Effect of mineral Adsorbants in poultry production

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D. Karanovic1, V. Djermanovic2, S. Mitrovic2, V. Radovi1, D. Okanovic3, S. Filipovic3 y V. Djekic4 Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Kragujevac, Cacak, Serbia


Institute of Zootechnic, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia)


Institute for food technology in Novi Sad (Serbia)


Center of Small Grains, Kragujevac, (Serbia)



The quality of poultry feed is an important precondition to achieve optimal production results, and the preservation of the health status of animals, especially in intensive livestock production, hence it is necessary to control both raw materials and finished feed mixtures. The presence of fungi (moulds) in food for animals is a natural phenomenon, not an exception.

Sources of contamination of poultry feed with fungi and resulting mycotoxins vary, starting with raw materials (e.g. corn as the most common component) during harvest and transport, during storage of raw materials and finished products, as well as in the production process and manipulation of poultry feed.

MINERAL ADSORBENTS Mineral adsorbents are increasingly used in poultry production, especially in the nutrition of various types and categories of poultry, to control fungal contamination.

Using different mineral adsorbents

In addition, the use of mineral

in poultry nutrition can prevent the

adsorbents in poultry feeds has

losses due to mycotoxicosis. It can

application in neutralising the

also prevent appearance of toxic

harmful effects of mycotoxins in

residues in poultry products, improve

buildings where poultry is reared.

production and reproductive ability of birds, and contribute to improving the quality of poultry products.


INTRODUCTION According to official data from

Given the ubiquitous nature of

Mycotoxins are toxic secondary

global institutions such as the FAO,

moulds, as well as the general

metabolites of a large number of

at least 99 countries in the world,

impossibility to prevent mycotoxin

saprophytic organisms (moulds),

which contain approximately 87%

contamination in foods feed

which, in animals and humans,

of the world population, have

materials, this topic is an integral

proliferate in contaminated food

some kind of regulation for the

part of modern livestock production.

infested with spores, conidia and/or

content of mycotoxins in food

The increase in irregularity

fragments of mycelium. Fungal toxins

for humans and/or animals.

of meteorological conditions

entering the body of animals and

associated with global climate

humans via the gut cause intoxication,

Worldwide interest in these

change has increased the problems

generally called mycotoxicosis.

problems is reflected in the

of fungal contamination at harvest

vast number of scientific and

and the production of toxins.

professional papers published on

Damage to livestock due mycotoxicosis may be

mycotoxins since the discovery of

Although it is almost impossible

significant, and are manifested

aflatoxin B1 in the early 1960’s.

to examine and measure the

in the form of direct losses due

true impact of moulds and

to mortality animals or, more

mycotoxins, the risks associated

commonly, caused indirectly

with the presence of mycotoxins

due to falling production and

is well researched and proven.

reproductive performance

(Ožegović, 1983). A specific problem is the mycotoxin residues found in different quantities in edible organs and animal products, which enter the foodchain and may cause adverse effects in humans.


MYCOTOXINS In chemical terms, mycotoxins represent a wide range of complex compounds with different functional groups and therefore different properties. Mycotoxins do not have sufficiently large molecules, and human and animal organisms do not produce antibodies against them and so remain permanently unprotected from their action, and in addition there is no simple method for their identification.

MOST FREQUENT MYCOTOXINS IN FOOD Common mycotoxins in foods include: Aflatoxins Ochratoxin

Fusarium toxins (zearalenone, trichothecenes) Ergot alkaloids Sterigmatocistin Patulin

Semmens (1983) state that zeolites, as mineral adsorbents, in accordance of their structure, are part of the alumina silicates’ group (SiO4 and AlO4), where the tetrahedral structure (TO4) is the basic unit. Tetrahedrons may contain various bonds, giving the zeolite structure many channels and cavities. The channel system may be

Penicillanic acid Rubratoksins Sporodezmins.

One-dimensional (unconnected parallel channels) Two-dimensional (channels connected in one plane) Three-dimensional. The diffusion rate of adsorption and ion exchange are functions of the spatial channels distribution. Every mineral is characterised by the channel opening size, so zeolites selectively retain or lose molecules depending on their dimensions.

The negative charge of the threedimensional network, which is conditioned with tetrahedral coordination, is characteristic of all the zeolites, with respective isostructural substitution of Si4+ ions with Al3+ ions. The surplus negative charge is compensated for by univalent and/or divalent cations which are located in the channels and cavities. The presented ions do not enter the zeolite tetrahedron network and, with the ion exchange reaction, they can be replaced by cations of other metals. The cation exchange capacity of zeolites is a function of silicon substitution with aluminium in the tetrahedron network. More alkali cations are required to compensate for the negative charge of elementary cells if the degree of substitution is higher. The cation exchange capacity for natural zeolite is dependent on the dimensions of the channels, ionic shape and size, the charge density and ionic valency from the electrolyte composition and is in the range of 200-300 mEq/100g in zeolites (Dixon y Weed, 1989).


