Growing Up In the Valley October 2018

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S O U T H W E S T A N D C E N T R A L V I R G I N I A ’ S P R E M I E R F A M I LY R E S O U R C E

In The Valley Volume 7 Issue 2 • October 2018 • FREE TAKE ONE

Growing Up

In The Valley

Community Partners

“Dreaming for the Future” 2018 Color the Cover Winner



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Publisher’s Note We put labels on everything. We label each other, our belongings and events. We even label our relationships. Sometimes people mean more to us then what our relationship “label” describes. You see, we don’t have to be just acquaintances; we can be friends. Friends don’t need to be just a friend; they can be as important to us as a family member. Even family members can be more to each other than what their “label” says. In my case, my Uncle Shawn stood out. He broke the label of what an uncle was meant to be. I grew up as an only child. Shawn, was nineteen when I was born and lived with me for seven years before he got married. When I was a young boy, he would often take me sledding, throw batting practice to me and take me out to eat. At the age of 7, he made me the Best Man at his wedding. In my teens, he taught me how to play guitar, took me on college tours and helped me decorate our house like the Griswolds did for Christmas. After I got married, he helped me remodel our starter home for my young family so my wife and daughters would have somewhere nice to live and play. Shawn passed away on September 3rd. He battled health issues for the past few years and things just did not get better for him. My family and I were able to visit him in hospice the week before he passed. After he passed, I was going through all of the memories of the times we shared, telling my kids of all the fun things he did with me while going through dozens of photos for his memorial. I realized that with everything he did for me, Shawn was never really my Uncle, he was my brother. My older brother who taught me and was always there when I needed help. He went above and beyond his “label” as an uncle and he showed me how to be a good father, husband and of course brother. This issue is dedicated to my brother, Joseph Shawn Barone, December 5, 1958 - September 3, 2018.

The Eagan Family

Andrea, Josh, Anika and Evelyn

Top: Publisher Josh Eagan, as a child with Uncle Shawn. Bottom: Portrait of Shawn, playing guitar.

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Inside This Issue October 2018

1st Place

Features 26

Meeting the Needs of Dsylexic Kids A local tutor explains why some public school systems are failing children with dsylexia.


More Than Books Libraries host more than just the popular paperbacks- learn how Roanoke City libraries are supporting our community!

2018 Color the Cover winner, Elena Morales, receiving her award with Andre Alegre from Blue Eagle Credit Union.

Learn and Grow 14

Sweet Treats How to manage the onslaught of sugar this Halloween


Caring for Caregivers Preventing burnout when caring for your relatives is vital.

2nd Place

Just For Fun

3rd Place


Elephant Toothpaste Create a foamy surprise in your jack-o-lantern this year!


Fast Family Recipes Two simple and healthy crowdpleasing recipes for the family on the move.


Charlie’s Choice Discover the books kids really want to read!

Resources 40

Go. Play. See. The lagest family event calendar in the valley!


Kids Eat Free What’s for dinner tonight? We have a list of great restaurants offering incredible deals for your families.

Provided by Alexa Wootten from Blue Eagle® Credit Union

How to Overcome ‘Credit Card Shyness’ News outlets and credit card companies are quick to label millennials as being credit card-shy. According to a recent survey, millennials apparently fear their credit card debt more than climate change, the threat of war, and even death. It may sound like an overreaction, but the underlying trend is substantial: millennials are carrying fewer cards and have lower balances, compared to the previous generation of young adults. Cause for concern Hesitation around opening and using a credit card is completely justifiable—it invites the possibility of overspending, missing payments, racking up fees, paying high interest rates and dealing with the resulting financial stress. Despite millennials carrying fewer cards, credit card debt is on the rise, with Americans carrying an average balance of $6,375 in 2017. Credit cards can be seen as a gateway to spiraling debt—and for some, that’s enough to justify reaching for a debit card or cash instead. Being debt-conscious isn’t bad—in fact, being able to see past the convenience of credit cards to their potential pitfalls is a responsible perspective. Credit card transactions are essentially mini-loans that can lead to serious debt when used carelessly, but avoiding them altogether is also problematic—and not just for the credit card companies who issue them. An aversion to credit cards can negatively impact future financial and lifestyle decisions. The consequence of being credit card-shy Credit card use plays a huge role in your credit history, which in turn is an important part of your financial footprint. Credit scores are a key component in many of the major purchases you will make in your lifetime. A good credit score may also affect your ability to secure a loan for a small business or a future entrepreneurial venture. Some employers and landlords perform credit checks as part of their application process. Your credit history can therefore have an impact on your lifestyle, on your livelihood and even on where you live.


Growing Up

October 2018

Avoiding credit cards won’t actively damage your credit rating, but it can hold you back from achieving the types of scores needed for the best interest rates on auto loans and mortgages. While it’s possible to build your credit score with other borrowing products such as student loans or personal lines of credit, credit cards are the easiest way to boost your credit score because of their accessibility. When used responsibly, credit cards can build a positive credit history with little or no cost.

2. Do you know when your billing cycle opens and closes? It’s important that you understand the billing cycle for each credit card you own. It’s easy to assume that billing cycles are monthly, but in fact they vary depending on the card issuer and can range between 20 and 45 days. Your credit card statement will disclose when your billing cycle opens and closes—take a minute to look at your last few statements and determine where your billing cycle starts and ends. Does it start on the first day of each month? Does it start mid-month? Does it close on the same date each month? Does it vary?

Using credit responsibly The only way to sidestep any and all credit card-related fears is to follow this strategy: pay it in full and on time. This means that you treat your credit card as you do cash: use it to make purchases within your budget that you know you can afford. You don’t treat it as additional available income. You don’t use it to fill the gaps when your paycheck isn’t covering everything you want it to. You only use it to pay bills and make purchases that you can cover with money that you already have in your bank account.

3. Do you know your personal payment due date? Your credit card statement will clearly list your payment due date, but in order to dodge any late fees, you also need to allow time for your payment to process. For each credit card you use, figure out what your due date is—that is, the day by which you must pay your bill in order for your funds to transfe. It’s smart to leave a buffer before the due date printed on your statement.

Paying your credit card bill in full means you’re not carrying a balance and therefore cannot be charged interest. Paying your bill on time protects you from being charged late fees and penalties. By paying in full and on time, the only cost to using a credit card (depending on the issuer and the type of card) is the annual fee. Paying in full and on time also allows you enjoyment of the perks and rewards that your particular credit card may have—and in many cases, the monetary value of these perks is greater than the annual fee. Your guide to paying in full and on time Paying in full and on time is a simple rule to remember, but there are a couple of things to be aware of in order to follow it successfully. Use the following questions as a guide to using your credit card with confidence. 1. Do you currently have credit card debt? If the answer is yes, you must develop a debt repayment strategy right away. If you need help devising a plan, reach out to your credit union for available resources.

4. Do you have an emergency fund? When an emergency expense suddenly rises, it’s easy to reach for your credit card in response. A large emergency expense can prevent you from paying your balance in full and on time and derail your good credit habits. The best defense is to have savings set aside to minimize your reliance on your credit card. The regular recommendation is six months’ worth of expenses, but if you’re just starting out, set smaller goals. ________________ A little bit of knowledge and self-discipline is all it takes to successfully use the “pay it in full and on time” strategy. This approach allows you to enjoy the convenience and rewards of your credit card while contributing to a positive credit history that will serve you well when it comes time to make a large purchase. There’s no need to be shy when using your credit card responsibly.

Every Parent is a Hero to us. Nominate someone who is making a difference in a life of a child for Growing Up in the Valley’s Parent of the Month Award. Nominee’s Name____________________________________ Nominee’s Email Address____________________________ Nominee’s Phone Number___________________________ Your Name:_________________________________ Your Email Address:_________________________ _______________________________________ Your Phone Number:______________________ Why are you nominating them? _________________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ _________________________________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________ _____________________________________ ___________________________________ Growing Up in the Valley never shares your private contact information with any third parties.

Expires February 28, 2019

Growing Up

October 2018


As fall weather sets in, many homeowners take advantage of cooler days to spruce up their living spaces since they’re confined indoors. However, fitting all that work into a busy season filled with school, sports, and other family demands isn’t always easy. Fortunately, a fall refresh doesn’t have to mean mountains of daunting work. These tips can provide the inspiration you need to spruce up your home without the hassle.

Control the clutter.

Even the cleanest homes still look messy when they’re disorganized, but it’s an uphill battle for many to keep clutter from accumulating. Tackle the house room-byroom. Divide clutter into three piles: keep, donate, and discard.

Give floors a facelift.

After months spent outside, it’s inevitable that you’ve tracked some of the great outdoors back inside with you. Get your floors back in their best condition with a simple carpet washing innovation like Hoover’s Smartwash Automatic Carpet Cleaner. An auto-mix feature precisely mixes and dispenses solution for optimal cleaning, and operation is as easy as it comes: push forward to wash, pull back to dry. Let the powerful brushes do all the work to gently remove embedded dirt and debris.

Add some cheery light.

If you’re like many homeowners, light fixtures aren’t high on your list for everyday cleaning. However, over time, dust and debris build up, which can impact the quality of light. Take time to wipe down fixtures for a cleaner, brighter ambiance in minutes.

Swap out bedding.

Quick Ways to Freshen Up Your Home for Fall

Updating the textiles in a room is an easy way to instantly transform a space. Bedding for cooler seasons tends to be heavier and darker, so it’s the perfect time to make a switch to sheets and comforters that are not only practical but look cozy and inviting for the cold nights ahead. Similarly, you can swap out airy drapes and window treatments for more robust versions that reflect the season while helping keep drafts at bay.

Make DIY cleaning supplies.

Some of the most effective cleaning agents can be made at home, so you never have to worry about running out. Make your own all-purpose spray cleaner by combining a quart of water with four tablespoons of baking soda. For extra cleaning power, you can mix vinegar with water and add a few drops of essential oils for an appealing scent. Another quick fix: Run citrus peels through the garbage disposal for an easy clean and fresh smelling kitchen. Find more tips and ideas to get your home fall-ready at


Growing Up

October 2018

8 Home Security Hacks Recommended By Police 1. Change the locks

When was the last time you changed the locks? How many previous owners have there been and how many keys have been given out to neighbors, friends, family or delivery people? You never know who has a second copy, and for less than $100 at Home Depot, you can change your locks immediately.

2. Replace outdoor lightbulbs If you don’t have outdoor flood lights, get them. If you have them, make sure the bulbs are in working order.

3. Place an alarm sign in your yard Many would-be thieves won’t approach a house if they think it has an alarm. You can get an alarm sign online.

4. Buy an indoor camera Cameras can capture a suspect in the act and let homeowners check the footage from anywhere. FunLux indoor cameras offer

high-quality images and night vision, and they’re motion activated and affordable. You can get them on Amazon for about $25 each.

5. Get out the garden shears Every bush outside of your windows should be below the window line, usually 2-3 feet in height, to maximize your visibility from the inside of your house to the outside, so that means you must trim your bushes. You can get garden shears at your local hardware store for $15.

6. Bake some cookies One of the best ways to stay safe is to work together as a neighborhood. We all need to keep an eye on each other and what better way to start that relationship than with a plate of cookies?

7. Protect your neighborhood There are many measures you can take to improve your community safety, with varying levels of affordability. Some cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and

some, like Flock Safety, you can buy for less than $3 per month, per home. Outdoor security cameras, like Flock Safety, can reduce crime and prevent would-be criminals from entering the neighborhood.

