General Inquiries: We welcome reader comments, submissions and the support of advertisers. We reserve the right to refuse or edit any materials submitted to us that we deem inappropriate for our audience. Please include a self addressed stamped envelope with any submission to be returned. We do not accept responsiblity for unsolicited materials. Growing Up In the Valley and Growingupinthevalley. com are published by MoFat Publishing. Growing Up In the Valley is published monthly. The views and the opinions expressed by the writers and advertisers do not necessarily represnt those of Growing Up In the Valley, it’s staff or contributors. The information presented here is for informational purposes only and although every effort has been made to present accurate information, we do not in any way accept responsibility for the accuracy of, or consequences from the use of this information or for the businesses and organizations presented herein. We urge all parents to confirm any information given herein and consult with a doctor or an appropriate professional concerning any information or question. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in part or in whole without the express written consent of the publisher.

© Copyright 2017 MoFat Media

In This Issue:

7 8 11 13 15 16 19 30 23 28 20

January 2017 Volume 5, Issue 5

The Dog Bite: One Year Later

How one family is doing after a biting.

Feeding Backyard Birds How feeding birds can help the world.

Mom of the Month

Meet Jennifer Wingo, this month’s winner!

VROOM - Reading Engagment

Star City Reads introduces an exciting new program to encourage reading!

Magical Tube Puppets

Make a wizard to get ready for the Roanoke Potter Festival!

Homemade Dog Treats Make these delicious treats for the family pet!

Picking the PURRfect Pet

Take our quiz to see what kind of pet fits you!

Just Keep One...

Why you should keep at least one resolution.

Local Guide Calendar Kids Eat Free The Game Room

The Dog Bite: One Year Later Why would anyone allow an animal, with a mouth full of what could be considered weapons, live in their home?


he end of June marked one year since Kaya was bitten by our dog, Jax. I try not to dwell on unfortunate events, but this was our first major emergency with one of our children, and it wasn’t just an accident- it was a traumatic, vicious situation. Naturally, as we approached the anniversary of the day, I’ve been silently evaluating how we’re all doing one year later. My biggest concerns afterward were Kaya’s physical and emotional healing. Honestly, for a time, I feared that her face would never look the same. We were originally most concerned that she would develop an infection behind her eye, which would have had permanent implications. The plastic surgeon also warned us that because the muscle in her forehead was split open, it could leave a large gap there as she grows. The gap was evident for a few months, but now it appears to be almost completely healed. Her plastic surgeon was the best we could have hoped for, and we were diligent about following his care instructions. We kept silicone sheeting on the scar for months afterward, per his recommendation. We also used some frankincense essential oil that Michael’s cousin, Nicole, sent to us, for almost the entire year.

The scar on her head has now faded to a whitish-gray, and if you didn’t know what happened, you might not even notice it. She has healed better than I could have ever imagined.

Kaya’s emotional healing has also been nothing short of miraculous. She loves animals of all sorts- especially dogs. That’s not to say that she doesn’t remember what happened to her- in fact, she still frequently mentions how we don’t have Jax anymore because “he bit Peeky”. For a few months after her bite, she would describe to me in detail how there was a lot of “red” (blood) on her face afterward, and she sometimes would inspect her scar in the mirror. I know she’s young and most likely will forget the specifics of the situation, but she has overcome what could have been a lifelong fear. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for that, and take pride in my baby for being so resilient. Following the incident, fear gripped me. I had some intense thoughts. These were things I never would have imagined thinking before. Why would anyone allow an animal, with a mouth full of what could be considered weapons, live in their home? How crazy is all of mankind to think that sharing our habitations with dogs is a good idea? But people do allow dogs into their lives and their living spaces, because they are so much more than fur and teeth and bones. They are a soft place to lay your head when you’re tired. Velvety ears to listen to your worries

and sorrows when no one else is there. A comforting furry body to bury your face into when you need just need a hug. Instant and pure happiness over the simplest things. Forever loyalty and devoted love. I miss all of those things. I crave all of those things, and when I’m around other good dogs, my heart gets a bout of puppy-fever. When I see how much my children love dogs, I want to give them that special relationship that can only form with a furry four-legged friend. It’s been an emotional, tearful year when reflecting on this event, but I’m a little less afraid now. I’m grateful for all the positive interactions my children have had with friends’ and family members’ dogs recently. I will forever be extra vigilant and cautious when exposing my children to animals, but I still feel like the benefits of having a dog outweigh the potential risks. I’m sure that one day, we will try again. We’ll be the safest and most educated we can be before we welcome another dog into our family, but the reality is, any dog could do what Jax did in any instant. No animal should be blindly trusted.

I’m grateful for all the tender mercies and blessings we received during the incident and in the months following. Kaya surely had some angels looking out for her.

Article by Tara Irwin Growing Up • January 2017


4Start by offering a variety of

feeders. Different species prefer different styles of feeders. Tube feeders are versatile and appeal to a wide range of bird species. They can also handle large (think sunflower) or small seeds (like petite mixes) equally well. Some birds prefer to cling to feeders while dining, rather than perch, so use a versatile Mesh feeder; or try a Bowl feeder, perfect for serving suet in kibble form, dried mealworms and fresh fruit.

