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R+D | Our General Manager, Iago Becerra, and the Winemaking Director, Emilio Rodríguez Canas, have presented our sustainability, innovation, and internationalization strategy to the media. They also presented the results of the NOVATERRA international cooperation project, which has allowed us to develop sustainable biocontrol products to protect vines from major diseases and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides in the soil, increasing its biodiversity.


“The low temperatures in July, the rains, and the lack of sunshine predicted a challenging ripening process, but the excellent weather conditions in August and September have provided us with balanced, very healthy, and fresh grapes, which is being reflected in the wines we are gradually obtaining; full-bodied and very long wines, distinctly fruity”.

“The 2024 harvest at Bodegas Gargalo looks promising. The musts are finishing their alcoholic fermentation, and thanks to an excellent summer with no extremes temperatures or rainfalls, the grapes that arrived at the winery had impeccable acidity and an unusual aromatic potential. A magnificent quality of the final wines is expected, faithfully reflecting the unbeatable climatic conditions of the summer.”

“The 2024 vintage has been marked by abundant rainfall, reaching record levels in the last 40 years, as well as by a summer that was not too hot. These weather conditions favour a slower ripening of the grapes, which have higher water reserves and a lower alcohol content. It has been an exceptional harvest that enhances the Atlantic character of our wines, making them smoother and fresher, with a greater abundance of fruit”.

“The harvest lasted only two weeks due to the rapid ripening of the grapes starting in the second half of September, in a year characterized by abundant spring frosts. The result is a vintage of very good quality in which we have been able to extract the full potential of our soils and varieties”.

“2024 has been a year marked by a mild summer, which results in lower vineyard yields. Despite this, we expect an exceptional vintage, characterized by fruity, vibrant, and fresh wines.”

Idoya Jarauta Gurría, winemaker at Compañía de Vinos Heraclio Alfaro


More than thirty years of commitment to the National Sailing Awards strengthen our bond with this sport that we admire for the shared values it embodies: teamwork, effort, and the passion for becoming better every day.

Family photo of the award winners, authorities, and our president, José María Fonseca Moretón, during the awards ceremony, which took place at the 39th Príncipe de Asturias Trophy at the Royal Yacht Club of Baiona.

The counselor of the Terras Gauda Group, Juan Manuel Vieites, attended the event. In the image above with two of the award winners.

Our president during his speech at the gala, where he praised the spirit of perseverance of the awarded athletes and teams.

Daniel Nomdedeu, counselour of the Group, with his familiy.

Araceli Domínguez, wife of our president, with her friend Cristina Maza.

From left to right: Mar Dopazo, Beatriz González, Iago Becerra, Begoña Santamaría and Carmen Fonseca representing our team.
Santiago Delgado, financial director, with his wife, Cristina Gutiérrez de Mesa.







We have been visited by the team of directors, regional managers, and marketing from all the states in the USA of the Heritage Division of our importer, Trinchero Family Estates. As hosts, the president, José María Fonseca Moretón, the CEO, Iago Becerra, the commercial director, Mar Dopazo, and the Winemaking Director, Emilio Rodríguez Canas.



After a stop at Terras Gauda, we welcomed the team from Trinchero Family Estates to Quinta Sardonia. Our enological director, Christian Rey, was waiting for them there.

Trinchero Family Estates coordinated the visit of Alexis Ganter from Southern Glazer’s, our distributor in Missouri, to Sardón de Duero, with the CEO and our enology director as guides.



The enological director, Christian Rey, and the area manager, Raquel Martínez, welcomed our Danish importers: Jörgen Krüff with his team from L’Esprit Du Vin, accompanied by Thorbjørn Klemensen and his collaborators from Løgismose. The group experienced the last days of the harvest.


Mar Dopazo has headed to New York to participate in the 30th anniversary of the Great Match Taste of Spain at Little Spain Market. There, she has been with Kristy Buzuvis, regional manager of Trinchero Family Estates, and William Doyle.


Our General Manager, Iago Becerra, has traveled to Lima. At the La Mar Cebichería restaurant, he met with Astrid Gutsche, owner of Astrid y Gastón, among other dining establishments.


Oslo has been the destination for area manager Raquel Martínez. In the Norwegian capital, she participated in the event ‘The 2024 Wine Harvest,’ organized by our importer Moestue.



We are delighted to welcome the team and clients of our importer Les Caves de Pyrene to Terras Gauda, who organized a tasting in the United Kingdom, where our account manager, José Manuel Gallego, represented us.

The Vorarlberger Sommelier Club has visited us, accompanied by Beate Espinoza, owner of the importer Bodega Rioja. Our Area manager Raquel Martínez and oenologist Idoya Jarrauta Gurría have been their hosts.



It was a pleasure to open our doors to the team of Goessens Professionals in Wine, who import our wines under the Finca Egomei brand. Mar Dopazo, Raquel Martínez, and Idoya Jarrauta Gurría accompanied them during the visit.



