Varaždin u slici i riječi

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u slici i riječi Varaždin through pictures and words


in Bild und Wort


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riječ UREDNIKa

14 umjetnost

čudesna ozračja grada varaždina




ulice i trgovi

44 GUNDULIĆEVA ULICa 44 gajeva ulica 46 BAKAČEVA ULICa 49 USKA ULICA 52 kUKULJevićeva 53 DRAŠKOVIĆEVA 56 PAVLINSKA ULICA 58 školska ulica 60 KRANJČEVIĆEVA ULICa 62 PADOVčeva 64 STANČIĆEV TRG 66 TRG BANA JOSIPA JELAČIĆA 68 franjevački TRG 70 TRG slobode 74 TRG kralja tomislava 76 POVIJESNE GRAĐEVINE 80 © STANEK d.o.o. - Varaždin 2006. E-mail: Tel.: 042/207-215 Fax: 042/641-215 za nakladnika

Josip Stanek


dr. sc. Ivan Čehok

ljudi I OBIČAJI priroda unutar urbanizma

122 130 138

događanja 150 ŠPANCIRFEST 150 BAROKNE VEČERI 162 SJAJNI BAL 170 gastronomija 174 okolne atrakcije 178 varaždinske toplice 178 DVORAC TRAKOŠĆAN 186 DVORAC MARUŠEVEC 200 ARBORETUM OPEKA 216 lepoglava 234 POJMOVNIK 248 zahvale fotgrafima 260 prijevod ENGLESKI NJEMAČKI

Peter Hopwood Lidija Lebinec Nikola Terstenjak


Barica Pahić Marijana Tomašić Boris Perić Anita Borovec

voditelj projekta

Jelena Kučan

obrada fotografija

Vjeran Kostović

GRAFIČKA priprema

Petra Pentić


GZH, Zagreb


Krešimir Geci - Gettzy

tekst napisalA skupina autora Mirjana Dučakijević Miroslav Klem Spomenka Težak Barica Pahić Antica Bregović Damir Crleni Spomenka Vlahović Petra Varšić Branimir Šurbek Nataša Maričić Koncertni ured Arboretum Opeka Turistička zajednica grada Varaždina

8 sadrzaj.indd 8-9

CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica - Zagreb UDK 908(497.5 Varaždin) VARAŽDIN : u slici i riječi / <tekst napisala skupina autora Mirjana Dučakijević ... <et al.> ; prijevod Peter Hopwood (engleski) ... <et al.> ; fotografije Krešimir Geci>. - Varaždin : Stanek, 2006. ISBN 953-6926-41-5 I. Varaždin -- Monografija 300724021 9 8/16/06 9:14:28 PM

editor’s word

14 art





streets and squares 44 GUNDULIĆEVA street 44 GAJEVA street 46 BAKAČEVA street 49 USKA street 52 kUKULJevićeva STREET 53 DRAŠKOVIĆEVA STREET 56 PAVLINSKA street 58 školska street 60 KRANJČEVIĆEVA streeT 62 PADOVčeva street 64 STANČIĆEV square 66 BANA JELAČIĆa square 68 franjevački square 70 slobode square 74 kralja tomislava square 76 HISTORIC MONUMETS 80

© STANEK d.o.o. - Varaždin 2006. E-mail: Phone.: 042/207-215 Fax: 042/641-215 PUBLISHER

Josip Stanek


dr. sc. Ivan Čehok


Jelena Kučan

PHOTO editor

Vjeran Kostović


Petra Pentić


GZH, Zagreb


people AND customS 130 NATURE within THE URBANISM 138 events

grand ball

150 150 162 170

photo credits



baroque evenings

gastronomY 174 SURROUNDING ATTRACTIONS 178 varaždinske toplice 178 castle TRAKOŠĆAn 186 Castle MARUŠEVEC 200 ARBORETUM OPEKA 216 lepoglava 234 GLOSSARy 248


Krešimir Geci - Gettzy

TEXT WRITTEN BY GROUP OF AUTHORS Mirjana Dučakijević Miroslav Klem Spomenka Težak Barica Pahić Antica Bregović Damir Crleni Spomenka Vlahović Petra Varšić Branimir Šurbek Nataša Maričić Concert agency Arboretum Opeka Turistic office Varaždin


