Tourism and Territorial Marketing —Place Branding
Description This product aims to define a plan that promotes a particular territory – destination – more effectively and consistently. With the implementation of this type of projects, destination administrative entities will hold appropriate tools and communication channels in order to promote their destination, namely through the development of promotional campaigns (domestic and international).
Advantages The advantages of the development of such projects are: _ Destination promotion _ Increasing awareness _ Increasing numbers of visitors _ Increasing expenditure (foreign currency) _ Increasing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) projects at the destination _ Increasing available tourism offer throughout all tourism product life cycle _ Increasing commercial products for the destination
Scope This product includes: _ Study about destination’s notoriety _ Evaluation of destination’s main promotional messages _ Definition of the destination’s area _ Definition of umbrella brands and sub-brands _ Brand development process _ Visitors’ motivations and needs analysis _ Competition analysis _ Marketing-mix strategy definition _ Brand launch _ Communication channels definition _ Destination Management Systems elaboration _ Promotion and tourism marketing plans _ Destinations’ Promotional Campaigns development _ Promotional initiatives evaluation and monitoring
Implementation Period
Countries, Regions, Provincial Governments, Cities and Municipalities.
Between 6 and 12 months.
Cost/Price Estimated in accordance with the type of project, the geographical area and the available information.
Hugo Magalhães +351 961 379 956