This group of wine-specialized journalists traveled on a trip organized by the D.O. Monterrei, with Raquel Martínez, area manager of the Terras Gauda Group, as their guide.


From left to right, Roberto Verino; Gerardo Seoane, mayor of Verín; María del Valle, the designer’s wife; Iago Becerra, the general manager; and our CEO, Antón Fonseca Fernández, made a toast during the celebration of the 17th Monterrei Wine Fair.



We were visited by wine experts and journalists, welcomed by the president of Bodegas Gargalo, Roberto Verino, and Tito Levoso.


What a great experience to tour the estuary of Bilbao while tasting the wines of Terras Gauda and Heraclio Alfaro. Antón Fonseca and Ione García, the commercial delegate for the North region, enjoyed it in the company of our distributor Basterra.

We toast to the Cross-Border Tourism Cluster of the Galicia-Noth Portugal Euroregion, which our CEO, Antón Fonseca Fernández, and the winemaking director, Emilio Rodríguez Canas, welcomed at the winery.



We shared a great day with the team from our distributor, Tomás Fernández Vinos. As hosts, Antón Fonseca, general manager Iago Becerra, commercial director Mar Dopazo, the national sales manager, Jacobo Veloso, Toni Mayán from the sales team, and Alfredo Marqués, the red wine winemaking director of the Group, who guided a tasting.


The commercial delegate for the North region, Ione García, did not want to miss this gastronomic event where the best patatas bravas are chosen. A great pairing with Heraclio Alfaro wines.


Ione García and César Farrapeira, our distributor in León, have visited two must-visit restaurants in the capital, featuring Bodegas Pittacum wines on their menus: Marcela and Lumière.


Experiencing wine culture during the harvest season is an enriching wine tourism experience that has been well received by visitors. The pet-friendly activity “Discovering O Rosal, Roteiro e Viño” has also been a success, allowing us to connect with the surroundings alongside pets.





Bos Días

18/9/24, 18:51 Bodegas Terras Gauda presenta su estrategia de sostenibilidad, innovación e internacionalización Actualidad |

Bodegas Terras Gauda presenta su estrategia de sostenibilidad, innovación e internacionalización

El balance se ha presentado este lunes 16 en la sede de la Bodega, en O Rosal


Redacción Radio Vigo 18/09/2024 - 13:37

Bodegas Terras Gauda ha hecho balance este lunes de su estrategia de sostenibilidad, innovación e internacionalización, con la vendimia de 2024 ya en marcha. La presentación de este balance ha estado en manos de Iago Becerra, su director general y el director

Terras Gauda ensaya la viticultura del futuro con estrategias de gestión sostenible del viñedo

* La bodega desarrolla productos de biocontrol sostenibles para proteger a la vid de plagas * Rías Baixas está presente en más de 60 mercados como EE UU, UK, Noruega y México.


Productos de biocontrol sostenibles s y herbicidas

L a vit ic ult ura de l fut uro de Te r ras Gauda: g e st ión soste n ible de l viñ e do

n Interemp res as 18/09/2024 1 3 2

Terras G auda ens aya la vit cu tu ra del futuro inco rp o rando es trategias y técnicas de ges tió n s o s tenib le en e viñedo , más res p etuo s as co n e ento rno y q u e favo recen una reducció n de s u huella med o amb iental L a vo cac ó n de tras cender y el ap ego al terru ño gu ían a a b o dega en s us último s p royecto s de I+ D+ co n el fo co p ues to en la s o s tenib il idad y en la vit cu tura regenerativa

E l p royecto de co o p eració n internac o nal N OVAT E RRA, de cuatro año s de duració n y p lanteado d esde una p ersp ectiva interdiscip l nar ha p erm tido avances en do s cuestio nes cruc ales p ara lo grar una m ayo r so stenib il idad en el m anejo del viñedo Se han evaluado y desarro l ado p ro ducto s a ternativo s de b io co ntro l so stenib les p ara p ro teger a vid de as p rincip ales p lagas y enferm edades que m inim izan el im p acto m edio am b ienta p ero garantizan a v ab l dad eco nó m ica en la p ro ducció n de a co secha

Deb ido a las co ndicio nes c im áticas de as Rías Baixas disp o ner de p ro ducto s de b io co ntro l tiene una esp ecial re evancia p o rque es una de las zo nas m ás sensib les del p ano ram a vitíco la euro p eo en lo que se re ere p rincip alm ente a las afeccio nes causadas p o r ho ngo s

¿Te apetece ser vendimiador por un día? Esta bodega de Pontevedra te da la oportunidad

Se facilitar un kit de trabajo para que los participantes puedan reproducir elmente la labor que realizan los vendimiadores. La actividad incluir una degustaci n 9 septiembre, 2024 - 11:17

Paula Palomanes Actividad

Bodegas Terras Gauda

17/9/24, 09:15

Terras Gauda hace una apuesta por la viticultura sostenible

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