8. Ask for a security survey Officers will walk around your house, inside and out, to assess its safety and could reveal some surprising tips. They want to help, and they are motivated to solve and prevent crime. For more information on keeping your home and neighborhood secure, as well as a free cost estimate for outdoor security cameras, visit flocksafety. com/securityhacks.

Spooktacular Savings! this month at

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Growing Up

October 2018




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D.I.Y Science

Elephant Toothpaste Supplies:

½ cup 3% hydrogen peroxide (usually found with first-aid supplies) ¼ cup liquid dish soap (like Dawn) Active dry yeast (1 packet or 1 tablespoon) Warm water (4 tablespoons or more) Clean, empty bottle or other container with a narrow neck Small cup Spoon Funnel (optional) Food coloring (optional)


1 . Pour the hydrogen peroxide into the bottle, using the funnel if needed.

2. Add the dish soap to the hydrogen peroxide and swirl the bottle to mix them together. Note: When mixing the soap and hydrogen peroxide, try to avoid creating bubbles. Do not shake the mixture. If desired, add food coloring to the mixture and swirl carefully to mix or drip it down the inside of the bottle.


Growing Up

October 2018

3. In the small cup, add the yeast to the warm water and mix with the spoon. If it is too thick, add some more water until it is pourable. 4. Pour the yeast mixture into the bottle with the hydrogen peroxide mixture and watch what happens. It may take a few moments, but you should see foam!


Try feeling the side of the bottle. It should feel warm, and it’s not just from the warm water. This reaction releases heat. Try doing the same reaction again but add some sugar to the warm water before mixing it with the yeast. Does anything change? What if you use cold water or hot water in place of the warm water? Note: while the foam is safe to touch, it is hydrogen peroxide which can irritate skin and should not be eaten or gotten into eyes.

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What’s Happening:

Hydrogen peroxide has a chemical name of H2O2, which means that it breaks down into water and oxygen. If we write this out using the symbols that chemists use, the equation looks like this:

2H2O2 = H2O + O2

This reaction happens naturally, especially in light, which is why bottles of hydrogen peroxide are dark. The yeast makes the reaction happen faster: it’s what we call a catalyst. A catalyst is something in chemistry that can speed up a reaction without being affected. When the yeast is added to the mixture, it makes the hydrogen peroxide break down really quickly into water and oxygen. When we add this

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Growing Up

October 2018


Sweet Treats By: Shannon Dean

It’s no wonder that Halloween is among the most eagerlyanticipated of family holidays. What kid doesn’t love dressing up and visiting vibrantly decorated places where happy people hand out candy? Who can resist a parade of adorable trick-or-treaters? However, even the most fun-loving parent can’t help but cringe when kids dump all of their collected


Growing Up

October 2018

How To Manage The Onslaught Of Sugar This Halloween

candy onto the living room floor. Although there have been numerous scientific studies which claim that children’s behavior is not affected by excess sugar, anyone who has witnessed a roomful of kids jazzed up on sweets would certainly disagree. No one can argue that candy is both nutritionally void and full of sugar (which contributes to obesity and tooth decay).

According to the USDA Agricultural Research Service, some kids already consume an average of twenty-one teaspoons of sugar per day. Fortunately, there are many steps parents can take to make Halloween fun for everyone— without allowing harmful amounts of sugar to overshadow the fun.


Susan Nitzke, PhD, a longtime professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, suggested that caregivers make a conscious effort to create alternative Halloween traditions that focus on the activity, not on the treats: “Children caught up in the excitement of other Halloween activities are less likely to be focused on the candy,” she said. Some suggestions for fun activities are: hosting your own Halloween costume or craft party; coordinating a scavenger hunt (with toys, not candy, for prizes); participating in candy-free carnivals that are offered by many communities; spinning spooky tunes in the front yard to entertain passing trick-or-treaters. A recent Halloween study found that many children were just as likely to choose toys as candy when given both options, so don’t sweat offering alternatives. Non-food Halloween items like pencils, stickers, and temporary tattoos are great choices. You can also offer healthier food options, like individual packages of graham crackers, mini-boxes of raisins, or sugar-free gum.


No matter how conscious you are about how you spend Halloween, it’s inevitable that your child will be exposed to at least some candy. You’ll just need a plan to dispose of any excess. Some parents allow a few small pieces per day until most of the candy (or the interest) is gone. You can also offer to trade most of the candy for a bigger, more desirable prize, like a coveted game or toy. Even offering five dollars for all but a few handfuls of candy is cheaper than filling a cavity, and less painful than a toothache. Dentists suggests letting children eat candy after a meal because the body will produce more saliva to help neutralize the acids that attach to tiny teeth. The worst time to eat candy is right before bed. Have kids rinse out their mouths and brush thoroughly after a candy feast, no matter what time of day. What do dentists consider the worst candies for teeth? Anything that sticks to the teeth and stays there—items like Dots, gummy bears, suckers, and hard candies. The best choice for “oral clearance” (i.e.

that which spends the least amount of time on teeth) is chocolate, because it melts quickly. If fat and calories are a concern, some popular candies are better choices than others. Licorice only contains thirty calories per serving, and Hershey’s Kisses only have twenty-five. Some chocolate candies like Peppermint Patties, Junior Mints, and Three Musketeers are significantly lower in fat than other choices. Snack sized portions are also an option.


Once you’ve convinced your child to give up the extra candy, get it out reach so that it’s no longer a lingering temptation. Freeze some chocolate bars to melt for s’mores, brownies, or fondue. Consider cutting up the rest to use as chocolate chips for baked goods intended for military personnel, teachers, or anyone special to your heart. Packaging up homemade goodies for others will place the focus on service instead of on consumption.

USE HALLOWEEN TO STRESS SMART CHOICES, BUT DON’T DWELL Halloween is a great time to talk to children about the importance of making good nutritional choices, but you may not want to portray that message as one of overwhelming sacrifice. Once you’ve come up with a workable game plan that allows everyone a little indulgence, explain the limits, but don’t dwell on them.

“If you get too restrictive, they tend to hide food or snack secretly. Most of the Halloween feeding frenzy is in the first few days and then it will settle down,” reassures Linda Davenport, a dietician at Norwood Hospital in Massachusetts. And Idaho dental director A. Riley Cutler says, “Gathering and eating Halloween candy can be a lot of fun for kids and caregivers alike. You can’t raise a child and take away everything that is fun. The key is moderation.” So offer your little Spider-Man or Wonder Woman plenty of alternatives, but when they savor their hauls, know that treats in moderation are part of the thrill. Then help them learn to make good choices and figure out a useful way to share or purge the excess.

Alternatives For Trick-Or-Treaters Tiny bottles of bubbles that are sold by the case at the dollar store. Kid-sized water bottles — trick-or-treaters get thirsty and the water will help to keep sugar from sticking to their teeth. Tailgating-type treats. My neighbor’s front yard is the most popular trickor-treating destination in our neighborhood, but she doesn’t serve candy. Instead, she hands out bulk hot dogs . Glow-in-the-dark bracelets. These are popular with kids and ensure that they are easily seen.

Alternatives For Leftover Candy Immediately recycle it. Have kids quickly pick out their favorite few handfuls of candy. Send items still tightly packaged and sealed right back out the door to the next batch of trick-ortreaters. Package up candy and create a care package for soldiers who weren’t able to celebrate a traditional Halloween this year. Save many varieties of candy for a Thanksgiving day piñata. Save the hard candy for Christmas gingerbread houses, wreaths, and ornaments. Save a few handfuls of candy for a scavenger hunt on a school holiday. Growing Up

October 2018




Simple Steps You Can Take to Help Protect Your Family from Fire

hen a fire ignites in your home, it can spread rapidly. It used to be that families had up to seven minutes to escape once their smoke alarm sounded, but many homes these days are built with lightweight construction materials, which burn faster than solid wood. Your family could have as little as two minutes to escape safely once the smoke alarm sounds. But by taking three simple steps, you and your family can make your home as safe as possible from fire and know what to do if a fire breaks out.

Look for Places Fire Can Start Pay attention to your surroundings. Looking for potential “hot spots” in your home can be a family affair. Get the kids involved in a fire-safety scavenger hunt. Let them lead the way as you walk around your home and identify potential fire hazards in the bedrooms, kitchen, living room, basement, attic, and other areas. Ask the kids for their ideas on how any safety hazards should be addressed. Then, make a plan for correcting the hazards. Once you’re done on the inside, take the scavenger hunt outdoors. Walk around the home with the kids to check the gutters, deck, porch, crawl space, and patio. Point out dead leaves, pine needles, or other debris that can burn. Together, make plans to do a cleanup. Once the hunt is over, give kids a printout of NFPA’s Kitchen Safety Hidden Pics activity sheet (sparky. org/activities) and read with them the safety messages included. Have them point out the safety hazards and the safety features depicted in the activity sheet. Color the sheet together.


Growing Up

October 2018

Listen for the Sound of the Smoke Alarm

Take the sound of your smoke alarm seriously. Review smoke alarm safety with your kids so that they’ll know what to do if they hear the smoke alarm sound. Explain to them that a smoke alarm senses smoke and will sound if there is smoke in the home, possibly from fire. Give kids a printout of NFPA’s Smoke Alarm Safety Sheet calendar ( activities), a handy chart that offers a timely reminder to test smoke alarms once a month. Gather the kids and walk with them throughout your home where alarms should be located—every bedroom, outside of each bedroom, and on every level of the home, including the basement. Make a plan to add alarms if some are missing in those locations. Test the alarms. This will get the kids familiar with the loud sound. Using the check-off box for the designated month on the smoke alarm calendar, have them note whether or not the smoke alarms are working, and make a plan for addressing smoke alarms that aren’t working. Depending on the type of alarm you have, either replace the battery or replace the alarm. Discuss with the kids that once the smoke alarm sounds or “beeps,” they should go outside immediately with the rest of the family and stay outside until an adult says it is safe to go back inside. Tell them that, if necessary, they can leave immediately on their own. They are not to stop for toys, pets, or other belongings. Explain that when an adult is cooking and the smoke

alarm sounds, the adult will determine if everyone should get out quickly. For added fun and learning, download the app Sparky and the Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms (, which features key fire safety messages presented in an entertaining way.

Learn Two Ways Out of Each Room Look for the exits. Walk through your home together as a family and identify all of the windows and doors. Every room in the home needs two ways out. Find at least two exits in each room. Have the kids point to the two ways out. One way would be the door and the second way out may be another door or a window. Make sure that all doors and windows that lead outside can be opened. Make a printout of NFPA’s How to Make A Home Fire Escape Plan ( fpw/safety-tip-sheets) to help you and the kids draw a map of your home, showing each level of your home, all doors and windows, and stairwells. The printable sheets include a checklist for planning and practicing an escape drill, as well as a blank grid and template. Identify all of the smoke alarms in your home and mark them on the grid. Decide on a location for your outside meeting place that is a safe distance away from the front of your home—it could be a mailbox, light pole, or tree. Be sure to draw it

on the escape plan as well. If you live in an apartment building, review the building’s evacuation plan as a family. Remind everyone that they are not to use the elevator unless told to do so by the fire department.

Make a plan to practice your home fire drill at least twice a year with everyone in your home, both at night and during the daytime.

Look. Listen. Learn. Practice Your Home Fire Drill Put your plan to the test by conducting a home fire drill. Pick the day for the drill, and help the kids make a poster announcing the date. Each day leading up to the drill, spend a few minutes reviewing the important points of the home escape plan: the sound of the smoke alarm, two ways out of each room, and the outside meeting place. On fire drill day, have someone push the test button on the smoke alarm. Watch the kids’ responses to the alarm to see if they take appropriate action. Get up and walk to your exit. Don’t run, but walk briskly. Shut the doors as you leave. Get outside quickly to the determined safe meeting place. Once the drill is over, have a conversation about how things went. Discuss any challenges or concerns about the drill.