Boyer (2000) states that clinoptilolite supplementation in animal feed leds to a significant increase in feed efficiency as well as reducing the potential of intestinal diseases (diarrhoea), and the toxic effects of surplus ammonium ions. Some researchers explain this as the clinoptilolite preference for large ions, such as NH4+, so it serves as a reservoir for ammonia. Some natural zeolites adsorb mycotoxins from feedstuffs and offer some protection from their toxic affects during digestion.

The process of mixing is an important phase in the production of premixes and feeds, in order


to attain uniformity in the basic matrix (carrier) distribution of the components so that each consumed amount of feed contains the required amount of nutrients (Filipović et

al., 1993), including toxin binders. Spoilage of animal feed means

In Serbian conditions, feed samples commonly contain zearalenone, ochratoxin A, trichothecenes (T-2, DAS) and aflatoxins. Research by Bočarov-

Stančić et al. (2000) and Jajić et al. (2010) showed that in years with good climatic conditions, between 20 and 25% of cereals were contaminated with mould and mycotoxins. Rajić y Ožegović (1990) suggested a set of measures for the prevention and control of moulds in corn, namely:

deviation from the normal quality in terms of changes of organoleptic

The selection of corn resistant to mould

characteristics, nutritional value

Seeding early varieties

and/ or hygiene of food stuffs (Šefer

Prevention of grain breakage

et al., 1997). Feed contamination with fungi causes poorer productive performance, increased metabolic disorders and diseases, and can eventually cause death. As a result, the presence of moulds in animal feed is an important criterion in evaluation of the quality of an animal feed.

Artificial grain drying Hygienic cleaning of the grain hoppers Grain aeration Tighter control measures for moisture Treating grain with propionic acid or a mixture of organic acids.


In intensive poultry production


adsorbents most often used to neutralise the harmful effects of mycotoxins achieve this by bonding. Adsorption therapy is one of the most important methods in preventing mycotoxicosis.

Supplementing zeolites at a rate of 0.5% in poultry feed under field conditions has achieved good results in the

Some of the adsorbents used include: Activated charcoal Hydrated sodium-aluminosilicates calcium (HSCAS) Bentonite Clay soil Various aluminosilicates or zeolites

(Adamović et al., 2003, Resanović et al., 2004).

prevention of mycotoxins. Further research on the different categories of poultry showed that zeolites can be used in amounts of 0.2% of the feed to effectively prevent the harmful effects of mycotoxicosis (Radovič et al.,

2000), which confirmed the previous results obtained in vitro.

Zeolites are classified as safe

Adding 0.5% of the commercial zeolite

or GRAS (Generally Regarded

MINAZEL in feed for laying hens

As Safe) compounds as per

contaminated with T-2 toxin (2 mg/kg in

EU 21 CFR Part 582.2729.

corn and 1.2 mg/kg in sunflower pellet) had a positive impact on increasing laying capacity and mitigated the negative effects of T-2 mycotoxicosis.


RESEARCH The research using MINAZEL

Zeolite (clinoptilolite)

in hens diets, supplemented

supplemented at levels of

at levels of 0, 0.2, 0.3 and

1.2% and 4% in feed had

0.5%, confirmed that the best performance was with 0.5% MINAZEL, giving increased laying, higher egg weight, better feed intakes, less feed consumption per egg, and improved FCR (Radović, 1997;

Radović et al., 2000).

a positive effect on weight The use of MINAZEL at a level of

gain, final body weight and

0.2% in broilers diets had a positive

FCR in broilers, with the best

impact on reducing mortality,

performances seen in those

achieving higher body weights and

receiving the 2% zeolite feed.

improving FCR (Palič et al., 1990; 1991;

Radovič et al., 1999; 2003; 2004). Bočarov- Stančić et al. (2000) added zeolites into meal feeds for broilers and found enhanced growth of 1.7-2.6%, and better FCR by 5.9-6.4% in the supplemented compared to the control group.

Adding MINAZEL at a level of 0.5% had a positive impact on body weight and growth of broilers and prevented the deposition of aflatoxin B1 in organs (Sinovec and Resanović, 2005; Resanović and Sinovec, 2006).