Feed backyard birds this season for the greater, global good When you fill your bird feeders and put fresh water in the birdbath this season, you’ll definitely be giving your feathered friends a helping hand. But you could also be serving the greater good! Take note of the birds that visit your yard, and you’ll be ready to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), a four-day annual event during which thousands of people around the world record information about the species of birds they see. The information backyard birdwatchers gather assists scientists in better understanding the movement of species around the globe, how well different species are - or aren’t - doing and how factors like climate change are affecting bird populations everywhere. Birds are important “We enjoy birdwatching and feeding birds because they brighten our backyards and entertain us with their antics, especially during long winters,” says Richard Cole, co-founder of Cole’s Wild Bird Products. “But birds also play an important role in maintaining environmental balance around the world. They pollinate plants, scatter seeds so new plants can grow, help control insect populations and recycle nutrients back into the soil. It’s critical for us to have a greater understanding of how bird species are doing around the world, and to do our part to help take care of them.”


Growing Up • January 2017

Bird populations are so diverse, large and widespread that it would be virtually impossible for scientists to gather all the data they need without help from backyard bird enthusiasts who participate in the GBBC. The information gathered help scientists identify species whose numbers are decreasing or increasing, changes in range or migratory patterns and more. Fluctuations in bird populations are often the earliest signs of greater environmental changes.

Birds also play an important role in maintaining environmental balance around the world. What you can do Founded in 1998, and co-sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the National Audubon Society and Bird Studies Canada, the next Great Backyard Bird Count will be Feb. 17-20, 2017. You can start preparing to participate by taking steps now to make your own backyard an oasis for birds.

4Be sure to keep all feeders clean

and in good condition to help prevent disease and injury.

4Serve a variety of birdfeed. In

winter, seeds with a high fat or oil content are best for birds, so offer black oil sunflower seeds, niger, raw peanuts and suet. To attract the greatest variety of birds, try a blend which incorporates black oil sunflower seeds, sunflower meats, white proso millet and cracked corn. Birds also need (and love) suet, which help ensure birds get the fat stores they need to weather winter.

4Fill every feeder with quality food.

Birds won’t be satisfied with birdfeed that contains cheap fillers, and they won’t get the nutrition they need. Think of it as the difference between serving your family fresh veggies instead of fast food. Serve birdfeed that contains quality ingredients and is free of chemicals or other toxins that could be harmful to birds.

4Be sure to also offer birds plenty of

fresh water; it can be very difficult for them to find unfrozen water sources in winter. By feeding backyard birds and participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count, you can be counted on to help protect the wellbeing of wild bird populations. What’s more, the work you do prepping your yard for the count will benefit you - and your feathered friends - throughout the year. For more information about birdfeed and how to attract birds to your yard, visit

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Parent of the

Month Jennifer Wingo What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? That I have 4 siblings and one is my twin brother. What are you passionate about? God and My family. I am passionate about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that my children will too. I am also passionate about spending as much time as I can with my family making memories. How has motherhood changed you? I definitely have less time and less sleep than before kids. My priorities changed on what is important. I had to learn to adjust my schedule and go with the flow. I learn to let go of the small stuff, nothing will be perfect. I have learn to find joy and happiness in the smallest things. I learned a new respect and love for my parents. How do you banish stress? I am not sure stress is ever really banished. I do enjoy hobbies to de-stress. I love taking photos and making photo gifts on Shutterfly. What Inspires you? My mother inspires me. I hope to be as good a mother as my mom. She is a perfect example of a person with a servants heart. She has always put other’s needs ahead of her own and helps anyone that she can, even people she does not know. I hope to be an example like my mom to my children to show how important it is to help others and share love. What motivates you? Providing for and taking care of my family.

Along with your job as a mom, what do you do? I work full time at a bank. I am second vice president on the PTA at my son’s school. I am Preschool Sunday School Co-Coordinator at North Roanoke Baptist Church. What is on your wish list? A family vacation to Walt Disney World, a housekeeper and a chef. What are you most proud of? The life I have built with my husband and our children. How do you find balance in your life? Balance in my life would not be possible without the support of my village. My family and my husbands family are very supportive. The biggest help to provide balance to our lives is my brother Mike who babysits our kids. Without the love and support of our families there would be no balance. Do you have any Advice for other moms? I always like to remind moms that there is no right way and that every kid and mom is different. What works for one family or even one child doesn’t always work for the other. You have to make sure you’re comfortable in doing what you feel is best for your family. What is the biggest challenge in your life? Time Management. I tend to take on too much and spread myself too thin. How do you help others? I volunteer at my son’s school. This year as I breastfed I donated 2000 ounces of extra breastmilk. I donate blood regularly, donate hair every 2 years for wigs for cancer patients. What is your parenting style? I am not sure I have a certain parenting style. I formost want to teach my children to love, be respectful and know that there are consequences to their actions. I want to make sure my children feel loved and supported but we have rules in our house and clearly laid out expectations.

Photo courtesy of Between Meeks & You - Photography What is your favorite quote? “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”~ Winston Churchill

QUICK FACTS What is on your iPod? I do not have an ipod, but my music of choice is Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Head and the Heart, for King and Country, TobyMac. What can you not live without? My phone. I love taking pictures and staying connected with family and friends. What is your favorite date night venue? Fork in the Alley What is always in your handbag/pocket? Keys, Wallet, Phone, Planner, Lip balm, tissues, coupons, tylenol, eye drops and spare pair contacts. What is your favorite movie? Titanic What is your favorite Sports Team? Green Bay Packers

Growing Up • January 2017


Teacher of the Month Nomination Nominate a worthy teacher to be featured in Growing Up in the Valley’s Teacher of the Month by emailing or mailing the following questionairre to PO BOX 12263, Roanoke, VA 24024. Winners receive a gift card to Abuelo’s for a well deserved night out! Your Name:________________________________


Wednesdays Follow Growing Up in the Valley on Facebook for a chance to win a great prize EVERY wednesday!