These are three simple calls to action to identify basic but essential ways families can reduce their risk of fire and be prepared in the event of one. You can find more activities for keeping your family safe from fire by visiting and firepreventionweek. org. Fire Prevention Week™ takes place October 7-13, 2018. This year’s theme, Look. Listen. Learn. Be Aware. Fire Can Happen Anywhere.™, reminds us that fires can and still do happen, but steps can be taken to remain safe. Lisa Braxton is the Public Education Specialist for the National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA®).

Growing Up

October 2018


7 Ways to Help Hurricane Victims Hurricane Florence has ripped across the east coast, leaving ruined homes, businesses and hurt families in her wake.

Natural disasters come in multiple forms and can quickly devastate many lives in a matter of moments. While they all can cause nightmares for those affected, few are as powerful and destructive as hurricanes. That’s why, when hurricanes make landfall and wreak havoc, help is immediately needed and accepted by the people and communities affected the most. Here are a few ways you can make a positive impact for those affected by natural disasters, and specifically hurricanes:

Start a Fundraiser

One of the most potentially effective ways to lend a hand


Growing Up

October 2018

after a natural disaster is to start a community fundraiser. This can be as simple as an online account that accepts donations for a group of people and then sends a large sum to a relief organization, or as thought-out as a large-scale event like a raffle or dinner that accepts donations for entry.

Promote Fundraising Efforts


While it isn’t viable for everyone, some people closer to the affected region can directly help those in need with physical help at the place it’s most needed. Whether it’s passing out supplies, serving food to those displaced, or other means of lending a hand, volunteers are a valuable resource following natural disasters.

Money is typically the resource relief organizations can use the most during natural disasters, and it can also be the easiest way for people to lend aid. There are typically many trustworthy organizations available to which to donate during times of need.

After you’ve made a donation yourself, spread the word to others — whether it’s via word of mouth, social media, or other forms of communication. Let friends and family know how they can join the cause.


Provide Shelter

Another option for people looking to help who are closer to the devastation is to offer shelter, especially if they have family members or friends who have been affected. Assisting at places that are sheltering the displaced is another way to provide help, if offering space in your home is not an option.

Give Blood

Injuries can be unavoidable when hurricanes and other disasters strike. One way to help those hospitalized or otherwise injured is to donate blood, possibly saving lives in the process.

Stay Persistent

In the immediate aftermath of storms and natural disasters, the news cycle is dominated by stories of triumph and despair, and by ways people can help. However, the storm is eventually overshadowed by other, more recent news. One major way people can help after a hurricane is by continuing their support long after the storm has passed, as those affected will need assistance, supplies and donations for much longer than just a couple of weeks after the incident. As time passes, it can be helpful to continue donating money and supplies, committing to helping physically rebuild structures and promoting fundraising efforts. Find more ways to help those in need at

Staying Safe Through a Hurricane

While the immense power of hurricanes and tropical storms can greatly affect the lives of many in an instant, there are ways to increase your safety before, during, and after the storm. These tips from the American Red Cross can help protect yourself and your family.


prepare and respond to emergencies, identifying the responsibilities of each person in the home, and practicing the plan. • As a storm is approaching, stay tuned to local radio or TV stations for the latest updates. • Be prepared to evacuate quickly, and ensure that your emergency kit and other necessities are ready.


• Stay inside. • If power is lost, use flashlights in the dark rather than candles. • If possible, keep radio or TV stations tuned in for any new or developing information. • Because waters could be contaminated with sewage or contain other dangerous substances, avoid contact with floodwater. • If instructed to do so by local authorities, shut off the power and water mains.

higher ground.


• Communicate with family and friends to let them know you’re safe. • If you have evacuated, don’t return until authorities confirm it is safe to do so. • Continue listening to radio or TV stations for new or developing information. • Be prepared for continued rainfall and additional flooding. • Don’t use water that could be contaminated. • If possible, help friends, family and neighbors who require assistance, especially the elderly, people without transportation, large families, and people with disabilities. • When returning home, stay away from buildings that have water around them. • Stay away from dangling power lines and report them to power companies.

• Put together an emergency kit, including basic but crucial items such as water, food, a first-aid kit, cell phones with chargers, contact information for family and friends, flashlights, extra batteries, medications, radios, copies of key personal documents, extra cash, and maps.

• If you must be outdoors, don’t walk, swim, or drive through floodwater. Don’t walk on beaches or riverbanks, and don’t allow children to play in or near floodwater. • Stay out of areas subject to flooding, such as underpasses, dips, and low spots.

• When cleaning your home, wear protective clothing like rubber gloves and boots, and be cautious.

• Working with your family, create an evacuation plan for your home. This includes discussing how to

• If you must drive and are caught on a flooded road with rising waters, get out of the car and move to

• Inquire with professionals to check for roof damage and other more technical tasks.

• For insurance purposes, take pictures of home and item damage.

Growing Up

October 2018


Caring for Caregivers How to prevent caregiver burnout Whether it’s out of love or obligation, caring for a chronically ill or disabled family member can come at the expense of the caregiver’s quality of life. In addition to maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle outside of caregiving responsibilities, it is important for those caring for a loved one to learn ways to avoid health hazards and stay wellinformed of any changes in their loved one’s condition. Add work and children to care for to the equation and it’s a formula that can lead to stress, exhaustion, and even potential health issues. The additional duties often required to provide care for a loved one can lead to physical or emotional fatigue, often referred to as “caregiver burnout.” If you’re caring for an older adult, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America recommends these tips to help manage stress before caregiving leads to burnout.

Know the Signs of Burnout

By the time many caregivers suspect signs of burnout, they’re likely already suffering symptoms related to their responsibilities. Being aware of some of the warning signs can help caregivers properly manage stress and protect themselves. Warning signs include: • Overwhelming fatigue • Sleep issues • Significant changes in eating habits or weight • The neglecting of personal physical and emotional needs • Unusual impatience, irritability, or argumentativeness • Anxiety about the future or a feeling of hopelessness • Headaches, stomachaches or other physical ailments • Depression or mood swings • Lower resistance to illnesses


Growing Up

October 2018

Educate Yourself About the Disease

It’s likely the loved one you care for has several health problems, takes multiple medications, and sees multiple health-care providers to manage his or her conditions. As a first step in learning more about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia-related illnesses, visit or for information. Support groups, educational workshops, community resources, and professionals can also help increase your understanding of the disease and what to expect so you can be a better-informed and prepared caregiver.

Be Prepared for Important Decisions

health professionals, as well as family and friends. They can assist you when things get tough. In addition, there are typically programs, agencies and organizations in your community that can help manage the challenges of caring for older parents, grandparents, spouses and other older adults.

Advocate For and Connect With Your Loved One

Take an active role in the individual’s medical care. Get to know the care team, ask questions, express concerns and discuss treatment options. Also remember to connect on a personal level through kindness, humor, and creativity, which are essential parts of caregiving and can help reduce stress.

Think Positive

Take care of financial, legal, and longterm care planning issues early on to help reduce stress later. Try to involve the individual in decision-making if he or she is capable, and consider personal wishes regarding future care and end-of-life issues.

Focus on the capabilities and strengths that are still intact and enjoy your relationship with your loved one while you are still together. Look for ways to include him or her in your daily routines and gatherings to make as many memories as possible.

Build Your Care Skills

Find more caregiver resources and tips at

Key skills for any caregiver include communication, understanding safety considerations and behaviors, and managing activities of daily living such as bathing, toileting, and dressing. Some organizations and local hospitals may even offer classes specific to your loved one’s disease that can aid you in the process.

Develop Empathy

Try to understand what it is like to be a person living with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Put yourself in the affected person’s shoes while also recognizing your own losses. Manage your expectations of your loved one and remain patient.

Ask for Help When You Need It Reach out to medical and mental

Tips for Managing Caregiver Stress Stress can affect anyone and caregivers may find themselves faced with additional stressors. To help manage stress and avoid caregiver burnout, keep these tips from the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America in mind: • Maintain a positive attitude • Be flexible and accept the circumstances • Be honest and open about your feelings • Take it one day at a time • Get a good night’s sleep • Incorporate stress management techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, as well as exercise into your

daily routine • Drink plenty of water and eat a healthful diet full of fruits and vegetables • Set realistic goals and go slow

Getting Help with Caregiving Everyone needs a break from time to time, even caregivers. Look into respite programs for a chance to care for yourself. Types of respite include:

Home Care

• Home care is often initiated by a doctor’s order or hospital stay and administered by medical professionals who

come into the home and help with personal care and housekeeping functions. • Medicare covers some home health services.

Adult Day Programs

• Social-model programs offer stimulation, socialization and therapeutic activities in a communitybased group setting and often include meals. • Medicalmodel programs offer health-based services as well as social activities in a group setting. • Some programs include assistance with activities of daily living and transportation.

• Adult day services charge per hour and may be covered under some long-term care insurance policies. • Medicaid covers some adult day health programs.

Facility-Based Respite

• Provide a short stay for your loved one in a nursing home or another facility. • Facilities typically charge for each day your loved one is in their care. • Medicare or Medicaid may cover some costs of an inpatient facility.

Family and Friends

• Identify responsible family members and friends who can lend a hand in providing supervision for your loved one and create a rotating care schedule, if possible. • Enlist the help of family members living in different states by assigning them tasks such as legal or financial paperwork.

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October 2018


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When I tell people I love going to the library, I often get a strange response: “Why? You can get all those books online now.” It’s true, digital options for books are here to stay, and I really do love having a whole bookcase’s worth on my tablet. But I don’t go the library just for the books. In fact, books are the last reason I go to the library. The public library system was developed by Benjamin Franklin at the beginning of our country’s history. He gathered together important books and works with other intellecutals and designed a system where the books and their knowledge would be available to the public. Benjamin Franklin explained, “Our books were often referred to in our disquisitions upon the queries; it might be convenient to us to have them altogether where we met, that upon occasion they might be consulted; and by thus clubbing our books to a common library, we should have each of us the advantage of using the books of all the other members, which would be nearly as beneficial as if each owned the whole.” From that point on, public libraries were a place to host knowledge in all forms. In today’s world of fast-paced information, constantly changing technologies, and an evergrowing population, libraries have evolved to meet the needs of the communities they serve.


Growing Up

October 2018

Technology Libraries are often the first place the everyday person can get his or her hands on the newest technology. Libraries have the ability to get access for their communities that a singular person doesn’t have. Libraries in large cities even provide time on 3D printers or allow patrons to check out sewing machines! Local libraries have computer access with high-speed internet (including Wi-Fi if you bring your own device). They also have DVDs, audiobooks, and video games you can borrow.

Education Libraries give people of all ages an opportunity to learn. Our libraries offer dozens of storytimes, crafts, parties, clubs, and shows for our children. There is an activity for every interest a child could want to explore. Some of our favorites are the LEGO clubs that spark interest in engineering, and the infant and parent story times that give kids a jumpstart into their love of literacy. Adults can expand their minds at the library, too. There are family history classes, exercise groups, technology instruction, and more! The library sets up events with experts in every field imaginable, and offers lectures, classes, and book readings — all for

free! Most classes are also offered at many different times and locations to accomodate schedules and transportation difficulties.