RESEARCH The effects of different types and levels of mineral adsorbents (MINAZEL and ‘Min-a-Zel Plus’ (MINAZEL PLUS)) on production and slaughter characteristics of broilers at 42 days were studied by Karović

(2009), Karović et al. (2010) and Radović et al. (201a; 2010c). During the fattening stage, different zeolites at different levels were used and compared to a negative control; MINAZEL at 0.5%; MINAZEL PLUS at 0.2% and MINAZEL PLUS at 0.3% inclusion. The authors concluded that the maximum weight gain was seen at 0.5% inclusion, and the percentage of inedible products was

highest in the 0.2% group.

Radović et al. (2010a) examined the impact of different levels of mineral adsorbents (MINAZEL and MINAZEL’) added to broiler feed on production. A trial was conducted with 400 broilers from one day old, of Cobb 500 breed, divided into four experimental groups. The control group (K) and experimental groups (I, II and III) were fed a complete feed of the same composition, with different levels of added

mineral adsorbent (0.5, 0.2 and 0.3% respectively). The authors showed that 0.5% supplementation gave the best feed conversion (1.716 g/g), followed by 0.3% (1.891 g/g) and 0.2% (1.978 g/g), with the poorest seen for the control group (2.161 g/g). In addition, the highest average body weights, average daily gains, and best FCR was observed for the 0.5% group. The authors concluded that broilers fed complete feeds with 0.5% clinoptilolite gave better results, and that the differences between the mid values were statistically significant (P<0.05).


RESEARCH Similar studies were conducted

The highest mortality was seen in

Best total weight of chilled

by Radović et al. (2009; 2010b),

the control group, and the lowest

carcasses was found in the 0.5%

who explored the influence of the

in the experimental group with the

supplemented group of chickens

addition of the mineral adsorbents

addition of 0.3% ‘MINAZEL PLUS.

(male 1570.0 g, female 1510.0

MINAZEL and MINAZEL PLUS to feed on the yield of broiler chickens separated by gender.

The highest average body weight of chickens were in the 0.5% group (male 2179.8 g, female 2086.3 g).

g), followed by 0.3% (male 1428.8 g, female 1371.3 g), 0.2% (male -1358.8 g,female -1303.8 g) and control (male

The research was conducted

Weight gain of chickens fed 0.3%

on 400 Cobb 500 broilers,

MINAZEL PLUS ranged between

divided into four treatment

1976.5 g (male) and 1899.3 g

The lowest yield (71%) was

groups, until they were 42

(female). The average weight of

found in female broilers in the

days of age. Dietary treatments

chickens fed 0.2% MINAZEL PLUS

0.2% group, while the highest

included a control (0%), 0.5%

was 1874.8 g (male) and 1836.0

value of 72.5% was in the same


g (female). The chickens in the

treatment of male broilers.

and 0.3% MINAZEL PLUS.

control group had the lowest weights

-1265.0 g, female -1176.3).

(male 1754.5 g, female 1649.0).


RESEARCH Palič et al. (1990) conducted a trial using one-day old chickens, divided into three groups of 50 animals. One experimental group received T-2 toxin at a level of 1 mg/kg body weight directly into the crop, and the other groups received the same treatment, but with the addition of 0.2% MINAZEL into the feed. The group that received the MINAZEL achieved the highest average body weight (899 g) compared to the chicks that did not receive the mycotoxin adsorbent (805 g).

In a study with 100 broilers divided into four groups of 25 animals, a complete diet either without zeolite (control) or with the addition of

In a further experiment with broilers, Palič et al. (1991) zeolite supplement in doses of 0, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0% in feed contaminated with 5.0 and 5.4 mg/kg zearalenone. It was determined that 0.2% MINAZEL gave the best results, showing the lowest mortality,

0.2%, 0.5% and 1% zeolite, Rajič et al. (1992) found that the average weight of the experimental groups, compared to the control, on the 35th and 40th day of age were significantly higher (P<0.001). FCR, relative to the control group, was 3.4% lower for the 0.2% group, 3.66% for the 0.5% group and 3.70% for the 0.1% group.

highest weight and lowest average

Based on these results, the authors

feed consumption per kg gain.

concluded that the addition of zeolite to feed for chickens had a positive impact on body weight and feed conversion.


RESEARCH In a dose response trial for zeolite (0, 2.5 and 5%) Rajić et al. (1992) found that chickens fed 2.5% supplemented feed had 9% higher body weights and 4-8% improved feed conversion.

Kelemen y Bogaromy (1983) fed broiler chickens with a feed containing 3% and 10% zeolite. The 3% diet had less influence on body weight than that supplemented with 10% in the final (grower) stage of feeding. Average chicken body weight on day 49 was 3.5% to 4% less in the control chickens group.

