l a u iV s
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l a u s i v io STAGE
d u A ts r A I
12 M ON
ana atur M . ui M. L rreg R. A as r ique n M. P llejó . Ca M. D
Index Basic knowledge of the course 1 A world full of dreams
1. What we see................................................................................................................................................ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
With images.................................................................................................................................................. A new message....................................................................................................................................... An optical illusion................................................................................................................................. Unnoticed......................................................................................................................................................... A collage of your life........................................................................................................................
2 Visual language
. . ...................................................................................
1. The expressiveness of gestures....................................................................................... 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Silhouettes...................................................................................................................................................... Adjust the iconicity............................................................................................................................ Mixing colour............................................................................................................................................... Rainbow of colour............................................................................................................................... Textures...............................................................................................................................................................
3 An organised world
5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
1. Design and globalisation........................................................................................ 63
1. Step by step....................................................................................................................................
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Technical drawing and standardisation............................................ Represent a piece in three dimensions............................................. How to change aesthetics.................................................................................... Modular structures........................................................................................................... Designing objects..............................................................................................................
6 Creating messages
61 65 67 69 71 73
1. Search for balance........................................................................................................... 77 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Harmony in compositions..................................................................................... Do it with rhythm............................................................................................................... Typography................................................................................................................................. Analyse advertising........................................................................................................ Design a mini-fanzine..................................................................................................
7 Space, light and volume
79 81 83 85 87
89 91
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
4 To scale
37 39 41 43 45 47
Painting landscapes....................................................................................................... Light, chiaroscuro and volume...................................................................... The shadows of projection.................................................................................. The architecture of a place................................................................................. An architectural plan....................................................................................................
8 Capturing a moment
93 95 97 99 101 103
1. In another dimension...................................................................................................................... 49
1. Focus.................................................................................................................................................... 105
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Proportion - disproportion..................................................................................................... Scale......................................................................................................................................................................... Deformation.................................................................................................................................................. Design it yourself.................................................................................................................................. This is my style.........................................................................................................................................
51 53 55 57 59
Present, past and future............................................................................................... 121 The film genre.............................................................................................................................. 123 Shots and camera movements........................................................................... 125 My life is a story........................................................................................................................ 127
1. The representation of space.............................................................................
Plane geometry: straight lines, arcs and circumferences.......... Geometric shapes: the polygon...................................................................................... The expansion of shapes: the spiral.......................................................................... Tangents and links............................................................................................................................... My family tree.............................................................................................................................................
9 Illustrating stories
1. Geometry and nature..................................................................................................................... 35
5 Visual Arts
With perspective................................................................................................................ How do we see...................................................................................................................... The point of view and the framing.......................................................... A meeting place.................................................................................................................. Travel with your imagination.............................................................................
107 109 111 113 115
Resources related to project KEYS
Linguistic plan
Thought development
Cooperative learning
Emotional education
Academic and professional orientation
1 A world full of images Boa Mistura This example of urban art is in the narrow streets of Vila Brasilandia (Sao Paulo, Brazil). The artists are part of a multidisciplinary group of artists called Boa Mistura. The group started in Madrid in 2001, with the objective of filling the streets with colour and positive messages. ‘Art is exciting, surprising and inspiring; it is a tool for changing the world that allows us to see, think and communicate in a different way’. 1. Choose the words from the text to match the definitions. narrow
a) Composed of different areas of study. b) An object that helps you to complete a task. c) The opposite of wide. We like beauty. That is why we decorate spaces, objects and even our bodies. In this work of art, the artists decorate their neighbourhood and play with our perception by painting the walls of the houses. 2. Boa Mistura paints words like love, pride, beauty and strength in the favelas. Why do you think they do this? 3.
Take a photo of some street art in your neighbourhood. Tell your classmates where it is, what message it transmits and how it makes you feel.
Urban artistic intervention, a project titled “Luz Nas Vielas” (2012) in the favelas of Vila Brasilândia (São Paulo, Brazil) by the Boa Mistura collective.
Images allow us to understand reality and interact with our environment. Nowadays, we see and reproduce everything, even ourselves.