Community Libraries are there to serve their communities and the specific needs of that community. Roanoke libraries (as well as the local libraries of the surrounding areas) offer family entertainment events like free movies, musical and theater performances, and holiday parties. Along with providing great events, libraries are a free meeting place for community groups like book clubs, tutors, small businesses, and student study groups. I love going to the library. I know I’ll be helped by people who are excited about learning and are knowledgable about every topic under the sun. The books are just the cherry on top.

Local Library Events Preschool Storytime Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. Main Library Children will hear stories and rhymes, and will sing along as they develop their pre-reading skills. Each week will feature a different theme and craft. Family Movies: Frankenweenie October Saturdays, 2 p.m. Gainsboro Branch Join us every Saturday in October for Halloween Family Movies! Ballet with Mizz Yo! October 9, 4:30 p.m. Williamson Road Branch Join Dunamis Dance Theater instructor Mizz Yo for ballet at the library! As an introduction to ballet, you will learn conditioning exercises and stretches along with basic ballet positions, steps, and movement combinations! Comfortable, loose fitting clothing is encouraged. Chair Yoga October 16, 1 p.m. Jackson Park Branch Join Irene Malachowsky with Easeful Living, LLC, for chair yoga! We all want to remain active and maintain our health and our independence. Yet, how often do you find yourself sitting in a chair? In this program you will discover how to use your favorite chair as a tool to assist in maintaining your health and wellbeing no matter what your age!

Do you have room in your heart and your home? STARS is a collaboration between Roanoke City and Roanoke County/Salem Departments of Social Services and Youth Advocate Programs. We provide ongoing support and training for foster families providing care to children with higher medical, emotional and behavioral needs, including: 24/7 on-call support from YAP

Respite services

Access to Licensed Professional Counselor for foster parents

Individualized services and training to meet to family and child's needs

Seasonal celebrations and recognition

Monthly support group meetings

Kristin Rickman, Roanoke City Ben Jones, Roanoke County

Growing Up

October 2018


Meeting the Needs of

DYSLEXIC KIDS By Jacqueline Moon


veryone who teaches kids in a classroom setting teaches dyslexic kids. That’s because one in five children in the United States (and adults, as well) has dyslexia. About thirty percent of the students in public schools with the disorder are diagnosed; the rest slip through the cracks, and as a result, never get the help they desperately need.


Growing Up

October 2018

Wendy Wall is the owner and director of Learning and Behavior Specialists in Salem. She’s a certified Structured Literacy Dyslexia Interventionist (the only one in all of western Virginia), a certified Academic Language Practitioner, and holds a certificate from Simultaneous Multisensory Institute of Language Arts (SMILA) in addition to a bachelor’s degree in learning disabilities and a

master’s in special education and rehabilitation. Wendy’s passion is helping kids with learning disabilities and seeing them and their families grow. As dyslexia is the most common type of learning disability, she focuses much of her energy on this easily overlooked and misunderstood special need. Before she had her private practice, she worked in

the school system with dyslexic and other learning-disabled students, and saw firsthand how greatly the system failed dyslexic kids. “They do what they can,” she said, “but schools lack the money, time, and labor they need to intervene with the necessary intensity.” In order for the school system to be able to meet the needs of dyslexic kids, one hundred percent of teachers would need to be certified in structured literacy intervention. Since training is necessarily limited in school systems, parents often come away with misinformation about dyslexia—including whether or not their own child has the learning disorder. For instance, parents are sometimes mistakenly told that their child has a problem with reading comprehension, but the problem actually goes much deeper.

“Early intervention is so important,” said Wendy. “If we can reach them before first grade, we can literally change their brains. Schools usually wait until third grade, and by that time, kids develop learning gaps that are hard to recover from.”

Contrary to what some may think, a person with dyslexia is not unintelligent—in fact, dyslexic individuals often have higher than average IQ and can accomplish great things. Einstein and Edison were dyslexic, as were Walt Disney, George Washington, and Mohammed Ali. So are Jim Carrey, Whoopi Goldberg, and Cher.

While dyslexia can affect different individuals in different ways, there are red flags parents can watch for. Having a hard time detecting rhymes is one, as is having an exceptionally difficult time learning to read. A dyslexic child will often struggle with learning letters and sounds— especially sounds at the beginnings of words. If there is any question that your child may be dyslexic, Wendy said, you should bring him or her in for a screening (there is no charge for kids K-3).

In a perfect world, dyslexia would be discovered and treated every single time, but this will only happen if educators receive the proper training. It can be difficult for teachers to become certified structured literacy interventionists, because the specialized instruction requires travel to sometimes distant training facilities, lasts up to a month at a time, and is quite expensive. Wendy Wall is currently working toward receiving the necessary certification level to be able to provide certification training here in the Roanoke Valley. That’s expected to happen within the next couple years. There are twenty people on staff at Learning and Behavior Specialists who work with dyslexic children in both group and individual sessions, and there is a half-day program for homeschoolers or anyone who needs additional help. Beyond dyslexia intervention, LBS offers tutoring at all levels, including SAT prep, foreign languages, and homework help.

Wendy Wall saw firsthand how greatly the school system failed dyslexic kids

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Growing Up

October 2018


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LOOK. LISTEN. LEARN. LOOK. LISTEN. LEARN. Be aware. Be aware. Fire Fire can can happen anywhere happen anywhere . . TM


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Fast, FamilyFriendly Recipes

Both recipes can help you have dinner on the table in 30 minutes or less.

As the fall season begins, kids go back to school and schedules once again book up with activities. Between work, the carpool line and shuttling kids to extracurriculars, the increase in family commitments often leaves little time in the kitchen or at the dining table. Although the drive-thru is an easy solution, healthier options can be scarce and the cost of takeout piles up. Instead, add some quick family meals to your arsenal. Southwestern Bean Mexican Pizza is a fun twist on the Italian favorite that pairs perfectly with fruit, carrot sticks, or a salad for a complete, family-friendly meal. For an easy, make-ahead option, grab a jar of Aunt Nellie’s Beets and make Beef, Beet, and Horseradish Wraps.

1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro chopped avocado (optional) sour cream (optional) Drain bean salads. Place half of beans in bowl of food processor; process until pureed but chunky. Spread puree evenly over pizza crust. Spoon remaining drained beans over puree. Sprinkle with bacon, bell pepper and cheese. Bake as directed on pizza crust package until heated through and cheese is melted, about 10-12 minutes.

Southwestern Bean Mexican Pizza Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Servings: 8-10 276 calories per serving

2 cans (15 ounces each) Read brand Southwestern Bean Salad

1 pre-baked pizza crust (10-12-inch diameter) 4 slices bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled (about 1/4 cup crumbled) 1/2 - 3/4 cup thin bell pepper strips (1/4-inch thick), any color or combination 3/4 cup shredded Mexican cheese blend

Sprinkle with chopped cilantro. Serve with avocado and sour cream, if desired.

85% of a child’s core brain structure forms before the age of 5,* yet we invest only 4% in early education.

It doesn’t add up.

85% of a child’s core brain structure forms before the age of 5,* yet we invest only 4% in early education.

The first 5 years of life represent the single greatest chance we have to impact a child’s future. Yet we spend the least on our children when they need it most. Investments in early childhood development help reduce teen pregnancies, improve dropout rates, lower crime, and produce a stronger, more productive future workforce. Our children are worth the investment. Help make sure our community makes early childhood development a priority.

United Way of Roanoke Valley

*Source: Child and Family Policy Center & Voices for America’s Children, Early Learning Left Out: An Examination of Public Investments in Education and Development by Child Age, 2004

It doesn’t


Growing Up

October 2018

The first 5 years of life represent the single greatest chance we For more information, Beginnings have to impact aplease child’s contact: future. YetSmart we spend the leastGreater on our Roanoke children when they| (540) need it283-2781 the most.| Investments in early childhood development help reduce teen pregnancies, improve dropout rates, lower crime, and produce a stronger, more productive future workforce.

Beef, Beet and Horseradish Wraps Prep time: 30 minutes Servings: 4 300 calories per serving

1 jar (16 ounces) Aunt Nellie’s Sliced Pickled Beets 1/2 cup shredded carrots 1 tablespoon prepared horseradish 1/2 cup spreadable cheese (such as goat cheese or herb soft cheese) 2 large soft flour tortillas (about 10-12-inch diameter) 10 green onions (green parts only) 10 thin slices deli roast beef Drain beets; chop. Discard beet liquid. In medium bowl, combine beets, carrots and horseradish. Spread 1/4 cup cheese evenly over each tortilla, leaving 1-inch border. Arrange five green onions (do not chop) on each; press lightly into cheese. Place five slices roast beef on each tortilla to cover green onions then

sprinkle beet mixture evenly over beef. Roll up tortillas in parallel direction of green onions. Wrap each roll tightly in plastic wrap. Refrigerate up to 4 hours. To serve, remove plastic wrap;

cut each tortilla into two pieces. Substitution: If horseradish is too pungent, omit or replace with diced jarred roasted red peppers or Dijon mustard. For more quick and easy dinner ideas, visit and

Learn Smarter. Learn Better. With the effective, educational programs from Learning & Behavior Specialists, LLC. | (540) 389-ABCD (Roanoke & Salem) | (434) 534-1338 (Lynchburg & Forest)

Growing Up

October 2018




Victorian mansion lies vacant. When eleven-year-old Olive and her dippy mathematician parents move in, she knows there’s something odd about the place—not least the walls covered in strange, antique paintings. But when Olive finds a pair of old spectacles in a dusty drawer, she discovers the most peculiar thing yet: She can travel inside these paintings to a world that’s strangely quiet . . . and eerily like her own. Yet Elsewhere harbors dark secrets—and Morton, an undersized boy with an outsized temper. As she and Morton form an uneasy alliance, Olive finds herself ensnared in a plan darker and more dangerous than she could have imagined, confronting a power that wants to be rid of her by any means necessary. It’s up to Olive to save the house from the dark shadows before the lights go out for good. Charlie says, “This book is really scary, but not too scary! I love the talking cats the most. It’s a great book for Halloween.”

Charlie’s Choice In this kids take over edition of Growing Up in the Valley our resident bookworm Charlie Fisher shares her favorite youth fiction books. The 13-Storey Treehouse

by Andy Griffiths, Terry Denton Who wouldn’t want to live in a treehouse? Especially a 13-storey treehouse that has a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a tank full of sharks, a library full of comics, a secret underground laboratory, a game room, self-making beds, vines you can swing on, a vegetable vaporizer, and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and automatically shoots your favorite-flavored marshmallows into your mouth whenever it discerns you’re hungry?! Two new characters,

Andy and Terry, live here, make books together, and have a series of completely nutty adventures. Because ANYTHING can happen in a 13-storey treehouse. Charlie says, “This book is a lot of fun. Andy and Terry are really silly and have big imaginations. I love the pictures on every page, too!”

The Shadows (The Books of Elsewhere #1) by Jacqueline West

Old Ms. McMartin is definitely dead. Now her crumbling

Princesses Save the World by Savannah Guthrie, Allison Oppenheim

Princess Penelope Pineapple is back and ready to save the day! When she receives an SOS from Princess Sabrina Strawberry, Princess Penny learns that the Strawberry Kingdom’s bees have disappeared. Without bees, how will they enjoy their most precious fruit? Penny knows the power of teamwork, so she calls a meeting of the Fruit Nations. And princesses from around the land—from Princess Beatrice Blueberry to Princess Kira Kiwi—answer Growing Up

October 2018


the call to help a friend in need. With a little creative thinking and a whole lot of girl power, the princesses work together for “bee-utiful” results. TODAY’s beloved co-anchor Savannah Guthrie and educator Allison Oppenheim have crafted another irresistible tale that celebrates how nothing is sweeter than friendship. Charlie says, “I think this book is so cute! I love the fruit princesses!”