Peter Hopwood Lidija Lebinec Nikola Terstenjak


Barica Pahić Marijana Tomašić Boris Perić Anita Borovec


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8/16/06 9:14:44 PM

wort des redakteurS






straSSen UND plätze 44 GUNDULIĆEVA straße 44 LJUDEVIT GAJ straße 46 BAKAČEVA straße 49 USKA straßE 52 kUKULJevićeva straße 53 DRAŠKOVIĆEVA straße 56 PAVLINSKA straße 58 školska straße 60 KRANJČEVIĆEVA straße 62 PADOVčeva straßE 64 STANČIĆ platz 66 BANUS JOSIP JELAČIĆ platz 68 franZISKANER platz 70 SLOBODE platz 74 kraljA tomislavA platz 76 HISTORISCHE BAUTEN 80 © STANEK d.o.o. - Varaždin 2006. E-mail: Tel.: 042/207-215 Fax: 042/641-215 za nakladnika

Josip Stanek


dr. sc. Ivan Čehok

voditelj projekta

Jelena Kučan

obrada fotografija

Vjeran Kostović

GRAFIČKA priprema

Petra Pentić


GZH, Zagreb



menschen und SITTEN 130 GRÜNFLÄCHEN DER STADT 138 EREIGNISSE 150 ŠPANCIRFEST 150 baroCKabende 162 gala ball 170 gastronomie 174 SEHENSWÜRDIGKEITEN DER UMGEBUNG 178 varaždinske toplice 178 schloSS TRAKOŠĆAN 186 schloß MARUŠEVEC 200 ARBORETUM OPEKA 216 lepoglava 234 BEGRIFFSDEUTUNG 248 AUFLISTUNG DER FOTOGRAFIEN



Krešimir Geci - Gettzy

tekst napisalA skupina autora Mirjana Dučakijević Spomenka Težak Antica Bregović Spomenka Vlahović Branimir Šurbek Konzertbüro

Miroslav Klem Barica Pahić Damir Crleni Petra Varšić Nataša Maričić


Peter Hopwood Lidija Lebinec Nikola Terstenjak


Barica Pahić Marijana Tomašić Boris Perić Anita Borovec


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Urbanistički razvoj i najvažnije povijesne građevine The urbanistic development of Varaždin and the best-known historic monuments Urbanistische Entwicklung von Varaždin und die wichtigsten historischen Bauten


rbanistički razvoj Varaždina teče stoljećima. Na njegovom se tlu i danas jasno ističu tri prastare prometne crte. To su ceste čiji latinski, povijesni nazivi, svjedoče da se radi još o rimskim prometnicama koje su povezivale Petrijanec (Aqua Viva), Varaždinske Toplice (Aquae Iassae) i Ludbreg (Iovija). Između tih cesta u ranom srednjem vijeku stoji županski castrum*. Uz njega nastaje naselje koje već 1209. godine dobiva status kraljevskog i slobodnog grada . U prvoj polovini 13. stoljeća sagrađena je u središtu grada ivanovačka crkva svetog Ivana Krstitelja. Proširena cesta uz crkvu oblikuje prvi varaždinski trg. Već u 15. stoljeću Varaždin je zaštićen palisadama i grabištima. Na trgu je srednjovjekovna crkva svetoga Nikole. Oblikovana su predgrađa. U južnom predgrađu sagrađena je crkva svetoga Vida. Neposredna opasnost od Turaka u 16. stoljeću uvjetuje urbanistički razvoj grada pa započinje pregradnja feudalne utvrde i izgradnja visokih zemljanih nasipa s bastionima i zidovima oko cijeloga grada. Nekadašnja srednjovjekovna tvrđava pretvorena je u suvremeni “Wasserburg”*. Obnovu su izveli talijanski graditelji iz okolice Coma pod vodstvom Domenica del Aglia, glavnog arhitekta Slavonske granice. Unutar gradskih zidova srednjovjekovnom se rasteru ulica prilagođavaju nove građevine. Već od 16. stoljeća trg uz crkvu svetog Ivana Krstitelja gubi na važnosti, a prvenstvo dobiva prostor na kojem još od 1523. godine stoji 80 Gradjevine_080_157.indd 1-2

