1 minute read
W hat did I learn?
11 Use these words to complete the sentences. Write them in your notebook. Then use the first letter of each answer to find the mystery word.
1. When you breathe out, you ? air .
2. You should brush your ? three times a day.
3. When you breathe in, you take ? into your lungs.
4. ? a is your body’s ability to absorb oxygen from the air.
? ? ? ?
Traffic lights: Colour in next to the activities.
I know how to do it
I need help
I don’t know how to do it
In pairs, find out how to measure your heart rate. Remember to do it at the beginning and end of PE class. Then, using the logic wheel technique, find out why it is important to know your heart rate and how to train it.
How can we control our heart rate?

How did I do?
What is your heart rate?
What can make your heart rate higher or lower?
What is your heart rate before and after doing sport?
12 How did you feel? Write it in your notebook. You can use words, drawings or emoticons.
a) What would make you feel better?
13 Think about your development during this unit. Answer the questions in your notebook.
a) What positive things did I discover about myself?
b) What things could I improve? How?

14 Copy the emoticon that reflects your attitude in PE class.