Kristy’s Great Idea (Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novels #1) by Raina Telgemeier, Ann M. Martin

In this new graphic novel edition of the very first BabySitters Club book, Raina Telgemeier captures all the drama of the original in warm, spunky illustrations. Witness Kristy’s eureka moment, when she gets the idea for a baby-sitters club and enlists her best friends— shy Mary Anne and artistic Claudia—in an exciting new venture. But the baby-sitting business isn’t the only thing absorbing their attention: Kristy is having a hard time accepting her stepdad-to-be, and the newest member of the gang, Stacey, seems to be hiding a secret. Charlie says, “I love graphic novels. My dad and I read them together. My mom told me she read these books when she was a kid.”

Diary of a Minecraft Zombie: Scare of a Dare By Zack Zombie

In the first book of this hilarious Minecraft adventure series, we get to read the diary of an actual twelveyear-old, Minecraft Zombie. Take a peek at what’s really going on between the hollow eyes and behind the dead expression that we see when we face the dreaded zombies of Minecraft. Are zombies really different from us? You’ll be surprised at what you discover. So jump into this Minecraft adventure and find out! Charlie says, “These books are really, really, REALLY silly! I love that the books remind me of the video game. My favorite character is Creepy the Creeper.”

The Princess in Black Takes a Vacation (The Princess in Black #4) by Shannon Hale

Even monster-battling princesses get tired sometimes! But a peaceful time away is hard to find as the humorous New York Times best-selling series continues. After battling monsters all night, a sleepy Princess in Black decides that she needs a vacation. After all, the Goat Avenger, a new hero who looks oddly familiar, has offered to protect the goats while she takes a much-needed break. The very next day, Princess

Magnolia rides her bicycle to the seaside, where the air is salty, the sun is shiny, and the sea is as blue as monster fur. But just as Princess Magnolia is about to take a nap on her hammock, she hears a “ROAR!” Seriously? A monster? On the perfect beach? Impossible! Could a sea monster really ruin this vacation for the Princess in Black? Charlie says, “The Princess in Black is one of my favorite superheroes! She really deserves that vacation from monster fighting.”

Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons by Dugald A. Steer, Ernest Drake, Wayne Anderson

Do you believe in dragons? Now, for the first time, the long-lost research of renowned nineteenth century dragonologist Dr. Ernest Drake is presented in all its eccentric glory, happily bridging the gap between dragon legend and fact. The meticulous Dr. Drake assigns Latin names to various dragon species, ruminates on why dragons are able to speak, speculates on how they could fly, and explains the true purpose of their notorious hoarding habits. Charlie says, “The narrator is really goofy and funny. It’s taught me a lot about dragons and their magic!”

Star City Little Library Need a Book? Take a Book. Have a Book? Leave a Book.

Little Libraries are a great way to spread literacy and entertainment throughout our communities. Every month Growing Up in the Valley will restock the little libraries with great books for your whole family and we welcome your donations as well! Stop by our locations to see what surprises we have in store, and maybe leave a gently used book for someone else to enjoy.


Hometown Bank – 3521 Franklin Rd SW - Roanoke, VA 24014 & 4225 Colonial Ave – Roanoke, VA 24018 Roanoke Ballet Theatre – 1318 Grandin Rd SW – Roanoke, VA 24015 Launching Pad – 1300 Intervale Dr – Salem, VA 24153 LewisGale Medical Center – 1900 Electric Rd – Salem, VA 24153 Amtrak Station – Downtown Roanoke Kirk Family YMCA Lower Entrance – Downtown Roanoke Roanoke Main Post Office - 419 Rutherord Avenue - Roanoke, VA 24022 Bounce Roanoke - 3424 Orange Avenue - Roanoke, VA 24012 Smart Beginnings/United Way - 325 Campbell Avenue SW - Roanoke, VA 24011 Prestige Gymnastics - 2726 Lee Highway - Troutville, VA 24175

Celebrate at Layman Family Farms! 15th Annual Fall Festival Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch September 15 - November 10

Admission includes the corn maze, hayride, pumpkin patch and other farm fun courtyard activities! As wel as three (3) pumpkin tokens to be used at the Corn Cannon, Cow Train, Pumpkin Blaster, Bee Line Mini-Zipline, or Juping Pillow.

Go. Play! See.

Southwest Virginia’s Largest Family Event Calendar

Ongoing Events West Side Story October 3 through 21 at the Mill Mountain Theatre in Roanoke. Based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, this classic follows warring families of teenaged gangs and star-crossed lovers, desperate for somewhere to be together forever. The romantic and violent story is told through choreography based on the Jerome Robbins original Tony Award-winning dances, with the music of Leonard Bernstein and the words of then-beginner Stephen Sondheim. Since its Broadway debut 60 years ago, it has remained a shining example of the best of this truly American art form. This production of West Side Story is MMT’s contribution to the global

celebration of composer Leonard Bernstein’s centennial. Rated PG13 for mature content and violence. Tickets start at $20. 2018 Fall Festival at Layman Family Farms September 15 through November 10 at Layman Family Farms in Blue Ridge. Admission is $12 for ages 3-64, $10 for ages 65+ and free for children 2 and under. Group discounts and field trips available by reservation. Roanoke Go Outside Festival October 12 through 14 at River’s Edge Complex in Roanoke. This awardwinning festival attracted more than 36,000 adventurers

from across the East Coast last year. Attendees enjoy the unique opportunity to try more than 100 different hands-on outdoor activities, listen to talented musicians, drink local craft beer, and meet other nature enthusiasts — all in the heart of Virginia’s beautiful Blue Ridge mountains. FREE to attend. Sinkland Fall Festival September 28 through October 28 at Jeter Farm in Bonsack. Admission is $10 per person. Children 2 and under are free. MindMatters Film Festival Join Mental Health America of Roanoke Valley for our annual MindMatters Film Festival. Enjoy a free film at the Historic Grandin Theatre

every Tuesday of the month of October beginning at 7:15 p.m. Grab some popcorn and come spend some time in the Historic Grandin Village! Stay for a while after the film as we explore mental wellness and mental health care issues depicted in each screening. FREE event! October 2: The Hours October 9: Driving Miss Daisy October 16: The Perks of Being a Wallflower October 23: Matilda October 30: Trainspotting You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown October 5 through 7 at the Jefferson Center in Roanoke. RCT is ready to make you smile when the beloved characters from the popular Peanuts comic strip take the stage in You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.

You’ll join Charlie Brown and the gang as they contemplate what happiness is and how to find it. Perfect for the whole family, the gang will sing and dance their way into your heart! Happiness is guaranteed. Tickets start at $15. Kids Square NotSo-Spooky Spectacular October 26 through 28 at Kids Square Children’s Museum in Center in the Square. You and your family are invited to join our volunteers and staff for dinner and some notso-spooky fun! Find your very own pumpkin in our glow-in-the-dark forest, trick or treat with our superheroes, princesses, and other characters waiting with goodies throughout the museum. Play with magical boo bubbles, have your face painted, and more. $18/ Children $12/Adults ($5 discount for members). 31st Annual Craftsmen’s Classics Fall Art & Craft Festival October 12 through 14 at the Berglund Center. Come get started on your holiday shopping! The 31st Annual Craftsmen’s Classics Fall Art & Craft Festival features original designs and work from hundreds of talented artists and craftspeople from across America. It’s Roanoke’s favorite holiday season event! The event is filled with pottery, jewelry, fine art, glass, photography, sculpture, woodworking, clothing, toys, furniture, home décor, specialty foods, and so much more. All items are made by the participating


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October 2018

artisans — you won’t find these items anywhere else! Many exhibitors also welcome custom orders. Celebrate the season and enjoy all three days with your FREE Return Pass! Find amazing gifts for all ages, trends, collections, home accessories, and personal treasures. Admission is FREE with a food donation to Feeding America Southwest Virginia. Roanoke Symphony Orchestra Presents Beethoven & Shostakovitch November 17 and 18 at the Jefferson Center in Roanoke. The beauty and drama of Beethoven’s monumental Seventh Symphony is truly mind-altering. Russian-born virtuoso Natasha Paremski joins the Roanoke Symphony

Orchestra in her debut performance as part of the RSO premier of Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 2. Admission starts at $34. Haunted Woods Mini-Golf October 19-21 and 2628 at Explorer Park in Roanoke. We’re building a haunted trail with 18 holes of miniature golf. Along the way you’ll experience ghouls, goblins, and frightening decor. Glow-in-the-dark balls and hole features will help you along the path, but don’t be surprised if you see a few apparitions from the woods along your way. While you’re here, enjoy Halloween-themed concessions and campfire fun. Save a dollar by reserving your spot in advance online! Ages 13 and up — $7 advance

Saturday, October 6 The Generic Magic Festival 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in downtown Roanoke. Calling all witches and wizards — come downtown and celebrate your favorite literary magic! Attend classes at our very own castle, drink some butter brew, and see if you can spot a unicorn! All-You-Can-Do wristbands are $15 per person, street fair and artist alley are free. Brew at the Zoo come see Mickey and all his Disney Junior friends on October 2 at the Berglund Center! / $8 at gate and Ages 3-12 — $3 advance / $4 at gate.

Tuesday, October 2

Night Howls

Disney Junior Dance Party Tour

The third Thursday of the month, October through February at Mill Mountain Zoo in Roanoke. Bundle up and bring your friends to the zoo to hear the wolves howl, the owls hoot, and the big cats call! Participants will begin the night indoors enjoying hot cider and cookies while learning about nocturnal animals and the noises they make. Guests will then proceed outdoors for a guided tour of the zoo in the dark to observe the creatures and enjoy spectacular views of the city at night. Members: Children $9/Adults $12 Non-Members: Children $12/Adults$15

6 p.m. at the Berglund Performing Art Center in Roanoke. Are you ready to DANCE?! Disney Junior Dance Party On Tour is BACK with an immersive, live concert experience. Sing along to Disney Junior’s greatest hits with your favorite characters: Mickey and the Roadster Racers, Sofia the First, Puppy Dog Pals, Elena of Avalor, Doc McStuffins, Vampirina, The Lion Guard, Muppet Babies, and more! Kids of all ages and their families are invited to get up and dance, play games, and join the biggest dance party around. Tickets start at $40.

5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mill Mountain Zoo in Roanoke. Join us for the last Brew at the Zoo of the 2018 season! This relaxing event will give our guests an opportunity to see our animals and the view from the mountain while enjoying cold beer from the popular local brewery, Twin Creeks Brewing Company. Musical entertainment will be provided by the local bluegrass band Mason’s Creek. Plus, you’ll want to bring your appetite with you and get some tasty dinner at the Mountain Grille food truck! Due to limited seating, we do recommend that guests bring a lawn or camping chair, or you can simply dance the night away under the stars! Adults: $10 for members and $15 for non-members (a drink ticket is included) Children (21 and under) $7 Adults who purchase a Mill Mountain Zoo collectible Growing Up

October 2018


commemorative cup will receive one free drink ticket. Radford Highlander Festival 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Bisset Park in Radford. The Radford Highlanders Festival brings together highland games, Celtic music, and familyfriendly entertainment for festival-lovers of all ages. Sheepherding, children’s activities, and food and crafts are just a few of the events that will be taking place throughout the day. FREE admission.

