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PerFumeS. PerSonAl noteS
Galleria Continua’s pop-up space will be open until 30 January
He with describes himself as “a painter who is the artist’s language, while remaining faithful to a sculptor, because sculpture is presence in the his study of matter and colour. Kapoor’s works world”. His art is born from the intersection of are permanently exhibited in the most important the two disciplines, as a means to “go beyond” by collections and museums around the world, from way of illusion. This is a concept that is crystal the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York clear in his rarely exhibited alabaster sculptures, to the Tate Gallery in London, the Prada Foundain which Kapoor has care- tion in Milan, and the Gugfully removed precise sec- TO ‘GO BEYOND’ genheim Museums in Ventions from square blocks of BY WAY OF ILLUSION: ice, Bilbao and Abu Dhabi. the mineral. Playing with light, the senses and perception, his works invite the viewer to reflect on the THIS CONCEPT IS CRYSTAL CLEAR IN HIS RARELY His major public projects include: Cloud Gate (2004), at Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinois; Leviathan (2011), concept of infinity and the EXHIBITED ALABASTER at Monumenta 2011, Paris; mysteries of time, buried in SCULPTURES, IN WHICH Orbit (2012), at Queen Elizaform and substance. Thanks to the translucent qualities of alabaster, the artist reinforces the sense of passage ANISH KAPOOR HAS CAREFULLY REMOVED PRECISE SECTIONS beth Olympic Park, London; Ark Nova, the world’s first inflatable concert hall created for the Lucerne Festifrom painting to sculpture, FROM SQUARE BLOCKS val, Japan (2013); Descension and from painting to an aer- OF THE MINERAL (2014), recently installed at ial dissolution that, finally, Brooklyn Bridge Park, New becomes light. In general, Kapoor’s works make York (2017); and HOWL (2020), at Pinakothek der you lose your points of reference, disorientating Moderne, Munich (2020–2021). In April 2022, Anand destabilizing you, yet retaining their fascina- ish Kapoor will be the first British artist to exhibit tion, despite their sometimes catastrophic value. a major solo show at the Gallerie dell’Accademia The exhibition in Dubai tells of the evolution of in Venice.