In addition, Duff et al.(1987) found that mycotoxins that cause inhibition of growth can also cause a reduction in bone strength. It is considered that the presence of even minimal amounts of OTA (> 0.5 ppm) can cause a negative effect on the broiler performance. These negative effects are already evident at the end of the first week of age, when fed contaminated feed, and chicks then lag behind in growth, which is dose dependent, but which is more pronounced in males. Exposure to contaminated feed without supplementation with a mineral adsorbent for longer periods causes a significant decrease in body weight (~12%) and increased feed conversion ratio. The results for average daily gains in broilers show that mycotoxins cause significantly negative effects on this parameter. Ayed et al. (1991) found significantly lower daily weight gains in broilers fed contaminated feeds without adsorbant supplementation.


RESEARCH Sukan et al. (1994) added 1% of zeolite to broiler feed which was not contaminated with mycotoxins. Results showed that body weight of chicks and daily gain were increased with zeolite, but also caused higher (poorer) feed conversion.

Similar tests were conducted by Dobeic y Amon (1994), aĂąadiendo un 1%, 2%, 4% y 6% de clinoptilolita al pienso. Clinoptilolite at 1, 2 and 4% resulted in increasing gain, higher final body weights and better feed conversion. Clinoptilolite increased the number of erythrocytes in the blood, while the 6% inclusion level led to decreased moisture in the faeces. Furthermore, the addition of 1% zeolite in feed reduced aflatoxin B1 residues by 72%, although 2% zeolite gave the same levels of residues as the control group (no aflatoxins), with gain improvements of 1.7-2.6%, and better feed utilisation of 5.9-6.4%. del pienso (5,9-6,4%). The use of zeolites (clinoptilolite) in various amounts (1, 2, 4 and 6%) showed that feeding 1, 2 and 4% had a positive effect on body weight gain and final weight of broiler chickens. The highest body weight and feed conversion efficiency were in the group of broilers fed 2% zeolite in the ration.

ZĂĄvodsky et al. (1985) fed males and females with 1% and 2% of zeolite in feed. On the 50th day of feeding, the body weight was 1803 g and 1819 g (with 1% or 2% of zeolite respectively). The body weight of chickens fed the negative control was 1873 g. Feed conversion in which the zeolite was added was 2.36 and 2.184, and without zeolite it was 2.00. Lon-Wo et al. (1987) fattened chickens with feed containing 5% of zeolite for a period of eight weeks. They determined that the fattening production results at the beginning of the trial in both groups of chickens were very similar, but at the end of trial period, feed efficiency was better and mortality lower for the broilers which received zeolite (P<0.05). Addition of 5% zeolite in the finishing feed for chickens gave significant improvements in feed conversion (P<0.05). In a second experiment, 20 geese aged 7-21 days old were fed a ration contaminated with aflatoxin B1, B2 and G1 concentrate, with and without zeolite. Zeolite addition improved conversion and carcass yield.


ZEOLITE Application of zeolite in feed to prevent poultry mycotoxicosis has been shown to be effective (Sinovec et al., 2002; Radović and Bogosavljević-Bosković, 2006), both in experimental (Resanović et al., 2004), and practical conditions (Palić et al., 1991).

Adding zeolite in feed contaminated with different mycotoxins reduces pathomorphological alterations in target organs (Nedeljković-Trailovi et al., 201; 2004). In addition, significant reductions in the presence of residues in edible tissues of broilers have been noted (Sinovec et al., 2002), but it should be stated that the efficiency of zeolite depends on the application and form in which it is used (Radović et al., 2000; Resanović et al., 2004).

Conclusions Increasing needs of consumers for improved food safety and quality impose constant problems in producing suitable and acceptable poultry meat and eggs.

It is assumed that different levels of mineral adsorbents added to the feed of broiler chickens have different and unequal effects on consumption and feed conversion, body weight gain, final body weights, carcass traits and meat quality as well as the health status of chickens in accordance with duration and economic performance.

Mycotoxin contamination of animal feed and resulting residues in meat and eggs are therefore an important consideration in poultry production. Because mineral adsorbents are broadly used in poultry diets, they contribute greatly in improving the quality of feedstuffs, productive performance, meat quality and carcass yield.

Tica et al. (2010) also demonstrated the impact of zeolites on the economic performance of growing broiler chickens exposed to mycotoxins. The use of mineral adsorbents in feeds and premixes can provide a solution to mycotoxicosis, showing better productive performance and economic returns to growers. However, in Serbia, the full benefits of the use of mineral absorbents can only be seen with the readiness of customers to purchase poultry meat products according to their quality.

For egg production, adsorbents can help increase egg production in laying hens, reduce mortality, improve feed conversion and prevent the occurrence of various pathological changes.



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