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81 8/17/06 3:06:19 PM

KULA STRAŽARNICA STAROGA GRADA Ulazna kula u prostor Staroga grada, smještena uz porušeni jugoistočni grudobran, ostatak je obrambenog sustava tvrđave. Renesansna građevina s visokim kamenim dovratnikom ulaznih vratiju, pomičnim mostom i nizom prozora na katu bila je stan zapovjednika tvrđavske straže i smještaj za vojnike tijekom ratova s Turcima u 16. i 17. stoljeću. Kula je obnovljena u izvornom obliku prema prikazu na akvarelu iz 18. stoljeća, rad neutvrđenog autora. Akvarel se čuva se u Državnom hrvatskom arhivu u Zagrebu. VARAŽDINSKA FEUDALNA UTVRDA - STARI GRAD Najvažnija i najveličanstvenija povijesna građevina grada Varaždina, spomenik hrvatske graditeljske baštine nulte kategorije, je Stari grad. U njemu je bilo sjedište feudalne uprave, vlasnički i politični razdvojeno od kraljevskog i slobodnog grada Varaždina. Tvrđava je bila kraljevsko vlasništvo i posjed brojnih feudalnih obitelji koje su u njoj stalno ili povremeno boravile; grofova Celjskih, Vitovaca, Korvina, Brandenburga i Ungnada. Ženidbom Tome Bakača Marijom Ungnad 1584. godine, došla je u posjed obitelji Erdödy čije je vlasništvo bila sve do 1925. godine. Današnja utvrda građena je od 14. do 19. stoljeća. Najstariji sačuvani vidljivi dijelovi su dvije gotičke kule građene na starijim temeljima, kasnije uklopljene u renesansni “Wasserburg”* iz 16. stoljeća. Unutar južne gotičke kule i na njenom sjevernom zidu, vidljivi su ostatci veličanstvenog šiljastog luka, nekadašnjeg glavnog ulaza u srednjovjekovnu tvrđavu. Unutrašnjost prizemlja glavne gotičke kule, urešena je lučno svedenim kamenim reljefima s motivima ribljeg mjehura i rozeta, najljepšim primjerima svjetovne gotičke plastike u

Gradska vijećnica. Prestankom turske opasnosti u 17. stoljeću dolazi do znatnog graditeljskog zamaha unutar gradskih zidina i u predgrađima. Obnavljaju se postojeće, ili grade nove pojedinačne zgrade i cijeli sklopovi zgrada u stilu baroka. Najznačajniji su zahvati barokna obnova župne crkve svetoga Nikole i sada već Franjevačke crkve svetoga Ivana Krstitelja uz koju se gradi novi samostan. Kao posve novi i urbanistički posebno istaknuti sklop u 17. stoljeću nastaje Isusovački samostan i monumentalna crkva Uznesenja Marijinog. Tijekom prve polovine 18. stoljeća sagrađen je Uršulinski samostan i crkva Rođenja Isusovog te Kapucinski samostan i crkva Svetog Trojstva u zapadnom predgrađu. Izvan gradskih zidina izgrađena je crkva svetoga Florijana. U gradu i u predgrađima postoje brojne rezidencije hrvatskog plemstva, među kojima se ističu palače Drašković i Keglević. Požar je 1776. godine uništio velik dio unutarnje varoši te bitno utjecao na kasniju izgradnju grada. Slika današnjeg središta Varaždina nastala je obnovom postojećih zdanja nakon te katastrofe. Velika promjena urbane slike grada nastaje nakon 1807. godine kada započinje rušenje gradskih utvrda i zasipavanje nekadašnjih opkopa. Na novim prostorima nastaju tada značajne historicističke građevine, među kojima se monumentalnošću ističe zgrada varaždinskog kazališta, podignuta 1873. godine. U samom središtu grada izmijenio se lik glavnog gradskog trga izgradnjom dviju historicističkih građevina koje su svojim velikim masama bitno umanjile njegov nekad skladan izgled. 82 Gradjevine_080_157.indd 3-4

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8/17/06 3:06:33 PM

sjevernoj Hrvatskoj. Radi obrane od Turaka, tijekom trideset godina 16. stoljeća, izvršena je preobrazba srednjovjekovne varaždinske tvrđave u suvremenu dobro branjenu tvrđavu – dvor, okružen visokim zemljanim nasipima i opkopima ispunjenima vodom. Pregradnju je izveo talijanski graditelj iz Coma, Domenico del Aglio, sa suradnicima. On je bio glavni graditelj utvrda na Slavonskoj granici, a u Varaždin je došao je na poziv vlasnika tvrđe, komandanta granice Ivana Ungnada. Pregradnjom je nekadašnja gotička obrambena tvrđava dobila obilježje suvremenog renesansnog dvora ugodnog za stanovanje. U njenoj su unutrašnjosti dva prostrana dvorišta s otvorenim hodnicima sa stupovima i lukovima, građenim prema talijanskim uzorima. Plohe zidova su oslikane sgrafitima. Na južnom dijelu 84 Gradjevine_080_157.indd 5-6

