GRREAT Times Winter 2017

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Winter 2017

My Name Is Jackie • Obesity in Dogs • Best Rescue - Lady

Contents GRREAT Times is a quarterly publication of SEVA GRREAT, Inc., an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to finding homes for homeless Golden Retrievers.

3 .. President’s Message

For more information, call our Hotline at 757-827-8561 or visit our web site at To contact the newsletter editor with suggestions, comments, or send materials and photos for inclusion, send an e-mail to, or write Attn.: Newsletter Editor, PO Box 8014, Yorktown, VA 23693.

4 .. Adoptions


5 .. Adopting a Golden

SEVA GRREAT disclaims all responsibility for omissions or errors.

7 .. My Name is Jackie

Submitting Stories and Photos

8 .. Jackie’s Homecoming

We have decided to make “homecoming” a feature in each newsletter to feature dogs that have been adopted from us over the years. Send us a picture (identify everyone in it, please) with your dog’s name, when you adopted it, your name and a few words or more about your dog. Full length stories are welcomed, too!


When you submit your pictures for publication in print, please submit an original digital image of no less than 300 dpi. If you aren’t sure of the dpi, send the original and we’ll check the possibility for use. We can make pictures smaller but we can not make them larger. Don’t worry about the file size; if you can send it, we can receive it. If you can’t send it, let us know. We’ll show you a way that it can be sent.


10 .. How to Stop Pulling On the Leash 12 .. Homecoming


14 .. Dog Saliva 16 .. Obesity in Dogs 18 .. The Toyland Parade

Email to:

20 .. Best Rescue - Lady 21 .. Rainbow Bridge

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22 .. Contributions

23 .. Membership Application

On The Cover: That’s PJ O’Connell all dressed and ready for the Toyland Parade.

Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.


Mark Your Calendar

President’s Message

Happy New Year

Sunday, March 26 Dog Wash to Benefit SEVA GRREAT at Pet Valu 1601 Willow Lawn Dr. Richmond, Va

SEVA GRREAT supporters!

Check our website for updates and exact locations and times of events. Check back a week before the event to confirm.


GRREAT ADS GRREAT Times is now offering advertising space. Rates per issue for various size ads are: Full Page = $150 1/2 Page = $100 1/3 Page = $75 1/6 Page = $50 A discounted rate for multiple issue placement is available Email requests, size and specification questions to Every effort will be made to put your ad in the desired issue. GRREAT Times is published quarterly the second week of January, April, July, and October. Deadline for submitting an AD is the 1st of the month prior to the publication date.

t’s Lucy and Lacey here…. we were both adopted through SEVA GRREAT and couldn’t be happier. Mom just told us she is serving as president again for 2017, and we are so proud to be the “First Dogs.” That’s an important position that we take very seriously. Since we know mom doesn’t particularly love writing, we told her we would help. That’s the way us goldens are . . . we will do just about anything for treats! So, that brings us to our FIRST request. If you love to write or share tales about your adopted goldens, PLEASE do. All of the hardworking volunteers love to see and hear how the rescued pups are doing. You can submit your stories and pictures to grreattimes@ We also love content to share that helps address health, behavior or training issues, so feel free to send that too. Your personal experience or recommendations from other experts are such a help! Just watch for our quarterly issues, and we know you’ll love them.

Our SECOND request is that you continue to support SEVA GRREAT through their ongoing fundraisers like Amazon and Kroger. Did you know that by doing things you do every day, you can raise money for SEVA GRREAT without spending extra? We’re still learning about the internet, but it’s pretty amazing. Mom says that your purchases have earned over $3000 for SEVA GRREAT in the past 2 years – imagine what that does for goldens like us! Please continue to ask your family and friends to participate in these programs too – more information is available on our website at, and on our facebook page as well. The LAST “request” for now is really a big THANK YOU! So . . . many thanks to all of our fosters, adopters, volunteers and financial supporters that give to SEVA GRREAT in so many ways. Mom says we couldn’t do it without you, and we agree (or WOOF)! Stay tuned for more information in the coming months, as we look forward to telling you more about SEVA GRREAT!