You could win:

Roanoke Children’s Theatre Tickets Tickets to the Roanoke Rail Yard Dawgs Toys and Books Gift Certificates to local businesses & More!

Your Email Address:__________________________ Nominee’s Name:___________________________ Nominee’s Email Address:_____________________ Why Should Nominee Be GUITV’s Teacher of the Month? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________


Growing Up • January 2017

Newsletter Exclusives

Need ideas on entertaining the family this weekend? Planning a birthday party or maybe you just want to know which park is having a festival soon? Sign up for Growing Up in the Valley’s weekly newsletter to get the details about the best family friendly events in the valley! Subscribers to our newsletter are the first to see our newest issues, receive special deals & coupons from advertisers, and hear all the news from the Roanoke, Lynchburg and New River Valley areas.

Vroom into the Star City

Article provided by United Way

Did you know that the first five years of a child’s life are the most important for her brain development? 90% of a person’s brain forms before age 5. The connections children’s minds make at a very young age set the foundation for their futures. Babies and young kids are constantly learning from everything they see—and everything their families do with and say to them. The early years are especially important for language development. Starting from birth, children need to be read to and spoken with every day. Studies show that the more words a child hears (from another person, not a TV or device) at just 18 months predicts how ready to learn they’ll be on the first day of kindergarten. Kindergarten readiness is a strong predictor of reading proficiency in 3rd grade. Children who don’t read by the end of third grade are nearly 80% more likely to drop out of high school than kids who can read confidently. And young people who don’t complete high school go on to struggle with employment, health, and incarceration. We want all Roanoke kids to succeed in school so they can become thriving adults. The Roanoke Public Libraries are the lead of Star City Reads, the AllAmerica City Award-winning initiative that’s part of the national Campaign for Grade Level Reading. A coalition of over 24 community partners, Star City Reads works to ensure that all Roanoke children enter kindergarten ready to learn, attend school regularly, retain knowledge over the summer, and are proficient readers by the end of third grade.

“Children who don’t read by the end of third grade are nearly 80% more likely to drop out of high school than kids who can read confidently” Star City Reads knows that a child’s first teachers are the adults raising him. It may seem like an overwhelming responsibility to ensure that your child’s brain grows properly, but it’s actually very manageable. Being a brain builder doesn’t require spending lots of money on expensive software or toys. All you need is to spend a few minutes every day interacting with your child. And now, there’s a new program being rolled out in Roanoke that will help make brain building that much more doable. Vroom is a parent engagement program that provides simple sciencebased tips for brain building that families can incorporate into their daily routines. It’s based on the seven essential life skills that Mind in the Making researchers have determined to be critical parts of a child’s growth, and is completely free. Star City Reads has received a grant from the Bezos Family Foundation to roll out Vroom citywide. You’ll see engaging posters in waiting rooms, shops, and around town that provide quick and easy learning activities you can do right there with your child. In addition, if your child is enrolled in

preschool at the Roanoke City Public Schools or at TAP Head Start, you may have received a pack of tip card kits. Or, if you’ve recently given birth at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, you were given a baby tip card with your copy of the Roanoke Baby Board Book. Vroom also includes a free app for iPhone, Android, and Amazon Kindle. In your app store, search for ‘Daily Vroom?’ When you download the app, enter the ages of the kids in your life. The app will then text you an ageappropriate, science-based tip every day for an easy brain building activity you can do with your child as you go about your day. Vroom is about taking advantage of everyday experiences your family’s already having and turning them into brain building opportunities. We encourage you to download the app, and to keep an eye out for Vroom materials throughout the community. If you have any questions, please visit or And remember: you already have what it takes to be a brain builder! Growing Up • January 2017


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Magical Tube Puppets Celebrate the new & upcoming Roanoke Harry Potter Festival with these great tube style puppets!

Instructions Supplies:

Cut felt and glue or tape onto the cardboard tube to create the clothes, hair and accessories for the puppets. Paint or use markers for faces and small details.

• • • •

Cardboard tubes Felt & Yarn Markers & Paint Glue or double-sided tape

Share your magical creations with GUITV on Instagram @growingupmag and the Harry Potter Festival @ROApotterfest

Play over 45 Pinball Machines All Day Long No Quarters Needed #roanokepinball

Homemade Dog Treats Spoil Fido with these delicious homemade treats. You can tailor the recipe to fit your furry one’s special dietary needs and they are easy enough even your youngest family member can help make them!



1. Heat chicken broth 2 ½ cups whole wheat flour until warm. 1 tsp. salt (or less) 2. Add in all other 1 egg ingredients. ½ cup chicken broth 3. Knead dough until it Optional: oats, liver powder, forms a ball. wheat germ, shredded cheese, 4. Roll out dough until ½ or bacon bits inch thick. 5. Use cookie cutters or slice into small bite-sized pieces. 6. Place pieces on lightly greased cookie sheet. 7. Cook for 30 minutes at 350 . O

Follow Growing Up in the Valley on Pinterest for more pet-related project ideas.

