FIVE WAYS POLAND’S OFFICES WILL CHANGE BY 2030 From desk sharing to more technology, office space is adapting to cater for the needs and preferences of modern workers. Many of Poland’s modern office build ings are already experimenting with new ways to use space and keep employees engaged – and the changes they’re adopting today could become common place across the sector in the next decade.
– Many of these firms have young workforces who expect areas where they can collaborate. There’s definitely a focus on basing office layout and design on the task or activity, rather than the sector – adds Jakub Zieliński.
With a young, skilled workforce, flexible spaces, high-quality amenities including fitness centres, restaurants and kinder gartens, tech-enabled workplaces are set to gain traction as evolving design in Poland sets the direction of office deve lopment for other countries across Central and Eastern Europe. However, change will depend on a range of factors from company size to budget and of course the age of the building itself.
Here are five ways that offices in Poland are changing:
1. MORE WELLBEING MEASURES As competition to attract and retain Poland’s skilled office workers increases, offices are looking at how design can create a positive environment that keeps people healthy, engaged and energised.
– This goes beyond simply placing a few plants around the office. Polish office – What Poland has on its side is that employees are increasingly conscious many of its buildings went up at the start about their wellbeing and expect that their of the century, making it a relatively young company will support them in taking care office market. This is more about fine-tuning of their health – says Jakub Zieliński. existing workplaces which are relatively modern, rather than major reconfigura- 2. MORE DESK SHARING tion – says Jakub Zieliński, Team Leader, At present, only 15% of Polish office Workplace Advisory, JLL. workers share desk space which is due in part to a cultural preference for place Change is being driven by the country’s making among staff. labour market which attracts many multi nationals in the business services sector, – It’s not unusual to see family photos, as well as financial and tech industry. plants and postcards at the workstaAcross Poland, the business services tions of staff. But that is changing centres already accounts for three million as firms become less rigid and strucsquare metres of office space, and JLL tured in their office configuration – adds expects further increases in the near future. Jakub Zieliński.
Outsourcing&More | March–April 2020