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nekadašnje ulazne kule probijen je dvostruki prozor uokviren klesanim doprozornicima, urešenima vegetabilnom plastičkom dekoracijom i grbom baruna Ivana Ungnada, vlasnika tvrđe. Zbog osobitog obilježja koje mu je dao autor, nazivamo ga “Del Aglijevim” prozorom. Tijekom 17. stoljeća obavljane su pregradnje koje nisu bitno mijenjale izgled utvrde. Izgrađena su dva unutarnja stubišta koja su dodatno povezala katove. Današnji je oblik tvrđava dobila tijekom potpune obnove dovršene 1989. godine, rađene prema izvornim nalazima utvrđenim tijekom konzervatorskih istraživanja koje je radio Restauratorski zavod Hrvatske iz Zagreba. Od 1925. godine u Starom gradu su smještene bogate umjetničke zbirke Kulturnopovijesnog odjela Gradskog muzeja Varaždin.

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Birth, as well as the Capuchin’s monestary and the Church of the Holy Trinity in the west suburb. Outside the city walls the Church of St. Florian was built. On city grounds and in the suburbs there are numerous residences of the Croatian patricians, among which a special place have palaces Drašković and Keglević. The big fire in 1776 has destroyed a large part of the inside of the city, and had a significant impact on the later construction works in the city. The look of today’s Varaždin center has come to existence with the renewal of already existing buildings after that disaster. A big change of the urban city look emerges after 1807, when the tearing down of the city walls had begun and also the pelting of the circumvallation. In this area then the important historic buildings were constructed, among which is a monumental building of Croatian National Theater, built in 1873. In the city centar the look of the main square has been also changed with construction of two historic buildings, that with their monumental look have taken away some of the harmony that was once there.


rban development of Varaždin flows through centuries. On its ground even today there are three clear ancient traffic lines. These are roads of which Latin historic names witness that they were ancient Roman roads which have connected Aqua Viva (Petrijanec), Aqua Issae (Varaždinske Toplice) and Iovia (Ludbreg). In the medieval, inside of those roads there was a county castrum*. Next to that a dwelling came into existance, that already in 1209 was given the title of a king’s free town. In the first half of thew 13th century in the center of the town the church of St. John the Baptist was built. The extended road next to the church formes the first Varaždin’s square. Already in the 15th century Varaždin was protected with ditches and fences (palisades). On its ground there is also the medieval Church of St. Nicholas. The suburbs were formed and in the southern one there is Church of St. Vid. The urban development of the town was conditioned by the direct Turkish danger, and so the rebuilding of the feudal fort had begun and high clay banks with bulwarks were built, as well as the walls all around the town. Former medieval fort was turned into the contemporary 86 Gradjevine_080_157.indd 7-8

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THE WATCH TOWER OF THE OLD TOWN The entrance tower leading into the Old town, located alongside the demolished south eastern defensive wall, represents the remaining part of the defensive fortification system. This renaissance building with a high stone door frame at the entrance, drawbridge and a series of the windows located on the first floor, was residence to the commander for the guards of the fortification but also the accommodation for the soldiers during battles with the Turks in the 16th and 17th century. The tower was restored to its original form based on a watercolour painting of an unknown artist from the 18th century, now kept in the state archive of Croatia in Zagreb. FEUDAL FORTRESS OF VARAZDIN - THE OLD TOWN The most important and magnificent historical building of Varaždin is the Old town, the monument of the Croatian construction heritage of the highest category. It was the seat of the feudal administration, politically independent from the ‘free kings’ town’ of Varaždin. The fortress was under the Kings ownership and an estate of many feudal families, which were its permanent or occasional residents namely Counts: Celjski, Vitovac, Korvin, Brandenburg and

“Wasserburg”*. The renewal was made by Italian constructors from the surroundings of Como, under the leadership of Domenico del Aglio, the main architect of the Slavonian border. Inside the city walls, new buildings were fitted into the medieval raster of streets. Already since the 16th century the square next to the Church of John the Baptist loses its importance, and the primacy goes to the place where since 1523 there was the City Hall. When Turkish danger had ceased in the 17th century, the builders begun to work hard inside the city walls and in the suburbs. Already existing buildings have been renewed or the nw ones have been built, as well as big complexes in baroque style. The most significant renewals were the one were the county Church of St. Nicholas was rebuilt and of what was already a Franciscan Church of St. John the Baptist, next to which the new monestary was built. As completely new and in urban sense especially emphasized complex, in the 17th century a Jesuit’s monestary came to existence, as well as the monumental Church of St. Mary’s Assumption. During the first half of the 18th century the Ursuline monestary was built, and the Church of Jesus’ i