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Child care providers earn, on average, only $8 to $9 per hour* Is it any wonder they’re leaving for better paying jobs? Minimum wages, minimum results. In some regions of the state, the annual turnover rate among early childhood teachers is a staggering 30%.** But teachers aren’t the only ones being shortchanged – our kids aren’t getting the consistent care and education they need at the most critical time in their development.

hild care providers earn, on erage, only $8 to $9 per hour.*

Together, we can change that. Discover what you can do now, and how we can work together to give our children more than a minimum early education

United Way of Roanoke Valley

Is it any onder they’re

*Source: A Snapshot of the Current Early Childhood Workforce in Virginia – April, 2009. Virginia Office of Early Childhood Development **Source: Who’s Caring for Our Children? (A Profile of the 2005 Workforce in Licensed and Voluntary Registered Centers and Homes in South Hampton Roads, Virginia). Table 9, Page 6. Minimum wages, minimum results. In some regions

of the state, the annual turnover rate among early For more information, please contact: childhood teachers is a staggering 30%.** ButSmart Beginnings Greater Roanoke | (540) 283-2781 | teachers aren’t the only ones being shortchanged– our kids aren’t getting the consistent care and education they need at the most critical time in

Picking the

Purr-fect Pet 1. How much space does your current living arrangement have?

C) We’d prefer a pet that doesn’t need many vet visits. D) Not at all.

A) We have a large fenced yard and decent living quarters. B) We have a moderately sized yard, may be unfenced. C) We’re a little crowded in the house. D) We are out of space!

3. Who would be ultimately in charge of taking care of your pet?

2. Vet bills can be expensive- will those bills fit in your budget easily? A) Of course, we’re even looking into pet insurance! B) We could handle general health maintenance but serious health problems would be a strain.

Mostly As

You should get a Dog!

A) Our older children B) Our young children, with adult supervision. C) Our young children, by themselves. D) Whoever remembers first. 4. Does anyone in your family suffer from allergies? A) Nope! B) Nothing too bad, using medicine. C) Yes. D) Extremely severe allergies!

Mostly Bs

You should get a Cat!

5. Why do you want to get a pet for your family?

A) Companionship, loyalty & maybe some exercise. B) Love & companionship. C) Teach the kids about responsbility. D) They seem like fun. 6. How much time do you spend outside of the home?

What kind of animal is the best fit for your family? Choosing the purrfect pet to join your family can be a daunting task. You need to consider the time, money and love you have to offer your new animal. Our quiz can help you narrow down to the tpye of pet you should consider, but don’t forget to talk to pet store employees, vets, and current pet owners about their experiences and trials with the kind of pet you are interested in!

A) Just work and daily errands. B) We like to go on day and weekend trips. C) We love our vacations! D) We’re rarely home daily, work and trips keep us busy!

Mostly Cs

You should get a Fish!

Mostly Ds

You shouldn’t get a pet right now.






Growing Up • January 2017


The Game Room Activities presented by

New Years Word Search

1. January

5. Year

2. Winter

6. Midnight

3. Snow

7. Ball

4. New

8. Drop


The Game Room Activities presented by


Fill in the puzzle with the names of the object!

Just A Dream Away Travel, LLC Jennifer Harris, Owner 540-293-5132 Growing Up • January 2017


MAKE YOUR RESOLUTION A REALITY What will you achieve 2017? Losing weight...feeling healthy...looking better... making new friends...being active...spending time with family. Those are just a few of the resolutions you will turn into realities at the YMCA. Join us and you’ll have a happier and healthier New Year.



Achieve, Belong, Connect at the Y KIRK FAMILY YMCA 520 Church Ave., Roanoke | 540.342.9622 SALEM FAMILY YMCA 1126 Kime Lane, Salem | 540.387.9622 YMCA EXPRESS AT GAINSBORO 108 Orange Ave., Roanoke | 540.344.9622 ROCKBRIDGE AREA YMCA 790 Lee Hwy., Lexington | 540.464.9622

Event Calendar Downtown Roanoke Restaurant Week is BACK! January 20th - 29th

Experience our diverse mix of lunch and dinner options.

Featuring four price points:

Restaurant’s Choice Lunch (less than $10) $10 lunch (includes side and drink) $20 three-course dinner • $35 three-course dinner

For more information, visit!

Roanoke Restaurant Week

Virginia Family Expo

Downtown Roanoke January 20 - 29

Cirque Dreams: Jungle Fantasy

Sheraton Roanoke Saturday February 11 10 AM - 4 PM

Enjoy your favorite local restaurants and discover new ones in Roanoke’s Downtown Restaurant Week; running in January 20-29. Restaurants are offering meals from $10-$35 per person. Visit for more information and restaurant details. Stop by Growing Up In the Valley’s Santa Land and meet Santa and Mrs. Claus!

A Free event for the whole family! Stop by to visit great booths from local businesses and organizations to help Gather information and samples on such items as toys and games, sports and fitness, learning devices, safety products, health and nutrition, pediatricians, martial arts, dancing, day cares, schools, natural products, activity equipment, camps and much more for kids of all ages.

January 20 • 7:30 PM Patrick Henry Hotel, Roanoke Cirque Dreams Jungle Fantasy is an exotic encounter inspired by nature’s unpredictable creations that are brought to life by an international cast of soaring aerialists, spine-bending contortionists, acrobats, jugglers and musicians. Ticket prices range from $32-$57. Parking is $5 per car.