Winter 2017


Adoptions Marigold









Kennedy – Sandy & George Anderson

Dallas – Alissa Brandt

Marigold – Judy Dyer

Reagan – Leslie Atkinson

Chance – Peggy & Carl Allen

Tyler – Pam & Jim Duffy

Gracie – Michelle Pfeiffer

Sadie/Solo – Trent & Wendy Lythgoe

Jake – Richanne & Jay Sensenig


Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.

Adopting a Golden Retriever S

EVA GRREAT has successfully placed nearly 2000 Goldens since the fall of 1990. SEVA GRREAT covers the central and southeastern parts of Virginia from just west of Richmond down through Virginia Beach. If you live outside that area, you can search for a Golden Retriever rescue in your area at Ready to apply? Let's get started! Please complete our online application on our website at php/adopt/adoption-application. We will acknowledge receipt of your online application by email, usually within 3-5 business days. Your application will be assigned to one of our volunteer Home Evaluators who will contact

you to set up a time to meet with you and your family at your home. All family members MUST be present during the home evaluation. We will also want to meet any current pets during this visit. During the home visit, your Home Evaluator will discuss how we take dogs into the rescue, what happens during the foster care period, and how we schedule visits with approved families. They will ask you questions about your experience with dogs, your lifestyle, and what you're looking for in a new dog. The Home Evaluator will also take a quick tour of your house (including garage) and yard to check for any safety issues or other concerns.

Evaluator will work with you to help you choose the dog who is the best fit for your family. Adoption Fees: (as of 1 July 2016) Dogs under the age of 5 = $450.00 Dogs 5 to under age 9 = $400.00 Seniors 9 and over = $200.00 The adoption fee helps cover a portion of the expenses we incur to take in and care for our Goldens. Please note: We reserve the right to decline an applicant if we feel the home situation is incompatible with the needs of a rescued Golden Retriever.

If your home is approved to adopt, your Home

Winter 2017


Jackie says thank you to all that have already donated to help cover her surgery! Additional donations are still needed, and can be made through PayPal on our website or by sending a check to PO Box 8014, Yorktown, VA 23693.


Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.

My name is Jackie and I’m so lucky! I

have to admit, I wasn’t always lucky. I was born in Turkey - that is very far from here. When I was a puppy I remember people hugging me and loving on me. But then I got big and they didn’t like me so much anymore – so they asked me to leave. Actually they didn’t ask. One day they drove me around for a while and then they just….let me go. It was very scary. I would walk around the streets trying to find someone I know. I would ask people if they knew where my family was. Some people would pet me. Some would give me food and water. But no one could tell me what happened. I was very scared. At night, I would sleep under cars and bridges trying to hide from the packs of wild dogs that would attack you if they found you. While I was roaming the streets one day looking for food, I got hit by a car. It hurt really bad. After that, my backend doesn’t work so well and I don’t walk so good. And I am in a lot of pain. Someone felt sorry for me and took me to what they call a shelter. It was very crowded and very dirty and it didn’t have a roof but at least I got some food and water. Then one day these nice people came and told me everything was going to be OK now. They put me in a cage along with others that looked a lot like me. We were put in this big shiny thing that looked like a huge bird. We were in its belly for hours and hours. When I thought we were going to be there forever, they opened up the door and the next thing I know, all these wonderful people were surrounding me. They took me out of the cage. They hugged me and petted me and gave me food and water. I couldn’t understand what they were saying to me because they weren’t speaking Turkish. But I did understand the love. And boy did I feel the love!

So now I am American! I love being American! I am learning to speak American! I live in a really nice house with really nice humans. I have a foster brother and sister who are really great. Everybody loves me, and brushes my hair, and pets me, and tells me how awesome I am! I love it! I have to admit though, my backend does pain me. But soon I won’t be in any pain! I am going to have something called surgery to make my backend better. But my surgery costs a lot of money.

Nice people that don’t even know me are giving money to help pay for my surgery! Do you believe it?! I want to thank all of you nice people! Because of you I am going to feel better! I wish I could give each of you a big juicy kiss! Soon I will be running and chasing the ball and playing and having a great time here in America! And all because of nice people like you! Am I lucky or what!!

–Debbie Morris

Catch up with Jackie at her new home on the next page (page 8).

