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How to Stop Dog Barking
How to Stop Dog Barking with Training Methods
Any behavioral treatment program to help stop dog barking must be based on the type of problem, your household’s needs and schedules, the immediacy of the situation, and the type and level of control that you require. A good behavioral history is important for determining the cause of the problem behavior, the motivation, and the cause for the barking.
Ensure that your dog is not being rewarded inadvertently. Some owners, in an attempt to calm their dogs, will actually encourage the barking by giving attention, play, food, or affection while the dog is barking.
Ensure that your response is not aggravating the problem. For example, yelling at a dog that is barking because of anxiety or because it is protecting its territory (home and grounds) is only likely to increase the dog’s anxiety. Limit Motivation for Dog Barking
Sometimes the home can be modified so that the dog is sheltered from the sounds and sights that cause barking. Exposure might be minimized by confining the dog to a crate (if the dog has been crate trained this will be easier to implement), or confined to a room away from highly trafficked areas like doors and windows. Windows might be covered so that the dog cannot see outside, and privacy fencing may be an option for dogs that are allowed time outdoors (such as in a yard). To stop dog barking on a dog that spends time outside, the dog may need to be kept indoors except when the owner is able to supervise. Trigger sounds, such as doorbells or telephones, that have become a part of the dog’s ingrained reaction should be changed so that they are not provoking a response.
Using Rewards for Dog Training
Until an effective reward based training program has begun, it is very unlikely that the dog will learn to stop barking on command. Begin by increasing exercise and play, along with crate training. Halter training and obedience classes may also need to be
implemented before you can stop dog barking, particularly if your dog is well past puppy age and has become a habitual barker.
Once you have sufficient control and the dog responds to obedience commands and handling, it should be relatively simple to train your dog to stop barking on command. Treatment plans include rewards and praise, distraction, halter and leash training, and in some cases, prescription drug treatment.
Regardless of the plan, rewards, usually in the form of a treat, should be given immediately after the barking stops, so that the dog begins to associate quiet behavior with rewards and praise. As the treat is being given, use the command word you have chosen for “quiet.” The command word may even be “quiet,” but mainly, keep the word simple and use it consistently. It is important for the dog to associate SILENCE with the command being used.
Over time, the plan should be shaped so that the dog is required to stay quiet for progressively longer times before the reward and praise are given. Your final goal is to train your dog to quiet down without receiving a treat, though you will always give praise. Getting to that point may take some time.
Stopping the Dog’s Motivation to Bark
Once the dog is consistently obeying the quiet command, the next step is to begin a re-training program by placing the dog in the presence of the motivating factors (people, other dogs, sounds) that lead to barking.
These encounters should be controlled by you. Ask a friend to stand in for people, a friend with a dog to stand in for dogs (close to the property, outside a window, etc.), or get a family member or friend to ring the doorbell/ knock on the door.
Training with a head halter and leash can be effective for implementing this plan safely. The stimulus should first be presented to the dog from a distance (e.g., children riding bicycles on the street while the dog is kept on the porch), while the dog is being given a quiet or sit-stay command by you. Although the halter and leash is generally all that is required to control the dog and achieve the appropriate response, you can also use it in tandem with a distraction.
This plan uses a device such as an ultrasonic trainer or shake can (a can filled with coins or other noise making objects) to distract the dog, to grab their attention, breaking the habitual response. Do this every time the dog barks when you don’t want. As the dog responds less frequently to outside factors, continue to repeat the sessions, with progressively more intense stimuli (e.g., bringing the factors closer to home). This type of training is effective, but progress can be slow and time consuming. Much patience and persistence must be given to this project.
Medical Treatment for Dog Barking
Dogs that are barking for other reasons, such as from fear, separation anxiety, or in association with compulsive disorders, will require medical treatment for the underlying problem. You will need to see a veterinarian, who may prescribe a dog safe anti-anxiety drug. A veterinarian who specializes in behavioral issues can help stop dog barking and help you to develop a behavior modification plan that will at least mitigate the problem, if not resolve it.
Some people have used surgery to resolve their dogs’ barking. Surgical debarking is a drastic and often permanent method for eliminating barking. Varying degrees of vocalization may return as the surgical site heals and scars, however, devocalization does not address the underlying motivation for the barking and is unlikely to reduce the intensity or frequency of the barking itself. Devocalization is therefore not recommended to stop dog barking, except in cases where the owners are confronted with the need to relinquish their dog if vocalization cannot be resolved. In these cases the risks and humane issues will need to be weighed against all other possible options.