LAUNDROMAT The financial sector has been one of the strongest pillars of the 3cITy Business Services Sector. Historically the high paying sector has dealt with regulatory issues, but it has evolved. Today, this sector has expanded its catalogue of services to include transfers, currency exchanges, financial products and instruments, know your customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundry (AML) services. Thanks to a strong academic presence in the field of finance and accounting, as well as linguistics, global companies have started their shared service centers in Gdańsk or Gdynia – Sony Pictures, Metsa, DNV GL, Kemira, Thyssenkrupp, Staples Solutions and Swarovski are just a few examples.
It started with easy-to-automate processes and banking back offices, but the companies soon took the lead roles as the authors of future transformation by bringing added value to the local economy, while developing the level and scope of services offered. For example, the Arla Global Financial Service Center, present on the local
market since 2008, decided to seriously reinvest and change the organization of work in 2018, or how the PwC Financial Crime Unit and Bayer Service Center Gdańsk became one of the largest employers in the sector. So, how did the 3cITy build one of the cleanest (anti) laundries in the world?
Outsourcing&More | September–October 2020