See what millions of women worldwide have been laughing about for years at Menopause the Musical on October 11 at the Berglund Center!

Join us for our

2018-2019 SEASON For tickets: call 540-345-2550, or go online! 44

Growing Up

October 2018

Sunday, October 7 The Great Pumpkin Smash 10 a.m. at Dr Pepper Park in Roanoke. The Great Pumpkin Smash is here! Enjoy fall food, pumpkin brews, live music, and of course, the smashing of the great pumpkin! If you surround yourself with pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pie candles, and carved pumpkins in October, this event is for you! Tickets are $5 per person, kids 12 and under are free!

Thursday, October 11 Menopause: The Musical 7:30 p.m. at the Berglund Performing Arts Center in Roanoke. Four women at a lingerie sale have nothing

in common but a black lace bra AND memory loss, hot flashes, night sweats, not enough sex, too much sex, and more! This hilarious musical parody set to classic tunes from the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s will have you cheering and dancing in the aisles! See what millions of women worldwide have been laughing about for 14 years! Tickets start at $25. The Rooftop is Waiting: Burger and Band Bash 7 p.m. at the Center in the Square Rooftop in Roanoke.Includes dinner designed by chefs from Fortunato, River & Rail, and Blue Ridge Catering. Enjoy one-of-a-kind bookthemed cocktails available for purchase at the cash bar and a live concert from My Radio. $100 per person. All proceeds go to benefit Turn

the Page: buying books for local children, transforming families one page at a time. Jake Owen “Life’s Whatcha Make It Tour” 7 p.m. at the Salem Civic Center. One week after Jake Owen’s single, “I Was Jack (You Were Diane),” hit #1 on the country airplay charts, he announced the second leg of his “Life’s Whatcha Make It Tour,” which includes a stop at the Salem Civic Center with special guests Tyler Farr and Morgan Wallen. Tickets start at $25.

Friday, October 12 Free Movie: Christopher Robin

Roanoke. A working-class family man, Christopher Robin, encounters his childhood friend, Winniethe-Pooh, who helps him rediscover the joys of life. Rated PG. BYOP! (bring your own popcorn) — but please help keep our theater clean! FREE admission.

Saturday, October 13 Roanoke Valley Comicon 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Tanglewood Mall in Roanoke. Comic books, toys, Star Wars, Star Trek, action figures, anime, manga, collectible card games, magazines, and more! Admission $10 per person. Children 10 and under FREE with paid adult admission.

2 and 6 p.m. at Whitman Theater at Virginia Western Community College in

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October 2018


LewisGale Salem Half Marathon 8 a.m. at Main Street in Salem. The scenic race is a tour of Salem in which you will run through all the sights and sounds of our beautiful city. The race starts on Main Street, takes you through beautiful Roanoke College, quaint neighborhoods, on the popular Roanoke River Greenway, through two different sport complexes, and finishes back on Main Street with all your family & friends cheering you on. This race is something that you don’t want to miss! $85 per runner. Kids’ Fun Run is $20. Guardians of the Valley: Family Excursion 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Roanoke Catholic School. Guardians of the Valley 2018 is a citywide Instagram scavenger hunt highlighting the local attractions, businesses, and parks of the Roanoke Valley. There will be a chance to win hundreds of dollars’ worth of prizes! Teams limited to 6 players. $5 per person. Children 2 and younger are free. Free Movie: Annie Hall

10 a.m. at the Grandin Theatre in Roanoke. Come to visit this iconic building and enjoy this romantic comedy starring Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, and Tony Roberts. Make sure to bring a friend with you!

Friday, October 19 Tracy Morgan 8 p.m. at the Berglund Center in Roanoke. Tracy Morgan is one of the most respected comedians in his field. Starring in seven seasons of NBC’s Emmy and Golden Globe Awardwinning 30 Rock, Morgan appeared opposite Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin as “Tracy Jordan,” the unpredictable star of Lemon’s (Fey) hit variety show, “TGS with Tracy Jordan.” Morgan is currently starring in, and executive producing, his TBS show The Last O.G. Admission starts at $51. Free Movie: Jurassic Park 11:30 p.m. at the Grandin Theatre in Roanoke. This film is the first installment in the Jurassic Park franchise. It is based on the 1990 novel of the same

See Tracy Morgan on October 19 at the Berglund Center! name by Michael Crichton, and it’s worth it to see it on the big screen one more time! FREE admission. Roanoke Symphony Orchestra: Broadway A to Z 7:30 p.m. at the Salem Civic Center. Broadway’s greatest hits of all time, from Jerome Kern to Comden and Green. Featuring songs from Showboat, Les Misérables,

Guys and Dolls, The King and I, Peter Pan, Rent, West Side Story, Cabaret, and The Music Man. Admission starts at $32.

Saturday, October 20 VA Steak Festival 4 p.m. at the Vinton Farmer’s Market. Join us for your favorite food trucks, restaurants, and caterers dishing out their best steak dishes, plus

“We enrolled because of our desire for our child to be taught according to an uncompromised Christian worldview. We know that the world wants our child’s heart and mind. RVCS is on the same page with us in fighting for our child’s heart to belong to Christ.” RVCS Offers: Renovated School Buildings Smaller Class Sizes Dual Enrollment Opportunities International Exchange Student Program Christian-based Education

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Growing Up

October 2018

full steak dinners and VIP available, with craft brew, incredible live music and more! Admission is only $5 and benefits the Roanoke Community Garden Association with Big Lick Entertainment. Breakfast with the Animals 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Mill Mountain Zoo in Roanoke. Join us at Mill Mountain Zoo for a unique opportunity to have breakfast with the animals. Guests will be treated to a light breakfast buffet and the chance to meet one of the zoo’s education outreach animals. This will be immediately followed by a special chat with zookeepers as they amaze our guests with more fun and educational facts about our animal residents. This intimate experience will allow zoo visitors to learn more about various animals’ diets, behavior and personalities. Following the chat, there will be a child-focused and parent-assisted project and activity sheet that will be designed to further foster excitement and knowledge about the featured animals. Cost per breakfast: $15/nonmember adult $12/member

adult $12/non-member child $9/member child $45/non-member family of 4 $35/member family of 4.

Sunday, October 21

Hokie BugFest

Noon to 5 p.m. at the Village Grill Restaurant in Roanoke. The annual Food Truck Rodeo is back! Sample food from some of the Valley’s best food trucks, along with live music, cold drinks, and great people!

10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Squires Student Center at Virginia Tech University. Hokie BugFest celebrates the fun and excitement of the science of entomology, and the Virginia Tech tradition of learning and discovery through outreach and engagement. This event highlights an ongoing youth education program hosted by the Virginia Tech Department of Entomology, Virginia Cooperative Extension’s 4-H program, and the department’s student-run professional organization, the W. B. Alwood Entomological Society. Since its inception in 1966, Alwood Society members have engaged over 30,000 children by hosting department tours, visiting schools, and supporting special events like the Hokie BugFest. The bugfest is just one day in this ongoing, year-round effort. Free admissions and early quiet hour for special needs at 9 a.m.

Star City Truck Stop Food Truck Rodeo

Wednesday, October 24 Dr Pepper Day 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Market Square in Downtown Roanoke. 10-24 is officially Dr Pepper Day in Roanoke! “Drink a Bite to Eat at 10, 2, and 4” was a legendary slogan used for decades to remind Dr Pepper fans to enjoy their favorite “pickme-up” at three intervals during the day when research showed human energy to lag. Now Roanoke is celebrating “10-24” as “Dr Pepper Day” with a FREE downtown event! There will also be free product and T-shirts while supplies last.

Friday, October 26 Rocky Horror Picture Show

The original Dr. Charles T. Pepper opened Dr. Pepper’s Drug Store in Rural Retreat in the late 1800s. A young man from Christiansburg named Wade Morrison worked at the drugstore and eventually left for Texas. There, he opened a drugstore of his own and began selling a new drink. Morrison named the drink Dr Pepper after his old boss in Virginia. In 1936, the first Dr Pepper Bottling plant in Roanoke opened on McClanahan St. Roanokers consumed more Dr Pepper per capita than any other place on earth from 1957 to 1959, and again in 1961! To this day, Roanoke has among highest consumption rates of Dr Pepper in the US. Dr Pepper and Roanoke have a special relationship, with the large, historic, and iconic Dr Pepper sign that can be seen for miles. Dr Pepper has been a great contributor to the community for over 80 years and the company is excited to celebrate that relationship with Dr Pepper Day on October 24th.

9 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. at

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October 2018


the Grandin Theatre in Roanoke. Both Rocky Horror shows will be shadowcast by the Tolls of Madness troupe from Virginia Tech. Please note that both showings are Rated R, and have material that is both lewd and crude! Tolls of Madness, southwest Virginia’s Rocky Horror shadowcast, has been performing this cult movie in front of the screen for 24 years. Continuing a tradition that began in New York City at midnight shows, the cast dresses like the iconic characters and encourages audience participation through callback lines aimed at the characters on screen and throwing various props as called for by the film. You are welcome to bring any props and/or costumes, so you’d better start thinking about it! The troupe will also have participation packs available for sale on-site. Basic packs are $2, add a water gun for $2, and glow sticks for $.50.

Saturday, October 27 Barktoberfest 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Vinton War Memorial. Project Support and Angels of Assisi strongly believe that animals can be so beneficial to a person’s overall mental health, so what better way to combine two amazing causes than by hosting a super fun event that the entire community can enjoy! At Barktoberfest, guests will enjoy outdoor vendors, music, food trucks, dog/owner costume contests, demonstrations, speakers, and numerous chances to


Growing Up

October 2018

adopt their next best friend. Barktoberfest is an event that offers something for everyone! We hope you, your family, and your pets will join us for a fun filled event. FREE admission. VMT’s The Halloweeen Spooktacular 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Virginia Museum of Transporation. Come out for a not-so-scary great pumpkin party! There will be crafts, games, face painting, food trucks, and a friendly-ghost model train layout by the Roanoke Valley O-Gauge Club. Prizes for best-carved pumpkins and best costumes. Train rides on the Candy Corn Express operated by the Roanoke National Railway Historical Society. 43rd Annual Blue Ridge Folklife Festival 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Blue Ridge Institute and Museum in Ferrum. Bring the family to the longestrunning folklife festival in western Virginia! Since 1973, the Blue Ridge Folklife Festival has presented authentic regional folk music, craftspeople, draft horse and dog handlers, car builders, tractor restorers, country cooks, moonshine tale-tellers and much more! Always the fourth Saturday in October, the festival is coordinated by Ferrum College’s Blue Ridge Institute & Museum, the official “State Center for Blue Ridge Folklore” and a major venue

on the Crooked Road Music Trail. Admission is $10 for 14+, $5 for children age 6-14 and 55+, children 5 and younger are free. Zoo Boo 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Mill Mountain Zoo in Roanoke. Are you looking for a great, safe place to bring your family for some howling Halloween fun? Spend your Halloween at Mill Mountain Zoo’s annual Zoo Boo! From trick-or-treating to costume contests to magic shows and “spooktacular” art activities, Zoo Boo is a fun-filled day for the whole family. Plus, you get to enjoy it all in the beautiful outdoor setting of Mill Mountain Zoo. Even better, all of these activities are FREE with Zoo admission! So for a “terror-ably” good time, come and celebrate Halloween 2018 with the animals and staff of Mill Mountain Zoo. Wynonna & the Big Noise 8 p.m. at the Harvester in Rocky Mount. Respected by the millions of fans who are drawn to her music and undeniable talent, Wynonna’s rich and commanding voice has sold over 30 million albums worldwide spanning her remarkable 34-year career. As one-half of the legendary mother/daughter duo “The Judds,” Wynonna was once dubbed by Rolling Stone as “the greatest female country singer since Patsy Cline.” This iconic performer has received over 60 industry awards, with countless charting singles, including 20 No.1 hits like “Mama He’s Crazy,” “Why Not me,” and “Grandpa (Tell Me ‘Bout The Good Ole Days).” Wynonna and her band The Big Noise, led