Winter 2017


Jackie’s Homecoming


Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.


will never forget the first time I laid eyes on Jackie. She was a little dirty but I could still seethis beautiful light colored Golden eager to be loved. I could hardly wait to pet her and test her personality. I was on the list to Foster and once I learned that SEVA was going to bring over some dogs from Turkey, I was completely ecstatic. And when I learned I would be fostering Jackie, I thought about how lucky I was. The day I picked Jackie up…we ventured over to Crittertown Bathhouse and for the most part, she tolerated it very well. Even the dreaded (“DRYER.!) : ) She looked so beautiful and I put a new collar and scarf on her. I was definitely feeling anxious about her meeting my other two dogs, Lady Bug and Diesel. But luckily, the introductions went well. I knew that one of the first things I wanted to do with Jackie immediately. was to start getting her familiar with socialization skills. So off to the dog park we went. Of course she met lots of new friends both human and fur.

we are still working on boundaries. If you ask her, she runs the house. It has been a blessing having Jackie with me. I feel like a mom to three fur kids. There is never a dull moment. And with all of the nicknames I have had for her over the last several months, her name is now Laki….that is what she knows. Laki is my Velcro dog, never letting me out of her sight for one minute. She is resilient, determined, loving, and very happy with her “New”life in America. She loves car rides, her bed, of course all the toys in the house are hers, and she even gets to watch Dog TV while I am working. Oh, and she made it known that she was not going to be left out for the night time ritual,…so yes, even from night one, she decided that she will sleep in the bed. And she stays there the entire night. They say that saving one dog will not change the world, but surely, for that one dog, the

world will change forever. There are plenty of uncertainties in life. But for Laki, she has found a home in me, and I with her. I could never get tired of waking up to her kisses each morning. I know she is thanking me for giving her a happy life here. As Laki’s surgery approaches, we will certainly provide updates and pictures but we want to thank everyone who is making this possible. Her life will improve tremendously. She is an incredible dog, and she has brought me profound joy. I have to say that my home feels complete with four extra feet. Laki gives licks and hugs!!!

–Wendy Foster Mom and more than likely Foster Failure to Laki

I noticed right away that Jackie was having discomfort in her hips, but not knowing her prior history while she was in Turkey, I could only speculate that it was possibly Hip Dysplasia. Only I did not realize how severe it was. X-rays and a later CT Scan would confirm the obvious, Jackie would need an hip replacement. Ouch! But thankfully, she is in good care and thanks to all of the donations, we will be able to help Jackie feel much better. We are both so grateful! Having Jackie in my home now for six months, I have been able to understand what motivates her, what her favorite toys and treats are and

Winter 2017


How to Stop Your Dog From Pulling on the Leash W

e all have that friend, relative, or rival who walks their dog with expert leashwielding skills. They aren’t being pulled down the block, tied ‘round trees, or tangled up with the friendly neighbor dog who’s also out for an afternoon stroll. I don’t know about you, but I silently envy the person and pet that can walk side-by-side without breaking a sweat. And I have to admit, good leash walking skills are important for more than just showing off your pet-parent talents. “From a relationship perspective,” explains Sarah Fraser, a certified professional dog trainer and co-founder of Instinct Behavior & Training in New York City, “if your dog is walking nicely on a leash, it likely means that your dog is paying more attention to you, making it easier for you to provide direction and guidance as needed along your walk.” A leash-puller can also run the risk of accidentally breaking away from your grip, which can pose multiple dangers to your pet if he or she continues to run, not to mention the danger for yourself if you end up face-first on the sidewalk. Having proper leash manners minimizes the risk that you will be pulled over in a moment of overzealous leash yanking and will make the time more about walking and less about tug-of-war. “Teaching your dog to walk nicely on a leash allows you to take her more places and for longer walks, because it’s more comfortable and enjoyable for the both of you,” Fraser says.


Tips for Better Walking Behavior Whether your dog is big or small, here are six ways to improve your dog’s behavior on a leash:

Play the “follow me” game.

Adjust your attitude.

Hold on to your leash and take several backward steps away from your dog. The backward movement is inviting, so your dog is likely to turn and follow you. Say “yes!” as your dog approaches you, then immediately reward him or her with a treat.

