1 minute read
2 Pack of cards
We are all different and we all have the same rights and opportunities.
What do you think?
Can you make a card game that helps represent the diversity in your classroom?
The facts
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognises the equality of all people.
Target in action
Make a pack of cards that represents the diversity in your classroom and help to celebrate our differences in everyday life.
Physical abilities and basic motor skills
In PE class you work to improve your skills, which depend on the biological characteristics of your body (physical abilities) and your skill level (basic motor skills).
1 Read and match in your notebook. Then explain your answers.
If you practise, you’ll get better.
2 Look at the pictures. Which motor skill and physical ability are they using? Write your answers in your notebook. Catch the ball
Everything is connected: if you work on one skill, you’ll improve in all of them.
You use your physical abilities (strength, stamina, speed and flexibility) and basic motor skills (moving around, jumping, rolling/spinning, throwing and catching) together, depending on the type of exercise you are doing.
Go for it!
The muscles, bones and joints
Your body responds as a single unit to the orders sent by your brain. Your muscles, bones and joints interact all the time, both when your body is moving and when it is at rest. Your body does some of the actions unconsciously, i.e. you don´t need to think about it. For example, it keeps your heart beating.
4 Complete the table in your notebook.
Femur Calf muscles
Tibia Buttocks
Humerus Biceps Radius Dorsal muscles
Bones Muscles a) Describe an action your body does unconsciously. b) Describe an action your body does consciously.
Kicking a ball ? ? ? ?
Throwing a ball ? ? ? ?
5 Answer these questions in your notebook..
The correct word
Body language
Your posture is your body’s way of talking. You use postures, or body language, every day to express yourself and arespond to its environment.
6 Look at their shoulders. What does their body language express in each case? Write your answer in your notebook.
7 How can you use your body to express curiosity? Describe it in your notebook.