by her husband/drummer/ producer, Cactus Moser, released their debut fulllength album in February 2016 via Curb Records to critical acclaim. Wynonna has described the new sound as “vintage yet modern” and a “return to the well.” It’s a rootsy work encompassing country, Americana, blues, soul, and rock. The album features special guests Derek Trucks, Jason Isbell, Susan Tedeschi, and Timothy B. Schmit. NPR’s Ann Powers noted that “With her tight band behind her after touring together for several years, she just sounds like she’s home…You can just feel the grin on her face.” Admission starts at $62. Spooky Sprint 5K Race 8 a.m. at Wasena Park in Roanoke. Join us for the most festive 5k of the year in Roanoke! The price of registration includes a T-shirt as well as beer and food at our after-party! We are super excited to have live music and a costume contest as well, so feel free to dress up! Wellbehaved dogs on a leash are welcome. $35 per runner. Old Dominion with Granger Smith and High Valley 7:30 p.m. at the Berglund Center in Roanoke. Old Dominion’s tour followed the release of their acclaimed sophomore album Happy Endings, which debuted at #1 on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart and at #7 on the Top 200 after its release. Happy Endings includes their current singles “Written in The Sand” and “No Such Thing As a Broken Heart,” which also hit #1 on the Billboard Country Airplay and MediaBase charts. This achievement marks the platinum-selling

country quintet’s fourth total and third consecutive #1s. The band recently received the 2018 Academy of Country Music Award for Best Vocal Group, as well as the nomination for Top Country Duo/Group Artist at the upcoming 2018 Billboard Music Awards. Admissions starts at $32.

Sunday, October 28 The Giant Dinosaur Musical: Mammoth Follies 3 p.m. at the Jefferson Center in Roanoke. Enjoy a musical trip through the wonders of pre-history in this fast-paced revue with your host, Willie Mammoth. Featuring Smiley the SaberToothed Tiger, Bessie the loveable 27foot long Apatosaurus, Tony and Trixie Triceratops, Terry the Pterodactyl, and the 11-foot T. Rex! Admission starts at $5.

Thursday, November 1 TobyMac 7 p.m. at the Berglund Center in Roanoke. TobyMac & DiverseCity LIVE in Concert: The Theatre Tour, with special guest Ryan Stevenson. Admission starts at $23.

Saturday, November 3 2nd Annual Run for Donuts 5k & Fun Run 8:30 a.m. at Sherwood Memorial Park in Salem. Fun for the whole family and a great opportunity to support a GREAT cause — SVH Services’ Programs! All participants will get to pick out a yummy donut to munch on at the finish line — and those running the 5k will have munchkins to munch on at different spots along the course route. Eating donuts is not required; however, it will be A LOT of fun if you do! Have fun with the run & wear your sprinkle colors or anything donut themed and be entered into our NEW Costume Contest for 2018!

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October 2018


tour, Peppa Pig’s Surprise! The brand new production features Peppa, George, and all their friends in an all-singing, all-dancing adventure full of songs, games and surprises! Admissions starts at $30.

Tuesday, November 27 Broadway Christmas Wonderland

Tuesday, November 13 Peppa Pig’s Big Surprise 6 p.m. at the Berglund Center in Roanoke. Surprise! Peppa Pig is hitting the road for her all-new theatrical

7:30 p.m. at the Berglund Center in Roanoke. Broadway Christmas Wonderland is one of the most delightful and enchanting Christmas shows ever. This most beloved show features glittering costumes, a dazzling cast, and the highest kicking Chorus Girls this side of the North Pole. Start Christmas in style as Santa and his merry helpers take you on

an unforgettable, nostalgic Christmas journey. Songs Include “White Christmas,” “Winter Wonderland,” “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” “Chestnuts Roasting,” “Jingle Bells,” “Away in a Manger,” “Silent Night,” “Deck the Halls,” “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” “O Holy Night,” and many more. This sparkling Holiday Show is ideal for the whole family.

November 29 Rudloph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical 7 p.m. at the Salem Civic Center. “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical is a wonderful new way to experience this family tradition,” says producing partner Jonathan Flom. The national tour is a

family favorite — a “holiday staple” (The Boston Globe) and an “utterly charming, top-notch production” (Orlando Sentinel). “The familiar story elements from the television special are addressed with a talented cast and puppeteers who help recreate the magic on stage,” says Flom. The show even includes a 12-foot tall Abominable Snow Monster. Since the special itself is a classic musical, the stage show does not feel at all like an adaptation and audiences are surprised and delighted when they see performances of songs such as “Fame and Fortune” and “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” that are heard but not performed in the TV special. Admission starts at $38.

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Kids Eat Free • Mama Maria’s 11 AM - 2 PM • 3 & under free buffet with paid adult W. Main St., Salem (540) 389-2848

• Country Cookin’ 4 PM - Close • 10 & under, 2 children per paid adult All Locations in Roanoke (540) 774-0199


• The Green Goat All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult 802 Wiley Dr. SW, Roanoke (540) 904-6091

• Golden Corral All Day • 3 & under free buffet with paid adult 1441 Towne Square Blvd., Roanoke (540) 563-8826

• Famous Anthony’s 3 PM - Close • 1 child per paid adult All Locations in Roanoke, Salem, & Vinton (540) 362-1400

• Brambleton Deli 11 AM - 9 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult 3655 Brambleton Ave., Roanoke (540) 774-4554

IHop 4PM-10PM • 12 & Under All Locations

• Buffalo Wild Wings 4 PM - 9 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult All Locations (540) 725-9464

• Denny’s 4 PM - 10 PM • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult All Locations Roanoke & Salem (540) 389-5074

Every Day

• Shoney’s All Day • 4 & under, free kids meal with adult entree purchase. Drink not included 2673 Lee Highway, Troutville (540) 992-6400

540.265.7297 M-F 8 am-5 pm | Sat. 8 am-12 pm Sun. Noon-5 pm | 24/7 BY PHONE


Growing Up

October 2018

• El Rio Mexican Grill All Day • 10 & under, 1 child per paid adult 4208 Electric Rd., Roanoke (540) 685-4343 • Firehouse Subs All Day • 11 & under, 2 children per paid adult combo,dine in Blacksburg (540) 961-0371


• Macado’s 4 PM - 9 PM • 12 & under, $1 child meal per paid adult All Locations in Roanoke & Salem (540) 776-9884

• McAlister’s Deli 5 PM - Close • 2 children per paid adult 2063 Colonial Ave., Roanoke (540) 204-4407 • Town Center Tap House All Day • 12 & under, 2 children per paid adult 90 Town Center St., Daleville (540) 591-9991 • Firehouse Subs All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult Colonial Ave, Town Square & Salem only (540) 345-3131 • Pizza Hut 5 PM - Close • 10 & under, free buffet per paid adult 1016 Hershberger Rd., Roanoke (540) 362-3834 • Ruby Tuesday 5 PM - Close • 11 & under, 1 child per paid adult Electric Rd., Roanoke (540) 265-9301 • K&W All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult Hershberger Rd. Roanoke (540) 563-4977


• Dogwood 4 PM - Close • 10 & under, per paid adult 106 E. Lee Ave., Vinton (540) 343-6549 • Pizza Pasta Pit 4 PM - 9 PM • 1 child per paid adult. Drink not included. 1713 Riverview Dr., Salem (540) 387-2885 • The Quarter All Day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult 19 Salem Ave., Roanoke (540) 342-2990


• CiCi’s Pizza All Day • 10 & under .99 cents child buffet per adult buffet Roanoke (540) 344-7711

• The Roanoker 4:30 PM - Close • 12 & under, 2 children per paid adult 2522 Colonial Ave., Roanoke (540) 344-7746

• Jerry’s Family Restaurant 4 PM - Close • 6 & under, 1 child per adult meal purchase 1340 E. Washington Ave., Vinton (540) 343-4400

Friday See Everyday Deals!


• Steak n’ Shake All Day • 12 & under 1 free per paid $10.00 adult 1309 Hershberger Rd., Roanoke (540) 400-8825 • Tokyo Express 11 AM - 3 PM • 4 & under free buffet per paid adult 1940 W Main St., Salem (540) 389-6303 • F.P.S All day • 12 & under, 1 child per paid adult 611 S. Jefferson St., Roanoke (540) 400-6879 • Famous Anthony’s 12 PM - Close • 1 child per adult meal All Locations Roanoke, Salem, Vinton (540) 362-1400

• T.G.I.Fridays All Day • 12 & under 1 with paying adult 4869 Valley View Blvd., Roanoke (540) 362-1475 • Jimmy V’s Restaurant All Day • 4 & under kids meal only $2.50 3403 Brandon Ave., Roanoke (540) 345-7311 • Steak n’ Shake All Day • 12 & under 1 free with paying $10.00 adult 1309 Hershberger Rd., Roanoke (540) 400-8825 • Moe’s Southwestern Grill All Day • 1 free per paid adult All Roanoke & Blacksburg locations • Firehouse Subs All Day • 12 and Under 1 free per paid adult Keagy Road, Roanoke 540-204-4471 • O’Charley’s All Day • 10 and Under 1 free per paid adult Valley View, Roanoke 540-563-9870 • Rodeo Grande All Day • 12 and Under 1 free per paid adult Valley View, Roanoke 540-206-2296 • Lew’s Restaurant SW All Day • 12 and Under 2 free per paid adult Walnut Avenue, Roanoke 540-682-5925


• Pizza Den 5 PM - 8:30 PM • 10 & under free buffet per paid adult buffet and drink purchase Salem (540) 389-1111 • Local Roots 5 PM -7 PM • 5 & under eat for free, discount for ages 5-7 per paid adult 1314 Grandin Rd., Roanoke (540) 206-2610

These listings are for informational purposes only and do not guarantee a discount. As restaurants change promotions often, we recommend calling ahead.

Growing Up

October 2018


Anagram Puzzles Can you unscramble the anagrams to solve the puzzle?

LEON WHALE __________ Hint: Costumed Holiday

PUP MINK __________ Hint: Orange Gourd

US COMETS __________ Hint: Disguise

KITER TRACTOR __________ Hint: Vaguely threatening plea

COT ROBE __________ Hint: Spookiest Month

History of Sugar Skulls

Share your colored sugar skull on Instgram! #GUITVsugarskull

Day of the Dead is an mention of sugar art was interesting holiday from Palermo at Easter celebrated in central time, when little sugar and southern Mexico lambs and angels were during the chilly days of made to adorn the side November 1 & 2. Even altars in the Catholic though this coincides Church. with the Catholic holiday called All Soul’s Mexico, abundant in & All Saint’s Day, sugar production and the indigenous too poor to buy Ofrenda: people have fancy imported An beautifully combined this European decorated altar with their church with photos of own ancient decorations, departed family beliefs of learned members and honoring their quickly from friends. deceased loved the friars how to ones. make sugar art for their religious festivals. Sugar art was brought Clay-molded sugar to Mexico by Italian figures of angels, sheep, missionaries in the 17th and sugar skulls go back century. The first church to the colonial period of

the 18th century. Sugar skulls represented a departed soul, had the name written on the forehead, and were placed on the home ofrenda or gravestone to honor the return of a particular spirit. Sugar skull art reflects the folk-art style of big, happy smiles, colorful icing and sparkly tin and glittery adornments. Sugar skulls are laborintensive and made in very small batches in the homes of sugar skull makers. There is nothing as beautiful as a big, fancy, unique sugar skull!

