Kudos Dashboard Guide

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Kudos Dashboard Guide Kudos can give you unique insight into how your researchers communicate about their work, enabling you to amplify their efforts, provide them with more targeted support, and refine your own efforts around the research that is attracting most interest, and the channels that are proving most effective. Here are some ideas for how you might use the dashboard: Measuring / monitoring engagement •

Find out how many researchers are active o

Dashboard – Key Performance Measures – “Researchers using Kudos”

See how this breaks down by subject area, career stage, location o

Reports – “Researcher reports”

See how this relates to activities being undertaken to increase impact


Dashboard – Key Performance Measures – “Publications explained”, “Publications shared”


Dashboard – “Activity – total actions taken” and in different timeframes

See how this relates to views of publication pages within Kudos, and click-throughs from Kudos to full text o

Dashboard – Overview by Category - Performance

Track the difference in these numbers over time to evaluate efforts to build usage of Kudos among your researchers

Gaining insight into what works •

See which researchers are most effective in promoting their work o

Explore what they have done to achieve that success o


Reports – “Performance report -> shares resulting in highest share referrals” – sort by number of referrals

Reports – “Performance reports -> shares resulting in highest share referrals”

Which sharing channels (Facebook, Twitter, email etc) appear most frequently in the upper reaches of these reports?


For those sharing activities that you can see (following the “Tweet” links in the referrals reports), which users have high numbers of followers and does that always correlate to higher numbers of Kudos referrals?


Cross reference with “Publication reports -> all publications that have been explained” to see whether explaining / adding contextual links correlates to higher numbers of Kudos referrals


You can even look more deeply, at separate publication reports for explaining and enriching, to see whether either of these activities has a higher impact than the other

Acknowledging researchers’ efforts •

Find out which researchers are active o

Dashboard – “Recently active authors”


Reports – “Researcher reports -> Export of all registered users”

Amplify their efforts o

Dashboard – “Recently Explained Publications” – draw attention to these in your own communications


Use Kudos’ widgets (Userguide – widgets tab) to re-use the content in your own websites, repositories, CRIS etc


Dashboard – “Recent Tweets” – retweet these from your own channels


Set up your “Showcase” to provide a public / media entry point to your research and / or inspire other potential Kudos users with good examples of how to make the most of the system

Reward the most successful o

Use Reports – “Performance Report -> publication pages: most viewed” and “shares resulting in highest share referrals” to identify researchers having most success with Kudos

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Let them know that they are the star users!

Drop them a quick email or tweet to thank them for their efforts and let them know what you have done to amplify their efforts § Ask them a handful of questions and write up a mini case study about what inspired them to give Kudos a go and what they are getting out of it © Kudos 2016. Please don’t distribute without permission.


Invite them to participate in training sessions and other events


Set up a scholarly communications advisory board and ask them to join and share their insights more widely within the institution o

Use these relationships to help you broaden your own networks – identify and follow people that are obviously influential; look through their followers to find other influencers that you can connect with

Help the less successful – provide them with guidance based on what you have learned from others’ successes. Which activities are they not doing that might help? Which channels are they not using that might help? Do they need help in building their networks (e.g. identifying and connecting with others who have bigger followings?)

Identifying high interest content •

Which publications are seeing highest numbers of page views? o

Reports – “Performance reports -> publication pages: most viewed”

What might be influencing this success? o

Cross-reference with Reports – “Performance reports -> shares resulting in highest share referrals” to see whether page views are primarily driven by successful sharing or whether there is also organic growth


Cross-reference with “Publication reports -> all publications that have been explained” to see whether explaining / adding contextual links correlates to higher numbers of page views

• What can you do to build on this success? o

Share information with press / communications teams


Add it to your Kudos showcase, and / or showcase it on other sites you “own”


Plug other, related content e.g. that your institution has published, that your researchers have published elsewhere, or that you have licensed in the library

Contact Lou on lou@growkudos.com for any queries or additional support

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