FOCUS ON Business #2 January-February 2022

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Find the perfect office chair and increase workplace well-being. Holistic approach to ergonomics in the office Recent data points towards some worrying health trends among office workers. One in eight surveyed spent more than eight and a half hours seated over the course of a normal working day while 40% of those surveyed spent between two and a half and five and a half hours sitting still. It’s also been shown that those who sit still most tend to be those who also exercise less.

WE WERE MADE TO MOVE The health consequences of sedentary

with sitting still? For us, well-designed


office habits are depressingly familiar.

means crea­t ing chairs that support

These chairs are designed to help keep

Headaches and concentration prob-

the spine’s natu­ral S-shape while sit-

the spine in its natural shape both when

lems. Muscle tension, particularly in

ting, helping maintain a correct posture.

sitting upright and leaning back. The seat

the shoulders and neck. Circulatory

How our office chairs move and can be

and back are movement synchronized

disorders. Cardiovascular complaints.

adjusted differs. To exemplify this, we ca-­ and movement is more controlled. As

These problems cause countless hours

tegorise desk chairs in two groups – those

va­riants of this, some chairs have extra

of sick leave and economic damage to

that support the correct body posture and

functionality such as active pelvic sup-

businesses every year. However, these

those that encourage movement.

port and automatic weight adjustment.

facts are no surprise to medical specialists, as the human body was quite simply not designed for long periods of sitting still. Obviously, the default solution to this problem would be to encourage people to leave their seats as often as possible. This can be achieved in part by smart floor plans and locating coffee and rest areas or printer rooms a short walk from workstations. However, apart from the obvious productivity challenges, this is simply not logistically or practically feasible in many roles. So, what can be done?

SUPPORTING AND ENCOURAGING MOVEMENT At Kinnarps, we believe that a good office chair is ergonomic, comfortable, easy to use and sustainable. It should also be well-designed. But what does ‘well-designed’ mean in the context of addressing the health issues associated


Focus on Business | January–February 2022

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