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Ad space provided by Hometown Bank

Your 2017 Family Event Calendar Discover great annual festivals, traditions and races going on in Southwest Virginia

JANUARY Enjoy your favorite local restaurants and discover new ones in Roanoke’s Downtown Restaurant Week; running in January 20-29. Restaurants are offering meals from $10$35 per person. Visit for more information and restaurant details.

FEBRUARY Celebrate Growing Up in The Valley’s 4th Birthday at the Virginia Family Expo in Roanoke at the Sheraton Conference Center, February 11 from 10 AM til 4 PM. Free admission for attendees, along with kids’ activities, giveaway prizes and more! Follow GUITV on Facebook for future announcements and details.

MARCH Wear some green and enjoy the luck of the Irish at Roanoke’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Festival! The parade starts at 11 AM in Downtown Roanoke.

APRIL Start spring off right at the Blue Ridge Kite Festival at Green Hill Park in Salem. This year the festival is on April 15 from 10 AM 4 PM. Free admission for everyone, with limited free T-shirts, kite kits and ice cream for the first few hundred attendees. Run or watch the toughest marathon in the nation!

The Blue Ridge Marathon is happening in Downtown Roanoke on April 22. Runner registration is required to participate. Every April downtown Blacksburg gets a little sweeter! Enjoy the annual Chocolate Festival put on by the Rotary Club. The date and times will be announced later in the year on their festival website,

MAY The Strawberry Festival is having its 37th birthday in 2017! Enjoy the sweet fruit served up by Community School students at Elmwood Park in Roanoke on May 5-6. Make some magic in Downtown Roanoke at the first ever Harry Potter Festival on May 13 from 10 AM through 4 PM. Muggles and witches alike will love the entertainment, music, games and Great Hall Feast! Celebrate the start of summer vacation with Festival in the Park in Downtown Roanoke on Memorial Day weekend. Come enjoy dozens of bands, performers, artists and vendors! Admission starts at $5 a day.

JUNE Dance the night away at the Royal Ball: Father & Daughter Dance on June 16 from 6 PM - 9 PM at the Taubman Museum in Roanoke. Admission price will be announced later in

the year, follow GUITV on Facebook for more details.

JULY Ride the rides at the Salem Fair at the Salem Civic Center on June 28 through July 9. Tickets start at $20. Rock out at the world famous FloydFest at 894 Rock Castle Gorge Road in Floyd. The music starts July 26 through July 30. Daily tickets start at $85.

AUGUST Summer comes to a close at the annual Steppin’ Out Festival in downtown Blacksburg on August 4-5. Enjoy performances, vendors and artists from around the area.

SEPTEMBER Come and celebrate at the Roanoke Greek Festival at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church on September 15-17. Enjoy the great food, music and fellowship! The Virginia Science Festival is celebrating its third year in Downtown Roanoke & Blacksburg in 2017. Dates, times and experiences to be announced later this year. Follow them on Facebook for more details.

OCTOBER Camp along the Roanoke River at the GO! Outside Festival at River’s Edge Park on October 20-22. Experience rock climbing, water sports and more at this 3 day festival. Watch log-throwers and bag-pipers at the 20th Highlander Festival at Radford Univeristy & Downtown Radford. Details will be announced later in 2017.

NOVEMBER Warm up this fall at the Smith Mountain Lake Chili & Craft Festival at the Bridgewater Plaza in Moneta on November 4, 11 AM through 3:30 PM. Tickets start at $5 per person.

DECEMBER Ring in the holiday season at Downtown Roanoke’s Dickens of a Christmas, every Friday in December. The events are always free to the public, including the city tree lighting, parade and pet show! Sing with Santa Claus and enjoy a great family tradition at the Candy Cane Express at the Virginia Museum of Transportation in Roanoke. Date, time and details to be announced later in 2017. Follow on Facebook for more details.

Growing Up • January 2017


Beat the Winter Blues

Break cabin fever’s hold on your family this winter by visiting our Top 5 indoor play places Launching Pad Indoor Trampoline Park (540) 404-9235

Chuck E. Cheese Indoor Arcade & playground NRV Superbowl indoor bowling, arcade, bumper cars and laser tag Star City Skate Center Indoor Rollerskating, Arcade & playground MommyTime Indoor playground & toddler fun

ON-GOING IN JANUARY Downtown Roanoke Restaurant Week. January 20-29. Meals range from $10-$35 per person. Visit for more information and restaurant details. City Market Saturdays. Every Saturday at 11 AM through 2:30 PM at the City Market Building in Roanoke. Head to historic downtown city market for fun each weekend with live entertainment, street performers, “how-tos”, and more. FREE Kid Yoga. 11 AM on every first and third Saturday