First, ask yourself: “What would I like him or her to do instead?” Instead of teaching a dog to stop pulling, think of it as teaching your dog how to walk nicely beside you.

Remember it’s all about the rewards. One of the easiest and most effective ways to start teaching a dog to walk properly on a leash is to reward the dog for paying attention to you and for being in the desired position (next to you or close to you) when out for a walk. “As the dog learns that walking next to you is a pleasant, rewarding experience, she’ll spend less time pulling and more time walking nicely beside you,” says Fraser. Try using very special treats in the beginning, like small pieces of boiled chicken or roast beef, to really get your dog’s attention, she advises.

Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.

“The game helps your dog focus and move with you,” says Fraser. Then back away several steps in another direction. Once again, says “yes!” as your dog approaches and reward him or her with a treat. Repeat this pattern eight to 12 times, until your dog is actively pursuing you when you move away.

Practice on your regular walks. Once you’ve started your stride, each time your dog looks up at you or walks next to you, says “yes!” and immediately reward him or her with a treat.

Reward often. “Frequent rewards will help your dog figure out more quickly what behavior you’re looking

by Caitlin Ultimo


for and make the learning process easier for her,” Fraser explains. “The trick to making this work is using very special treats at first, and keeping your rate of reinforcement high, which just means that you are marking and rewarding often — maybe every 4-5 steps at first — for any and all ‘good’ leash behavior.” Over time, you can thin out your rate of reinforcement, rewarding your dog less frequently throughout the course of the walk, Fraser adds.

Consider additional assistance. “If your dog is already a practiced puller, consider purchasing a quality front clip harness to provide extra control on walks,” Fraser recommends. But if your dog already pulls hard on a front clip harness, consider working with a certified, positive reinforcement-based trainer. Finally, remember that walking on a leash is a skill that takes time and practice for both the pet parent and dog, so celebrate incremental improvements and successes!

10 Health Benefits Walking Provides Helps keep pets healthy • Helps with weight control • Helps the digestive system • No more destuctive behavior • No more hyperactivity • No more unruliness • No more attantionp seeking behaviors • Help promote your bond • Helps build trust • Helps your health too

Winter 2017


Homecoming Share your pictures and stories by sending them to They will be featured in coming newsletters, right here under Homecoming.

Riley enjoying the first day of 2017

Merry Christmas from Tassie, Roxy and Max.


Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.

Jake is home and adjusting well. He is so patient with Polly, who actually hasn’t been too bad. We are so pleased. He’s the perfect fit. This is our 4th from SEVA GRREAT. Keep up the good work! Thanks again for your help and support Happy Holidays –Richanne, Jay, Polly, and Jake We are blessed this Christmas with our newest Golden rescue from SEVA GRREAT. Welcome, Jake

Rirzy in the snow

Send Us Your Photos Do you have a SEVA GRREAT dog? We would love to see what you are doing. Our alumni seem to be having very exciting lives. Share your pictures, including captions, by sending them to grreattimes@ They will be featured in the next newsletter under Homecoming. And if you have a story to tell, we and the other Golden lovers would enjoy reading about it. So, send those stories with your photos also. We love pictures of newly adopted dogs with their new families, too!

Winter 2017


Dog Saliva: Five Fast Facts You Should Know


Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.

by Krystle Vermes


any of us don’t think twice about the saliva that comes out of our dog’s mouth when we lean in for a slobbery kiss. Affection between humans and their pets is not uncommon. However, what is common is the lack of education surrounding animal saliva, its bacteria, and how it impacts both humans and pets. Here are five fast facts about dog saliva that can change the way you think about your pet and its mouth. Dog saliva helps prevent canine cavities. The saliva found in the mouths of dogs is better suited to prevent cavities, in comparison to human saliva. “[Human saliva] has a PH of 6.5 to 7,” says Dr. Colin Harvey, emeritus professor of surgery and dentistry at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. “The saliva of dogs and carnivores in general is slightly alkaline, around 7.5 to 8. The significance of that difference is that dogs do not get dental cavities nearly as frequently as humans. The slightly alkaline nature of dog saliva buffers the acids that are produced by some

