2019 ASTONISHING FINDINGS OF A NEW IT INDUSTRY RESEARCH IN LVIV Economic effect of Lviv IT industry exceeds $ 1 billion. Lviv IT Cluster summed up the results of the year with a new tech industry survey IT Research 4.0, presented in December 2019, at the Award Ceremony of the most active IT companies – members of Lviv IT Cluster. IT Research is conducted annually together with a sociological agency Fama.
IT Research 4.0 gives IT market overview in Lviv, presents a portrait of an average IT specialist residing in Lviv, covering socio-demographic characteristics, education, hobbies, vacations among other life areas, measures the IT industry economic effect with such indicators as the IT industry turnover, new jobs created due to the tech sector activity, and median income of IT industry employees in Lviv. The study is comprehensive and consists of a sociological and an economic compo nent. The data was obtained from employees of Lviv IT industry and top-level execu tives interviews, companies questionnaires, and governmental institutions, such as the Department of State Fiscal Service in Lviv region.
CEO of Lviv IT Cluster Stepan Veselovskyi comments on the research findings – Four years in a row we’ve been trying to keep abreast of the growth and changes in our city’s IT industry. It is crucial for us to understand the progress, the changes in the dynamics, and know detailed figures. In comparison with the first survey in 2015, currently, we can observe a significant growth in the last year alone. More than 100 new IT companies appeared in Lviv, existing companies have grown in number: at 3 of them, the number of employees reached 1000+ threshold. In total, the number of employees in the tech industry in Lviv increased by almost 4k, and the economic effect that equaled nearly 1 billion last year, has reportedly exceeded the previous year’s indicators. The statistics is overwhelmingly striking.
LVIV IT MARKET OVERVIEW IT Research 4.0 findings show steady growth for the IT industry in Lviv, with the number of IT companies increased by 45% in 2019 (currently, 461 as compared to 317 in 2018). The growth dynamics between 2018 and 2019 increased by 1,5 in comparison with 2017 and 2018 (28%). The number of IT specialists in Lviv increased by 85% from 2015 to 2019 and now amounts to 24–25 k. In contrast, in 2018, there were 20-21 k of employees working in tech. women
Outsourcing&More | March–April 2020