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87 8/17/06 3:06:55 PM

Ungnad. Due to the marriage between Tome Bakač and Maria Ungnad in 1584, it came into the possession of the Erdödy family until 1925. Today’s fortress was built in the period from the 14th to the 19th century. The oldest preserved visible parts are the two gothic towers built on even older foundations, later incorporated in the renaissance „Wasserburg“* from the 16th century. Inside the southern gothic tower and on its northern wall, the remains of the magnificent peaked arch of the former main entrance in the medieval fortress can be seen. The ground floor interior of the main gothic tower is decorated with stone reliefs showing fish bladders and rosettes on the arches including some of the most beautiful examples of worldly gothic plastic art in northern Croatia. Due to the protection from the Turks, during thirty years of the 16th century, the transformation and restoration of the medieval fortress of Varaždin was made into a modern, well-protected fort-castle, surrounded by high embankments made of earth and a water-filled moat. The Italian constructor from Como, Domenico del Aglio with his associates, carried out reconstruction. He was the main constructor of forts on the Slavonian border, and he came to Varaždin when asked by the owner of the fortress and the border commander, Ivan Ungnad.

During the 17th century, further enhancements were made without significantly changing the appearance of the fortress. Two new staircases were built to connect the floors. Today’s form of the fortress was obtained during the total renovation finally completed in 1989, designed according to the original findings based on the discoveries made by the Croatian Restoration Institute in Zagreb. Since 1925, the Old town has housed a wealthy range of art exhibits presented by the Cultural historical department of the Town museum of Varaždin.

Following reconstruction, the former gothic defensive fortress acquired the characteristics of a modern renaissance court suitable for living accommodation. In its interior, there are two spacious courtyards with open hallways on columns and arches, inspired by Italian architecture. The walls are painted with sgrafiti. On the southern part of the former entrance tower, a double monumental window was formed, bordered with a carved window frame, ornamented with plastic decoration and the coat of arms of Baron Ivan Ungnad, the owner of the fortress. Due to the special features given by its constructor, the window is called The Del Agli window. 88 Gradjevine_080_157.indd 9-10

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89 8/17/06 3:07:09 PM


die mittelalterliche Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus. Auch Vororte hatten sich bereits gebildet. In der südlichen Vorstadt wurde die St. Veit Kirche erbaut. Die unmittelbare Türkengefahr im 16. Jh. bedingte die urbanistische Entwicklung der Stadt, sodass mit dem Umbau der feudalen Festung begonnen und der Bau von hohen Wallmauern mit Bastionen aus Erde und einer Mauer um die ganze Stadt herum initiiert wurde. Die bis dahin mittelalterliche Burg wurde in eine moderne Wasserburg verwandelt. Die Renovierung wurde von italienischen Baumeistern aus der Umgebung von Como, unter der Leitung von Domenico del Aglio, dem Chefarchitekten der slawonischen Militärgrenze, durchgeführt. Innerhalb der Stadtmauern passen sich neuentstehende Bauten dem mittelalterlichen Raster der wichtigsten Straßen an. Ab dem 16. Jh. verliert der Platz neben der Kirche des Hl. Johannes des Täufers an Wichtigkeit, Vorrang erhält der Platz, an dem seit 1523 das Rathaus steht. Nachdem im 17. Jh. die Türkengefahr abgenommen hatte, kommt

ie urbanistische Entwicklung der Stadt Varaždin dauert seit Jahrhunderten an. Im Raum der Stadt sind bis zur heutigen Zeit drei uralte Verkehrskorridore klar zu erkennen. Es handelt sich um Straßen, deren lateinische, historische Namen bezeugen, dass es sich um altrömische Straßen handelte, die einst Petrijanec (Aqua Viva), Varaždinske Toplice (Aquae Iasae) und Ludbreg (Iovia) miteinander verbanden. In dem Geflecht dieser Transportwege befand sich im frühen Mittelalter das Castrum des Gespans (Kastell des regionalen Verwalters). Daneben entstand eine Siedlung, die schon 1209 den Status einer freien königlichen Stadt erhielt. In der ersten Hälfte des 13. Jh. wurde im Zentrum der Stadt die Johanniterkirche des Hl. Johannes des Täufers gebaut. An der Ausdehnung der Straße neben der Kirche formte sich auch der erste Varaždiner Platz. Schon im 15. Jh. war Varaždin durch Palisaden und Wassergräben befestigt. In der Stadt befindet sich