bacteria that are the cause of the enamel of the tooth being eroded away.” Saliva helps dogs with digestion, but not in the way you think. “There are no digestive enzymes present in the saliva of dogs,” Harvey says. “It is purely designed to get the food down into the stomach so the digestive process can start. In fact unlike people, dogs don’t have to chew their food to mix in the saliva and start the digestive process. A dog’s stomach and intestines can do all the necessary work. The pure, simple function of dog saliva is to move food down the esophagus. Dog saliva is antibacterial. “Dog saliva does contain chemicals that are antibacterial and it’s very unlikely that saliva by itself would be a direct cause of infection,” says Harvey. “You often see dogs licking wounds and that is a cleansing action and an antibacterial action to promote the healing of a superficial wound.” Of course licking won’t cure all superficial infections in dogs, so veterinary visits are still often necessary.

Dog “kisses” may transfer bacteria to humans. Just because dog saliva has antibacterial properties does not mean that dog “kisses” are clean and humans should let their guard down. Dr. Edward R. Eisner, the first veterinarian to become a boardcertified specialist in Veterinary Dentistry in Colorado, notes that it’s possible for bacteria to be transferred from pets to humans. One study published in Oral Biology in 2012 found that there can be a transmission of periodontopathic species of bacteria between dogs and their owners. Dog saliva may produce allergies in humans. While many people believe that pet fur is the culprit of allergic reactions to dogs, many of these allergies actually stem from proteins found in dog saliva. According to a study published in the European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, dog saliva contains at least 12 different allergy-causing protein bands. When dogs lick their fur, the saliva dries, and these proteins become airborne. Researchers who conducted the study concluded that dog saliva has greater potential as an allergen source than dog dander.

Tips for Preventing Periodontal Disease D

r. Eisner notes that despite the cavitypreventing nature of dog saliva, periodontal disease will still occur without active prevention. “Saliva coats our teeth,” says Dr. Eisner. “If it’s not brushed off by tooth brushing, it becomes plaque, which further traps the bacteria.” As the condition progresses, the bacteria can cause bone destruction in the tooth-supporting structures of the mouth.

“When a dog or even a person has a mouth that hasn’t been cared for, every time they eat, they get bacteria in the bloodstream,” Eisner says. “It’s a 20-minute transit through the bloodstream, and our immune systems, spleens and livers helps clean the blood. It’s no harm for the very healthy with a good immune system. But young animals and pets with serious medical conditions or autoimmune diseases are more susceptible to circulating bacteria.”

Dr. Eisner recommends annual dental care for dogs. A puppy should have his first exam at eight weeks of age. Dogs that have periodontal disease may need to visit their vet more frequently to monitor the progress of the condition.

Winter 2017


A Report from the Morris Animal Foundation

New findings on the causes, prevention and treatment of obesity in dogs A

ccording to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 54 percent of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. Studies show that a dog’s lifespan is decreased by up to 2.5 years if they are overweight. Alarmingly, many debilitating diseases, from diabetes to heart disease, are linked to excess weight. Body weight and fitness are important to your dog’s health, but helping your dog trim down can be a challenge as weight is regulated by a complex interplay of hormones, psychological factors and genetics. Scientists hope new findings in obesity research can give greater insight into (and help reverse) the epidemic plaguing not only pets, but people, too. Some exciting developments in the field of pet obesity include: • Discovery of a gene linked to the development of obesity in Labrador retrievers


• Evidence that dogs may use food to soothe chronic stress in the same way as people • Exercise plus calorie restriction is essential to weight loss in dogs just as it is in people • Social interactions with other dogs helps stimulate physical activity • Feelings of fullness depend on factors such as meal size and duration, and not caloric density • Novel foods and highly palatable foods increase the risk of overeating • Resident bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract can regulate feelings of fullness Dr. Missy Simpson, epidemiologist for Morris Animal Foundation’s Canine Lifetime Health Project, recently analyzed baseline data on body weight and condition of participants

Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.

in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. Dr. Simpson found that in this cohort of dogs, older age at spay-neuter is protective against being overweight. Not surprisingly, more active dogs were less likely to be overweight. There were no regional differences in the number of dogs that were overweight or obese. As the cohort ages, we’ll be able to monitor body weight and condition as well as more thoroughly explore the potential links between body condition and the development of disease. Obesity is one of the few diseases that dog owners can influence. By avoiding high caloric foods, making sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and social stimulation, and avoiding high-calorie (especially high-fat) foods and treats, you can significantly impact the health and well-being of your four-legged friends.


