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Rainbow Bridge
Written by Copper’s dad - Goodbye Sweet Copper Boy. . . . SEVA GRREAT rescued “Lenny” from Animal Control near Richmond in November of 2012. They listed him as 10 years old. His foster named him “Chipper”. Unfortunately, “Chipper” developed a reputation for escaping. He would open his gate by lifting the latch. But he didn’t stop there! He would then go around and open the gates of all of his friends in the neighborhood. (No one left behind!) After doing this several times, SEVA decided it was time to move him to a more secure location – from minimum security to maximum security – so to speak. Debbie was to be a part of the team to transport him from Richmond to Chesapeake. She met up with “Chipper” in Williamsburg and was to take him to Chesapeake. It tore her heart out when she saw how defeated he seemed. She tried to comfort him and ended up falling in love with him. Me? Not so much. Nothing personal, I never met the guy. But we had 3 large dogs already and my brother was temporarily staying at our home with his 2 labs, Casey and Chloe. Long story short, we adopted him. Lenny/Chipper became Copperfield – Copper for short - named after the great escape artist David Copperfield. Once here, Copper never tried to escape, even when he was off leash outside the gate. Interesting story – my brother took his dogs to the pet psychic. Chloe (who is quite the gossip) told the psychic that she really likes the new one. She said “he barks a lot but he doesn’t really mean anything by it – he is just so happy to have friends”. Copper was one happy guy. He was a senior rescue that became a puppy again. He was given a second chance at life – thanks to SEVA GRREAT. He went from being defeated, to living the life he always wanted. He was full of life and love and he lived each day to the fullest. He loved his sisters, cousins, and anybody who came to visit. The more the merrier! I think of him chasing that ball and have come to realize it wasn’t the ball that made him so happy - it was all the friends he had to play ball with. We were so fortunate that Debbie transported him that day. He has added so much joy and love to our lives. Today, we had to say goodbye to Copper. It was time for his gate to be opened. Now go and run and play! Get that ball Copper Boy! Friends are waiting for you to come and play. Until we meet again. We love you so much!! Mom and Dad

–Debbie & Joe Morris

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She bounded into my life at the age of 12; this beautiful red was to be my foster, and my mission was to nurse her back to health. Weighing only 38 pounds, Honey was still a ball of fire. After her vet exam, she journeyed home and literally took over everything so excited was she to have toys and a person with her at all times. She flourished over the next two years slowly gaining to 64 pounds with a luxurious coat of flaming red fur. For two years this energetic senior, fondly known as The Boss, showed how wonderful geriatric dogs can be as well as proving that you really can teach an old dog new tricks. I adopted her, and with her outgoing personality decided that she would make a wonderful therapy dog. She passed her test with flying colors and bestowed love in a senior setting. Everyone loved her. With age comes pain that eventually becomes unmanageable; Honey’s spine was fused and the arthritis severe. Medication and cold laser treatments eased the suffering for a long time, but at the age of 14, the discomfort had become unmanageable, she could barely move, and the gift of peace had to be presented. Honey gained her wings on February 25, 2021; she finally is pain free and I am sure by now has claimed for herself a Cheetos tree as she makes certain all is exactly as she expects it. She certainly shaped our family, and we miss her each and every day. –Roni Sumner

We are sad to say that our beloved Lily Girl passed away today. She was 13 years old when we were fortunate to become her “Forever Foster” home. Lily’s owner had died and her family did not want her, so they called animal control. Animal control reached out to SEVA GRREAT because Lily was in bad shape - both medically and emotionally. They did not think she would make it through the night. That was 2 1/2 years ago. Since day one, Lily became a wonderful addition to our family. She loved her life here with us and she loved her 5 siblings very much. She especially loved her morning walks - the more to bark at, the better the walk. Our neighbors called it “the bark and walk”. People would hear her coming and open up their doors to say hello to her. It is difficult to accept that end of life is a part of life. It always hits you hard. Today isn’t about what we lost but a celebration of what we gained in the 2+ years that we had Lily. Lily Girl, you were so unique, a joy and a blessing. We love you very much and we thank you for the love and happiness you gave to our daily lives. Now, go and run and play! Barking all the way!! –Debbie & Joe Morris
Brandy taught us more about being human than 67/69 years had ever taught us. She is my hero.
–Charlie & Linda Mattax