What we see
We have images of ourselves alone, with family and friends, with our pets, our toys, in different places, serious and smiling. These images identify and differentiate us.
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… In the box on the left, draw things you like using your memory. Try to do it as well as you can, focusing on the details. In the box on the right, draw things you do not like. First, try to do it from your memory alone. Then, search for what you have drawn and see how you did. If you want, you can also search for information about how to improve your drawing. You will need… Graphite pencils, markers.
With images
Sometimes words are not necessary, and we can express ourselves using images alone. These images may be complex or simple. Not all houses are the same, nor are all chairs, or people. However, by memorising information, the brain is able to synthesise and analyse it, creating visual thinking patterns as a way to simplify thoughts and save time and effort.
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… By means of simple drawings, create a character that expresses different moods. Choose six adjectives to define each one of them (bored, happy, daring, fun, ill, strong, indecisive, sad, etc.). You will need... Graphite pencils, colours, markers.
Adjective: 13
A new message
We create images that serve different purposes. The goal may be to communicate, inform or express. Communication is a complex phenomenon; we recognise the signs and symbols that we use to communicate because they have a specific meaning that is shared by a specific community. However, the messages may be more or less clear, or may be understood in many different ways.
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Look for signs, or iconic/symbolic images (such as letters, traffic signals or a brand logo), and transform the meaning and purpose. Choose one, copy it and create a story, as if it were a comic. Write a short script to go with the images. You will need... Graphite pencils, colours, markers.
A n optical illusion
Some images we perceive are false or lead to confusion; they are known as “optical illusions”. Perspectives and points of view can fool us about the size and the composition of the elements of an image. Many artists use perception tricks in their artwork, and you have also surely done it on one occasion or another.
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Create an image with printed cut-outs that forms an optical illusion. First, think of several possibilities, make sketches, and select the most interesting one. You will need... Printed images, scissors, glue, graphite pencils, colours, markers.
In the perception process, the brain interprets the information it receives. We tend to simplify (we perceive what is simple and common better) and fill in (we relate close objects that are similar, or complete incomplete shapes). Sometimes we look but do not see, therefore, many things go unnoticed. Some beings in nature seek protection by camouflaging themselves with their environment as a way to hide, since it is difficult to differentiate a figure from its background if there is continuity between the lines and the colours of both.
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Draw a landscape in which a person, animal or object is camouflaged. You can use a cut-out of a printed image and try to hide it with the arrangement of the shapes or in a background with similar colour and texture. You will need... Printed images, scissors, glue, graphite pencils, colours, markers.
When photography did not exist, portraits were often used to depict a family’s memories. Nowadays, we save pictures of many important moments in our lives: births, birthdays, trips, etc.
A collage of your life
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Recall a special moment in your life of which you have few pictures, or of which you have pictures that you would like to change. Glue a picture related to that moment in the box. In the other box, make a collage with photographs and cut-outs of magazines to recreate the same scene, but in a way that you would have liked it to be. You can add other materials, such as cloth, plastic or cork, fill in the spaces with colours, go over the details or add words or phrases. You will need... Printed pictures, magazine scissors, glue, colours, markers.
6 Creating messages Isidro Ferrer (1963) The artwork shown is a collage by the Spanish artist Isidro Ferrer, a poet who uses images as his language. He works as an artisan and uses wood, metal, colour and typography to express new ideas with everyday objects that he uses in new contexts. In relation to theatre and design, Isidro Ferrer shows his thorough knowledge of visual language in the posters and book covers he creates. 1. Match the words from the text to the definition. 1 artisan
a) done completely; with great attention to detail.
2 context
b) a person who does skilled work, making things with their hands.
3 thorough
c) the situation in which something happens and that helps you to understand it.
In visual compositions, the way in which we use visual elements can entirely change the meaning of the compositions. Advertising and graphic design use the power of images to provoke us, mainly aiming at our emotions, to persuade us to take some type of action. 2. What do you think this image is saying? Would the meaning change if the size of the elements and their arrangement were modified?
What changes would you make to this image in order to tell a different story with the same elements?