Ribs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones and all bony prominences evident from a distance. No discernible body fat. Obvious loss of muscle mass.



Ribs, lumbar vertebrae and pelvic bones easily visible. No palpable fat. Some evidence of other bony prominence. Minimal loss of muscle mass. Ribs easily palpated and may be visible with no palpable fat. Tops of lumbar vertebrae visible. Pelvic bones becoming prominent. Obvious waist and abdominal tuck.


Ribs easily palpable, with minimal fat covering. Waist easily noted, viewed from above. Abdominal tuck evident. Ribs palpable without excess fat covering. Waist observed behind ribs when viewed from above. Abdomen tucked up when viewed from side.




Ribs palpable with slight excess fat covering. Waist is discernible viewed from above but is not prominent. Abdominal tuck apparent. Ribs palpable with difficulty; heavy fat cover. Noticeable fat deposits over lumbar area and base of tail. Waist absent or barely visible. Abdominal tuck may be present.



Ribs not palpable under very heavy fat cover, or palpable only with significant pressure. Heavy fat deposits over lumbar area and base of tail. Waist absent. No abdominal tuck. Obvious abdominal distention may be present. Massive fat deposits over thorax, spine and base of tail. Waist and abdominal tuck absent. Fat deposits on neck and limbs. Obvious abdominal distention. The BODY CONDITION SYSTEM was developed at the NestlĂŠ Purina Pet Care Center and has been validated as documented in the following publications:




Mawby D, Bartges JW, Moyers T, et. al. Comparison of body fat estimates by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and deuterium oxide dilution in client owned dogs. Compendium 2001; 23 (9A): 70 Laflamme DP. Development and Validation of a Body Condition Score System for Dogs. Canine Practice July/August 1997; 22:10-15 Kealy, et. al. Effects of Diet Restriction on Life Span and Age-Related Changes in Dogs. JAVMA 2002; 220:1315-1320 Call 1-800-222-VETS (8387), weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT

MAF-PBS Version 3.13

Winter 2017


Out & About

The Toyland Parade

So, when does the parade start.

It’s a beautiful sunny day.


Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.

Even the Colonials like a good parade.

Hey guys, I found the treats.

The parade goes in this direction.

People to look at everywhere.

Look, someone is taking our picture.

Winter 2017


Best Rescue Lady “A Turkey O

nce considered a status symbol by the wealthy in Turkey, Golden Retrievers have become more common and less valued, and hundreds end up being released onto the streets. With few shelters available, dogs of this good-natured breed frequently starve or become prey to the thousands of feral dog packs in the forests around the city. Life is hard for these mostly young dogs. Few live to be senior Goldens in Turkey. Rescue operations have started across America. After careful consideration, Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education, and Training (GRREAT) out of Yorktown,

Virginia announced it was joining the international rescue effort and was preparing to welcome 7 goldens in JFK Airport this past summer. We filed our application to adopt, Joyce Page from AWL graciously agreed to come inspect our house for its suitability for a dog, and Dr. Joyce Cunningham at Kilmarnock Animal Hospital reported us suitable as well. On June 23rd, after an 11-12 hour flight, most of the dogs arrived with tails wagging and ready to explore their new environment. Only sweet little Lady was extremely scared, and didn’t want to walk anywhere; she didn’t walk at all for three days. She had an amazing foster

The circle picture of Lady was taken when she won the blue ribbon in the “Best Rescue” contest at the Kilmarnock Animal Welfare League’s annual Dog Gone Dog Show. Below: Lady enjoys her new view. From the streets of Turkey . . . to waterfront property.


Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.

in Glen Allen where she stayed for 2 and a half weeks. We received the email that she was ready for adoption on July 9 and all of us, including our dog Reilly, had to go be vetted by the Foster Mom, her golden, and Lady. After 2 anxious days, we received the call that she was ours and we brought her home to Lancaster County on July 12, complete with a list of Turkish to English words. Lady was the first Turkey Dog adopted in Virginia from GRREAT. She is being featured


Rainbow Bridge

in its 2017 calendar. Her caption reads, “Since Lady is “A Turkey Dog,” we can only imagine the sadness, hard times, and poor treatment she has experienced. Nonetheless, she has somehow compartmentalized her former life and has emerged as a loving, happy, eager to please, sweet, young little Golden Girl who is adored by everyone, human or canine (especially her new brother Reilly), she meets. We can all learn a great deal from her.” We believe Lady is definitely the Best Rescue!



Let me tell you a little bit about my golden girl. She came into my life just six months after I lost my mother (as well as my dog and horse). Gracie was seven years old and had been aggressively used for breeding and then abandoned to people who did not care for her. Her foster family even told me that she might have runaway tendencies based on what they had heard (but not witnessed). Nothing could have been farther from the truth! From the minute she came home to live with me (and Faith, my lab), she was like velcro. If I were in the shower, she was at the shower door. If I was painting, she was lying with her head on my feet. If we were in the backyard, she only wanted to be there if I was out there with her. There was never a more loyal, sweet companion than Gracie Harris. She loved the beach. She loved tennis balls. She loved wrestling with Faith. She hated storms. And we loved her to pieces. RIP golden girl.

I Am Rescued poem:

–Mary Pat Harris

"You didn't care how I looked or that I wasn't a pedigree. You showed me that I am not disposable and that I am loved. You brought back the sparkle in my eye and the shine in my coat. You restored my spirit so my tail could wag again. You took a chance on me to see what I could become. You gave me a place to call home and a family to call my own." Last night, Poochy crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are heartbroken, but grateful that we had the chance to show Poochy what a loving family felt like, even for just a little while. Rest easy sweet girl. ❤❤❤ Thank you for the chance to foster this sweet girl. We miss her tremendously but know that she is in a better place and did not suffer.

–Megan Kettyle & Dan Gillispie

Winter 2017


Contributions Ann and Andor Czompo Roy and Sandy Mattes In memory of Dr. J. Thomas Owen, who loved his Goldens and is missed greatly by his family and his girl “Candy.”

Marilynn Zauner In memeory of Amber I and Amber II


Jo Vance


Kimberly Beland

Fred and Karen Whyte


Jerry Powell

Dr. and Mrs. James Hayes

Wellington and Wendy Kay

Janet Hastings

Keith and Diane Chriatiansen

Shirley Perkins Memorial Fund for Animals In honor of Mattie

Barry Barnes Dave and Peggy Main In honor of all who worked so hard to get the “Turkey Dogs” here Gail Curtis In memory of Frank Hodas Kathy Russell Billy and Beth Pirtle In memory of Ginny Brian and linda Thomson In honor of Nina and Kennedy Jacob and Ginny Kay In memory of Cassie, Dailey, Ben and Jake Jim and Jane Kron In honorof SEVA GRREAT adoptees Lucy and Lacey Diane Yamini Barbara Talley In memory of Max

Mark Seelenbinder In honor of Chester Jill Hoehlein In memory/honor of all my past and present Goldens - love you always Kevin Zinski For Gracie, my smiley girl Nancy Hawkins In memory of my Rusty Boy and in honor of Buddy Clay and Jan Beall Kathy Speece In memory of Buddy Speece Gabrielle Glatt In honor of Shelly


en O Do l die L ove







Golden Oldie Love Dog Fund (GOLD Fund) is used for medical expenses, food, equipment, or adoption costs of rescued Golden Retrievers estimated to be ten years or older.

Combined Federal Campaign #88796

Carl and Lizbeth Jackson

Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign #3456


Sharon O’Donnell In memory of my sister Kathleen O’Donnell Patricia Lewis In memory of Kathleen O’Donnell Dr. Eileen O’Donnell Winokur In memory of my sister, Kathleen O’Donnell for the Golden Oldies

Joseph Sabol and family Barkley (DM&S Enterprises) In memory of Little Gracie

Diane Trinko

Animal Welfare League, Inc. On behalf of Mattie and her ongoing medical needs

Jennifer Dauzier

Margaret and Carl Allen

Brenda Penca

John Rellick



Total Footcare, P.C.