Growing Up • January 2017

at the Life in Balance Counseling & Wellness Center in Christiansburg. Join us for a relaxing yoga class aimed at children ages 5-9. Classes are $8 each. Pscyhadelic Saturdays. 8 PM through 10 PM at the Launching Pad in Salem. Jump in lasers and black lights and turn up the beat! All ages are welcome, $17 per person. ROA Elmwood on Ice. November through February at Elmwood Park in Roanoke. the new outdoor ice skating rink, ROA’s Elmwood on Ice, is back for its second year, continuing an exciting new entertainment option to Downtown Roanoke. Open November 23rd through February 14th, for 12 weeks of Downtown ice skating! Hours of operation: Monday through Thursday: 4 PM- 9 PM Fridays: 4 PM - 10 PM Saturdays: 11 AM - 10 PM Sundays: 12 PM - 7 PM $6 per skater and $2 skate rentals. 8th Annual Greater Roanoke Home & Garden Show. January 13-15 at the Berglund Civic Center in Roanoke. We can help you get your Projects Solved! The entire Berglund Center will be completely transformed, for one weekend only, into a Home and Garden Extravaganza. From the front door to the backyard you’ll find it all at the Greater Roanoke Home & Garden Show. $8.50 per person, children 16 years old and under are free. Stampede Championship Rodeo. January 6-8 at the Salem Civic Center. Bring the family out to the rodeo! Featuring bull riding, bronc riding, calf roping, barrel racing, and more rodeo fun! Tickets start at $18. Parking is $5 per car.

Monster Truck Winternationals. January 13-14 at the Salem Civic Center. Featuring an all-star line-up including Equalizer, Storm Damaage, Red Solo Cup, Hurricane Force, Illuminator, and Defender! Tuff Truck Races, Monster Ride Truck, and Free Parking. It’s fun for the whole family! Ticket prices range from $5-$25 per person. Tickets are an extra $3 on the day of the event. Kazim Shrine Circus. January 25-29 at the Salem Civic Center. Tickets are $8 per child and $16 per adult.

SATURDAY • JANUARY 7 Winter Woods Wildlife. 10 AM at the Mill Mountain Discovery Center in Roanoke. Flying south and sleeping deeply are ways that some animals survive the winter, but how do the rest survive the cold? We’ll explore outside, play a game to learn about active winter animals, and then make an animal track craft to take home! This class is designed for ages 5-10 and is $6 per student. Register online to attend.

FRIDAY • JANUARY 13 Friday the 13th Public Paranormal Investigation. 6:30 PM at St. Albans Sanatorium in Radford. The building is very cold this time of year. Dress in layers and please wear comfortable shoes. There is a lot of walking and many stairs in our building. Please bring a flashlight. You are also welcome to bring equipment with you to investigate — recorders, cameras, K2 meters, dowsing rods, etc. This event costs $25 per person.

SATURDAY • JANUARY 14 The Lea’s High School Winter Classic Basketball Challenge. Noon through 9 PM at the Berglund Civic Center in Roanoke. The goal of the Winter Classic is not just to showcase top talent, but also to serve as a reminder of the great resources focused on strengthening members of the community that exist. Last year, $1,000 was given in grants to non-profit organizations set up on the Coliseum concourse throughout the day. $5 per student, $10 for general admission. Winter Woodland Hike. 2 PM through 3:30 PM at the Mill Mountain Discovery Center in Roanoke. Discover that the woods are anything but quiet and grey. You will enjoy finding out how woodland plants and animals survive through the cold and how they prepare for Spring. This hike is best for those 6 years old and older. $6 per participant and registration required. Family Film Fest: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. 10 AM atThe Lyric in Blacksburg. FREE

THURSDAY • JANUARY 19 Night Howls. 5:15 PM at the Mill Mountain Zoo in Roanoke. Bundle up and bring your friends to the zoo to hear the wolves howl, the owls hoot and the big cats call! Participants will begin the night indoors enjoying hot cider and cookies while a zookeeper speaks about nocturnal animals and the noises they make. Guests will then proceed outdoors for a guided tour of the zoo in the dark to observe the creatures and enjoy the spectacular views of the city at night! Member Children

are $9 & Member Adults are $12. Non-Member Children are $12 & Non-Member Adults are $15.

FRIDAY • JANUARY 20 Cirque Dreams Jungle Fantasy. 7:30 PM at the Berglund Civic Center in Roanoke. Cirque Dreams Jungle Fantasy is an exotic encounter inspired by nature’s unpredictable creations that are brought to life by an international cast of soaring aerialists, spine-bending contortionists, acrobats, jugglers and musicians. The astounding feats performed in this action packed Cirque Dream are enhanced with spectacular costumes that come to life in a fantastical jungle setting ignited by striking visual effects. From the breathtaking soaring aerial butterflies to the balancing giraffes, gigantic flowers, trees and kings of the jungle, this world-class explosion of athleticism, theatre and imagination will exhilarate and entertain audiences of all ages anywhere in the world. Ticket prices range from $32-$57. Parking is $5 per car. Kidz Night Out. 6 PM through 9 PM at Bricks 4 Kidz in Roanoke. Come for a high-energy evening full of LEGO® entertainment for kids ages 5 – 13. Children spend three hours in our center at 1060 23rd Street at Towers Mall, supervised by our trained, staff. $30 per child.

bring their catalogues of hits to Berglund Performing Arts Theatre in Roanoke, VA on Saturday, January 21, performing full solo acoustic sets by both artists. Ticket prices range from $59.50$74.50. Parking is $5 per car. Guns & Hoses Charity Hockey Game. 6 PM at the Berglund Civic Center in Roanoke. Proceeds to benefit Muscular Dystrophy Association as the local firefighters (hoses) take on local police and lawenforcement (guns). Tickets start at $5 per person.

