CALENDAR Do you have an event you want placed in our calendar? Visit our website to submit the details! Photos for the calendar may be submitted by email. Digital images must be high resolution, 200-300dpi.
Mothers Day Sip & Shop
DEADLINE The 15th of the month Prior to publication month.
Emilia | Age 6
SUN | MAY 8 | 12PM - 4PM Downtown Felton | Particpating Shops Enjoy complimentary beverages at participating shops in Downtown Felton while shopping and strolling along the downtown strip in beautiful Felton.
Hayden | Age 8
GREASE is the word!
MAY 6 THROUGH MAY 14 London Nelson Community Theater All About Theatre Proudly Presents GREASE. Grease is among the world’s most popular musicals and has a cult-like following, especially among youth & teens! Buy Your Tickets Now at allabouttheatre. org/buy-tickets/
Leo Age | 4.5
GUiSC will attempt to update the calendar listings as needed; however, it is the responsibility of the organization listed to provide updated information. GUiSC assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Readers are encouraged to check the accuracy of the information provided. Events that are free or cost less than $10 can be submitted for inclusion in the calendar. GUiSC does not guarantee that a submitted event will automatically be included. Preference is given for events of interest to children and/ or parents. Calendar entries must be received by the 15th of the month prior to the month of the event. Calendar entries and photos will be selected by the Calendar Editor. Please visit our website to fill out the calendar form:
Additional Sources:
Luna Age | 10
Submit your coloring entry to for a chance to be in our next issue!
You can also mail them to Box 3505, Santa Cruz, 95063 Submissions due by May 15. Olive Age | 6
Vivek | 3.5
32 MAY 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY