Jan-Feb 2013 Scribe

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January - February 2013

A Newsletter for Royal Ranger Leaders of the Potomac District  Central Section

Changes in Store for Derby New Weight Restriction, New Missionettes Race Class Page 2

Gold Medal Spotlight

Page 7

Project Restores Family Cemetery

The Scribe  January - February 2013

Page 8

Significant Changes in Effect for Pinewood Derby Weight limit reduced, Missionettes Race Class Added


ommanders, as you prepare your Rangers and their families for our 2013 Central Section Pinewood Derby, you’ll want to make sure they’re aware of some important changes that take effect this year. First, the weight limit for the pinewood cars is reduced to 5 ounces, a decrease from the 5 and a half ounce weight limit we held to for last year’s Pinewood Derby. Second, we are adding a new race class to the this year’s derby to permit Missionettes—or Impact Girls—to compete in their own separate race category. Outposts are encouraged to work with Impact Girls club sponsors in your churches to invite their participation. Registration will be held from 9-10 a.m. You are encouraged to arrive as early as possible to ensure all cars are registered in a timely manner. All registered participants will be eligible to enter the pinewood races and will receive a special patch to commemorate the event. Participants will be charged a registration fee to enter a car in the derby. The fee for participants affiliated with a chartered outpost is $8 per car. The fee for Rangers and other participants affiliated with a non-chartered outpost is $10 per car. So, oil up the band saws and break out the sandpaper! It’s not too early to start make preparations for your Rangers to participate in our upcoming pinewood derby, scheduled for Saturday, March 17, at Highway Assembly of God in Fredericksburg. Other than the changes already discussed, our pinewood derby will feature all the other


great highlights you’re accustomed to. We will award trophies for 1st through 6th place in each of seven race divisions: Ranger Kids, Discovery Rangers, Adventure Rangers, Expedition Rangers, Commanders, Missionettes/ Impact Girls, and Open Class (for family members and friends). And we will select 1st through 6th place winners in each race division to receive craftsmanship awards for their display of the best creativity. Special features of this year’s derby will include: GRAND PRIZE. The Ranger with the fastest single race time will receive a radio-controlled car. SPLIT SECOND FINISH LINE. Electronic finish lines on our tracks calculate precise race times — to the thousandth of a second! CRAFTS, GAMES & MOVIES. Special activities for each age group are planned to help pass the time when “drivers” aren’t racing. DESIGN COUNTS. All pinewood entries will be judged for a special “best workmanship” award.

HOT MEALS. The “Finish Line” concession stand will be open all day to provide coffee and donuts, lunch and snacks. Only two pinewood car kits will be authorized for entries in all regular race divisions for Ranger Kids, Discovery Rangers, Adventure Rangers, Expedition Rangers, Commanders, Missionettes (Impact Girls) and Open Class. The approved kits are:  Boy Scouts of America Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Car Kit (Stock #17006), $3.59. Call toll-free (800) 323-0732.  Gospel Publishing House Pinewood Car Kit (Stock #18-7540), $2.95. Call toll-free (800) 641-4310. No wheel substitutions will be allowed within the regular race divisions; cars made from approved kits must use the wheels provided. Complete pinewood derby rules are provided for you in this edition of The Scribe on pages 3-4.

The Scribe  January - February 2013

Saturday March 16, 2013 Highway Assembly of God Fredericksburg Registration 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Cost per car registered: Chartered Outposts $8 Non-Chartered Outposts $10 Rangers of all ages and their families are certain to enjoy this exciting pinewood race, one of our most anticipated Ranger events of the year. Plan now to attend and be part of the fun! Awards will include trophies for 1st thru 6th place for each race class, plus ribbons for best workmanship. Race classes will include: Ranger Kids

Discovery Rangers

Adventure Rangers

Expedition Rangers


Open Class (Parents & Friends)

 Missionettes/Impact Girls 

“Finish Line” Concession Stand Don’t worry about bringing a “soggy” bag lunch! Food and beverages will be available throughout the day during the Pinewood Derby, beginning with coffee and donuts in the morning, hot dogs and BBQ for lunch, and afternoon refreshments.

Win a Radio-Control Car! As a special bonus prize at our 2013 Pinewood Derby, the Ranger whose car has the fastest single race time during the day will receive a radiocontrol car to race … off track!

The Scribe  January - February 2013


Official Rules for the Conduct of Royal Ranger Pinewood Derby Adopted by Central Section Royal Rangers

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Royal Ranger Pinewood Derby Project was started with the intent of having a project that a father and son could work on together and to give the boy with no father at home an opportunity to learn with his father image, leader, or sponsor. Through this project each boy will learn many woodworking skills and good sportsmanship con-ducted in a Christian manner.

Please allow the boy to experience as much of the joy of this project as he can. God bless you and may the best car win.

FORMAT OF COMPETITION 1. All races will start at the specified time and participants must allow time to register their cars prior to race time. The races will be conducted in a multiple elimination format (see Race Procedures). 2. Participants will be charged a registration fee to enter a car in the derby. The fee for participants affiliated with a chartered outpost is $8 per car; the fee for participants affiliated with a non-chartered outpost is $10 per car. 3. Classes include Ranger Kids, Discovery Rangers, Adventure Rangers, Expedition Rangers, Commanders, Missionettes/Impact Girls and Open Class. Only chartered Rangers and Commanders are eligible for the Ranger age-group specific classes. 4. An Open Class is included for parents, family members or friends. The cars in this class must adhere to the same rules as other classes and must be a separate car not racing in any other class. The cost will be the same for this class and all other conditions of racing remain the same. 5. The only pinewood car kits authorized for entries in all race divisions


(Ranger Kids, Discovery Rangers, Adventure Rangers, Expedition Rangers, Commanders, and Open) are as follows: - Boy Scouts Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Car Kit, Stock #17006. Call tollfree (800) 323-0732 to order direct. - Gospel Publishing House Pinewood Car Kit, Stock #18-7540. Call toll-free (800) 641-4310 to order. No wheel substitutions will be allowed; cars made from approved kits must use the wheels provided. No alterations to either wheels or axles provided with approved kits will be permitted. 6. Pinewood entries made from other than approved kits, or that use alternate wheel types, will not be permitted to race. 7. Due to possible schedule conflicts — if a car owner cannot be present to race — a Ranger leader or other designated alternate may race or show a car that is otherwise eligible. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION 1. The Ranger may have help in building his car (dependent on his age and skill) and it may be shaped by any means desired. It does not have to be whittled. Do not design the car so it has a competitive advantage while sitting in the starting gate. 2. All cars entered in competition must be able to fit on and roll down the track. All cars must meet the following specifications: (a) A car must not be more than 7½” in length, including all attachments. (b) A car must not be more than 2¾” in width, including wheels and axles. (c) A car must not be more than 4” high.

Revised January 2013

(d) A car must not weigh more than 5 ounces. 3. No part of the car may extend in front of the track starting gatepost. 4. All weights must be inside the car, part of the ornaments, or securely attached to the car. A car can be disqualified if the weights are not securely attached to the car. 5. No bearings or bushings of any type may be used on any car. 6. No metal-to-metal contact is allowed in the wheel assembly. 7. No starting devices (springs, wires, rubber bands, etc.) are allowed on any car. The car must start moving and roll by gravity only; no pushing or blowing will be permitted. 8. You may lubricate the wheels with any lubricant you desire. However, if any lubricant drips or spills on the track from the car it may disqualified. We expect some graphite to fowl the track, but excessive graphite or dripping oil will cause disqualification. WORKMANSHIP RULES 1. All cars entered by Royal Rangers at the Pine-wood Derby will automatically be considered for a Workmanship Award. The primary intent of this competition is to recognize workmanship that is specifically that of a Ranger himself. 2. Workmanship will be judged by at least three judges chosen by the Derby Director. The judges will grade cars according to three criteria: originality, workmanship, and general appearance.

Originality - Take into consideration how much creativity went into the design of the car. Is the idea or design

The Scribe  January - February 2013

See DERBY RULES, page 5


Fair Competition is the Goal

FROM PAGE 4 unique? Ratings: Fair 1-4 points; Good 5-7 points, Excellent 8-10 points.

Workmanship - Take into consideration the Ranger’s skill and craftsmanship; how well the car was cut or carved, sanded, finished, and detailed. Are there excessive “store-bought parts” or decals that did not require workmanship? Ratings: Fair 1-6 points; Good 7-12 points; Excellent 13-20 points. General Appearance - Take into consideration the painting of the car and the color scheme if more than one color is used. Ratings 1-20 points as above. RACE PROCEDURES 1. Each car must be registered at the registration table, inspected, and placed on the display table before scheduled race time. The car will be given a number to expedite the racing activity. The car will be inspected by members of the Derby Staff for weight and measurements. Scales used by Derby Staff for registering cars will be considered official scales to be used for the event, to provide an equitable standard of measure for all cars. 2. Once a car has completed inspection, no further work or lubrication is allowed without permission of the Derby Director. 3. If, during the race, a car is broken, a contestant may ask the Derby Director for permission to repair the problem only. Do not take advantage of such opportunities to make other adjustments.

4. All races will be run on an elimination basis to determine the fastest cars. The exact method will depend upon the type of track being used and the number of cars racing. The method will be explained by the Derby Director prior to the first heat of the race. To eliminate any possible differences in lanes (or perceived differences), cars will rotate lanes on the track in as orderly a manner as possible. 5. If either a car or parts of a car leave the track or interfere with another car before the finish line, the race will be declared “no contest,” and the race will be re-run with the cars in the same lanes. If the same car or parts of the car leaves the track or interferes a second time, the offending car will lose that heat. 6. Only a car’s owner, the official starter, and official finish line judges or workmanship judges may handle the car. Handling will not go beyond what is absolutely necessary. While not racing, all cars will be left on the display table until cleared by the Derby Director. 7. All cars and participants must adhere to all the rules and specifications included in this set of official rules or they will be disqualified from the Pinewood Derby. If you have any doubts about a car or an action, see the Derby Director or a Sectional Staff member as soon as possible while we can still deal with the situation without hurting anyone’s feelings.

2013 calendar Of events February 15-16 Leadership Training Academy March 2 First Aid/CPR Training March 16 Pinewood Derby March 22-23 Potomac District Commanders’ Conference & Ranger of the Year Competition April 5-7 FCF Spring Trace April 13 Sectional Leadership Roundtable April 13 Light for the Lost Banquet April 27 Ranger Kids Field Day May 16-19 Central Section Pow Wow June 22 Adventure/Expedition Ranger Event July 20 Sectional Leadership Roundtable August 11-14 Junior Leadership Training Academy August 15-18 Potomac District Pow Wow September 6-7 Leadership Training Academy September 14 Discovery Ranger Event September 27-29 FCF Fall Trace October 12 Sectional Leadership Roundtable October 25-26 Sectional Ranger of the Year November 1-3 Sectional FCF Rendezvous

Central Section Royal Rangers on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/CentralSectionRangers

The Scribe  January - February 2013

December 7 LTA/First Aid/CPR Training


CENTRAL SECTION ROYAL RANGERS PARENTAL PERMISSION & MEDICAL RELEASE FORM for 2013 CENTRAL SECTION PINEWOOD DERBY March 16, 2013 Please print or type all information. All signature blocks must be completed.








PARENTAL/GUARDIAN PERMISSION I hereby authorize my son (named above) to attend Central Section’s 2013 Pinewood Derby at Highway Assembly of God in Fredericksburg, VA on March 16, 2013. I give my permission for my son to be transported to and from Highway A/G in order to participate in the event. I understand that adequate preparations for my son’s safety have been made and that there will be emergency first aid provisions on location. In the event of any accidents, I will not hold the local church or its leaders, nor the Potomac District responsible.



AUTHORIZATION FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT I do hereby give my consent for any licensed physician, dentist, or emergency personnel to administer treatment deemed necessary for the physical health and well-being of my son while participating in the Royal Ranger-sponsored event specified herein.







CHILD’S MEDICAL HISTORY Is your child in good health?







List any allergies: List any physical impairments: Specify any medications that must be administered: Date of last Tetanus shot: List any special instructions needed to properly care for your child:


The Scribe  January - February 2013

GOLD MEDAL SPOTLIGHT Isaiah Padgett recently became the 12th Royal Ranger from Outpost 48 at Highway Assembly of God in the 40-year history of that ministry to earn the Gold Medal of Achievement. At his Court of Honor on Oct. 21, he became GMA #482 for Potomac District.

The Value of Royal Rangers to Me


By Isaiah Padgett

oyal Rangers means a great deal to me. When I look back on my years as an Adventure Ranger, I see all the fun and memorable moments that made me love the program from the very beginning. All the skills Rangers has given me and the leader it has helped me become are just a few of the benefits that I have received from this program. I have come to appreciate the program and how you grow Physically, Spiritually, Mentally, and Socially in it. I have grown physically through merits like rope craft, fire craft, primitive shelters/primitive snares, and my all-time favorite, lashing. I have learned how to survive in the wilderness if ever I need to. Through the physical fitness merit, I understand why God wants me to keep my body in good physical health. I have grown spiritually and have learned the importance of trusting God. The Royal Ranger program has also given me the courage and know how to witness to others. I understand that putting your faith in God through tithing is always important, as He will always provide for your needs. I know that God will always provide because he has done so when my family has been in need.

I have grown mentally as a leader. I have learned new skills such as camping, teaching, mentoring, and witnessing. Through training camps like JTC, I have become a better leader and role model. Through these skills and others, I can now help train new Rangers to become future leaders. I have grown socially in Rangers as well. Since I have joined Rangers, I have made many new friends in my outpost, and I have had the opportunity to make lifelong friends from other churches. I have had many great experiences in the program; most notable are the pow wows. I have made many memories and friends on these campouts, and have been able to put my new skills to use in everyday life.

I have greatly enjoyed Rangers, and still enjoy being part of the Expedition Rangers. As much as I wish I could describe the value of Royal Rangers to me in just one paper, unfortunately, I cannot sum up everything in just one word, sentence, or even an essay. Royal Rangers means so much more to me than that. After listing the things I have learned in the program, you should get a good idea of what the value of Royal Rangers means to me. It is my desire to encourage my fellow brother Rangers to continue on the path towards their Gold Medal of Achievement. Earning this achievement is not the end, but only the beginning of the journey. Royal Rangers will always be an important part of my life and one day I wish to pass on the knowledge I have gained and become a Commander and guide the next generation of Rangers toward their GMA.

The Scribe ď ś January - February 2013



n old, isolated family cemetery that had fallen into neglect was restored to a measure of respect and dignity at the hands of Expedition Ranger Isaiah Padgett and fellow Rangers and friends for his Gold Medal of Achievement service project. Isaiah has been active in Royal Ranger Outpost 48, hosted by Highway Assembly of God in Fredericksburg, since he was in the fifth grade. His service project, conducted late last summer, involved repairs to a private family cemetery located on property currently owned by Calvary Chapel in the White Oak area of Stafford County. Situated in an overgrown wooded area, the small cemetery had been overtaken by trees and underbrush.


Tombstones – dating to the Civil War era – were covered with leaves and forest debris, and engraved lettering obscured by moss and dirt. Isaiah mobilized a group of volunteers from Outpost 48 and the Girl’s Ministry at Highway Assembly of God to clear away trees and underbrush from the cemetery, clean the tombstones and weave vines pulled from the trees to make two archways to the grave yard. Isaiah also fashioned a wooden sign to be placed at the cemetery’s entrance. Isaiah’s Gold Medal of Achievement presentation was held on Oct. 21 at Highway Assembly of God by Rev. Bobby BaSEE CEMETERY ON PAGE 9

Isaiah Padgett (top photo) is pictured at the Civil War-era cemetery he helped restore as his GMA project. Toothbrushes were used to carefully clean long-neglected tombstones (right photo).

The Scribe  January - February 2013

CENTRAL SECTION STAFF Sectional Commander Ken O’Maley ...................................(540) 937-6139 Email: kenomaley@aol.com Skyline Area Commander ...........................(Vacant) Shenandoah Area Commander Tony Wilson ....................................(540) 856-8423 Email: royalrangergfm369@gmail.com Allegheny Area Commander .......................(Vacant) Piedmont Area Commander Julius Williamson ...........................(540) 948-4347 Email: jwilliamson@rrcsb.org


Highland Area Commander Royce Rollins .................................(540) 522-8653 Email: roycerllns28@gmail.com


sham, director for the Potomac District Royal Rangers. Isaiah was the 482nd boy in the Potomac District to earn the Gold Medal of Achievement, and was the twelfth Royal Ranger from Outpost 48 to achieve the award in the outpost’s 40-year history. Isaiah is also a member of the Civil Air Patrol, having achieved the rank of tech sergeant in the Fredericksburg Composite Squadron. He also works part-time at the main branch of the Rappahannock Regional Library.

Rappahannock Area Commander Gary Wagner ..................................(540) 898-7415 Email: garywagner54@aol.com Training Coordinator .................................. (Vacant) Ranger Kids Coordinator ........................... (Vacant) Discovery Rangers Coordinator Dan Pignaloso .................................(540) 720-0144 Email: danpigna@yahoo.com Adventure/Expedition Rangers Coordinator Kyle Llewellyn .................................(571) 438-5210

Expedition Rangers Austin Clark and Eric Kennedy (top photo, l. to r.) work on clearing trees and underbrush from the cemetery site. The entire crew of volunteers who assisted Isaiah with his GMA project pause for a group photo (below).

Public Relations Coordinator Gary Wagner ................................. (540) 898-7415 Email: garywagner54@aol.com Boys’ Representative Zachary Wile .................................. (540) 896-7985

CENTRAL SECTION ROYAL RANGERS 11042 Settletown Pl., Rixeyville, VA 22737 Phone: (540) 937-6139 Email: kenomaley@aol.com

The Scribe  The January 2013- February 2013 Scribe- February  January


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