survey on
Jog Raj, H. Farkaš, R. Čepela, I. Pol, Bošnjak-Neumüller & M. Vasiljević PATENT CO., Serbia
STUDY MATERIALS & METHODS The samples were analysed by UHPLC-based multi-mycotoxin method for the determination and quantitation of all mycotoxins (Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2, Ochratoxin A, Zearalenone, Deoxynivalenol, Fumonisin B1 and B2, T-2 and HT-2 toxins) regulated in feed (Directive 2002/32/EC,
Commission Recommendation 2006/576/EC, and Commission Recommendation 2013/165/EU) by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. The method is based on ‘dilute-and-shoot’ principle. It involves two-step extraction and centrifugation of the extracts. To compensate the matrix effects in electrospray ionisation, the extracts are mixed with 13C-labelled
Aflatoxin B1, Fumonisin B1 and B2, and HT-2 toxin were detected in 13%, 44%, 24% and 8% samples, respectively. Los niveles de estas micotoxinas detectadas en las muestras de maíz fueron: Aflatoxin B1: 0,59-5.644 ppb HT-2 Toxine: 9-66 ppb Fumonisin B2: 53-2.540 ppb Fumonisin B1: 48-8.623
internal standards for each group of mycotoxins (U-[13C17]-Aflatoxin B1, U-[13C15]- Deoxynivalenol, U-[13C18]-Zearalenone, U-[13C20]Ochratoxin A, U-[13C34]Fumonisin B1, and U- [13C24]-T-2)
before injection onto LC-MS/ MS (Agilent 6460c LC-MS/MS).
Therefore, this survey concludes that maize harvested in 2017 has high levels of Aflatoxin B1, Fumonisin B1
A total of 113 samples were
and B2 in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina regions.
received for analysis at PATENT CO., Mišicevo, Serbia. Out of these, 53% samples were found contaminated with mycotoxins and 28% of these contaminated samples were found to contain more than one mycotoxin.