Mrs. Joan Mason In honor fof Capt. Ruth Ann Wilson

Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education & Training, Inc.


via the links on our Home page Your support/purchases through these links provide ongoing donations to SEVA GRREAT and help homeless Goldens find a home! (At no additional cost to you) KROGER REWARDS Click the link on our Home page, register your Kroger card. Each time you swipe your card at a Kroger store, SEVA GRREAT will get a small donation

MEMBERSHIP, DONATION & VOLUNTEER FORM Note: Membership is open to all persons 18 years or older.


Please have the Coordinator in the following area/areas contact me: (Check appropriate boxes)

Name: _____________________________________________

These are listed in the order of urgent need by GRREAT.

Address: ___________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _ ______________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________

HOME EVALUATION –– visits for foster/adoption applicants.

Home Phone: ________________________________________ Work Phone: ________________________________________ This is a new membership Address Change ADDITIONAL VOTING MEMBERS:

FOSTERING — A temporary home for SEVA GRREAT dogs before they are adopted.

Start the new year with a SEVA GRREAT membership

(E-mail needs to be unique to vote.)

TRANSPORTATION — primarily shuttling dogs and/or equipment as necessary. If you are interested in helping with transportation, can you help on: (circle all that apply) Weekdays



EVENTS — helping to hold/show dogs at “Golden Days,” helping with fund raisers, etc. PUBLICITY — researching and writing stories for media release and newsletters, selling ads for the newsletter, taking photos at events, updating the web site, etc.

Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________

MERCHANDISE — to man booths selling SEVA GRREAT stuff at local dog shows / fairs / festivals / etc.

Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________

Our rescue is growing! In order to continue to save more dogs every year, we are looking for volunteers who would like to become more involved with the organization. If you are interested in assisting with intake, foster coordination, Golden Days or other areas on a regular basis, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at, for more information.

Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________

REMITTANCE: I am enclosing my $25 annual membership dues $ ___________


Additional Voting members _____ @ $25 each

$ ___________

Please make checks payable to:


$ ___________

1 Calendar = $12.00 (includes shipping)

$ ___________


$ ___________

Mail this form with your check to: SEVA GRREAT PO Box 8014 Yorktown, VA 23693


In Memory of



Important Notice If you would like to become a member, please sign below. Otherwise, your remittance for annual membership must be considered a donation.

Date: __________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I have never been convicted of an animal abuse crime. Signature: ______________________________________________________________

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

SEVA GRREAT P.O. Box 8014 Yorktown, Va 23693


Williamsburg, Va 23185 Permit No. 220

Rescue Hotline 757-827-8561 Press For 1

If you think you have found one of our Goldens based on the SEVA GRREAT tag or microchip.

2 To leave a message for the President 3 To give up a Golden Retriever or get more info on our intake process 4

For Information on Golden Days and other events.


To check on the status of an adoption or foster application.


For all other questions.

National Dog Registry 1-800-NDR-DOGS Foster Dog Medical Care YORK VETERINARY CLINIC Yorktown 757-898-3700 COOKE VET MEDICAL CENTER Chesapeake 757-547-9421 QUIOCCASIN VET HOSPITAL Richmond 804-741-3200 ACREDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL Virginia Beach 757-523-6100 ANDERSON’S CORNER Toano 757-566-2224

Like us on facebook!

SEVA GRREAT Contact Information President Jane Krom Vice President Debbie Morris Treasurer Jim O’Connell Secretary Sharon Leeman Event Coordinators: Southside: Jane Krom Peninsula: Linda Thomson Richmond: Jennifer Dauzier Microchip Coordinator Robyn Beasley Intake Coordinator Rose Bennett Foster Coordinator Katie Show Adoption Coordinator Robyn Beasley Membership Jacob Kay Volunteer Coordinator Quan Li Board Member Largo Elston Merchandise Jennifer Dauzier Fundraising Linda Thomson GRREAT Times magazine Brad Miller

Want to Reach Dog Lovers with Your Message? Advertise in GRREAT Times Magazine and Help Our Goldens.

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