es innerhalb der Stadtmauern, wie auch in den Vorstadtteilen, zu einem größeren architektonischen Aufschwung. Die bestehenden Gebäude wurden renoviert, oder es wurden alleinstehende Bauten, aber auch ganze Gebäudekomplexe in barockem Stil neu erbaut. Die bedeutendsten Eingriffe solcher Art waren die barocke Renovierung der Pfarrkirche des Hl. Nikolaus, und der, zu dieser Zeit schon franziskanischen, Kirche des Hl. Johannes des Täufers, neben der ein neues Klostergebäude gebaut wurde. Als vollkommen neue, urbanistisch besonders hervorgehobene Einheit entstehen im 17. Jh. das Jesuitenkloster und die monumentale Maria Himmelfahrt Kirche. Wahrend der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jh. wurde das Ursulinenkloster mit der Kirche der Geburt Jesu erbaut, außerdem das Kapuzinerkloster und die Kirche der Hl. Dreifaltigkeit in der 90 Gradjevine_080_157.indd 11-12

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DER WACHTURM DER ALTEN BURG Der Eingangsturm in den Raum der Alten Burg, an der Ruine der südöstlichen Brüstung der Festung gelegen, ist ein Überrest des Abwehrsystems der Festung. Das Renaissancegebäude mit einem hohen steinernen Türpfosten des Eingangstors, einer Hebebrücke und einer Fensterreihe im ersten Stockwerk, war die Wohnung des Kommandanten der Burgwache, und diente auch zur Unterkunft von Soldaten während der Türkenkriege im 16. und 17. Jh. Der Wachturm wurde in seiner ursprünglichen Form restauriert, nach der Darstellung auf einem Aquarell eines unbekannten Malers aus dem 18. Jh., das im Kroatischen Staatsarchiv in Zagreb aufbewahrt wird. DIE FEUDALFESTUNG VON VARAŽDIN – DIE ALTE BURG Das wichtigste und prachtvollste historische Gebäude in Varaždin ist die Alte Burg, ein Denkmal kroatischen architektonischen Erbes höchster Kategorie. Darin befand sich der Sitz der Feudalverwaltung, nach den Besitzverhältnissen und politisch von der freien und königlichen Stadt Varaždin getrennt. Die Festung war Eigentum des Königs und im Grundbesitz zahlreicher feudaler Familien, die in ihr ständig oder nur vorübergehend gelebt haben; dazu gehörten die Grafen von Cilli, Corvinus , Brandenburg und Ungnad. Durch die Heirat von Toma Bakač mit Maria Ungnad im Jahr 1584 kam die Burg in den Besitz der Familie Erdödy - ihre Herren bis zum Jahr 1925 . Der Bau der Festung, bis zu ihrer heutigen Form, dauerte vom 14. bis ins 19. Jh. Ihre ältesten sichtbaren Teile sind die zwei gotischen Türme, die auf älteren Fundamenten gebaut

westlichen Vorstadt. Außerhalb der Stadtmauern wurde die Kirche des Hl. Florian erbaut. In der Stadt, aber auch in den Vororten, bestehen schon zahlreiche Residenzhäuser des kroatischen Adels, unter denen besonders die Paläste Drašković und Keglević hervorzuheben sind. Der große Brand von 1776 zerstörte den größten Teil der Innenstadt und beeinflusste im Wesentlichen den späteren Ausbau der Stadt. Das heutige Aussehen der Innenstadt formte sich durch die Renovierung der bestehenden Bauwerke nach dieser Katastrophe. Zu einer großen Veränderung des urbanen Stadtbilds kam es im Jahr 1807, als die Stadtmauern niedergerissen und die einstigen Wassergräben zugeschüttet wurden. In den neugewonnenen Flächen fanden wichtige historizistische Bauten ihren Platz, darunter auch das hervorragende Gebäude des Varaždiner Theaters, erbaut im Jahr 1873. Im Stadtkern selbst veränderte sich der Anblick des Hauptplatzes durch den Bau zweier historizistischer Gebäude, die dank eigenen großen Dimensionen sein einst harmonisches Aussehen abschwächten. 92 Gradjevine_080_157.indd 13-14

