1 minute read
1 A breath of fresh air
Your heart beats to a rhythm, it´s called your heart rate.
What do you think?
Your heart can be trained. Can you measure your heart rate?
The facts
We can use technology to check our heart rate at any time.
Target in action
Promote a healthy lifestyle, learn to understand your own body and that there are differences and similarities to other people.

Breathing allows your body to absorb oxygen from the air through your lungs (breathing in) and expel carbon dioxide (breathing out). You need to breathe to maintain your body’s vital functions. You do it instinctively.
The more physical activity you do, the more your heart rate increases to give your muscles the oxygen they need.

1 Use these words to complete the sentences. Write them in your notebook.
nose breathe in mouth breathe out a) You can breathe in through your ? or your ? b) When you ? you expel air from your body. c) You do this to get air into your lungs: ?
2 Look at the pictures. When does the girl need the most oxygen? In your notebook write the order from 1 to 3. The wandering marble PLAY

My heart rate is faster now!
Your heart rate is the number of times your heart beats in a minute to send blood around your body.

When you increase your physical activity, and the effort you make, your heart beats faster. You also breathe faster to send more oxygen to your muscles.

3 Are these children’s hearts beating fast or slowly? Write the order in your notebook.

Types of movements
Do you remember what this movement is called?
The ability to move around is a basic motor skill. Others are throwing and catching, spinning, rolling and jumping. There are two ways of moving around.

• Active, when you choose how to move around, what direction to go in, how fast and when to stop.
• Passive, when someone or something else moves you and you do not participate in the decisions.
4 Which children are moving around? Write your answer in your notebook and explain your answer.
Learn more at anayaeducacion.es
Run away a) My cousin Carla is two. Her mum and dad push her around in a pushchair: ? b) It’s good for me to walk home from school: ?
5 Read these sentences. Write active or passive in your notebook.
Respect is important for a good imitation.
Imitation means pretending to be another person, animal or object.
To do a good imitation, you need to use your whole body: adopt different positions, make movements and gestures, use expressions and make sounds.

7 Choose a fictional character. How would you imitate them? What objects can you use?