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President’s Message
MARK YOUR CALENDAR President’s Message
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Facebook: Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education, and Training! Website: https://adoptagolden.com
Ah, Springtime
GRREAT Times is now offering advertising space. Rates per issue for various size ads are: Full Page = $150 1/2 Page = $100 1/3 Page = $75 1/6 Page = $50 A discounted rate for multiple issue placement is available. Email requests, size and specification questions to grreattimes@adoptagolden.com. Every effort will be made to put your ad in the desired issue. GRREAT Times is published quarterly the second week of January, April, July, and October. Deadline for submitting an AD is the 1st of the month prior to the publication date. W e turn our clocks ahead so we can have more daylight in the afternoon. Warmer weather will come our way soon. Our Goldens love any time of year, but I think spring puts an extra “bounce” in their step! More walks in the nice weather and playtime in our backyards. Perhaps a fun trip to the ocean or bay to play in the surf and sand. I’m very much looking forward to the warmer weather and time outside with our sweet Lucy.
We are also looking to begin attending local outdoor events and have also opened our adoption applications. Our May membership meeting has been scheduled at Little Island Park in Sandbridge for the 22nd, provided the Governor relaxes the outside restrictions. We hope our members bring their pups for the cookout, meeting and fun times running on the beach.
Lastly, I’d like to thank our dear friends, Jay and Lisa Tucker, who own JLT Performance Inc for their very generous donation in February. Take a moment to visit their website jlttruecoldair. com and follow them on Facebook.
Enjoy the warmer weather and extended sunshine. Hope to see you at the May meeting!