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wurden, später dann aber in die im Renaissancestil erbaute Wasserburg aus dem 16. Jh. integriert wurden. Im Inneren des gotischen Südturms und an seiner Nordwand sind Überreste des prächtigen spitzen Türbogens des einstigen Haupteingangs in die mittelalterliche Festung sichtbar. Das Innere des Erdgeschosses des gotischen Hauptturms ist mit gewölbt zusammenfliesenden Steinreliefs mit Motiven von Fischblasen (Ornamentart) und Rosetten verziert, den schönsten Beispielen der profanen gotischen Plastik im nördlichen Kroatien. Zur Abwehr gegen die Türken wurde innerhalb von dreißig Jahren - im 16. Jh. - ein Umbau der mittelalterlichen Burg von Varaždin in eine gut geschützte Festung unternommen – ein Schloss, umrundet von hohen Wällen und mit Wasser gefüllten Gräben. Die Umwandlung führte ein italienischer Baumeister aus Como, Domenico del Aglio, mit seinen Mitarbeitern durch. Er war auch der leitende Architekt beim Bau der Festungen der slawonischen Militärgrenze und kam auf Einladung des Burgherren, Grenzkommandant Ivan Ungnad, nach Varaždin. Im Umbau erhielt die einst gotische Abwehrfestung Merkmale eines modernen Renaissanceschlosses, in dem es sich angenehm

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leben ließ. Ihr Inneres umfasst zwei geräumige Höfe mit offenen Gängen, Säulen und Arkaden, gebaut nach italienischen Vorbildern. Die Wandflächen sind mit scraffito (Kratzputz) versehen. Im südlichen Teil des ehemaligen Eingangsturmes wurde ein monumentales zweifaches Fenster durchbrochen. Es ist umrahmt mit gemeißelten Fensterseiten und verziert mit vegetabiler plastischer Dekoration, wie auch dem Wappen des Hausbesitzers aus jener Zeit, des Barons Ivan Ungnad. Wegen besonderer vom Autor hinterlassener Merkmale wird es das Del-Aglia-Fenster genannt. Während des 17. Jh. wurden Änderungen vorgenommen, die das Aussehen der Festung nicht wesentlich verändert haben. Als zusätzliche Verbindung zwischen den Stockwerken wurden zwei innere Treppenhäuser angebaut. Ihre heutige Form erhielt die Festung nach einer kompletten Renovierung, die 1989 beendet wurde, und die sich nach authentischen Funden einer konservatorischen Untersuchung richtete, die vom Institut für Denkmalpflege in Zagreb durchgeführt wurden. Seit 1925 sind in der Alten Burg reiche Kunstsammlungen der kulturhistorischen Abteilung des Stadtmuseums Varaždin untergebracht.


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95 8/17/06 3:07:37 PM

ŽITNICA GROFOVA CELJSKIH – ORUŽARNICA SLAVONSKE VOJNE KRAJINE To je građevina uz feudalnu utvrdu, sastavljena od dvije povezane zgrade. Istočni, niži dio, podigli su grofovi Celjski u prvoj polovini 15. stoljeća za skladište žita. Na bočnim stranama prozora u prizemlju, vidljivi su sačuvani gotički profili. Viši dio zgrade dograđen je u drugoj polovini 16. stoljeća. Cijeli je sklop služio kao glavno skladište oružja slavonskog dijela Vojne krajine u vrijeme ratova s Turcima tijekom u 16. i 17. stoljeću. Uz višu zgradu stajao je nekad i kružni toranj za skladištenje baruta koji je porušen u 18. stoljeću. KULA NEKADAŠNJIH SJEVERNIH GRADSKIH VRATIJU Čvrsta jednokatna građevina četvrtastog tlocrta jedini je ostatak nekadašnjih gradskih utvrda koje su činili zemljani nasipi s grudobranima, okruženi jarcima ispunjenim vodom. Kula je dio porušenih sjevernih gradskih vratiju imenovanih na znamenitom Stierovom planu Varaždina iz 1656. godine kao «Porten gegen Ungarn», a u naše vrijeme poznata je kao Lisakova kula.

GRANARY OF THE COUNTS CELJSKI - WEAPONARY OF THE SLAVONIAN MILITARY BORDER This is a building located in the area of the feudal fortress, composed of two connecting buildings. In the first half of the 15th century, the Counts Celjski built the eastern, lower part to be storage for wheat. The gothic profiles, situated on the ground floor, are visually preserved. The upper part of the building was enhanced in the second half of the 16th century. The entire complex was the main storage for weapons of the Slavonian military border in times of battles with the Turks during the 16th and 17th century. Alongside the upper building once stood a round tower for the storage of gunpowder, but was demolished in the 18th century. THE TOWER OF THE FORMER NORTHERN TOWN GATES This solid one floor squared building is the only remaining part of the former town fortification composed of the embankment with defensive walls and a water-filled moat. The tower is a part of the demolished northern town gates named after the famous Stiers plan of Varaždin from 1656 as „Porten gegen Ungarn“, and in our time known as the Lisak’s Tower.