4. In groups, talk about what most catches your eye in the collage and why you do or don’t like the collage. Create your own individual collages and share why you put the elements in it that you did. Work by Isidro Ferrer as an illustration for the book Holiday workbook (2014).
S earch for balance We tend to make balanced compositions, yet some images usually stand out to draw our attention. Balance depends on the direction of the shapes and the distribution of visual weight as well as the position, size and colour. Balance is generally achieved by establishing a vertical and horizontal axis, although due to the weight of gravity we tend to lower the centre. UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Cut out images and objects. Distribute them in a balanced composition. Follow the criteria of radial symmetry, in which we start from a point and then rotate, symmetrically forming the same angle in all possible directions. You can complete the composition by adding colour, other shapes or text. You will need... Scissors, glue, a graphite pencil, colours, markers, magazine cut-outs.
Starfish have radial symmetry about an axis that goes from the centre to the centre of the opposite end.
Harmony in compositions
A compositional scheme is made up of the lines and directions of the main elements of the composition. We generally aim for harmony, order and proportion, but a perfect balance is aesthetically monotonous and too common. That is why we often substitute or counterbalance elements, leave blank spaces or avoid the centre. Along with the golden ratio, the most commonly used rule for spatially distributing the elements of a work is the rule of thirds. If we divide a rectangle into nine parts using two horizontal parallel straight lines and two vertical parallel straight lines, and we position the points of interest at the intersection of some of these lines, the composition will be more harmonious.
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Create a composition by following the rule of thirds. Cut out elements from magazines or printed images and try making different compositions with them, placing the elements you feel are the most important at the points where the lines intersect. Finish the composition by giving it balance using other drawn shapes and colour. You will need... Scissors, glue, graphite pencils, colours, markers, water-based paints, magazine cut-outs.
Do it with rhythm
When the elements of an image are repeated or alternate, compositions are created which are dynamic and have rhythm. These rhythms can be uniform or variable, increasing or concentric, etc. They draw attention to the image and help structure it.
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Gather many similar elements and create a composition with rhythm. To make it more attractive, break the rhythm with an element that has a different size, shape or colour. You will need... The materials you gathered, glue, water-based paints, markers.
Typography is the graphic way of expressing language, positioning letters and organising space. It is common for visual messages to use text in addition to images. You surely know and use different typefaces. The way advertising media makes use of typography is especially noteworthy.
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Design a special typeface. You can modify an existing one, combine it with others or create your own from scratch. Use basic shapes, or more complex ones for the letters. You can also fill them in, in a way that is special. Write your name with this new typography. You will need... Graphite pencils, rulers, colours, markers.
Analyse advertising
Advertising messages are directed at specific audiences. Designers always study the behaviours, tastes, and needs of possible consumers. They use every means possible to draw the attention of and convince potential clients of the need to use their product. Advertisements are constantly sending us messages; sometimes even without us noticing.
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Search for an advertisement that draws your attention. Print it, cut it out and then glue it to the sheet. Analyse its content. Then, answer the questions. You will need... Magazines, scissors, glue, a pen. Answer the questions 1 What is being advertised and how?
2 Do you recognise any stereotypes or subliminal messages? What are they?
3 What is the aim of the advertisement? Does it achieve it? Justify your answer.
D esign a mini-fanzine
Graphic designers create visual messages. These must be striking and quickly seen to be effective. To do so, they first decide on the characteristics of the elements and the possibilities of composition, depending on what they want to transmit. Their work consists of creating posters, magazines, leaflets, business cards, web pages, etc. They create advertising and corporate images.
UNDERSTAND, THINK AND APPLY… Design a fanzine, which is a small publication on a certain topic aimed at selling an idea. Fold a paper into four parts and cut the sides so that you have a small booklet with eight faces. Think about what each face will have, what the front cover and back cover will be, and what you will include inside. Make sketches, try different compositions, different fonts and sizes, etc. Remember that your ideas must be very clear and striking. You will need... Graphite pencils, colours, markers, a sheet of paper, scissors.
© GRUPO ANAYA, S.A., 2022 - C/ Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 15 - 28027 Madrid. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.