FRIDAY • JANUARY 27 14th Annual Latin Dance Party. 9:30 PM at Fitzpatrick Hall in the Jefferson Center in Roanoke. Immediately following the Yosvany Terry Afro-Cuban Sextet show, join us for the Latin Dance Party featuring “Latin Clave”

inside Fitzpatrick Hall. Come early, starting at 9 PM, and participate in a 30 minute salsa dance workshop with Salsa Noke. General Admission price of $18.

SATURDAY • JANUARY 28 Family Hike and Hot Cocoa. 3 PM at the Mill Mountain Discovery Center in Roanoke. Take in the winter scenery on a 1.5 mile hike on Mill Mountain. Warm up afterwards as we enjoy a delicious cup of hot cocoa! Registration is $11 per family. Ice Age Festival. 9 AM at the Virginia Museum of Natural History in Martinsville. Bundle up as you make your way to the Virginia Museum of Natural History for the first-ever Ice Age Festival, featuring mammoth-sized (literally) displays from the Ice Age. Museum admission

is $7 per adult, $5 per child ages 3-18.

SATURDAY • FEBRUARY 4 Tons of Fun. 10 AM at the Tanglewood Mall in Roanoke. We’re celebrating our 18th annual event of FREE activities; including balloon sculptures, face painting, performances, clowns, creative crafts, magic and more. Representatives of many local community organizations and businesses will fill the mall with fun family activities. Plus, enjoy rides and giant inflatables for youth of all ages. You’ll be delighted by all there is to see and do! FREE

To explore and develop at their own pace To be able to respond to teachable moments and student interest To engage in off campus learning and community enrichment For parents to be part of the educational process To play and be a child

SATURDAY • JANUARY 21 Rick Springfield & Richard Marx. 8 PM at the Berglund Civic Center in Roanoke. Two incredible performers, 3 decades of hits, one night only. Rick Springfield and Richard Marx join forces to Growing Up • January 2017


(540) 389-5074 • Macado’s 4 PM - 9 PM • 12 & under, $1 child meal per paid adult All Locations in Roanoke & Salem (540) 776-9884 • Town Center Tap House All Day • 12 & under, 2 children per paid adult 90 Town Center St., Daleville (540) 591-9991 • The Barbecue Grill All Day • 10 & under, 1 child per paid adult 126 E Lee Ave., Vinton (540) 857-0030

Kids Eat Free Roanoke

Kids Eat Free Choose from over 35 restaurants for an affordable family night out on the town!

Every Day


• Mama Maria’s 11 AM - 2 PM • 3 & under free buffet with paid adult W. Main St., Salem (540) 389-2848

• Country Cookin’ 4 PM - Close • 10 & under, 2 children per paid adult All Locations in Roanoke (540) 774-0199

• Golden Corral All Day • 3 & under free buffet with paid adult 1441 Towne Square Blvd., Roanoke (540) 563-8826

• Famous Anthony’s 3 PM - Close • 1 child per paid adult All Locations in Roanoke, Salem, & Vinton (540) 362-1400

• Shoney’s All Day • 4 & under, free kids meal with adult entree purchase. Drink not included 2673 Lee Highway, Troutville (540) 992-6400

• McAlister’s Deli 5 PM - Close • 2 children per paid adult 2063 Colonial Ave., Roanoke (540) 204-4407

• Lil Cucci’s All Day (Closed Sunday & Monday) • 10 & under, 1 child per adult meal 1396 Roanoke Rd., Daleville (540) 966-5923


Growing Up • January 2017

• Firehouse Subs All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult Colonial Ave, Town Square & Salem only (540) 345-3131

• Buffalo Wild Wings 4 PM - 9 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult All Locations (540) 725-9464 • IHOP 4 PM - 8 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult

• Pizza Hut 5 PM - Close • 10 & under, free buffet per paid adult 1016 Hershberger Rd., Roanoke (540) 362-3834

Valley View Location only, Roanoke (540) 265-4289 • El Rio Mexican Grill All Day • 10 & under, 1 child per paid adult 4208 Electric Rd., Roanoke (540) 685-4343

• Ruby Tuesday 5 PM - Close • 11 & under, 1 child per paid adult Electric Rd., Roanoke (540) 265-9301 Please

Take Note:

• Firehouse Subs • K&W Restaurant deals All Day • 11 & All Day • 12 & change quickly and under, 2 children under, 1 child often without notice. per paid adult per paid adult Growing Up in the Valley combo,dine in Hershberger strongly reccommends only Rd. Roanoke calling ahead to confirm 800 University any deal listed. This listing (540) 563-4977 City Blvd, is for informational Blacksburg purposes only and does (540) 961-0371

not guarantee a discount.

• The Green Goat All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult 802 Wiley Dr. SW, Roanoke (540) 904-6091


• Brambleton Deli 11 AM - 9 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult 3655 Brambleton Ave., Roanoke (540) 774-4554 • Denny’s 4 PM - 10 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult All Locations Roanoke & Salem


• Dogwood 4 PM - Close • 10 & under, per paid adult 106 E. Lee Ave., Vinton (540) 343-6549 • The Quarter All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult 19 Salem Ave., Roanoke (540) 342-2990

• Pizza Pasta Pit 4 PM - 9 PM • 1 child per paid adult. Drink not included. 1713 Riverview Dr., Salem (540) 387-2885

• Jerry’s Family Restaurant 4 PM - Close • 6 & under, 1 child per adult meal purchase 1340 E. Washington Ave., Vinton (540) 343-4400

• IHOP 4 PM - 8 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult Valley View Location only, Roanoke (540) 265-4289


• T.G.I.Fridays All Day • 12 & under 1 with paying adult 4869 Valley View Blvd., Roanoke (540) 362-1475

• Steak n’ Shake All Day • 12 & under 1 free per paid $10.00 adult 1309 Hershberger Rd., Roanoke (540) 400-8825


See Everyday Deals!