Growing Up in the Valley’s Guide To Daycare, Preschools & Private Education ROANOKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL

621 N. Jefferson St. Roanoke 540-982-3532 • Ages: 3-18 Preschool, K-12, After School

We are dedicated to excellence in education and to the spiritual development of youth within the framework of the Gospel and the tradition of the Catholic Church. Our mission is the education of the whole persona, blending learning with faith and faith with daily life.


4225 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke 540-989-0144 • Ages: 6 Weeks -12 Years Preschool, Day Care, After School Come join us at Childcare Network #65!! We pride ourselves on being the working parent’s best friend!


5220 Starkey Rd, Roanoke 540-797-1456 • Ages: 6 Weeks -12 Years Preschool, Day Care, After School Country Bear Day School has a 30 year tradition of offering an exceptional program for children ages 6 weeks - 12 years. A child’s happiness and development is our main objective, offered in a secure, nurturing environment with opportunities to grow. Your child’s well being is not only your top priority--it is ours as well. Please visit us soon to see why we lead in creative educational programs, parental service and an environment that is loving, safe and secure.


2660 Brambleton Ave, Roanoke 628 Townside Rd, Roanoke 1824 Jefferson Street, Roanoke 4330 Franklin Rd, Roanoke 2230 Electric Rd, Roanoke 7507 Plantation Rd, Roanoke 217 Hershberger Rd, Roanoke 1531 Patrick Rd, Roanoke 1980 Electric Rd, Salem 2111 Roanoke Rd, Salem

1918 Washington Avenue, Vinton 7000 Booker T. Washington, Wirtz 229 Central Avenue, Christiansburg (540) 344-4543 Ages 6 weeks-12 years Preschool, After School HoneyTree Early Learning Centers is the leading Early Childhood Provider in the Roanoke Valley for children ages 6 weeks - 12 years of age. We are locally-owned and operated and have been serving generations of families since 1979. Expect your child to receive the best, quality educational experience. We hope to have the opportunity to provide you and your family with all the pieces for a happy, healthy childhood!


4524 Colonial Avenue, Roanoke 540-989-6641 • Ages 3-18 years Preschool, K-12 North Cross School is an independent, nonsectarian, college-preparatory school that serves children from early childhood through twelfth grade. North Cross provides a rigorous academic curriculum, competitive with the best college-preparatory schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia. While we explicitly recognize the importance of intellectual development and academic achievement, we also strive to promote personal integrity, empathy, and responsibility to self and community. Through this, our graduates will act as leaders in the local and global communities, persons of intellectual and moral courage, and scholars in the service of others.


3585 Buck Mountain Rd, Roanoke 540-769-5200 • Ages: 4-19 years Preschool, K-12, After School


2660 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke 540-524-2491 • Ages 2-5 years Preschool Grandin Court Baptist Church Preschool partners with families to provide a high-quality learning environment and to begin fostering an understanding and appreciation of God’s presence in each child’s life. As a VA Quality participant, we achieve this goal by providing environments and student-teacher interactions which promote a child’s natural curiosity and we delight and encourage them in their discoveries.


2011 Brandon Avenue, SW, Roanoke 540-982-2254 • Ages 12mo - 5 years Preschool Noah’s Landing Preschool offers Mother’s Morning Out (MMO) as well as classes for 2, 3, and 4 year olds (Pre-K). Space is limited due to small pupil/teacher ratio per class. Our philosophy of education is based on the belief that children learn and grow best through hands on experiences.


7060 Williamson Rd, Roanoke 540-366-2432 119 • Ages 2-18 years Preschool, K-12, Before/After School

Roanoke Valley Christian Schools (RVCS) was established in 1973 by Shenandoah Baptist Church and now recognizes over 1,200 alumni. Its mission is to develop disciples of Christ who will influence the world for the glory of God. RVCS accomplishes this through a partnership with each family. We serve preschool, ages 2 through grade 12 and offer both an advanced program and resource program that can come alongside each student’s individual needs.

At Faith Christian School students are encouraged to love God and be captivated by His created world. Check out our new indexed tuition program, private education may be more affordable than you think!

ABA Programs ABC'S OF ABA 1630 Braeburn Dr. Salem, VA 24153 540-588-9582


Growing Up

October 2018


"Designed to transition children to the school environment."



3539 Peters Creek Rd, Roanoke 540-362-1767 • Ages 2-5 years Our purpose is to provide a warm, nurturing, yet challenging atmosphere in which children can learn and develop physically, socially, emotionally, cognitively, and creatively. We offer Lunch Bunch, Curbside Drop Off and Pick Up, Music, Weekly Chapel, Field Trips, Multiple Child Discount, and Referral Discounts.


7815 Williamson Rd, Roanoke 540-563-5036 • Ages 3-14 years Preschool, K-8 We provide education of the highest quality for children of all racial, cultural, religious, and economic backgrounds. Community School provides a program that is unique in the Roanoke Valley and a rarity statewide, a haven for those who value experiential education over standardized test results. Our school nurtures children’s individual learning styles and fosters creative and analytical thinking. Our students develop personal responsibility for their education and a passion for learning.


4845 Cloverdale Rd, Roanoke 540-977-0485 Ages 2.5-11 years Preschool, After School


Roanoke Adventist Preparatory School (RAPS) has been offering quality Christian education at family-friendly prices in the Roanoke area for over 75 years. RAPS mission is to foster academic excellence, passionate spirituality and outstanding character in each student. Our school is a small classroom environment where students receive grade-level appropriate individualized instruction. RAPS is fully accredited and key learning standards are available by grade level. Tuition rates are highly competitive and scholarship opportunities are available.


42 E. Main Street, Salem 540-389-4087 • Ages 18mos-5 years Preschool

St. Anne’s curriculum is based on developmental learning and the Virginia Foundation Blocks of Early Learning. We are dedicated to the total development of each child; intellectual, spiritual, social, and physical. Our desire is that each child knows that he/she is loved and accepted. Registration is now open for the 2018-2019 school year!


Bonsack Preschool/After School is a faith based, developmentally appropriate program focused on Kindergarten Readiness for preschoolers, half and full day. After School Care for Bonsack, Cloverdale and Colonial Elementary Schools offered with priority on gym time, devotions, creativity and homework completion. Summer Camps available for both Elementary and Preschool 3743 Challenger Avenue, Roanoke 540-977-1282 • Ages 0-12 years Preschool, Daycare, After School

4120 Challenger Avenue, Roanoke 540-798-6061 • ages 5-14 K –8

125 W. Main St., Salem 540-389-5144 • Ages 1 - 4 years Preschool “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52 This is the verse on which we base our preschool. Our State LIcensed Preschool’s purpose is to help your child grow cognitively, physically, spiritually , and socially/emotionally. We know that young children learn best through play, so all of our learning activities are planned to be educational and fun!

We offer social development, preschool education, and after school enrichment for our community in a safe and engaging atmosphere. Our curriculum builds upon the Virginia Foundation Blocks of Early Learning to fully prepare children to be successful upon entering Elementary School.


107 Corporate Blvd., Salem 540-387-1521 • Ages 6 weeks-12 years Preschool, k-6 Salem Montessori School - Bringing Joy to Learning! Children are eager, spontaneous learners, curious about the world around them. The primary goal of a Montessori education is to help every child reach their full potential in all areas of life. Montessori educated children become self-confident young people, who face future challenges with optimism and who enjoy a lifetime love of learning!


627 Westwood Blvd. NW, Roanoke 540-342-4716 • Ages 3 -5 years Preschool Greenvale School’s mission is to provide affordable, accessible, top-quality, developmentally appropriate childcare and educational services for children of working parents, according to each family’s ability to pay. By promoting the highest standards of education and responsible behavior, Greenvale School’s program cultivates the growth of each child to his or her full potential. By providing a comprehensive range of services, Greenvale School supports parents’ efforts to build a secure and prosperous future for their families.

Mineral Springs Christian School

1030 Bible Ln, Vinton (540) 890-4465 • Ages 1-16 years

It is our goal at Mineral Springs Christian School to provide your child with an affordable Christian education. Mineral Springs Christian School is one the most important ministries of our church. The school has been serving families for 25 years. Mineral Springs Baptist Church felt the need to provide a ministry of alternative and affordable Christian education to their church members and the community.

You are invited to a Health Talk with Dr. Ashley Logan

on supporting your child with ADHD

presented by Physicians to Children INC

Join us on October 24, 5:30 PM 21 Highland Avenue Suite 100 Roanoke VA, 24013

Learn about our services & providers at

Growing Up

October 2018




Enjoy a musical trip through the wonders of pre-history in this fast-paced revue with your host, Willie Mammoth, featuring Smiley the Saber-Toothed Tiger, Bessie, the loveable 27-foot long Apatosaurus, Tony and Trixie Triceratops, Terry the Pterodactyl, and the 11-foot T. Rex!

Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 3:00pm 12 & under: $5 • Silver: $15 • Gold: $20 (plus $3 service fee) • 540 345 2550

541 Luck Ave., Roanoke, VA 24016 (just blocks from downtown) Come early and get your face painted in the Fralin Atrium from 1pm until 2:45pm!

You and your family are invited to join our volunteers and staff for dinner and some not-so-spooky fun! Find your very You and your family are invited to join joinforest, ourvolunteers volunteers You and your family are invited to our andand own pumpkin in our glow-in-the-dark trick or treat staff staff for dinner and some fun! Find your forour dinner and somenot-so-spooky not-so-spooky Find your veryvery with super heroes, princesses and fun! other characters pumpkin in our glow-in-the-dark forest, trick orwith treat waiting with throughout the museum. Play own own pumpkin ingoodies our glow-in-the-dark forest, trick or treat with our super heroes, princesses and other characters boo heroes, bubbles, princesses have your face painted more. withmagical our super and otherand characters waiting Only with goodies throughout the museum. Play with 100 kids tickets sold night. Play waiting with goodies throughout theeach museum. with magical boo bubbles, have your face painted and more.

magical boo bubbles, have yoursold face painted Only 100 kids tickets each night.and more.

Only 100 kids tickets sold each night.

W�e�: OCTOBER W�e�: 26th, 27th & 28th W�e�: OCTOBER (CHOOSE A NIGHT)

26th, 27th & 28th OCTOBER (CHOOSE A NIGHT)

T�M�: 26th, 27th & 28th (CHOOSE A NIGHT) 6-8pm T�M�: 6-8pm





W�e�e� Kids Square W�e�e� 1 Market Square SE

Don and Barbara Smith's Children Museum


Don and Barbara Smith's Children Museum

3rd Square Floor Kids Roanoke, VAChildren 24011 Don and Barbara Smith's Museum 1 Market Square SE 3rd Floor Kids Square Roanoke, VA 24011SE 1 Market Square

3rd Floor Roanoke, VA 24011

P�i�e� MEMBERS P�i�e�

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Under 18

* * Adults Children

Under 18


Adults Children

Under 18 * Children Under 18

Adults ** Children Adults Under 18

*Price does not reflect processing * fees.


$18 $12

Children 18

*Price does not reflect processing fees. Under



*Price does not reflect processing fees.

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