WE DO GOOD IT, OR NOT AT ALL Interview with Marta Konopka, Communication & PR Expert and Katarzyna Bucka, Head of HR & Recruitment from j-labs software specialists. Outsourcing&More: To start, tell us a few words about j-labs software specialist. You are a Polish programming company founded by engineers and for engineers in 2008. What areas do you operate in?
Marta Konopka, Communication & PR Expert: We provide outsourcing services of IT specialists in the field of software de velopment. We provide complete develop ment teams, individual engineers and out sourcing of entire projects in agile models.
We support companies from various sectors, such as loyalty, finance and banking, telecommunications, tourism, energy, as well as gaming and ecommerce. During these 12 years you have built a 300-person company and you started basically with a business idea. In January this year, j-labs once again became a Business Gazelle. You joined the group of the most dynamic Polish enterprises from the SME sector. Congratulations! Give us some golden tips! Katarzyna Bucka, Head of HR & Recruitment: That’s a difficult question. If I had to choose what the key to our suc cess is, I would focus on three aspects: a clear strategy and vision of the com pany, a narrow specialization and focus on what we do best, and above all, relia bility and honesty in relations with clients, candidates and employees. Of course, I have to mention that in order to do that you have to put in the work. The huge amount of work put in by the founders of j-labs and the team that has been built for many years contributing to the com pany’s growth with commitment, all add up to its success. Well-qualified and com mitted people are the basis of every busi ness. I fully agree with this statement. Operating in the IT industry is a challenge today – for several years IT specialists have been in high demand in the labour market. How do you
Marta Konopka, Communication & PR Expert, j-labs software specialists.
Outsourcing&More | March–April 2020