DIE GETREIDEKAMMER DER GRAFEN CELJSKI – WAFFENKAMMER DER SLAWONISCHEN MILITÄRGRENZE Dies ist ein Gebäude im Vorhof der feudalen Festung, bestehend aus zwei miteinander verbundenen Häusern. Den östlichen, niedrigeren Teil ließen die Grafen von Cilli in der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jh. als Getreidekammer bauen. An den Fenstern im Erdgeschoss sind die erhalten gebliebenen gotischen Profile sichtbar. Den höheren Teil ließ man in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jh. anbauen. Das gesamte Gebäude diente als Hauptwaffenmagazin für den slawonischen Teil der Militärgrenze zur Zeit der Türkenkriege im 16. und 17. Jh. Neben dem höheren Teil des Gebäudes stand einst ein runder Turm, der zur Lagerung von Schießpulver diente, im 18. Jh. aber niedergerissen wurde. DER TURM DER EHEMALIGEN NORDPFORTE DER STADT Ein solides einstöckiges Bauwerk mit viereckigem Grundriss ist der einzige Rest der einstigen Stadtfortifikationen, die Erdwallmauern mit Brüstungen, umkreist von wassergefüllten Gräben, ausmachten. Der Turm war Teil der niedergerissenen Nordpforte der Stadt, die in Stiers bedeutendem Stadtplan von Varaždin aus dem Jahr 1656 als „Porten gegen Ungarn“ bezeichnet wurde, heute jedoch als Lisak-Turm bekannt ist. 96 Gradjevine_080_157.indd 17-18

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97 8/17/06 3:07:45 PM

CRKVA SVETOGA NIKOLE IZ BARIJA Župna crkva grada Varaždina je na trgu u blizini nekadašnjih južnih gradskih vratiju. To je nekadašnja romanička građevina. Još je 1672. godine bila trobrodno gotičko zdanje s peterostranim svetištem i četvrtastim tornjem sa sjeverne strane. Zvonik na istočnoj strani ima ugrađeni kameni lik medvjeda i ploču s uklesanom 1494. godinom. Na sjevernoj strani tornja je i kamen s oznakom 1500. godine, danas prekriven žbukom. Kapa zvonika je iz kasnijeg vremena, vidljiva u istom obliku na znamenitoj Koppovoj veduti Varaždina iz 1732. godine. Na sjevernoj strani prizemlja zvonika, nalazi se gotički kip svetoga Florijana. Sadašnja građevina, s bočnim kapelama i širokim svetištem, podignuta je u vrijeme barokne obnove od 1753. do 1761. godine. Pregradnju je većim dijelom izvršio graditelj Mathias Mayerhofer iz Ptuja, prema nacrtima varaždinskog tesarskog majstora Ignatza Simona Wagnera. Nakon njegove smrti, crkvu je dovršio njegov pomoćnik Adam Poch. Na zapadnom pročelju crkve je lijepi kameni portal iz 1752. godine s klesanim pilastrima koji nose profilirani luk sa zaglavnim kamenom. Nad portalom je u središtu slomljene atike* obrub s natpisom, a nad njim, u niši, kameni kip svetoga Nikole, iz Barija. U niši na južnom strani crkve je kameni kip Marije s Isusom iz 1691. godine. Unutrašnja oprema crkve nastala je u doba baroka. Veliki glavni oltar iz 1761. godine radio je Thomas Hueter. Današnju središnju oltarnu sliku svetoga Nikole izradio je 1865. godine Karl Magjer. Iza oltara je vrlo zanimljiva zidna slika Varaždina u 18. stoljeću. Drveni kip trpećeg Isusa u niši pod pjevalištem, nekad je stajao u grobljanskoj kapelici uz crkvu, a u crkvu je prenesen 1777. godine. Vrijedni vitraji s prikazima svetaca i grbovima darovatelja, historicistička su djela iz druge polovice 19. stoljeća. U crkvi se čuvaju dragocjeni obredni predmeti, među kojima je najljepša pokaznica od pozlaćenog srebra urešena poludraguljima, rad varaždinskog zlatara Antuna Toroka iz 1773. godine.

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99 8/17/06 3:07:55 PM

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