• Tokyo Express 11 AM - 3 PM • 4 & under free buffet per paid adult 1940 W Main St., Salem (540) 389-6303


• CiCi’s Pizza All Day • 10 & under .99 cents child buffet per adult buffet All Locations, Roanoke (540) 344-7711 • The Roanoker 4:30 PM - Close • 12 & under, 2 children per paid adult 2522 Colonial Ave., Roanoke (540) 344-7746

• Famous Anthony’s 12 PM - Close • 1 child per adult meal All Locations Roanoke, Salem, Vinton (540) 362-1400

• IHOP 4 PM - 8 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult Valley View Location only, Roanoke (540) 265-4289

• Pizza Den 5 PM - 8:30 PM • 10 & under free buffet per paid adult buffet and drink purchase All locations Roanoke, Salem (540) 389-1111 • Local Roots 5 PM -7 PM • 5 & under eat for free, discount for ages 5-7 per paid adult 1314 Grandin Rd., Roanoke (540) 206-2610 • Ragazzi’s 11 AM - 4 PM • 10 & under with paid adult 3843 Electric Rd., Roanoke (540) 989-9022

• Jimmy V’s Restaurant All Day • 4 & under kids meal only $2.50 3403 Brandon Ave., Roanoke (540) 345-7311 • Steak n’ Shake All Day • 12 & under 1 free with paying $10.00 adult 1309 Hershberger Rd., Roanoke (540) 400-8825 • Moe’s Southwestern Grill All Day • 1 free per paid adult All Roanoke & Blacksburg locations • Firehouse Subs All Day • 12 and Under 1 free per paid adult Keagy Road, Roanoke 540-204-4471 • O’Charley’s All Day • 10 and Under 1 free per paid adult Valley View, Roanoke 540-563-9870

• T.G.I.Fridays All Day • 12 & under 1 with paying adult 4869 Valley View Blvd., Roanoke (540) 362-1475

Downtown Roanoke Restaurant Week is BACK! January 20th - 29th

Experience our diverse mix of lunch and dinner options.

Featuring four price points:

Restaurant’s Choice Lunch (less than $10) $10 lunch (includes side and drink) $20 three-course dinner • $35 three-course dinner

For more information, visit!

Growing Up • January 2017


Just Keep One.... A week before Christmas, I sat on our couch, watching television, with Timothy, my sweet and sensitive 10-yearold. It was our prime time — the quiet Sunday evening moments after football and dinner, but before the chaos of the get-ready-for-Monday-and-bedtime routine.

rubble. We watched as they listened for voices and then dug furiously, reassuring the buried that they would do their best. We watched as men, women, and children were pulled from the rubble, crying in pain and relief, yet still searching for their family members and friends still buried.

The quiet moment was interrupted by a news story on the destruction and human devastation in Aleppo, Syria. Images — raw and poignant and honest — flashed across the screen.

“They are so brave,” Timothy said. “And good.”

“Can we change the station?” Timothy asked. “They’re talking about people dying, and I don’t want to see that.” I picked up the remote, ready to change the station, and then stopped. This was a story not only about evil, but of people — called the White Helmets — who respond to 35 attacks per day to pull the living from the rubble. No, I replied. You’re old enough to learn about evil. Before we combat evil, we need to know what it is. We continued to watch. Timothy nervously bounced around in his seat, not knowing how to be comfortable watching such horror. We watched as the White Helmets rescued a ten-day-old infant from the


Growing Up • January 2017

This year has been brutal for many of us. We’ve endured a shaky economy and a presidential election that divided families, friendships and whole neighborhoods. We’re always connected, always watching, always taking in new data, so we’ve watched in horror as terror attacks, race riots, and crime waves unfolded in real time. At times we feel like the ground beneath us is shifting and that a giant sinkhole is forming. We’re not sure our next step will be met with solid ground. But watching the White Helmets comb through rubble, desperate to save even one life, gave me hope that maybe, just maybe, the bad guys wouldn’t win. January is when we start anew. We make promises and resolutions. We try to be better, to do better. Most of

by: Peg McGuire

those promises and resolutions will fall by the wayside. We at Growing up in the Valley ask that you make and keep just one promise, one resolution, this year: Be like the White Helmets. When the world caves around someone, dig him our her out of the rubble. When someone is cold, give him your coat. When someone is hungry, give her food. When someone is on the brink of financial ruin, give him some of your hard-earned money. Smile at strangers. Hold the door open for someone. Let someone cut in front of you in traffic. After the news story was over, I looked at my son, tears welling up in his eyes. “Timothy,” I said. “When faced with evil on a grand scale, we feel hopeless and helpless. But we aren’t. We can be like the White Helmets. We can show mercy.” Indeed, it’s the only thing that’s ever worked. Peg McGuire lives in Roanoke with her patient husband, Joe. Timothy and Charlie are their boys. For unknown reasons, they refuse to wear pants. Peg blogs at

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